Biology - Higher Level: Pre-Leaving Certiϐicate Examination, 2019 Triailscrúdú Na Hardteistiméireachta, 2019
Biology - Higher Level: Pre-Leaving Certiϐicate Examination, 2019 Triailscrúdú Na Hardteistiméireachta, 2019
Biology - Higher Level: Pre-Leaving Certiϐicate Examination, 2019 Triailscrúdú Na Hardteistiméireachta, 2019
SecƟon A Answer any five ques ons from this sec on.
Each ques on carries 20 marks.
Write your answers in the spaces provided on this examinaƟon paper.
SecƟon B Answer any two ques ons from this sec on.
Each ques on carries 30 marks.
Write your answers in the spaces provided on this examinaƟon paper.
SecƟon C Answer any four ques ons from this sec on.
Each ques on carries 60 marks.
Write your answers in the answer book.
It is recommended that you spend not more than 30 minutes on SecƟon A and 30 minutes on
SecƟon B, leaving 120 minutes for SecƟon C.
You must return this examination paper with your answer book at the end
of the examination.
Section A
Answer any five quesƟons.
Write your answers in the spaces provided.
(c) Name the test or give the chemicals used to demonstrate the presence of fat in a food
(d) Name any one fat-soluble vitamin and name any one deficiency disease associated
with it.
Deficiency disease.
2. (a) Name the two processes which are responsible for returning carbon dioxide to the
atmosphere during the carbon cycle.
(c) Suggest any one problem associated with the use of landfill as a method of waste disposal.
(d) Describe any one way in which micro-organisms aid in waste management.
(e) Name any one way in which waste can be minimised, and give an example of how this
can be applied in our everyday lives.
3. (a) Name the first stage in the process of respira on during which glucose is converted to
pyruvic acid.
(b) Under what circumstances is pyruvic acid converted to lac c acid? Name one type of
cell in which this is likely to occur.
Type of Cell:
(d) Name the molecule, produced from the breakdown of pyruvic acid, which enters Kreb’s
(c) Define an organ system. Name any one organ system found in animals.
Organ System:
(e) State any two condi ons necessary for successful ssue culture.
3 [OVER]
5. The diagram shows the structure of the human breathing system.
Pharynx Mouth
(b) Name the flap of ssue which prevents food entering the trachea.
(c) Explain the func on of the rings of car lage located along the trachea.
(e) Name the structures in the lungs in which gaseous exchange takes place.
(f) Describe what happens to the diaphragm during the process of inhala on.
6. (a) What term is used to describe the process by which organisms maintain a constant
internal environment?
(c) Explain why endotherms may shiver when they feel cold.
(d) Name the part of the nephron in which the glomerulus is located.
(e) Explain why many useful substances, including glucose, enter the glomerular filtrate
but plasma proteins do not.
(f) Give any one condi on under which an -diure c hormone is produced in the body.
(g) Apart from the loop of Henle, name any one other part of the nephron in which a large
propor on of water is reabsorbed.
5 [OVER]
Section B
Answer any two quesƟons.
Write your answers in the spaces provided.
Part (a) carries 6 marks and parts (b) and (c) carry 24 marks in each quesƟon in this secƟon.
In the course of your prac cal inves ga ons you prepared an enzyme immobilisa on.
Answer the following ques ons in rela on to that inves ga on.
(b) (i) Describe how you added the sodium alginate mixture to the calcium chloride
solu on.
(ii) Why were the beads le undisturbed for at least ten minutes before they were
(iii) The ac vity of the immobilised enzyme could be tested as shown in the diagram
1. In which of the beakers will a posi ve test for glucose first occur?
(c) Answer the following in rela on to an experiment you carried out to inves gate
fermenta on.
(i) Name two different controls you could have used in this inves ga on.
(ii) The solu on of glucose was made up using boiling water. Suggest one reason the
solu on was allowed to cool down before adding the yeast.
(iii) Describe the procedure you used to test for the presence of alcohol.
(b) Answer the following ques ons in rela on to the inves ga on you carried out to show
diges ve ac vity during seed germina on.
(ii) Before spli ng the seeds it is advisable to soak the seeds in water for a few hours
and also to sterilise them. Explain the reason for both these steps.
(iii) Describe how the seeds were posi oned on the agar and explain why this was
(iv) Describe the test you used to show diges ve ac vity had taken place. Indicate
clearly in your answer whether you used starch or skimmed milk agar plates.
(v) Name the type of metabolic reac on that took place during this diges ve ac vity.
Give a reason for your answer.
7 [OVER]
9. (a) (i) State any one difference between an image produced by an electron microscope
compared to that produced by a light microscope.
(b) Answer the following in rela on to inves ga ons that you carried out in the laboratory.
(i) State one precau on you took when using methylene blue as a stain.
(ii) Name the reagents used to test for the presence of protein in a food sample.
(iii) When inves ga ng osmosis, what did you use as a semi-permeable membrane?
(iv) When measuring either the pulse rate or the breathing rate, suggest any one way
of improving the accuracy of this measurement.
(v) Explain the rela onship between recovery me and fitness levels.
(vi) When growing leaf yeasts in the laboratory, describe the control you used.
(vii) When examining specimens using a microscope, state one reason for using
a coverslip.
(viii) Describe the appearance of the DNA molecules at the end of the isola on
Section C
Answer any four quesƟons.
Write your answers in the answer book.
10. (a) Explain the rela onship between the following pairs of terms:
(i) Name one other factor that contributes to the control of popula on size.
(ii) Give two examples of resources for which plants may compete.
(iii) Give one example of contest compe on from the animal kingdom.
(iv) Give one example of an adap ve technique used by a named predator to survive
compe on.
(v) State any two factors that contribute to the predator-prey rela onship.
Number of individuals
(vi) State any one reason for the rapid growth taking place during phase two.
(vii) The human popula on is affected by a number of factors. In the case of any two
named factors explain both their effect on popula on size, and why this effect
occurs. (27)
9 [OVER]
(c) Indicate clearly in your answer book the ecosystem you studied.
(i) Name any two habitats you iden fied within this named ecosystem.
(ii) Organisms in any ecosystem are affected by various environmental factors. Name
one abio c factor that can affect organisms in
2. an aqua c environment.
(iii) Name the type of objec ve study required to calculate the number of organisms
present in a specified area of an ecosystem.
(iv) Explain what is meant by a pyramid of numbers. Describe briefly how to construct
11. (a) Evolu on is defined as the series of gene c changes which occur over me, in response
to changes in the environment, and which results in the forma on of a species.
(b) (i) Name the type of nucleic acid that contains the sugar deoxyribose.
(ii) Name the group of chemicals to which the nitrogenous compounds found in
nucleic acids belong.
2. Why does the process of joining amino acids together to form a protein
eventually cease?
2. Explain the role played by bacteria in the produc on of this hormone. (27)
(c) In mul cellular organisms cell division can occur by either mitosis or meiosis.
(i) State one func on of each of these types of cell division in mul cellular organisms.
(ii) Prophase is the first stage of mitosis. Describe the appearance of the nucleus
at the end of this stage.
(iii) In the diagrams shown below the chromosomes are aligned along the centre
of the cell in metaphase but they have started to move to opposite ends of the
cell in anaphase. Explain why they have started to move apart.
Metaphase Anaphase
(v) Explain the link between mitosis and cancer. State one possible cause of cancer.
11 [OVER]
12. (a) (i) Long bones need to be both strong and light. State any two ways in which the
structure of a bone ensures that it is as light as possible.
(ii) In which part of a long bone are blood cells produced? (9)
(b) (i) Explain the difference between the grey and white ma er shown in the diagram
Grey maƩer
White maƩer
Traverse secƟon
through spinal cord
(ii) Name the biomolecule from which the vertebral discs are formed.
(iii) Comment on the difference between the type of movement possible between
vertebrae and the type of movement possible between synovial joints.
(iv) Explain the interrela onship between osteoblasts and exercise in the forma on
of bone.
(v) One func on of the musculoskeletal system is to aid movement. What other
structures are required to bring about this movement?
(vi) Plants lack a skeleton yet they grow upright. State any two ways plants get support.
(c) (i) State two func ons of the choroid layer in the eye.
(ii) Explain why humans are unable to see colour in dim light.
(iii) As people age they may develop cataracts. Cataracts occur when the structure
of the lens alters, making it less transparent and thicker. Explain why cataracts can
lead to eventual blindness in the affected eye.
(v) The three smallest bones in the body are located in the ear. State two ways these
bones func on in the hearing process.
(vi) Name the part of the brain that co-ordinates the messages received from the
semi-circular canals. (24)
13. (a) Transpira on requires that an unbroken column of water move up through the xylem
to the leaves against the force of gravity.
(i) State and explain how any two proper es of water contribute to this upward
(ii) Describe any one feature of xylem that facilitates this process. (9)
(iv) Describe the role of meiosis in the produc on of the male gametes.
(v) Name the structure from which the male gametes are eventually formed.
(vi) Describe the process of double fer lisa on in flowering plants. In what part of
the plant does this process occur? (27)
(c) Plants have various mechanisms by which they protect themselves from adverse
external environments.
(i) Give an example of any one such mechanism, and explain how you think it
func ons in protec ng the plant.
(ii) Name the group of chemicals present in plants which are responsible for the
control of tropic responses.
(iii) These chemicals do not bring about an immediate response. Suggest any one
reason for this delayed response.
(iv) Explain any one reason these chemicals are of use to hor culturists.
(v) In the case of any one named tropic response, describe the mechanism by which
a posi ve response to this s mulus occurs. (24)
13 [OVER]
14. Answer any two of (a), (b) and (c). (30, 30)
(a) (i) Does chlorophyll absorb green light? Explain your answer.
(ii) Explain the role played by electron acceptors in the produc on of ATP during the
light stage of photosynthesis.
(iv) The dark phase of photosynthesis is controlled by enzymes. Name any one factor
that could alter its rate.
(vi) Name the type of vascular ssue responsible for transpor ng the end-product of
(b) (i) The beakers shown below all contain red blood cells.
1. State and explain what is happening in beaker B. Suggest a solu on that
could have been used to bring about this effect.
4. Would you expect the same result to occur in C if the blood cells were
replaced by onion cells? Explain your answer.
(ii) State whether this is an example of diffusion or osmosis. Explain your answer.
(iii) Describe how the body prevents its cells from being damaged in this way.
(iv) Give any one example of preserva on of a named food that is based on the
above observa ons.
(c) Read the passage below and answer the ques ons that follow.
Insulin plays an important role in regula ng the level of blood glucose. A er a meal
the concentra on of glucose in the blood begins to rise, leading the pancreas to
release insulin. Insulin brings about a reduc on in blood glucose in a number of ways.
It increases the uptake of glucose by muscle, fat and liver cells. It s mulates the liver
and muscle cells to store excess glucose, and it reduces the produc on of glucose by
the liver. Over me some people develop insulin resistance, their cells become less
sensi ve to insulin thus the pancreas tries to alleviate the problem by producing more
insulin. Eventually the pancreas is unable to make sufficient insulin and the person
develops type 2 diabetes. The exact causes of insulin resistance are not completely
understood but it is thought that two major contribu ng factors are excess weight,
especially excess fat around the waist, and physical inac vity. Studies have shown
that fat ssue not only acts as a store of energy, but that belly fat produces hormones
and other substances that can cause health problems, including insulin resistance
diabetes. Studies have shown that a er exercising muscles become more sensi ve to
insulin, thereby reversing insulin resistance. Also exercise helps muscles absorb glucose
without the need for insulin, thus reducing the concentra on of glucose in the blood.
An increase in muscle mass will cause more glucose to be used by muscle cells.
(i) The pancreas is an example of an exocrine gland. Explain the underlined term.
(iv) Describe two ways the liver responds to insulin, thus lowering the concentra on
of glucose in the blood.
(vi) State two ways physical ac vity can help reduce blood glucose levels.
(vii) Suggest any one way a person may increase their muscle mass.
(viii) Describe any one way in which the response brought about by insulin differs from
that brought about by nerve ac on?
15. Answer any two of (a), (b) and (c). (30, 30)
(a) In the modern method of classifying organisms, all organisms are grouped into one of
five kingdoms.
(i) To which kingdoms do (a) Amoeba and (b) bacteria belong?
(ii) Which of the kingdoms named in part (i) consists of eukaryo c organisms?
(iii) Most fungi are saprophytes. Comment on the rela onship between their mode
of nutri on and the significant role they play in the environment.
(iv) Answer the following ques ons which relate to sexual reproduc on in Rhizopus.
1. Significance of opposite strains of hyphae growing close together.
2. Describe the produc on of progametangia.
3. Role of meiosis.
4. Circumstances under which it occurs.
(v) State any two harmful effects of fungi.
(b) Answer the following ques ons in rela on to human sexual reproduc on.
(i) Name the part of the body responsible for the produc on of progesterone.
(ii) Give two func ons of progesterone.
(iii) Explain why the testes are located outside the body.
(iv) Name the part of the body which produces testosterone, and name the hormone
which is responsible for its produc on.
(v) Name the part of the blastocyst from which the placenta is formed.
(vi) Explain the importance of the amnio c fluid.
(vii) Name the hormone necessary for the produc on of breastmilk. State one
biological benefit to the baby of breas eeding.
(c) (i) Explain why the mode of nutri on in animals differs from that in plants.
(ii) Describe the process by which water from the soil reaches the xylem.
(iii) State any one example of a plant which uses a modified leaf as a means of storing
(iv) The diagram below shows the dental formula of a typical herbivore.
Dental formula: i 0 0 3 3
3 c 0 pm 3 m 3
1. How many incisors does this animal have on its upper jaw?
2. Suggest any one reason for the lack of canine teeth in a typical herbivore.
(v) Apart from the ac on of the teeth, state any one other method by which physical
breakdown of food occurs in the body.
(vi) The wall of the stomach contains glands which produce both hydrochloric acid
and mucus. State any one func on of each of these products.
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