Mayank Kumar (MBA) Objective......

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Mayank Kumar (MBA IIMT Management College )

Roll No. 0907270069


Management is a course which teaches the student to get the work done properly
from different available sources viz. man, machine, material, money etc. So there can be a
satisfaction from the organization side and the workers side who play a significant role in
achieving success. So far the fulfillment or the management course, it gives emphasis to
project work and students learn how to plan in practical terms rather in terms of theory only.
Student tends to develop analytical and problem solving skill. We necessary become
motivated and competitive, in fact all the learning that goes on for the two year term
become so much the part of our thinking that we developed a well all rounded

The following are the objectives and purpose of the study-

i. To know about awareness of the PepsiCo products of Lumbini Beverages Pvt


ii. To know about the factors affect the sale of the Pepsi product of Lumbini

Beverages Ltd.

iii. To know about the PepsiCo brand product available in the outlet.

iv. To know the Rank of the beverages product (Cold drinks) according to the

customer taste.

“Marketing Research is the systematic designing, collection, analysis, and reporting of data
and finding relevant to a specific marketing situation facing the company.”
Within the time limit, I tried my best to select the sample representative of the
whole group. During my training, I maintained different chart for different routes during my
dealer survey. I have collected data from the Distributor and Retailers of Patna.
Data Sources
Primary data collection involved distributors, retailers.
Research Approaches : Survey
Research Instrument : Interview
Sampling Plan
Research Design : Exploratory

Sampling Unit : Retailers

Sampling size : 100

Sampling Areas : Patna

Sampling Techniques : Simple Random sampling

Contact Method : Personal Interview

In interview schedule I used multiple choice question and ranking system

 Out of the 100 respondent ,It has been found that 32% percent retailer know about the
Pepsi product through the TV, 46 % retailer know about the Pepsi product through the
Radio , 12% of the retailer know about the product through the Newspaper ,6% of the
retailer know about the product through the friends and 4% retailer know about the
product through the other things .
 It has been found that there are various factors affect the sale of the Pepsi product, 30%
respondent say that taste is most factors of the product sale because the Taste of the Pepsi
product is very highly sweet, 16 % of the respondent says that Advertisement and
Presence is also a factor of the Pepsi product, 14 % respondent say that price is also
factor of the sales the product and 12% respondent say that scheme and others factor also
affect the sale of the product.
 It has been found that 30 % distributor visit of Pepsi executive “Daily”, 34 % distributor
visit of Pepsi executive “Alternate Day”, 22% distributor visit of Pepsi executive
“Weekly” and 14% distributor visit of Pepsi executive “Fortnightly”.
 Out of 100 respondents I found 36 % sale of Pepsi on sweet shops that are maximum,
24% sale of Pepsi on the general store, 14% on the restaurants , 10 % on the Betel shop
and 16 % sales on the others shops respectively. Example-Medical Store, Cyber Café.
 It has been found that 12% Distributor/Retailer are monthly sales (Rs)Less than 5000,
16% Distributor / Retailer are monthly sales (Rs) 5000 to 10000 , 40 % Distributor /
Retailer are monthly sales (Rs) 10000 to 15000 and 32% Distributor / Retailer are
monthly sales (Rs) above 15000.
 It has been found that 22% Pepsi Cola soft drinks are available in the outlet , 12% and
8% Mirinda and Mirinda(L) soft drinks are available in the outlet, 24% 7’Up are
available in the outlet, 16% Slice are available in the outlet because it is a Mango flavors
soft drinks.18% Mountain Dew are available in the outlet.

 It has been found that 38 % retailers told Pepsi company Visi-Cooler use for the Soft
drinks ,24 % retailers told Coca Cola Company Visi-cooler use for the soft drinks , 22%
told that both Visi-cooler ,16% retailers told me own Visi-cooler use for soft drink.
 It has been found that 60% retailers said “Yes” know about the all flavors pack &
wholesale price of Pepsi soft drinks because retailers also sold the product in the market
daily on the price list , 40% retailers said that “No” Know about the all flavors pack &
wholesale price.
 It has been found that 74 % retailers said that company also provide the Sign board /
Display rack by coke company because sign board also use for the protect the product in
a shop.26% retailers said that company not be provide the sign board , those retailers use
own display rack /sign board for the basically need.
 It has been found that mostly 54 % distributor say “Yes” advertising help in increase the
sales volume of cola because advertisement is the base of the product introduce first time
in the market and 46 % distributor say “No” advertising help in increase the sales
volume of cola.

Name: - …………………………………………………………………………….
Address: - ………………………………………………………………………….
Contact No: -…………………………………………………………...................

(1) How you came to know about Pepsi Brand Products?

(a) TV (b) Radio (c) Newspaper
(d) Friends (e) other
(2) Monthly sales (in Rs.)
(a) Less than 5000 (b) Between 5000 to 10,000
(c) 10,000 to 15,000 (d) Above 15,000
(3) Which brands of soft drinks are available in the outlet?
(a) Pepsi Cola (b) Mirinda
(c) Mirinda (L) (d) 7’Up
(e) Slice (f) Mountain Dew
(4) When a customer comes to your shop which brand of soft drinks
He/she demands? (Rank them).
(a) Pepsi (b) Coca Cola
(c) Others
(5) Number of carets sold per month of soft drinks.
(a) 0 - 50 carets (b) 50 to 100 carets
(c) 100 to 150 carets (d) 150 to 200 carets
(6) What is the position delivery of Pepsi products?
(a) Very Good (b) Good
(c) Bad (d) Worst
(7) What is the frequency of the visit of Pepsi executive?
(a) Daily (b) Alternate Day (c) Weekly
(d) Fortnightly
(8) Which types of outlets are selling more?
(a) General Store (b) Restaurant
(c) Betel Shop (d) Sweet Shop
(e) Other
(9) Which factors affect the sale most?
(a) Advertisement (b) Scheme
(c) Presence (d) Taste
(e) Price (f) Others
(10) Which company Visi-Cooler do you have?
(a) Pepsi (b) Coca Cola
(c) Both (d) Own
(11) Do you know about all flavors pack (size) and respective wholesale price Pepsi
soft drinks.
(a) Yes (b) No
(12) Have you been provide with sign board/display rack by Coke Company?
(a) Yes (b) No
(13) Do you think that aggressive advertising further help you to increase the sales
Volume of Pepsi?
(a) Yes ( b) No
(14) Any Suggestion on the Pepsi brand…………………………...............

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