Static Structural With Linear Material Models Tutorial: 2-D Beam Frame Model

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Static Structural with Linear Material Models Tutorial

2-D Beam Frame Model

Part Number 0411.531

Revision 13.02
June 2001
June 13, 2001

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Please refer to Appendix B to see a list of the ALGOR software programs and version numbers used in this tutorial. If you
have any problems running this tutorial, please contact your account representative or technical support.

Copyright  2001 ALGOR, Inc.

All rights reserved. This publication may not be reproduced in any form, by any method, for any purpose, either in part or in
its entirety, without the expressed written permission of ALGOR, Inc.

This publication describes the state of ALGOR software at the time of its printing and may not reflect the software at all times
in the future. This publication may be changed without notice. This publication is not designed to transmit any engineering
knowledge relating specifically to any company or individual engineering project. In providing this publication, ALGOR does
not assume the role of engineering consultant to any user of this publication and hereby disclaims any and all responsibility
for any errors or omissions arising out of any engineering activity in which this publication may be utilized.

This document has been designed to be printed on the customer's local computer and printer. ALGOR cannot be held
responsible for any errors incurred in the printing of this document.

2-D Beam Frame Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 2
The Purpose of this Tutorial

Welcome to the ALGOR Design and Finite Element Analysis (FEA) Systemthe best value in desktop computer FEA. This
Static Structural with Linear Material Models Tutorial provides an introduction to the system in general and the Beam Design
Editor program in particular.

After working through the tutorial’s demonstration model of a two-dimensional beam frame, you should have a basic
understanding of how the system works. You should also have a good appreciation for some of the advanced modeling tools
included in the ALGOR Design and FEA System.

For additional information about FEA, see Appendix A. For complete product and purchasing information, please contact
your account representative at ALGOR, Inc., by calling +1 (412) 967-2700.

2-D Beam Frame Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 3
Tutorial Conventions
To make this tutorial easy to use, the following conventions will be employed. For the command conventions, the item (or an
example of one) that you need to perform is noted in bold on the left. To the right of the item is a short description of the
action and/or results of the action.

User Input Notation Conventions

algframe Type "algframe" using the keyboard. Text that you need to type is noted in bold type using a Courier

<Esc> Press the <Esc> key (or choose "Esc" from the current menu if using Superview). Some of the other
keys expressed in this manner are <Enter>, <Tab> and the function keys, for example <F9>.

<Ctrl>-c Press <Ctrl> and the letter "c" simultaneously. Keys to be pressed at the same time are
shown with a hyphen between them.

"Enclose" Choose the "Enclose" option. The names of pop-up menus, options and buttons are enclosed in
quotation marks and shown as they are on the screen.

"Selection: Access the SELECTION pull-down menu and choose the "Shape" option. Then, from the cascading
Shape:Point" menu, choose "Point". Commands in sequences are separated by colons.

Mouse Use the mouse to click on the specified location. ALGOR software is designed for a two-button mouse.
Where "click" or "left click" is used, you should press the left mouse button. "Right click" means you
should press the right mouse button. If you have a three-button mouse, you will not use your middle
button for ALGOR software.

In the tables throughout this tutorial, input instructions for using toolbars and pull-down menus are in the two left columns.
Descriptions or more detailed instructions are given in the right column. For example:

Selection "Selection:Shape:Point" Access the SELECTION pull-down menu and choose "Shape" and
then "Point" to activate point selection mode.

Other Notation Conventions

sd3.dmit, an .esx file Filenames and file extensions are lowercase and italic.

filename.doc Filenames that are user-supplied are in bold, lowercase italics.

\model directory Directory names may appear in Courier type and be followed by the term "directory". (The directory
where all your ALGOR software is stored is usually referred to as the algor12 directory, where
"algor12" is in bold, lowercase italics.)

FILE menu Menu names are shown in uppercase characters.

2-D Beam Frame Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 4
The rest of "The Basics" section provides introductory information about ALGOR software. If you would prefer to
immediately begin the tutorial's demonstration model, skip ahead to the "Preprocessing" section.

Starting ALGOR Software

ALGOR software may be started by selecting "Algor FEA" from your Windows environment. Windows 95/98/2000/NT
users will find it from the "Start" button under "Programs:Algor Software".

Alternatively, ALGOR software may be started by double clicking the "Algor Software" icon located on the computer

Navigating the ALGOR Interface

The ALGOR interface has two main parts, the CAD Solid Model Interface and the FEA Object Editor. In either part, you can
access program functions through pull-down menus, pop-up menus, model tree tabs and toolbars. By default, the CAD Solid
Model Interface displays the "Display Options", "File", "Mesh" and "Viewpoint" toolbars, while the FEA Object Editor
displays the "File", "Viewpoint Tools", "Selection Toolbar" and "Display Options" toolbars.

Displaying Toolbars

You can display or hide toolbars or adjust the icon size by accessing the TOOLS pull-down menu and choosing "View
toolbars...". To display the toolbars used in the tutorial but not displayed by default, follow these steps:

"Tools:View toolbars..." In the menu bar, choose TOOLS and then, in the pull-down menu, choose
"View toolbars…". The "Toolbars" pop-up window will appear listing all of
the toolbar names.
Mouse For each toolbar that you wish to display, click on the box to the left. A
checkmark will appear, indicating that that the toolbar is now active. The
toolbar will be displayed on screen.
Note: If you want to hide a toolbar, click on the box to the left of the toolbar
name in the "Toolbars" pop-up window. The checkmark will disappear from
the box and the toolbar will be hidden.
"Close" Click on "Close" to exit the "Toolbars" pop-up window.

In the "Toolbars" pop-up window, you can use the "Large Buttons" and "Cool Look" options to change the size and
appearance of toolbars.

As you build your model, you may find that the toolbars prevent you from seeing the whole model. You can move or resize
the toolbars at your convenience.

2-D Beam Frame Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 5
Moving Toolbars

To move a toolbar, click and hold on the left edge of the toolbar as shown below. Drag it to the desired location and then

Click on the left edge and drag to a new location

Displaying Toolbars as Windows and Resizing Toolbar Windows

A toolbar can be displayed as a window by double clicking on the left edge of the toolbar.

Double-click on the left edge of a toolbar to change to a window

A toolbar window can be moved by clicking on its title and dragging to a new location. To close a toolbar window, click on
the button.

To adjust the size of a toolbar window, position the cursor on the edge of the toolbar that you want to change. As shown
below, the cursor will become a two-headed arrow. Click and hold. Drag the mouse so that the outline of the toolbar changes
to the shape that you want and then release the mouse button.

Click on the desired edge and adjust the toolbar shape

2-D Beam Frame Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 6
Changing Model View

You can change model views by using the number pad keys while simultaneously pressing the <Ctrl> key. The various
number keys represent the appropriate display views for the model, as shown below.

Click on appropriate number (left) to select view (right)

View icons with view names and corresponding number pad key commands

Accessing Help

Help for the ALGOR interface can be obtained by accessing the HELP pull-down menu and then choosing one of the
following options depending on your needs: "Contents", "Index", or "Search". Additional information can be obtained by
using the "Help:Docutech" command sequence to access DocuTech, ALGOR's software documentation information resource
on CD-ROM.

2-D Beam Frame Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 7
The ALGOR Interface

Figure 1 shows the ALGOR interface.

Interface Legend
A. Title Bar: Displays the active program name (CAD Solid Model Interface or FEA Object Editor) and the model name.
B. Menu Bar: The menu bar is located just below the title bar and contains the pull-down menus.
C. Floating Toolbars: These list groups of icons, giving you quick access to many commands.
D. Model Tree: Two tabs (CAD Interface and FEA Editor) provide tree lists for convenient access to model data.
E. Working Area: This region is where modeling activity is displayed. The working area can be divided into multiple
F. Miniaxis: Indicates your viewpoint in relation to the three-dimensional working area.
G. Design Scenario Toolbar: Provides data fields that display current values and enable you to modify values.
H. Status Bar: Displays important messages and pertinent information.

Figure 1: An Overview of the ALGOR Interface

2-D Beam Frame Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 8
2-D Beam Frame Model
In the following demonstration, you will use ALGOR's design and finite element analysis (FEA) software including the Beam
Design Editor to model and analyze a two-dimensional (2-D) frame structure that is made of beams.

In this tutorial, you will perform the following steps:

I. Preprocessing – Create the model geometry using Superdraw III. Specify boundary conditions, nodal forces and material
properties in the FEA Editor. Define cross-sectional properties with the Beam Design Editor. Check the model for errors
using Superview.
II. Processing – Analyze the model using the Linear Stress Analysis Processor. View the processor statistics and summary
III. Postprocessing – View the displacements and stresses graphically with Superview.
IV. Modifying and Reanalyzing - Change the model (i.e., specify different sectional properties, a second load case and a
gravity value), reanalyze it and view the results.

I. Preprocessing
In the preprocessing phase, you will create a 2-D model of the beam frame for analysis.

1. Problem Description

As shown in Figure 2, a frame structure has a length of 700 inches and a height of 200 inches. The bottom left corner is fully
constrained and the bottom right corner is partially constrained (the tx and rz components are unconstrained). Two models
are considered:
1) All members are made of 1-inch square steel bars. A point force loading is applied as 100 pounds on the lower
horizontal line at the third node from the left.
2) All members are changed to W16x31 beams with the web of the I-beams in the XY plane. In addition to the
100-pound load in load case 1, gravity is included. A uniformly distributed load of 10,000 pounds per inch on the
upper horizontal line between the third and fourth nodes from the left is added in load case 2.

Figure 2: Diagram of the Beam Frame Problem

2-D Beam Frame Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 9
2. Creating the Model Geometry with Superdraw III

In this section, you will use Superdraw III to create the geometry of the beam frame model.

Starting ALGOR Software

Start the ALGOR interface from the Windows taskbar.

Note: Alternatively, at the Windows desktop, you could double click on the "Algor Software" icon, .

"Start:Programs:Algor Software: In the Windows taskbar, click on the "Start" button. Use the
Algor FEA" mouse to drag the cursor to "Programs" and then "Algor
Software". Click on "Algor FEA".

The initial ALGOR interface screen will now appear. (It will look similar to Figure 1.) From this screen, you have a variety
of tasks available to you. You can choose an existing model and perform any complete engineering analysis.

Use the ALGOR interface to access Superdraw III.

Transferring to Superdraw III

Every ALGOR software package includes Superdraw III, ALGOR's finite element model-building tool. Although Superdraw
III provides access to all preprocessing, processing and postprocessing functions, it will be used only for some of its
preprocessing functions in this tutorial. The rest will be done using the FEA Object Editor.

"Tools:Transfer to Superdraw" In the ALGOR interface menu bar, access the TOOLS pull-down
menu and choose the "Transfer to Superdraw" option. (See Figure
Note: Alternatively, you could access Superdraw III via the
Windows Start menu by using "Start:Programs:Algor
Software:Superdraw III".

2-D Beam Frame Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 10
Figure 3: Transferring to Superdraw

The ALGOR interface will close, and the initial Superdraw III screen will appear. The Superdraw III interface allows you to
access program functions through pull-down menus and toolbars. Just below the title bar, the menu bar contains the pull-down
menus for accessing key modeling and analysis functions as well as displaying help and accessing DocuTech (ALGOR’s CD-
based documentation and information resource). For more detailed information about the features of Superdraw III, refer to
the Superdraw Reference Division available through DocuTech.

Specifying the Analysis Type

Make sure that the "Model Data Control" window is open. If it is not open, then do the following:

"Tools:Model Data Control…" Click on the TOOLS pull-down menu and select the "Model Data
Control…" option to access the "Model Data Control" pop-up
window. (See Figure 4.)
Note: Alternatively, you could click on the "Model Data" button in
the status bar.

Figure 4: Accessing the "Model Data Control" Pop-Up Window

2-D Beam Frame Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 11
Make sure that the "Analysis Type" field is set to "Linear Static Stress". If it is not, then do the following.

"Analysis Type" Click on the "Analysis Type" field in the "Model Data Control"
pop-up window. (Alternatively, you could use the "Analysis Type"
command under the ANALYZE pull-down menu.)
"Linear Static Stress" Select the "Linear Static Stress" analysis type. (See Figure 5.)

Figure 5: Specifying the Analysis Type

Notice that the analysis type is now shown in the title bar.

Defining the Unit System

Use the "Model Data Control" pop-up window to define the unit system for the model. (Alternatively, you could use the
"Unit System" command under the SETTINGS pull-down menu.)

"Units" In the "Model Data Control" pop-up window, under "FEA Model",
click on the "Units" button. A "NOTE" pop-up window will
prompt you to specify a model name.
"OK" Click on "OK" to close the "NOTE" pop-up window. The "Save
As" pop-up window will appear.
Mouse In the "Save in:" field, use the mouse (or keyboard) to specify the
directory location on your computer where you want the file to be
saved, such as c:\tutorial. (Usually, it is recommended that
the location should be somewhere other than inside your algor12
frame In the "File name:" field, type a name for the model, such as
frame. (See Figure 6.)
"Save" or <Enter> Click on the "Save" button (or press <Enter>) to save the new

2-D Beam Frame Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 12
Figure 6: Entering a Filename for the New Model

Notice that the filename and location that you entered are now shown in the title bar.

The "Units Definition" data entry screen will appear. In the "Unit System" field, make sure that the "English (in)" option is
selected. If it is not, then do the following.

Mouse Use the mouse to click on the "Unit System" field.

"English (in)" Make sure that the "English (in)" option is selected.

Accept the data entered in the "Units Definition" screen.

"OK" Click on the "OK" button to accept the entered data and close the
"Units Definition" data entry screen. (See Figure 7.)

Figure 7: Defining the Unit System

The specified unit system is now shown in the title bar.

Close the "Model Data Control" window to clear the live area.

"Close" In the "Model Data Control" window, click on the "Close" button.

2-D Beam Frame Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 13
Specifying Surface, Layer and Group Properties

In Superdraw III, every line of a model has a surface, layer and group property associated with it by number. You can display
the model according to these different properties by using "Options: Display Model Using…" and then picking "Surface
Number", "Layer Number" or "Group Number". In the status bar, buttons indicate the currently active surface, layer and
group numbers and a yellow highlight box indicates which property is displayed. (See Figure 8.)

Figure 8: Highlighted Group Number Button in the Status Bar

For beam models, group, layer and surface numbers have additional significance. When a Superdraw drawing file is
transferred to the Beam Design Editor, it is automatically converted into a beam element model. The Superdraw group, layer
and surface properties control corresponding Beam Design Editor settings:
• The Superdraw group number corresponds to the Beam Design Editor material property.
• The Superdraw layer number corresponds to the Beam Design Editor sectional property.
• The Superdraw surface number defines the orientation of the beam (strong or weak cross-sectional axis) in the
Beam Design Editor. (For more information about beam orientation, see Appendix C.)

For example, using group 1 in Superdraw III will correspond to material ID 1 in the Beam Design Editor. Using layer 1 will
correspond to sectional ID 1. Using surface 1 will control the orientation of the beams. Therefore, you can specify the group,
layer and surface properties in Superdraw III to control settings in the Beam Design Editor.

For the beam frame model, make sure that the surface, layer and group numbers are all set to the default value, 1. If they are
not, then change them by using "Options:Current Object Parameters" and then either "Surface Number…", "Layer
Number…" or "Group Number…" to access a pop-up table where you can specify 1 as the value.

Defining View Settings

The default window dimensions are 11.0 units wide and 8.5 units high. Because the beam frame is wider than it is long,
change the default width (Xmax) to accommodate the frame geometry. The height (Ymax) need not be changed since the
8.5/11.0 ratio will be maintained.

Note: Setting the window width ahead of time is merely a convenience that will allow you to see the entire model as
it is built. Alternatively, you can begin building the model and use the "View:Enclose" command to enclose the
model whenever it becomes larger than the screen.

"View:Set Window Location..." Change the default window dimensions.

<Tab><Tab>800<Enter> In the dialog bar, tab over to the "Default Xmax" field, type 800
and press <Enter>.

2-D Beam Frame Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 14
Because all coordinates in the model are multiples of 100, it will be convenient to use the screen grid.

Common "Options:Grid Display..." Choose the OPTIONS pull-down menu and then "Grid Display…"
Utilities to access the "Grid" pop-up window.

"Using Points" Select the option to show the screen grid as points.

"Values..." In the "Grid" pop-up window, click on "Values…".

<Tab>100<Tab>100<Enter> Change the DX and DY values of the grid spacing to 100.

"Done" Close the "Grid" pop-up window.
Common "Tools:Snap:To..." Access the "Snap" pop-up menu.

"Grid" Activate the snap-to-grid feature. The coordinates shown in the

status bar will indicate the nearest grid point as you move the
cursor over the grid. (Off-grid points can be input using the
"Options:Input Method..." Choose the OPTIONS pull-down menu and then "Input
Method…" to access the "Input From…" pop-up window.
"Mouse/Tablet" Change to mouse input mode so that you can see the coordinates
displayed in the "X=", "Y=" and "Z=" fields of the status bar as
you move the cursor along the grid. The "Input From…" window
will close.

Drawing the Beam Frame

FEA "FEA Mesh:Automatic Mesh: Access the "Mesh" pop-up menu to create a four-point mesh. Due
Mesh 4 Point..." to the frame's uniform geometry, the model can be conveniently
drawn using Superdraw's automatic meshing capabilities.
Alternatively, you could draw all of the lines individually.
"Division Values..." Select "Division Values…" to specify the mesh spacing.
1<Tab>5<Enter> In the dialog bar, change the values for the AB and BC divisions to
1 and 5, respectively. Based on the four points that we are about
to enter, these divisions correspond to the vertical and horizontal
dimensions of the frame.
Mouse Using the left button, select the following points with the mouse:
(0,200), (0,0), (700,0) and (700,200). The X and Y coordinates
will be shown in the status bar as you move the cursor over the
View "View:Enclose" Enclose the model within the screen. (See Figure 9.)

2-D Beam Frame Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 15
Figure 9: The Four-Point Mesh

Cleaning Duplicate Lines

Modify "Modify:Clean:Duplicate..." Access the "Duplicate" pop-up menu to eliminate any duplicate
Existing lines.

"Perform Cleaning" After performing the cleaning, the following message will appear
in the dialog bar: "16 Kept, 0 Deleted. done." This message
indicates there were no duplicate lines in the model.
Note: In general, after drawing the geometry of a model, it is good
practice to check for duplicate lines.
"Done" Close the "Duplicate" pop-up menu.

3. Converting the Superdraw III Drawing into an FEA Model

Next, you will convert your Superdraw III drawing into an FEA model. Use the FEA Object Editor to define:
• element data
• material property data
• global data
• boundary conditions and loads

Transferring to the FEA Object Editor

Transfer the model from Superdraw III to the FEA Object Editor in the ALGOR interface.

"File:Export to FEA Editor" Access the FILE pull-down menu and select "Export to FEA

Superdraw III will close, the ALGOR interface will open and the model will be redisplayed in the FEA Object Editor.

2-D Beam Frame Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 16
Note: Alternatively you could click on the Windows "Start" menu and then choose "Programs:Algor Software:Algor
FEA" to access the ALGOR interface. Use the "File:Open…" command sequence, and the "Open" pop-up window
will appear. Click on the "Files of type:" field and choose the "Algor Release 12 ESD File (*.esd)" option. In the
"Look in:" field, specify the location where you saved the model in Superdraw III. Double-click on the file to open it
in the FEA Object Editor.

Mouse In the upper right corner of the display window, click on the
maximize button. The model will be redisplayed with the active
window maximized to fill the working area.
View- "View:Enclose" Enclose the model on the screen. (See Figure 10.)

Figure 10: The Model in the FEA Object Editor

Verifying the Unit System

In the model tree, notice that "Units" is listed on the "FEA Editor" tab. The ALGOR software automatically transferred the
model unit system from Superdraw III. Verify the unit system.

Analysis/ "Analysis:Units…" Access the ANALYSIS pull-down menu and choose "Units…".
Results (Alternatively, you could double click on "Units" on the "FEA
Editor" tab.) The "Units Definition" data entry screen will appear.

In the "Unit System" field, notice that the "English (in)" option is selected. (See Figure 11.) If you wanted to change the
units, you could click on "Allow model unit system to be changed" and then modify the data on the "Units Definition" screen.

2-D Beam Frame Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 17
Figure 11: Verifying the Unit System

To leave the default values as they are, do the following.

"Cancel" Click on the "Cancel" button to close the "Units Definition" data
entry screen.

Verifying the Analysis Type

In the design scenario toolbar, located near the bottom of the screen, make sure that the "Analysis type" field is set to "Linear
Static Stress". If it is not, then do the following.

"Analysis type" Click on the "Analysis type" field. A menu of options will appear.
"Linear Static Stress" Choose the "Linear Static Stress" option.

Specifying Global Information

Use the "Global Data" entry screen to specify global information for the model.

Note: In the ALGOR interface, on the FEA Editor tab, a red "X" indicates incomplete information. An analysis
cannot be run until this information is defined. For the beam frame model, there should be a red "X" on the icon to
the left of "Analysis Parameters". After you define analysis parameter data, the red "X" will disappear.

Analysis/ "Analysis:Parameters…" Access the ANALYSIS pull-down menu and choose

Results "Parameters…". The "Global Data" entry screen for "Linear Static
Stress Analysis" will appear. (Alternatively, you could double
click on "Analysis Parameters" in the menu tree.)
"OK" Click on "OK" to accept the default values.

2-D Beam Frame Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 18
Specifying Element and Material Property Information for Part (Group) 1

Mouse Click anywhere on the currently displayed model lines. The

selected part will be highlighted.

Next, specify a description for part 1.

Mouse Right click anywhere on the working area. A pop-up menu of

options will appear.
"Modify:Description…" Choose "Modify" and then "Description…". The "Modifying the
Description on 1 Part Object" window will appear.
Beam Frame Type "Beam Frame" in the "Description" field. (See Figure 12.)
"OK" Click on "OK" to accept the description and close the window.

Note: Alternatively, an element description can be entered using the model tree on the "FEA Editor" tab. First click
on the + next to "Model<frame>". This will open up a list of parts (groups) in the model. Right-click on
"1<Unnamed>" to access a pop-up window. Select "Modify:Description".

Figure 12: Modifying the Description of Part 1

Specify the element type for group 1.

Mouse Right click anywhere on the working area. A pop-up menu of

options will appear.
"Modify:Element Type…" Choose "Modify" and then "Element Type…". The "Modifying
the Element Type on 1 Part Object" screen will appear.

Make sure the "Beam" option is selected (that is, the radio button to the left is highlighted). If it is not, then do the following.

"Beam" Click on "Beam".

2-D Beam Frame Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 19
Accept the specified element type.

"OK" Click on "OK" to accept the element type and close the
"Modifying the Element Type on 1 Part Object" window. The
model will be redisplayed as beam elements. (See Figure 13.)

Figure 13: Part 1 Displayed as Beam Elements

Define element data for the bike frame by accessing the Beam Design Editor. This will enable you to specify cross-sectional
properties for the beam elements.

Mouse Right click anywhere on the working area. A pop-up menu will
"Modify:Element Definition…" Choose "Modify" and then "Element Definition…". This will
activate the Beam Design Editor.

When the Beam Design Editor is invoked, the lines of the FEA Editor file are converted into nodes and beams.

The Beam Design Editor is used to create and modify models composed of beams. It is designed for modeling and analysis
work with models characterized by their use of the beam as their primary (or recurrent) building block or with designs made
of relatively slender members. (For more information, see the Beam Design Editor Reference Division of DocuTech.)

<F10>"View: 1) XY top" Press <F10> to access the "Draw" menu. Access the "View" menu and click
on "1) XY top" to view the model from the XY top view
"Enclose" Choose "Enclose" in the "Draw" menu to enclose the model in the screen.
(See Figure 14.)

2-D Beam Frame Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 20
Figure 14: Converted Beam Element Model in Beam Design Editor

Define cross-sectional properties for beam elements with sectional ID 1.

<F9>"Add/Mod:Sectional" Press <F9> to return to the MAIN MENU and then choose "Add/Mod" and
then "Sectional". All beams are highlighted with red selection marks
indicating that all beams are assigned sectional ID 1.
"Value" Select "Value" from the SECT PROP menu. A prompt will appear in the
dialog area at the "A=" field.

Note: The section moduli S2 and S3 default to 0.083333. You could enter the true moduli for a 1-inch square beam,
or, since the bending stresses are defined as (moment)/(section moduli), the resulting stresses M2/S2 and M3/S3 can
be interpreted as reactionary moments if S2 and S3 equal 1. Therefore, for this example, we will change these
sectional properties to 1. Notice that the axial stress also represents a force since area equals 1.

<Tab> (six times) Press <Tab> six times to move the cursor to the "S2 =" field.
<Esc>1 Press <Esc> to clear the "S2 =" field. Then, type "1".
<Tab><Esc>1 Change the "S3" value to 1. (See Figure 15.)
<Enter> Press <Enter> to accept the modified values.

Figure 15: Modifying the Sectional Property Values for ID 1

After specifying cross-sectional properties for ID 1, exit the Beam Design Editor.

<F9>"donE" Return to the MAIN MENU and then select "donE". A "Beam Design
Editor" pop-up window will appear asking "Save current work?"
"Yes" or <Enter> Choose "Yes" or press <Enter> to save the model and exit the Beam Design
Editor. You will return to the FEA Editor.

2-D Beam Frame Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 21
Define material properties for part 1.

Use the ALGOR material library to select predefined properties for the steel beam frame.

Mouse Right click anywhere on the working area. A pop-up menu of

options will appear.
"Modify:Material…" Choose "Modify" and then "Material…". The "Element Material
Selection" screen will appear.
"Steel (4130)" Under "Select Material", scroll down and select "Steel (4130)".
"View Properties" Click on the "View Properties" button to access the group 1 The
"Element Material Specification" screen. You can examine the
predefined properties for steel. (See Figure 16.)
"OK" Click on "OK" to return to the "Element Material Selection"
"OK" Click on "OK" to accept the specified material data and close the
"Element Material Selection" screen.

Figure 16: Viewing Predefined Material Properties

2-D Beam Frame Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 22
Defining a Nodal Force

Apply a force to the third node from the left on the bottom horizontal line.

<Esc> Press <Esc> to exit selection mode. The model will be redisplayed
without selection highlighting.
Selection "Selection:Select:Vertices" Access the SELECTION pull-down menu and choose "Select" and
then "Vertices". You will now be able to select vertices.

View- "View:Orientation:XY Top" Change to "XY Top" view.


Mouse Left-click on the third node from the left along the bottom
horizontal line.
Mouse Right click anywhere on the working area. A pop-up window will
appear with options for the selected objects.
"Add:Force…" Choose "Add" then "Force…". The "Creating 1 Nodal Force
Object" window will appear.
Mouse Use the mouse to highlight the "Magnitude" field.
-100 Type -100 as the value.
"Y" Under the "Direction" heading, click on the radio button to the left
of "Y" to specify a vector in the y-direction
"OK" Make sure your screen looks like Figure 17 and then click "OK" to
add the defined force and close the "Creating 1 Nodal Force
Objects" window.

Figure 17: Adding Forces in the X-Direction to the Selected Node

2-D Beam Frame Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 23
Defining Boundary Conditions

Define the boundary conditions that anchor your model. First, apply constraints to the lower left corner node.

Mouse Click on the lower left corner node.

Mouse Right click anywhere on the working area. A pop-up window will
appear with options for the selected objects.
"Add:Boundary Condition…" Choose "Add" and then " Boundary Condition…". The "Creating
1 Nodal Boundary Condition Object" window will appear.
"Fixed" Under "Predefined", click on the "Fixed" button. Checkmarks will
appear to the left of all options under "Constrained DOFs",
indicating that all degrees of freedom will be constrained.
Mouse Click on the "Description" field.
Boundary Condition on the Type a description for the defined boundary condition. Your
Lower Left Corner Node screen should look like Figure 18.
"OK" Click on the "OK" button to add the defined boundary conditions
and close the window.

Figure 18: Specifying Constraints at the Lower Left Corner Node

2-D Beam Frame Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 24
Apply constraints to the lower right corner node.

Mouse Click on the lower right corner node.

Mouse Right click anywhere on the working area. A pop-up window will
appear with options for the selected objects.
"Add:Boundary Condition…" Choose "Add" and then " Boundary Condition…". The "Creating
1 Nodal Boundary Condition Object" window will appear.
"Fixed" Under "Predefined", click on the "Fixed" button. Checkmarks will
appear to the left of all options under "Constrained DOFs",
indicating that all degrees of freedom will be constrained.
"Tx:Rz" Deactivate constraints for translation in the X direction and
rotation in the Z direction.
Mouse Click on the "Description" field.
Boundary Condition on the Type a description for the defined boundary condition. Your
Lower Right Corner Node screen should look like Figure 19.
"OK" Click on the "OK" button to add the defined boundary conditions
and close the window.

Figure 19: Model with Boundary Conditions Applied to Lower Right Corner Node

Saving the Model

File "File:Save" Choose the FILE pull-down menu and select the "Save" command
to save the model as an FEA model called frame.esx.

2-D Beam Frame Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 25
4. Checking the Model for Errors with Superview

In this section, you will visually check your model for errors by using Superview, ALGOR's visualization software.

Starting Superview

Execute the Superview program from within the FEA Object Editor.

Analysis/ "Analysis:Check Model" Access the ANALYSIS pull-down menu and choose "Check
Results Model" to start Superview.

The beam frame model will appear in the Superview display area as shown in Figure 20. The yellow arrow indicates the
force, the red triangle indicates a fully constrained node and the red circle indicates a node that is partially constrained.

Figure 20: Model in Superview

The current version of Superview features a redesigned interface that is similar to Superdraw III's interface. All of the
features of the Superdraw III interface are now also features of the Superview interface, including titlebar, menu bar, live area,
floating toolbars, status bar and dialog bar.

Note: The interface from previous versions of Superview can be accessed by using the "Settings:Previous Style
Menu:Previous Style Menu On/Off" command sequence.

2-D Beam Frame Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 26
Checking the Model Geometry

Check the model geometry using node numbering and element numbering.

"Options:Numbering/Shrink…" Select the "Options" pull-down menu and then select

"Numbering/Shrink…" to activate the "Numbering/Shrink…" pop-
up menu.
"Node Numbers" Click on "Node Numbers". A checkmark will appear in the box to
the left indicating that this option is now active. The model will be
redisplayed with node numbering. (See Figure 21.)

Figure 21: Model with Node Numbering

"Node Numbers" After examining the node numbers, clicking on "Node Numbers"
again to deactivate this option.
"Element Numbers" Click on "Element Numbers" to redisplay the model with element
Note: When the Beam Design Editor converted the Superdraw
drawing to a beam element model, it assigned numbers to the
elements that differ from the order in which the lines were
generated in Superdraw III.
"Element Numbers" After examining the element numbers, click on "Element
Numbers" again to deactivate this option.

2-D Beam Frame Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 27
Inquiring on Model Parameters

Use the "Inquire" capability to check model parameters including boundary conditions, forces and elements.

"Inquire:Model Statistics" Access the "Inquire" pull-down menu and select "Model
Statistics". The dialog area displays the number of nodes and
elements in the model.
Note: Although you defined just 12 nodes to build the model, the
total number of nodes is 18 because the Beam Design Editor
automatically generated K nodes for the beam elements. See
Appendix C for more information on beam orientation and K
"Inquire:Group Statistics" Access the "Inquire" pull-down menu and select "Group Statistics"
to see statistics in the dialog area about the element groups of the

Examine the boundary conditions.

"Inquire: Select the "Inquire" pull-down menu and then "Nodes and
Nodes and Boundary Conditions…" Boundary Conditions..." to obtain the "Nodes BC" pop-up menu,
allowing you to inquire on nodal boundary conditions.
"Get" Click on "Get". The dialog area will instruct you to click on any
Mouse Use the mouse to position the cursor near the lower left corner
node and click. A red "rubber band" will now follow the cursor
from the selected node, and the dialog area lists information about
the node and its degrees of freedom. (See Figure 22.)

Figure 22: Checking Boundary Conditions

On your own, you can click on other nodes to check their boundary conditions.

2-D Beam Frame Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 28
Examine the force.

"Done" Click on "Done" to close the "Nodes BC" pop-up menu.

"Inquire:Nodal Forces…" Select the "Inquire" pull-down menu and then "Nodal Forces…" to
obtain the "Nodal Forces…" pop-up menu.
"Get" Click on "Get".
Mouse Use the mouse to click on the third node from left on the bottom
horizontal line. The dialog area will list information about the
force at that node. (See Figure 23.) On your own, you can click
on other nodes to check their force information.

Figure 23: Checking Forces

Examine the beam elements.

"Inquire:Element Information: Access the INQUIRE pull-down menu and choose "Element
Beam…" Information" and then "Beam…". The "Beam Elements" pop-up
window will appear.
"Select Beam" Click on the checkbox to the left of "Select Beam". The dialog bar
will prompt you to "Click on center of element."
Mouse Move the cursor to the center of any element and click. The
"GROUP 1" pop-up window will appear, listing information about
the element. (See Figure 24.)
"OK" After examining the element information in the "GROUP 1"
window, click on the "OK" button to close the window.

2-D Beam Frame Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 29
Figure 24: Obtaining Element Information

Examine beam elements by material.

"Material ID" In the "Beam Elements" window, click on the checkbox to the left
of "Material ID". A checkmark will appear to the left. In the
dialog bar, the cursor will highlight the "Range Lower Limit" and
"Range Upper Limit". The default range is between 1 and 1.
<Enter> Press <Enter> to highlight elements with a material ID of 1.
Because all lines of the model were generated as group 1 and
group number corresponds to material ID number, all elements
will be highlighted with a red selection mark.

Examine the orientation of the beam elements.

"Options:Element Options:Beam…" Access the "Options" pull-down menu, select "Element Options"
and then "Beam…" to access the "Beam Options" pop-up menu.
"Orientation Color…" Select the "Orientation Color…" button to access the "Color" pop-
up, which allows you to select a color for the beam orientation
2<Enter> In the "Enter Color:" field, type 2 then press <Enter> to accept this
color. Alternately, you could use the mouse to click on the "2"
button. At the midpoints of beam elements in the model, lines will
appear pointing in the direction of axis 2, as shown in Figure 25.
(See Appendix C for more information on beam orientation.)

2-D Beam Frame Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 30
Figure 25: Checking Orientation of Beam Elements

Exiting from Superview

"File:Exit" Select the "File" pull-down menu and then "Exit" to exit
Superview. You will return to the FEA Object Editor.

You are now ready to analyze the beam frame model.

2-D Beam Frame Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 31
II. Processing

In the processing phase, you will analyze the beam frame model with the Linear Stress Analysis processor. After the analysis
is completed, you can examine the processor statistics and summary files.

1. Analyzing the Model with the Linear Stress Analysis Processor

Analyze the beam frame model.

Analysis/ "Analysis:Perform Analysis…" In the ANALYSIS pull down menu, click on the "Perform
Results Analysis" button to access the "Linear Stress and Vibration –
Static Stress" analysis screen.

"Analyze" Click on the "Analyze" button to begin analyzing the model with
the Linear Stress Analysis processor. (See Figure 26.)

Figure 26: Starting the Linear Stress Analysis Processor

If you wish to cancel the analysis before it runs to completion, click on the "Stop" button.

When the analysis is finished, a pop-up window will appear telling you so.

"OK" Click on "OK" to close the "Algor Analysis" pop-up window.

2-D Beam Frame Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 32
2. Viewing the Processor Statistics and Summary Files

After the analysis is complete or has been stopped, you can view the processor statistics and summary files.

In the analysis screen, under "Analysis Information", the "View Statistics" option is active.

Mouse Use the mouse to click on the scroll bar in the display window and
scroll through the statistics file.

After viewing the statistics file, view the summary file.

"View Summary" In the "Analysis" screen, under "Analysis Information", click on

"View Summary" to display the summary file.
Mouse Use the mouse to scroll through the summary file.
"Done" After viewing the summary file, click on "Done" to close the
"Linear Stress and Vibration - Static Stress" analysis screen.

Next, you will use Superview to view the analysis results.

2-D Beam Frame Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 33
III. Postprocessing
In the postprocessing phase, you will use Superview to view the analysis results.

1. Using Superview to View Analysis Results

Previously, you used Superview as a preprocessing tool to check the beam frame model. Now, you will use Superview as a
comprehensive postprocessing tool to look at the results obtained from the Linear Stress Analysis processor.

Starting Superview

Execute the Superview program from within the FEA Editor.

Analysis/ "Results:View Contours…" In the RESULTS pull-down menu, choose the "View Contours…"
Results button. A pop-up window labeled "Beam Post-Processing" will
appear, prompting you to choose the desired postprocessing
capability for the model.

Make sure that the "Stress and Displacement Contours" option is selected. If it is not, then do the following.

"Stress and Displacement Contours" Under "Available Types", click on "Stress and Displacement
Contours". A dot will appear to the left indicating that this option
is now active.

Accept the information in the "Beam Post-Processing" pop-up window.

"OK" Click on "OK". The "Beam Post-Processing" window will close

and Superview will start.

Viewing Displacements

Display the displaced shape with the undisplaced shape.

"Options:Numbering/Shrink…: Activate node numbering.

Node Numbers"
"Results:Displacement Data: Select the "Results" pull-down menu, then "Displacement Data"
Displaced Model" and finally, "Displaced Model" to access the "Displaced Model"
pop-up menu.
"Displaced Model On" Select "Displaced Model On" by clicking in the box to the left of
"Displaced Model On". The displaced shape will be shown. The
scale is shown in the lower left of the dialog area.
"Undisplaced Model On" Select "Undisplaced Model On" by clicking in the box to the left
of "Undisplaced Model On." The undisplaced shape will be shown
"Calculate Scale" Select the button for "Calculate Scale" to automatically calculate
the scale necessary for the maximum displacement to be
approximately five percent of the screen size. (See Figure 27.)

2-D Beam Frame Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 34
Figure 27: Displaced and Undisplaced Shapes

Examine the displacement at particular nodes.

"Nodes Inquire…:Get Node" Access the "Nodes Inquire…" pop-up menu and select the "Get
Node" button to activate the "get" mode.
Mouse Right click near the node where the force was applied, which is
node 3. The dialog area shows that node 3 has a total displacement
(DS) of 1.385e+001.
Mouse Click on the node directly above node 3, which is node 9. The
dialog area shows that node 9 has a total displacement (DS) of
1.385e+001. Nodes 3 and 9 share the greatest displacement in the

Viewing Stresses

Display stresses in the model.

"Results:Beam and Truss Stress…" Select the "Results" pull-down and then "Beam and Truss
Stress…" to bring up the "Beam and Truss Stress…" pop-up and
show stresses in the beam element model. Make sure that the
"Worst" option is active (i.e., a checkmark appears to the left) to
show worst stress.
"Results:Legend Box Settings…: Select the "Results" pull-down menu and then "Legend Box
Model Adjust" Settings". From the "Legend Box Settings" pop-up, select "Model
Adjust" such that the legend box will be in a window adjacent to
the model display.
"Done" Select "Done" to close the "Legend Box Settings" pop-up and view
the worst stress on the model. As Figure 28 shows, Min = -
3497.22 and Max = 3769.14.

2-D Beam Frame Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 35
Figure 28: Display of Stresses in Model

Get stress values for individual beam elements.

"Inquire:Get Value…" Select the "Inquire" pull-down menu and then "Get Value…" to
obtain the "Get Value" pop-up menu.
Mouse Click on any beam to get its stress value. In the dialog area, the
beam number and the stresses at each end of the beam are
displayed. You can click on other beams to view their stress

Display beams with stress above a threshold value.

"Results:General Settings:Threshold" Access the RESULTS pull-down menu. Select "General Settings"
to bring up the "General Settings" pop-up menu and activate the
"Threshold" option by clicking in the box to the left of
"Threshold". A checkmark indicates that this option is active.
2500<Enter> Specify a threshold value of 2500.
"Results:Calculations Options…" Access the RESULTS pull-down menu and select "Calculations
Options…" to bring up the "Settings" pop-up menu.
"Smoothed Display" Click to the left of "Smoothed Display" to deactivate this feature,
that is, there should not be a checkmark in the box to the left of this
"Maximum Absolute" Click to the left of "Maximum Absolute" to activate this feature,
that is, there should be a checkmark in the box to the left of this
option. As shown in Figure 29, two beams are highlighted,
indicating that their worst stress is greater than 2500.

2-D Beam Frame Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 36
Figure 29: Beams with Stress above 2500

Specify a higher threshold value to display the beam with the largest worst stress.

"Results:General Settings" Access the RESULTS pull-down and select "General Settings".
"Threshold:Threshold" Choose "Threshold" twice to return to the prompt in the dialog
area for entering a new threshold value.
3769<Enter> Enter 3769 as a value slightly less than the largest worst stress.
The beam with the largest worst stress is highlighted. (See Figure

Figure 30: Highlighted Beam with Largest Worst Stress

2-D Beam Frame Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 37
Display axial stress in the model.

"Threshold" Deactivate the "Threshold" option to redisplay all stress markers.

"Results:Calculations Options…" Access the RESULTS pull-down menu and choose "Calculations
Options…". The "Settings" pop-up window will appear.
"Smoothed Display" Click on "Smoothed Display" to activate this option (make sure
there is a checkmark to the left).
"Maximum Absolute Values" Click on "Maximum Absolute Values" to deactivate this option
(make sure there is not a checkmark to the left).
"Results:Beam and Truss Stress…" Access the "Results" pull-down and the "Beam and Truss
Stress…" option to bring up the "Beam and Truss Stress" pop-up
"P/A" Choose the option to display P/A (axial) stress. The legend box
shows that the maximum axial stress is 56.17. (See Figure 31.)

Figure 31: Largest Magnitude P/A Stress

Note: In this model, axial stress (P/A) can be interpreted as a force and bending stress (M2/S2 and M3/S3) can be
interpreted as moments because area = S2 = S3 = 1.

"Inquire:Get Value…" Activate the capability to get stress values for individual beams.
Mouse Click on a beam to view its axial stress. The beam number and
P/A stresses are displayed in the dialog area. You can click on
other beams to see their stress values. By clicking on beam
element 3 (which is between nodes 3 and 4), you will find that it
has the largest magnitude P/A stress of 5.617e+001.

Exit Superview.

"File:Exit" Select the FILE pull-down menu and "Exit" to quit Superview.
You will return to the FEA Object Editor.

Next, you will make changes to the model and reanalyze it.

2-D Beam Frame Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 38
IV. Modifying and Reanalyzing
In the modifying and reanalyzing phase, you will change the model (i.e., specify different sectional properties, a second load
case and a gravity value), reanalyze it and view the results.

1. Changing the Model

Defining a Second Load Case

Use the "Global Data" entry screen to define a second load case for the model.

Analysis/ "Analysis:Parameters…" Access the ANALYSIS pull-down menu and choose

Results "Parameters…". The "Global Data" entry screen for "Linear Static
Stress Analysis" will appear. (Alternatively, you could double
click on "Analysis Parameters" in the menu tree.)
"Accel/Gravity" On the "Multipliers" tab, under "Load Case Multipliers", highlight
the "Accel/Gravity" field.
1.0 Type 1.0 as the value for the gravity multiplier for load case 1.
"Add Row" On the "Multipliers" tab, click on "Add Row" to define a second
load case.
"Pressure" Under "Load Case Multipliers", highlight the "Pressure" field for
load case 2.
1.0 Type 1.0 as the value for the pressure multiplier.
<Tab>1.0 Press <Tab> to advance to the "Accel/Gravity" field for load case
2. (Alternatively, you could click on the field.) Type 1.0 as the
value for the gravity multiplier. (See Figure 32.)

2-D Beam Frame Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 39
Figure 32: Defining Load Case Multipliers

Adding a gravity force

"Accel/Gravity" Click on the "Accel/Gravity" tab.

"Set for standard gravity" Under "Acceleration/Gravity Load", click on the "Set for standard
gravity" button. A value of 386.4 will appear in the "Acceleration
due to body force" field.
"Y multiplier" Highlight the "Y multiplier" field.
-1.0 Type -1.0 to specify gravity in the -Y direction.
"Z multiplier" Highlight the "Z multiplier field."
0.0 Type 0.0 as the value. Make sure that the "X multiplier" field is
set to 0, which is the default value. (See Figure 33.)
"OK" Click on the "OK" button to accept the entered data and close the
"Global Data" window.

2-D Beam Frame Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 40
Figure 33: Specifying Gravity

Changing Sectional Properties

Redefine element data for the beam frame by accessing the Beam Design Editor. This will enable you to specify
cross-sectional properties for the beam elements.

Selection "Selection:Select:Parts" Access the SELECTION pull-down menu and choose "Select" and
then "Parts". The cursor will change to part select mode.

Mouse Click anywhere on the currently displayed model lines. The

selected part will be highlighted.
Mouse Right click anywhere on the working area. A pop-up menu will
"Modify:Element Definition…" Choose "Modify" and then "Element Definition…". This will
activate the Beam Design Editor.

2-D Beam Frame Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 41
In the Beam Design Editor, change the sectional properties to those of a standard W16x31 beam.

Note: If you are not using a standard beam geometry for which sectional properties are available, you can obtain help
on calculating sectional properties based on the beam geometry by pressing the <F1> key and clicking on "Value".

<F10>"View: 1) XY Top" Press <F10> to access the "Draw" menu. Access the "View" menu and click
on "1) XY Top" to view the model from the XY Top view.
"Enclose" Choose "Enclose" in the "Draw" menu to enclose the model in the screen.
<F9>"Add/Mod:Sectional" Access the "SECT PROP" menu. Because all elements have sectional ID 1,
all elements will be highlighted.
"Value" Choose "Value" to change sectional property values of the highlighted beams.
A prompt will appear at the "A =" field in the dialog area.
<Esc>9.12 Press <Esc> to clear the "A =" field and then type 9.12 as the value.
<Tab><Tab><Tab><Esc>0.46 Type 0.46 as the value for the "J1 =" field.
<Tab><Esc>12.40 Type 12.40 as the value for the "I2 =" field.
<Tab><Esc>375.00 Type 375.00 as the value for the "I3 =" field.
<Tab><Esc>4.49 Type 4.49 as the value for the "S2 =" field.
<Tab><Esc>47.20 Type 47.20 as the value for the "S3 =" field. (See Figure 34.)
<Enter> Press <Enter> to accept the modified values.

Figure 34: Modifying Sectional Properties

Since shear deflections are insignificant for this case, Sa2 = Sa3 = 0 is assumed. Additionally, axis 2 for all elements lies in
the XY plane and, based on the problem definition, this corresponds to the weak axis of the W16x31. Thus, I2 and I3 are
consistent for all elements.

Adding a Uniformly Distributed Loading

Add a uniformly distributed force loading on the top center beam. (Refer to Figure 2 under "Problem Description" to see a
diagram showing the distributed force loading.)

<F9>"Add/Mod:Loading:Distribut" Access the "Distribut" menu to define a distributed force loading. Notice that
the default value appears in the dialog area as 100 lb./in. in the negative Y
"Value" Choose "Value" to change the distributed load value. A prompt will appear in
the dialog area.
<Tab><Esc>-10000<Tab><Tab> Change the Wy component to -10000 at both nodes of the beam.
Mouse Click on the top center beam. Arrows will appear, indicating a uniformly
distributed force. (See Figure 35.)

2-D Beam Frame Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 42
Figure 35: Uniformly Distributed Loading Added to Model

<F9>"donE" Exit the Beam Design Editor. A pop-up window will appear prompting you
to save your work.
"Yes" or <Enter> Choose "Yes" or press <Enter> to save the changes that you made in the
Beam Design Editor. You will return to the FEA Editor.

Saving the Model as a Different Filename

In order to preserve the current model, you will save the model as a different filename and modify and reanalyze the copy.

"File:Save As…" Choose the FILE pull-down menu and select the "Save As…"
command to save the model as a different filename. The "Save
As" pop-up window will appear.
new frame In the "File name:" field, type new frame. (See Figure 36.)
Note: With release 12 of ALGOR software, filenames for models
can be more than 8 characters and can include special characters
such as a blank space.
"Save" or <Enter> Choose "Save" or press <Enter> to accept the filename and close
the "Save As" window.

2-D Beam Frame Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 43
Figure 36: Saving FEA Model as Different Filename

On your own, you can use the "Check" button to start Superview and check the model for errors. When you are done
checking, exit Superview by choosing "File: Exit".

2. Reanalyzing the Model with the Linear Stress Analysis Processor

Analyze the modified model.

Analysis/ "Analysis:Perform Analysis…" Access the ANALYSIS pull-down menu and choose "Perform
Results Analysis…". The "Linear Stress and Vibration - Static Stress"
analysis screen will appear.

"Analyze" Click on the "Analyze" button to begin analyzing the model with
the Linear Stress Analysis processor.

When the analysis is finished, a pop-up window will appear telling you so.

"OK" Click on "OK" to close the "Algor Analysis" pop-up window.

On your own, you can view the processor statistics and summary files.

"Done" Click on "Done" to close the analysis screen.

Next, you will use Superview to view the analysis results.

2-D Beam Frame Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 44
3. Viewing Results in Superview

Execute the Superview program from within the FEA Editor.

Analysis/ "Results:View Contours…" In the RESULTS pull-down menu, choose the "View Contours…"
Results button. A pop-up window labeled "Beam Post-Processing" will
appear, prompting you to choose the desired postprocessing
capability for the model.

Make sure that the "Stress and Displacement Contours" option is selected. If it is not, then do the following.

"Stress and Displacement Contours" Under "Available Types", click on "Stress and Displacement
Contours". A dot will appear to the left indicating that this option
is now active.

Accept the information in the "Beam Post-Processing" pop-up window.

"OK" Click on "OK". The "Beam Post-Processing" window will close

and Superview will start.

Now view the analysis results for both load cases of the revised model, starting with load case 1, the point loading.

Viewing Displacements for Load Case 1

Display the displaced shape with the undisplaced shape.

"Options:Numbering/Shrink…: Activate the "Numbering/Shrink…" pop-up menu and click in the

Node Numbers" box to the left of "Node Numbers" to activate node numbering.
"Results:Displacement Data: Select the "Results" pull-down menu, then "Displacement Data"
Displaced Model" and finally, "Displaced Model" to access the "Displaced Model"
pop-up menu.
"Displaced Model On" Select "Displaced Model On" by clicking in the box to the left of
"Displaced Model On". The displaced shape will be shown. The
scale is shown in the lower left of the dialog area.
"Undisplaced Model On" Select "Undisplaced Model On" by clicking in the box to the left
of "Undisplaced Model On." The undisplaced shape will be shown
"Calculate Scale" Select the button for "Calculate Scale" to automatically calculate
the scale necessary for the maximum displacement to be
approximately five percent of the screen size. (See Figure 37.)

2-D Beam Frame Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 45
Figure 37: Displaced and Undisplaced Shapes for Load Case 1 of Revised Model

Examine the displacement at particular nodes.

"Nodes Inquire…" Click on the "Nodes Inquire…" button. The "Nodes Inquire…"
pop-up window will appear.
"Get Node" Click on the "Get Node" button. The dialog bar will prompt you to
"Click on node."
Mouse Click near the node where the force was applied, which is node 3.
The dialog area shows that node 3 has a total displacement (DS) of
Mouse Click on the node directly above node 3, which is node 9. The
dialog area shows that node 9 has a total displacement (DS) of
1.095e-001. Notice that, after changing the sectional properties
and gravity value, now node 3 has the largest displacement for load
case 1.

Viewing Displacements for Load Case 2

Advance to load case 2.

"Results:Load Case…" Access the RESULTS pull-down menu and choose "Load Case…".
The "Load Case" pop-up menu will appear.
"Next" Click on the "Next" button to advance to the next load case, load
case number 2. The dialog bar will indicate "LC 2/2" and "Load
Case 2…".
"Calculate Scale" Scale the maximum displacement to fit on screen. (See Figure 38.)

2-D Beam Frame Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 46
Figure 38: Displacements for Load Case 2

The greatest displacement appears to be at nodes 9 or 10, which are the two nodes where the distributed load was applied.
Inquire upon these two nodes to compare the nodal displacements.

"Results:Displacement Data: Activate the "Results" pull-down menu, select "Displacement

Displaced Model" Data" and "Displaced Model".
"Nodes Inquire…" From the "Displaced Model" pop-up menu, select "Nodes
Inquire…" to activate the inquiry capability.
"Get Node" Select "Get Node" from the "Nodes Inquire…" pop-up menu.
Mouse Click on node 9. Notice that DS = 4.153e+001. Click on node 10.
With DS = 4.247e+001, node 10 has the largest displacement.
"Done" Click on "Done" to close the "Nodes Inquire…" menu.
"Done" Click on "Done" to close the "Displaced Model" pop-up menu.

Viewing the Bending Moment in One of the Beam Members

Selection "Select:Point…" Access the "Select" pull-down menu and then select "Point…" to
Tools access the "Point Select" menu.

Mouse Click to select the beam member between nodes 1 and 2. (See
Figure 39.)

2-D Beam Frame Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 47
Figure 39: Selecting a Beam Member for Display of Moment Diagram

"Results:Beam and Truss Stress…: Access the "Results" pull-down menu and then select "Beam and
Shear and Moment Diagrams" Trusses…". From the "Beam and Truss Stress…" pop-up, select
"Shear and Moment Diagrams" to access the "Diagrams" menu.
"Scale" Click on "Scale" to set the scale for the diagram.
1.0e-6<Enter> Type a value of 1.0e-6 and press <Enter> to set a scale.
"Bending Moment Local 3" Click in the checkbox to the left of "Bending Moment Local 3" to
view the diagram for the bending moment diagram for the selected
beam. (See Figure 40.) Note the min. and max. values are
displayed in the dialog area.

Figure 40: Displaying the Bending Moment about Local Axis 3 for the Select Beam

2-D Beam Frame Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 48
"Done" Select "Done" to close the "Diagrams" pop-up menu.
"Done" Click on "Done" to close the "Beam and Truss Stress" pop-up

Saving the Model Display as a Specified Graphic File

Save the model display as a file in a specified graphic file format.

File "File:Save Image As…" Access the "File" pull-down menu and choose "Save Image As…".
Utilities The "Save As" pop-up window will appear.

"Save as type:" Click on the "Save as type:" field. A pull-down menu of options
will appear, enabling you to choose from six graphic file formats
(.bmp, .jpg, .tif, .png, .pcx and .tga).
"JPEG File Interchange Format Click on the option to specify .jpg graphic file format. (See Figure
(*.JPG)" 41.)
"Save" or <Enter> Click on the "Save" button (or press <Enter>) to save the model
display as new frame.jpg.

Figure 41: Saving the Model Display as a Specified Graphic File

Exit Superview.

"File:Exit" Use the "File:Exit" command to close the Superview window.

You will return to the FEA Object Editor.

2-D Beam Frame Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 49
Creating an Archive of the Model Files and Results

For convenient storage and transfer of the model files and results, create an archive using Superdraw III.

"Tools:Transfer to Superdraw" Transfer the model to Superdraw III.

"File:Archives:Create…" Access the FILE pull down menu and choose "Archives" and then
"Create…". The "Archive Creation Options" pop-up window will
"Model and Results" Under "Included Files", click on "Model and Results" to specify
that model files will be archived with results. (See Figure 42.)
"OK" Click on the "OK" button to create an archive of the model files
and results called new frame.ach. This archive can be retrieved
into Superdraw III by using the "File:Archives:Retrieve…"
command sequence.

Figure 42: Creating an Archive of the Model and Results

Exit Superdraw III.

"File:Exit" Exit Superdraw III.

Congratulations! You have completed this Static Structural with Linear Material Models Tutorial.

2-D Beam Frame Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 50
Appendix A. Additional Information
Consult the following sources for more information about finite element analysis:

Suggested Reference Materials

Book I: Finite Element Modeling in Engineering Practice. Spyrakos, C.C. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Algor Publishing
Division, 1994. Available as a reference textbook and multimedia CD-ROM.

Book II: Finite Element Analysis in Engineering Practice. Spyrakos, C.C. and Raftoyiannis, J. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania:
Algor Publishing Division, 1997. Available as a reference textbook.

Finite Element Analysis in Action! Skaar, E.C. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Algor, Inc. Publishing Division, 1995. Available
as a videotape and multimedia CD-ROM.

Other Reference Materials

First Course in Finite Element Method Using Algor. Logan, D. L. A. Boston, Massachusetts: PWS Publishing Company,

2-D Beam Frame Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 51
Appendix B. ALGOR Software Reference
The following ALGOR software versions were used in this tutorial:

ALGOR Interface 13.02 22-FEB-2001

Beam Design Editor 12.02 20-AUG-1999

Linear Static Stress Analysis Processor 12.08 01-NOV-2000

Superdraw III 12.08 01-DEC-2000

Superview 13.02 06-NOV-2000

2-D Beam Frame Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 52
Appendix C. Beam Orientation
Most beams have a strong axis of bending and a weak axis of bending. Since beam members are represented as a line and a
line is an object with no inherent orientation of the cross section, there needs to be a method of specifying the orientation of
the strong or weak axis in three-dimensional space. This orientation is controlled by the surface number of the line.

More specifically, the surface number of the line creates a point in space, called the "K-node". The two ends of the beam
element (the I- and J-nodes) and the K-node form a plane (see Figure C1). Beam elements are defined by the local axes 1, 2
and 3, where axis 1 is from the I-node to the J-node, axis 2 lies in the plane formed by the I-, J- and K-nodes, and axis 3 is
formed by the right-hand rule. With the element axes set, the cross-sectional properties A, Sa2, Sa3, J1, I2, I3, Z2 and Z3 can
be entered appropriately in the Beam Design Editor. (For more information about sectional properties, see the Beam Design
Editor Reference Division available through DocuTech.)

Figure C1: Axis 2 Lies in the Plane of the I-, J- and K-nodes

For example, Figure C2 shows part of two models, each containing a W10x45 I-beam. Note that both members have the same
physical orientation; that is, the webs are parallel. However, the analyst chose to set the K-node above the beam element in
model A and to the side of the beam element in model B. Even though the cross-sectional properties are the same, the
moment of inertia about axis 2 (I2) and the moment of inertia about axis 3 (I3) need to be entered differently.

2-D Beam Frame Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 53
Figure C2: Entering the Cross-Sectional Properties Appropriate for the Beam Orientation

Table C1 shows where the K-node occurs for various line surface numbers. The "first choice" location is where the K-node is
created provided the I-, J- and K-nodes form a plane. If the beam element is colinear with the K-node, then a unique plane
cannot be formed. In this case, the "second choice" location is used for that element.

In some situations, a global K-node location may not be suitable. In this case, add a circle on surface number 7 through 255.
The center of the circle will be the K-node for all beam elements of the same surface number.

Table C1: Correlation of Surface Number and K-Node (Axis 2 Orientation)

Superdraw First Choice Second Choice

Surface Number K-node Location K-node Location
0 or 1 1E14 in +Y 1E14 in -X
2 1E14 in +Z 1E14 in +Y
3 1E14 in +X 1E14 in +Z
4 1E14 in –Y 1E14 in +X
5 1E14 in –Z 1E14 in –Y
6 1E14 in –X 1E14 in –Z
7 through 255 Use the center of a Not applicable
circle with the same
surface number

The orientation of the elements can be checked in the Beam Design Editor using the "F5:Draw sw:shOw icon". The top of the
"I-beam" symbol points in the axis 2 direction. Recall that I2 may correspond to the strong axis or the weak axis; it depends
on how you enter the data. If using an I-beam, do not mistake the "I-beam" symbol as indicating the actual orientation of your

In Superview, the orientation of beam elements can be checked by using the "Options:Ele opt:2) beam:Orient" and choosing a
color. A line is added at the midpoint of the beam element pointing in the direction of axis 2.

2-D Beam Frame Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 54

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