Dairy Industry Development Assessment - 0 PDF
Dairy Industry Development Assessment - 0 PDF
Dairy Industry Development Assessment - 0 PDF
Submitted by
Land O'Lakes, Inc.
P.O. Box 3099 code 1250,
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
November 2010
ACRONYMNS…………………………………………………………………………………. 5
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY …………………………………………………………………... 6
Ethiopia Dairy Value Chains, USAID CA No. 663‐A‐00‐05‐00431‐00 Land O’Lakes, Inc. IDD.
6. POLICY ENVIRONMENT……………………………………………………………… 49
6.1. Market Distortion Policies
6.2. Participatory Institutions for Collective Action
6.2.1. Cooperatives
6.2.2. Ethiopia Dairy Development Council
6.3.1. Gates Investment in the Extension service and FTC
6.3.2. Credit
6.3.3. Improve Animal Genetics
Ethiopia Dairy Value Chains, USAID CA No. 663‐A‐00‐05‐00431‐00 Land O’Lakes, Inc. IDD.
8. ANNEX…………………………………………………………………………………… 62
8.1. Bibliography
8.2. Maps of Milk Sheds
8.3. Tables of data
Annex Table 1-EDDP/LOL Milk shed, Region, Site and woredas
Annex Table 2; list of primary dairy cooperatives and Unions
Annex Table 3.-. Performance of Primary Cooperatives in
Milk Sheds in Ethiopia, 2008 and 2009
Annex Table 4 – Value of Imported Dairy Products by Ethiopia in (Birr)
Figure 1. Allocation of milk produced in Ethiopia
Figure 2. Schematic of the Functions in the Value Chain
Figure 3.1. Total Milk Production and Average Daily Milk Production
Ethiopia Dairy Value Chains, USAID CA No. 663‐A‐00‐05‐00431‐00 Land O’Lakes, Inc. IDD.
AGDP Agricultural Gross Domestic Product
AGP Agricultural Growth Program
ATVET Agricultural Technical Vocational Education Training colleges.
AI Artificial Inseminations
ALPPIS Addis Livestock Production & Productivity Improvement Services, PLC
APHRD Animal and Plant Health Regulatory Department
NAIC: Artificial Insemination Center
BDS Business Development Services
CBO Community Based Organization
CAHW Community Animal Health Workers
CSA Central Statistics Agency
DDE Dairy Development Enterprise
DIGA Dairy Income Generating Activity
EDDC Ethiopia Dairy Development Council
EDDP Ethiopia Dairy Development Project
EMPPA Ethiopia Milk Processors and Producer Association
NNP Ethiopia’s National Nutrition Program
FAO Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations
FTC Farmers received training at the Farmer Training Center
GOE Government of Ethiopia
LOL Land O’ Lakes
LMP Livestock Master Plan
MOA Ministry of Agriculture
MoARD Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
MOFED Ministry of Finance and Economic Development
NAHIDL The National Animal Health and Investigation and Diagnostic Laboratory
NAIC National Artificial Insemination Center
NGO Non Governmental organizations
NVI The National Veterinary Institute
OIE World Organization of Animal Health
PADETES Participatory Demonstration and Training Extension System
PPP public- private- partnership
RUTF Ready to Use Thereputic Food
SCMB Corn-Soy-Milk blend
SDDP Smallholder Dairy Development Project
SNV Netherlands Development Organization
UAE: United Arab Emirates
USAID United States Agency for International Development
WWS World Wide Sires
Ethiopia Dairy Value Chains, USAID CA No. 663‐A‐00‐05‐00431‐00 Land O’Lakes, Inc. IDD.
A vibrant dairy sub-sector is important for the economic development of Ethiopia. Dairy offers a
pathway out of poverty for a large number of households keeping livestock. USAID support for
the commercialization of the dairy industry over the next five years (2011 – 2016) can increase
the sales of approximately 100,000 households to US$ 10.0 million per year by October, 2016.
At the same time, the dairy industry can provide needed food products to meet the increasing
food security and nutritional requirements of an expanding population. The study finds that the
growth in the dairy sub-sector could also create up to 73,000 new dairy related jobs by the year
Estimates place Ethiopia far below recommended daily milk intake at 17 lt per capita, and even
below the African-wide average in per capita consumption. Recent research found that on
average only four percent of the average Ethiopian household’s food expenditures are spent on
dairy products. However, tremendous potential exists to increase production and consumption of
dairy products
Though Ethiopia has the largest inventory of livestock in Africa, its productivity and
commercialization remain low. This is after decades of interventions by the government and
international donor agencies to improve the sub-sector. Recent research found that the
Government of Ethiopia (GOE) has undervalued the contribution of ruminant livestock
production to gross value of ruminant’s contribution to agriculture. The dairy sub-sector
contributes 63% to total value of ruminant output. By underestimating livestock’s contribution,
the GOE has underfunded the development of this sub-sector vis-à-vis general agriculture.
There are, however, positive signs of a take-off of the formal dairy sub-sector as the current
government has chosen a market-oriented policy with liberalized markets and encouraging
private sector investments in the dairy industry. However, the dairy sub-sector faces challenges
to secure and sustain these initial gains for future generations, and development assistance can
play a significant role in overcoming these challenges.
This potential take-off comes at a time when the demand for animal products is increasing due to
growing population and urbanization, rising disposal incomes, and changes in demographic
structure of the population. Our projection is for demand for milk and milk products to increase
from its present level of 17 lt per capita to approximately 27 lt per capita in 2020. To fill this
gap, the domestic industry will need to expand, dairy cows will have to be more productive
(cross-bred cows) and better managed, and producers will have to become more market-oriented
and commercialized; otherwise, dairy imports will continue to increase and will drain scarce
foreign exchange. Ethiopian producers can provide milk to meet the increasing national demand.
At current rates of population, urbanization, and income growth, USAID investment over the
next five years can help achieve 27 lt per capita and substantially improve the food security and
nutrition of approximately 13.5 million consumers by 2020.
These challenges, which are not new, create opportunities for producers and investors who are
innovative and risk-takers. The GOE has a clear mandate to support the development of the
dairy sub-sector with policies in the areas of land allocation and tax holidays for participants in
the value chain. However, market distorting policies of the past continue to hamper progress,
Ethiopia Dairy Value Chains, USAID CA No. 663‐A‐00‐05‐00431‐00 Land O’Lakes, Inc. IDD.
and they need modification if the dairy sub-sector is going to take-off on a sustained growth
This study takes a value chain approach to identify the constraints, opportunities, interventions
and possible impact for the dairy sub-sector from input supply to final consumption of milk and
milk products. The report identifies areas where USAID/Ethiopia funds can be leveraged to gain
maximum impact for the largest number of beneficiaries. These innovative solutions are
recommended to have sustained impact over the next decade to meet our targets set for meeting
demand projection in the year 2020. The priority areas for USAID/Ethiopia funding are:
1. Articulate and share with the GOE a vision for and strategy for a vibrant and progressive
dairy sub-sector that supports the efficient and safe production, processing and marketing
of milk and milk products.
3. Strengthen the capacity of PDC and dairy unions to collect milk for sales and processing,
and provide input services to its members
4. Focus on formal and informal milk channels with the goal of moving actors in milk and
dairy value chains from the informal to the formal channels.
5. Focus on and strengthen existing small and medium-scale processing units along with
expansion of SME processing into other growing urban centers
6. Building on the successful proof of concept of DIGAs involving PLHIVs, expand the
support for the creation of DIGAs involving women, women’s groups, youth and farmers
to enhance the marketing (feed, concentrates, mineral blocks, etc.) and retailing dairy
products in urban areas
7. Provide knowledge-based skill sets to SMEs (individuals, coops, and private firms) to
better adopt innovative solutions to filling technological gaps and removing constraints
for delivery of inputs for the producing, processing and marketing of milk and milk
a. To all participants in the value chain
b. Providing training, technology backstopping, and business services
8. Strengthen existing producer groups and the formation of new market-oriented producer
associations/cooperatives and build up the professional capacity of existing primary
cooperatives and cooperative unions through business development services (BDS) to
Ethiopia Dairy Value Chains, USAID CA No. 663‐A‐00‐05‐00431‐00 Land O’Lakes, Inc. IDD.
provide services that benefit the members in the procurement of inputs, collection of bulk
milk, and the sale of their milk and dairy products
a. Technical support
b. Business Development Services
c. Access to credit
9. For inputs and input services, expand existing services and foster market incentives for
new entrants that reward risk-takers who invest their time and resources in new business
ventures to provide quality inputs and services to dairy producers and processors:
a. Focus on artificial insemination (AI) and health services using business models
b. Contracting for services between groups of producers and input suppliers – forage
seed, fodder, genetics and animal health
c. Development of private rural farm stores linking input suppliers and input
services with farmers, coops, and producer groups
d. Availability of micro-credit to support SMEs
e. Provision of matching grants, loan guarantees, etc.
10. Expand the proven model of dairy “lead” farmers who will be the catalyst for the testing
of innovative “good dairy management practices” which will lead to their contact famers
to adopt improved practices for increased productivity and expansion of dairy herds:
a. Smallholders (one to three heads) to become medium-size producers (four to 6
b. Medium-size producers (4 to 6 heads) to become larger producers (7 head and
c. Large producers (7 to 10 heads) to expand their dairy herd by at least 50 percent
11. Promote leadership skills for women in all types of employment in the dairy value chain
with training, business planning and facilitating the access to credit.
12. Provide targeted support to women and unemployed youths to engage in all business
activities in the dairy sub-sector (even as lead farmers) , recognizing that they have
primary responsibility for the majority of milk and milk products that are produced,
collected, processed, and marketed, with the result to create employment in rural and
urban areas
Ethiopia Dairy Value Chains, USAID CA No. 663‐A‐00‐05‐00431‐00 Land O’Lakes, Inc. IDD.
13. Support the strengthening of a public sector adaptive research program targeted to
specific high potential agro-ecological areas for improved dairy production systems and
link the results of the research to lead farmers and their contact farmers, as well as, to
a. Forage varietal trials
b. Dairy rations using local agricultural by-products
c. Pasture management and zero grazing systems
d. Nutrient recycling of organic materials for pasture and crop development
e. Production of feed grains for animal production
f. Optimizing cross-bred animal management systems for different agro-ecological
14. Roll-out an extension model involving input suppliers, rural farm stores, coops,
processors in on-farm demonstrations and training of collectors and primary dairy
cooperatives (PDC). This can be done with close linkage to the MOA’s farmer training
centers (FTC), NGOs, and rural agro-dealers
a. Link “lead” and “contact” farmers to the MOA’s training activities at the FTCs
b. Provide technical packages training and manuals (e.g. forage seed production,
silage making, etc.) for improved dairy production to the FTCs in high producing
dairy production areas
15. Support the relocation and commercialization of urban dairies by municipal governments
in set-aside agricultural zoned areas in the peri-urban areas to avoid liquidation of dairies,
environmental degradation, and pollution, through creation and support of producer
groups and cooperatives.
16. Support the Ethiopian Meat and Dairy Technology Institute (EMDTI) and other
vocational training centers with technical support in training people for jobs in milk
handling, testing, processing and merchandising of milk and milk products
17. Support the creation and functioning of the Ethiopian Dairy Council/Board to foster
public-private dialogue at both the national and regional levels to create a dynamic,
private sector-led dairy forum to address industry needs with government agencies so as
to provide a regular supply of quality milk for the marketplace. Topics for public-private
dialogue include:
a. Access to land for forage and dairy production
b. Milk quality industry standards
c. Enforcement of contracts for delivery of products and services
d. Land zoned for dairy production
e. Government programs on subsidized AI and animal health services
f. Harmonize regulations on live animal, and animal and plant genetics with
international standards
Ethiopia Dairy Value Chains, USAID CA No. 663‐A‐00‐05‐00431‐00 Land O’Lakes, Inc. IDD.
Cow of any breed kept primarily for milking purposes
Cow of any breed which has been milked
Ethiopia Dairy Value Chains, USAID CA No. 663‐A‐00‐05‐00431‐00 Land O’Lakes, Inc. IDD.
National Production of Milk – – 3.2 billion
liters, with a farm value – Birr 16 billion:
Calf consumption and
wastage ‐‐ 32% =
1.024 billion lt Human Consumption of Milk (68%); Amount for human
utilization = 2.176 billion lt (milk,butter, cheese, & yogurt)
Milk Processing
butter, yogurt,
Ethiopia Dairy Value Chains, USAID CA No. 663‐A‐00‐05‐00431‐00 Land O’Lakes, Inc. IDD.
with shops, although this is more common in the highlands. This practice may have stemmed
with the high farm labor needs during peak milk production periods.
Despite the contribution of livestock to the economy and to smallholders’ livelihood, most
livestock production systems in Ethiopia are not adequately market oriented. Livestock in either
the highlands or lowlands are not kept for commercial purposes (sales of livestock is estimated at
only 10 – 12%). The primary reason for selling an animal is to generate income to meet
unforeseen expenses. Milk, because of its consistent albeit season contribution, is more market
oriented although 98% of all milk marketed in Ethiopia is through the informal market channels.
In Addis Ababa, the informal market channel handles 90% of milk and milk products sold to
consumers (personal communication with processors and Jabbar et al.).
Apart from its contribution as a source of food and income, it is the only source of traction power
in traditional peasant farms. In the arid and semi-arid extensive grazing areas of the Eastern,
Western and Southern lowlands, livestock are managed in migratory pastoral production system.
1.2. The Challenges
In spite of the enormous livestock resource and great potential for increased livestock
production, the productivity is disproportional lower due to a number of dynamic economic,
technical, policy and institutional challenges (Tefera, et al.) Livestock producers encounter
various livestock management problems, prevalence of major endemic diseases, poor feeding
and high stocking rate on grazing lands.
Thus, the contribution of this sector in the agricultural economy of the country remains lower.
Indeed, it accounts for merely 30-35% of the national agricultural output and 40% of the
agricultural export.(MOFED, 2008). Studies indicate that the livestock sector contributes about
12-16% of national Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Moreover llivestock also contribute to the
livelihoods of 60-70% of the population, 15% of export earnings and 30% of agricultural
The smallholder farmers and pastoralists produce and supply 98% of the total milk production of
the country (YONAD 2009). The economic prospects for dairy industry performance and
development are rather good both at the smallholder level and on the more commercial level.
During the last decade the dependency of Ethiopia on imports of milk and milk products has
increased. To bridge the gap between supply and demand, dairy imports increased significantly
partly due to increased food aid (WFP), primarily milk powder. Imports reached a peak of
994,657 kg in 2008. (Customs) Furthermore, the sales of imported milk powder are the highest in
the Addis Ababa market.
Rapidly increasing population with a growing rate of urbanization is resulting in a shift in
demand for dairy products. Dairy development can lead to income generating activities in the
rural areas increasing farm incomes and employment opportunities. However, the available high
potential land is intensively cultivated, and fodder supply is insufficient leading to often serious
environmental consequences as inappropriate husbandry measures are applied in non-suitable
Ethiopia Dairy Value Chains, USAID CA No. 663‐A‐00‐05‐00431‐00 Land O’Lakes, Inc. IDD.
areas. Besides low milk production levels, milk collection, processing and marketing are not
developed. A chain approach aimed at a sustainable development of the dairy sector is lacking3.
Milk is important for food security impacting both income and nutrition. An increase in HH
income through the adoption of improved dairy technology has been found to lead to improving
the household’s nutrient intake which contributes to better health and nutrition.
The dairy sub-sector faces a number of problems that have persisted for decades. Productivity of
the dairy herd is low with average milk yield of 1.3 lt – 1.54 lt per day for an average lactation
period of 180 – 210 days. Cross-bred cattle have a higher level of production estimated at an
average of 10 lt/hd/day (EDDP). Dairy producers face high transaction costs from poor
infrastructure The cost to collect milk which is in small amounts spread over a wide area can be
high which limits access to improved inputs, e.g. better cattle genetics and animal health
services. Feed production and distribution is not coordinated. High mortality rates occur to poor
nutrition which makes cattle vulnerable to disease. Producers in the rural areas lack access to
markets which reduces their incentives to market fresh products and rather process lower value
There is a general lack of information on technologies because of limited access to extension
services which reduces the ability of smallholder producers to be competitive. Dairy becomes a
subsistence activity. This lack of access to information spills over into a lack of awareness about
the market prices for their milk or the sale of their animals. Collectors can exploit this situation.
For over forty year, the GOE has played different roles in administering government services.
The GOE has moved from an autocratic system, to a socialist regime, and now to a market
oriented approach for the past two decades. The sub-sector lacks coherent national and regional
dairy policies. Because of these factors, dairy production has not become commercialized as in
other neighboring countries. However, the sub-sector seems poised for a take-off.
1.3. A Value Chain Approach
Our approach to understanding the dairy sub-sector is to examine the companies and individuals
that interact in forming the supply of all goods and services in the value chain for the dairy sub-
sector. We describe the complex interactions of firms and processes that create and deliver
products to end-users (Figure 2). We start at the final consumer market recognizing that this
segment in the value chain sets the conditions and the prices under which products are produced,
processed and distributed. We also identify constraints in the value chain to productivity, and the
opportunities to overcome these constraints.
The study segments the various activities along the value chain from inputs into production to
product transformation and finally to the end-users. (See Figure 1.2.). We consider local,
regional, national and international markets. Based on the best data available, we estimate the
value addition to dairy products along the value chain.
SNV Netherlands Development Organization Study on Dairy Investment Opportunities in Ethiopia, 2008
Ethiopia Dairy Value Chains, USAID CA No. 663‐A‐00‐05‐00431‐00 Land O’Lakes, Inc. IDD.
Ethiopia Dairy Value Chains, USAID CA No. 663‐A‐00‐05‐00431‐00 Land O’Lakes, Inc. IDD.
The primary outlet for processed milk is Ethiopia’s urban centers, namely Addis Ababa, Bahir
Dar, Debre Zeit, and Awassa. However, the majority of the milk consumed by most urban and
semi-urban homes is supplied through the informal sector: smallholder milk producers and
traders directly supplying households, kiosks, hotels, coffee shops and the like. The impact of
fasting days on milk demand is more evident in urban markets. With over 200 days of fasting,
the milk processing companies will be more negatively impacted than small milk collectors. The
tradition of fasting within the Ethiopian Orthodox community creates a double-induced excess
supply of milk; Ethiopian Orthodox households producing milk will not keep milk for household
consumption, instead seeking a market to sell all milk, while the demand for milk within rural,
urban, and semi-urban communities is less as people observe the Fast. On the flip-side, demand
for dairy products within Muslim communities increases during fasting periods, approximately
30 days/year. Table 2.1 displays the population of these two religions. Exact figures of the
portion of people who observe their respective fasts give and indication of the real impacts the
fasting period has on milk demand.
Ethiopia Dairy Value Chains, USAID CA No. 663‐A‐00‐05‐00431‐00 Land O’Lakes, Inc. IDD.
Ethiopia Dairy Value Chains, USAID CA No. 663‐A‐00‐05‐00431‐00 Land O’Lakes, Inc. IDD.
Average expenditures by households on milk and milk products is only four percent of the total
household food budget (Staal, et al, 2008). Ethiopia is unique from other countries in the region
because of the number of fasting days, over 200, and the cultural attitude that milk is mainly for
children and the sick (SNV).
2.3. Milk’s Role for Food Security and Household Nutrition
Livestock, milk, and milk products play an important role in the food security status in both
highland and pastoral communities. In pastoralist regions, livestock are owned by a large
percentage of the population. Women play a large role in decision-making regarding the
processing and marketing of milk.
Highland areas of the country contain over 65 - 75% of the livestock population; cattle provide
traction power for 95% of grain production and also provide food, manure, cast income as well
as serve as insurance during times of drought or a household emergency. In highland areas,
income earned from daily milk production is used to purchase agriculture inputs or hire labor and
land, effectively increasing a household’s food production potential. Although the daily income
earned is marginal, especially from low milk producing local breed animals, milk sales and
livestock ownership is necessary for food security. For example, farmers without access or
unwilling to join a cooperative will often contract to sell their milk to a neighbour, kiosk, or a
local café. The buyer pays monthly while receiving milk daily. This monthly cash/barter
transaction enables farmers to save small amounts of daily income for re-investment into
household livelihoods or the purchase of other livestock.
Highland farmers with local cattle will use the sale of offspring to ‘upgrade’ to a better
producing cross-bred animal. A female head of household interviewed during this assessment
discussed her plan to save all her milk money. One liter of milk would be saved for the four
children while the remainder (anticipated 3 liters per day) would be saved and used to purchase
an improved cow. Given the high price of cross-bred dairy cows, the likelihood she will be able
to purchase such an animal will be years away. The introduction of a cow into her household (the
cow was received as part of a pass-on scheme implemented by an NGO) has provided her the
opportunity to plan for the additional income and her family’s future.
In addition to the positive impact that dairy and livestock can have on household income, assets,
and food security, the nutritional significance of dairy products has also been well documented.
Dairy provides importance sources of vitamins and minerals, particularly zinc, potassium,
calcium, riboflavin, and B12. (Murphy and Allan, 2003, Sadler et al, 2009) These
micronutrients, particularly important for infants and young children, are largely insufficient,
absent, or poorly bio-available in plant-based diets, making dairy an important and essential
source of nutrition. (Randolph et al, 2007, PAHO and WHO, n.d.) Milk is also highly energy-
dense, which is important for young children or chronically ill with lack of appetite. Importantly,
milk comprises all eight essential amino acids, thus constituting high quality protein. Research
has demonstrated the positive nutritional impacts of dairy, including an association between
increased consumption of milk and improved child growth (Zhu et al, 2004 and Hoppe et al,
2004), as well as an association between consumption of fermented milk products (including
those containing probiotics) and the prevention of diarrhea (Szajewska et al, 2001). Thus, the
Ethiopia Dairy Value Chains, USAID CA No. 663‐A‐00‐05‐00431‐00 Land O’Lakes, Inc. IDD.
consumption of even small quantities of milk can markedly improve the nutritional quality and
diversity of the diet.
Due to the important nutritional value of milk, increasing consumption of milk either directly or
through fortified foods is often a priority of national health and nutrition programs. Ethiopia’s
National Nutrition Program (NNP) includes provision of Ready to Use Thereputic Food (RUTF),
Corn-Soy-Milk blend (CSMB) to health centers serving mothers and infants, children, and HIV
affected Ethiopians. The NNP Implementation Guide recommends local procurement of these
fortified foods, specifically citing Hilina Enriched Food Processing Center located in Addis
Ababa. Currently, Hilina imports all milk products due to lack of consistent quality supply
within Ethiopia.
2.4. Consumption of Imported Milk Products by Areas and Product Categories
The value of imports of milk products increased from Birr 48 billion in 2005 to over Birr 114
billion in 2010 (partial year) (See Annex Tables). The value of imports doubled during this five
year period. The imports of milk products are a drain on the foreign exchange reserves which
could be replaced with domestic production. The major import item is powdered milk and
cream.Without improvements in domestic production and marketing of milk, the amount and
value of dairy imports will continue to rise.
2.5. Milk Consumption in 2020
Population growth and urbanization are two important drivers of milk demand. Other factors are
personal disposable income, taste and preference, and the price of substitute products. Based on a
population at 85.2 million people for 2010, the population of urban areas would be 14.4 million
people, 17% of the general population. Based solely on urban population and a conservative
estimate of 17 kg per person, the annual total consumption of milk in urban areas is estimated at
244.8 million liters. Three estimates (high, medium and low) present a range in which milk
consumption may reach in 2020.
2.5.1. High Estimate
Based on population growth projections, if per capita consumption of milk and milk products
increases 5% per year until 2020, the national consumption of milk would be 3.2 billion liters
and the urban and peri-urban consumption would be 611 million liters. Per capita consumption
in 2020 would increase to over 27 liters per capita. (This level of consumption matches FAO’s
estimate in 2003 for average consumption in Africa.) Urban consumers would require an
additional 364 million liters of milk or an increase of an increase of 148% over current
consumption. This estimate is not unrealistic if the GOE and its donors continue to advertize to
the younger population the importance of drinking milk. The preferences of the younger
population are more malleable, especially on cultural, social and religious norms. The impact of
the fasting days on the younger population milk consumption habits could be much less than at
the present time.
Ethiopia Dairy Value Chains, USAID CA No. 663‐A‐00‐05‐00431‐00 Land O’Lakes, Inc. IDD.
Ethiopia Dairy Value Chains, USAID CA No. 663‐A‐00‐05‐00431‐00 Land O’Lakes, Inc. IDD.
3.1. Current Situation
There are 10 million dairy cows in Ethiopia producing 3.2 billion lt per year. The production per
cow is estimated at approximately 1.54 lt per day for an average lactation period of six months.
In fact, national milk production for the period of 1966 to 2001 increased by only 1.6% per year
and per capita production declined by 0.8% per year (Staal, 2008).
The Ethiopian cattle herd is mainly for milk production. Commercial offtake rates can be low,
estimated at 10 – 12 percent of the national herd. The national herd is composed of mainly cows,
and they are held in the herd beyond the period of maximum milk production. In the highlands
of Ethiopia, cattle for draft power is important in crop production systems.
Milk production can vary by regions of Ethiopia. Figure 3.1 depicts that Oromia region produces
1.3 Billion liter per year making it the leading milk producing region. SNNP is the second largest
milk producing region with an estimated total of 572 million liter and followed by Amhara
region 506 million liters and Tigray with 136.7 million liters. The least milk producing region is
Dire Dawa producing 3.1 million litters annually. Average milk production is below the national
average in those regions with the most dairy cattle: Oromia, Amhara, Tigray and SNNPRS
regions is 1.2 liter (Figure 3.2). Oromia region’s average is even less at 0.6 lt per cow per day.
(CSA, 2008).
Figure 3.1. Total Milk Production and Average Daily Milk Production
Ethiopia Dairy Value Chains, USAID CA No. 663‐A‐00‐05‐00431‐00 Land O’Lakes, Inc. IDD.
Ethiopia Dairy Value Chains, USAID CA No. 663‐A‐00‐05‐00431‐00 Land O’Lakes, Inc. IDD.
exclusively on AI for good semen and would keep breeding records. These producers would be
willing to pay for the more expensive imported genetics and breeding supplies (SNV).
The number of exotic dairy cattle (pure breeds) in Ethiopia is small. The output per cow can
can range from 1120 – 2500 lt per lactation. Producers would rely almost exclusively on AI for
good semen and would keep breeding records. These producers would be willing to pay for the
more expensive imported genetics and breeding supplies (SNV). In the Addis Ababa vicinity
there are an estimated 5,000 dairy producers with grade and cross-bred cows producing 34
million lt per year (Azage, 2002).
Ethiopia Dairy Value Chains, USAID CA No. 663‐A‐00‐05‐00431‐00 Land O’Lakes, Inc. IDD.
Producers convert surplus milk to butter or ergo (fermented milk) and consume in the household
or sell to their neighbors. Some butter or local cheese will be supplied to urban areas.
Ethiopia Dairy Value Chains, USAID CA No. 663‐A‐00‐05‐00431‐00 Land O’Lakes, Inc. IDD.
has been attributed to 40% of low productivity. Feed and feeding problems facing the dairy
sector are insufficient quantity of forage produced on the farm, insufficient inputs for
commercial feeds, a lack of quality feed formulation, and the absence of feed testing for analysis.
The feed sub-sector can be comprised of on-farm supply, communal grazing of government land,
purchased feed/forage, and manufactured commercial feed. The feeds, fodder/forages and agro-
industrial byproducts, available to small holder and commercial dairy farmers in Ethiopia can
increase productivity by: increasing milk yields, lowering age of first calving, and shortering
calving intervals. (See Appendix for a summary of forage and fodder nutritional values)
Common crop residues available to dairy farmers are straw made from teff, wheat, barley, mixed
finger millet, rice straw, and sorghum and maize stovers. Farmers prefer wheat and barley straw
which has a higher crude protein level, although teff straw is desired because of its high
palatability and digestibility. Forages are the basis of dairy nutrition. Quality depends upon
early harvest, proper drying and storing. Crude protein levels of 15% are possible. Improper
and under-managed forage producing lands limit Ethiopia’s production potential, even in
commercial systems. Suluta, for example, has a reputation for productive hay land, but annual
production is commonly 3,600 kg per hectare.
Cultivated forages available to producers include napier grass, alfalfa, Rhodes grass, guinea
grass, desmodium, lablab, cowpeas, and vetch and oat/vetch mixtures. Forage trees are also
effective forages; leucanenas, sesbania and tagasaste. Less than 1% of rural livestock producers
reported on-farm production of improved forages such as Napier grass and alfalfa (Tefera). Only
60% of the smallholders use feed from own holdings. (CSA, 2008) This problem is exacerbated
on the smallholders who have small land size. Fourteen percent of the smallholders use
communal / government grazing and agriculture lands. Without appropriate management quality
forage production, targeted to dairy, is low.
Additional nutrients are not available during all periods of the year. It is estimated that
smallholders use green fodder grazing followed by crop residue (34%) and hay (13%).
Producers’ utilization of industrial by-products, e.g. oil cake, bran, and brewery waste is non-
existent (approximately 0.8% of all dairy smallholders). Small holders and commercial farmers
normally purchase some percentage of their fodder and forage needs. Competing demands for
fodder and forage beyond feeding livestock include; on-farm: household use in construction of
mud houses and mattresses, and off-farm: re-distribution to Ethiopian finishing farms and export
to Djibouti to supply quarantine stations. Seasonally, demand is highest in November and
December. Prices is heavily dependent upon the effect of weather upon supplies, but the general
perception is that prices have been on the rise since 2006.
Forage production is a major constraint for improvement of the dairy sub-sector. Feeding of
livestock has been identified as contributing to 40%t of low productivity. The feed sub-sector
can be comprised of on-farm supply, communal grazing of government land, purchases of
feed/forage, and manufactured commercial feed. Fodder refers to crop residue, which is
generally high in fiber and low in protein and energy. Forages are primarily grass species which
can be of high quality if harvested in the early flower stages. A particular problem in pastoral
areas has been the encroachment of unpalatable, invasive species, like Prosopis, reducing quality
Ethiopia Dairy Value Chains, USAID CA No. 663‐A‐00‐05‐00431‐00 Land O’Lakes, Inc. IDD.
The feeds, fodder/forages and agro-industrial byproducts, available to small holder and
commercial dairy farmers in Ethiopia can contribute to increases in milk yield, a lower age to
first calving and shorter calving intervals. (See appendix tables for a summary of nutritional
values.) The problems facing the dairy sector are insufficient quantity of forage produced on the
farm, insufficient inputs for commercial feeds, a lack of quality feed formulation, and the
absence of feed testing for analysis.
Common crop residues available to dairy farmers are straw of teff, wheat and barley and mixed,
finger millet, an rice straw, and sorghum and maize stovers. There is a preference for wheat and
barley straw which has a higher crude protein level than other fodders but teff straw is also in
demand as it is highly palatable and digestible. Forages are fed as dry grass hay. Forages are the
basis of dairy nutrition. Quality depends upon early harvest, proper drying and storing. Crude
protein levels of 15% are possible. Ethiopia has some excellent forage production lands, which
are under managed. For example Suluta has a reputation for productive hay land, but annual
production is commonly 3,600 kg per hectare.
Cultivated forages available to producers include napier grass, alfalfa, Rhodes grass, guinea
grass, desmodium, lablab, cowpeas, and vetch and oat/vetch mixtures. Forage trees are also
effective forages; leucanenas, sesbania and tagasaste.
Less than one percent of rural livestock producers reported on-farm production of improved
forages such as Napier grass and alfalfa (Tefera). Even producers’ utilization of industrial by-
products, e.g. oil cake, bran, and brewery waste is non-existent (approximately 0.8% of all dairy
smallholders). The 2008/09 CSA survey pointed out that about 60% of the smallholders use feed
from own holdings. This problem is exacerbated on the smallholders who have small land size.
Moreover 14% of the smallholders use the communal/ government sources. The quality of feed
can be low for dairy cattle which require a minimum nutritional level for maintenance and then
additional energy for calf rearing and lactation. These additional nutrients are not available
during periods of the year. It is estimated that smallholders use green fodder grazing followed by
crop residue (34%) and hay (13%). Dairy feed management practices, among other factors,
contribute to the low level of milk productivity.
The demand for fodder and forage is high. Small holders and commercial farmers normally
purchase some percentage of their fodder and forage needs (do we have an data). There are
competing demands for fodder and forage beyond feeding livestock; household use in
construction of mud houses and mattresses and export to Djibouti for the quarantine station.
Seasonally the highest demand is in November and December. Prices is heavily dependent upon
the effect of weather upon supplies, but the general perception is that prices have been on the rise
since 2006. (We should have some data as hay is being harvested and sold now). Agro-Industrial Byproducts
Small holder and commercial dairy producers also have access to agro-industrial byproducts;
wheat bran and oilseed cake. Oilseed cakes include noug, linseed, sesame, cotton, and safflower.
Cakes prepared from seed that is mechanically extracted has a higher nutritional value. Cakes
are purchased from suppliers in 25 kg or 50 kg sacks. The current volumes of wheat bran and
Ethiopia Dairy Value Chains, USAID CA No. 663‐A‐00‐05‐00431‐00 Land O’Lakes, Inc. IDD.
oilseed cake available do not meet demand. There has been substantial growth in sales. Sales of
oilseed cake in Adama increased by 500% between 2003
to 2007.
There are 15 commercial livestock feed manufacturers Mojo Animal Mixer and
in Ethiopia. However, 10 of these manufacturers Miller. This plant has a
produce feed primarily for their own use such as feedlots capacity of 40 quintals per
and may sell to farmers when there is excess production. hour and produces 3,000
The five commercial manufacturers supply feed directly quintals per month. It
to livestock and poultry farmers or groups of farmers produces a ration for beef,
including cooperatives. They all report a shortage of dairy, poultry, and exports
ingredients for feed formulation. Common ingredients feed to Djibouti. The plant
are corn, wheat screenings, wheat bran, linseed cake, has the capacity to produce
noug, limestone, salt, and premixes. A profile of two of pellets.
the dairy feed manufacturers follows:
Ethiopia Dairy Value Chains, USAID CA No. 663‐A‐00‐05‐00431‐00 Land O’Lakes, Inc. IDD.
The shortage of hard currency makes the import transaction difficult. Waiting at the bank
for the release of foreign currency can be lengthy.
Lack of a protocol to import animal genetics; bull semen and embryos.
The cost of equipment is expensive, all of which is imported, semen tanks are currently
18,000 ETB. Gloves, insemination guns, motor bikes, and hormones are all in short
AI technicians are government employees. They lack motivation and perform poorly in
part due to a lack of transport to get to the farms to inseminate cows. There are very few
examples of a successful private sector AI technician, one in Debre Zeyt where there is a
concentration of commercial farms. The issue is that although the government salary is
low, it is secure. The concept of working on a commission basis is not well accepted or
Ethiopia Dairy Value Chains, USAID CA No. 663‐A‐00‐05‐00431‐00 Land O’Lakes, Inc. IDD.
Ethiopia Dairy Value Chains, USAID CA No. 663‐A‐00‐05‐00431‐00 Land O’Lakes, Inc. IDD.
has also presented an opportunity for the laboratory to supplement government allocations with
income generation as fee for services paid by exporters. NVI is also benefitting from the
exporters willingness to pay for services.
Aside from the two national laboratories, regional laboratories are weak, primarily due to the
lack of funds. The budget short falls have resulted in a lack of materials for diagnostic testing,
there is a high turnover of personnel, and the skill level, particularly microbiology skills are
weak. There is also no clearly defined role between regional and local veterinarians and the
regional laboratories and this is a major constraint in resolving issues in milk quality / udder
The delivery system of animal health services to dairy farmers is considered inadequate. The
organizational structure of the veterinary system is unclear. There are regional veterinarians who
supervise woreda veterinarians. The lack of budget at the woreda level results in lack of
transportation, supplies, and low morale, resulting in high turnover. The private sector
veterinarian has emerged as a competitive model in urban and peri-urban areas. Those with
clinics in urban areas prosper from mixed practices of livestock and household pets.
One solution to the inadequate service delivery system is the development of community animal
health workers (CAHW) or para-vets who would be localized members of the community
thereby the trust factor may not be a critical component. The role of the para-vet would be to
maintain vaccination programs, provide herd health services and respond to ambulatory cases in
the community. Para-vets as business model or DIGA would require business skill training and
likely a grant or no-interest loan for the start costs in equipment and materials such as drugs.
3.4.4. Extension Service
The GOE is responsible for transfer of technical information on commercialization of dairy
smallholders, as well as, enhanced growth in the rural areas (GOE, Master Plan, 2007) . The
GOE has a new extension service known as the Participatory Demonstration and Training
Extension System (PADETES). The extension service provides technology packages, for
example a dairy package, based on different agro-ecological conditions. The GOE is training a
number of extension workers at the Agricultural Technical Vocational Education Training
(ATVET) colleges. Farmers received training at the Farmer Training Center (FTC) in their
kavella. The GOE plans to open 18,000 FTCs. Each FTC will be staffed by three specialists
(Development Agents – DA) in crops, livestock and natural resources. However, dairy extension
services are inadequate in the milk sheds to deliver necessary on-farm advice to producers (GOE,
Master Plan, 2007). GOE faces budgetary constraints to carry out extension at the farmer level.
Development Agents lack the resources to visit farms
Some international donors, NGOs and CBOs engage in rural development programs that include
extension activities. These projects are short term lasting only until funding ends. Private input
supply companies do not provide technical education services in dairy production (e.g. feeding,
genetics and animal health). Only urban and peri-urban commercial dairy producers likely
engage private consultants on production issues.
Ethiopia Dairy Value Chains, USAID CA No. 663‐A‐00‐05‐00431‐00 Land O’Lakes, Inc. IDD.
Ethiopia Dairy Value Chains, USAID CA No. 663‐A‐00‐05‐00431‐00 Land O’Lakes, Inc. IDD.
farmers. In addition, recurrent droughts have impact the resiliency of pastoralist to recover and
rebuild herds before the on-set of another drought. A number of pastoralist become dependent
on food aid.
3.4.7. Minerals, salts, etc
Vitamin and mineral mixes are items that are imported. Land O’Lakes under the PEPFAR
project has funded the creation of private enterprises to manufacture molasses blocks. In certain
areas, this business activity is succeeding where there is a concentration of dairy producers in
urban and peri-urban areas.
3.5 Summary Assessment
The productivity of the dairy herd is low, and costs of production are high. In additional the
smallholder producers are not commercialized. There is a large potential to address both of these
constraints and achieve greater production of milk to meet increasing demand projections.
Ethiopia Dairy Value Chains, USAID CA No. 663‐A‐00‐05‐00431‐00 Land O’Lakes, Inc. IDD.
There are two distribution channels for milk leaving the farm: the formal and the informal
channel. The formal distribution channel can be defined as the flow of milk that falls within the
local business regulatory net including registered business, payment of taxes, etc. The informal
sector is everything outside of the formal handling of milk. The main player in the informal
sector is the "milk traders" who buys directly from farmers and sell directly to an end market
such as small milk bars, cafés, and milk shops . In many cases the milk trader is the dairy
farmer, particularly if the farm is urban or per-urban The informal channel is totally under the
regulatory radar. Consumer studies state that many consumers prefer the informal channel
product because it is full fat, exceeding 3.5% butter fat, and there is a trusted relationship
between consumer and seller, (Research International 2006)
There is no hard data relative to the percentage of milk that enters the formal versus informal
distribution channels. A commonly accepted figure is less than 10% enters the formal channel.
This would be consistent with Kenya where the formal channel accounts for 20% of the formal
channel. An estimate for the volume of milk that each channel represents was provided by the
dairy company with the largest market share; the formal market channel accounts for 150,000
liters per day. If this is 10% of the milk, then the informal market channel accounts for 1.5
Liters per day or more. Although these figures may not be precise, they can serve as a reference
Allocation of milk produced in Ethiopia, milk leaves the farm in three channels; collector or
farmer who enters the informal channel, sale to cooperatives or collector into the formal channel,
or sales within the community. With the exception of a very few commercial farms, farmers are
responsible for the delivery of their milk into the distribution chain. Small holder farmers
exclusively assume this transportation cost themselves and one popular model in rural areas is
for children to deliver the milk on the way to school and collect the milk containers upon return
home. By far the most overreaching constraint for milk, and the potential for income generation
from the sale of milk, to enter the distribution channel other than the local community is access
to roads. Milk sold into the formal or informal distribution channels of the highlands milk shed
is collected within a distance of less than 10 kilometers from a paved road. Milk is transporter
from the farm in plastic “jerry” cans and in lesser cases aluminum milk cans. Commercial
farmers, particularly those located in peri-urban areas, will have milk collected in bulk from the
farm by a milk processor.
Ethiopia Dairy Value Chains, USAID CA No. 663‐A‐00‐05‐00431‐00 Land O’Lakes, Inc. IDD.
4.2.1. Collectors
Milk is delivered to collection points along a main road or collection centers. There are a large
number of rudimentary collection centers in the highlands milk shed. These are either owned or
operated by a primary cooperative, cooperative union, or a milk processing company. To date
ownership of a collection center by a private investor has not attracted attention but it could be a
good investment opportunity for an individual who is skilled at building relationships with
buyers and sellers.
The organization of dairy farmers into formal producer groups has been important to the
development of the dairy sector. Cooperatives have struggled with producer acceptance of this
business model after the socialist efforts, which forced producers into communal villages during
the period of the Derg. Farmer associations and cooperatives have been of special importance to
dairy smallholders who can participate in the agro-industrial sector and even the regional export
market. (Holloway, et al). Dairy smallholders can face high transaction costs in selling their
milk, and cooperatives can help to reduce these costs for the individual producer (Staal et al.,
1997). Work done in 2006 concluded that dairy cooperatives could reduce a farmer’s transaction
costs by 45% (Francesconi et al 2006) There was reported to be eight dairy cooperatives in 2002
(Tsehay). In 2006, there were approximately 100 cooperatives according to the SNV study. In
2010, with the work of Land O’Lakes there are approximately 114 cooperatives with7534
members. Most of the milk sold to the cooperatives is processed into butter and ayib and sold
locally or to traders. Though the milk volume is not large compared to the total of milk sold,
cooperatives are an avenue for rural smallholders to participate in the dairy value chain and sell
their fluid milk (GOE, LMP, 2007). Primary Cooperatives
Land O’Lakes provides technical assistance to cooperatives and monitors their activities. The
number of cooperatives in the EDDP target areas increased from 82 at the start of the project in
2005 to 120 in 2010. (See data in Appendix Tables). Data from a select number of cooperates for
the years 2008 and 2009 and for the month of October, 2010 are presented in Table XX. The
average value of milk purchased in 2009 by cooperatives was highest in Addis Ababa milk and
lowest in Bahir Dar milk catchment areas. The value of the milk purchased increased 8% from
2008 to 2009.
The average value of the milk sold by the cooperatives reporting information from the milk shed
increased 21% from 2008 to 2009. Average revenues for 33 cooperatives reporting data indicate
an increase of 77% with an average value of milk of Birr 339,000 per year per cooperative.
Annual revenues exceeded expenses so that the average profit for coops reporting was Birr
92,000 with an increase of 120% over 2008 profits. The cooperatives paid annual dividends to
its members totaling Birr 45,000 in 2009, which was an increase of 26% over the amount paid
out in 2008.
The general financial performance of the cooperatives was positive with smallholders able to sell
fluid milk at a price that exceeded the price if the milk were processed into butter or ayib. In
Ethiopia Dairy Value Chains, USAID CA No. 663‐A‐00‐05‐00431‐00 Land O’Lakes, Inc. IDD.
August, 2010, the average purchase price by cooperatives of milk from their members was Birr
3.89/lt and the average selling price by cooperatives was Birr 4.93/lt. The highest price paid for
producers’ milk was in Bahir Dar (Birr 5.70/lt) and the lowest was in Fitche and Asela at Birr
4.10/lt. Cooperative Unions
There are eight cooperative unions servicing the needs of their primary cooperative. These
unions negotiate selling prices on behalf of their primary cooperatives and provide services such
as training, financial audits and other business services. The number of unions has increased
from 1in 2006 to 4 in 2010. The unions and their primary cooperatives hold the best opportunity
for delivery of needed services and products to their members and have the potential to have an
even greater impact over the next ten years.
4.2.3. Transporters
SNV data reports that milk transporters operate under very strong margins of 51% generated
from buying from farmers and selling into the formal and informal markets. It is difficult to
estimate the number of people generating income from the milk transport business because
although a license to transport milk is required, apparently few transporters acquire a license.
One transporter interviewed collects milk up to 90 kilometers north of Addis Ababa. Currently
he is collecting 6,000 liters per day for Family Milk. In 2009 he collected 15,000 liters per day
and sold the milk into the formal and informal market channels in Addis Ababa. The potential to
collect milk in the Debre Tsige exceeds 100,000 liters per day. The transporter felt there were
another 7 transporters collecting milk in the area. Other clients buying from the collectors are
Shola Dairy and the informal market channel.
As a reflection of the job multiplier effect of the dairy Chacha near Debre Birhane. Hirut
sector, the transporter rents a truck for 500 ETB per Yohannes started her company to
day, and his labor force consists of 1 driver, 1 collector, collect and process milk in the Addis
and 1 employee at each of the 10 collection sites. He Ababa milk shed. Processing is done
negotiates price at each of the collection sites, currently at the production site in Chacah.
Mainly women from 166 households
he is buying from farmers at ETB 5.50 per liter (ETB
sell their milk. Average herd size is
4.25 during fasting) and sells to Family Milk at ETB
less than five head. Ten people work
6.00 per liter. The trader will make payment in kind to
at the collection center. The center
farmers at their request in the form of feed and
has a milk tank with a capacity of 600
veterinary medicine. In more developed economies
lt. An enzyme is added to the milk to
transporting of milk, bulk milk hauling, is contracted release the solids which are sent by
out to transportation companies specialized in this local transport to Addis to make
function of the value chain. Considering the relatively cheese. The liquid whey is given to
low investment required and the job multiplier effect, the members of the group.
transporting under license is very promising.
Ethiopia Dairy Value Chains, USAID CA No. 663‐A‐00‐05‐00431‐00 Land O’Lakes, Inc. IDD.
Ethiopia Dairy Value Chains, USAID CA No. 663‐A‐00‐05‐00431‐00 Land O’Lakes, Inc. IDD.
In July 2006 EDDP surveyed 25 food retailers in Addis Ababa to identify activity that could
drive dairy product sales. Respondents referred to their primary issue as lack of supply,
indicating in some cases that sales could increase by 300% if the supply was available. October
2010 interviews conducted with a sample of the 2006 retailers confirm that supply continues to
be the major problem in dairy sales. The dairy case is a valuable part of the retail shop and sales
are increasing as a result of greater product selection. Fluid milk continues to lead the dairy case
in sales, followed surprisingly by flavored yogurt, a relatively new product to Addis Ababa
consumers. Retailers identified growth categories as cheese, flavored yogurt and table butter. A
portion of the demand for cheese and flavored yogurt is currently being met by imports but
expanded production presents a strong opportunity for Ethiopian dairy processors.
The margins on fluid milk are 10-15% and on cheese and yogurt the range is 25-35%. The retail
price for a half liter of fluid milk ranges from ETB 4.90 to ETB 5.50. Milk powder has
apparently lost market share, as some retailers no longer stock it as they did in 2006. The
perception is that milk powder is for infants. Consumers still voice quality concerns at the retail
Ethiopia Dairy Value Chains, USAID CA No. 663‐A‐00‐05‐00431‐00 Land O’Lakes, Inc. IDD.
level and continue to boil fluid milk prior to consumption. Relative to competing with imports,
retailers feel that Ethiopian products need to improve quality and improve packaging.
Clearly Fasting periods of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church have a significant impact. However,
there is evidence that the impact is not as large as perceived 10 years ago. Processors of milk
report that the decline in consumer demand is seen most predominantly during the 15 day fasting
period in August, accounting for a 25-27% decrease, followed by the 55 day Great Lent period in
March/April with a 25% decrease. The fasting period preceding Christmas in December
accounts for less than a 15% decrease. Processor report that during fasting periods they are
more likely to produce cheese and butter which can be inventoried until the end of the fasting
period or ship these products, which have a longer shelf life than fluid milk, the regions of
Ethiopia where fasting is less of a factor.In the Addis Ababa market there were approximately 25
locally processed branded products sold by different manufacturers in 2006 (SNV).
HRI is an important market segment for milk. Both milk traders and the processors are
supplying this end-use market. There are clear opportunities to develop a marketing plan to
increase the share of pasteurized milk and dairy products to these customers. Data are lacking on
the size of the segment and what are the needs of the customers.
Farm gate prices for fluid milk in neighboring countries are reported in the following table.
Country Wet Season Dry Season Currency Exchange Rate US$ Values
Price Price
(national avg) (national avg)
Kenya 14 35 KSh Kshs 77 = US$1 0.18 – 0.45
Uganda 250 500 UShs USh 2,250 = US$1 0.11 – 0.22
Rwanda 150 200 RFr RFr 580 = US$1 0.26 – 0.34
Ethiopia 3.50 4.50 ETB ETB 16 = US $1 0.22 – 0.28
Ethiopia is not the lowest cost producer of milk. During the surplus (flush season) period,
Ethiopia’s price to producers is higher than in the other countries. Only for a few niche markets
will Ethiopia’s milk be competitive in neighboring countries. It is estimated that Ethiopia
exported less than US$100,000 in dairy products to Somalia and Djibouti (Woulters).
According to FAO, every 5,000 lt of additional new milk produced and marketed will create one
new job in the value chain. Based on our estimates for demand for milk in 2020, we project an
increase in employment of up to 73,000 new jobs in the dairy sub-sectors.
Ethiopia Dairy Value Chains, USAID CA No. 663‐A‐00‐05‐00431‐00 Land O’Lakes, Inc. IDD.
If this is addressed well, it will create an opportunity for a smooth flow of information and
products along the chains and ultimately enhances the competitiveness of the overall chain actors
in general and the smallholder milk producers in particular. To this end, the formal and informal
dairy chain will be analyzed. Each of the segments of the activities in both channel will be
discussed separately and gets into the analysis of the actors, the process through which the chain
functions are embarked on, and finalizing with a presentation of constraints, opportunities the
overall Ethiopian dairy sector (formal and informal) faces, leverage points and interventions
required to upgrade the dairy value chains.
The formal dairy chain involves seven distinct value adding activities from production of the
milk through reaching to the final consumer in the market. These activities include input supply,
milk production; Raw milk transportation, bulking and cooling, processing and packing,
transporting processed milk and milk products and retailing gathering (bulking); processing;
transportation; and retail trading .
5.2.1. Input supply
This category of segment includes the supply of all inputs that are required by smallholder milk
producers and dairy commercial farms. Different dairy value chain actors are engaged in
supplying feed, artificial insemination, veterinary services, equipments and machinery, and
packaging materials. Feed suppliers
The Ethiopian Animal Feed Industry Association (EAFIA) has got 46 members (14 in Addis
Ababa , 21 in Oromya, 4 in SNNP, 3 in Amhara region and 4 in Tgray region 4) (EAFIA,
2010). Besides, there are about 40 feed retailing private businesses in the urban and pre-urban
milk shade areas of the country. Along with the feed supplied from these companies milk
producers also use crop residues, hay and other by products from wheat flour and brewery
factories. From the year 2003 to 2008 the feed processors at national level supplied an annual
average of 8,335 tons of mixed feed to the users. However the supply in the given years shows a
declining trend (See Table 5.1). In 2005 the industry supplied a total of 13,218 tons and steadily
decrease to 5533 tons in the year 2008(see figure below)
Ethiopia Dairy Value Chains, USAID CA No. 663‐A‐00‐05‐00431‐00 Land O’Lakes, Inc. IDD.
According to the Association the price of different feed ration has substantially increased in the
past seven year (2004-09). For example the dairy ratio price per quintal was Birr 79 in 2004 and
in 2008 it reached 302 increased by (382%) and in 2009 was Birr 230 (increased by 291%. The
main cause for the price increment was shortages of ingredients. The following table 5.2 shows
the price per quintal for different rations.
Table 5.2. Price for different formulated feed mix
Type Birr per quintal
Source : EAFIA,2010
Ethiopia Dairy Value Chains, USAID CA No. 663‐A‐00‐05‐00431‐00 Land O’Lakes, Inc. IDD.
The service of the financial institution for the development of dairy sector in Ethiopia is of
paramount importance. However the different business operators in the value chain are
complaining on the commercial banks particularly in terms of flexibility and speedy decision..
For any loan, all types of banks are demanding marketable collaterals to secure the loan. Based
on the interviewed made with some dairy sector managers, some banks do not consider
machinery and livestock as collateral for the dairy processors.
For urban and pre-urban milk producing smallholders, microfinance institutions are the most
suitable source of finance. Because of size and single borrower limit issues, the amount of loan
to be granted to a single borrower is often too small for further investment at small scale level.
Value chain specific financing and developing new financial products which addresses a specific
need is often the MFI are lacking. Most of them lend based on conventional way of doing
business. There is also gap from the smallholders’ side. They are lacking business and financial
management skills to utilize the borrowed money efficiently and effectively such in a way it
Nekempt, assela ,Bahirdar, Dessie, wolaita, wolkite , Mekele and Harari
Ethiopia Dairy Value Chains, USAID CA No. 663‐A‐00‐05‐00431‐00 Land O’Lakes, Inc. IDD.
brings a positive change on their livelihood.. among others Amhara Credit and Saving institute
which is operating in Amhara region, Dedebit Credit and saving Sh co, operating in Tigray
region, Oromia Credit and saving share company operating in Oromia and Omo micro finance is
operating in SNNP. These four MFIs are government affiliated and there also NGO affiliated
MFIs like wisdom (World Vison Ethiopia, PEACE Mf (Agriservice Ethiopia) that also provide
financial services to smallholder milk producers.
Ethiopia Dairy Value Chains, USAID CA No. 663‐A‐00‐05‐00431‐00 Land O’Lakes, Inc. IDD.
big processing companies produced about 14 million liters of milk, 120,000 Kg of butter and
20,000 kg of cheese and 90,000kg of soft cheese (UNIDO 2009).Besides these big companies
there are also about ten small scale milk processing companies that produce about 25-30
thousand liters per day. The processed dairy products are distributed to the different outlets
through the milk transporting trucks and vans owned by the processors themselves (see annex
table for processor survey results.)
5.2.6. Retailers Supermarkets
Ethiopia’s supermarket revolution began in the late 1990s, especially in bigger cities such as
Addis Ababa, Bahir Dar, Mekele and Hawassa although the pace remains slow in comparison
with other African countries (e.g. Kenya). The growth in supermarkets has been triggered by the
urban population increase, income growth of relatively wealthier Ethiopians and by the increase
in expatriates in Addis Ababa who prefer to shop in supermarkets. Currently in Addis Ababa
there are 25 bigger supermarkets owned by 15 companies and out of which 12 are owned by
Ethiopian and the other 3 by foreigners. Moreover other supermarkets also exist in major towns
of the country which distribute milk and milk products processed by milk processing companies
based in Addis. Dairy Income Generating Activities (DIGA) Kiosks
DIGA groups are established with the support of Land O lakes’ dairy development program.
Currently, they are given technical and business development services. There are a total of 32
DIGA groups engaged in selling milk through their milk kiosks in Debrezeit (3), Debrebirhan
(1), Addis Ababa (22) ,Hawassa (3) and Mekele (3). These groups have a total numbers of 617
5.2.7. Consumers
Ethiopia Dairy Value Chains, USAID CA No. 663‐A‐00‐05‐00431‐00 Land O’Lakes, Inc. IDD.
cheese and yoghurts are solely sold at supermarkets. During eve of holidays Ayib are often sold
at shops. Some cafes and restaurants are using powder milk for hot milk and macchiato, which
are not often chosen by consumers.
5.3. Development Organizations
Like Land O’Lakes, SNV-Ethiopia, ILRI and others are currently providing technical and business
development support to the dairy sub-sector at all level in the value chain. They are strengthening the
organizational and technical capacity of producer groups, business associations. They work on
developing the market and improving the quality of the milk and milk products.
Ethiopia Dairy Value Chains, USAID CA No. 663‐A‐00‐05‐00431‐00 Land O’Lakes, Inc. IDD.
Milk Transporters Bulking &cooling Processing& Transport& Retailing Consumers
Producers Distribution
(2-3%) (11-13%) Packaging (3%)
(35-47%) (6%)
Big milk
Processers’ Processors
Feed(46) processors Big
chillers &
dairy farmers own Milk (7) Processing Supermar
tanks (7)
tanks companies kets Household
Value chain Business Operators
AI(7) Consumpti
Cooperative Union (1) Small scale Small DIGA
Vet / milk Processing
Serv.(39) Union processors companies Institutional
Urban &Pre‐ /trucks Consumers
Owned by
urban Primary Dairy
Equt smallholders Cooperative (3) Small
milk producers Individual
&Machiner retailing
Individual Household Café,
Individual/ shops
transporter processors hotels
Packaging s DIGA (136) &restaur
VC Supporters
IDMT, BOARD, Business associations, cooperative unions, MFIs, Commercial Banks, Chamber of commerce, NGOs, NAIC
MOA, MOTI, QSAE, Professional associations, Cooperative Agency,
Ethiopia Dairy Value Chains, USAID CA No. 663‐A‐00‐05‐00431‐00 Land O’Lakes, Inc. IDD.
Ethiopia Dairy Value Chains, USAID CA No. 663‐A‐00‐05‐00431‐00 Land O’Lakes, Inc. IDD.
Ethiopia Dairy Value Chains, USAID CA No. 663‐A‐00‐05‐00431‐00 Land O’Lakes, Inc. IDD.
green Milk
Business Operators
AI from Sales
government 14.6% Rural
(NAIC) 30.8%
Pastorali Small
st and
Vet Services agro Calf Urban Milk/collect h
and drugs pastorali feeding 69.2% ors retailers
(Government Hotels
sts (17%) restaurants
& venders
Small milk
MOA, QSAE, MOTI, Federal Affairs, Livestock Agency, Federal Cooperative agency, EARO
Ethiopia Dairy Value Chains, USAID CA No. 663‐A‐00‐05‐00431‐00 Land O’Lakes, Inc. IDD.
Ethiopia Dairy Value Chains, USAID CA No. 663‐A‐00‐05‐00431‐00 Land O’Lakes, Inc. IDD.
will seek to expand their production. In order to expand production, farmers will need to
increase their land holdings to produce more feed whether it is cultivated forages or pasture land.
Although the Federal Proclamation (1/1995), State Ownership with Private Landholding Rights
prohibits private land ownership, the Rural Land Administration and Use Law (456/2005)
provides for rural land holding rights free of charge to farmers already on the land, for the
issuance to them of a title certificate, identifying the concerned plot and for survey and cadastral
registration of the title. For a farmer “farming for a living” this right has no time limit and a
farmer’s holding size should be a minimum size to provide for the family’s food security. The
holding may be transferred by inheritance to members of the family also engaged in farming, but
it may not be freely sold. Fortunately for farmers the decisions on land acquisition are made at
the kebele and woreda levels and there is much anecdotal evidence of farm expansion through
renting of additional holdings of 2 to 4 hecatares, albeit not contiguous with current holdings. If
a commercial dairy farm model is 15 to 20 hectare to support 80 cows is accepted, then the land
issue becomes more problematic and it is doubtful that the land acquisition would be available in
the high land milk sheds.
To safeguard against private and public impediments to free competition the Ethiopian
Parliament passed the Trade Practices Proclamation (329/2003) for “regulating anti-competitive
practices”. In the dairy sector the Ethiopian government has done a laudable job in privatizing
the Dairy Development Enterprise, Shola Dairy, state farms, the Kaliti Animal Feed Mixer and
Poultry Feed and most recently providing permission, although informal, to allow Alppis to
import bull semen from the US. Still more can be done.
The demand for milk and milk products will continue to rise due to population,
urbanization and rising incomes in spite of the large number of religious fasting days,
and imports will have to increase to meet the domestic shortfalls (requiring scarce
foreign exchange);
Large quantities of milk does not reach the consumer as fluid milk, and the formal sector
handles a small fraction of the fluid milk market in urban areas;
A very high percent is sold as raw milk which poses problems of adulteration and
hygienic concerns;
The cost of milk production is high because of low productivity and transaction costs to
bulk and transport fluid milk from a large number of smallholders
Table 7.1.a. Constraints, Interventions, Actors and Impacts for the Dairy Sub‐Sector – Input Suppliers
1.Feed: Supply shortage of feeds, 1. Private sector input Producers 1. Quantity of feed
Knowledge of feed formulation, suppliers work with groups of Feed mgf grains and oilseed
Poor forage management dairy farmers to conduct on‐ Feed dealers cakes purchased on
2. Land: Land Shortage for farm demonstrations for AI inseminators contracts
ingredient & fodder production,
their products, seeds, MoA researchers 2. Contract signed for
access to land, parcel sizes
decreasing; decisions between
fertilizers, genetics. MoA AI insemination of
food, forage and grazing land 2. Institute contracts extensionists quality semen
3. Breeding Services / Improve between feed manufacturers MFIs and banking 3. Number of private
genetic stock; shortage of Poor and maize and oilseed institutions firms providing
Quality semen; few business producers for delivery to the imported semen
operators factory at negotiated prices increases
4. Veterinary Services / Drugs: and quantities 4. Improved quality of
Subsidized and inefficient ; Lack 3. Support SMEs on forage forages produced for
of quality drugs / presence of seed production, e.g. Rhodes dairy cattle
contraband in markets; grass 5. Number of kg of
Shortage / inconsistent supply; 4. Project set‐up improved forage seed
Lack of veterinarians with dairy demonstration sites for silage sold by SMEs
technical focus; Lack of pits 6. Milk production in
diagnostic services 5. Contracts between groups project herds
5. High cost of production: VAT + of farmers and a veterinarian increases by 25% by
raw materials costs; equipment / and the CAHW for preventive the second year of
Machines / Materials: High cost / care and treatment of dairy project
devaluation; Lack of local supplies; cows 7. Introduce rural
electricity shortages
6. Contract between groups farm stores near to
6. Business Services: Few business
actors (Commercial); Lack of
and an AI inseminator farmers in the milk
innovative / entrepreneurial skills; 7. Contracts between feed sheds
Lack of marketing capacity manufacturers and groups of 7. Field research trials
7. Subsidized government system dairy farmers for delivery of on new forage seeds
undermining private sector feed rations established in three
Un‐harmonized 7. Ag input dealers and MOA locations
government policies to researchers have field days 8. Farmer field days
international standards on selected forage plots conducted
Inadequate extension
Table 7.1.b Constraints, Interventions, Actors and Impact for the Dairy Sub‐Sector ‐ Production
Pastoral System. Pastoral System. Pastoral System. Pastoral Systems.
Low milk production 1. Sale of camel milk SMEs Quantity of products
Lack of market access 2. Small scale processing of Pastoral assoc. sold in domestic and
butter NGOs export markets
3. Milk marketing to Somalia CAHW ‐ Improve food
and Northern Kenya of fluid MFI security
Rural Smallholder (Crop‐Livestock) Rural Smallholder Rural Rural Smallholders
‐Low productivity 1. Road access Smallholder Formation of groups
‐High cost of milk production 2. Increase market access FTC Increase sales of fluid
‐ Low management knowledge 3. New farm organizations to Farm groups milk
‐ Distance from market place access fluid markets Milk collectors
‐ Poor quality (Management, Processors
handling etc…) from milking to
‐ Inadequate knowledge transfer
‐ Poor value chain/ vertical/
linkages (low trust among the
‐ Lack of i
‐ Low level of integrated dairy
management practice and
Urban and Peri‐Urban Urban and Peri‐Urban Urban and Peri‐ Urban and Peri‐Urban
80% of producers have 1 – 3 1. Strengthen coops Urban ‐ Expand number of
head 2. Create new coops Cooperatives cross‐bred cows
Lack of chilling centers 3. Contracts with input SME ‐ Profitable coops
High cost to produce milk deliver providers Lead Farmers ‐ Fluid milk purchased
Lack of feed and land 4. Processors FTC by formal sector
Lack of chilling centers
Low trust
Poor vertical linkages Commercial Producers
Pressure to move out of urban Commercial ‐ expand herds
Commercial Producers Producers ‐ contracts signed with
Commercial Producers ‐ pilot tests on production of ‐ producers feed mgf.
Cost of feed feed rations ‐ govt. agencies ‐ feed exchange
Availability of land ‐ feed supply contracts ‐ processors ‐ marketing contracts
‐ land use on relocation of with processors
commercial dairies
Table 7.1.c. Constraints, Interventions, Actors and Impact for the Dairy Sub‐Sector – Bulkers and
Transporters ‐‐ Cooperatives, Collectors and Transporters
Cooperatives: Cooperatives: Cooperatives: Cooperatives:
‐ training in business skills ‐ business trainers ‐ publication of
‐ high cost of operations (cooling) ‐ education on governance ‐ laboratories financial statements
‐ training on testing of milk ‐ processors ‐ financial ratios
‐ weak management
‐ use of contracts ‐ lending improve
‐ lack of working capital
organizations ‐ cost of collecting
‐ governance weak
and selling milk
‐ auditing of operations
‐ lack of transparency
Collectors – Milk Hawkers: Collectors – Milk Collectors – Milk
‐ training in milk handling Hawkers: Hawkers:
Collectors – Milk Hawkers:
‐ organization of milk ‐ business trainers ‐ reduction in
‐ lack of knowledge on proper
collectors ‐ MFI adulterated milk
care of milk – lack of skills
‐testing of milk ‐Labs ‐ more milk collected
‐ lack of access to credit to invest
‐Implement a pricing from villages not on
in handling equipment
scheme based on quality the collection route
‐ poor rural roads
‐ low level of integration (up and
Transporters: Transporters: Transporters:
‐ Assessment of supply of ‐ Transporters ‐ Reduction in
transport available during ‐ MFI collection costs for
‐ poor rural roads
times of the year milk sold by
‐ High cost of transportation
‐ Detailed costs on cooperatives
‐ Availability of trucks on regular
transportation ‐ reduction in costs
by processors
‐ not milk tankers in use
collecting milk
Table 7.1.d. Constraints, Interventions, Actors and Impact for the Dairy Sub‐Sector ‐ Processors
Processors: Processors: Processors: Processors:
‐ Shortage of milk supply and milk ‐ STTA (Short term technical ‐ Small, medium ‐ increased volume of
quality problem assistance) for business and large milk and milk
skill, marketing, quality processors in Addis products sold in
‐ Technical skills to process value improvement for Ababa and the urban area by
added products such as cheese processors regional urban processors (formal
centers sector)
‐ Low level of market linkage with ‐ Promotion investment,
producers and collectors identify processing ‐ business ‐ establishment of
opportunities for SMEs in development new processing
‐ Marketing skills (Labeling, regional centers providers facilities, especially in
branding, distribution…) regional urban
‐Support new product ‐ Ethiopian Meat centers
‐ High cost of packaging development and Dairy
‐ encourage industry to set Institute
and adhere to milk
‐ contract facilitation
between PDCs and
processors and promote
quality‐based payment
‐ grant or guaranteed loans
for start‐up processing
Table 7.1.e. Constraints, Interventions, Actors and Impact for the Dairy Sub‐Sector – Retailing:
Supermarkets, Grocery Stores and Milk Kiosks
Retailing: Retailing: Retailing: Retailing:
‐ Unhygienic milk ‐ Use of BDS services to ‐Supermarket ‐ Increase the volume
‐ Shortage of shelf stable milk improve the merchandising chains of milk sold through
‐ Timeliness of milk and milk products outlets
‐ Short shelf life ‐Grocery stores
‐ Limited product categories ‐ Retailers involved with in‐ ‐ Consumers
‐ Improper milk handling store demonstrations of ‐ Technical training perceptions improve
milk and milk products by specialist in about consuming
retailing milk
‐ Use of coffin cases and
other types of display cases
in stores to sell milk
‐ access to loans to update
display cases in retail
Table 7.1.f. Constraints, Interventions, Actors and Impact for the Dairy Sub‐Sector – Hotel, Restaurant, and
Institutional (HRI)
‐ Inadequate packaging and sizes ‐ Business service providers ‐ Business service ‐ Increase purchases
for training on retailing providers for of milk products by
‐ Low level of quantities required training schools and other
on regular basis ‐ New bulk package designs institutions with
for institutional buyers ‐ Package design cafeterias
‐ inventory control and chilling of for institutional
products ‐ Promotion of the use of buyers ‐ changes in menus
milk products in menu to increase the usage
planning ‐ College food of dairy products
nutritionists on
meal planning to
use dairy products
Table 7.1.g. Constraints, Interventions, Actors and Impact for the Dairy Sub‐Sector – Ethiopian Consumers
More fasting days Consumer‐targeted ‐ Ethiopian Dairy ‐Targeted
Adults consume less milk awareness campaigns Development promotions to key
4% of the expenditure Council demographic groups
goes to dairy products ‐ Use recognizable public
Lack of knowledge on milk figures to speak on ‐Market research ‐Increase milk
quality ( Pasteurized vs. importance of milk firm consumption
raw milk) consumption
From raw to
Table 7.1.h. Constraints, Interventions, Actors and Impact for the Dairy Sub‐Sector – Export Markets
Low level of export quality Market research ( ‐ SMEs ‐ Increase the
for milk and milk products Regional markets) number and volume
Inadequate or no law Identify niche ‐ Processors of milk and milk
enforcement on keeping markets (Diaspora) products exported to
milk quality standards Support on product ‐ Women groups neighboring
Lack of market development countries
information on export, IESC/ VEGA+
both formal and informal. project… Link with ‐ Increase in foreign
(They elaborated on diasporas exchange
informal… Somaliland‐ investment
camel, Kenya‐ cow) ‐Increase income for
Suit case marketing households
(support to ) processing milk
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ETB/herd USD/herd
Model Model
2.9 0.23
Annex Table 8.3.2 Nutrient value of common feeds available to small holder and
commercial dairy farmers in the respective milk sheds.
Annex Table 8.3.3 EDDP/LOL Milk shed, Region, Site and woredas
# Milk Shed # Site # Woreda # Zone # Region
3 Yekka 3 Yekka
4 Bole 4 Bole
6 Ejere
7 Alem Gena
8 Dandi
9 Jeldu
2 Debre Zeit
10 Akaki 6 East Shewa
11 Ada’a Liben
12 Lume
13 Adama
3 Assela
14 Tiyo 7 Arsi
15 Digalu & Tijo
16 Lemu &
17 Assela Town
18 Lode Hetosa
19 Dixis
20 Robe
4 Chancho
21 Wuchale 8
22 Sululta
23 Mulo
24 Debre
5 Fiche
25 Girar Jarso
26 Degem
27 Kuyu
28 Wara Jarso
29 Yaya Gulale
30 Fiche Town
Addis Ababa 31 Bereh
32 Aleltu
6 Debre Birhan
33 Abichu Nge’a
34 Kimbibit
36 Basona
37 Debre Birhan
38 Ensaro and
8 Bahir Dar
2 Lake Tana
39 Bahir Dar 10 West Gojam
40 Bahir Dar
41 Dera
42 Fogera
43 Mecha
44 Achefer
9 Debre Markos
45 Gozamen 11 East Gojam
46 Awabel
47 Dejen
48 Mechekel
2 9 48 11 3
1 Ganta Afeshum Tigrai
1 Mekele
2 Tseisi Tsamba
3 Enderta
4 Mekele area
5 Adegrat
1 Maikadra
2 Humera
2 Adobay
3 Berker
4 Berhet
5 Rawiyan
6 Setit Humera
# Cooperative Name
1 Tis Abay
2 Alember
3 Adis Alem
4 Adis Alem
5 M & Zemana
6 Yalemgenet
7 Tadele Dibabo
8 Edget
9 Meseret
10 Bachima
11 Dhansit
2. Fiche Site
12 Hawene
13 Lalistu
14 Abdi Loonii
15 Dubar
16 Goro Haro
17 Chefa Kersa
18 Echo Kidus
19 Bikiltu
20 Chancho
21 Edoro
22 Edigat
23 Kasim
24 Torban Ashe
25 Kare Kura
26 Anaso Sago
27 Jate
28 Sale
29 Abdi Waka
30 Ano Kare
31 Dega Borso
32 Muka Turi
3. Assela
33 Gora Fana
34 Limu Dima
35 Limu Bubisa
36 Abdi Waka
37 Asela
38 Waji Bilalo
39 Watera
40 Dosha
41 Dhankaka
42 Lemu Mikael
43 Lemu Araya
44 Bokoji Akababi
45 Gonde Makaro
46 Huruta
47 Robe
48 Meraro
49 Meditu Danisa
50 Goba Lencho
4. Addis Ababa
51 Gelgel
52 Birhu Tesfa
53 Biiftu Bekaka
54 Telila Berga
55 Kusaye
56 Abdi Gudina
57 Jitu
58 Dandi Gudina
59 Hibirat
60 Meta Abo
61 Sebeta Enat
5. Debre Zeit
62 Lume
63 Melka Jitu
64 Gogecha
65 Hortu Gudina
6. Debre Markos
66 Yetnora
67 Gion
68 Lemlem
69 Enbie
70 Bogena
71 Zeba
72 Wonka
73 Findika
74 Yewula
75 Amanuel
76 Embule
77 Wojel
78 Adare Mandida
79 Sokoru
80 Kayit
81 Angolola
82 Keble 02
83 Kebele 06
84 Jisa
85 Aba Moti
86 Kokeb
87 Boran
88 Chafana
89 Chaki
90 Adare Mendida
91 Medida Moye
92 Kogne
93 Abaya
94 Shano
95 Addis Birhan
96 Gebez Amba
97 Genet
98 Biruh Tesfa
99 Edget Behbret
100 Fito
II. Unions/Associations
# Name Project site No. of Coop
1 Selale Dairy Union Fitche 19
III. Processors
Company Name
1 Adaa Cooperative
2 Aywa Agro Industry (Safi Milk)
3 Berta
4 D.Markos Dairy
5 Enat Milk
6 Genesis Farm
7 Hirut
8 Holland Dairy
9 Icecream Producers
10 Lame Dairy (Shola Milk)
11 Lema Milk
12 Life Milk
13 MB Plc (Family Milk)
14 Simret Agriculture and Industry
15 Fikadu Silasie Taddesse
16 Jantekel Dairy Union (Fassil Milk )
17 Nardelli Dairy farm
18 Prime Milk(Sululta)
19 Sebeta Agro Industry (Mama Dairy)
20 Sheno Agro Industry (Beral)
21 Yadeni Dairy Farm (Bora Milk)
Annex Table 8.3.5. Characteristics of Selected Processing Plants in Addis Ababa, Nov, 2010
Gebre Hirut Berta & Family Mama Lame
Life Milk Yohannes Family Dairy Sabeta Shola
Plant 1 Plant 2 Plant 3 Plant 4 Plant 5 Plant 6
Year plant built 2008 2005 1998 2007 1995 1947
Plant Built Capacity 7000 20000 50,000 60,000
Utilization (l/d) 2000 3300 7000 11000 33,000 31,000
% Utilization 100% 55% 66% 52%
Labor ‐ total 20 18 30 69 380 239
Labor ‐ permanent 20 18 20 65 9
labor ‐ contract ‐
temp 10 4 182
Men 9 51 66
Women 21 14
Milk purchase increasing 20%/yr
Source of milk
own farm 230l/d 350 kg 3
individual farmers 74 + 166 3 2218
cooperative 1
union 1 w. 6 k ‐ 7k 1 1
Collection Centers 15
traders 4 13 11
B 4.25 ‐
Price paid at farm Birr 4.50 Birr 6.00 B4.5‐ B5/l 4.75
B 4.50 ‐
Price paid at dock Birr 8.00 B 6.50/l B. 6.00/l
Chilling Center Yes
Trained any farmers yes no yes no
How many trained 4 collector 0 120 0
Proc. Cost per lt B 2.60
Product Line ‐ 2006 NA 2 12 6
Product line ‐ 2010 5 6 12 32 7
UHT No No Yes No
Price for Past. Milk
(B/L) Birr 9.00
own shops 1 1 1 (4)‐7000 lt
supermarket yes ‐ DNK 80 (54)‐1615 lt
Source: Land O’Lakes survey of selected dairy plants in Addis Ababa, November, 2010
Geographic Number of Number of Total number Percentage Average Average Total Milk Percentage
area dairy cows Milking of cows Share of share of milk
cows Daily Lactation Production production
Cows (Lt)
Milk Period
Annex Table 8.3.8. Performance of Primary Cooperatives in Milk Sheds in Ethiopia, 2008 and 2009
Year 2008 2009 2008 2009 2008 2009 2008 2009 2008 2009 2008 2009
Coops (#) 42 42 12 13 32 33 31 32 32 32 21 22
460549 540339 524706 778479 482321 405786 31967 54248 72831 116911
Debre Birhan (B) ‐ GA 521511 367562 555171 643083 186922 572896 72492 423591 25697 41067 25491 39905
Bahir Dar (Birr)‐ LT 110999 174489 NA NA 57627 181557 6571 31022 16369 48174 11500 33641
Debre Markos ‐ LT 155285 204154 NA NA 133197 178579 109174 104263 24024 34112 9815 12040
Asella (Birr) ‐ GA 139063 194781 74961 138198 236697 273242 251436 253103 45079 284680 27231 18497
Addis Ababa (B) ‐ GA 1593252 1618090 NA NA 9214 50511 6422 12025 76152 92619 66446 47757
Average (Birr) 635685 684948 181780 220270 191394 339210 154736 204965 36548 92483 35552 44792
Note: NA = data was not available. Data is for cooperatives in two milk sheds – Greater Addis milk shed (GA) and the Lake Tana
milk shed (LT)
Source Ethiopian customs authority
Annex Table 8.3.10. Market Prices for Dairy Products from Field Survey, October 2010
Items Volume Addis Assela Hawassa B/Dar D.Birhan D.Markos D.Dawa Fitche Gondar Humera Mekelle
Products in informal Market
Raw milk 1 liter 8.00 5.30 7.00 7.00 5.00 6.00 8.50 5.31 6.74 12.00 7.00
Traditional Yogurt 1 Liter 8.50 8.00 10.00 7.65 8.70 9.09 12.00 10.00 9.79 25.00 20.91
Cooking Butter 1kg 85.00 70.00 75.00 60.00 75.00 70.00 90.00 75.00 65.00 - 100.00
Ghee 1 liter - - - - - - - - 75.00 120.00 110.00
Cottage Cheese (Ayib) 1 kg 20.75 11.00 12.00 16.33 15.00 13.86 30.00 9.50 15.00 - 15.00
Products in formal Market
Pasteurized milk 1 liter 11.30 - 11.00 - - - - - 8.66 - 11.00
Plain yogurt (Pasteurized) 500ml 12.00 - 9.00 12.00 - - - 3.25 - -
Flavored Yogurt , 250ml 250ml 12.00 - - - - - - - - -
Drinking Yogurt, 390ml 390ml 9.50 - - - - - - - - - -
Cottage Cheese (Pasteurized
Ayib) 1 kg 37.00 - 36.00 - - - - - - -
Imported Cream Cheese 120gm 34.00
Table Butter (local) 200gm 25.00 - 25.00 25.00 - 15.00 - - 14.00 - 25.00
Table Butter (Imported) 200gm 99.40 - - - - - - - -
Provolone Cheese 1 kg 100.00 - 95.00 95.00 - - 100.00 - 100.00
Gouda Cheese 1 kg 135 - - - - - - - - - -
Cream 1 liter 62.00 - - - - - - - - - -
Local UHT Milk (MAMA Safari) 1 liter 17.20 - - 20.00 - - 24.00 - - 18.00 22.00
Imported UHT Milk
(in cartoon or bottle) 1 liter 52.00 - - 40.00 - - 35.00 - - 35.00
Powdered Milk, 2500gm (Nido) 2,500gm 390.00 - 399.00 320.00 390.00 -
Powdered Milk, 900gm (Nido) 900gm 180.00 180.00 185.00 160.00 170.00 185.00 175.00 - 180.00 152.50 160.00
Powdered Milk, 400gm (Nido) 400gm 85.00 70.00 80.00 60.00 80.00 80.00 80.00 75.00
* The raw milk price was the lowest in Debre Birhan and Fitche and the highest in Humera
* Butter price is the highest price in Mekelle
* Traditional cottage cheese (Ayib) has the highest price in Dire Dawa
* Pasteurized milk is only available in Addis Ababa, Gondar and Mekelle
* Imported powdered milk is widely available in the country
* Ghee is more widely used in Humera than Butter
Sum of
Source: CSA