Final IM Case
Final IM Case
Final IM Case
Submitted to:
Dr. Hansel Magno Jr.
Clinical Instructor
Submitted by:
Calunsag, Analyn M.
August 1, 2019
Personal Data
Name: X
Age/Sex: 43/F
Civil Status: Separated
Address: Davao City
Religion: Roman Catholic
Occupation: Call Center Agent
Nationality: Filipino
Chief Complaint
Abdominal Pain
Three days prior to admission, patient had her evening routine where she would take her
dinner after work and eventually have her normal urge to defecate every after meal. Later that
evening, she experienced sudden onset of cramping abdominal pain localizing in the umbilical
region. There was no suprapubic pain, flank pain, regurgitation and dysuria noted. The
abdominal pain subsided and she was able to sleep without any medication taken.
Two days prior to admission, patient was able to go to work but noted abdominal
bloating. In that evening, patient experienced the same cramping abdominal pain with a pain
scale of 10 out of 10 and was constipated. The pain was felt from the umbilical region and
radiated towards the epigastric area with fully distended abdomen however no referred back
pain was noted. There was no fever, nausea, vomiting, dysphagia and diarrhea. Patient did not
take any medication, instead she rushed to the ER of the nearest hospital in Manila. She
underwent series of work ups like abdominal x-ray and was advised for operation. She opted to
forego the operation and chose to have the procedure done at Davao because there’s no one to
take care of her.
One day prior to admission, upon processing her hospital bill, she had recurrent
cramping abdominal pain and vomited profusely. There was failure to pass flatus but
normoactive bowel sounds were noted. She was brought back to the ER and given IV infusion
of tramadol. After the medication, she had another episode of vomiting.
On the day of admission, when the patient was feeling better, she flew in from Manila
and directly went to the hospital. Patient came in with the same complaint of abdominal pain
and was scheduled for operation at 3 pm of the same day, thus prompted her admission.
Past Medical History
She was diagnosed 3 years ago with Diabetes mellitus and is compliant with her
maintenance drugs of Metformin 500 mg and Glimepiride 2 mg. She was also in injectable
insulin. Patient was diagnosed with hypertensive at the age of 42 and was currently taking
Losartan 50 mg as her maintenance.
Surgical History
Patient was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and was given OCP
however she already stopped taking for 4 years.
Patient’s father is diabetic and hypertensive. Her mother died of breast carcinoma. And
her 2 siblings have asthma.
Patient is a non-smoker and non-alcoholic drinker. She just had one cup of rice in day or
sometimes none as part of her diet.
Review of System:
Physical Examination:
Vital Signs:
Anthropometric measurements
WEIGHT: 62 kilograms
Inspection- skin is brown and dry. No scars and lesions noted. No rashes were noted.
No clubbing of the nails.
Palpation- Skin was warm. 1-3 secs skin turgor and classified as good
Inspection- blonde hair, normal thickness of hair strand, scalp has no lesion and scars.
Inspection – Symmetric eyebrows, no scar and lesion on both eyebrows. No redness was
noted. No cataract was noted.
Inspection – no ulcers in the buccal cavity, Tonsils not inflamed, uvula is in the midline, tongue
is not deviated
Lymph nodes
Palpation – No tender areas, no crepitus noted, tactile fremitus symmetric, good chest
expansion and symmetric
Percussion- Resonant on both upper lung fields
Inspection – abdominal contour was globular. Midline incision from roughly 1 cm above the
umbilicus to hypogastric region
Not assessed
Palpate: No tenderness in both hand (wrist joint, anatomic snuffbox, MCP, PIP and DIP)
Peripheral Vessels
Inspection: No pallor
CN I – intact
CN II – intact
CN XI – Motor - intact
Final Impression: