Self Test: Primary Ministry Functions of The Church

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Self Test

Listed in the left column are six principles observed by the early disciples. Match the
principle (left) with the verses (right), which are a demonstration of the principle.
......1. The Gospel preached first in their own community a. Acts 13:1-3
......2. The gospel preached to the unsaved where they are b. Acts 5:12,25,42
......3. Those called to preach identified and sent out c. Acts 2:14-41; 4:1-2
......4. Salvation through faith in Christ without added religious ritual d. Acts 2:41-47
......5. Evangelism directed to adults e. Acts 10; 16:31-33
......6. New believers quickly brought into church fellowship f. Acts 15:1-20

1. Acts 2, 10, 13 & 15; 1 Corinthians. 12
2. Wagner, C. Peter. Strategies For Church Growth. California: Regal Books, 1987. pp.
3. Ponraj, S. Devasagayam. Church Planting Approach to Mission. Madhupur: IIMCS.,
1987. pp. 22-33.

Study Questions:
Discuss further how these principles will work in your own context.

Lecture No. 3
The Purpose & Ministry of the Church
1. To learn how church functions in its society.
2. To see each one’s role in the his or her own local church

A. The Function of the Church

o Jesus commanded His disciples, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations,
baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and
teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you” (Mtt. 28:19-20).
o We see two primary functions of the Church from this statement.

2 Primary Ministry Functions of the Church

o This is clear from the statement, “Go...make disciples.” The early church
obeyed this command (Acts 14:21).
1. o The apostles Paul and Barnabas made many disciples in Derbe through their
evangelistic work.
2. o This is clear from the statement, “teach them to obey everything I have
commanded you.”
o The early church obeyed this command ( Acts 14:22). Apostles Paul and
Barnabas strengthened (teaching) new disciples
o These two functions explain the reason why God has placed the church in the world.
o What does God expect His people, the church, to do when they come in contact with the
unbelieving world?
o The answer is to, “make disciples.”
o What does God intend to happen to believers as they meet together as members of the
body of Christ?
o The answer is to “edify or build up one another in faith”.
o And this is what happens when believers are taught God’s Word.

*Self Test
Opposite each Scripture below Write E if it represents a function of evangelism and T if it
represents a teaching function of the church.
.......1. Acts 3:6,7
.......2. Acts 8: 36-38
.......3. Acts 15:24-29
.......4. Acts 16:28-31

B. The Ministry of the Church

o We have already learned that evangelism and teaching are the two functions of the
o The church exists to carry out those two activities.
o These functions are of primary importance to the church’s mission to the world.
o There are different kinds of ministry gifts given to the church for its benefits.

1. Kinds of Ministry Gifts

o The Holy Spirit came on the day of Pentecost and made its permanent stay with the
o He gave gifts of ministry to the church, and these ministry gifts help the church to fulfill
its God-given mission.
o But how does this happen?
o Who performs which tasks in the church’s ministry?
o The nature and purpose of the ministry gifts which were given to the church can be seen
in the following verses: Rom. 12:5-8; 1 Cor. 12:27-31; 1 Tim. 3:1-10; and Eph. 4:11-12.
o These Scriptures give examples of the kinds of gifts of ministry God gives to the
o We can classify these gifts according to the place where they are primarily used.

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