Chapter III

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Marketing is an important aspect in a business since it contributes greatly

to the success of the business. As goods and services depend largely on

marketing. It is the process of introducing and promoting the product and services

into the market and encourages high expected sales. Since the goal of marketing

is to make the product and service widely known and recognized to the market,

the marketing specialist must be creative in their marketing activities.

Marketing is also the process of perceiving, understanding, stimulating, and

satisfying the customers’ needs, wants and expectations through the goods and

services. The marketing aspect is to determine the extent to which the good and

services to be generated by the business are needed or demanded and to

design the appropriate marketing strategies and plans that will help ensure that the

projects outputs will reached and be accepted by the target users.

The term “marketing” has evolved over time; today marketing is more than

promoting a product, it also involves all activities before it. It starts from identifying

customers’ needs and making them satisfied for what they paid for. Selecting of

target market through market analysis and market segmentation as well as

understanding customers’ behavior and providing superior value.


A target market is a group of customers within a business’ serviceable

available market that the business has decided to aim its marketing efforts

towards. It is important for a business to identify and select a target market so it

can direct its marketing efforts to that group of customers and better satisfy their

needs and wants. This enables the business to use its marketing resources more

efficiently, resulting in more cost and time efficient marketing efforts.

In this proposed project, the target markets are the college students of the

University of Cebu Main Campus, University of San Carlos, and University of San

Jose – Recoletos. The proposed proponents chose the said Universities because

of its population and is situated within the proximity of the proposed project in Cebu

City. The determined target market is the basis for the coming up with the number

of respondents.


It is imperative to tailor the business’ marketing and sales effort to

specifically reach the segment of population that will most likely purchase the

product or service. The target market are set of individuals having similarities in

needs or in characteristics which the business is proposing to serve. The

proponents choose to get the sample size of University of San Jose – Recoletos,

University of Cebu Main Campus, and University of San Carlos.

The sample size obtained would be the representative of the total

population of these specific schools here in Cebu City. The proponents collected
the population of the specific universities here in Cebu City. The respective schools

provided the population. The researchers used the overall population for the school

year 2018 to 2019 to get the sample size of 384. The sample size was

proportionally distributed to the three selected Universities according to the

proportion of their population to the total population of the target market.

The next table presents the population of respondents per school.

Table _

Population of Respondents per School

University Population (N) Sample (n) Percentage

University of Cebu 17,177 175 45%

University of San Carlos 13,467 137 36%

University of San Jose-Recoletos 7,085 72 19%

Total 37,729 384 100%

The sample size formulas and procedures used for categorical data are very

similar, but there are some variations do exist. Assuming the proponents has set

the alpha level a priori at .05, plans to use a proportional variable, has set the level

of acceptable error at 5%, and has estimated the standard deviation of the scale

as .05

To compute continuous variable:

Number of Scale

T for an alpha level of .025 each scale 1.96

p 0.5

q 0.5

d 0.05

Cochran’s sample size formula for categorical data and an example it use
is presented here along with explanations as to how these decisions were made.

(t)2 *(p)(q)

n= ______________



t= value for selected alpha level of 0.025 in en each tail = 1.96

(the alpha level of .05 indicates the level of risk)

n= number of samples

(1.96)2 *(.5)(.5)

n= ______________


n= 384

Number of samples = 384


Data collection is a process of preparing and gathering data. It helps the

proponents in capturing quality evidence that allows analysis to the formulation of

answers. It enables the respondents to answer certain questions that are useful in

the planning and preparation of the proposed coffee shop. The information

gathered will be the basis in making decisions.

The data on this study gathered accordingly by the proponents through

conducting a survey with standardized questions but the proponents also asked

two competitors orally about their supply to be used for the projected annual

supply. In each school, the proponents chose a starting point to distribute the

questionnaires. At the University of San Jose -Recoletos, the respondents chose

the main library as a starting point. At University of Cebu Main Campus and

University of San Carlos Downtown Campus, the starting point is the main gate of

each university.

Whether or Not Respondents Have Been Stressed Out

The proponents asked the respondents if they have been stress out. The

ones who answered yes would be the ones who would know more about what it

feels like to be stress and be burden of many things. These students are the ones

who are most likely bombarded with school activities and extracurricular activities.

They are the ones who would most likely do activities to relieve stress.

Whether or Not Respondents Have Been Stressed Out

Response Number Percentage

Those who have been stress out 360 94%

Those who have not been stress out 24 6%

Total 384 100%

Table_ indicates that 94% of the respondents have been stress out. Thus,

most of the college students in University Of San Jose Recoletos, University of

Cebu, and University of San Carlos can become a prospective customer of the


Whether or Not Respondents Have Been Depressed

The proponents asked the respondents if they have been depress. The

ones who answered yes would probably be the ones who could not vent out their

emotions such as frustration and anger. They are the ones who would most likely

want to release their emotions.


Whether or Not Respondents Have Been Depressed


Response Number Percentage

Those who have been depressed 253 66%

Those who have not been depressed 131 34%

Total 384 100%

Table_ indicates that 66% of the respondents have been depressed. Hence,

the college students of University of San Jose Recoletos, University of Cebu Main

Campus and University of San Carlos Downtown Campus can become a potential

customer and try the offered activities that will help them cope up.

Whether or Not Respondents Want to Have an Avenue to Vent out Their


The proponents asked the respondents if they want an avenue to vent out

their emotions. The ones who answered yes would most probably be the ones who

experience stress not only in school but also at home that they cannot manage it

anymore and they just want to release it.


Whether or Not Respondents Want to Have an

Avenue to Vent out Their Emotions


Response Number Percentage

Those who want to have an avenue 347 90%

to vent out their emotions.

Those who do not want to have an 37 10%

avenue to vent out their emotions.

Total 384 100%

Table_ indicates that 90% of the respondents want to have an avenue to

vent out their emotions. Thus, most of the college student may visit the coffee

shop and avail the offered services.

Frequency of Respondents Going to Coffee Shops

The proponents asked the respondents this question to assume how often

the people would likely visit a coffee shop. It gives the proponents the idea of how

many customers would likely visit the proposed coffee shop and avail the services

every month.

Frequency of Respondents Going to Coffee Shops


Response Number Percentage

Those who goes 5-6 times a month 70 18%

Those who goes 3-4 times a month 106 28%

Those who goes 1-2 times a month 124 32%

Those who does not go to coffee shops 74 19%

Others 12 3%

Total 384 100%

Table_ indicates that 32% of the respondents go to coffee shops 1-2 times

a month. Thus, the proponents can expect that college students would go to the

proposed coffee shop one to two times a month.

Monthly Allowance of the Respondents

The respondent’s monthly allowance would be useful to the proponents. It

would give them an idea if a college student can afford to buy in the coffee shop

and avail the offered activities.


Monthly Allowance of the Respondents


Response Number Percentage

Those who have a monthly allowance of 115 30%

less than P 2,2200

Those who have a monthly allowance of 93 24%

P 2,2201 to P 3300

Those who have a monthly allowance of 108 28%

P 3,301 to P 4,400

Those who have a monthly allowance of 66 18%

P 4,401 and more

Total 384 100%

Table_ indicates that 30% of the respondents have a monthly allowance of

less than P 2, 200. Thus, the proponents assume that the respondents can afford

to buy or avail a product or service that is below P 200.

Whether or Not Respondents Are Willing to Avail the Services and Products

of a Stress and Depression Management Themed Coffee Shop

The proponents would want to know if the respondents would like to avail

the services and products of a stress and depression management themed coffee
shop. This will serves as a basis for knowing the estimated number of customers

who will be visiting the proposed coffee shop.


Whether or Not Respondents Are Willing to Avail the Services and

Products of a Stress and Depression Management Themed Coffee Shop


Response Number Percentage

Those who are willing to avail the services and 286 74%

products of a stress and depression

management themed coffee shop.

Those who are not willing to avail the services 98 26%

and products of a stress and depression

management themed.

Total 384 100%

Table_ shows that 74% of the respondentsare willing to avail the services

and products of a stress and depression management themed coffee shop. Some

of the respondents who so not go to coffee shops would want to try the proposed

project. Thus, the proponents would expect that the coffee shop would not be

empty of customers.
Activities that the Respondents Would Willing to Avail

The proponents asked the respondents the activities that they want to avail.

Some of the respondents chose more than one activity. The ones who chose more

than one activity are the ones who would probably want to cope in many ways.


Activities that the Respondents Would Willing to Avail


Activities Number Rank

Smashing Therapy 194 1

Punching Therapy 156 3

Dart Therapy 110 7

Yoga Therapy 123 5

Art Therapy 128 4

Primal Scream Therapy 115 6

Dancing Therapy 162 2

Table_ shows the rank of each activity that the respondents would be willing

to avail. The proponents assume that the customers will not avail all. They certainly

choose activities that will fit according to their emotions. The table also shows that

194 respondents who would avail the smashing therapy and only 110 respondents

who would avail the dart therapy. Thus, the proponents expect that they will be
more customers who will avail the smashing therapy than the other activities and

the customers would least likely avail the Dart Therapy.

Drinks that the Respondents Would Willing to Purchase

The proponents asked the respondents the drinks that they would willing to

purchase. Some of the respondents chose more than one drinks. The drinks that

they choose most probably base on their likes and taste. The prices can possibly

a big factor.


Drinks that the Respondents Would Willing to Purchase


Drinks Number Rank

Cappuccino 173 1

Coffee Frappe 161 2

Chocolate Frappe 154 3

Caramel Frappe 96 4

Winter Melon Tea 82 5

Table_ indicates the rank of each drink that the respondents would willing

to purchase. Cappuccino got the highest number of respondents willing to avail

and Winter Melon Tea got the lowest with only 82 respondents. Thus, the

proponents expect that they will be more customers who will purchase cappuccino
than the other drinks offered and the customers would least likely purchase winter

melon tea.

Average Consumption of Activities in One Month

The respondents’ average consumption of activities in one month would be

useful to the proponents. It would give them an idea of the estimated quantity of

materials used in each activity.


Average Consumption of Activities in One Month


Response Number
1 40 40
2 72 144
3 45 135
4 15 60
5- More 22 110
Total 194 489
No Response 190
Average 3 times

Response Number
1 24 24
2 66 132
3 35 105
4 13 52
5- More 18 90
Total 156 403
No Response 228
Average 3 times

Response Number
1 38 38
2 34 68
3 18 54
4 7 28
5-More 13 65
Total 110 253
No Response 274
Average 2 times
Response Number
1 32 32
2 41 82
3 23 69
4 11 44
5-More 16 80
Total 123 307
No Response 261
Average 2 times


Response Number
1 39 39
2 45 90
3 25 75
4 8 32
5-More 11 55
Total 128 252
No Response 256
Average 2 times


Response Number
1 35 35
2 39 78
3 26 78
4 5 20
5-More 10 50
Total 115 261
No Response 269
Average 2 times

Response Number
1 26 26
2 59 118
3 33 99
4 22 88
5-More 22 110
Total 162 441
No Response 222
Average 3 times

Table_ shows the consumption of each activity in one month. It also shows

that the average consumption is most likely 2 or 3.

Average Consumption of Activities in One Month

The respondents’ average consumption of drinks in one month would be

useful to the proponents. It would give them an idea of the estimated quantity and

supply that is needed in every drink.


Average Consumption of Drinks in One Month


Response Number
1 42 42
2 63 126
3 34 102
4 15 60
5-More 19 95
Total 173 425
No Response 211
Average 2 Cups

Café Latte
Response Number
1 37 37
2 65 130
3 40 120
4 10 40
5-More 9 45
Total 161 372
No Response 223
Average 2 Cups

Response Number
1 42 42
2 57 114
3 31 93
4 14 56
5-More 10 50
Total 154 355
No Response 230
Average 2 Cups

Response Number
1 41 41
2 29 58
3 14 42
4 5 20
5-More 7 35
Total 96 196
No Response 288
Average 2 Cups


Response Number
1 23 23
2 21 42
3 14 42
4 9 36
5-More 15 75
Total 82 218
No Response 302
Average 3 Cups
Table_ shows the consumption of every drink in one month that is offered

in the proposed coffee shop. It also indicates that average consumption of the

respondent to most of the drinks is 2 except for winter melon tea that has an

average consumption of 3.


The projected demand of the proposed project is based on the projected

population of the target market for the five historical year. The proponets shall

determine the trend of the changes of the population for the five historical years

data gathered so that the projected population be known. After knowing the

projected population, the projected demand would then be computed. The

proponents have used the arithmetic straight line method in projecting the

population for the years 2019-2023.

This is the formula for the arithmetic straight line method:

 Yc = a + Yi -1

o Where a = (Yn-Yc)/N-1

Yc Initial value (1st year)

Yn Final value (last year)
N Number of years
Yi-1 Value for the past year

Table _

Computed projected population

Table __ shows a decreasing projected population of these universities, this

2019- 2020- 2021- 2022- 2023-

2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

University of San Jose

6,085 5,085 4,085 3,085 2,085

University of Cebu 14,916 12,655 10,394 8,133 5,872

University of San Carlos 11,461 9,455 7,449 5,443 3,437

Total 32,462 27,195 21,928 16,661 11,394

is caused by the decreasing population of these universities for the last five years.

The decrease is due to the K-12 implementation, wherein High School graduates

need to take additional two years in Senior High School before entering College.


Demand refers to the needs and desires of the consuming public. It is either

through acquisition of products or experiencing service. It is however, constrained

by the power and willingness of the consumers to pay for the goods and services

at an offered price of the seller. It has to be emphasized, that the consumers, in

most instance, avails products or service of the best quality with the cheapest

price. Demand is one of the most important factor in determining the ability of the

businesses to penetrate its target market. The level of production of the business
is generally based on the level of demand of the consumers. That is why, it is vital

to carefully estimate the projected size of the target market. This is to ensure that

there is no excess or under production which would either result to a loss for the


Demand has two essential elements, it is the willingness to buy or avail

products or services offered, and the purchasing power of the costumers. If in case

one of the elements is absent, would mean no demand at all.


In order to forecast essential managerial decisions in terms of production

and service expansion or business strategies ensuring the economic incline and

stability, the projected future demand is deemed necessary. Through projection,

the business would therefore prepare for the future demands. The business deals

mostly with stress and depression management themed activities, thus, projecting

future demand is necessary since these activities are new to the target market.

Projected annual demand is computed by multiplying the projected

population with the percentage of the respondents who answered “Yes” on

whether or Not Respondents Are Willing to Avail the Services and Products of a

Stress and Depression Management Themed Coffee Shop, the average times the

respondents would like to avails the services, the average cups the respondents

would like to drink per transaction.


(Table_) (Table_)



2019 32,462 74% 51% 3 12 441,042

2020 27,195 74% 51% 3 12 369,482

2021 21,928 74% 51% 3 12 297,923

2022 16,661 74% 51% 3 12 226,363

2023 11,394 74% 51% 3 12 154,803


2019 32,462 74% 41% 3 12 354,563

2020 27,195 74% 41% 3 12 297,035

2021 21,928 74% 41% 3 12 239,506

2022 16,661 74% 41% 3 12 181,978

2022 11,394 74% 41% 3 12 124,450


2019 32,462 74% 29% 2 12 167,192

2020 27,195 74% 29% 2 12 140,065

2021 21,928 74% 29% 2 12 112,938

2022 16,661 74% 29% 2 12 85,811

2023 11,394 74% 29% 2 12 58,684


2019 32,462 74% 32% 2 12 184,488

2020 27,195 74% 32% 2 12 154,555

2021 21,928 74% 32% 2 12 124,621

2022 16,661 74% 32% 2 12 94,688

2023 11,394 74% 32% 2 12 64,754

Art Therapy
2019 32,462 74% 33% 2 12 190,253

2020 27,195 74% 33% 2 12 159,384

2021 21,928 74% 33% 2 12 128,516

2022 16,661 74% 33% 2 12 97,647

2023 11,394 74% 33% 2 12 66,778


2019 32,462 74% 30% 2 12 172,958

2020 27,195 74% 30% 2 12 144,895

2021 21,928 74% 30% 2 12 116,832

2022 16,661 74% 30% 2 12 88,770

2023 11,394 74% 30% 2 12 60,707


2019 32,462 74% 43% 3 12 371,859

2020 27,195 74% 43% 3 12 311,524

2021 21,928 74% 43% 3 12 251,190

2022 16,661 74% 43% 3 12 190,855

2023 11,394 74% 43% 3 12 130,521



2019 32,462 74% 45% 2 12 259,436

2020 27,195 74% 45% 2 12 217,342

2021 21,928 74% 45% 2 12 175,249

2022 16,661 74% 45% 2 12 133,155

2023 11,394 74% 45% 2 12 91,061

Café Latte

2019 32,462 74% 42% 2 12 242,141

2020 27,195 74% 42% 2 12 202,853

2021 21,928 74% 42% 2 12 163,565

2022 16,661 74% 42% 2 12 124,278

2023 11,394 74% 42% 2 12 84,990


2019 32,462 74% 40% 2 12 230,610

2020 27,195 74% 40% 2 12 193,193

2021 21,928 74% 40% 2 12 155,777

2022 16,661 74% 40% 2 12 118,360

2023 11,394 74% 40% 2 12 80,943


2019 32,462 74% 25% 2 12 144,131

2020 27,195 74% 25% 2 12 120,746

2021 21,928 74% 25% 2 12 97,360

2022 16,661 74% 25% 2 12 73,975

2023 11,394 74% 25% 2 12 50,589


2019 32,462 74% 21% 3 12 181,605

2020 27,195 74% 21% 3 12 152,140

2021 21,928 74% 21% 3 12 122,674

2022 16,661 74% 21% 3 12 93,208

2023 11,394 74% 21% 3 12 63,743


Supply means the number of products that a producer are willing and

able to sell or serve at a given price that all other factor being held constant. It is

important to know the capacity of the proposed business to get a possible share in

the market.

It is necessary for the business to be able to know the availability and

ability of competitors to supply a product. This to estimate the number of products

and the service capacity of the proposed business can offer to its target market.

To determine if the propped business could penetrate the target market,

there is a need to study the past and present supply


To determine the business’ instance of increasing or decreasing the

future competition and their market share, there is a need to identify the future

capacity and supply of services and products in the market. It is necessary for the

business to also know the current supply and capacity of competing service and

products for the estimation of supply and service capacity the proposed project will

have for the next five months.


Competitors Projected Annual Capacity for Services

Days a Months a Annual
Competitors Daily Capacity
Month Year Service
Anytime Fitness

Smashing 0 30 12 0

Punching 60 30 12 21600

Dart 0 30 12 0

Yoga 75 30 12 27000

Art 0 30 12 0

Primal 0 30 12 0

Dancing 75 30 12 27000

Gold’s Gym

Smashing 0 30 12 0

Punching 64 30 12 23040

Dart 0 30 12 0

Yoga 75 30 12 27000

Art 0 30 12 0

Primal 0 30 12 0

Dancing 75 30 12 27000

Competitors Projected Annual Supply for Products

Days a Months a Annual
Competitors Daily Capacity
Month Year Service
Starbucks Colon

Cappucinno 110 30 12 39600

Café Latte 110 30 12 39600

100 30 12 36000

Caramel Frappe 60 30 12 21600

Winter Melon
60 30 12 21600

Oppa Café

Cappucino 40 30 12 14400

Café Latte 35 30 12 12600

30 30 12 10800

Caramel Frappe 30 30 12 10800

Winter Melon
20 30 12 7200

Projected Annual Service Capacity

Smashing Therapy

Projected Annual Capacity

2019 -

2020 -

2021 -

2022 -

2023 -

Punching Therapy

Year Projected Annual Supply

2019 44,640

2020 44,640

2021 44,640

2022 44,640

2023 44,640

Dart Therapy

Year Projected Annual Supply

2019 -

2020 -

2021 -

2022 -

2023 -

Yoga Therapy
Year Projected Annual Supply

2019 54,000

2020 54,000

2021 54,000

2022 54,000

2023 54,000

Art Therapy

Year Projected Annual Supply

2019 -

2020 -

2021 -

2022 -

2023 -

Primal Scream

Year Projected Annual Supply

2019 -

2020 -

2021 -

2022 -

2023 -

Dancing Therapy

Year Projected Annual Supply

2019 54,000

2020 54,000
2021 54,000

2022 54,000

2023 54,000


Projected Annual Supply


Year Projected Annual Supply

2019 56,700

2020 59,535

2021 62,512

2022 65,638

2023 68,920

Coffee Frappe

Year Projected Annual Supply

2019 54,810

2020 57,551

2021 60,429

2022 63,450

2023 66,623

Chocolate Frappe

Year Projected Annual Supply

2019 49,140
2020 51,597

2021 54,177

2022 56,886

2023 59,730

Caramel Frappe

Year Projected Annual Supply

2019 34,020

2020 35,721

2021 37,507

2022 39,382

2023 41,351

Winter Melon

Year Projected Annual Supply

2019 30,240

2020 31,752

2021 33,340

2022 35,007

2023 36,757

The proposed project’s competitors are coffee shops and gyms near the target

market. The proponents have orally asked two competitors for the gym and two

competitors for the coffee shop about their capacity and their supply.
To compute for the proposed project annual supply for the drinks, a 5% increase

in the supply is assumed.


To determine the number of products and service capacity a business should

provide, we need the projected demand and supply gap analysis to know if the proposed

project can cater and penetrate the target market. It is important to know the demand and

supply gap to know if there is available market to propose a business and to determine

the supply of the proposed business to be available to the target market.

Table _

Projected Demand and Supply Gap for Services

Smashing Therapy
Projected Annual Projected Annual Demand-Supply
Demand Supply Gap
2019 441,042 0 441,042
2020 369,482 0 369,482
2021 297,923 0 297,923
2022 226,363 0 226,363
2023 154,803 0 154,803
Punching Therapy
Projected Annual Projected Annual Demand-Supply
Demand Supply Gap
2019 354,563 44640 309,923
2020 297,035 44640 252,395
2021 239,506 44640 194,866
2022 181,978 44640 137,338
2023 124,450 44640 79,810
Dart Therapy
Projected Annual Projected Annual Demand-Supply
Demand Supply Gap
2019 167,192 0 167,192
2020 140,065 0 140,065
2021 112,938 0 112,938
2022 85,811 0 85,811
2023 58,684 0 58,684
Yoga Therapy
Projected Annual Projected Annual Demand-Supply
Demand Supply Gap
2019 184,488 54000 130,488
2020 154,555 54000 100,555
2021 124,621 54000 70,621
2022 94,688 54000 40,688
2023 64,754 54000 10,754
Art Therapy
Projected Annual Projected Annual Demand-Supply
Demand Supply Gap
2019 190,253 0 190,253
2020 159,384 0 159,384
2021 128,516 0 128,516
2022 97,647 0 97,647
2023 66,778 0 66,778
Primal Scream Therapy
Projected Annual Projected Annual Demand-Supply
Demand Supply Gap
2019 172,958 0 172,958
2020 144,895 0 144,895
2021 116,832 0 116,832
2022 88,770 0 88,770
2023 60,707 0 60,707
Dancing Therapy
Projected Annual Projected Annual Demand-Supply
Demand Supply Gap
2019 371,859 54000 317,859
2020 311,524 54000 257,524
2021 251,190 54000 197,190
2022 190,855 54000 136,855
2023 130,521 54000 76,521
Table _

Projected Demand and Supply Gap for Production

Year Projected Annual Demand Projected Annual Supply Demand-Supply Gap

2019 259,436 56700 202,736

2020 217,342 59535 157,807
2021 175,249 62512 112,737
2022 133,155 65638 67,517
2023 91,061 68920 22,141
Café Latte
Year Projected Annual Demand Projected Annual Supply Demand-Supply Gap

2019 242,141 54810 187,331

2020 202,853 57551 145,302
2021 163,565 60429 103,136
2022 124,278 63450 60,828
2023 84,990 66623 18,367
Chocolate Frappe
Year Projected Annual Demand Projected Annual Supply Demand-Supply Gap

2019 230,610 49140 181,470

2020 193,193 51597 141,596
2021 155,777 54177 101,600
2022 118,360 56886 61,474
2023 80,943 59730 21,213
Caramel Frappe
Year Projected Annual Demand Projected Annual Supply Demand-Supply Gap

2019 144,131 34020 110,111

2020 120,746 35721 85,025
2021 97,360 37507 59,853
2022 73,975 39382 34,593
2023 50,589 41351 9,238
Winter Melon Tea
Year Projected Annual Demand Projected Annual Supply Demand-Supply Gap

2019 181,605 30240 151,365

2020 152,140 31752 120,388
2021 122,674 33340 89,334
2022 93,208 35007 58,201
2023 63,743 36757 26,986

Market share is the percentage of a market accounted for by an entity. The

proposed project and the related competitors both in product and in service must

be considered in determining the size of the market share. An increase in the

market share allows the business to become more profitable and be more efficient

in its production and in giving service.

Table _

Projected Market Share for Services

Smashing Therapy
Market Market
Projected Demand- Service
Year Share in Share
Annual Demand Supply Gap Capacity
Units in %
2019 441,042 441,042 100,800 100,800 23%
2020 369,482 369,482 100,800 100,800 27%
2021 297,923 297,923 100,800 100,800 34%
2022 226,363 226,363 100,800 100,800 45%
2023 154,803 154,803 100,800 100,800 65%
Punching Therapy
Market Market
Projected Demand- Service
Year Share in Share
Annual Demand Supply Gap Capacity
Units in %
2019 354,563 309,923 100,800 100,800 28%
2020 297,035 252,395 100,800 100,800 34%
2021 239,506 194,866 100,800 100,800 42%
2022 181,978 137,338 100,800 100,800 55%
2023 124,450 79,810 100,800 100,800 81%
Dart Therapy
Market Market
Projected Demand- Service
Year Share in Share
Annual Demand Supply Gap Capacity
Units in %
2019 167,192 167,192 100,800 100,800 60%
2020 140,065 140,065 100,800 100,800 72%
2021 112,938 112,938 100,800 100,800 89%
2022 85,811 85,811 100,800 85,811 100%
2023 58,684 58,684 100,800 58,684 100%
Yoga Therapy
Market Market
Projected Demand- Service
Year Share in Share
Annual Demand Supply Gap Capacity
Units in %
2019 184,488 130,488 63,000 63,000 34%
2020 154,555 100,555 63,000 63,000 41%
2021 124,621 70,621 63,000 63,000 51%
2022 94,688 40,688 63,000 63,000 67%
2023 64,754 10,754 63,000 63,000 97%
Art Therapy
Market Market
Projected Demand- Service
Year Share in Share
Annual Demand Supply Gap Capacity
Units in %
2019 190,253 190,253 75,600 75,600 40%
2020 159,384 159,384 75,600 75,600 47%
2021 128,516 128,516 75,600 75,600 59%
2022 97,647 97,647 75,600 75,600 77%
2023 66,778 66,778 75,600 66,778 100%
Primal Scream
Market Market
Projected Demand- Service
Year Share in Share
Annual Demand Supply Gap Capacity
Units in %
2019 172,958 172,958 75,600 75,600 44%
2020 144,895 144,895 75,600 75,600 52%
2021 116,832 116,832 75,600 75,600 65%
2022 88,770 88,770 75,600 75,600 85%
2023 60,707 60,707 75,600 60,707 100%
Table _

Projected Market Share for Products

Projected Market Market
Demand- Production
Year Annual Share in Share in
Supply Gap Capacity
Demand Units %
2019 259,436 202,736 50400 50400 19%
2020 217,342 157,807 50400 50400 23%
2021 175,249 112,737 50400 50400 29%
2022 133,155 67,517 50400 50400 38%
2023 91,061 22,141 50400 50400 55%
Café Latte
Projected Market Market
Demand- Production
Year Annual Share in Share in
Supply Gap Capacity
Demand Units %
2019 242,141 187,331 50,400 50,400 21%
2020 202,853 145,302 50,400 50,400 25%
2021 163,565 103,136 50,400 50,400 31%
2022 124,278 60,828 50,400 50,400 41%
2023 84,990 18,367 50,400 50,400 59%
Chocolate Frappe
Projected Market Market
Demand- Production
Year Annual Share in Share in
Supply Gap Capacity
Demand Units %
2019 230,610 181,470 50400 50400 22%
2020 193,193 141,596 50400 50400 26%
2021 155,777 101,600 50400 50400 32%
2022 118,360 61,474 50400 50400 43%
2023 80,943 21,213 50400 50400 62%
Caramel Frappe
Projected Market Market
Demand- Production
Year Annual Share in Share in
Supply Gap Capacity
Demand Units %
2019 144,131 110,111 37800 37800 26%
2020 120,746 85,025 37800 37800 31%
2021 97,360 59,853 37800 37800 39%
2022 73,975 34,593 37800 37800 51%
2023 50,589 9,238 37800 37800 75%
Winter Melon Tea
Projected Market Market
Demand- Production
Year Annual Share in Share in
Supply Gap Capacity
Demand Units %
2019 181,605 151,365 27720 27720 15%
2020 152,140 120,388 27720 27720 18%
2021 122,674 89,334 27720 27720 23%
2022 93,208 58,201 27720 27720 30%
2023 63,743 26,986 27720 27720 43%

Market share in units is computed by determining the lower value between

demand-supply gap and production capacity. Market share percentage is computed by

using the market share in units divided by the projected annual demand.

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