Year 2 Cefr Week 11

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Week 11 Class 2  Time  

Day Sunday Attendance  
Date Lesson 40 Focus Listening  
Theme Topic

World of Stories Unit 6 : The old house

Language/ Grammar focus Recycled vocabulary

Main Content Standard 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts

Com. Content Standard 2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly

Main Learning Standard 1.2.2 Understand with support specific information and details of simple sentences

Com. Learning Standard 2.1.5 Describe objects using suitable words and phrases


LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
1. talk about the meaning of a story
2. to identify the consonant sound h as in house
3. to review language from the story and the unit

21st Century Activities Resources

  Think-pair-share Textbook   Flow Map
  . flash cards /word cards .  
Learning Outline

1. Teacher says some key phrases from the story and elicit who says them.
2. Use these to recap the story. (flow map)

Lesson Delivery Post Lesson

1.Teacher asks pupils to take turns to describe what they 1. Teacher asks pupils to discuss in group.
can see in the pictures. Elicit sentences from the class. 2. Ppls look at WB Activity 1.
2. Refer SB p76. Write help on the board using a red pen 3. Elicit some sentences to describe the picture and
for the h. Put hand in front of mouth and breathe out with write them on the board as a model.
some force to make the /h/ sound. Ppls copy 4.Ppls work in pairs and write a short description of the
feeling the air on the palm of their hands. picture.
3.Ppls repeat Help! after teacher. 5.Teacher guides the pupils.
4.Ppls find the speech bubble in the story (frame 8).
Key: Thunder .Superminds 1p 76

____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).
____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).


Week 11 Class   Time  

Day   Attendance  
Date   Lesson 41 Focus Reading  
Theme Topic

World of Stories Unit 6 : The old house

Language/ Grammar focus Recycled vocabulary

Main Content Standard 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital texts by using appropriate reading

Com. Content Standard 4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for a range of purposes in print and digital media.

Main Learning Standard 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of simple sentences

Com. Learning Standard 4.2.4 Describe objects using suitable words and phrases


LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
1. reading for specific information

21st Century Activities Resources

  Hot Seat Textbook   Circle Map
  . . .  
Learning Outline
1.Teacher review the home.Write houses in a circle on the board.
Pre-lesson 2. In pairs, with books closed, ppls brainstorm all the house words they can think of in 30
seconds. They swap word maps with another pair. (circle map)

Lesson Delivery Post Lesson

1.Teacher asks and elicit ppls onto the board to check. 1.Briefly review the vocabulary on the flashcards.
Check spelling too. Ppls copy the word map into their 2. Place the flashcards on the walls around the room.
notebooks. 3. Say a word. Pupils point to the corresponding
2. Refer SB p77. Ppls look at the pictures carefully before flashcard.
they listen. Teacher play the recording. Ppls listen and tick. 4. Divide pupils into groups. Pupils continue this
CD2 Track 50 activity in their groups..
3.Play the recording again for ppls to check. They compare .Superminds 1p 77
answers in pairs. Check with the class, playing the recording
a third time if necessary.
Key: 1 2nd picture, 2 1st picture, 3 2nd picture

____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).
____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).
*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to : Click and choose reason here >

Lesson 41

1 In my house there are three bedrooms, there’s a kitchen, a

dining room, a living room and a hall. There aren’t any stairs

in my house.

2 In my house there is one big bedroom, a kitchen and a

dining room. There isn’t a hall.

3 I live in a lovely house. There are three bedrooms upstairs.

Downstairs, there’s a kitchen, a dining room, a living room

and a hall. And there’s a big cellar under the house.


Week 27 Class   Time  

Day   Attendance  
Date   Lesson Focus Writing  
Theme Topic

World of Stories Unit 6 : The old house

Language/ Grammar focus Recycled vocabulary

Main Content Standard 4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for a range of purposes in print and digital media

Com. Content Standard 4.3 Communicate with appropriate language form and style for a range of purposes in print and dig

Main Learning Standard 4.2.5 Connect words and phrases using basic coordinating conjunctions.

Com. Learning Standard 4.3.1 Use capital letters and full stops appropriately in guided writing at sentence level


LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
1. writing a description from a model

Learning Outline

1.Teacher review previous lesson.


Lesson Delivery Post Lesson

1.Teacher elicits word house.Write about pupils house. 1. Teacher divides pupils in to group of four, ppls take
2. to enable ppls to write a description of their own houses turns to read their descriptions of their houses or fl ats.
3.Elicit fl at and tell ppls they can write about their 2. Ppls say Snap! when they have the same
house or their fl at. number of rooms or have used the same adjective.
4.Read the description with the class. Check ppls know .Superminds 1p 77
what to do and how to make use of the model.
5.Ppls write a fi rst draft in their notebooks. Teacher goes
around the class to check and help.
Note: In the next lesson, students can bring a photo to
stick next to the text and they can display in the class.

____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).
____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).
Week 27 Class   Time  
Day   Attendance  
Date   Lesson Focus Speaking  
Theme Topic

World of Stories Unit 6 : The old house

Animal vocabulary: goat, camel, parrot, shark, penguin, polar bear,

Language/ Grammar focus
Main Content Standard 2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly

Com. Content Standard 2.2 Use appropriate communication strategies

Main Learning Standard 2.1.5 Describe objects using suitable words and phrases

Com. Learning Standard 2.2.2 Ask for attention or help from a teacher or classmate using suitable statements and questions


LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to integrate other areas of the curriculum 2.through English: Geography practise describing places

Learning Outline

1.Teacher play a guessing game. Say, e.g. I’m thinking of an animal. It’s green. Pupils guess.
Include animals and classroom objects

Lesson Delivery Post Lesson

1.Teacher pre-teach habitats. 1. Teacher briefly review the vocabulary on the
2.Read the question and do the example with the class. flashcards.
3.Ppls talk about the other habitats in pairs. Class discussion 2. Place the flashcards on the walls around the room.
Key: The ocean is blue, green and white. The jungle is 3. Say a word. Pupils point to the corresponding
green and brown. The desert is yellow. The mountains flashcard.
are grey, white and green. 4. Divide pupils into groups. Pupils continue this
4.Refer SB p78 What pupils find in the habitats. activity in their groups..
5. Teacher displays world map. Tchr writes five habitat in Superminds 1p 78
Student’s Book on the board.
6 Ppls come to the map and point to some of the habitats.
Give more examples if necessary. Elicit/Teach North and
South Poles
____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).
____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).
Week 27 Class   Time  
Day   Attendance  
Date   Lesson Focus Language Art  
Theme Topic

World of Stories Unit 6 : The old house

Language/ Grammar focus Recycled vocabulary

Main Content Standard 5.1 Enjoy and appreciate rhymes, poems and songs

Com. Content Standard 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts

Main Learning Standard 5.1.1 Demonstrate appreciation through non-verbal responses to i) simple chants and raps ii) simple

Com. Learning Standard 1.2.3 Understand with support very simple short narratives

CROSS CURRICULAR ELEMENT : Environmental sustainability

LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
1. talk about Geography in English.

Learning Outline

1.Teacher review and say what ppls can fi nd in a particular habitat, using examples from the
previous lesson. Pupils guess/say the habitat.

Lesson Delivery Post Lesson

1.Teacher reads the activity instruction with the class and 1. Teacher takes ppls outside into the
make sure they know what to do. playground or to a nearby park or grassy area.
2.Brainstorm more animals for the different habitats and 2.In pairs, ppls draw or write down all the things
write them on the board as word maps. they fi nd there.
3.Ppls choose a habitat and make a 3-D picture of it 3 In the classroom, create a class poster of that
in groups of three. Teacher encourage ppls to use a range of habitat, using ppls’ information.
materials and colours. 4. Discuss how habitats can be very small as well as
4. In groups, ppls tell the rest of the class about their very big areas.
habitat Superminds 1p 79

____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).
____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).
*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to : CRK




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