Objective of The System
Objective of The System
Objective of The System
Admin Modules
Sales manager modules
Lead manager modules
Track modules
Existing System
In the existing system only a view Lead and sales can be reported manually , also it has
more workload for the authorized person, but in the case of Proposed System, the user can track
the sales manager and company revenue from the site and send the sales information report
about company and particular target based on report.
Needs manual calculations and no direct role for the higher officials.
To avoid all these limitations and make the working more accurately the system needs to
be computerized in a better way.
Proposed System
The aim of proposed system is to develop a system of improved facilities. The
proposed system can overcome all the limitations of the existing system. The proposed system
tries to eliminate or reduce these difficulties up to some extent. The proposed system will help
the user to reduce the workload and mental conflict can be accessed via from anywhere and any
devices to manage customers, leads, allocate leads to sales managers, lead status, remainder,
appointment scheduler and fix sales target etc.
The system is very simple in design and to implement. The system requires very low system
resources and the system will work in almost all configurations. It has got following features;
Easily Accessible: Being a web-based application, it can be accessed from
anywhere with internet. It is not necessary to enqiury the sales report manually ,the
can access and track lead through pitch in online for sales and features.
Secured: The whole system and database is fully password protected. Only the
admin and authorized users can access the data and information in the system.
Flexibility: The software has been designed in such a way that new features and
modules can be incorporated in the system as per requirement.
Reliable and Efficient: As this application works through computer and internet, it
has higher working efficiency and reliability.
Hardware Requirements
Processor : i3 Processor or above
The software requirements document is the specification of the system. It should include both a
definition and a specification of requirements. It is a set of what the system should do rather than
how it should do it. The software requirements provide a basis for creating the software
requirements specification. It is useful in estimating cost, planning team activities, performing
tasks and tracking the teams and tracking the team’s progress throughout the development
ASP.net Introduction:
ASP.NET works on top of the HTTP protocol, and uses the HTTP commands and policies to set
a browser-to-server bilateral communication and cooperation.
ASP.NET is a part of Microsoft .Net platform. ASP.NET applications are compiled codes,
written using the extensible and reusable components or objects present in .Net framework.
These codes can use the entire hierarchy of classes in .Net framework.
The ASP.NET application codes can be written in any of the following languages:
Visual Basic.Net
ASP.NET is used to produce interactive, data-driven web applications over the internet. It
consists of a large number of controls such as text boxes, buttons, and labels for assembling,
configuring, and manipulating code to create HTML pages.
ASP.NET web forms extend the event-driven model of interaction to the web applications. The
browser submits a web form to the web server and the server returns a full markup page or
HTML page in response.
All client side user activities are forwarded to the server for stateful processing. The server
processes the output of the client actions and triggers the reactions.
Now, HTTP is a stateless protocol. ASP.NET framework helps in storing the information
regarding the state of the application, which consists of:
Page state
Session state
The page state is the state of the client, i.e., the content of various input fields in the web form.
The session state is the collective information obtained from various pages the user visited and
worked with, i.e., the overall session state. To clear the concept, let us take an example of a
shopping cart.
User adds items to a shopping cart. Items are selected from a page, say the items page, and the
total collected items and price are shown on a different page, say the cart page. Only HTTP
cannot keep track of all the information coming from various pages. ASP.NET session state and
server side infrastructure keeps track of the information collected globally over a session.
The ASP.NET runtime carries the page state to and from the server across page requests while
generating ASP.NET runtime codes, and incorporates the state of the server side components in
hidden fields.
This way, the server becomes aware of the overall application state and operates in a two-tiered
connected way.
The ASP.NET component model provides various building blocks of ASP.NET pages.
Basically it is an object model, which describes:
Server side counterparts of almost all HTML elements or tags, such as <form> and
Server controls, which help in developing complex user-interface. For example, the
Calendar control or the Gridview control.
ASP.NET is a technology, which works on the .Net framework that contains all web-
related functionalities. The .Net framework is made of an object-oriented hierarchy. An
ASP.NET web application is made of pages. When a user requests an ASP.NET page,
the IIS delegates the processing of the page to the ASP.NET runtime system.
The ASP.NET runtime transforms the .aspx page into an instance of a class, which inherits from
the base class page of the .Net framework. Therefore, each ASP.NET page is an object and all
its components i.e., the server-side controls are also objects.
To create databases.
To maintain databases.
To analyze the data through SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS).
To generate reports through SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS).
To carry out ETL operations through SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS).
SQL Server works in client-server architecture, hence it supports two types of components − (a)
Workstation and (b) Server.
Workstation components are installed in every device/SQL Server operator’s machine.
These are just interfaces to interact with Server components. Example: SSMS, SSCM,
Profiler, BIDS, SQLEM etc.
Server components are installed in centralized server. These are services. Example:
SQL Server, SQL Server Agent, SSIS, SSAS, SSRS, SQL browser, SQL Server full text
search etc.
Advantages of Instances
To reduce cost.
Lead Management has different kind of Modules such as Admin ,Lead and Sales
Managers. They are
Admin Modules:
Admin can add sales manager and can view the list of added sales manager
Admin can delete or active the sales manager record from list.
Admin can create leads and can view the list of created leads.
Search filter for sales manager leads details i.e. search by selecting name, status,
monthly, weekly, daily, and date range
Admin can view all current logged in users, leader board for sales manager lead
details and targets completed by sales manager
Sales manager can view upcoming reminders and all sales on dashboard
Sales manager can add sales report and can view list of all data
Search filter for searching customer
Handle hard and cold calls for sales
Sales manager can add reminder for further action
Can edit his profile
Can view reminder on calendar
Track modules:
Can add reminder for particular lead manager based on month target..
Add reminder for Sales manager based on daily and monthly target..
Can view reminder on calendar.
Schedule the task by admin to both manager .
View the Task based on schedules dates.
3.2 Data Flow Diagram
Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is a two-dimensional diagram that describes how data is
processed and transmitted in a system. The graphical depiction recognizes each source of data
and how it interacts with other data sources to reach a mutual output. In order to draft a data flow
diagram one must
Identify external inputs and outputs
Explain with graphics how these connections relate and what they result in.
Role of DFD:
It is a documentation support which is understood by both programmers and non-
programmers. As DFD postulates only what processes are accomplished not how they are
A physical DFD postulates where the data flows and who processes the data.
It permits analyst to isolate areas of interest in the organization and study them by
examining the data that enter the process and viewing how they are altered when they
Level 0:
Admin login
Request Data
Lead/sales Manager
DFD Level 1:
Lead and
sales Lea
information d
Sales Sal
Manager es
information Ma
Lead Dat
Admin reminder for a
Management Manager min
login process tabl
Lead Lea
Manager Dat
information Ma
View Lead
Information Lea
View Sales Sal
information es
Lead Lead tab
Managers Management le
process View Sch
Schedules ed
and reminder ule
View Cus
Customer Datto
information me
Data base is designed to manage large bodies of information. The management of data
involves both the definitions of structures for the storage of information. In addition the data base
system must provide for the safety of the information solved, despite system crashes or due to
attempts at unauthorized access. For developing an efficient database we have to fulfil certain
conditions such as controlled redundancy.
● Defining the data
● Inputting the data
● Locating the data
● Accessing the data
● Communicating the data
● Revising the data
Objectives of Data base deign
For designing data base design several objectives have to be met as follows:
● Ease of use
● Control of data integrity
● Control of redundancy
● Data independence (logical & physical)
Login details
Employee Details
customer Details
Calendar Details
Field DataType Constraints
id Int Primary Key
Leadname Varchar(20) Null
Set Date Varchar(20) Null
Enter title of reminder Varchar(20) Null
Action Varchar(20) Null
Created date Varchar(20) Null
One problem that would overcome is how to deal with the relations and searching to
minimize I/O operations. All fields are variable length apart from the id, year & length. Server
should be able to synchronize the database to all clients with minimal operations. When a client
comes online, all changes part the date sync back to the client. Another way to do this would
have a separate table on the server which lists all the operations that have happened and the date
they happened; and sync in a similar happened.Minimise I/O operations The server will store an
“index” of the tracks database in memory with the id and file name so read operations are kept to
a minimum. The main problem will be fragmentation when a record is deleted. Because of the
variable length fields, a new record cannot be added in that place. So fixed length fields should
not be used either (as the filename could be huge for instance).
the integration testing begins. In this project each service is a module like Login, Forms etc.
Each module has to be tested by giving different sets of inputs. The inputs are validated when
accepting from user.
Integration Testing:
After the unit testing the integration of modules has to be done and then integration
testing can be done. The goal here is to see if modules can be integrated properly, the emphasis
being on testing interfaces between different modules.
System Testing:
In the system testing the entire web portal is tested according the software requirement
specifications document.
Acceptance Testing:
The acceptance testing is performed with realistic data of the client, which focus on the
external behaviour of the system; the internal logic of the program is emphasized. Software
testing is a critical element of software quality assurance and represents the ultimate review of
specification, design and coding. Testing is the exposure of the system to trial input to see
whether it produces correct output.
Software testing phases include the following:
Test activities are determined and test data selected.
The test is conducted and test results are compared with the expected results.
Testing is a process of executing a program to find out errors. If testing is conducted
successfully, it will uncover all the errors in the software.
By black box testing we derive a set of test cases that satisfy the following criteria:
Test cases that reduce by a count that is greater than one
The number of additional test cases that must be designed to achieve reasonable testing.
Testing can be done in two ways:
Bottom up approach
Top down approach
System implementation is the important stage of project when the theoretical design is tunes
into practical system. The main stages in the implementation are as follows:
● Planning
● Training
● System testing and
● Changeover planning
Planning is the first task in the system implementation. Planning is deciding on the method
and the time scale to be adapted. At the time of implementation of any system people from
different departments and system analysis involve. They are confirmed to practical problem of
controlling various activities of people outside their own data processing departments.
The line manager controlled through an implementation co-ordinate committee. The
committee consists of idea, problems and complaints of user department. It must also be
● The implementation of system environment.
● Self-selection and allocation for implementation tasks.
● Consultation with unions and resources available.
● Standby facilities and channels of communication.
While developing the system a conscious effort has been made to create and develop a
software package, making use of available tools, techniques and resources - that would generate a
proper system.
While making the system, an eye has been kept on making it as user-friendly, as cost-
effective and as flexible as possible. As such one may hope that the system will be acceptable to
any user and will adequately meet his or her needs.
As in case of any system development processes where there are a number of
shortcomings, there have been some shortcomings in the development of this system also. The
project is still under modification.
Author-Simone Chiaretta. Front-end Development with ASP.NET Core, Angular, and
Professional Application Lifecycle Management with Visual Studio 2013 and
Professional Visual Studio 2013 Ebook Bundle
Martin Hinshelwood, Mickey Gousset, Brian A. Randell, Brian Keller, Martin
Woodward, Bruce Johnson.
,William Penberthy. Richards Fairley, Beginning ASP.NET for Visual Studio 2015
“Software Engineering Concepts”
Sample Screenshots:
Lead add:
screen 2:
Screen 8:
B.Sample Code:
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string loc_email = txt_uname.Text;
string loc_password = txt_pwd.Text;
if (Designation == "HRManager")
if (Designation == "Maintance Manager")
if (Designation == "Movement Manager")
if (Designation == "Admin")
<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="LoginPage.aspx.cs"
Inherits="Admin_LoginPage" %>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<head runat="server">
<title>Untitled Page</title>
<style type="text/css">
width: 67%;
height: 181px;
height: 12px;
height: 29px;
height: 35px;
width: 100%;
width: 157px;
height: 169px;
width: 585px;
height: 12px;
width: 94px;
height: 29px;
width: 94px;
width: 94px;
height: 35px;
width: 94px;
width: 700px;
height: 238px;
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<span lang="en-us"> </span>
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="style7">
<span lang="en-
us"> &nb
sp; &nbs
<img alt="1" class="style16" src="Admin/Untitled-2%20copy.jpg" /></td>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Note: As an alternative to hand editing this file you can use the
web admin tool to configure settings for your application. Use
the Website->Asp.Net Configuration option in Visual Studio.
A full list of settings and comments can be found in
machine.config.comments usually located in
Set compilation debug="true" to insert debugging
symbols into the compiled page. Because this
affects performance, set this value to true only
during development.
<compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.0">
The <authentication> section enables configuration
of the security authentication mode used by
ASP.NET to identify an incoming user.
<authentication mode="Windows"/>
The <customErrors> section enables configuration
of what to do if/when an unhandled error occurs
during the execution of a request. Specifically,
it enables developers to configure html error pages
to be displayed in place of a error stack trace.
C.Table Design:
Login details
Employee Details
customer Details
Calendar Details