Automation Library: Basics

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Technical Reference

Automation Library
Revision (2.0)Items in blue are compatible with PSCAD 4.6.2

This is a reference used to describe the PSCAD Python function calls that are available in the
Automation Library. This document will be continuously updated as functions are added.

PSCAD is a highly structure environment. By design the control and function of the software
is organized in a series of access object that are organized in a hierarchy. Each object
provides functionality at an increasing level of detail. To manipulate the details at lower
levels, the strategy is to access individual controllers that are specifically tailored for that
level of detail. Using abstraction as a natural part of the language, these controllers can be
manipulated with relative ease.

This document outlines the controller function starting with the highest level types and
working its way down the lowest and most detailed types. Each controller has relatively few
methods so that they may be easy to use.

System Dependencies
Standard Operating System parameters and functions
This module provides a portable way of using operating system dependent functionality.

import os

Standard System-specific parameters and functions

This module provides access to some variables used or maintained by the interpreter and to
functions that interact strongly with the interpreter.

import sys

Standard Logging parameters and functions

This module defines functions and classes which implement a flexible event logging system
for applications and libraries. (

import logging

Define a path to the PSCAD Automation library

This will allow this script to import classes and functions from the Automation library.

sys.path.append(r"C:\Program Files (x86)\AutomatedTestSuite")

Import the Controller functions
From the Automation library, this is the controller that is used to launch PSCAD.

import automation.controller

Import the win32com.client functions

The modules in this package allow for dynamic usage of COM clients by Python scripts.

import win32com.client

Import the shutil functions

The shutil module offers a number of high-level operations on files and collections of files.
In particular, functions are provided which support file copying and removal.

import shutil

Import Dispatch function/generate the cache list of available COM commands

The Dispatch function will allow you to open any program installed on the windows
operating system that has a COM interface. Such programs include MS Excel, Word, and

from win32com.client.gencache import EnsureDispatch as Dispatch

Import custom Microsoft Word utility

The Word utility is a special collecting of functions that can be used to interact with
Microsoft Word

from automation.utilities.word import Word

Import custom File utility

The File utility is a special collection of functions that can be used to easily manipulate files

from automation.utilities.file import File

Import custom Mail utility

The Mail utility allows you to send emails using Outlook or other web based emails

from automation.utilities.mail import Mail

Automation Controller
Note: Versions of installed PSCAD and FORTRAN compilers can be found in a log file
C:\Users\Public\Documents\Manitoba HVDC Research Centre\ATS\ProductList.xml

The Automation Controller is used to launch the application or perform other high level
functions. To access the functionality get the controller object through an access method.
The left hand side (LHS) reference will provide access to the controller methods.

controller = automation.controller.Controller()

Application command functions are the top level of commands that operate on the core
functions. There are only a few commands in this set as it is used primarily for starting,
loading and terminating the application. These commands are embedded in the automation
controller module itself.
The application can be launched using the automation controller. In this case we have
instructed the application to silence all dialogue boxes. The object returned is then used to
provide application control from that point forward.

pscad = controller.launch("PSCAD 4.6 (x64)", options={'silence': True})

Product = product identity string
Options = command line options

You can view your installed PSCAD version strings here:

C:\Users\Public\Documents\Manitoba HVDC Research Centre\ATS

Application Controller
Once an application controller is established

New workspace
This function will create a brand new workspace


The application can be shut down using the quit command.


Set the compiler

You can set the compiler to any installed FORTRAN compiler.

settings(cl_use_advanced='true', fortran_version='GFortran 4.6.2')

cl_use_advanced = 'true' enable Certificate licensing false will use dongle
fortran_version = string that defines fortran version to enable

You can view your installed Fortran version string here:

C:\Users\Public\Documents\Manitoba HVDC Research Centre\ATS



Access Project Controller

Get a handle to any project, for example test

project = project("test")

Run all simulation sets

You can run all of the simulation sets by calling this one command

Navigate up
This command will mimic the navigate up command

Workspace Controller
workspace controller
Get the workspace controller from the application controller

ws = pscad.workspace()

New Project
Creates a new project with the specified name

create_project("selection", "name", "path")

selection = 1 for project
'name= name of the project
'path' = path to a directory

create_project("1", "HelloProject", r"C:\test")

This call will create a new project called HelloProject and place it in a folder called test in
the C drive

New Library
Creates a new library with the specified name

create_project("selection", "name", "path")

selection = 2 for library
'name= name of the library
'path' = path to a directory

create_project("2", "HelloLib", r"C:\test")

This call will create a new project called HelloLib and place it in a folder called test in the
C drive

Simulation Sets

Create a simulation set

Creates a new simulation set with a given name


Remove simulation set

Remove simulation sets from a workspace


Get a simulation set

Gets a controller to a specific simulation set

ss = ws.simulation_set("test")

Add Projects to a simulation set

Add multiple projects to any simulation set

ss.add_tasks("project1", "project2")

Remove Projects from a simulation set

Add multiple projects to any simulation set

ss.remove_tasks("project1", "project2")

Run simulation set

Run a specific simulation set

Run all simulation sets

You can run all of the simulation sets by using the application controller

Project Controller
Project Focus
Put project in focus, this is like selecting a project.


Project Run
This command is used to run a project


Layers enable/disable
You can specify a layer and enable/disable it

set_layer('Harmonic_Impedance', 'enabled')

Get Canvas
Get a handle to any canvas, for example Main

user_canvas('name of canvas')

Project Save
This command will save the project


Project Save As
This command will save the project with a specified name

save_as("Some Project Name")

Canvas Controller
Get Component
Get a handle to any user component by using the component ID. You get the ID of any
component by right clicking and reading its attributes


Add component instance from a library or project

This function will create an instance of a component from specified library or project

add_component('library or project', 'component')

'library or project' = name of library or project where the component is
'component' = name of the component

add_component('Master', 'capacitor')

This call will add capacitor from the Master Library to the current canvas

Add a wire to the canvas

This function will create wire from the specified start and end points. The wire will offset if
the coordinates do not form a straight line

add_wire((54,18), (180,36))

Get Transmission Line

Get a handle to any transmission line by using the component ID, exactly like getting User
Components. In the example script we are getting a transmission line with the ID =

Get Cable
Get a handle to any cable by using the component ID, exactly like getting User Components.
In the example script we are getting a transmission line with the ID = 1935965525


Select canvas components

Create a selection of components; this mimics a box selection using a mouse. You must first
get the canvas coordinates that define a box region. The coordinates are displayed and
change when you move your mouse around the canvas region.


Copy selection as Metafile

This command tells PSCAD to copy the current selection of components as a Metafile and
send the image to the Windows clipboard


Copy selection as Bitmap

This command tells PSCAD to copy the current selection of components as a Bitmap and
send the image to the Windows clipboard


Clear Selection
This command clears any selected components. This mimics the action of a single click on
the canvas.

Component command functions
Set the parameters of any component
You can set the parameters of a user component by first determining what the parameter
variable is. Simply open the parameters of the component and click on the field you want to
change; the variable name will appear below. You can modify more than 1 parameter at the
same time by separating them with a comma in the set_parameters call.

You can also view all the parameter symbols of a component by viewing the Properties


Navigate into page module or edit definition of a component

This function will navigate into a page module.


Set component Location

This function will move a component to a specified location.
You can determine canvas coordinates by seeing where the mouse is

set_location(20, 20)
Get component Location
This function will get the current location of a component on the canvas.

File utility functions
New folder
Create a new folder at a specified path


Move Files
Move files with specific files extensions from a source folder to a destination folder. In the
example snippet, we are moving all files of type .out and .inf

File.move_files(r"C:\testing\project.gf46", r"C:\testing\output_folder",
".out", ".inf")

Convert files from .out to .csv

This custom function will convert a given PSCAD.out file to a comma separated variable .csv
In the example we are taking a file called Harm.out located in some folder and creating a
new csv file called Harm.csv

File.convert_out_to_csv(src_folder, "Harm.out", "Harm.csv")

Microsoft Word utility functions

Open Microsoft Word
This function starts Word with a default state with no document


New document
This function will add a new document to Word


Add text
This function will add the specified text and allow you to change font size and specify
whether or not the text is bold

textParagraph("some text", 20, True)

Add page break

This function will add a page break, essentially starting a new page


Paste from Windows clipboard

This function will paste anything from the Windows Clipboard into Word


Python Recipes Microsoft Excel

Open Microsoft Excel
This function starts Excel with a default state with no sheet


Make Excel visible

This function starts Excel with a default state with no sheet

Visible = True

Open a file
This function will load a file into Excel. A full path must be specified


Get a specific workbook

This function will retrieve a workbook. All workbooks are indexed as you add them. This
example gets the first one.


Get a specific worksheet

This function will retrieve a worksheet. All worksheets are indexed as you add them. This
example gets the first one.


Get a specific column

This function will retrieve a column. All columns are indexed as you add them. This example
gets the first one.


Select all rows of a column

This function will select all rows of a specific column

Add a chart to a specific workbook
This function will use a workbook object and add a chart to it


Get a specific chart

This function will retrieve a chart. All charts are indexed as you add them. This example
gets the first one.

chart = chart type

This is how you change chart types in Excel. A list of types can be found here:

chart.ChartType = win32com.client.constants.xlXYScatter

Activate a specific worksheet

This is how you select or bring a specific worksheet into the main view of Excel

workbook.Sheets("worksheet name").Activate()

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