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DOI 10.1007/s00784-007-0162-8
Received: 17 April 2007 / Accepted: 31 October 2007 / Published online: 27 November 2007
# Springer-Verlag 2007
Abstract In vitro and in vivo studies have clearly identified decreasing, whereas the number of tooth-colored compo-
that some components of restorative composite resins, sites and resin-modified glass ionomer cements (RM-GIC)
adhesives, and resin-modified glass ionomer cements are restorations is increasing. Despite dentistry becoming
toxic. The mechanisms of cytotoxicity are related firstly to gradually a sophisticated biomedical discipline, one of its
the short-term release of free monomers occurring during Achilles' heels seems to be the restorative materials that are
the monomer–polymer conversion. Secondly, long-term responsible for such an unacceptable high proportion of
release of leachable substances is generated by erosion failures. Despite the fact that composites and RM-GIC have
and degradation over time. In addition, ion release and improved their physico-chemical properties, their intrinsic
proliferation of bacteria located at the interface between the toxicity remains high, at least when they are evaluated in
restorative material and dental tissues are also implicated in vitro. In addition, due to the fact they are tooth-colored,
the tissue response. Molecular mechanisms involve gluta- dental practitioners use less other restorative materials such
thione depletion and reactive oxygen species (ROS) as silver amalgam. Secondary caries is the most frequent
production as key factors leading to pulp or gingival cell reason for replacing restorations. A clear-cut explanation
apoptosis. Experimental animal approaches substantiate the for that is that resins shrink during polymerization, leaving
occurrence of allergic reactions. There is a large gap a gap colonized by bacteria between the material and the
between the results published by research laboratories and cavity walls, and the so-called hybrid layer does not
clinical reports. exclude bacterial penetration [15]. This contributes to the
development of secondary caries. In addition, unbound free
Keywords Composite resin . Resin-modified glass ionomer monomers are excellent substrates for cariogenic bacteria
cement . Adhesive . Free monomers . HEMA . TEGDMA . [32]. Other reasons for failures are either mechanical,
Free radicals . Cytotoxicity . Glutathione . Allergy . hypersensitivity, or both, and a few teeth can only be cured
Mutagenicity by endodontic treatment [9, 49]. Altogether, there is a need
for the reevaluation of the physicochemical and biological
properties of materials currently used in restorative dentist-
Do dental materials fulfill the clinical requirements? ry that apparently do not fulfill the requirements of safety
and longevity.
Out of the 290-million cavities restored each year in the During the last few decades, the enthusiasm was great
United States, 200 million are replaced for failed restora- for resin composite and resin-modified glass ionomer
tions [4]; the use of amalgam as restorative material is cements that are tooth-colored materials considered as
possible substitutes to mercury-containing silver amalgam
filling. Ecological and esthetic considerations lead to the
M. Goldberg (*) decrease of a material with long standing clinical experi-
Faculté de Chirurgie Dentaire, University Paris 5,
EA 2496, 1, rue Maurice Arnoux,
ence to the profit of resin-containing materials with a
92120 Montrouge, France partially very short “market life span” (only months
e-mail: [email protected] sometimes). It is clear that defective mechanical properties
2 Clin Oral Invest (2008) 12:1–8
such as shrinkage due to dimensional changes during resin biocompatibility of the material. The organic polymerized
polymerization and poor resistance to abrasion have matrix seems to be responsible for most of the reported
decreased the initial eagerness. undesirable effects.
Three comments should be done. Firstly, unbound Many in vitro studies have shown that the polymerization
monomers favor bacteria proliferation, especially the micro- reaction that produces the cross-linked polymer matrix from
organisms implicated in caries formation. Therefore, they the dimethacrylate resin monomer is never complete and
contribute to the development of secondary caries. Second- adverse reactions are due to the release of nonpolymerized
ly, cellular and molecular mechanisms of cytotoxicity are monomers such as triethylene glycol methacrylate (TEG
initiated by the monomers, leading to pulp alteration and DMA) or 2-hydroxy-ethyl-methacrylate (HEMA). Unbound
retraction of the gingival margin [29, 57]. Thirdly, local and free monomers seem to be directly responsible for the
systemic allergic-related reactions have been reported [34]. cytotoxicity of resin composites on pulp and gingival cells,
In this context, between 0.7% and 2% of patients and dental and they are probably also implicated in the allergic potential
practitioners display allergic reactions [10, 35, 50, 55]. of the material [19]. Recent progress of dental composites
A number of in vitro and animal studies clarify the did not change the occurrence of cytotoxic effects, and in
mechanisms of adverse reactions. In contrast, there is a this context, similar toxic levels were obtained with
need for more well-controlled unbiased clinical reports. packable and nonpackable dental composites [22].
Either there is no harmful reaction or they are not reported. Conventional glass ionomer cements (GIC) are com-
In any case, there is an enormous gap between in vitro and posed of glass, e.g., Ca–Al–F–silicate–glass, and poly
in vivo studies. Apparently, the follow-up of restorative (acrylic) carbonic acids. They have a good biocompatibility
materials do not provide information on the actual physio- [29]. Along this line, rat first maxillary molars were
pathological status of the pulp, probably because the submitted to cavity preparation and filled with Fuji IX
methods used by clinicians are rather crude and not accurate GIC. After 8 days, a moderate inflammatory reaction was
enough. The reasons for the discrepancies between the two seen in the pulp, which was totally resolved at day 30 [72].
groups of reports are not yet clear. The link between the However, to improve mechanical properties and facilitate
work going on in laboratories and the restorative therapies clinical handling, resin-modified glass ionomer cements
is missing up to now. However, it would be surprising that (RM-GIC) have been developed by the industry. RM-GICs
the harmful effects that are well identified in laboratory contain poly(acrylic)acids, photocuring monomers (HEMA)
studies, and reviewed in this paper, have no clinical or a photocuring side chain grafted onto the poly(acrylic)
consequences. In the next future, we might face major acid and an ion-leaching glass. GICs have been also
problems in terms of public health. In the present article, in combined with resin composite components, such as
vitro data and in vivo animal studies will review the adverse dimethacrylates, benzophenone, and camphoroquinone,
effects of resin composites, RM-GIC, and dental adhesives. giving rise to a group of mixed restorative materials called
compomers and RM-GICs. These materials and dentin
bonding agents have now been studied and shown to be
Composition of composite resins and resin-modified GIC cytotoxic for pulp and gingival cells [58, 78].
percentage of unbound monomers has been decreased components are released due to degradation or erosion over
during the past 10 years, but the problem is still not time. Chemical degradation is caused by hydrolysis or
eradicated. Up to now, there is no total conversion during enzymatic catalysis. Unspecific esterases and human saliva-
polymerization. It may be expected that at the end of initial derived esterase may readily catalyze the biodegradation of
polymerization, most of the monomers will react with the commercial resinous materials [24, 26, 38]. Interactions
polymer network and the quantity of residual monomers is between resin monomers and commercial composite resins
less than a tenth of the remaining methacrylic groups, which, with human saliva-derived esterases and pseudocholines-
therefore, have been evaluated as no more than 1.5–5%. terase occur in the oral cavity and they contribute to the
However, this is enough to contribute to major cytotoxic degradation of composite resins. Incubated in vitro with
effects [75]. The reaction is also dependent on dentin cholesterol esterase for 8, 16, and 32 days, resin composites
permeability and residual dentin thickness [8]. The residual release 2,2-bis [4(2,3-hydroxypropoxy)-phenyl]propane
dentin layer absorbs unbound monomers and, therefore, (bis-HPPP) and TEGMA. Depending on the material (lower
contributes to the decrease in the cytotoxicity of the filler vs higher filler composite), and consequently, on the
material, but this parameter is not directly under the control matrix/filler ratio, lower or higher amounts of bis-HPPP
of the dental surgeon, although the formation of reactionary and TEGMA are produced between 0 and 8 days [71].
dentin may be stimulated by preparative steps. Dentin Water or other solvents enter the polymer, leading to the
permeability may also be modified by calcium/phosphate release of biodegradation products, namely, oligomers and
precipitation in the lumen of the tubules leading to sclerotic monomers. This form of erosion leads to weight loss of the
dentin formation. It has also been shown that the surface of polymer. Softening of the Bis-GMA matrix allows the
composite resins exposed to oxygen during curing produces solvents to penetrate more easily and expand the polymer
a nonpolymerized surface layer containing formaldehyde, network, a process that facilitates the long-term diffusion of
which by itself is an additional factor of cell toxicity [64]. unbound monomers [20, 21].
Monomers have been identified in dental composites
eluates by gas and liquid chromatography/mass spectrom- Release of ions
etry. A considerable concentration of the comonomer
triethyleneglycol-dimethacrylate (TEGDMA) and minor Resins and RM-GIC release ions such as fluoride, stron-
concentrations of the basic monomers bisphenol-A glyci- tium, and aluminum. Some ions, such as fluoride, are
dyldimethacrylates (Bis-GMA) and UDMA and the como- expected to be beneficial and reduce the development of
nomer HDDMA have been detected with these methods secondary caries. Presumably, the fluoride content of
[28, 74]. The comonomer TEGDMA and the photostabi- toothpastes and nutriments reload the material, so that the
lizer 2-hydro-4-methoxybenzophenone (HMBP) are cyto- resins or RM-GICs do not become porous. Other ions are
toxic and inhibit cell growth, but the most crucial implicated in the color of the restorative material, and these
consequence is that the intracellular glutathione level is metal elements may interfere with the biocompatibility of
decreased to 85±15% by TEGDMA [17, 18, 75–77]. the resin because they are implicated in the Fenton reaction
In vitro evaluation of the cytotoxicity of 35 dental resin producing reactive oxygen species (ROS) that are cytotoxic.
composite monomers/additives indicates moderate to severe The concentration of F− and Sr2+ is too low to be cytotoxic.
cytotoxic effects [28]. The results vary according to the In contrast, Cu2+, Al3+, and Fe2+ are present in toxic
material tested, but also they are strongly dependent on the concentrations. The cytotoxic cascade was shown to be
cells used for testing. For example, human periodontal enhanced by metals, such as aluminum and iron, present in
ligament and pulp fibroblasts are more sensitive than 3T3 various amounts in composite resins and RM-GIC [75–77].
and gingival fibroblasts [28]. With the exception of very
few reports, there is a general consensus that resin- The role of bacteria at the interface between the restorative
containing restorative materials are cytotoxic [25, 26, 64], material and dental tissues
especially after mixing.
At early intervals, resin-containing materials are more The presence, and consequently, the effects of bacteria
cytotoxic than at later intervals. However, long-term effects located at the interface between the resin and the dental
should also be taken into consideration. tissues probably constitute important factors [32]. EGDMA
and TEDGMA promote the proliferation of cariogenic
Leachable substances generated by erosion and degradation microorganisms such as Lactobacillus acidophilus and
over time Streptococcus sobrinus. As a confirmation, TEDGMA
stimulates the growth of S. mutans and S. salivarius in a
The chemical characteristics of leachable substances deter- pH-dependent manner [42]. This provides an explanation
mine the diffusion through the polymer network. Leachable for the secondary caries lesions that develop beneath resin-
4 Clin Oral Invest (2008) 12:1–8
containing restorative materials. In addition, bacterial Intracellular glutathione level is decreased by TEGDMA
exotoxins have noxious effects on pulp cells after diffusion within the first 2–6 h after setting [18]. At a TEGDMA
throughout dentin tubules. concentration of ≤2.5 mM, a regular reincrease is observed;
For years, some publications refuted any direct cytotoxic whereas at higher concentrations, a continuous depletion
effects of the resin monomers upon the dental pulp and laid occurs, concomitant with a significant decrease of cell
the blame on bacterial contamination [5, 6]. This is still a viability.
matter of controversy and a few reports still consider that HEMA is released from light-cured or RM-GIC and
the pulp reaction to adhesive systems is generally minimal compomer cements [31]. Intracellular tyrosine phosphory-
[51, 52]. They incriminate the colonization by bacteria of lation is inhibited by HEMA and not by TEGDMA [39].
the wide interface between the composite (or adhesive) and Chang et al. [11] have shown that HEMA induces cell
cavity walls. Bacteria may produce acids that can be growth inhibition and cycle perturbation; indeed, the arrest
responsible for the pulp reaction [5, 6]. This was considered of cell S–G phases. The G2/M and S phases arrest, gluta-
true in the early 1980s when important volume shrinkage thione depletion, and ROS production are key factors
followed chemo-polymerization and produced gaps wider leading to cell apoptosis.
than 10 μm [6]. This interval was decreased by the layer- TEGDMA monomers released from dental resins induce
by-layer photopolymerization technology. Improvements of in vitro a concentration-dependent and variable cytotoxic
resin-containing materials have reduced the shrinkage. New effect. Toxic concentration 50 (TC50) was obtained with
adhesive technologies lead to the formation of a hybrid 1.2±0.9 and 2.6±1.1 mM of TEGDMA for gingival and
layer and diminish the interface to less than 1 μm [33]. pulp fibroblasts, respectively. The depletion of glutathione
However, this is still a large gap for many microorganisms due to the leaching of monomers starts at 15–30 min and
such as lactobacilli that are less than 0.1 μm in diameter, is almost complete at 4–6 h. As a valuable demonstration
and therefore, the microbial parameter cannot be ignored. of the importance of this mechanism, antioxidants such as
Some authors have emphasized the importance of hemor- Trolox, ascorbate, and N-acetylcysteine (NAC) prevent the
rhage control and its interference with bacterial contamina- TEGDMA-induced toxicity while GSH depletion is partial-
tion [13]. However, the major issues today seem to be the ly inhibited. Trolox, preventing the cell damages mediated
short-term and long-term release of unbound toxic free by resin-containing dental restorative materials, inhibits
monomers [25, 26, 75] rather than the release of acids and the production of ROS that occurred after 3–4 h incubation
toxins by bacteria. in the presence of TEGDMA. Ascorbate increases, in a
dose-dependent manner, the toxic effects of the eluates
(additional 17–24% depletion of glutathione). D-mannitol
Molecular mechanisms of cytotoxicity: recent data neutralizes the toxic effect of ascorbate [70, 73, 76, 77].
The decreased toxicity of free monomers by these antiox-
For more than 10 years, it is known that resin composites, idative agents paves the way for clinical attempts to reduce
dentin bonding components, and RM-GIC are cytotoxic. the potential noxious effects of resin-containing dental
HEMA, TEGDMA, and UDMA have been incriminated materials.
[58]. Lefebvre et al. [46] have analyzed the action of We recently reported that TEGDMA inhibits and
TEGDMA, dimethylaminoethyl I metacrylate (DMAEFMA) potentiates glutathione transferase P1 (GSTP1) at high and
on oral epithelial cells. It inhibits cell growth and total polar low concentrations. Isoforms of GSTP1 have been identi-
lipid synthesis. Even after polymerization, dental resins may fied in gingival fibroblasts, and depending on the pheno-
elute into the immediate environment unbound monomers type, the reaction to TEGDMA varies. Cells of the GSTP1
that alter various cell metabolic processes [27, 48, 75–77]. *A/*A group and *A/*B variant show a weak inhibition
Other biological parameters have been studied, but their and no significant difference between the two groups of
importance still needs to be established. Along these lines, cells. In contrast, the toxic dose 50 (TD50) value for *B/*B
HEMA and TEGDMA suppress heat shock protein 72 was significantly lower, and therefore, this isoform of
(HSP 72) expression in human monocytes [53]. TEGDMA GSTP1 may be less effective than *A/*A in detoxifying
induces mitochondrial damage [48]. The cytotoxicity of TEGDMA. These data suggest that GSTP1 polymorphism
dentin-bonding resins seems also to be associated with may be involved in the interindividual susceptibility to
defective intracellular tyrosine phosphorylation [39]. TEGDMA cytotoxicity [47]. Once confirmed on a greater
The exposure time and interactions between dentin- scale, these data may contribute to the identification of a
bonding components are important parameters depending group of patients that are more susceptible than the rest of
on the type of cells studied. TEGDMA is about twofold to the population to present harmful reactions to resin
fivefold more toxic than HEMA for pulmonary cells [41]. monomers.
Clin Oral Invest (2008) 12:1–8 5
Local and general toxicity and mutagenic effects give evidence of a possible risk factor for tumor initiation in
human salivary glands [44].
In vitro studies
In vivo experimental studies
Cytotoxicity tests involve the evaluation on cell cultures of
enzyme activities, membrane integrity, alteration of cell Direct pulp capping with adhesive resin-based composite
morphology, determination of cell growth inhibition, and leads generally to infection and necrosis [1, 66]. However,
determination of the effective dose that cause 50% this is still a matter of controversy, and a few authors still
reduction of cell proliferation (ED50). Counting surviving believe that a better sealing of the restoration will prevent
cells (TC50=50% reduction of cell survival), measurement of bacteria contamination, and consequently, better healing of
proliferation rates, synthesis of cellular macromolecules, and the exposed pulp [5, 52]. Mild to severe inflammatory
determination of enzyme activities are the most used and response was observed in human pulps treated with
recognized indicators. A widely used method is the MTT test, Scotchbond Multi-purpose, and no mineralized tissue
although succinic dehydrogenase (SDI) and alkaline phos- formation was detected [16]. The clearance, distribution,
phatase responses have also been used [12]. Photopolymer- and elimination of TEGDMA has been extensively studied
ized standardized cylinders of composite resin or RM-GIC, [61, 62]. About 4% of the 14C-TEGDMA injected in the
prepared according to the manufacturer's instructions, are jugular vein of guinea pigs was found in different tissues
incubated in culture medium. After 48 h of incubation, cells such as muscle, kidney, skin, blood, and liver after 24 h,
are incubated with or without (group control) the biomate- whereas 61.9% was exhaled. Exhalation seems to be the
rial eluates. Conventional and resin-modified GIC toxicity major route of elimination [61]. Gastric, intradermal, and
studies evaluated with the MTT test suggest that RM-GICs intravenous administration of 14C-TEGDMA establish that
are more toxic than conventional GIC [45]. Depending on most is excreted in 1 day, and the peak equivalent
the cell lines used and the method of evaluation, the results TEGDMA level in mouse and guinea pig is 1,000-fold
may vary [80]. As an example, human pulp fibroblasts (not less than known toxic levels [62]. In a third publication,
cloned) and human gingival fibroblasts tested with the MTT Reichl et al. [63] have shown that after the administration
test and lactate dehydrogenase activity assay (LDH) gave of the radioactive monomer either in the gastric tube or
different results, and MTT was more sensitive than LDH after intradermal injection, the uptake was almost complet-
[36]. Despite methodological differences, altogether, the ed within 1 day. Low fecal (<1%) and urine (about 15%)
results underline the cytotoxic effects of the monomers elimination was noted, whereas between 60% and 65% was
released by resin-containing restorative materials. exhaled. In addition, 14C-pyruvate seems to be formed as a
TEGDMA is hydrophilic and interferes with oral tissues. toxic 14C-TEGDMA-intermediate. Confirming previous
The compound can penetrate membranes and reacts with findings, despite the high doses administered in this
intracellular molecules. Specifically, glutathione–TEGDMA experimentation, after 24 h, the doses found in tissues were
adducts are formed, a mechanism reducing cellular detox- 100,000-fold less than known toxic levels [63].
ifying potency [27]. Significant toxic effects of TEGDMA Studies in animals and humans have shown mild to
and HEMA on glucogenesis were reported on isolated rat severe inflammatory pulp reactions, leading in many cases
kidney tubules, although less toxic than the effects of to cell apoptosis, followed by severe pulp alteration [29].
mercuric chloride or methylmercury chloride [59]. Syner-
gistic effects of H2O2 from dental bleaching compounds
and monomers released by dental composites lead to Estrogenic effects
increased toxicity on kidney cells [23]. Using the release
of LDH as a biological indicator, toxicity was also reported Estrogenic activity of three fissure sealants has been associ-
in confluent alveolar epithelial lung cell lines in vitro [60]. ated with bisphenol A dimethacrylate (BPA-DMA) rather
Evaluation of the mutagenicity has shown that than with Bis-GMA [79]. It was shown that BPA-DMA can
TEGDMA causes large DNA deletions in mammalian cells be cleaved by unspecific esterases producing BPA, which
(genotoxicity) [68, 70]. TEGDMA, HEMA, and GMA then may elicit an estrogenic reaction in vitro [3, 65]. The
induce an increase of the number of mutants by a factor of total amount of TEGDMA released per tooth is in the order
2 to 8 [67] and the formation of micronuclei [69]. Using the of 0.25 mg, most of the release occurring on the first day
Comet assay (alkaline single cell microgel electrophoresis [30]. Adverse effects were denied by Nomura et al. [54], and
assay), TEGDMA, UDMA, and Bis-GMA induce signifi- in any case, the dose released is considered to be too low to
cant but minor enhancement of DNA migration, a possible have any consequence on patients [64]. Moving from in
sign for limited genotoxic effects [43]. More recent data vitro to in vivo studies, leached components or bisphenol A
6 Clin Oral Invest (2008) 12:1–8
administered intragastrically daily to female mouse display later. These monomers are cytotoxic in vitro for pulp and
54.5% reduction in the number of pregnancies vs 100% in gingival cells. Leaching of some ions seems also to be
control mice. An effect on the ovaries was also reported, implicated in cell alterations. Depletion of glutathione,
BPA having adverse effects on the fertility and reproductive production of ROS, and a few other molecular mechanisms
system in female mice [2]. However, a study involving have been identified as key factors leading to apoptosis
sealants applied to human subjects shows no detectable and/or pulp necrosis. In addition, resin monomers stimulate
bisphenol A in the blood serum and saliva after 24 h [24]. the development of cariogenic bacteria at the interface
between the material and the walls of the cavity. Dental
resins have no intrinsic antibacterial properties, but some
Allergic responses to dental resins additives may have this effect. However, monomers
provide a good substrate for cariogenic bacterial strains.
The results from the Norwegian National Dental Biomate- This may lead to the formation of secondary caries, and
rial Adverse Reaction Unit listed for 4 years of activity further to the long-term degradation of the polymers, two
from 1993 to 1997 indicate that out of the 296 patients who factors involved in the failure of the restoration.
had been patch tested with substances in dental materials, It is surprising to note that there is a large gap between
23% were positive to gold, 28% to nickel, 9% to palladium, the numerous reports on in vitro adverse reactions, what has
6% to mercury, and 8% to one or more components of been established on allergy and dermatitis, and the clinical
resin-based materials [81]. Skin and mucosal reactions are evaluation of composites, adhesives, and RM-GIC [64]. In
associated with dental materials [35]. Skin symptom or view of all the problems identified mostly in vitro, there is a
hand eczema caused by contact allergy, appearing as an need for clinical studies establishing or refuting a correla-
eczema, has been evaluated in a nonselected population of tion with the in vivo situation.
patients as 12%, in contrast with 27% found in a dentist
group, 2% being caused by acrylic resin materials [34].
Another report indicates that 28% of the dentists have
contact allergy to nickel, perfumes, and other chemicals
with diagnosed hand eczema. Seven percent of the dentists
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