Research Article: Analytical Model For Estimating The Impact of Changing The Nominal Power Parameter in LTE

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Mobile Information Systems

Volume 2018, Article ID 2458204, 7 pages

Research Article
Analytical Model for Estimating the Impact of Changing the
Nominal Power Parameter in LTE

A. B. Vallejo-Mora ,1 M. Toril ,1 S. Luna-Ramı́rez ,1 M. Regueira,2 and S. Pedraza2

Departamento de Ingenierı́a de Comunicaciones, E.T.S. Ingenierı́a de Telecomunicación, University of Málaga,
Campus Universitario de Teatinos, s/n, 29071 Málaga, Spain
Ericsson, Severo Ochoa 51, 29590 Málaga, Spain

Correspondence should be addressed to A. B. Vallejo-Mora; [email protected]

Received 4 January 2018; Accepted 13 May 2018; Published 14 August 2018

Academic Editor: Piotr Zwierzykowski

Copyright © 2018 A. B. Vallejo-Mora et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
UpLink Power Control (ULPC) is a key radio resource management procedure in mobile networks. In this paper, an analytical
model for estimating the impact of increasing the nominal power parameter in the ULPC algorithm for the Physical Uplink Shared
CHannel (PUSCH) in Long Term Evolution (LTE) is presented. The aim of the model is to predict the effect of changing the
nominal power parameter in a cell on the interference and Signal-to-Interference-plus-Noise Ratio (SINR) of that cell and its
neighbors from network statistics. Model assessment is carried out by means of a field trial where the nominal power parameter is
increased in some cells of a live LTE network. Results show that the proposed model achieves reasonable estimation accuracy,
provided uplink traffic does not change significantly.

1. Introduction could be drowned out by strong signals from close users due
to the limited quantization resolution of the Analog-to-
Coverage and Capacity Optimization (CCO) has been Digital Coverter (ADC) at receiver. By regulating user
identified by mobile network operators as a relevant use case transmit power, ULPC also improves system capacity and
of self-organizing networks [1–3]. The aim of CCO is to coverage, ensuring Quality-of-Service (QoS) requirements,
ensure an adequate trade-off between capacity and coverage minimizing UL interference to other cells, and reducing user
during network operation. For this purpose, CCO algo- battery consumption.
rithms adjust key radio network parameters, such as antenna In the literature, most studies have focused on the design
configuration [4–8] or power settings in downlink [9–14] and characterization of effective ULPC algorithms based on
and uplink [15–25]. simulations. Due to its benefits, the fractional ULPC (FPC)
One of the most promising, albeit challenging, tech- algorithm has been standardized for LTE [26]. The behavior
niques for CCO in Long Term Evolution (LTE) is adjusting of FPC is controlled by two parameters, namely, the nominal
UpLink Power Control (ULPC) parameters. ULPC de- power parameter and the path loss compensation factor. The
termines user transmit power for different uplink physical impact of these parameters on the performance of FPC in
channels. It was conceived to avoid the near-far effect and to interference and noise limited scenarios is evaluated by
adjust received signal level to the limited dynamic range at means of simulation in [27]. In [28], an analytical model is
the receiver. Without power control, far users would receive proposed for computing UL cell loads and blocking prob-
excessive intracell interference from close users in the same abilities from the values of the nominal power parameter and
cell, as Single Carrier Frequency Division Multiple Access the path loss compensation factor in a simulator designed for
(SC-FDMA) is not totally orthogonal and it causes Inter network planning purposes. In [29], a theoretical framework
Carrier Interference (ICI). Thus, far users with weak signal for modeling FPC in a computationally-efficient simulator is
2 Mobile Information Systems

proposed for validating self-organizing algorithms. All these offset, used to correct for systematic offsets in a UE’s
models are based on propagation, traffic, and radio link transmission power setting (3GPP TS 36.213). In this work,
quality predictions. However, to the authors’ knowledge, no only the nominal power parameter is considered, which can
analytical model has been proposed to predict the impact of be adjusted on a cell-by-cell basis. Likewise, full path loss
changing the referred parameters in an existing LTE compensation is assumed (i.e., α � 1), as it is still a common
scenario. setting and the default value in today’s LTE networks, being
In this work, a novel analytical model for estimating the also used in the analyzed network during the field trial. The
impact of increasing the nominal received power parameter maximum value of M assigned by the scheduler to a user is
in the FPC algorithm for the Physical Uplink Shared limited by the system bandwidth and the power headroom of
CHannel (PUSCH) in LTE is presented. Unlike previous the user (i.e., the ratio between the maximum user transmit
models, the proposed model is conceived for network op- power and the UE transmit power per each PUSCH sub-
timization purposes. Thus, the model is designed as an frame, given by (1)) [30]. Therefore, in this paper, it is as-
incremental model, whose aim is to estimate the change in sumed a specific UL scheduler implementation that stops
the UL interference level and Signal-to-Interference-plus- allocating PRBs to a user if it estimates based on UE power
Noise ratio (SINR) caused by modifying the current con- headroom reports [31] that UE has reached its maximum
figuration of the nominal power parameter on a cell-by-cell transmit power.
basis. Therefore, it would be a predictive model that would
allow the algorithm to react faster (i.e., in one shot) and more
accurately (i.e., no unnecessary changes and subsequent
3. Analytical Model
reversion) than working iteratively. The predictive approach The analytical model proposed here estimates the impact on
is very demanded in the current algorithms, both for op- interference and connection quality statistics caused by
timization and for self-healing. Although this model has changing P0 in one or more cells in a live LTE system from
been conceived for optimization phase, it could also be used statistics in the Network Management System (NMS). For
during self-healing phase in order to compensate cells in this purpose, the change in the average UL interference level
outage, ensuring minimum UL SINR. Moreover, the model in a cell is first computed, and the change in the average
can be easily adjusted to any particular scenario based on SINR in the cell is derived later.
available network performance statistics. Model assessment To quantify such changes, UL cell coupling is quan-
is carried out by means of a field trial where P0 is increased in tified that was utilized previously for congestion relief
some cells of a live LTE network. The rest of the paper is algorithm in Subway Areas by tuning Uplink Power
organized as follows: Section 2 outlines the FPC algorithm Control in LTE [32]. A pair of cells (i, j) is strongly
for PUSCH in LTE. Section 3 presents the proposed esti- coupled when P0 changes in cell j affect significantly the
mation model. Section 4 shows the results of the model in interference in cell i. For this to happen, several conditions
a live network, and Section 5 summarizes the main must be satisfied: (a) the interfering cell must be closed
conclusions. in electrical terms (i.e., small path loss between the
interfering users), (b) the load of the interfering cell must
be high, and (c) interference generated by users must be
2. FPC Algorithm for PUSCH above the noise floor. In the absence of a precise propa-
FPC defines the transmit power of each User Equipment gation model for the live network, in this work, proximity
(UE), which is dynamically adapted to the changing radio between cells i and j is estimated by the ratio between the
propagation conditions and fluctuations of interference number of handovers from i to j compared to the total
from users in neighbor cells. The equation defining the value number of handovers of source cell i (i.e., more handovers
of UE transmit power, P (in dBm), in each PUSCH subframe means more overlapping between cells). Thus, the pro-
is portion of the UL interference in cell i coming from
users in a specific neighbor cell n, hereafter referred to as

⎨ ⎪

⎬ Interference Contribution Ratio (ICR), can be computed as
P � min⎪Pmax , P 0 + αPL + 􏽼√√√√√
􏽼√√√􏽻􏽺√√√􏽽 ΔTF + f ΔTPC 􏼁 + 10 · log10 M ⎪,
⎩ √􏽻􏽺√√√√√√􏽽 ⎭
open loop closed loop bandwidth factor I(i) HO(n, i) · L(n) · P0 (n)
ICR(i, n) � · ,
(1) I(i) + N0 (i) 􏽐∀j∈N(i) HO(j, i) · L(j) · P0 (j)
where Pmax is the maximum user transmit power, P0 is the (2)
target received power per Physical Resource Block (PRB) at
the eNodeB, α is the path loss compensation factor pa- where I(i) + N0 (i) is the total received interference level in
rameter, PL is the estimated user path loss, M is the number the cell under study i, I(i) is the sum of the interference
of PRBs assigned to the user by the scheduler at the eNodeB, generated by users in neighbor cells, N0 (i) is the noise floor
and ΔTF + f(ΔTPC ) is a dynamic offset defined on a per- plus external interference from other systems (and hence the
connection basis dependent of the modulation/coding dependence of N0 of the specific cell i), N(i) is the set of cells
scheme and closed-loop compensation [26]. P0 consists of neighboring cell i, HO(n, i) is the number of outgoing
a cell-specific power level, common for all UEs in the cell, handovers from cell i to neighbor cell n, L(n) is the load of
referred to as nominal power parameter, and a UE-specific neighbor n, and P0 (n) is the nominal power of the neighbor
Mobile Information Systems 3

n (the contribution is greater if more transmit power). In the The only term in (5) that cannot be directly taken from
formula, P0 and interference and noise levels are in linear network statistics is the cell load ratio, L􏽤′ (j)/L(j), which is
units (mW) and cell load is given by the PRB utilization ratio computed here as
(i.e., L(n) ∈ [0, 1]). RLE(n)
ICR has been created in a heuristic way from the L􏽤′ (n) � L(n) ·
􏽤 , (6)
knowledge of what parameters have an effect on received UL RLE ′ (n)
interference. The first term in the product shows the ratio of where RLE(n) is the average radio link efficiency in the
the total undesired signal level due to users in surrounding neighbor cell n before changing P0 and RLE 􏽤′ (n) is the es-
cells, while the second term shows the ratio of interference timate of the same indicator when P0 has changed. Note that
due to a particular neighbor. (6) considers that traffic does not change, so that load changes
A cell i is considered a potential victim of the inter- are only due to changes in radio link efficiency. RLE(n) and
ference generated by a source cell n if the interference 􏽤
RLE ′ (n) are computed from the average SINR values using
contribution ratio is above 0.28 (i.e., ICR > 0.28). Con- Shannon–Hartley theorem [34] as
versely, a cell n whose maximum interference contribution
ratio to its neighbor i, ICR(i, n), is below 0.28 should be RLE(n) � log2 􏼐1 + 10(SINR(n)/10) 􏼑 (bps/Hz), (7)
able to increase its P0 without causing interference prob-
lems in surrounding cells. This criterion has been con- 􏽤 􏽤
RLE′ (n) � log2 􏼒1 + 10 􏼓 (bps/Hz), (8)
sidered in the algorithm for selecting which cells should
increase P0 . 􏽤
In a real LTE network, noise plus external interference where SINR(n) is the average SINR in cell n and ΔSINR(n)
level on a cell basis can be inferred from the lowest bin in the is the estimated SINR change. The former is included in
histogram of Received Strength Signal Indicator (RSSI), and NMS statistics, but the latter must still be calculated
P0 (n) value is obtained from configuration file. Likewise, from (4). To break the loop in the use of equations (4)–(8),
􏽣 and ΔSINR(i)
ΔI(i) 􏽤 are computed in several steps. An
HO(n, i) and L(n) are NMS statistics. For consistency, the 􏽣 is computed with (5) by assuming
ratio of UL interference in cell i not coming from its initial estimate ΔI(i)
neighbors, ICRN0 (i), is given by that P0 changes do not affect cell loads (i.e., L􏽤
′ (j)/L(j) � 1).
Then, a preliminary estimate ΔSINR(i) 􏽤 is obtained
ICRN0 (i) � 1 − 􏽘 ICR(i, j). with (4), from which RLE 􏽤 ′ (n) is obtained. Later, ΔI(i) 􏽣
∀j∈N(i) is updated with changes in cell loads, from which the final
􏽤 is obtained.
value of ΔSINR(i)
Once ICRs are obtained, the change in average UL SINR
in a cell i is computed from the change in the average re-
ceived desired signal level (ΔS(i)) and received interference 4. Model Assessment
level (ΔI(i)) in that cell, as A field trial was conducted to check the impact of changing
􏽤 � ΔS(i)
ΔSINR(i) 􏽣
􏽣 − ΔI(i) P0 in some cells of a live LTE network. Model assessment is
carried out by comparing network performance measure-
􏽣 (dB),
� ΔP0 (i) · (1 − Plim(i)) − ΔI(i) (4) ments with estimates from the model.

where ΔP0 (i) is the P0 increase (in dB) in cell i and Plim(i) is
4.1. Assessment Setup. The trial area comprises 124 outdoor
the ratio of power-limited users in cell i, which is available in
cells in a densely populated urban scenario covering 10 km2.
the NMS. The equation reflects that the change in received
The network includes a single carrier frequency at 2 GHz with
desired signal level is only due to non-power-limited users in
10 MHz bandwidth. UL antenna configuration is 1 transmit
the cell under study [33].
antenna in the UE and 2 receive antennas in the base station.
The change in the average interference level in cell i due
􏽣 (in dB), is computed as Initially, P0 is set to −106 dBm in all cells of the scenario.
to P0 changes in neighbor cells, ΔI(i)
The rules used to select cells increasing P0 are heuristic
L􏽤′ (j) 􏽣 criteria that take both cell capacity and connection quality
􏽣 � 10 log10 􏼠ICRN (i) + 􏽘 ICR(i, j) ·
ΔI(i) · 10ΔS(j)/10 􏼡 (dB),
L(j) performance into account. Cells increasing P0 improve
(5) their spectral efficiency, but they have to be carefully selected
to avoid deteriorating connection quality of neighbors
where L(j) and L′ (j) are the load before and after increasing significantly due to excessive interference. Note that this
􏽤 � ΔP (j)(1 − Plim(j)), being
P0 , respectively, and ΔS(j) improvement is only achieved if the dynamic range at re-
ΔP0 (j) the P0 change (increase or decrease, in dB) in the ceiver is not violated. In another case, a cell increasing P0 will
neighbor cell j. Briefly, for the case of increasing P0 , the degrade greatly its own cell edge users. In this study, UL
increase of interference in a cell i is larger when cell coupling, signal level received at base station is always inside dynamic
ICR(i, j), is larger, the increase of P0 , ΔP0 (j), is larger, the range at receiver due to adequate power configuration.
power-limited user ratio, Plim(j), is smaller, and the Therefore, for this purpose of improvement in spectral ef-
after/before load ratio is higher. In contrast, interference ficiency taking special care in the neighbors, a cell is chosen
does not change when ICR(i, j) � 0 ∀j (note that, in this for increasing P0 if (a) it experiences low UL SINR values
case, the term in the parenthesis is 1, from (3)). and, at the same time, neighbor cells do not suffer from UL
4 Mobile Information Systems

interference problems or (b) the cell is not strongly coupled neighbors that cause received interference level variations in
to any neighbor cell, so that users can increase their transmit the cell under study, as detailed above, and (b) power-limited
power without affecting any neighbor. Cell coupling is users variations (greater than 30%) in the cell under study,
obtained from initial P0 value, handover, load, interference, which can change the received signal level.
and RSSI statistics with (2). With these criteria, 14 cells in
the scenario are selected for increasing P0 from −106 to
−102 dBm. This conservative value of 4 dB is selected as 4.2. Results. The analysis is first focused on changes of cell
a tradeoff between observability and safety. The larger the load caused by P0 changes. Only for this indicator, both
magnitude of changes, the larger the impact on network border and nonborder cells are considered, since it is
performance indicators and the easier the analysis, but, at necessary to have the load of all cells in the cluster which act
the same time, large parameter changes might cause un- as neighbors to others. To calculate the load of border cells,
necessary network degradation or instability. In this sense, it which have a lot of neighbors out of cluster, it has been
is worth noting that network usage is still very low in current assumed that the load in these neighbors is the average of the
LTE networks, especially in the UL. This causes large traffic load for the rest of their neighbors in the cluster. Further-
fluctuations between hours and days in a cell, which make more, it is supposed that these cells out of cluster have not
the analysis complicated when introducing small network load and P0 variation. Results show in Figure 1 that the
parameter changes. coefficient of determination is R2 � 0.92 with a slope of 1.16
The analyzed key performance indicators are the average and an offset of −0.004 (i.e., L􏽤′ (j) � 1.16 · L′ (j) − 0.004). All
UL PRB utilization ratio (%), average UL interference level these parameters (i.e., 0.92, 1.16, and −0.004) have been
(dBm/PRB), and average UL SINR (dB). All these indicators obtained from the linear correlation between real UL load,
are collected on a per-cell basis in 4 office days before and L′ (j), and estimated UL load, L􏽤 ′ (j) (using (6)) after P0
after changing P0 settings. Busy hour (BH) measurements changes using real data.
are considered, since network load is still small in the trial The analysis is then focused on changes in interference
area, and hence interference is relatively low. A single value levels. Figure 2 plots measurements and estimates of UL
of these indicators is obtained for the before and after pe- 􏽣 resp.). Each dot
interference variations (i.e., ΔI(i) and ΔI(i),
riods, which are then subtracted to obtain the difference. in the figure represents a nonborder cell that does not fulfill
Network measurements ΔSINR(i), ΔI(i), and L′ (j) are the criterion for being filtered from the analysis. It is ob-
􏽤 ΔI(i),
compared with model estimates ΔSINR(i), 􏽣 and L􏽤 ′ (j) served that the slope of the regression equation is close to 1
by means of linear regression analysis. Goodness of fit is (i.e., 0.73) and the coefficient of determination is reasonable
evaluated by checking the regression equation and the co- (i.e., R2 � 0.57). Note that, in the figure, some cells experi-
efficient of determination, R2 . To avoid border effects, results ence a smaller UL interference (i.e., negative change), which
are presented only for nonborder cells, whose neighbors are is not possible if P0 has increased. This unexpected result
all inside the cluster of cells where statistics are collected. might be due to changes in the spatial traffic distribution
During the trial, unexpected changes of UL traffic de- inside each cell, mentioned previously, which have been
mand took place in some cells between the before and after detected from the comparison of power-limited ratios in the
periods. These changes were due to the low traffic demand in before and after periods in cells not changing P0 . The change
the trial area, where the average PRB utilization ratio in the in the position of UEs between periods is again a conse-
UL during the BH is less than 4%. To include these un- quence of the low traffic in the UL.
controllable changes of traffic in the model, a correction The following analysis is focused on changes in con-
factor is introduced in (6) on a cell basis. This factor is the nection quality. Figure 3 shows measurements and estimates
ratio between the traffic in the after and before period. of UL SINR variations (i.e., ΔSINR(i) and ΔSINR(i), 􏽤 resp.)
Moreover, these traffic variations cause that UEs connect for nonborder cells that do not fulfill the criteria for being
from different positions in the cell, which means that the eliminated from the study. It is observed that the regres-
number of power-limited users might change significantly. sion equation is ΔSINR(i)􏽤 � 0.94 · ΔSINR(i) + 0.25 with
Consequently, all nonborder cells will not be analyzed, both R � 0.38. Dots in the upper-right of the figure correspond to
the interference and the SINR. cells increasing P0 , which experience larger increases in UL
To reduce the impact of these fluctuations in the traffic SINR. However, not all cells increasing P0 experience
and power-limited users on the analysis, and thus isolate the a significant improvement in UL SINR, but only those with
effect of P0 changes, the median value of both indicators has a small ratio of power-limited users [33]. Note that a P0
been calculated for each nonborder cell in before and after increase leads to a higher transmit power only for users that
periods. In the case of the interference, a nonborder cell is are not power limited (for which P < Pmax , typically close to
filtered from the study when any relevant neighbor the base station). A closer analysis shows that some cells
(HO > 10%) suffers from significant traffic or power-limited increasing P0 experience worse UL SINR. This is explained
users variations (greater than 20% for traffic and 30% for by the negative effect of increasing P0 on distant users in the
power-limited users). These variations are calculated as the same cell (i.e., cell-edge users), which tend to be power
relative variation of the median value in after and before limited (P � Pmax ). For these distant users, an increase of
periods on the median value in the before period. In the P0 is not translated into a higher transmit power, while
case of the SINR, a nonborder cell is filtered by 2 reasons: interference from other cells could be increased due to P0
(a) traffic or power-limited users variations in relevant increase in those neighbor cells. As a result, cell-edge users
Mobile Information Systems 5

60 4

50 3
y = 1 .1627x – 0.4315
R2 = 0.9241
40 2

y = 0.9426x + 0.2458
L′ (%)

30 1
R2 = 0.3825

20 0

10 –1

0 –2
–2 –1 0 1 2 3 4
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
L′ (%)
Figure 3: Correlation of UL SINR variations.
Figure 1: Correlation of UL load after P0 changes.

Table 1: Modeled and measured variations of network KPIs after

the increase of P0 .
Key performance indicators Real Estimate
1 Average of UL radio utilization variation (%) 0.03 0.19
Average of UL interference variation (dB) 0.06 0.17
Average of UL SINR variation (dB) 0.11 0.35
ΔI (dB)

y = 0.7291x + 0.128
R2 = 0.5694 that these differences between model estimates and real
0 network measurements reduce as UL traffic increases in LTE
During field trial, cells changing P0 were decided in-
telligently based on different rules explained in Section 4.1.
Unfortunately, the experiment where all cells changed their
–1 P0 could not be checked to compare results with the ana-
–1 –0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 lyzed experiment as it was not part of the optimization
ΔI (dB)
process. Nonetheless, if all cells increased P0 without using
Figure 2: Correlation of UL interference variations. any criterion of cell selection, the following behaviors could
be observed:
experience a lower UL SINR. Whether UL SINR in a cell is (i) Cells increasing their P0 could be improved in-
increased or decreased depends on the ratio of power- significantly in terms of UL SINR due to many power-
limited and non-power-limited users, as included in the limited users (only close users would be improved).
model by the Plim parameter. The rest of the dots in the (ii) Degradation in neighbor cells in terms of UL
lower-left of the figure correspond to neighbor cells of those interference due to high UL coupling between cells
increasing P0 , which experience a decrease in UL SINR. or initial interference problem that would be
The impact on 95%-ile UL SINR should be larger than on worsened when P0 is increased in other nearby cells
average UL SINR; however, for optimization purposes, it despite not having high UL coupling.
is usually more convenient to work with average values.
Nevertheless, it will depend on the final goal. Thus, if the This basic approach would give way to not consider the
optimization objective is an average improvement of the cell, tradeoff between benefit (i.e., more UL signal) and degra-
average SINR will be the parameter used. Conversely, if the dation (i.e., more UL interference), leading to possible
aim is to improve, for example, the coverage, 95%-ile SINR situations where the degradation is greater than the benefit.
should be taken into account. In this work, the optimization is With the proposed model, the impact on UL SINR and UL
based on the average cell level, so the average SINR is analyzed interference could be estimated in advance and to avoid
in the model. unwanted effects.
Finally, Table 1 compares measurements and estimates
aggregated in a cluster level, considering all cells for the load 5. Conclusions
and only nonborder cells that are not filtered by any exposed
criterion for interference and SINR. In the table, it is In this work, an analytical model for estimating the change
shown that the average real change in interference level in interference level and SINR caused by modifying the
and SINR is 65% less than the estimated values. It is expected nominal power parameter in the uplink power control
6 Mobile Information Systems

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[14] V. Buenestado, M. Toril, S. Luna-Ramı́rez, and J. Ruiz-Avilés,
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