Iron Deficiency Anemia

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Iron deficiency Anemia – chronic normocytic, hypocromic (pale), microcytic anemia due to
inadequate absorption of iron leading to hypoxemic injury.

Incidence rate:
1. Common – developed country – due to high cereal intake
Due to accidents – common on adults
2. Common – tropical countries – blood sucking parasites
3. Women – 15 – 35yo – reproductive yrs
4. Common among the poor – poor nutritional intake

Suicide - common in teenager

Poisoning – common in children (aspirin)
Aspiration – common in infant
Accidents – common in adults
Choking – common in toddler
SIDS – common in infant in US
1. Common in tropical zone – Phil due blood sucks

Predisposing factor:
1. Chronic blood loss
a. Trauma
b. Mens
c. GIT bleeding:
i. Hematemesis-
ii. Melena – upper GIT – duodenal cancer
iii. Hematochezia – lower GIT – large intestine – fresh blood from rectum
2. Inadequate intake of food rich in iron
3. Inadequate absorption of iron – due to :
a. Chronic diarrhea
b. Malabsorption syndrome –celiac disease-gluten free diet. Food for celiac pts-
c. High cereal intake with low animal CHON ingestion
d. Subtotal gastrectomy
4. Improper cooking of food

1. Asymptomatic
2. Headache, dizziness, dyspnea, palpitations, cold sensitivity, gen body malaise, pallor
3. Brittle hair, spoon shaped nails (KOILONYCHIA)=Dec O2=hypoxia=atrophy of
epidermal cells
4. Atropic glossitis, dysphagia, stomatitis
5. Pica – abnormal craving for non edible food (caused by hypoxia=dec tissue
perfusion=psychotic behavior)
Brittle hair, spoon shaped nail – atrophy of epidermal cells
N = capillary refill time < 2 secs
N = shape nails – biconcave shape, 180
Atrophy of cells “Plummer Vinsons Syndrome” due to cerebral hypoxia
1. Atropic glossiti – inflammation of tongue due to atrophy of pharyngeal and
tongue cells
2. Stomatitis – mouth sores
3. Dysphagia

Dx Proc:
1. RBC
2. Hgb
3. Reticulocyte
4. Hct
5. Iron
6. Ferritin

Nsg Mgt
1. Monitor signs of bleeding of all hema test including urine & stool
2. Complete bed rest – don’t overtire pt =weakness and fatigue=activity intolerance
3. Encourage – iron rich food
2. Raisins, legumes, egg yolk
4. Instruct the pt to avoid taking tea - impairs iron absorption
5. Administer meds
a.) Oral iron preparation
Ferrous SO4
Fe gluconate
Fe Fumarate
Nsg Mgt oral iron meds:
1. Administer with meals – to lessen GIT irritation
2. If diluting in iron liquid prep –adm with straw

1. Lugol’s
2. Tetracycline
3. Oral iron
4. Macrodantine

3. Give Orange juice – for iron absorption

4. Monitor & inform pts S/E
a. Anorexia
b. n/v
c. Abdominal pain
d. Diarrhea or constipation
e. Melena
If pt can’t tolerate oral iron prep – administer parenteral iron prep example:
1. Iron dextran (IV, IM)
2. Sorbitex (IM)

Nsg Mgt parenteral iron prep

1. Administer of use Z tract method to prevent discomfort, discoloration leakage to tissues.
2. Don’t massage injection site. Ambulate to facilitate absorption.
3. Monitor S/E:
a.) Pain at injury site
b.) Localized abscess (“nana”)
c.) Lymphadenopathy
d.) Fever/ chills
e.) Urticaria – itchiness
f.) Hypotension – anaphylactic shock

Anaphylactic shock – give epinephrine

PERNICIOUS ANEMIA - megaloblastic, chronic anemia due to deficiency of intrinsic factor

leading to
Hypochlorhydria – decrease Hcl acid secretion. Lifetime B12 injections. With CNS

Predisposing factor
1. Subtotal gastrectomy – removal stomach
2. Hereditary
3. Infl dse of ileum
4. Autoimmune
5. Strict vegetable diet


Parietal or ergentaffen Oxyntic cells

Fxn – produce intrinsic factor Fxn – secrets Hcl acid

For reabsorption of B12 Fx aids in digestion

For maturation of RBC

Diet high caloric or CHO to correct wt loss

1. Headache dizziness, dyspnea, palpitations, cold sensitivity, gen body malaise, pallor
2. GIT changes
a. Red – beefy tongue – PATHOGNOMONIC – mouth sores
b. Dyspepsia – indigestion
c. Wt loss
d. Jaundice
3. CNS –
Most dangerous anemia: pernicious due to neuroglogic involvement.
a. Tingling sensation
b. Paresthesia
c. (+) Romberg’s test
d. Psychosis
Dx:- Shilling’s test

Nsg Mgt – Pernicious anemia

1. Enforce CBR
2. Administer B12 injections at monthly intervals for lifetime as ordered. IM- dorsogluteal
or ventrogluteal. Not given oral – due pt might have tolerance to drug
3. Diet – high calorie or CHO. Increase CHON, iron & Vit C
4. Avoid irritating mouthwashes. Use of soft bristled toothbrush is encouraged.
5. Avoid applying electric heating pads – can lead to burns

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