Spatial Estimation of The Risky Areas For Drainage and Salinity in Suluova Plain, Turkey Using Geostatistical Methods
Spatial Estimation of The Risky Areas For Drainage and Salinity in Suluova Plain, Turkey Using Geostatistical Methods
Spatial Estimation of The Risky Areas For Drainage and Salinity in Suluova Plain, Turkey Using Geostatistical Methods
Spatial estimation of the risky areas for drainage and salinity in suluova plain,
turkey using geostatistical methods
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This study measured groundwater depths over the 2010 Irrigation is an indispensable component of agricul-
water year (from October 1, 2009 to September 30, 2010) tural production. However, improper and excessive water
and groundwater salinity in July 2010, when irrigation use in irrigation may create hazards for agricultural land,
activities were most intense. Geostatistical methods were such as increases in groundwater and salinity levels. Ground-
used to model variations in five groundwater properties water depths need to be kept within optimum ranges
(the highest groundwater depth (HGD), the lowest ground- for proper plant and root development. Of the estimated
water depth (LGD), groundwater depth in July (GDJ), 235 million ha of irrigated land throughout the world, 10-
groundwater elevation in July (GEJ), and groundwater 15% is affected by waterlogging and salinization [1].
salinity in July (GSJ), the month with the most intensive
Excessive or faulty improper irrigation in arid and
irrigation). Moreover, areas with drainage and salinity prob- semi-arid regions results in a rise of groundwater levels,
lems were determined with groundwater depths and salinity and as evaporation carries salts upward, salinity problems
values using ordinary kriging and indicator kriging methods.
will develop in upper layers of soil profile. Soil salinity
Among the properties measured, GEJ showed mini- and groundwater depth are closely related. To avoid soil
mum variability and GSJ maximum variability, whereas salinity, critical groundwater depth should be at least be-
GSJ showed the shortest range of spatial variability and tween 2 to 3 m in arid and semiarid regions [2]. In some
LGD the highest one. HGD and LGD were best described studies, critical groundwater depths have been suggested to
by a spherical semi-variogram model, whereas GSJ was be at least 1.5-2.5 m [3,4]. Geostatistical methods can be
best described by an exponential model. used to conveniently predict potential problems related to
Measurements of the spatial distribution of the five groundwater depths and salinity levels, and to measure
groundwater properties using ordinary kriging indicated a variations in spatial distribution across problematic sites. In
drainage problem in 80.82% (7419 ha) of the research site, recent years, a wide variety of soil properties, groundwater
with groundwater depths ranging from 0.00-2.00 m in salinity, groundwater elevation, groundwater depths and
35.24% (3254 ha) of the site. In addition, 16.11% of the problematic sites have been studied by several research-
research site was found to suffer from salinity problems ers [5-11].
(salinity levels above 5 dS m-1) and nearly 50% of the site Various researchers have used geostatistics and Geo-
was found to be on the verge of a salinity problem (salin- graphic Information System (GIS) to investigate a wide
ity levels between 2.25-5.00 dS m-1). range of soil and groundwater properties, including
Indicator kriging was also applied and probability maps changes in groundwater levels over time [12, 13]. In-
were generated giving the most exciting result. Areas with verse Distance Weight (IDW), Spline and Kriging are
low groundwater elevations were determined to have more common methods used to estimate the values of un-sampled
drainage problems. locations using the measured values of sampled sites [14-
16]. The use of ordinary kriging (OK) in soil and ground-
water science is very common and widely accepted [17-
KEYWORDS: Drainage problems, salinity, Geographical Informa- 21]. Adhikary [22] used OK to prepare thematic maps of
tion System (GIS), ordinary kriging, indicator kriging groundwater quality parameters.
Besides OK, indicator kriging (IK) is also commonly
used to estimate the probability of unknown values falling
within specified intervals by incorporating the uncertainty
* Corresponding author of values at un-sampled locations [23]. Arslan [5] investi-
© by PSP Volume 22 – No 10. 2013 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin
gated the spatial variability of groundwater salinity in the the crops grown. Wheat, sugar beet, onion, corn and sun-
Bafra Plain over a 7-year period using both ordinary and flower are the most common crops grown during the irriga-
indicator kriging; results showed that 31% of the site had tion season.
groundwater salinity values in excess of 5 dSm-1
2.2. Groundwater sampling and measurement
This study used both OK and IK in conjunction with
GIS to identify the spatial distribution of sites in the Su- The research site covers a total area of 9180 ha.
luova Plain, with existing or potential drainage and salin- Groundwater depth and salinity (ECgws, dSm-1) at the site
ity problems. were measured from 58 observation wells located at
elevations ranging from 421 m to 489 m above sea level
2. MATERIALS AND METHODS (Fig. 1). Well coordinates and elevations were obtained
from a 1/5000 map and confirmed using a Global Position-
2.1. Study area ing System (GPS). All wells were bored wells, most of
which were open to a depth of approximately 4 m.
The research site is located in the province of Amasya
in the central Black Sea Region (40°43′-40°48′ latitude, Groundwater depth was measured once a month dur-
35°32′-35°45′ longitude) in Northern Turkey. The majority ing the last week of each month from October 1, 2009 to
of soils studied in the site can be classified as clay-loam September 30, 2010 (i.e., the 2010 water year; ‘water
texture ones. The climate is semi-arid, with average an- year’ is used in hydrological monitoring in order to en-
nual precipitation and evaporation levels of 433.8 mm and compass whole rainfall seasons). Groundwater salinity
870.7 mm, respectively. Evaporation varies between 4.5 mm was measured using a digital EC meter immediately after
in January and 187.3 mm in July, and average temperatures sampling in July, the peak irrigation season, and the high-
vary from -1.7 °C in January to 29.7 °C in July. Altitude of est evaporation period.
the study area ranges from 415 m to 489 m. The major
2.3. Geostatistical analysis
source of irrigation water in Suluova is the Yedikir Dam,
which is classified as C2 S1 (second class in terms of salin- Kriging methods work best if the data are normally
ity, and first class in terms of sodicity). A classical canal distributed. Transformations should be used to make data
irrigation system is dominant in the area. Border and fur- normally distributed and satisfy the assumption of equal
row irrigation are the main irrigation methods; however, variability for the data. Data was analyzed in three steps,
many different types of irrigation are used depending upon as follows: 1) Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests were conducted
© by PSP Volume 22 – No 10. 2013 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin
[Z (χ ] F (x O ; Z K (n )) = Pr ob (Z (xO ) ≤ Z k ( n ))
N (h) 2
1 (1)
γ (h) = ∑ i ) − ( Z (χ i + h)
2 N (h) i =1 (3)
where, γ(h) is the estimated or “experimental” semi- k = 1,...........K
variance value for all pairs at a lag distance h; Z (χi) is the where (n) represents the conditioning information
groundwater depth or salinity at point i; Z (χi +h) is the around location (x O )
groundwater depth or salinity of other points separated
from χi by a discrete distance h; χi is the geo-referenced 2.4. Groundwater maps
position where the Z (χi) value is measured; and n repre-
Five different groundwater maps were generated us-
sents the number of pairs of observations separated by the
ing measurements taken throughout the entire water year
distance h [26, 27].
in order to determine groundwater depth and salinity levels
Theoretical semivariogram models are used to predict at any time and place in the research site. Using 12 month
values for groundwater depth and salinity at un-sampled measurements, the closest and furthest values of ground
locations. Semivariogram modeling was performed using water depth to the soil surface were determined for each
the software GS+9.0. The maps of groundwater properties well. HGD map was also prepared using the closest val-
were drawn with Geostatistical extension of ARCGIS 10.0 ues for each well. Similarly, LGD map was drawn using
using the same semivariogram parameters (nugget, sill, the furthest values of 12 month measurements.
nugget ratio, range) obtained with Software GS+9. AR-
Maps of groundwater depth, salinity and groundwater
CGIS allows the users to calculate areas. Ordinary kriging
elevation were also generated for July, as the highest tem-
was used to generate predictive groundwater maps and
perature and evaporation were seen in this month. Also, the
interpolate groundwater properties of un-sampled locations.
map of groundwater depth and groundwater elevation
Indicator kriging needs no assumption of parameter in July was used to interpret the effects of irrigation on
distribution; therefore, in this sense, it is nonparametric. groundwater and the direction of groundwater flow, respec-
The variable, measured in a continuous scale, is converted tively.
to several indicator variables. Each variable takes values
of 1 or 0 at the sampling site, and values of each variable
are estimated elsewhere in the study area [23]. Indicator 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
kriging is described as a nonlinear method. However, it is
a linear kriging of nonlinear transform of data. It leads to 3.1. Groundwater Properties
estimates of probabilities that the true values exceed (or
not exceed) the specified thresholds at the unvisited loca- Mean, minimum and maximum values; standard de-
tions in the neighborhood of data. This enables to evalu- viations; and coefficients of variation (CV) were calcu-
ate the risk taken by accepting the estimates at their face lated using the measured values for groundwater depth,
value. level and salinity and are given in Table 1.
Indicator kriging was used to generate probability Groundwater elevations ranged from a minimum of
maps for HGD, LGD, GDJ and GSJ. The best geostatisti- 415.35 m to a maximum of 489.72 m. Lowest groundwater
cal model parameters were used in map generation. Val- depths varied between 0.10 m and 3.26 m (mean: 0.78 m)
ues are estimated for un-sampled locations in the study highest groundwater depths varied between 0.41 and 3.84 m
area. The technique used can be briefly described as (mean: 2.01 m); groundwater depth in July varied between
follows [27]: 0.25 m and 3.84 m (mean: 1.74 m); and groundwater
salinity in July varied between 0.47 dS m-1 and 19.19 dS m-1
Let Z(xα ) be the measured concentration of a property (mean: 3.56dS m−1). CV is an important parameter used to
Z at the location xα, then, the range of the variation Z can describe the variability of groundwater properties.
be fractioned and coded using a series of K threshold Camberdella [28] classified CV values as follows: low
values as follows: variability, ≤ 15%; moderate variability, 16-35%; and high
© by PSP Volume 22 – No 10. 2013 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin
variability, ≥36%. Of the 5 groundwater properties exam- ture of the properties examined. In all cases, geostatistical
ined in the present study, groundwater salinity had the range values exceeded 6080 m, with the minimum range
highest CV, and groundwater elevation had the lowest value observed for GSJ and the maximum value for LGD.
CV. While groundwater elevation showed low variability, Nugget ratio, expressed as percent of total semivari-
highest groundwater depth, lowest groundwater depth, ance, was used to evaluate spatial dependency of ground-
groundwater depth in July and groundwater salinity water properties, with rates of ≤25% indicating strongly
showed high variability (Table 1). dependent variables, rates of 25%-75% indicating moder-
ate dependence, and rates of >75% indicating weak de-
3.2. Geostatistical analysis of groundwater properties
pendence [28]. Nugget ratios of GEJ, GSJ, GDJ, HGD and
Geostatistical analysis requires data being initially LGD were, respectively, 1.67, 7.24, 13.90, 22.57 and 24.87,
subjected to a normality test because of the high level of indicating strong spatial variability for all groundwater
estimation errors associated with non-normal data. In this properties. When compared to GEJ, all groundwater depth
study, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to prove the measurements and groundwater salinity exhibited a higher
normality of data. The findings showed that while HGD, nugget ratio (Table 2)
LGD, GDJ exhibited normal distributions, GEJ and GSJ The nugget effect reflects spatial variability at dis-
exhibited non-normal distributions. For this reason, GEJ tances shorter than the smallest distance between meas-
and GSJ values were log-transformed before calculating urements [29] as well as experimental error related to sam-
semivariance. pling and instrument analysis. Large nugget effects may
Directional experimental semivariograms for each suggest the need for additional sampling of relevant proper-
variable were calculated in the directions of 0° (N-S), ties at smaller distances in order to detect spatial depend-
45° (NE-SW), 90° (E-W) and 135° (SE-NW). No distinct ence, with a greater sampling density producing more accu-
differences were found in the directional structure of any rate estimations of groundwater depths. Based on the find-
of the properties studied. Table 2 lists the best-fitting ings of the present study, it was concluded that sampling
semivariogram models and model parameters, such as nug- for groundwater depth requires shorter distances between
get variance, sill variance, range and ratio of structural vari- sampling points when compared to salinity sampling.
ance to sill variance for all the properties examined. The
model with the smallest residual sum of squares (RSS) 3.3. Spatial distribution of groundwater depths and salinity
was considered to be the best fit. Kriging interpolation can help to identify spatial pat-
Best-fit semivariogram models for different ground- terns [30]. Groundwater depth values were recorded for
water properties are shown in Fig. 2. The linear model was each well throughout the 2010 water year, and the highest
found to be the best fit for GEJ and GDJ, while the expo- depth values identified for each well were used to map
nential model was optimal for GSJ (Fig. 2), and the spheri- HGD for the study area (Fig. 3a). HGD of 0.00-2.00 m
cal model was best for HGD and LGD. The coefficient of indicated sites with a drainage problem [31]. In order to
determination (R²) varied between 0.693 and 0.908 for better represent such problematic sites, groundwater maps
the different groundwater properties, indicating that the make use of different depth intervals. In order to predict
theoretical models efficiently reflected the spatial struc- likely problems and take relevant measures, groundwater
© by PSP Volume 22 – No 10. 2013 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin
FIGURE 3 - Spatial distribution of groundwater properties: (a) highest groundwater depth (m), (b) lowest groundwater depth (m), (c)
groundwater depth in July (m), (d) groundwater salinity (dS/m), (e ) groundwater elevation (m).
© by PSP Volume 22 – No 10. 2013 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin
depth and salinity levels of irrigated lands require ongo- Five different depth intervals were also used in map-
ing monitoring and evaluation [32]. ping GDJ. GDJ values were found to be between 0.00-
In the present study, 4 different depth intervals were 1.00 m in 0.62% (57 ha) of the study area, between 1.00-
used to map HGD. As Table 3 shows, HGD were found to 1.50 m in 14.16% (1300 ha) of the study area, between
be below 1.00 m in 18.04% of the study area (1656 ha), 1.50-2.00 m in 52.15% (4787 ha) of the study area, be-
between 1.00-1.50 m in 42.30% (3883 ha) of the study tween 2.00-3.00 m in 30.73% (2821 ha) of the study area,
area, between 1.50-2.00 m in 20.48% (1880 ha) of the and over 3.00 m in 2.34% (215 ha) of the study area. In
study area, and between 2.00-3.00 m in 19.18% (1761 ha) other words, 6144 ha, or 66.93% of total study area had
of the study area. Sites with groundwater depths between groundwater depths between 0.00-2.00 m, and may thus
0.00-2.00 m were considered to have a drainage problem; be considered under threat of excessive soil salinization.
thus, 80.74% (7419 ha) of the study area, mostly in the Groundwater depth and salinity significantly affect
northern part of the site, was considered to have a drain- soil salinity [35]. Insufficient precipitation and excessive
age problem. Arslan [33] stated that the ratio of areas with evaporation are the two most important causes of saliniza-
drainage problems in Bafra plain elevated to 86.53% of tion in arid and semi-arid regions. Excessive or faulty irri-
the whole working area and that the problem resulted gation can lead to a rapid increase in groundwater levels
from overirrigation. and soil salinity. In order to identify sites with possible
The lowest groundwater depths for each well were al- salinity problems, this study measured groundwater salin-
so identified and used to generate a map of LGD in the ity in July. Drainage engineers classify groundwater salin-
study area (Fig. 3b). Optimum groundwater depth varies by ity as follows: 0.00-2.25 dSm-1: unsaline; 2.25-5.00 dSm-1:
crop, with optimum depths for wheat, corn, sugar beets and slightly saline; 5.00-7.50 dSm-1: saline; 7.50-10.00 dSm-1:
most vegetables being 100, 80 and 75 cm, respectively. highly saline; greater than 10.00 dSm-1: excessively saline.
Thus, areas with groundwater depths of 0.00-1.00 m are More generally, sites with an electrical conductivity value
considered to have excessive drainage problems, with greater than 5 dSm-1 are classified as saline [5, 31]. In the
groundwater lying within the plant root zone throughout salinity map for July 2010 (Fig. 3d), 5 different classes
the year, and areas with groundwater depths of 1.00-1.50 m may be observed for the study area. A total of 33.69%
indicating groundwater close to the root zone. (3093 ha) of the study area was found to have an electrical
conductivity value of less than 2.25 dSm-1 and was thus
Five different depth intervals were used to map LGD.
determined to be unsaline; 50.20% (4,680 ha) was slightly
LGD were found to be below 1.00 m in 0.40% (37 ha) of saline (2.25-5.00 dSm-1), 8.17% (750 ha) was saline (5.00-
the study area, between 1.00-1.50 m in 6.91% (634 ha) of
7.50dSm-1), 4.74% (435 ha) was highly saline (7.50-
the study area, between 1.50-2.00 m in 28.14% (2583 ha)
10.00 dSm-1), and 3.20% (294 ha) was excessively saline
of the study area, between 2.00-3.00 m in 54.96% (5045 (10 dSm-1). In other words, salinity levels in 1479 ha, or
ha) of the study area, and over 3.00 m in 9.60% (881 ha)
16.11% of the study area, were above the critical level of
of the study area (Table 3). Most of the problematic sites 5 dSm-1, and an additional 50% of the study area was
in terms of LGD were located in the southern part of the found to be under threat of salinization. Salinity problems
study area.
were most striking in the western and eastern sections of
When Figs. 3b and 3e were investigated together, it the research site. Salinity and groundwater problems have
could be seen that problematic areas were those having been observed in almost 50% of irrigated land in Califor-
lower groundwater elevation. Groundwater flows were nia and 30% of irrigated land in Pakistan [36].
slower in this region, which causes drainage problems. Groundwater elevation maps generated using altitudes
Overall, 35.45% (3254 ha) of the study area had ground- and groundwater depths can be used to clearly indicate
water depths of 0.00-2.00, corresponding to a negative flow direction and rate. Groundwater altitudes are deter-
impact on plant growth. mined by subtracting the water depth of a well from the
In order to investigate possible impacts of irrigation altitude of the same well. Contours may be drawn at 1, 5
on groundwater, and determine whether or not groundwa- or 10 m intervals, depending on the slope of the area. In
ter depths are at levels likely to increase soil salinity, the this study, the groundwater elevation map generated for
present study mapped groundwater depth in July (Fig. 3c), July (Fig. 3e) has contours drawn at 10-m intervals. As the
the month with the highest evaporation and irrigation figure shows, the groundwater elevation of Suluova varied
rates. This map can also be used to indicate groundwater between 489 and 415 m, descending from the northwest to
depths according to plant development period. In order to the southeast section of the research site; and flow direc-
prevent excessive soil salinity, groundwater depths should tion is also from NW to SE.
range between 2.00-4.00 m in arid and semi-arid regions,
and in cases where groundwater salinity levels exceed 2-6 3.4. Indicator Kriging (IK)
dS m-1, groundwater depth should be a minimum of 2.00 IK was used to generate probability maps of sites at risk
m for proper plant growth [34]. In the case of the present with regard to the relevant parameters. Probability maps are
study, because the research site is located within a semi- shown in Fig. 4. The sections with highest and strong prob-
arid region, groundwater depth should be at least 2.00 m abilities were assumed to show the boundaries of problem-
to prevent salinity problems during plant growth stages. atic sites, and results were interpreted accordingly.
© by PSP Volume 22 – No 10. 2013 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin
TABLE 3 - Spatial distribution of groundwater properties within the study area determined by Ordinary Kriging (OK).
FIGURE 4 - Spatial distribution of probability for groundwater properties: (a) highest groundwater depth <2.0 m, (b) lowest groundwater
depth <2.0 m, (c) groundwater depth in July <2.0 m, (d) groundwater salinity in July >5 dSm-1.
TABLE 4 - Probability ranges of risk areas for groundwater depths and salinity determined by Indicator Kriging.
Area (%)
Highest ground Lowest ground Groundwater Groundwater
range (%)
water depth water depth depth in July salinity in July
0.0 – 0.2 8.91 23.97 20.51 68.24
0.2 – 0.4 7.39 34.85 11.46 12.59
0.4 – 0.6 7.58 21.00 10.86 7.46
0.6 – 0.8 12.69 18.70 14.88 5.50
0.8 – 1.0 63.43 1.48 42.29 6.21
HGD between 0.00-2.00 m indicate sites with a Sites with LGD between 0.00-2.00 m indicate areas
drainage problem; therefore, probability distribution maps where the groundwater depth had a negative impact on plant
of not exceeding 2.00 m were generated using values for growth. Therefore, a threshold value of 2.0 m was used in
the HGD. Maps indicated that 63.43% (5823 ha) of the generating probability maps for sites with groundwater
research site had a highest probability (0.8-1.0) of ground- depths between 0.00-2.00 m throughout the year. Maps
water depths between 0.00-2.00 m, 12.69% (1165 ha) had indicated that 1.48% of the research site had the highest
a strong probability (0.6-0.8), and 16.3% (1496 ha) had a probability (0.8-1.0) of maintaining these levels, 18.70%
weak probability (below 0.4). Ultimately, it was determined had a strong probability (0.6-0.8), and 21% had a medium
that 76.12% of the research site had a potential for drainage probability. In other words, in 20.18% of the research site,
problems (Table 4). groundwater depths could be expected to have a negative
impact on plant growth.
© by PSP Volume 22 – No 10. 2013 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin
In order to ensure proper root development and pre- maintained below 3.00 m throughout the year. Further
vent soil salinity in arid and semi-arid regions, groundwa- research should examine seasonal changes in soil salinity.
ter depth should exceed 2.00 m during the month with the
highest rate of irrigation. For this reason, this study exam-
ined the probability of groundwater depths exceeding 2.0 m ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
in the study area during the month of July. The findings
showed that 42.29% of the area had the highest probability This study was supported by Ondokuz Mayıs Univer-
(0.8-1.0) that groundwater depths would not exceed 2 m in sity, Scientific Research Programs under the Project no of
July; 14.88% had a strong (0.6-0.8) and 10.86% had a me- PYO. ZRT. 1901.12.005. The authors are grateful to the
dium probability. In other words, in 57.17% of the site, Seventh Regional Directorate of State Hydraulic Works
groundwater was expected to have a negative impact on (DSI), Samsun, Turkey, for providing the data used in this
root development and soil salinity. paper. The authors are also grateful to Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Deniz Ekinci, Ondokuz Mayis University, Agricultural
With regard to groundwater salinity, the likelihood of
Biotechnology Department, for critical reviewing and help-
salinity problems in the study area was examined using a
ful suggestions on the manuscript.
threshold value of 5 dS m-1 to indicate problematic sites [5].
The findings showed that 6.21% of the research site had the
The authors have declared no conflict of interest.
highest probability (0.8-1.0) of exceeding the threshold
for groundwater salinity, 5.50% had a strong probability,
and 7.46% had a medium probability (0.4-0.6). In other
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