Region Covariance: A Fast Descriptor For Detection and Classification
Region Covariance: A Fast Descriptor For Detection and Classification
Region Covariance: A Fast Descriptor For Detection and Classification
1 Introduction
Feature selection is one of the most important steps for detection and classifica-
tion problems. Good features should be discriminative, robust, easy to compute
and efficient algorithms are needed for a variety of tasks such as recognition and
The raw pixel values of several image statistics such as color, gradient and
filter responses are the simplest choice for image features, and were used for
many years in computer vision, e.g., [1, 2, 3]. However, these features are not
robust in the presence of illumination changes and nonrigid motion, and efficient
matching algorithms are limited by the high dimensional representation. Lower
dimensional projections were also used for classification [4] and tracking [5].
A natural extension of raw pixel values are via histograms where a region is
represented with its nonparametric estimation of joint distribution. Following [6],
histograms were widely used for nonrigid object tracking. In a recent study [7],
A. Leonardis, H. Bischof, and A. Pinz (Eds.): ECCV 2006, Part II, LNCS 3952, pp. 589–600, 2006.
c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006
590 O. Tuzel, F. Porikli, and P. Meer
fast histogram construction methods were explored to find a global match. Be-
sides tracking, histograms were also used for texture representation [8, 9], match-
ing [10] and other problems in the field of computer vision. However, the joint
representation of several different features through histograms is exponential
with the number features.
The integral image idea is first introduced in [11] for fast computation of
Haar-like features. Combined with cascaded AdaBoost classifier, superior per-
formances were reported for face detection problem, but the algorithm requires
long training time to learn the object classifiers. In [12] scale space extremas
are detected for keypoint localization and arrays of orientation histograms were
used as keypoint descriptors. The descriptors are very effective in matching local
neighborhoods but do not have global context information.
There are two main contributions within this paper. First, we propose to use
the covariance of several image statistics computed inside a region of interest,
as the region descriptor. Instead of the joint distribution of the image statistics,
we use the covariance as our feature, so the dimensionality is much smaller.
We provide a fast way of calculating covariances using the integral images and
the computational cost is independent of the size of the region. Secondly, we
introduce new algorithms for object detection and texture classification using the
covariance features. The covariance matrices are not elements of the Euclidean
space, therefore we can not use most of the classical machine learning algorithms.
We propose a nearest neighbor search algorithm using a distance metric defined
on the positive definite symmetric matrices for feature matching.
In Section 2 we describe the covariance features and explain the fast computa-
tion of the region covariances using integral image idea. Object detection problem
is described in Section 3 and texture classification problem is described in Sec-
tion 4. We demonstrate the superior performance of the algorithms based on the
covariance features with detailed comparisons to previous methods and features.
match the region in different views and poses. In fact we assume that the co-
variance of a distribution is enough to discriminate it from other distributions.
If two distributions only vary with their mean, our matching result produces
perfect match but in real examples these cases almost never occur.
The covariance matrix proposes a natural way of fusing multiple features
which might be correlated. The diagonal entries of the covariance matrix rep-
resent the variance of each feature and the nondiagonal entries represent the
correlations. The noise corrupting individual samples are largely filtered out
with an average filter during covariance computation.
The covariance matrices are low-dimensional compared to other region de-
scriptors and due to symmetry CR has only (d2 + d)/2 different values. Whereas
if we represent the same region with raw values we need n × d dimensions, and
if we use joint feature histograms we need bd dimensions, where b is the number
of histogram bins used for each feature.
Given a region R, its covariance CR does not have any information regarding
the ordering and the number of points. This implies a certain scale and rota-
tion invariance over the regions in different images. Nevertheless, if information
regarding the orientation of the points are represented, such as the norm of gra-
dient with respect to x and y, the covariance descriptor is no longer rotationally
invariant. The same argument is also correct for scale and illumination. Rotation
and illumination dependent statistics are important for recognition/classification
purposes and we use them in Sections 3 and 4.
The covariance matrices do not lie on Euclidean space. For example, the space
is not closed under multiplication with negative scalers. Most of the common
machine learning methods work on Euclidean spaces and therefore they are not
suitable for our features. The nearest neighbor algorithm which will be used
in the following sections, only requires a way of computing distances between
feature points. We use the distance measure proposed in [13] to measure the
dissimilarity of two covariance matrices
ρ(C1 , C2 ) = ln λi (C1 , C2 ) (3)
where {λi (C1 , C2 )}i=1...n are the generalized eigenvalues of C1 and C2 , com-
puted from
λi C1 xi − C2 xi = 0 i = 1...d (4)
and xi = 0 are the generalized eigenvectors. The distance measure ρ satisfies the
metric axioms for positive definite symmetric matrices C1 and C2
The distance measure also follows from the Lie group structure of positive
definite matrices and an equivalent form can be derived from the Lie algebra
of positive definite matrices. The generalized eigenvalues can be computed with
O(d3 ) arithmetic operations using numerical methods and an additional d loga-
rithm operations are required for distance computation, which is usually faster
than comparing two histograms that grow exponentially with d. We refer the
readers to [13] for a detailed discussion on the distance metric.
Using this representation, any rectangular region sum can be computed in con-
stant time. In [7], the integral images were extended to higher dimensions for fast
calculation of region histograms. Here we follow a similar idea for fast calculation
of region covariances.
We can write the (i, j)-th element of the covariance matrix defined in (2) as
CR (i, j) = (zk (i) − µ(i))(zk (j) − µ(j)). (6)
In [11], it is shown that integral image can be computed in one pass over the
image. In our notation, px,y is the d dimensional vector and Qx,y is the d × d
dimensional matrix
Region Covariance: A Fast Descriptor for Detection and Classification 593
Fig. 1. Integral Image. The rectangle R(x , y ; x , y ) is defined by its upper left (x , y )
and lower right (x , y ) corners in the image, and each point is a d dimensional vector.
3 Object Detection
In object detection, given an object image, the aim is to locate the object in an
arbitrary image and pose after a nonrigid transformation. We use pixel locations
(x,y), color (RGB) values and the norm of the first and second order derivatives
of the intensities with respect to x and y. Each pixel of the image is converted
to a nine-dimensional feature vector
594 O. Tuzel, F. Porikli, and P. Meer
F (x, y) = x y R(x, y) G(x, y) B(x, y)
∂I(x, y) ∂I(x, y) ∂ 2 I(x, y) ∂ 2 I(x, y)
∂x ∂y ∂x2 ∂y 2
where R, G, B are the RGB color values, and I is the intensity. The image
derivatives are calculated through the filters [−1 0 1]T and [−1 2 − 1]T . The
covariance of a region is a 9 × 9 matrix. Although the variance of pixel locations
(x,y) is same for all the regions of the same size, they are still important since
their correlation with the other features are used at the nondiagonal entries of
the covariance matrix.
where CO
i and CTiare the object and target covariances respectively, and we
ignore the least matching region covariance of the five. This increases robustness
Region Covariance: A Fast Descriptor for Detection and Classification 595
Fig. 3. Object detection. (a) Input regions. (b) Regions found via covariance features.
(c) Regions found via histogram features.
596 O. Tuzel, F. Porikli, and P. Meer
towards possible occlusions and large illumination changes. The region with the
smallest dissimilarity is selected as the matching region.
We present the matching results for a variety of examples in Figure 3 and
compare our results with histogram features. We tested histogram features both
with the RGB and HSV color spaces. With the RGB color space the results
were much worse in all of the cases, therefore we did not present these results.
We construct three separate 64 bin histograms for hue, saturation and value
since it is not practical to construct a joint histogram. We search the target
image for the same locations and sizes, and fast construction of histograms are
performed through integral histograms [7]. We measure the distance between
two histograms through Bhattacharyya distance [6] and sum over three color
Covariance features can match all the target regions accurately whereas most
of the regions found by histogram are erroneous. Even among the correctly de-
tected regions with both methods we see that covariance features better localize
the target. The examples are challenging since there are large scale, orienta-
tion and illumination changes, and some of the targets are occluded and have
nonrigid motion. Almost perfect results indicate the robustness of the proposed
approach. We also conclude that the covariances are very discriminative since
they can match the correct target in the presence of similar objects, as seen in
the face matching examples.
Covariance features are faster than the integral histograms since the dimen-
sionality of the space is smaller. The search time of an object in a color image
with size 320 × 240 is 6.5 seconds with a MATLAB 7 implementation. The per-
formance can be improved by a factor of 20-30 with a C++ implementation
which would yield to near real time performance.
4 Texture Classification
Currently, the most successful methods for texture classification are through
textons which are cluster centers in a feature space derived from the input. The
feature space is built from the output of a filter bank applied at every pixel and
the methods differ only in the employed filter bank.
– LM: A combination of 48 anisotropic and isotropic filters were used by Leung
and Malik [8]. The feature space is 48 dimensional.
– S: A set of 13 circular symmetric filters was used by Schmid [14]. The feature
space is 13 dimensional.
– M4, M8: Both representations were proposed by Varma and Zissermann
[9]. Original filters include both rotationally symmetric and oriented filters
but only maximum response oriented filters are included to feature vector.
The feature space is 4 and 8 dimensional respectively.
To find the textons, usually the k-means clustering algorithm is used, although
it was shown that it might not be the best choice [15]. The most significant
textons are aggregated into the texton library and the texton histograms are used
Region Covariance: A Fast Descriptor for Detection and Classification 597
We sample s random square regions from each image with random sizes between
16×16 and 128×128. Using integral images we compute the covariance matrix of
each region. Each texture image is then represented with s covariance matrices
and we have u training texture images from each texture class, a total of s · u
covariance matrices. Texture representation process is illustrated in Figure 4.
We repeat the process for the c texture classes and construct the representation
for each texture class in the same way.
Given a test image, we again extract s covariance matrices from randomly
selected regions. For each covariance matrix we measure the distance (3) from
all the matrices of the training set and the label is predicted according to the
majority voting among the k nearest ones (kNN algorithm). This classifier per-
forms as a weak classifier and the class of the texture is determined according
to the maximum votes among the s weak classifiers.
Fig. 4. Texture representation. There are u images for each texture class and we sample
s regions from each image and compute covariance matrices C.
598 O. Tuzel, F. Porikli, and P. Meer
We perform our tests on the Brodatz texture database which consists of 112
textures. Because of the nonhomogeneous textures inside the database, classi-
fication is a challenging task. We duplicate the test environment of [15]. Each
640 × 640 texture image is divided into four 320 × 320 subimages and half of the
images are used for training and half for testing.
We compare our results with the results reported in [15] in Table 1. Here we
present the results for k-means based clustering algorithm. The texture repre-
sentation through texton histograms has 560 bins. The results vary from 85.71%
to 97.32% depending on the filter bank used.
In our tests we sample s = 100 random covariances from each image, both
for testing and training, and we used k = 5 for the kNN algorithm. For d = 5
dimensional features, the covariance matrix is 5 × 5 and has only 15 different
values compared to 560 bins before. Our result, 97.77%, is better than all of the
previous results and faster. Only 5 images out of 224 is misclassified which is
close to the upper limit of the problem. We show two of the misclassified images
in Figure 5 and the misclassification is usually in nonhomogeneous textures.
To make the method rotationally invariant, we used only three rotationally
invariant features: intensity and the magnitude of the gradient and Laplacian.
The covariance matrices are 3 × 3 and have only 6 different values. Even with
this very simple features the classification performance is 94.20%, which is as
good as or even better than other rotationally invariant methods (M4, M8, S)
listed in Table 1. Due to random sized window selection our method is scale
invariant. Although the approach is not completely illumination invariant, it is
more robust than using features (intensity and gradients) directly. The variances
of intensity and gradients inside regions change less than intensity and gradients
themselves in illumination variations.
In the second experiment we compare the covariance features with other pos-
sible choices. We run the proposed texture classification algorithm with the raw
intensity values and histograms extracted from random regions.
For raw intensities we normalize each random region to 16 × 16 square region
and use Euclidean distance to compute distances for kNN classification, which is
similar to [3]. The feature space is 256 dimensional. The raw intensity values are
very noisy therefore only in this case we sample s = 500 regions from each image.
We perform two tests using histogram features: intensity only, and intensity
and norms of first and second order derivatives together. In both cases the dis-
similarity is measured with Bhattacharyya distance [6]. We use 256 bins for
intensity only and 5 · 64 = 320 bins for intensity and norm of derivatives to-
gether. It is not practical to construct the joint intensity and norm of derivatives
histograms, due to computational and memory requirement.
M4 M8 S LM Random Covariance
Performance 85.71 94.64 93.30 97.32 97.77
Region Covariance: A Fast Descriptor for Detection and Classification 599
Fig. 5. Misclassified samples. (a) Test examples. (b) Samples from the same class. (c)
Samples from the predicted texture class.
We sample s = 100 regions from each texture image. The results are shown
in Table 2. The only result close to covariance is the 320 dimensional intensity
and derivative histograms together. This is not surprising because our covari-
ance features are the covariances of the joint distribution of the intensity and
derivatives. But with covariance features we achieve a better performance in a
much faster way.
5 Conclusion
In this paper we presented the covariance features and related algorithms for ob-
ject detection and texture classification. Superior performance of the covariance
features and algorithms were demonstrated on several examples with detailed
comparisons to previous techniques and features. The method can be extended
in several ways. For example, following automatical detection of an object in
a video, it can be tracked in the following frames using this approach. As the
object leaves the scene, the distance score will increase significantly which ends
the tracking. Currently we are working on classification algorithms which use
the Lie group structure of covariance matrices.
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