Neutron Interaction With Matter
Neutron Interaction With Matter
Neutron Interaction With Matter
The Neutron
Diffraction Fission
Elastic Scattering
1. Diffraction:
Neutrons as Wave-like Probes of Matter
• Basic quantum mechanics tells us that the neutron exhibits wave-like properties.
• The wavelength is defined by the de Broglie relation.
• Thermal/cold neutrons have wavelengths on the order of crystal lattice spacing.
• Neutrons are therefore a natural complement to X-rays in condensed matter
physics. They are sensitive to magnetic distributions, not charge distributions.
2. Elastic Neutron-Nucleus
Scattering A(n,n)A
5. Inelastic Scattering
• When neutron-nucleus
scattering occurs with
neutron energies above
several MeV, it becomes
possible for the neutron to
transfer sufficient energy to
the target nucleus to induce
an excited nuclear state.
• Neutrons which are
inelastically scattered
typically lose large fractions
of their initial energy, while
secondary radiation is
produced as the target Univ. Rochester, Nuclear Science and Technology
nucleus returns to its ground
Neutron Interactions with Matter
• Neutron induced nuclear fission, whereby a heavy nucleus is split into two or more
smaller nuclei, was discovered by Hahn, Strassmann, Frisch and Meitner in 1939.
• Because the nuclear binding energies of these smaller nuclei (fission products,
with Z around 100) are larger than the binding energies of heavy nuclei, nuclear
fission is associated with large releases of energy.
• Many heavy nuclei are fissionable but Uranium,
Plutonium and Thorium are the most important
fissile nuclides in the nuclear fuel cycle.
• By-products of fission include neutrons, photons
and other radiation types. This leads to the concepts
of neutron multiplication and chain reaction.
• First sustained chain reaction took place in 1942 in
Chicago (CP-1) by a team led by Fermi.
• More on nuclear fission in the next talk ...
Neutron Interactions with Matter