Lesson 11: Art in Asia: Rocks and Mountains Served As A Barrier

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Lesson 11: Art in Asia  Most painting- wherein rocks and

mountains served as a barrier that

 Chinese Art
made the viewer distracted initially from
 Japanese Art the main subject of the work.

 Philippine Art  Rounded forms rise in a way that it

Chinese Art flows from background into the

 China is the most forefront of economic
development.  Used sharp brushstrokes

 Excavated pieces show bronze vessels  Porcelain - is one of the commonly

with intricate designs depicting a lot of used items to make decorative

imagery dating from the second ornament.

millennium BCE.  Depicts a central theme: NATURE

 During the Zhou Dynasty, the Chinese

was under a feudal kind of social
Japanese Art
 Undergoes a series of transitions and
 Parallel period with that of Greece
Golden Age
 Embracing Western influences and
 Confucianism was the dominant way of
 Ceramic figures and ornaments.
 Had interactions with Western
missionaries from India and brought  Korean and Chinese influences evident
some Indian influences to China. in Japanese artworks.

 Inspired by Indian models  Haniwa- one of the ceramic products

created by the Japanese.
 In sixth century, they started making art
that highlighted their very own culture.  Shintoism - native religion of Japan
(doesn’t use art to communicate to
 Painting- magical places and realms
that were born of sheer imagination.
 Influenced by the Chinese with their  Reflects their belief in afterlife (the
religious beliefs and practices. crossing of the body of water is
transition form life here on earth unto
 Buddhism- became an integral part of
the next.
Japanese cultures.
 Weaving - one of the earliest forms of
 Influenced by China in terms of
expressions in the Philippines.
 Most popular artisans of weaving is the
 After fourteenth century, Japan
people from the Cordilleras.
islolated itself from the rest of the
world.  Known for their woven cloth

 Painting leaned toward abstract and  T’boli people from Mindanao are also
naturalistic handling. both religious

 Adapted a more minimalist take on  T’boli people from Mindanao are also
their paintings. known for their woven abaca, “T’nalak.”

 Ukiyo-e - kind of painting which was  Use particular cloth to make

crafted through woodcut prints. ornaments, which also represent their
beliefs through symbols.
 Used lines and colors in a very
distinctive manner.  Frog - representation for fertility.

 In Mindanao, the Tausug and Maranao

people are known for their okir, which
Philippine Art
are designs applied to their
 Pottery - one of the earliest art forms woodcarvings.
used by the Early Filipino people.
 Sarimanok, naga and the pako rabong.
 Manunggal Jar - one of the most
 Sarimanok- is a stylized design of a
prominent artifacts, found in Palawan,
mythical bird either standing on a fish
representation of the early Filipinos’
or holding a piece of fish on its beak.
religious beliefs and practices.
 The Sultan’s act paved the way for the
 Serves as a burial jar, which depict two
term “sarimanok”.
men rowing a boat.
 Naga - forms an S-shape, depicting an styles, techniques, and methods
elaborate figure of a mythical dragon or emerging.
 Most artworks were reflections of the
 The sarimanok and naga are usually political, social, and economic situation
used as ornamental designs for the of the Philippines during the Marcos
houses of sultans. administraion.

 Sixteenth century, the Spaniards  Beautiful and idealistic imagery was

introduced their religion to the local replaced with aggressive undertones.
 The artworks were reflections of the
 Art was used by the Spaniards to general feel of the people based on the
propagate their Christian faith, while at political situation during that time.
the same time, subtly establishing their
 When former President Ferdinand
foothold in the country.
Marcos declared Martial Law, social
 The Church became the sole patron of realism became the norm.
the arts.
 Most artworks were forms of protest
 Juan Luna’s “Spoliarium” - one of the against the government’s suppression
most famous works that expressed of freedom of speech and expression.
Filipino nationalism and stood against
the colonizers.

 After the Spanish rule, the Americans

took over.

 They also propagated their culture and

beliefs through the implementation of
public school systems.

 A debate emerged on whether art

should be done as “proletarian art” or
“art for art’s sake”.

 1960 - proved to be a period of

modernism and dynamism with lots of

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