Modeling and Simulation
Modeling and Simulation
Modeling and Simulation
Guillaume Dubois
This book was previously published in French as La simulation numérique: Enjeux et bonnes pratiques pour
l’industrie (Numerical simulation: Challenges and best practices for industry) by Dunod, Malakoff, France.
CRC Press
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Special Thanks
To Taylor & Francis, especially Cindy Renee Carelli, executive editor, and
Renee Nakash, editorial assistant, for their professionalism and the quality
of their work.
To Dorothée Dorwood and Olivier Franceschi, the Traductorz, for the quality
of their translation and their great conviviality.
To Benoît Parmentier, whom fate took away violently and whom I wish could
have proofread this book, for training me when I was starting out.
To the Ethiopian farmers from 2000 years ago who discovered coffee and
enabled me to write this book within a few weeks, by night.
Finally, to Doug, the fictional engineer we follow in this book, who, although
he doesn’t exist, helped me a lot in my writing.
2 A Bit of History................................................................................................9
2.1 Before 1940.............................................................................................. 9
2.2 From 1940 to 1960: The First Steps of Numerical Simulation........ 10
2.3 From 1960 to 1980: The Evolution of Numerical Simulation.......... 11
2.4 From 1980 to 1995: The Revolution of Numerical Simulation....... 13
2.5 From 1995 to 2015: The Spread of Numerical Simulation.............. 14
2.6 Three Lessons from History............................................................... 16
xii Contents
He has progressively held the different roles discussed in this book: mod-
eling engineer—developing models, team manager—managing these engi-
neers, project manager—being a client of these teams.
This book has been translated by Dorothée Dorwood and Olivier Franceschi.
The purpose of this work is to bring the clearest answers to these ques-
tions. Our goal here is to contribute to knowledge sharing in order to open
pathways to the expansion of numerical simulation and maximize the cre-
ation of value for our society.
Observation: The objective of this work is not to explain in detail digital
methods and techniques adapted to specific fields. Many works exist about
these topics (including Pratique de la simulation numérique, Dunod).
xviii Introduction
Who Is This Book For? (To Be Read First If You Are in a Hurry)
This work targets three types of people:
2 Modeling and Simulation
Ice cube
The system studied: an ice cube floating in a glass of water.
t is time
hwater is the heat convection coefficient between the water and the ice cube
Twater is the water temperature
T0 is the temperature of the ice cube
c(t) is the width of the cube, still frozen
Our hypothesis is that the heat exchanges with the air, at the upper side
of the ice cube, are insignificant compared with those of the water, and we
are simplifying the problem by also assuming all the other sides are fully in
contact with the water.
Heat energy contained in the ice cube can be approximated as
E0 is the ice cube’s energy once it has melted
Lwater fusion is the mass enthalpy of the state change from a liquid to a solid
Usual physics laws allow us to predict the total exchanged power equal to
the variation of the system’s energy. Thus, we can write
What Is Numerical Simulation? 3
∂E cube (t)
= Pexchanged (t)
c(tfinal) = 0
Mathematical model vs. reality.
This is a model!
To thoroughly illustrate our example, we can test this model on a specific
situation. The model is solved analytically, and the solution of this set of
equations is (calculation details are skipped)
c(t = 0) = 2 cm
Twater = 20°C
T0 = 0°C
hwater = 250 W/K/m
Lwater fusion = 334 kJ/kg
ρice = 917 kg/m 3
Ice cube
hwater Twater
The new system studied: the ice cube is now touching a solid made of steel.
∂E (t)
cube = Pexchanged (t)
c(tfinal ) = 0
∂c(t) 1
= − A + B 2
∂t c (t)
A = 5hwater (Twater − T0 )
3Lwater fusion ρice
B = ϕsolid
3Lwater fusion ρice
c(tfinal ) = 0
This very simple addition (the heated solid) complicates the situation. Here,
the equation isn’t analytically solvable (without using inverse trigonometric
functions; that would also require the digital tool).
We have to use numerical methods to solve the equation. For instance, we
can reject time, considering an infinitesimal time frame dt (we will take here
dt = 0.1 s).
c(t + dt) − c ( t ) 1
= − A + B 2
dt c (t)
c(tfinal ) = 0
6 Modeling and Simulation
We are thereby able to calculate c step by step, until the value reaches 0.
c(t = 0) = c0
c(dt) = c(t = 0) − dt A + B 2
c (t = 0 )
c(2 * dt) = c(t = dt) − dt A + B 2
c (t = dt )
c(3 * dt) = c(t = 2 * dt) − dt A + B 2
c ( t = 2 * dt )
c(n * dt) = c(t = ( n − 1) * dt) − dt A + B 2
c (t = (n − 1) * dt)
c(tfiinal ) = 0
In this way, there are n calculations to operate to be able to find the final
value (n being the number of iterations to perform before stopping); that is to
say, before c(n*dt) becomes negative. We’ll see that tfinal ≈ 455 s ≈ 8 mn, where
dt = 0.1 s; so 4550 calculations must be performed to find the answer!
This is the moment the digital tool unveils its usefulness. It is able to per-
form these 4550 calculations in a split second, whereas a human being would
have needed several hours. A computer just needs these previous equations
translated into a digital language to solve them (see the numerical model in
Figure 1.4).
By using a computer and the appropriate software, these calculations are
performed in a split second, and the solution we find is tfinal ≈ 455 s ≈ 8 mn.
Thus, in 99% of the situations encountered in industry, mathematical mod-
els are converted into numerical models, in order to solve them with digital
As explained in the previous paragraph, a numerical simulation is the action
of performing a test with a numerical model.
T_water = 273.15 + 20
T_0 = 273.15 + 0
h_water = 250
L_water_fusion = 334 *10^3
Rho_ice = 917
Phi_solid = 1
c = 0.02
∂c(t) 1
t = 0 =− A+B 2
Delta_t = 0.1 ∂t c (t)
Print t c(tfinal)=0
Numerical mode, mathematical model, and reality.
dt x = f ( x , u, θ, t)
y = h( x , u, θ, t)
x is the state vector, including variables selected to define the system
y is the output vector, including the variables to be observed
u is the input vector, including the variables defining the system
θ is the setting vector, including the setting variables of the system
∂c(t) 5h (T −T ) ϕsolid 1
= − water water 0 +
∂t 3Lwater fusion ρice 3Lwater fusion ρice c (t)
y = c(t)
x = c(t)
y = c(t)
u = [Twater T0 ϕsolid ]
θ = [ hwater Lwater fusion ρice ]
8 Modeling and Simulation
The model being simple, we only have a single state variable, and the out-
put variable is equal to the state variable.
A model is testable: It is possible to predict, without live experiments,
the behavior of the system in a specific situation.
A model is a representation: It is necessary to comprehend the system
to represent it, and the model itself includes this knowledge.
These two core values, combined with the power of the tools of digital
technology, generate huge potential to support industrial companies. More
details will be covered in Chapter 3.
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