Ground-Fault & Neutral Grounding Resistor Monitor
Ground-Fault & Neutral Grounding Resistor Monitor
Ground-Fault & Neutral Grounding Resistor Monitor
The RC48N ground-fault and neutral-grounding-resistor monitor
- measures the residual current in the respective circuit or branch of
the system with BENDER residual current transformers. For that
purpose, the neutral grounding conductor and the connection of
the coupling device to the neutral have to be passed through the
residual current transformer. Alternatively, all active conductors
(phases + N) can be passed through the residual current transformer.
If the residual current exceeds the response value, the
“Alarm Ground Fault” LED lights and the alarm relay switches.
The trip time is adjustable.
- monitors the resistance of the neutral grounding resistor (NGR),
RC48N connections through the transformer, and the connections
to ground. Also monitors the voltage drop on the neutral
grounding resistor via the coupling device CD1000 and CD5000.
Intended use Coupling device CD1000 is suitable for system voltages
The RC48N ground-fault neutral-grounding-resistor monitor is used to from AC 0 .. 1000 V. Coupling device CD5000 is
monitor high-resistance grounded systems up to and including 5kVac. suitable for system from voltages AC 0 ... 5000 V.
It is designed to monitor the presence of the neutral-grounding resistor An alarm is indicated when the ground-fault current or the
and does this through monitoring of the current and voltage in the transformer neutral and ground voltage exceeds the RC48N set
transformer neutral. point. This alarm has no time delay feature.
The RC48N ground-fault and neutral-grounding-resistor monitor Alarm messages are indicated by the ”Alarm Ground Fault” and ”Alarm
combines three functions in one device: Resistor Fault” LEDs on the RC48N or on the remote RI2000NC alarm
- Monitoring the residual current. indicator and operator panel. The alarm message remains stored until
the built-in or the external RESET button is pressed.
- Monitoring the voltage between the transformer neutral and ground.
- Monitoring the grounding resistor for continuity (NGR). The alarm relay can be used for the tripping of a contactor or load
If a value is not within the thresholds, a relay with two voltage-free switch. Depending on the type of load switch the operating mode of the
changeover contacts will be activated. These contacts can be jumper alarm relay can be set to N/O (shunt) operation or N/C (UV) operation.
selected for shunt or UV operation.
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Bender Industrial Products - 700 Fox Chase - Coatesville PA 19320 - Tel. (800)-356-4266 - Fax. (610) 383-7100 -
RC48N discription
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Bender Industrial Products - 700 Fox Chase - Coatesville PA 19320 - Tel. (800)-356-4266 - Fax. (610) 383-7100 -
Connect the RC48C as described in the diagram below
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Bender Industrial Products - 700 Fox Chase - Coatesville PA 19320 - Tel. (800)-356-4266 - Fax. (610) 383-7100 -
Applied standards
CSA M421-00: July 2000: Use of electricity in mines
AS 2081.1 - AS2081.5: Electrical equipment for Coal Mines
IEC 62020:1998-08 Residual Current Monitors
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Bender Industrial Products - 700 Fox Chase - Coatesville PA 19320 - Tel. (800)-356-4266 - Fax. (610) 383-7100 -
Dimensions in mm (inches)
Coupling device CD1000
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Bender Industrial Products - 700 Fox Chase - Coatesville PA 19320 - Tel. (800)-356-4266 - Fax. (610) 383-7100 -
Ordering details
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Bender Industrial Products - 700 Fox Chase - Coatesville PA 19320 - Tel. (800)-356-4266 - Fax. (610) 383-7100 -