Fuel Analysis: A H C N O S M Q

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Fuel Analysis

Units Value
AA Percent ash % 7.7
AH Percent hydrogen % 4.8
AC Percent carbon % 74.4
AN Percent Nitrogen % 1.4
AO Percent oxygen % 9.1
AS Percent Sulpher % 2.1
AM Percent Moisture % 0.5
AQ Heat value Kcal/kg 7323.134

Coal Ash Analysis

BSi Percent SiO2 %

BAl Percent Al2O3 %
BFe percent Fe2O3 %
BCa Percent CaO %

Kiln Feed Analysis (Loss Free Basis)

CSi Percent SiO2 % 21.3

CAl Percent Al2O3 % 6.5
CFe percent Fe2O3 % 2.8
CCa percent Cao % 66.8
CMg percent Mgo % 1.2
CNa percent Na2O % 0.3
CK percent K2O % 0.45
CS percent SO3 % 0.1
CIg percent igintion loss % 35.6
CM percent Moisture % 0.4
C4900 percent -4900 mesh %
C400 percent +400 mesh %
CC percent organics % 1E-06
CSp Specific gravity (dry solids) % 2.69

Kiln Exit gases Analysis By weight (By Orsat)

DCO2 Percent CO2 % 28.1

DCO percent CO %
DO Percent O2 % 1.2
DN Percent N2 % 70.7

ESP Outlet gas Analysis By Weight

ECO2 Percent CO2 % 26.98

EO2 Percent O2 % 5

Ambient Air and Location

FT Ambient air temp o

C 22
FH Percent relative humidity %
FEL Elevation (meters above sea level) m
FBar Barometric pressure mm Hg 753

Weights of materials

WCl Kiln Output kg/h 110220

WdF Dry feed rate kg/kg.cli 1.55
WA Fuel rate as fired kg/kg.cli 0.113
WD kg of dust wasted per kg clinker kg/kg.cli 0.01533
Kiln Dust Analysis (Loss Free Basis)

GSi Percent SiO2 %

GAl Percent Al2O3 %
GFe percent Fe2O3 %
GCa Percent CaO %
GK percent K2O %
GS percent SO3 %
GIg percent Ignition loss % 7.3
G percent of collected dust that is returned % 1
to kiln (decimal)

Kiln Dimensions

L1 Kiln length m 65.5

L2 Kiln Diameter m 4.33
L3 Effective bruner tip orifice area m2 1
L4 Length of chain section m
L5 Total chain surface area m2
L6 Effective kiln feedend throat area m2
L7 Refractory thickness m 0.23
L8 Sum total of (all) chain length m
L9 kiln shell thickness m
L10 kiln slope degree
Lx lining and coating thickness mm 0.4
Ly length of burning zone m 20
SS Kiln Shell Surface area m2 297.0009
Operating parameters

Ph Hood draft mmH2O 1.27

PBe Feed end draft mmH2O
PKs kiln speed rpm

Cliinker Analysis (Loss Free Basis)

HSi Percent SiO2 % 21.7

HAl Percent Al2O3 % 6.7
HFe percent Fe2O3 % 2.9
HCa Percent CaO % 66.3
HMg percent MgO % 1
HS percent SO3 % 0.8
HAlk percent alkalies (total as Na2O) % 0.85
HIg percent Ignition loss % 0.25


TC Feed entering kiln o

C 41
TSa Secondary air o
TPa Primary air o
C 82
TBe Kiln exit gas o
C 252
TSt Cooler stack o
C 268
TCl Clinker at cooler exit o
C 85
TF Fuel as fired o
C 24
TZ1 Average shell,lower third o
C 293
TZ2 Average shell,middle third o
C 265
TZ3 Average shell,upper third o
C 79
T Kiln room C 29

Air Volumes (Standard m3/s @ 0oC,760 mm Hg)

VPa Primary air flow m3/s 4.75
VEx Cooler vent stack m3/s 54.55
VCo Total air into cooler m3/s 79.6
VBe Kiln exit m3/s 54.55


X1 Cooler lenth , grates m 41.1

X2 Cooler width, grates m 2.74
X3 Total effective area of hood opening m2 0.145
where ambient air is infitrated

Specific Heats

Cmfuel Specific Heat of Fuel (coal) kcal/kg.oC 0.26733

Cmorganic Specific Heat of organics in feed 5028
CmkilnfeedSpecific Heat of kiln feed 0.225197
CmkfEg Specific Heat of kiln feed in exit gases 0.207463
CmAir Specific Heat of Cooling Air 0.23
CmAir Specific Heat of primary Air 0.235
CmAir Specific Heat of Infiltrated Air 0.23
CmEA Specific Heat of Excess Air 0.23
CmSA Specific Heat of Stack Air 0.245
CmcliH Specific Heat of clinker (Hot) 0.26
CmcliC Specific Heat of clinker (Cool) 0.185
CmCO2 Specific Heat of CO2 0.23
CmH2O Specific Heat of H2O 0.47
CmSO2 Specific Heat of SO2 0.17
CmN2 Specific Heat of N2 0.255
Cmkfd Specific Heat of kiln feed dust 0.19

Heat Transfer co-eficient

j 1TZ1 Heat transfer co-effiecient at TZ1 20.5

j 2TZ2 Heat transfer co-effiecient at TZ2 18
j 3TZ3 Heat transfer co-effiecient at TZ3 10.2
1 Amount of Feed Required to produce one kilogram of clinker MKS

a = 0.01784 CCa 1.192

b = 0.0209 CMg 0.025
c = 0.0100 CAl 0.065
d = 0.0100 CSi 0.213
e = 0.0100 CFe 0.028
f = 0.00075 Csi + 0.0035 CAl 0.039

Subtotal 1.562

g = subtotal x ((100-Hig)/100) 1.558

h = Wa(AA/100)*(100/(100 - CIg)) 0.014
I = kg feed required per kg clinker 1.544

2 Dust loss

k1 = WdF - i 0.006 kg/kg.cli

k2= k1/WdF 0.004 %
WdF* = (100/(100 - Cig))*(WD ((100 - Gig)/100)+((100 - Hig)/100)- h) 1.550
* WdF is calculated in absence of relible data for actual usage

3 potential clinker compounds and clinker factor

C3S = 4.07 Hca - (7.6 HSi+ 6.72 HAl + 1.43 HFe + 2.85 HS) 53.470
C2S = 2.87 HSi - 0.75 C3S 22.177
C3A = 2.65 HAl - 1.69 HFe 12.854
C4AF = 3.04 HFe 8.816
LSF = 100 HCa/(2.8 HSi + 1.65 HAl + 0.35 HFe) 91.034
S/R = HSI/(HAl + HFe) 2.260
A/R = HAI/ HFe 2.310
percent liquid = 1.13 C3A + 1.35 C4AF + HMg + HAlk 28.277

4 Theoretical heat required to produce one kilogram clinker

I = 4.11 HAl + 6.48 HMg + 7.646 HCa - 5.116 HSI -0.59 HFe 428.219

5 Percent of Infiltrated Air at Kiln Feed End

x = (EO2/100).(100+x)+(3.78 EO2/100).(100+x)-478.(DO2/100)

n = 100.x/(100+x)

6 Excess Air Present in the Kiln

m = 189 (2.0 DO2 - DCO) / (DN - (1.89(2.0 DO2 - DCO))) 6.856

7 Combustion Air required to burn one kg of fuel (solid or liquid)

O = (1+(m/100)).(0.11594.AC + 0.34783( AH - (AO/8)) + 0.04348 AS) 10.676 kg.air/kg fuel

8 Weight of combustion air required per hour

W1 = WCl . WA .O 132970 kg/hr

9 Air infiltrated at firing hood

W5 = 11720.3 .X3 (1.157 Ph)1/2 2060 kg/hr
Z = Percent infiltration = (W5/W1) .100 1.549 %
10 Cooler Air balance

W4 = 4654.44 VPa 22109 kg/hr

W3 = W1 - W4 - W5 108801 kg/hr
W2 = 4654.44 VEx 253900 kg/hr
Wt = 4654.44 VCo 370493 kg/hr
Wy = Wt - W2 - W3 7793 kg/hr

Check = W1 = 1 1.000

Percent primary air = 16.627 %

The air utilization efficiency of the cooler = (W1/Wt)*100 35.890 %

11 Products of Combustion

CO2 from fuel = 0.03667 AC.WA 0.308

SO2 from fuel = .02 AS.WA 0.005
H2O from fuel = 0.09 AH.Wa 0.049

N2 from fuel = WA*((AN/100) + 3.3478 (0.0267 AC + 0.01 AS + 0.08 AH - 0.01 AO)) 0.872

Sub total = 1.234

Add excess air : m/100 .(Subtotal) 0.085

W6 = Total 1.318 kg/kg.cli

12 Weight of gases from Feed

CO2 from feed = ( 1 + 0.5 k2) (0.44 a + 0.5216 b) 0.538

H2Ofree from feed = (100 . WdF/(100 - Cm)) - WdF 0.006
H2OChem fom feed = ( 1 + k2) f 0.039

W7 = Total 0.584 kg/kg.cli

13 Total weight of Kiln Exit Gases

CO2 from fuel = 0.308

CO2 from feed = 0.538
Total CO2 = 0.847

H2O from fuel = 0.049

H2O (total) from feed = 0.045
Total H2O = 0.094

50 percent of SO2 from fuel = 0.002

N2 from combustion = 0.872
excess air : m/100 0.085
Wgm = Total moist gases 1.899 kg/kg.cli
Dry gases = Wgd = Wgm - Total H2O 1.806 kg/kg.cli

14 Percent moisture in Kiln Exit Gas

Percent H2O = Wgm - Wgd x100 4.944 %

Wgm (Contd…..)
15 Density of Kiln Exit Gas

a) ( At 0 oC , 760 mm Hg)
dO1 = (1.977 CO2 + 2.927 SO2 + 0.806 H2O + 1.251 N2 + 1.2928 excess air) 1.557 kg/Nm3

b) At prevailing pressures and temperatures

dO2 = dO1(273.2/(TBe + 273.2)) .((760 - 0.736 PBe)/760) 0.810 kg/m3

16 Volume of Mosit Kiln Exit Gas

VBe = Wgm /(dO2) 2.346

Vs = ((VBe)*(Wcl))/3600 71.822

17 Kiln perfromance factor

a) Cooler air factor

VCO /( X1 . X2) = 0.707

b) Primary air velocity:

m2/s(act) = VPA . ((TPA + 273.2)/273.2) . (760/ FBar) 6.233

Primary air velocity = m2 / Sec (act) / π(0.5 L3)2 7.936 m/s

c) Specific Kiln surface area loading.

Kiln surface area = (L2 - 0.002 L7) π.L1 890.908 m2

Specific area loading = (24 WCl / (1000 (m2 surface))) 123.716 daily t/m2

d) Specific Kiln volume loading

Using the "inside lining" kiln volume, the specific volume loading in terms
of daily metric tons productio is calculated as follows

inside kiln surface volume = kiln inside surface area x lengt of kiln 864.767
Specific volume loading = 24 WCl / ( 1000 ( m3 volume)) 3.059 daily t/m3

e) Specific thermal loading of the burning zone

Burning Zone surface = π ( L2 - 0.002 Ly) Lx 5.391 m2
Specific thermal loading = WA .WCl.Aq / (m2 surface) 102377 kcal/h.m2
Ly = lining and coating thickness (mm)
Lx = length of burning zone (m)

Heat inputs
18 Heat inputs from the Combustion of Fuel
Q = WA . Aq 827.514 kg/kg.cli

19 Heat inputs from Sensible heat in fuel

Q = WA.Cfuel.TF 0.725 kg/kg.cli

20 organic substance in kiln feed*

Q = g (CC/100) 5028 7.832E-05 kg/kg.cli
*It is assumed that organic matter in Kiln feed has constant heat value of 5028 Kcal/kg

21 Heat input from sensible heat inkiln feed

Q1 = WdF CmKF . TC 14.311 kg/kg.cli
Q2 = (kg H2O in feed) TC 0.164 kg/kg.cli
Qtotal = 14.475 kg/kg.cli

22 Heat input from cooler Air sensible Heat

Q = Wt . (1/WCl) . CmcAir .FT 17.009 kg/kg.cli

23 Heat input from primary air sensible heat

Q = W4 . (1/WCl) CmPA . FT 1.037 kg/kg.cli

24 Heat inprt from infiltrated Air sensible heat

Q = W5 . (1/WCl) . CmIA . T 0.095 kg/kg.cli

Total Heat input = 860.855 kg/kg.cli

Heat Outputs
25 Heat required for clinker cooling
I = 4.11 HAl + 6.48 HMg + 7.646 HCa - 5.116 HSI -0.59 HFe 428.219 kg/kg.cli

26 Heat loss with kiln exit gas

QCO2 = WCO2 . CmCO2 . Tbe 49.078
QH2O = WH2O . CmH2O . Tbe 11.123
QSO2 = WSO2 . CmSO2 .Tbe 0.102
QN2 = WN2 . CmN2 . Tbe 56.026
Qexcess air = Wexcess air . CmEA .Tbe 4.902
Total , Q = 121.230 kg/kg.cli
27 Heat loss Due to Moisture in Feed or Slurry
Q = Wtotal H2O . 597.7 56.132 kg/kg.cli

28 Heat losses Due to Dust in the Kiln Exit Gases

Q = k1 . CmKF .Tbe 0.308 kg/kg.cli

29 Heat Loss with Clinker at Cooler Discharge

Q = CmCli . TCl 15.725 kg/kg.cli

30 Heat Loss at Cooler Stack

Q = (W2/WCl) . CmSA . TSt 151.253 kg/kg.cli

31 Heat Losses By radiation on Kiln Shell

Q = SS . J .(TZ1 - T) .(1/WCl) 14.583
Q = SS . J .(TZ2 - T) .(1/WCl) 11.447
Q = SS . J .(TZ3 - T) .(1/WCl) 1.374
Total heat loss by radiation = 27.404 kg/kg.cli

32 Heat Loss Due to Calcination of Wasted Kiln Dust

Percent calcination of kiln dust y = ((Cig - Gig)/Cig) 0.795
Total carbonates in kiln dust = ((a + b)/i) . WdF . K2 0.005
Q = y . Tcdust . 380.6 1.406

33 Unaccounted losses 59.178

Total Heat Output = 860.855 kg/kg.cli

Heat Balance Report

Heat Input kcal/kg.cli % Heat Output kcal/kg.cli %

Heat inputs from the Combustion of Fuel 827.51 96.13 Heat required for clinker cooling 428.22 49.74

Heat inputs from Sensible heat in fuel 0.73 0.08 Heat loss with kiln exit gas 121.23 14.08

organic substance in kiln feed* 0.00 0.00 Heat loss Due to Moisture in Feed or Slurry 56.13 6.52

Heat input from sensible heat inkiln feed 14.48 1.68 Heat losses Due to Dust in the Kiln Exit Gases 0.31 0.04

Heat input from cooler Air sensible Heat 17.01 1.98 Heat Loss with Clinker at Cooler Discharge 15.73 1.83

Heat input from primary air sensible heat 1.04 0.12 Heat Loss at Cooler Stack 151.25 17.57

Heat inprt from infiltrated Air sensible heat 0.09 0.01 Heat Losses By radiation on Kiln Shell 27.40 3.18

Heat Loss Due to Calcination of Wasted Kiln Dust 1.41 0.16

Unaccounted losses 59.18 6.87

Total 860.85 100 Total 860.85 100

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