FSSC 22000 Version 5 Quick Start Guide PDF
FSSC 22000 Version 5 Quick Start Guide PDF
FSSC 22000 Version 5 Quick Start Guide PDF
Managing Risk
First and foremost, building an FSSC 22000 System will provide
your company with effective management of food safety hazards
by creating an environment capable of producing safe product and
a management system to continually manage, monitor, validate
and improve the system.
Implementation Teams
Our years of experience assisting companies with Management
Systems Implementation have resulted in a very effective method
of implementation using a team approach.
The Task Teams that are set up will each look at the requirements
for their process and procedure. They will be responsible for
comparing the requirements of the standard to the current process
used at your company. They will:
• a production manager
• a quality manager
• an administrative manager
• an engineering manager and
• an executive manager
This will give the team the knowledge and authority it needs to
make decisions and devote resources to the project.
The FSSC 22000 Food Safety Team Leader and/or project manager
for the implementation project should lead this team. The team
leader will schedule meetings, prepare agendas, and collect
information to bring to the meetings.
Document Processes
The Task Teams meet as scheduled to complete the changes to and
implementation and documentation of the new processes. Use
the document templates, forms and implementation plans from
the FSSC 22000 Template and Implementation Tools Package or
Complete Training Package.
Major Nonconformity
A Major nonconformance is a nonconformance to the documented
system or to the FSSC 22000 Code that could cause an immediate
food safety risk or indicate ineffective implementation of a system
element. A Major Nonconformity must be corrected and verified
within 14 days of the finding
Critical Nonconformity
A critical nonconformance consists of a loss of control at a critical
control point, prerequisite program or other process step that
could cause a significant risk and product safety is compromised
or any falsification of records. A critical nonconformity results in a
suspension of certification.
Use these sample documents as a reference as you implement
your FSSC 22000 system.
It is important to prepare a project plan to help organize and
manage the project. A sample project plan template is provided on
the next page. Lets look at how to prepare the plan.
Step Start Comple-
Date tion Target
Team Leader completes oneline training
Steering Team Meetings
Task Team Members are Trained
Announce Project to All Employees
System Complete
Desk Audit
Certification Audit
Certificate in Hand
Once the Gap Analysis has been completed, start your FSSC 22000
Steering team meetings. During the first team meeting discuss
the responsibilities of the Steering team. If there are members that
were not involved in creating the project plan, review the project
plan and list of steps to implementation.
Documented Information
Operational Planning
Prerequisite Programs
Internal Audits
Management Review
Management of Services
Fraud Prevention
Allergen Management
If you are interested in a quick start and a fast track to your FSSC
22000 Certification, use our Complete Training Package to quickly
work you through each step of your implementation. Our tools
and training help you create a system that is effective, efficient
and tailored to your organization.
With this package, you With this package, you With this package, you can train
can train your Food Safety can train your Food Safety 3 Food Safety Team Leaders,
Team Leader on FSSC Team Leader, 5 Food Safety 10 Food Safety Team members,
22000 Requirements Team Members, 3 Internal 8 Internal Auditors, and 100
and Implementation, Auditors, and 50 Employees. Employees.
and Internal Auditing. Downloadable templates help
Downloadable templates help
Downloadable templates you implement and document
you implement and document
help you implement and your system.
your system.
document your system.
Loved the ease of this training! The training material was excellent. It so easy to use and make life a lot easier.
—Mike was great for the project I am working —Gina
on. Thank you again and look forward
The course was great and I’m very to working with your tools in the near I have just completed the SQF Internal
pleased that I chose the online version future. Thank you, Auditor Training module online. I
of the course vs. taking 5 days to attend think this a great course! The scope
a live class. of the training is extensive and gives
—Devon The training has been very helpful for the trainee all the tools necessary to
me. It has been a good review of items develop an effective internal auditing
OMG, Thank you for being soooo I have already known and the ones I strategy. Whether you have an existing
prompt & professional. I have spent didn’t know. I wish I would have taken program or are starting from scratch,
literally days trying to get this sorted….. this training earlier. I like that it is on this training will strengthen your
with other providers. line and work on it when I have time. program.
—Laura I have appreciated your help with This online training module was
questions I had and thank you for that. accepted by our SQF Auditor to
We had our initial SQF level 2 Audit
in April of 2016 and passed! I am —Penny satisfy the Internal Auditor training
very grateful to have found Vinca as a requirement. You can complete the
I have started the documentation
training tool and you as a resource. modules at your own pace and practice
section and I am finding that the
as much as needed. It is the most cost
—Tom implementation programme is very
effective way to get Internal Auditor
good and useful in saving time. I
THANK YOU! for creating this set training. There are no travel or hotel
have usually implemented the Food
of templates, document examples costs making this a great way to
safety systems and HACCP by myself.
and tutorials! I have struggled with train one person or team of internal
This programme makes it so much
developing forms and this is a huge auditors. Thanks for putting together
easier and takes the hard grind out
time-saver! Again, THANK YOU!!! such a great training tool!
of thinking up procedures, PRP’s etc.
—Cynthia —Michael
I can now focus on other things and
This course was well constructed managing my team factory team The video tutorials were professionally
and easy to follow. There was a simply and effectively. Thanks and produced and full of great information.
good mix of lecture and exercises to regards As someone new to FSSC 22000, I
help reinforce the concepts. I would —Andrew was able to get a good handle on the
highly recommend this course as a Standard and what was needed to
The course was very challenging and I
cost-effective way to embrace a new create a gap assessment in preparation
learned a lot!
management system standard. As an for the audit. Would definitely
ISO systems consultant and auditor, —Kevin recommend to anyone looking to
I attend many training sessions each It was the perfect course for what I achieve FSSC 22000 certification or
year. This was the best on-line course needed. looking to convert to version 5.
I’ve ever purchased. I’ve recommended
—Vickie —Wendy
it to my clients and friends.
—Jennifer James Koenig, Thank you for the templates! They are
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