The Manager in Search of Change: Case Study Number 1
The Manager in Search of Change: Case Study Number 1
The Manager in Search of Change: Case Study Number 1
BA 23
- manifestation of self-respect - irrational and illogical
- sign of dignity - unable to pursue legal actions after
- shows value for personal ethics - unable to fix the conflict between the
- regard for the esteemed hard work, company and Lawrence
efforts, and energy that he invested in - No unemployment benefits
the company - doesn’t address the real root issue
- a gesture of a non-guilty person of the problem in the company
- pro-actively leaving is less stressful
- Positive employment eligibility
- able to pursue for other open, - no assurance of future employment
advanced and accepting opportunities - generates a history of a bad record
- allows positive change through - no income
discharging Lawrence of his - wasted effort for the last 15 years
responsibilities that bind him to the
- creates a space for a healthy
assessment of oneself
3. Defy the status quo and question the system through formally writing to the
board and the management.
This is by far one of the best alternative course of action. Under this, more
civilized members of the company with no expected underlying intentions and
motives participate in deciding what to do with Lawrence’s case. This means
that no personal biases are expected to happen unlike the case with the boss
and the president. In here, legal and due process of assessing the case will
take into place which will signify fairness and integrity of the investigation.
6. Recommendation
Acknowledging the context and nature of Lawrence’s case, I recommend
the following:
1. He should continuously strive for self-growth and development through
change. Whether it takes form in applying for a new job or deciding to stay
within the boundaries of his zone, he should never stop pursuing for what he
thinks is the best for him. He needs to follow his passion.
2. If he resigns, he needs to find a job where he can exercise his
autonomy to act within his jurisdiction. He should find a job that doesn’t
oppose his personality. He should find opportunities in countries with
progressive and liberal values to avoid offending the sensitive parts of
conservative cultures.
3. He should try to look for a job that is in line with his own personal
culture. Since culture plays an important role in shaping the society, it is
important that he works in an environment where his dedication, ideas and
commitment are met with good feedback and not otherwise.
7. Conclusion
Countries with extremely conservative and sensitive cultures exist.
These cultures when violated or offended create conflicts. One best
example is Korea. Inside an organization or company, conflicts between
managers and subordinates and boss and employees also exist.
Unfortunately for the case of Lawrence, both were existing and opposing
to his need for a change and growth.
Since Lawrence was caught red-handed on applying for another
company, he was given two choices, to resign or to be terminated.
Through analyzing and assessing Lawrence’s case, it is provided that the
best possible solution given the context is to resign. It is justified because
it leads to more benefits than harms, it allows the creation of space for
self-growth and development, and it prioritizes Lawrence as a person.