Judge Helen Blackwood Ethics Violation #2
Judge Helen Blackwood Ethics Violation #2
Judge Helen Blackwood Ethics Violation #2
30 Rockledge Avenue Mount Vernon, NY 10550 (914) 760-8136 [email protected]
Dear Sir/Madam:
I hereby respectfully request that your honorable body initiate an immediate investigation into Mount Vernon City Court
Judge Helen M. Blackwood.
Judge Blackwood has engaged in conduct that is in direct violation of the Rules of the Chief Administrative Judge; Part
100 Judicial conduct.
According to financial disclosure reports filed with the New York State Board of Elections, Judge Helen Blackwood made
a contribution of $10,000 on September 2nd, 2009 to the Mount Vernon Democratic City Committee. Judge Blackwood’s
contribution to the Mount Vernon Democratic City Committee is in direct of the Rules of the Chief Administrative Judge;
Part 100 Judicial conduct, specifically,
§ 100.5 A judge or candidate for elective judicial office shall refrain from inappropriate political activity.
(A) Incumbent Judges and Others Running for Public Election to Judicial Office.
(1) Neither a sitting judge nor a candidate for public election to judicial office shall directly
or indirectly engage in any political activity except (i) as otherwise authorized by this
section or by law, (ii) to vote and to identify himself or herself as a member of a political
party, and (iii) on behalf of measures to improve the law, the legal system or the
administration of justice. Prohibited political activity shall include:
(h) soliciting funds for, paying an assessment to, or making a contribution to a political
organization or candidate
(6) A judge or a non-judge who is a candidate for public election to judicial office may not
permit the use of campaign contributions or personal funds to pay for campaign-related
goods or services for which fair value was not received.
A total of three candidates were in the Democratic Primary for Mount Vernon City Court Judge. These candidates are
Helen M. Blackwood, Nichelle A. Johnson, ESQ., and Tamika Coverdale, ESQ. These three candidates also were
interviewed by the Mount Vernon Democratic City Committee Executive and/or Screening Committee.
At these meetings the Mount Vernon Democratic City Committee Executive Committee and/or Screening Committee
informed the candidates that in order to get the nomination of the Democratic Party it was expected that each candidate
contribute a minimum of $25,000 to the Mount Vernon Democratic City Committee. Democratic enrollment outnumbers
Republican enrollment in the City of Mount Vernon 7 to 1. The winner of the Democratic Primary essentially cruises to
victory in the November general election.
Judge Blackwood was appointed to the Mount Vernon City Court in April 2009 by Mayor Clinton I. Young Jr, who also
serves on the Executive Committee of the Mount Vernon Democratic City Committee.
Judge Blackwood and others who were involved in the ‘screening process’ conspired to disenfranchise the other
candidates for public office by expecting that each one contribute $25,000 to the Mount Vernon Democratic City
Committee. In actuality, the expected amount was not $25,000 but that amount was fabricated to discourage other
candidates from participating in the election. In the end, only Judge Helen M. Blackwood made a contribution to the
Mount Vernon Democratic City Committee. Some of the person involved in the screening process were; Arnold Keith,
ESQ; Jennifer Coker-Wiggins; and Edward Dowdy.
Arnold Keith, ESQ, was recently appointed Commissioner of the Mount Vernon Civil Service Commission by Mayor
Clinton I. Young Jr. Jennifer Coker-Wiggins was appointed Deputy Commissioner of Human Resources by Mayor
Clinton I. Young Jr. Edward Dowdy is an extremely close personal friend of Mayor Clinton I. Young Jr.
There were only two candidates in the 2009 Mount Vernon Democratic Primary. Judge Helen M. Blackwood, candidate
for Mount Vernon City Court Judge and Marcus A. Griffith, candidate for Mount Vernon City Comptroller. On her
financial disclosure statements, Judge Blackwood listed her $10,000 contribution to the Mount Vernon Democratic City
Committee as ‘2009 Primary Day Election Costs.’ Judge Blackwood’s running mate Marcus A. Griffith, however only
made a contribution of $7250.00 to the Mount Vernon Democratic City Committee.
According to financial statements filed with the NYS Board of Elections. Judge Helen M. Blackwood and Marcus A.
Griffith paid from their respective committees, cost associated with campaign mailings, signs, literature, etc. Upon
information and belief, neither candidate was provided with a bill of particulars detailing how their respective
contributions were spent.
There is no indication as to how the Mount Vernon Democratic City Committee used these funds because the Mount
Vernon Democratic City Committee has not filed their financial disclosure statements with the NYS Board of Elections as
required by law. (see The Journal News article, dated May 16th, 2010-attached).
I respectfully ask that the New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct thoroughly investigate this egregious conduct
by Judge Helen M. Blackwood.
Samuel L. Rivers