Velasquez Vs People
Velasquez Vs People
Velasquez Vs People
The third requisite requires the person mounting a and defense of a relative, they relieved the prosecution of
defense to be reasonably blameless. He or she must not its burden of proving the acts constitutive of the offense.
have antagonized or incited the attacker into launching an They took upon themselves the burden of establishing
assault. This also requires a consideration of their innocence, and cast their lot on their capacity to
proportionality. Provocation is sufficient when it is prove their own affirmative allegations. Unfortunately for
proportionate to the aggression, that is, adequate enough them, they failed.
to impel one to attack the person claiming self-defense.
SC: Denied the petition
In the case at bar, the Court found petitioners' claims of
self-defense and defense of their relative, Mercedes, to
be sorely wanting.