Daily Work Report 4 Ayushi

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PART-4: Weekly Log Sheet

(To be filled by the student on daily basis and has to be sent to respective faculty Guide
on weekly basis (every Saturday) along with weekly progress report)

Name of the Student…Ayushi kumari Singh……………Roll No.: ……GM19048

Day Date Details of work done

Monday 08/06/2020 Calling to clients also discuss with mentor about project topic

Tuesday 09/06/2020 Calling to clients

Wednesda 10/06/2020 Pitching to client


Thursday 11/06/2020 Continued with routing calling, also start searching information

Friday 12/06/2020 Calling to client

Saturday 13/06/2020 Calling to clients

Name of the Student (Signature)

Ayushi kumari Singh

Roll no Gm 19048

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