Section, Golden Proportion, Golden Cut, and Golden Number

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In mathematics, two quantities are in the golden ratio if their ratio is the

same as the ratio of their sum to the larger of the two quantities. The figure on the
right illustrates the geometric relationship. Expressed algebraically, for
quantities a and b with a > b > 0,

Where the Greek letter phi represents the

golden ratio. It is an irrational number with a
value of:

The golden ratio is also called the golden mean or golden section. Other names
include extreme and mean ratio, medial section, divine proportion, divine
section, golden proportion, golden cut, and golden number.
Mathematicians since Euclid have studied the properties of the golden ratio,
including its appearance in the dimensions of a regular pentagon and in a golden
rectangle, which may be cut into a square and a smaller rectangle with the
same aspect ratio. The golden ratio has also been used to analyse the proportions
of natural objects as well as man-made systems such as financial markets, in
some cases based on dubious fits to data. The golden ratio appears in
some patterns in nature, including the spiral arrangement of leaves and other
plant parts.
Some twentieth-century artists and architects, including Le
Corbusier and Salvador Dalí, have proportioned their works to approximate the
golden ratio—especially in the form of the golden rectangle, in which the ratio of
the longer side to the shorter is the golden ratio—believing this proportion to
be aesthetically pleasing.

To study golden ratio as astonishing property, we decided to make model using
precise values so as to get it in golden ratio. We researched about its occurrences
in nature by observing it in waves and in flowers. Also, we made paintings with
the help of our colleagues which are in golden ratio and a true portrait of
perfection. The concept of golden ratio can also be used in architecture for e.g.
The Parthenon Temple, Taj Mahal. The most important thing that is, human body
is observed to be most beautiful when it’s in prefect golden ratio.

The golden ratio is an irrational number. Below are two short proofs of

Contradiction from an expression in lowest terms

If φ were rational, then it would be the ratio of sides of a rectangle with
integer sides (the rectangle comprising the entire diagram). But it would also be a
ratio of integer sides of the smaller rectangle (the rightmost portion of the
diagram) obtained by deleting a square. The sequence of decreasing integer side
lengths formed by deleting squares cannot be continued indefinitely because the
integers have a lower bound, so φ cannot be rational.
Recall that:
The whole is the longer part plus the shorter part;
The whole is to the longer part as the longer part is to the shorter part.
If we call the whole n and the longer part m, then the second statement above
n is to m as m is to n − m, or, algebraically
To say that the golden ratio φ is rational means that φ is a
fraction n/m where n and m are integers. We may take n/m to be in lowest terms
and n and m to be positive. But if n/m is in lowest terms, then the identity
labelled (*) above says m/ (n − m) is in still lower terms. That is a contradiction
that follows from the assumption that φ is rational.
By irrationality of √5
Another short proof—perhaps more commonly known—of the irrationality
of the golden ratio makes use of the closure of rational numbers under addition
1+ √ 5 1+ √ 5
and multiplication. If 2  is rational, then 2( 2 ) =√ 5 is also rational, which is
a contradiction if it is already known that the square root of a non-square natural
number is irrational.

After conducting my experiment, I discovered the hypothesis that "I believe
that the closer an object or face approximates phi, the more aesthetically pleasing
it will be because of the presence of phi in human proportions, the natural world,
and art" was correct. I surveyed 60 students, over 25% of the population at City
School. This is a large enough portion of students to reflect the whole population.
More students preferred the painting, rectangle, and set of flowers that
approximated the Golden Ratio than otherwise. The majority of students, 41.7%
preferred the Golden Rectangle over the square and elongated rectangle. 61.7%
of students preferred flowers with Fibonacci numbers of petals to flowers whose
petals don't show Fibonacci. 53.4% preferred The Last Supper, painted with the
Divine Proportion in mind, to the painting Nighthawks. This evidence shows
that, whether consciously or unconsciously, the Golden Ratio affects our
perception of aesthetics. Other data regarding facial beauty showed lopsided
results. 70% of people preferred the male face that approximated phi, while
66.7% of people preferred the female face that didn't approximate phi. These
results I have chosen to exclude from my analysis, because of personal
preferences, including hair, eye colour, eye shape, facial hair, and facial
recognition, that could have affected the results. Also, many people were
uncomfortable choosing which face was more attractive in front of others. If I
were to perform a second trial, I would have answers be anonymous, and test
equal numbers of each grade and gender. This study has also made me interested
in what other factors effect affect attraction, and what causes people to be
attracted to one another. I am also interested in why the Golden Ratio is so
abundant in different elements of life.

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