JEEECity Corporation
JEEECity Corporation
JEEECity Corporation
127 (2 - A)
127 (4 - A)
12. The Eb/V ratio of a dc motor is 16. Transformer core are laminated
an indication of its in order to
(1) efficiency (1) simplify its construction
(2) speed regulation (2) minimize eddy current loss
(3) starting torque (3) reduce cost
(4) running torque (4) reduce hysteresis loss
127 (5 - A)
17. 1000 ಪా-థxక సుతు<గJరువ 21. పಯా"య సుతు<ಕెయు i న ಭాಗాంశ
పవత"కవను 250 V ac దుದాಗారಕె^ 5/6 పಡె%దaರె, అదర సురుJ ಸాd _____
సంప;"ದె. %Hౕయ pౕಲె`ౕజు 400 V ?-గళು.
ఆదರె %Hౕయకద సుతు<గళು (1) 300
(1) 1600 (2) 150
(2) 250 (3) 30
(3) 400 (4) 60
(4) 1250
22. ಪె-ౕరక 6ౕటరను ಹాಗె కರెయలు ಕారణ
18. పవత"కదT4 నಕాರాతtక pౕಲె`ౕజు అదర ಕాಯా"చరಣెయ దಮాన
(యంత-ణవು ಲెూౕQ .ఎ._____ ఇದాaగ
(1) సHయం ಪె-ౕరಣె
(1) శೂన
(2) పరసర ಪె-ౕరಣె
(2) ఏక
(3) ఎ కರెంటు
(3) ముంದా?ದె
(4) X`g
(4) Xంದా?ದె
27. SCR దT4 ಗెౕU న (ದాHరద) ಕాయ"ವెందರె (2) ధు-ౕయ అద కముಟెౕట8
(1) Hi ఆసువುదు
(2) అదర ಫైం (యంత-ణ (3) ధు-ౕయ అద అKౕ"చ8
(3) ఏకముఖವా?సువುదు
(4) అKౕ"చ8 మధపథ ధు-వగళ నడుವె
(4) ముముtఖ ಬె-ౕ~ ಡౌd pౕಲె`ౕజు
25. In an induction motor, the ratio 29. For a P pole machine, the
of rotor copper loss and input is relation between electrical and
given by mechanical degrees is
(1) 1/S 2
(1) θ elec. = θ
(2) S P mech.
(3) 1 – S 4
S (2) θ elec. = θ
(4) P mech.
(1 − S)
(3) θ elec. = Pθ mech.
26. The speed regulation of a P
(4) θ elec. = θ
squirrel cage induction motor is 2 mech.
very good primarily because of
its relatively low _______ under
normal operating condition. 30. The brushes of a dc machine
(1) rotor impedance should be placed on the
(2) losses
(1) commutator in the inter-
(3) power factor
(4) rotor frequency polar axis
(2) commutator in the polar
27. In an SCR, the function of the axis
gate is to
(1) switch it off (3) armature in the polar axis
(2) control its firing (4) armature midway between
(3) make it unidirectional poles
(4) reduce forward breakdown
31. The main advantage of using
28. Reluctance torque in rotating fractional pitch winding is to
machines is present, when reduce
(1) air gap is not uniform.
(1) amount of copper in the
(2) reluctance seen by stator
mmf varies. winding
(3) reluctance seen by rotor (2) size of the machine
mmf varies.
(3) harmonics in the emf
(4) reluctance seen by the
working mmf varies. (4) cost of the machine
127 (9 - A)
32. పవత"కద ಕాಯా"చరಣెయ పవ8 అంశ 36. ಹెౕJಕె (A) : ఇనవట"8 మతు< ಚాప8
(1) ఏకಮాన గళను ವెౕగ HCం ಥైస`8 గళT4
బళಕె ಮాడువరు.
(2) 0.8 pf Xందుసಕె
32. The power factor at which the 36. Assertion (A) : Inverters &
transformer operates choppers used fast
(1) unity switching thyristors.
(2) 0.8 p.f. lag Reason (R) : Fast switching SCR
(3) 0.8 p.f. lead has low turn off time.
(4) depends upon the p.f. of the (1) Both (A) & (R) are correct
load and (R) is correct
explanation of (A).
33. Two transformer are operating in (2) Both (A) & (R) are correct,
parallel, their load sharing will but (R) is not correct
depend upon explanation of (A).
(1) cooling (3) (A) is correct, but (R) is
(2) all day efficiency wrong.
(3) max efficiency (4) (A) is wrong, but (R) is
(4) per unit impedance
(1) ಧారక
41. కమూಟెౕషd ಧానవು, ఇd వట"8 నT4 వು, (A) కుత సమప"క వరಣె అల4.
39. In a 3 phase semiconverter, the 43. Assertion (A) : The circuit of fig.
free wheeling diode comes into thyristor will conduct for
operation only if firing angle 180° during positive half
(1) is zero cycle if it is continuously
(2) is 60° fired.
Reason (R) : The thyristor can
(3) is more than 60°
conduct only when it is
(4) is more than 90° forward biased.
46. 3φ ಪె-ౕరక 6ౕటరు 4 S నT4 ఓడుವాగ 50. ಕెూ`రువ ఉತె<ౕజన (ఎಕెeౖಟెౕషd)
ಗాJ అంతర Pg ఇదaರె ಯాం-క ಸామథ"
ంక-నg 6ౕటనT4 ఉంಟాగువುదు
వృ%'ಯాగువ పಮాణ
పవ8 ಕెూౕన ఇదಕె^ సమ ఇದాaగ
(1) (S – 1) Pg
Pg (1) 0° (2) 45°
(1 − S) (3) 60° (4) 90°
(3) (1 − S) Pg
(4) SPg 51. ఒందు Xౕట8 దరవು 230 V, 10 kW, AC
ఆ?ದె, 230 V ಮౌలవು ఇదಕె^
47. సూన దుY పంఖవು ఇదను
(1) U ಫెౕg 6ౕటరు (1) సರాస pౕಲె`ౕజు
53. The basic elements of an electric 56. The rotating part of DC motor is
drive are known as
(1) Electric motor and the (1) Pole
transmission system
(2) Electric motor, the (2) Stator
transmission and control (3) Armature
(4) Carbon brush
(3) The transmission and
control system
(4) Electric motor and 57. The two basic components of a
conversion equipment Thevenin’s equivalent ac circuit
54. Three 680 Ω resistors are
(1) The equivalent voltage
connected in series with a 470 V
source and the equivalent
source. Current in the circuit is
series impedance
(1) 69 mA
(2) 230 mA (2) The equivalent voltage
(3) 23 mA source and the equivalent
(4) 690 mA series resistance
(3) The equivalent voltage
55. In the circuit shown, the three source and the equivalent
voltmeter readings are V1 = 220 V, parallel impedance
V2 = 122 V, V3 = 136 V
(4) The equivalent voltage
source and the equivalent
parallel resistance
60. ನెౕర దుY 6ౕటరను ಪా-రంmసలు 63. ಪె-ౕరక ಮాద ఏకಪా-వಸె శ;< xౕట8
ಸా`ట"8 న అగతದె, ಕారణ గళು దుY శ;<యను ಮాపన
(1) అదు 6ౕటన ವెౕగవను ಮాడువುదు Xౕಗె
xతಗెూJసుత<ದె (1) KW
(2) ಪా-రంmక దుతLವాహవను సుర¡త (2) Wh
(3) kWh
ಮౌలಕె^ xಗెూJసుత<ದె
(4) VAr
(3) అదు 6ౕటరను ಪా-రంmసుత<ದె
(4) ఇవುగళT4 ಯావುవೂ అల4 64. దుY ಕాంతద సురుJయ ముಖాంతర
61. ఏకಪా-వಸెయ పೂణ" అಲె ఎg ఆ8 దుY ప-ವాహద %కు^ వక<ವాదರె
127 (18 - A)
59. In a D.C. shunt motor, under the 62. Harmonics in transformer result
conditions of maximum power, in
the current in the armature will (1) increased core losses
be (2) increased I2R losses
(1) Almost negligible
(3) magnetic interference with
(2) Rated full-load current
communication circuits
(3) Less than full-load current
(4) All of these
(4) More than full-load current
63. Induction type single phase
60. For starting a D.C. motor a energy meters measure electric
starter is required because energy in
(1) It limits the speed of the
(1) kW
(2) Wh
(2) It limits the starting current
to safe value. (3) kWh
(3) It starts the motor. (4) VAr
(4) None of these
64. When the current through the
61. In a single phase full wave SCR coil of an electromagnet
circuit with R, L load reverses, the
i. Power is delivered to the (1) Direction of the magnetic
source for firing angle of field reverses
less than 90°. (2) Direction of the magnetic
ii. The SCR changes from field remains unchanged
inverter to converter at (3) Magnetic field expands
α = 90°. (4) Magnetic field collapses
iii. The negative DC voltage is
maximum at α = 180°. 65. The ideal OP-AMP has the
iv. To turn off the SCR, the following characteristics :
maximum delay angle must
(1) R i = ∞, A = ∞, R 0 = 0
be less than 180°.
Which of the above statements (2) R i = 0, A = ∞, R 0 = 0
are true ? (3) R i = ∞, A = ∞, R 0 = ∞
(1) iii, iv (2) iii only (4) R i = 0, A = ∞, R 0 = ∞
(3) iv only (4) i, ii
127 (19 - A)
66. పవత"కద ತెರెద సకూ"U పౕwె 69. ఆదశ" pౕಲె`ౕజు ఆకరవು ఆదశ"
ಮాడుವాగ ಧారకవను దుದాష`ಗెూJసువುదు
127 (20 - A)
66. During open circuit test of a 69. An ideal voltage source will
transformer charge an ideal capacitor
(1) Primary is supplied rated (1) In infinite time
(2) Exponentially
(2) Primary is supplied full
(3) Instantaneously
load current
(3) Primary is supplied current (4) None of these
at reduced voltage
(4) Primary is supplied rated 70. An electric motor with constant
kVA output power have a torque
WWW.ALLEXAMREVIEW.COM speed characteristic in the form
67. The main drawback of electric of
drive is that (1) Straight line through the
(1) It is cumbersome drive. origin
(2) It is costlier in initial as (2) Straight line parallel to the
well as in maintenance cost. speed axis
(3) Electric power supply
(3) Circle about the origin
failure makes the drive
standstill. (4) Rectangular hyperbola
(2) ವెబ8/xౕట8
73. ఒందు యను పಭాసువ ದాHర,
ఆదರె అథವా ఆదರె ಮాత- ఒందు ಗె (3) ఆంయ8/xౕట8
(3) 10
88. ಕాండల ఎంబుదు ఇదర ఏకಮాన (4) 1000
(1) ప-ಕాశ అmವాహ
(3) లుKd
(4) చTసువ ಯాం-క వవಸెಗె
(4) ల~e ಸెౕరువ సురుJ Lం
127 (26 - A)
127 (27 - A)
94. ఉపకరణద సంವెౕదకತెయు 97. CFL ఎందರె
(1) దహన#ౕల 4ౕರైQ %ౕప
(1) ఖCతವా? (ధ"సబల4 అతంత క(షS
(Combustible Fluoride Lamp)
ఔU పುU ಬెಲె
(2) అడకಗెూJద 4ౕರైQ %ౕప
(2) ఉపకరణవು సం%సಲాగద గషS ఇd (Compact Fluoride Lamp)
పುU బదಲావಣె (3) అడకಗెూJద ప-%ౕ< %ౕప
(Compact Fluorescent Lamp)
(3) ఔU పುU న ప-ಮాణద బదಲావಣెగూ (4) దహన#ౕల ప-%ౕ< %ౕప
ఇd పುU న ప-ಮాణద బదಲావಣెగూ (Combustible Fluorescent Lamp)
ఇరువ అనుಪాత
98. §ం తంయ ఎಳెగళను ಹెూಸె%దaರె,
(4) (రంతర ఇd పುU ను పುనರావత"న §ం దుY ప-ವాహಕె^ ఏನాగువುదు ?
(ౕದాగ ఔU పುU న ಬెಲెయ ಸాxౕప
(1) అ.కವాగుత<ದె
(2) తగుnత<ದె
95. ಚాప (arc) ಬెసుಗెయ pౕಲె`ౕజు దుY (3) బదಲాగదు/అಷె`ౕ ఇరుత<ದె
ప-ವాహ లణగళು (4) దుY ప-ವాహద ಮౌలవను
127 (28 - A)
96. A low frequency supply is given 100. Protective relays can be designed
to the single phase AC system to respond to _______.
for track electrification because (1) Light intensity, impedance
(1) It improves commutation (2) Temperature, resistance,
(2) Increases efficiency reactance
(3) Improves power factor (3) Voltage and current
(4) All of these (4) All of these
127 (29 - A)
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