Fuel Analysis: A H C N O S M Q
Fuel Analysis: A H C N O S M Q
Fuel Analysis: A H C N O S M Q
Units Value
AA Percent ash % 7.7
AH Percent hydrogen % 4.8
AC Percent carbon % 74.4
AN Percent Nitrogen % 1.4
AO Percent oxygen % 9.1
AS Percent Sulpher % 2.1
AM Percent Moisture % 0.5
AQ Heat value Kcal/kg 7323.134
Weights of materials
Kiln Dimensions
Specific Heats
Subtotal 1.562
2 Dust loss
C3S = 4.07 Hca - (7.6 HSi+ 6.72 HAl + 1.43 HFe + 2.85 HS) 53.470
C2S = 2.87 HSi - 0.75 C3S 22.177
C3A = 2.65 HAl - 1.69 HFe 12.854
C4AF = 3.04 HFe 8.816
LSF = 100 HCa/(2.8 HSi + 1.65 HAl + 0.35 HFe) 91.034
S/R = HSI/(HAl + HFe) 2.260
A/R = HAI/ HFe 2.310
percent liquid = 1.13 C3A + 1.35 C4AF + HMg + HAlk 28.277
I = 4.11 HAl + 6.48 HMg + 7.646 HCa - 5.116 HSI -0.59 HFe 428.219
x = (EO2/100).(100+x)+(3.78 EO2/100).(100+x)-478.(DO2/100)
n = 100.x/(100+x)
Check = W1 = 1 1.000
11 Products of Combustion
N2 from fuel = WA*((AN/100) + 3.3478 (0.0267 AC + 0.01 AS + 0.08 AH - 0.01 AO)) 0.872
a) ( At 0 oC , 760 mm Hg)
dO1 = (1.977 CO2 + 2.927 SO2 + 0.806 H2O + 1.251 N2 + 1.2928 excess air) 1.557 kg/Nm3
Vs = ((VBe)*(Wcl))/3600 71.822
Specific area loading = (24 WCl / (1000 (m2 surface))) 123.716 daily t/m2
inside kiln surface volume = kiln inside surface area x lengt of kiln 864.767
Specific volume loading = 24 WCl / ( 1000 ( m3 volume)) 3.059 daily t/m3
Heat inputs
18 Heat inputs from the Combustion of Fuel
Q = WA . Aq 827.514 kg/kg.cli
Heat inputs from the Combustion of Fuel 827.51 96.13 Heat required for clinker cooling 428.22 49.74
Heat inputs from Sensible heat in fuel 0.73 0.08 Heat loss with kiln exit gas 121.23 14.08
organic substance in kiln feed* 0.00 0.00 Heat loss Due to Moisture in Feed or Slurry 56.13 6.52
Heat input from sensible heat inkiln feed 14.48 1.68 Heat losses Due to Dust in the Kiln Exit Gases 0.31 0.04
Heat input from cooler Air sensible Heat 17.01 1.98 Heat Loss with Clinker at Cooler Discharge 15.73 1.83
Heat input from primary air sensible heat 1.04 0.12 Heat Loss at Cooler Stack 151.25 17.57
Heat inprt from infiltrated Air sensible heat 0.09 0.01 Heat Losses By radiation on Kiln Shell 27.40 3.18