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Flue gas desulphurisation technologies are used to control emissions of sulphur dioxide and sulphur trioxide from large stationary sources like power plants and refineries. The most widely used processes are the limestone gypsum process and variants of the limestone process.

Flue gas desulphurisation technologies are widely used to control the emissions of sulphur dioxide and sulphur trioxide from large stationary sources such as coal- and oil-fired power stations and refineries.

The most widely used processes are the limestone gypsum process, which produces a saleable gypsum by-product, variants of the limestone process that produce a disposable sludge, and the spray dry process, which produces a mixed solid waste.

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MARCH 2000
Department of Trade and Industry 012
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Further information on the Cleaner Coal Technology Programme,

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Figure 1. Ratcliffe-on-Soar FGD (Courtesy of PowerGen UK plc)


Flue gas desulphurisation (FGD) technologies are widely used to control INDUSTRY SUPPORT
the emissions of sulphur dioxide (SO2) and sulphur trioxide (SO3) from
large stationary sources such as coal- and oil-fired power stations and Since 1990, the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) has supported 8
refineries. They are to be distinguished from the flue gas treatment (FGT) projects associated with FGD, contributing £320k to total project costs of
processes used for removing pollutants from waste incinerators. £1887k.

A variety of FGD processes are available; most use an alkali sorbent to INTRODUCTION
recover the acidic sulphur compounds from the flue gas. The most widely
used processes are the limestone gypsum process, which produces a Sulphur is one of the most common elements in the earth’s crust, and
saleable gypsum by-product, variants of the limestone process that occurs widely as an impurity in coal, crude oil and many ores. It is
produce a disposable sludge, and the spray dry process, which produces a therefore produced on a large scale during such industrial processes as the
mixed solid waste. combustion of coal, oil and oil-derived fuels, oil refining and the
production of metals from their ores. Currently, global SO2 emissions
Capital costs of FGD processes have been steadily falling and current costs arising from human activity amount to ~140 million tonnes (Mt) per year,
are in the range US$100-125 kW-1 (£65-80 kW-1), with further falls in of which ~2Mt (1.4%) is produced by the UK. The UK’s SO2 emissions
cost predicted for 2000 and beyond. The total market for FGD plant is have, however, fallen significantly over the past 30 years (Figure 2).
likely to exceed £1Bn pa over the next decade, with North America and
China being the largest markets. SO2 is one of the principal gaseous pollutants emitted by human activity.
It can be a hazard to human health and damages both the natural and
Current research and development (R&D) needs are to further reduce built environments. High levels of SO2 can cause respiratory illness and its
costs, increase desulphurisation efficiencies and improve the reliability of presence in the environment causes acid rain that damages both
plant components. vegetation and buildings. Control and reduction of SO2 emissions has
therefore been recognised as important for safeguarding human health
BENEFITS OF THE and protecting the environment since the mid-19th century; many
countries now set limits on the amount and concentration of sulphur
TECHNOLOGY compounds emitted from the stacks of industrial plant.
FGD is widely applicable as a means of controlling SO2 emissions from Emissions of SO2 can be controlled in several ways. It may be possible to
large, stationary sources such as power stations, refineries and switch to a fuel or ore that has a lower sulphur content, or improve the
metallurgical plant (eg Figure 1). The widespread adoption of FGD, efficiency of the industrial process so that less fuel is required. The
together with measures to reduce SO2 emissions from other sources (eg sulphur in the fuel or ore can in principle be removed before use;
replacement of coal by electricity or gas for domestic heating; low sulphur however, in practice, it is uneconomic to remove more than a small
motor fuels) will significantly reduce anthropogenic sulphur emissions percentage of the sulphur. The sulphur can also be removed during use.
worldwide and thus help to improve air quality to the benefit of both However, in many applications, the most efficient means of controlling
human health and the environment.
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SO2 emissions is to remove the SO2 from the flue gases before they are Technical considerations include the degree of desulphurisation that the
released to the atmosphere. Several differing FGD technologies have been process can offer, the flexibility of the process, the amount of space that
developed to this end. the FGD plant requires and the technical risks. Economic issues include the
capital and operating costs, including consideration of the cost of the
plant itself (which may be appreciably more if the plant is to be retrofitted
to an existing boiler), the costs of the sorbent used, any revenues or
expenses arising from disposal of the by-products and maintenance costs.
SO2 Emitted (kt)

Commercial considerations include the degree of commercial risk, the

maturity of the technology, the number and size of units already in
operation (and how they have performed) and suppliers’ guarantees.

Some of the major FGD processes are described below. These are:
1970 1980 1985 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996
• Wet Processes:
- limestone gypsum
- sea-water washing
Large combustion plant Total - ammonia scrubbing
- Wellman-Lord.

Figure 2. Trends in UK SO 2 emissions • Semi-dry Processes:

- circulating fluidised bed
- spray dry
FUNDAMENTALS OF FGD - duct spray dry.
Chemical Principles • Dry Processes
- furnace sorbent injection
Almost all commercial FGD processes are based on the fact that SO2 is - sodium bicarbonate injection.
acidic in nature, and remove the SO2 from flue gases by reaction with a
suitable alkaline substance. The most commonly used alkaline materials
are limestone (calcium carbonate), quicklime (calcium oxide, CaO) and FGD PROCESSES
hydrated lime (calcium hydroxide). Limestone is an abundant and Limestone Gypsum
therefore relatively cheap material and both quicklime and hydrated lime
are produced from limestone by heating. Other alkalis sometimes used In the limestone gypsum wet scrubbing process, the flue gas is treated
include sodium carbonate, magnesium carbonate and ammonia. with limestone slurry, in order to remove the SO2 and neutralise it. The
final product is calcium sulphate dihydrate (gypsum).
The alkali used reacts with SO2 in the flue gas to produce a mixture of
sulphite and sulphate salts (of calcium, sodium, magnesium or ammonium,
depending on the alkali used). The proportions of sulphite and sulphate
are determined by the process conditions; in some processes, all the
sulphite is converted to sulphate.

The reaction between the SO2 and the alkali can take place either in bulk
solution (‘wet’ FGD processes) or at the wetted surface of the solid alkali
(‘dry’ and ‘semi-dry’ FGD processes).

In wet FGD systems, the alkali (usually as a solution or, more commonly, a
slurry) and flue gas are contacted in a spray tower. The SO2 in the flue gas
dissolves in the water to form a dilute solution of acid that then reacts
with and is neutralised by the dissolved alkali. The sulphite and sulphate
salts produced precipitate out of solution, depending on the relative
solubility of the different salts present. Calcium sulphate, for example, is
relatively insoluble and readily precipitates out. Sodium and ammonium
sulphates are very much more soluble.

In dry and semi-dry systems, the solid alkali ‘sorbent’ is brought into
contact with the flue gas, either by injecting or spraying the alkali into the
gas stream or by passing the flue gas through a bed of alkali. In either
case, the SO2 reacts directly with the solid to form the corresponding
sulphite and sulphate. For this to be effective, the solid has to be quite Figure 3. Ratcliffe-on-Soar FGD (under construction) (Courtesy of PowerGen UK plc)
porous and/or finely divided. In semi-dry systems, water is added to the
flue gas to form a liquid film on the particles in which the SO2 dissolves, This is the most common FGD process now being installed worldwide, and
promoting the reaction with the solid. has evolved over almost 30 years. Nowadays, a plant would normally be
designed to achieve a high-quality gypsum product, which is suitable for
Selection of FGD Processes wallboard manufacture. Earlier limestone-based FGD processes produced
sulphite sludge or gypsum for dumping, but these types of design are not
There are a wide range of FGD processes on offer, differing significantly in often adopted now. Both of the large UK power plant with FGD, Ratcliffe
terms of sorbent used, by-products produced, removal efficiency and (Figure 3) and Drax, use the limestone gypsum process.
capital cost. Selection of the most appropriate FGD process for a
particular application will normally be made on economic grounds, ie the There are a number of process variants and equipment arrangements
process with the lowest overall through-life cost. However, there are many which can be adopted; eg the absorber type and reheat methods can vary
different factors that affect the overall cost. These include: with the supplier and with the client’s requirements. The design chosen
here for illustrative purposes (Figure 4) is one of the most common
• Technical considerations. limestone gypsum (wallboard) plant types, and consists of an open spray
tower with a rotary regenerative reheater. The limestone gypsum plant is
• Economic issues
located downstream of the electrostatic precipitator (ESP) or bag filter, so
- operating costs
that most of the fly ash from combustion is removed before the gas
- capital costs.
reaches the FGD plant. For coal-fired plant, fly ash removal would be
• Commercial considerations. ~99.5%.
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Flue gas from the ESP passes through an induced draught (ID) and/or Despite falling prices, the limestone gypsum process should still be
booster fan and enters the gas/gas reheater. Here the gas is cooled as regarded as relatively high in capital cost, significantly higher than most
heat is extracted. The warm gas from the reheater enters the absorber other processes except ammonia scrubbing and the regenerative types. It
and mixes with the process liquor. Some of the water is evaporated, and is also more complex than some other process types. However, for many
the gas is further cooled. The gas is scrubbed with the recirculating applications it will provide a lower operating cost than other, lime-based
limestone slurry to remove the required amount of SO2. FGD plant processes. This is because limestone is normally much cheaper than lime,
manufacturers generally claim that over 95% of the SO2 can be removed and normally the by-product gypsum can be sold rather than incurring a
within the absorber. This process also removes almost 100% of any disposal cost. This becomes particularly important for plant with a high
hydrogen chloride (HCl) in the flue gas. At the top of the absorber, the sorbent consumption.
gas passes through de-misters to remove suspended water droplets.
The limestone gypsum process will usually offer the lowest through-life
After leaving the absorber, the gas is passed through the reheater again, cost option for large inland plant with medium- to high-sulphur fuel, a
to raise its temperature before being exhausted to the stack. Absorber high load factor and a long residual life.
outlet temperatures are typically 50-70ºC, depending mainly on the type of
fuel burnt. The minimum gas temperature at the stack is often specified in The limestone gypsum process is the most well-developed and widely
national emission standards. In the UK this is 80ºC, but in mainland adopted FGD process worldwide, and is the one normally adopted for a
Europe it is slightly lower. Most plant have a by-pass duct, fitted with a large power station. The total worldwide installed capacity is
(normally closed) damper. This would be opened in an emergency or approximately 149,000MWe for coal-fired plant alone. The technology is
during start-up, to allow flue gas to be diverted past the FGD plant, very well understood and is offered by many contractors. It probably
directly to the stack. offers a lower commercial risk than any other process, and a plant can be
obtained at a competitive price. The process is capable of high sulphur-
Limestone/gypsum slurry is pumped from the absorber sump to the spray removal efficiency, even with fairly high-sulphur fuel. Most suppliers
headers at the top of the scrubber. As the slurry falls down the tower it would now offer 95% removal for use with European coals. Some recent
contacts the rising flue gas. The SO 2 is dissolved in the water, neutralised plant have been designed for up to 98% removal.
and thus removed from the flue gas. Calcium carbonate from the
limestone reacts with the SO2 and oxygen (O2 from air), ultimately to As already noted, there are several design variations, centred on the layout
produce gypsum, which precipitates from solution in the sump. HCl is also of the absorber itself. The most common design type today is the single
dissolved in the water and neutralised to produce calcium chloride solution. loop open spray tower with the flue gas flowing upward through the
scrubber. Marsulex, ABB, Lurgi Lentjes Bischoff (LLB), Babcock Borsig,
Fresh limestone slurry is pumped into the sump to maintain the required Kawasaki and IHI produce this type. Babcock and Wilcox (B&W) and
pH. At many plant, crushed limestone is milled on site before being Babcock Hitachi have a very similar design but theirs includes a tray at the
slurried and pumped into the absorber sump. Although a certain amount bottom of the gas treatment zone. This provides gas/liquid contact and
of liquor oxidation occurs naturally due to excess air in the flue gas, the presents a more even flow profile to the spray headers.
sump liquor is sparged with air, oxidising any remaining bisulphite to
sulphate. Gypsum slurry (contaminated with ~3% limestone) is extracted The traditional Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) design is very different
from the absorber sump, thickened, de-watered and washed for from the others. It is not an open spray tower, but has a layer of packing
subsequent storage before dispatch from site. in order to obtain effective gas/liquid contact. Also the flue gas is
normally drawn down the tower rather than upward. Recently MHI has
As described above, HCl is removed from the flue gas in the scrubber, to adopted a type of open spray tower which it calls the double-contact flow
produce calcium chloride in solution. In addition to this, trace quantities scrubber (DCFS).
of fly ash are also removed from the flue gas. These and impurities in the
limestone will accumulate in the process liquor as dissolved metal salts and Sea-water Washing
suspended minerals such as quartz. The concentrations of these
contaminants must be controlled to ensure the gypsum purity is The sea-water washing (SWW) process uses untreated sea water to scrub
maintained at the required level and high concentrations of chloride do the flue gas, taking advantage of sea water’s natural alkalinity in order to
not inhibit the desulphurisation process chemistry. The system is purged neutralise the SO2. After scrubbing, the water used is treated with air to
with water to control the concentration of these contaminants. Fresh reduce its chemical oxygen demand and its acidity, and is then discharged
water is added to the absorber via the de-mister wash. The purge stream back to the sea.
is taken off as the overflow from the hydrocyclone system used for gypsum
thickening. The purge stream, which contains dissolved solids and very This is a relatively new technology for desulphurisation of power plant flue
fine suspended particles, is sent to the waste-water treatment plant. Here gases, although it has been used on small-scale industrial applications for
lime is added to raise the pH and precipitate heavy metals from solution. over 30 years. There are only two suppliers, ABB and LLB, the former
The treated water is then normally discharged from site. having the most experience; LLB is currently commissioning its first plant.

Flue gas Flue

By-pass damper
Fly ash
ID fan
Hydrocyclones Waste-water
Booster fan Absorber treatment
v v Water discharge
v v
Limestone Limestone
store mills Sludge

Slurry Air

Figure 4. Schematic of a limestone gypsum FGD process

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The ABB design is shown schematically in Figure 5. Flue gas from the ESP Ammonia Scrubbing
and ID fan passes through a booster fan before entering the gas/gas
reheater. The gas from the reheater enters the absorber and mixes with The ammonia/ammonium sulphate or ammonium scrubbing process works
the relatively cold sea water. The flue gas is cooled and saturated with in a similar way to the limestone gypsum process except that aqueous
water vapour. This low temperature arises because the sea water passes ammonia is used as the scrubbing agent. SO2 is removed from the flue gas
directly through the scrubber, and is not recycled as in other wet scrubbing by reaction with ammonia, and the final product is ammonium sulphate.
Ammonia scrubbing has been used intermittently since the 1950s. The
The gas is scrubbed with the (alkaline) sea water to remove the SO2. The only plant currently operational is installed on a 350MWe oil-fired boiler
manufacturers claim that up to 99% of the SO2 can be removed within the system at Dakota Gas Company’s Great Plains plant. This has been
absorber. This process also removes almost 100% of any HCl in the flue designed for 93% SO2 removal, treating gas from high-sulphur oil. The
gas. At the top of the absorber, the gas passes through a de-mister to plant is operating successfully. FGD plant manufacturers indicate that
remove suspended water droplets. SO2-removal efficiencies in the region of 98-99% can be achieved within
the absorber systems, although commercial plant have been designed for
After leaving the absorber, the gas is passed through the reheater again,
91-93% removal. There are two known suppliers with successful
to raise its temperature before being exhausted to the stack. Because the
commercial experience, LLB and Marsulex.
flue gas leaves the absorber at a low temperature, perhaps 15-40ºC
depending upon the local sea water temperature, an additional form of Flue gas from the ESP and ID fan is passed through a booster fan before
reheat is sometimes required. One option is to force a small percentage of entering the gas/gas reheater (Figure 6). The gas then enters a pre-
hot untreated flue gas into the cold treated gas stream, after it has left the scrubber where it comes into contact with a recirculating ammonium
absorber, but before it reaches the gas/gas reheater. This dries as well as sulphate slurry. The gas is cooled and becomes saturated with water
warms the treated gas, and helps prevent reheater fouling and corrosion. vapour. The saturated gas leaves the pre-scrubber through a mist
eliminator, and then enters the absorber, where it is scrubbed with
In all applications of the SWW process on power plant, raw sea water is
subsaturated ammonium sulphate solution, which removes the required
obtained from the steam turbine condenser outlet. In most plant, all the
amount of SO2 from the flue gas. At the top of the absorber, the gas
condenser outlet water is used in the FGD plant, so as to utilise all the
passes through two stages of de-misters to remove suspended water
available alkali from this source. Part of this water is pumped into the top
of the absorber tower. As the water falls down the tower, it passes
through the packing and comes into close contact with the rising flue gas The aqueous solution leaving the absorber is processed to produce
and dissolves the SO2 and any HCl. The acidified liquor is collected in the ammonium sulphate, which is a relatively high-value product that can be
absorber sump. It is not recirculated back to the top of the tower, but used in fertilisers. The high value of this by-product is the principal
flows into the external mixing basin and aeration lagoon. Here it is advantage of this process. With high-sulphur fuels, the receipts from the
combined with the remainder of the sea water from the condenser outlet, sale of the sulphate can exceed the costs of operating the FGD plant.
and air is blown through to reduce the chemical oxygen demand, and raise However, there could be commercial risks associated with this, because the
its pH by driving off carbon dioxide (CO2). The treated liquor is then price of ammonium sulphate and ammonia are both very volatile.
discharged to the sea.
A potential risk arises from the need to store ammonia on site, either in
SWW FGD is a rapidly expanding technology, particularly in tropical anhydrous form, or as a concentrated aqueous solution. This might cause
countries. ABB has built 21 plant with a total installed capacity equivalent serious difficulties in the planning stage, at certain sites.
to 2470MWe. LLB is currently commissioning two 610MWe plant in
Indonesia. These plant are expensive to build, and require a large ‘footprint’ similar to
a limestone gypsum plant. The process has the advantage that there is no
SWW’s main advantage is that it requires no solid sorbent as a reagent, waste-water discharge, and there are unlikely to be problems of scaling
unlike nearly all other FGD processes. The plant design is relatively simple. and blockage. At certain sites, particularly those burning high-sulphur
The most obvious disadvantage is that it is limited to use at coastal sites. fuels, or with the potential to do so, this process could be a very attractive
The process is capable of very high SO2 removal (up to ~97-98%), but only one. However, it is unlikely to achieve very widespread use because very
if the fuel sulphur content is below 2.5-3.0 wt%. High SO2-removal few plant are needed to satisfy the market for ammonium sulphate
efficiencies at higher SO2 loadings would require additional sea water, fertiliser in a particular country or region.
above that used by the power plant for cooling, and would significantly
increase capital and operating costs.

Precipitator Flue
Flue ID fan By-pass
Flue gas damper

Inlet Outlet Booster fan

damper damper Absorber Water
Fly ash Ammonia
storage tank
Booster fan Reheater
Purge v v v
Pre-scrubber v v v

Absorber Sea water from

v v v v condenser v v v

Packing Hydrocyclone Air

Centrifuge Bleed
Oxidation air Compactor
v v v v v v to sea Dryer

Figure 6. The ammonia scrubbing process

Figure 5. The SWW process
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ID fan By-pass Flue

Fly ash Booster fan
v v v
Sodium carbonate/ v v v

v v v

Water solids

Sodium carbonate or
hydroxide make-up Regenerated Liquor
Tank Tank

Figure 7. The Wellman-Lord process

The Wellman-Lord Process absorber, the gas is passed through the reheater again, to raise its
temperature before being exhausted to the stack.
The Wellman-Lord Process is regenerative, ie the active reagent used for
A pre-scrubber is usually fitted upstream of the absorber, primarily to
removal of SO2 from the flue gas is regenerated in a second process stage,
remove any HCl present in the flue gas. If HCl were to dissolve in the
and returned to the first stage (absorber tower) for re-use. Consequently,
main absorber liquor, the concentration of sodium chloride in the liquor
the process does not involve the large-scale consumption of lime or
would progressively increase to levels where it would interfere with the
limestone, unlike other processes described here.
chemistry governing the removal of SO2. The degree of desulphurisation
The process involves the wet scrubbing of SO2 from the flue gas with attained would hence progressively fall off.
aqueous sodium sulphite solution. It produces a saleable by-product that,
In the main absorber, the flue gas is scrubbed with aqueous sodium
depending on the plant’s design, could be elemental sulphur, sulphuric
sulphite solution, forming sodium bisulphite. The sodium bisulphite is
acid or liquid SO2.
decomposed by steam heating in an evaporative crystalliser to produce
The Wellman-Lord process has been installed on nearly 40 plant, in Japan, sodium sulphite and SO2. The sodium sulphite is returned to the flue gas
the USA and Germany. This includes over 3000MWe of electric utility absorber tower circuit for re-use, while the concentrated SO2 gas stream
boilers, and many industrial plant. However, there appears to have been can then be treated as appropriate to produce a by-product suitable for
no new plant built in recent years. export. Whether this is concentrated SO2 liquid, sulphuric acid or
elemental sulphur would depend on the local commercial environment.
Flue gas from the ESP and ID fan is passed through a booster fan before
entering the gas/gas reheater (Figure 7). Here the gas is cooled as heat is This process can achieve a SO2-removal efficiency of well over 95% on
extracted. The warm gas from the reheater enters the pre-scrubber/absorber high-sulphur fuels. It is expensive to install but relatively cheap to operate
and mixes with the process liquor. An equilibrium temperature is and, as such, in relation to other processes, is best suited to high SO2-
established, when the flue gas becomes saturated with water vapour. removal requirements, high-sulphur fuel, and plant with a long residual
life. Comparative studies have suggested that the operating cost is very
In the pre-scrubbing stage, fly ash and HCl are removed. In the main similar to that of the limestone gypsum process.
absorber, the gas is scrubbed with the process liquor, to remove the
required amount of SO2. Typically 95-98% of the SO2 can be removed The process also has the advantages that it does not require the
within the absorber. At the top of the absorber, the gas passes through consumption of large quantities of sorbent and does not produce large
de-misters to remove suspended water droplets. After leaving the quantities of solid waste.

CFB reactor New FF or ESP

From boiler air heater

Recycle ID fan


storage silo Disposal
Lime silo
feed bin

Lime reception system

V Dry product
Blower Hydrator for disposal


Figure 8. The CFB process

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Circulating Fluidised Bed (CFB) atomiser. The water in the slurry will humidify the flue gas and so improve
both SO2 and particulate removal. The water flow rate is controlled so as
In the CFB process, the flue gas is passed through a dense mixture of lime to achieve a temperature approximately 20ºC above the adiabatic
(calcium hydroxide), reaction products and sometimes fly ash, which saturation temperature of the gas. When firing bituminous coal, the
removes the SO2, SO3 and HCl. The final product is a dry powdered humidified gas temperature would be ~70ºC.
mixture of calcium compounds.
The solid by-product from the process, including fly ash, is transported
The process has been commercially available for over 10 years, and is an from the bottom of the ESP to a silo, prior to dispatch from site.
expanding technology, particularly for retrofitting to small- to medium-
As with other semi-dry systems producing a throw-away by-product, the
sized power plant. Because of its simplicity, higher performance, lower
spray-dry process is relatively cheap to install, typically being ~70% of the
spatial requirement, and sometimes lower cost, it is nowadays being
cost of the equivalent limestone gypsum system. However, the variable
chosen instead of the more widely established spray dry process in certain
operating costs are among the highest of the major FGD processes, due to
applications. The process and variants on it are now supplied by several
both the high lime usage and the costs of by-product disposal. The lower
vendors, whose designs vary significantly, although the process chemistries
sorbent utilisation of the spray-dry process, compared with the CFB, means
are the same. The originator and most experienced vendor is LLB.
that additional costs are incurred twice: extra lime has to be bought and
Flue gas from the airheater (Figure 8) is carried through the inlet venturi then a portion of this is dumped at a cost.
throat of the CFB reactor and passes upwards through a fluidised bed of
The spray-dry process is one of the most well-developed and widely used
lime, reaction products and fly ash particles contained within the vertical
worldwide. The total installed capacity is in excess of 15,000MWe. The
reactor tower. This removes up to 99% of the SO2 and all of the SO3 and
technology is well understood, and offered by a number of contractors.
HCl from the flue gas. From here the gas is carried through the dust
The process is very similar in many respects to the CFB process and the
arrestor and the ID fan to the stack.
two are in competition. The process can achieve 85-90% SO2 removal
A large quantity of the particulate matter in the CFB reactor is carried with with moderately high-sulphur fuels.
the flue gas into the ESP or fabric filter (FF) located downstream. Most of
The spray-dry process is cheaper to install than a limestone gypsum plant,
the solids collected in the pre-collector and ESP are returned to the reactor,
and similar to or slightly more expensive than a CFB-type plant. However,
so as to achieve a high dust loading within the fluidised bed.
like the CFB it can be relatively expensive to operate, depending on the
The normal sorbent is quicklime, which is hydrated on site to make calcium relative costs of labour, power, lime and limestone. The disposal cost of
hydroxide powder (hydrated lime). This is injected into the base of the the residues produced also adds to the overall operating cost.
reactor. Water is also added to humidify the flue gas and so improve SO2
and particulate removal. The water flow is controlled to achieve a
temperature ~20ºC above the adiabatic saturation temperature of the gas.
Spray-dryer Flue
The solid by-product from the process, including fly ash, is transported From boiler
from the bottom of the ESP to a silo, prior to dispatch from site. air heater

CFB FGD plant have been fitted to a total of over 3000MWe of power
plant, as well as units fitted to a variety of industrial processes (such as ID fan
hydrogen fluoride removal), at sizes of up to 300MWe. Major suppliers of
Disposal Blower
the technology are LLB (Germany), Wulff (Germany), FLS Miljø of Denmark silo
(gas suspension absorber (GSA) process) and ABB (new integrated
desulphurisation (NID) technology). Lime
storage silo Water
The CFB process is capable of very high SO2-removal efficiency, even with
very high inlet SO2 concentrations. For example, one German plant
Lime reception
achieved 97% SO2 removal with an inlet SO2 concentration of 13,000mg system
Nm-3. Several CFB/GSA plant have achieved >99% SO2 removal. The V Lime
feed bin
process can also achieve complete removal of SO3. Blower Slaker
Blower Lime slurry
This is a well-established FGD process with rapidly growing experience. It feed tank

is cheaper to install than a limestone gypsum plant and costs about the
same as a spray-dry plant. It has a much lower space requirement than a Figure 9. The spray-dry FGD process
limestone gypsum plant, at least as high SO2-removal efficiency, and is
capable of complete removal of SO3. It has almost unlimited turndown
The Duct Spray-dry Process
capability and accommodates very rapid changes in inlet SO2
concentration. Also, it does not normally suffer from serious scaling,
This process is essentially the same as conventional spray-drying, except
plugging or corrosion problems. However, it can be relatively expensive to
that in this case the spray-dryer vessel is omitted, and the lime slurry is
operate and, in common with all other semi-dry processes, it generates a
sprayed directly into the duct. The lime reacts with and removes the acid
waste product that normally has to be disposed of.
gases. The final product is a dry powdered mixture of calcium compounds.
Spray-dry Process The process has been developed by two suppliers, but has not yet reached
full-scale continuous commercial operation. It is one of a number of FGD
In the spray-dry process, concentrated lime (calcium hydroxide) slurry is processes developed or being developed primarily for those instances in
injected into the flue gas, to react with and remove acidic compounds such as which a moderate degree of desulphurisation (50-75%) is required on
SO2, SO3 and HCl. The final product is a dry powdered mixture of calcium plant with limited operating hours and remaining lifetimes.
compounds. The spray-dry process is supplied by several vendors, whose
designs vary significantly - although the process chemistries are the same. Fur nace Sorbent Injection
The flue gas from the air heater is carried into the spray-dryer vessel, where
This is another process developed for moderate degrees of
it comes into contact with a finely atomised spray of lime and by-product
desulphurisation with low capital costs. The process involves the injection
slurry, delivered from a single high-speed rotary atomiser (Figure 9). This
of hydrated lime into the furnace cavity of the boiler to absorb SO2. Spent
removes up to ~95% of the SO2 and most if not all of the SO3 and HCl
sorbent is extracted with the fly ash, in an ESP or FF. The final product is a
from the flue gas. From here the gas is carried through the dust arrestor
mixture of ash and calcium compounds.
and the ID fan before discharge through the stack.
This process was first investigated in the 1950s and a second phase has
The normal sorbent fed to this process is quicklime. This is slaked on site,
been under way since the 1970s. However, there are very few plant now
with excess water, to produce a calcium hydroxide slurry (slaked lime).
in commercial operation, most being in Poland. Dry hydrated lime is
This is mixed with recycled by-product before being pumped to the rotary
1751 TSR 012 31/5/00 3:59 pm Page 7

blown pneumatically into the furnace, typically above the burners (Figure Sodium bicarbonate is pneumatically injected into the flue gas stream as a
10). This removes up to ~70% of the SO2 from the flue gas. From the dry fine powder. This removes up to ~70% of the SO2 from the flue gas.
boiler, the gas is carried through the air heater, dust arrestor and ID fan SO3 and HCl are removed to some extent. From here the gas is carried
before discharge through the stack. through the dust arrestor and the ID fan before discharge through the
stack. All of the particulate matter from the process and the fly ash are
It is one of the cheapest FGD processes to install but can be expensive to carried with the flue gas into the dust arrestor – an ESP or FF.
operate because it is inefficient in its use of sorbent. Because of this,
furnace sorbent injection is most suitable for retrofit situations. It is well The process has been demonstrated on four full-scale, coal-fired boilers of
suited to a situation where only a low SO2-removal efficiency is required, 80-575MWe in the USA. It has also been demonstrated on a 120MWe
and where there is little space available in the unit plant area. The fly ash boiler in the UK by PowerGen.
can not be collected separately from the spent sorbent. Consequently all
the furnace ash as well as the solid by-product mixture must be dumped. Combined SO x /NO x Removal Systems

The Sodium Bicarbonate Injection Process Both SO2 and oxides of nitrogen (NOx) are present in flue gases. Since
emissions of both are regulated, it would, in principle, be highly desirable
This process involves the direct injection of dry sodium bicarbonate into to remove both using the same process. However, despite the fact that
the flue gas duct downstream of the airheater, to react with and remove both are acidic (and therefore amenable to reaction with a range of
acidic compounds such as SO2, SO3 and HCl. The final product is a dry alkaline substances), in practice, separate methods are normally used for
powdered mixture of sodium compounds and fly ash. It is suitable the control of each: conventional FGD processes are used to restrict SO2
primarily for those applications where a moderate degree of emissions and NOx are limited either by combustion measures or selective
desulphurisation is required at low capital cost, although it should be catalytic reduction (SCR). One reason for this is that any combined
noted that the reagent itself, sodium bicarbonate, is relatively expensive. SOx/NOx-removal system would have to be sufficiently effective at
removing both species that no further system was required.

Several combined SOx/NOx-removal systems have, however, been

Boiler developed to the point where they are suitable for deployment on utility-
ESP Flue scale boilers. One of the most advanced of these is the SNOX process
(Figure 11).

The SNOX process has been developed by the Danish company Haldor
Topsøe. The process is located downstream of the particulate control
ID fan
device. The flue gas is reheated and then undergoes SCR. The flue gas is
Blower then further heated and a second catalytic reactor oxidises SO2 to SO3.
silo The gas is then cooled to condense out the SO3 as sulphuric acid. The
Air compressor Water for Dry product
condenser uses glass tubes to prevent excessive acid corrosion.
for disposal

Water A further point about the process is that, since both the oxidation of SO2
to SO3 and the reaction of water vapour with SO3 to form sulphuric acid
Lime reception
system are exothermic, for high-sulphur coals (ie >~2.5%) the heat released is
V Lime sufficient to offset the auxiliary power consumption. The process uses no
feed bin Hydrator reagents other than ammonia and produces sulphuric acid of saleable
Blower quality.

Large SNOX units have been built on plant in Denmark, Italy and the USA,
with smaller units in Japan, the Czech Republic, Italy and Denmark. A SNOX
Figure 10. FGD using furnace sorbent injection unit has been operational on Unit 2 (305MWe) of Elsam’s Nordjyllansværket



Boiler Cooling
Flue To disposal burner
Air preheater Clean flue gas
Air Hot air discharge
Flue gas
Flue gas heater (WSA Tower)

Sulphuric acid
Baghouse collector

Support Ammonia
Ash burner
Catalytic NOx Acid storage
reactor tank
Ash to disposal

Hot air
Natural gas
Support Catalytic SO2
burner reactor

Figure 11. The SNOX process for the combined removal of NO x and SO x (From the USDOE Website)
1751 TSR 012 31/5/00 3:59 pm Page 8

in Denmark since 1991. SNOX has also been installed in the USA under the
United States Department of Energy’s (USDOE’s) Clean Coal Technology

Total plant cost

Demonstration Program. A small unit was installed on a slip-stream (35MWe
equivalent) of Unit 2 at Ohio Edison’s Niles station in Ohio.

Costs of FGD plant are very site-specific. The capital costs of FGD plant Limestone Lime CFB Ammonia Wellman-
are difficult to accurately assess as they are considerably influenced by Gypsum spray-dry scrubbing Lord
market conditions and other factors, eg geographical location and the
amount of preparatory site work required. Running costs depend on the
Reagent handling SO2 removal
costs of sorbents, the costs associated with disposal of the by-products
Flue gas handling By-product handling
and power costs, all of which are influenced by local conditions.
General & additional equipment Engineering & contingency
Capital Costs

Bid costs of FGD plant depend on market conditions and other commercial
factors. Such costs are seldom disclosed. In addition, the cost of the FGD Figure 13. Indicative relative costs of FGD processes (After EPRI, 1992)
plant obviously depends on technical factors, eg:
Operating Costs
• volume of flue gas to be treated
Operating Costs can be split into variable and fixed costs.
• concentration of SO2 in the flue gas
Variable costs cover such aspects of operation as reagents, by-product
• degree of desulphurisation required disposal and utilities (steam, power, water etc). Reagent costs will be
approximately proportional to the amount of SO2 removed, although they
• quality of the by-products produced
will also be influenced by the chemical stoichiometry, which may vary as
• other environmental constraints, eg permitted waste water discharges the degree of desulphurisation changes. Similarly, by-product disposal
costs will be proportional to the amount of by-product produced (and will
• the need or otherwise for flue gas reheat be negative if the by-product can be sold). Costs of steam, power, water
etc will be determined both by the amount of flue gas processed and by
• the degree of reliability and redundancy required the throughput of reagents and by-products.
• design life. Reagent and by-product costs can be considerably influenced by the
Capital costs of FGD plant have been falling in real terms over many years. location of the plant. The total cost of a reagent to the plant will include
This is partly due to improvements in design and also partly due to less a transport cost, and so the proximity (or otherwise) of a suitable
redundancy as suppliers become more knowledgeable about the abilities of limestone mine, for example, can be an important consideration. Similarly,
the technology. For example, many early FGD units had multiple and/or the economics of an FGD process benefit from the proximity of a
spare absorber towers – this is now seldom the case. The downward trend convenient disposal point for the by-products; eg the limestone/gypsum
in FGD costs is shown schematically in Figure 12. Current costs of FGD FGD plant at Ratcliffe-on-Soar Power Station benefits from having a major
plant are roughly in the range $100-125 kW-1 (£65-80 kW-1), with further user of gypsum located nearby.
falls in cost anticipated in 2000 and beyond. Indicative relative variable running costs for several FGD processes are
shown in Figure 14.
Installed cost ($ kW-1)

Variable costs




Limestone Lime CFB Ammonia Wellman-
0 Gypsum spray-dry scrubbing Lord
1970 1980 1990 1997 2000

Year Reagents Utilities By-products

Figure 12. Reductions in the cost of retrofit FGD units in the USA (After Broward &
Brinkmann) Figure 14. Indicative relative variable operating costs (After EPRI, 1992)

In general, those processes that produce a saleable by-product, such as

Differences in the capital costs of different FGD processes are determined gypsum (limestone gypsum) or ammonium sulphate (ammonia scrubbing),
by the degree of complexity of the process, the amount of engineering have lower nett operating costs than those processes that produce a non-
required and other factors. FGD processes in which the sorbent is saleable by-product that incurs disposal costs. Actual variable operating
processed to give a saleable by-product (eg limestone gypsum, ammonia costs can depend critically on the actual market conditions for sorbents, by-
scrubbing) or in which the sorbent is regenerable (eg Wellman-Lord) have products, disposal costs etc, and these can be very location-specific. As a
higher capital costs than other processes (see Figure 13). general guide, variable operating costs can be in the order of £2 per MWh.
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A survey of potential markets for clean coal technologies, published by the

International Energy Agency (IEA) in 1996, identified opportunities for FGD
retrofits to existing coal-fired units. It also estimated the market for new
pulverised fuel (pf)-fired units; since some or many of these new units will
be fitted with FGD as a matter of course, an overall estimate of the market
Fixed cost

for FGD plant, for coal-fired plant, can be made for the next decade.

The total market for FGD plant is likely to exceed £1Bn per year over the
next 10 years.
Limestone Lime CFB Ammonia Wellman-
Gypsum Spray-dry scrubbing Lord North America

Operations Maintenance Admin & support A considerable fraction of the coal-fired capacity in Canada and the USA
has FGD (retro)fitted. However, there is significant scope for further FGD
retrofits, as legislation governing air quality is being progressively
tightened. In addition, there will be some new build of coal-fired units.
Figure 15. Comparative fixed operating and maintenance costs for FGD processes
Although a substantial proportion of this build will be integrated
Fixed costs cover such aspects as operating labour, maintenance (both gasification combined cycle (IGCC) or fluidised bed combustion (FBC) that
materials and labour) and administration. do not require FGD, there will be some new pf-fired units that will
certainly require FGD. Overall, therefore, North America will continue to
Maintenance costs are usually correlated or estimated as a percentage of be one of the major markets for FGD plant worldwide.
the total plant cost. The actual percentage of plant cost depends on the
type of unit operation, with unit operations such as solids handling, or Europe
those involving high temperatures or pressures, requiring more
maintenance than a process that involves liquids and gases at ambient The two factors limiting the future market for FGD plant in Western
conditions (see Figure 15). Europe are (i) a large proportion of coal-fired plant are already fitted with
FGD, thus reducing the market for further retrofits, and (ii) the switch to
Maintenance costs are usually taken to be independent of plant operating gas as the preferred fuel for power generation limits the amount of new
hours or operating regime. In reality both these affect maintenance costs. coal-fired capacity that will be built.
The number of start-ups, in particular, can have a very significant effect on
the rate of degradation of plant components, due to the mechanical and Overall, therefore, the market for FGD in Western Europe is in its mature
thermal stresses that the start-up procedure imposes on the plant. Specific phase, with the majority of units having already been (retro)fitted with FGD.
examples include the effects of thermal cycling on the linings used in FGD
absorbers and the additional rotational loads on motors and pumps as they Parts of Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union (FSU) are very
are accelerated to operating speed. This, however, is still a relatively dependent on coal, not only for power generation but also for industrial
poorly understood area. and domestic use. Under Communist regimes, environmental protection
was sacrificed to economic development and there was no
desulphurisation. In the last 10 years, FGD has been introduced into parts
FUTURE MARKETS FOR FGD of Eastern Europe; however, this has been constrained by cost.
The future market for FGD plant will be mostly, although not exclusively,
The countries in this region most dependent on coal are the Czech
for use with coal-fired power stations. This market can be divided into
Republic, Poland, Bulgaria, Russia and Ukraine. Nearly all of the coal-fired
two classes: retrofits to existing units and FGD equipment for new units.
power stations in the Czech Republic have now been retrofitted with FGD.
The former will be more important for parts of the world such as Western
The most important market for FGD in Eastern Europe at the moment is
Europe, where there is unlikely to be any significant new build of coal-fired
probably Poland. Poland has ~28GWe of coal-fired plant; of this, 10GWe
power stations in the next 10 years. The latter will be more important for
has been or is currently being retrofitted with FGD. Plans exist to retrofit
parts of the world such as India and China.
most of the main coal-fired power stations there. Bulgaria is another
Other potential markets for FGD include: oil-fired boilers, sulphuric acid country with significant coal-burning capacity; its indigenous lignite is very
plant, cement kilns, other industrial boilers and oil refinery fluid catalytic high in both sulphur and ash, making Bulgarian power stations highly
cracking units (FCCUs). polluting. As yet, only a very small proportion of its coal-fired plant has
been fitted with FGD. The major factor limiting the uptake of FGD is the
cost. The same applies to both the Russian Federation and Ukraine, both
50 of which have very significant coal-fired generating capacity and coal-fired
industrial boilers.
Retrofits New Units Total

South Asia
Capacity in GWe


Both Pakistan and India rely heavily on thermal power plant for power
supply. India has a large number of coal-fired units burning indigenous
coals. These coals are generally high in ash but low in sulphur, and the
emphasis on environmental control so far has been mostly on fitting or
retrofitting ESPs to control particulate emissions. Very few Indian power
plant have FGD (one exception is the Tata-owned plant at Trombay near
Mumbai, which uses SWW – Figure 17) and very few if any of the new
Central & Eastern Europe
North America

and Former Soviet Union

Central & South America

Western Europe

South Asia


East Asia

Japan, Australia
and New Zealand


coal-fired plant have provision for FGD. Recent units commissioned in

Pakistan have been based on fluidised bed boilers. There will be some
market for retrofit FGD and a larger market for FGD for new plant.

Figure 16. Estimated total market for FGD for coal-fired power plant, 1996-2010
(After IEA)
1751 TSR 012 31/5/00 3:59 pm Page 10

The massive increase in electrical generating capacity required to keep pace

with increasing power demand means that the emphasis for FGD will be on
new units rather than retrofits. However, it should be noted that most
current coal-fired independent power projects (IPPs) in China lack FGD.

Japan, Australia and New Zealand

These three developed countries of the Pacific Rim vary in terms of

electricity generation. Coal plays a very minor role in the generation of
power in New Zealand. Australia, particularly the eastern part, depends
heavily on coal for power generation. Australian coal is relatively low in
sulphur, thus sulphur emissions have not hitherto been a major issue and
none of the major coal-burning stations is fitted with FGD. Japan
generates power mostly from gas, oil and nuclear. Its coal-fired units are
all equipped with FGD. The absolute amount of power generated from
coal is set to rise as older oil-fired units are replaced, and these new coal-
fired units will require FGD, although a significant proportion of new coal-
fired units in Japan may well employ pressurised fluidised bed combustion

East Asia

Many of the countries in this region have recently undergone (South

Korea) or are currently undergoing (eg Malaysia, Indonesia) rapid economic
expansion with a consequent increase in power demand. However,
economic growth in many of these countries has recently, albeit
temporarily, stalled.

It is anticipated that much of the new generating capacity will be coal-

fired. Environmental problems resulting from the use of coal have already
been significant in some areas and some of the countries in this region
have already installed FGD.

Figure 17. SWW FGD plant at Tata Electric’s Trombay plant, India (Courtesy of ABB
Alstom Power)


Coal is China’s primary indigenous fuel source and is in widespread use for
power generation and for industrial and domestic purposes. The
widespread use of coal on a significant scale with very few environmental
controls has resulted in China having significant pollution problems.
China’s ninth Five Year Plan (1996-2000) is the first to address
environmental protection, and includes provision to reduce emissions from
the coal and oil industries.

FGD plant was introduced into China in the early 1990s (Figure 18). So
far, very few plant have been built, and the emphasis has been on trying
one of each type in an attempt to determine which are the most suitable
technologies for China. Many of the plant so far built have been
supported by the World Bank.

Figure 19. LLB SWW plant at Paiton, Indonesia (Courtesy of LLB)

Figure 18. Luohuang FGD plant under construction in China (Courtesy MHI)
1751 TSR 012 31/5/00 3:59 pm Page 11

Central and South America As FGD plant designs have improved and environmental standards have
become more onerous, there has been a need to upgrade the performance
Coal plays only a very minor role in power generation in Central and South of older and less well-designed plant. Many of the leading suppliers have
America. The market for FGD for new and retrofit units is unlikely to been involved in this already, eg fitting trays or improved spray header
exceed 1GWe in the next 10 years. arrangements, improved nozzles, or better packing. There will be a steady
demand for this type of improvement of older plant in the future,
Africa including such recent innovations as double open-ended hollow cone
nozzles, to provide co-current scrubbing, as well as increased limestone
Coal is the predominant source of power in South Africa and in some loading, finer grinds and/or organic additives.
neighbouring states. The IEA forecasts that there could be 4GWe of FGD
retrofitted to existing plant; in addition, a further 4GWe of FGD could be
required for new units.

Improvements to Existing Processes

Work is ongoing in a number of fields to improve currently-existing FGD

processes. Much of the work is focused on limestone/gypsum and other
wet scrubbing processes, since these represent the most common type
worldwide. Specific areas of improvement include higher desulphurisation
efficiencies, lower capital and operating costs and better reliability.

One of the most noticeable developments is in the scale-up in absorber

size. At one time, it was not uncommon to have multiple scrubbers for
one boiler, partly for redundancy reasons. Experience with larger FGD
units, and confidence in the high reliability of FGD plant, has given
suppliers the confidence to move firstly to single absorbers for even the
largest units (up to 1000MWe) and, recently, to install one FGD unit
serving two large (~400MWe) boilers. Scaling-up plant size in this way
considerably reduces the overall capital costs, since one absorber is usually
cheaper than two of half the throughput: the amount of steel etc used is
much less and fabrication procedures are also reduced.

Costs have also been reduced by increases in the gas velocity, and thus
flowrate, through the absorber. This results in a smaller (and thus cheaper)
absorber for the same gas flow. Until recently, a design velocity of ~3m s-1
was usual; however, velocities of ~4m s-1 are now being adopted and
4.5m s-1 is considered possible. Reductions in tower height are also being
investigated, as the processes in the scrubber and sump are better
understood and this allows scrubbers to be designed with shorter gas and
particle residence times.

Aerodynamic modelling and computational fluid dynamics (CFD)

simulations of the gas and liquid flows in absorbers are proving invaluable
in ensuring better gas/liquid contact and increased rates of mass transfer.
This aids the development of better nozzle and contacter designs and mist
eliminators. A further improvement to the limestone gypsum process is Figure 20. GSA absorber (Courtesy of FLS Miljø)
the use of higher-concentration limestone slurries. This gives better mass
transfer and also reduces running costs, as the amount of liquid or slurry
New Processes
to be pumped is reduced.
Processes are under development in which the flue gas is irradiated with
There have been important developments in the major plant components electron beams in order to convert the SOx (and NOx) into more reactive
throughout the last 30 years, in parallel with the process developments. species that can be removed from the flue gas more easily. Most variants
These include larger booster fans and a move towards axial rather than of this process combine the process with the injection of ammonia for NOx
centrifugal designs. These require far less power at reduced boiler loads. control. High-energy electrons react with molecules in the flue gas to
The development of larger and more efficient fans will be advantageous to produce radicals that then react with the SOx and NOx in the flue gas to
the development and acceptance of very large absorbers. Gas/gas produce sulphuric and nitric acids that in turn react with ammonia or some
exchangers are another area of work, with the use of liquid-coupled other alkali.
heaters (or other low-leakage exchangers) reducing the amount of gas
Research on electron beam processes was started in Japan in 1970, but
leakage between the clean and raw gas sides of the flue gas path.
they are only now reaching the point of commercial-scale demonstration.
Further development of corrosion-resistant materials continues. Some One of the most advanced of the processes under development is that of
slightly improved or lower cost alloys have come onto the market, and a the EBARA Corporation (Figure 21). Flue gas from the ESPs is cooled and
vinyl ester resin with mica rather than glass flakes has been developed, enters the process vessel in which ammonia is added and the gas irradiated
which will withstand slightly higher flue gas temperatures. Glass with electrons. Ammonium sulphate and nitrate are formed and are carried
reinforced fibre (GRP) pipe sizes have increased to the point where they are in the gas as an aerosol. The ammonium salts are removed downstream of
now used for the manufacture of small absorbers, up to ~80MWe the reaction vessel using a further ESP, and the salts are recovered and sold
equivalent or larger in size. Further use of (larger) GRP scrubbers can be as fertiliser. The process has recently been tested at the 90MW e scale on
expected, in many cases offering lower costs, with better corrosion and the Chengdu Power Station belonging to the Sichuan Electric Power
weather resistance and easier maintenance than for metal absorbers. Company; 80% SOx and 20% NOx reductions were achieved.

One area where there is a need for improved materials is in FGD recycle Considerable research effort has been expended on the development of
pumps. Under certain operating conditions these can have a relatively dry sorbent-based FGD systems that are also capable of removing NOx. Up
short life. Rubber internals can suffer damage through contact with solids, to 90% NOx reduction has been achieved in some pilot-scale reactors.
and metal casings and impellers can suffer corrosion and cracking, MHI and Hokkaido Electric have been jointly developing the LILAC (lively
particularly in high-chloride environments. intensified lime ash compound) process. The reagent is a mixture of lime,
1751 TSR 012 31/5/00 3:59 pm Page 12

fly ash and spent sorbent (or gypsum). It is claimed that this is made dozen or more centrifuges, which can represent a considerable expense;
highly reactive towards SO2 and NOx through curing with hot water. The scale-up of the technology could reduce costs. Furthermore, centrifuges
reagent can be sprayed into the flue gas as a slurry or as a dry powder, work on a cyclic basis, with rapid acceleration and deceleration that puts
and can be used with a spray drier, or injected directly into the flue gas high stresses on the equipment. An alternative, the decanter centrifuge,
duct. This process is still at the development/demonstration stage. It has has so far found only very limited application on FGD plant but
recently been retrofitted to the Huangdao Power Station in China. development work to improve its de-watering efficiency could reduce both
capital and maintenance costs. The further development of steam-heated
A combined SOx/NOx system using regenerable copper oxide adsorbent is vacuum belt filters capable of high levels of de-watering would also be
under development in the USA, named COBRA (copper oxide bed advantageous.
regenerable application). In the process a copper oxide sorbent is used to
remove SO2 in a moving-bed adsorber. The copper oxide is converted to Materials development is required to underpin the work on component
copper sulphate and also acts as a catalyst for the reduction of NOx to improvement outlined above. In addition, the application of metals,
nitrogen using ammonia. The sorbent is regenerated using methane and organic linings and GRP for FGD absorbers, could reduce costs, and
the SO2 liberated is processed to give elemental sulphur or sulphuric acid. improve operational flexibility and reliability.
Tests on the 1MWth scale have shown desulphurisation of >98%.

• A wide variety of FGD technologies are available. The most widely used
processes are the limestone/gypsum (and its variations) and the spray
Flue gas from ESPs
dry process, but newer technologies such as CFB and SWW are rapidly
Water gaining acceptance.
E-beam system

• Overall, there is ~275GWe of FGD plant currently installed worldwide.

ESP • A steady improvement in process design over the years means that
modern designs can achieve 95%+ sulphur removal.
Clean flue gas
Spray to stack • At the same time, costs have fallen steadily and are now equivalent to
cooler $100-125 kW-1 (~£65-80 kW-1).
Process vessel
• Most FGD plant currently operational are in North America, Western
Ammonia Ammonium sulphate/nitrate Europe and Japan. FGD technology is rapidly being deployed in parts of
fertiliser to agglomerator
Eastern Europe, East Asia and South East Asia, and there could be major
market opportunities in China and India.

• Several new processes are under development, many of which are

Figure 21. The EBARA process designed to remove both SOx and NOx.

• At the same time, further improvements are being made to absorber

R&D Needs design and to plant components such as heaters and fans.
Key requirements for FGD systems and plant are:
• high SO2 removal
• Boward, W L and Brinkmann, M S (1998) ‘Retrofit FGD System Price
• high reliability Trends and Influence Factors’, Proceedings of the 60th American Power
Conference, 14–16 April 1998, Chicago
• low auxiliary power consumption
• EPRI (1992) ‘Economic Evaluation of Flue Gas Desulfurisation (FGD)
• use of a single absorber (where applicable) Systems’, EPRI GS-7192, vols 1 and 2
• saleable or usable by-product. • IEA/OECD (1996) ‘Clean Coal Technology: Markets and Opportunities
to 2010’
R&D work required to support these requirements can be split into process,
component and materials development. • Singer, J G (1991) ‘Combustion Fossil Power – A Reference Book on Fuel
Burning and Steam Generation’, Edited by J G Singer. Fourth Edition.
Process improvement entails such R&D aspects as better understanding of
Published by Combustion Engineering Inc. ABB Windsor Connecticut.
the flow regimes in absorbers and the nature of the mass transfer
ISBN 0-9605974-0-9
phenomena in both wet and semi-dry processes. In addition, the more
onerous operating regimes that FGD plant are now operating under mean • Takeshita, M and Soud, H (1993) ‘FGD Performance and Experience on
that work needs to be undertaken to understand the long-term effects of Coal Fired Plants’, IEACR/58, IEA Coal Research, London, July 1993.
plant cycling and of repeated start-ups and shut-downs, and the optimum
condition in which to leave FGD plant standing idle. Work is also required
on the utilisation of semi-dry process by-products.

The UK has a particular strength in the supply of components for FGD

plant, particularly gas/gas reheaters, fans, pumps and gypsum de-watering
equipment. Most gas/gas reheaters currently installed on FGD plant are of
the rotary regenerative type. These generally perform well, but they can
be susceptible to corrosion and inevitably there is a degree of gas leakage,
with untreated sour gas crossing over to the clean gas side, reducing the
SOx removal of the overall process. There is thus a need for the
development of improved designs with greater corrosion resistance and
better sealing.

Gypsum slurry and recycle pumps are widely used in FGD plant but can
suffer from corrosion (if not rubber-lined) or erosion (if rubber-lined).
Increased corrosion/erosion resistance will reduce FGD plant downtime and
maintenance costs. Gypsum de-watering is undertaken using basket
centrifuges or vacuum belt filters. Large FGD plant typically require a
1751 TSR 012 31/5/00 3:59 pm Page 13

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