Data Protection Office: Prime Minister's Office
Data Protection Office: Prime Minister's Office
Data Protection Office: Prime Minister's Office
to regulate
(Volume 5)
to regulate
(Volume 5)
Introduction 7-8
Proportionality 9
Covert Surveillance 20
National Security 22
Conclusion 22
Video surveillance has infiltrated our daily life at a pace which requires some monitoring by the
state. The systems available on the market are capable of recording both images and sounds which
either identify or allow the identification of data subjects, directly or indirectly, in addition to
monitoring their conduct. The implementation of closed circuit TV (CCTV) as a convenient means
to achieve security purposes raises fundamental issues with regard to privacy and data protection.
A widespread and abusive use of surveillance may jeopardise the citizens’ freedom of movement and
behaviour. Therefore, the solution lies in striking the right balance between these two competing
interests namely-the safeguard of both privacy and public interest/national security.
Video surveillance techniques have evolved from static and passive cameras documenting events to
dynamic and preventive networks. Two trends have spearheaded this change: the shift towards
wireless IP systems and the emergence of video analytics. The former allows for flexible networks,
massive customisation whereas the latter comes to solve the problem of increased network
complexity. This evolution has brought however new threats for individual freedoms, challenging
in particular the application of data protection safeguards.
There is thus a pressing societal need to identify the parameters within which video surveillance
should operate and the necessary safeguards to be implemented to protect the privacy of individuals
and to counteract the psychological effect related to video surveillance, whereby it is sometimes
regarded by public opinion, rightly or not, as an “invaluable tool” in the prevention and detection
of offences.
Data subjects have the right to exercise their freedom of movement without undergoing excessive
psychological conditioning as regards their conduct on account of disproportionate application of
video surveillance by entities in a number of public and/or publicly accessible premises.
The objectives of these guidelines are to ensure that those who operate video surveillance systems
including CCTV (Closed Circuit Television) and other systems such as satellite based GPS systems,
adopt good practice standards. They are aimed primarily at businesses and organisations (both public
and private) which regularly capture images of identified or identifiable individuals on their video
surveillance equipment for viewing and /or recording the activities of individuals for specific purposes
since the personal data captured may potentially be used for other incompatible purposes affecting
the privacy of the individual.
Recognisable images captured by CCTV systems including satellite-based GPS systems are “personal
data”. They are therefore subject to the provisions of the Data Protection Act.
Since, the use of CCTV and other systems may also be suspiciously viewed as contributing to the
make of a surveillance society, following the principles enunciated in these guidelines will help to
foster public confidence and trust in the use of these systems.
In deciding whether to use a video surveillance system, a data controller or processor should consider
objectively the benefits to be gained from such an installation, whether there exist better alternative
solutions which are not privacy intrusive and which can achieve the same objectives, commonly
known as privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs).
Indeed, surveillance systems form part of a multifarious and continuously evolving sector ranging
from surveillance related to:-
v road traffic,
v unlawful conduct in the surroundings of schools,
v the provision of medical facilities during surgery with a view to, for instance, providing
distance care to or monitoring patients in intensive care units or the hospitalization of
quarantined patients,
v the supervision of airports and on board of ships and near border areas in order to monitor
alien smuggling as well as to facilitate the searching of minors and other missing persons,
v investigation by private detectives,
v the control within and near supermarkets and shops especially those dealing in luxury goods
with a view to collecting evidence in case offences are committed as well as for the purpose of
marketing goods and/or profiling consumers,
v to exercise control within and in areas adjacent to private condominiums both for security
purposes and in order to make available evidence in case offences are committed,
v for journalistic and advertisement purposes that are pursued on line by means of either web
cams or cameras on line used for example for advertising purposes, tourist promotion on
beach resorts and dancing premises,
v to the filming of customers and visitors at regular intervals without any warning.
Where the system is operated by or on behalf of a public authority, it will have to consider whether :-
v the system is being operated in accordance with the law;
v it is addressing issues such as public safety, order, morality, crime prevention and detection,
national security and whether it is reasonably justifiable in a democratic society;
v it is strictly proportionate, legitimate and necessary, i.e. do the ends justify the means?
Video surveillance, generally, may serve quite different purposes which can therefore be grouped,
however, into a few main areas:
v protection of individuals,
v protection of property,
v public interest and national security,
v crime prevention and detection and apprehension and prosecution of offenders, collection of
v other legitimate interests, reasonably justifiable in a democratic society.
Clear documented procedures need to be put in place by the data controller to ensure an effective
administration of these systems and the responsibility for ensuring that these procedures are followed
should be delegated to appropriate staff who should also carry out regular checks to ensure these
procedures are being followed.
A data controller must justify the obtaining and use of personal data by means of a CCTV
system. Thus, a system used to control the perimeter of a building for security purposes will usually
be easy to justify. The use of CCTV systems in other circumstances – for example, to constantly
monitor employees, customers or students – may be more difficult to justify and could involve a
breach of the Data Protection Act.
Identifiability within the meaning of the Data Protection Act may also result from matching the data
with information held by third parties, or else from the application, in the individual case, of specific
techniques and/or devices.
Hence, one of the first precautions to be taken by the data controller is to check whether the video
surveillance entails the processing of personal data because it relates to identifiable persons.
This may be the case, for instance, with equipment located either at the entrance of or inside a bank,
where the said equipment allows identification of customers; conversely, in certain circumstances the
applicability of the Data Protection Act may be ruled out for example, air survey images that cannot
be usefully magnified or else do not include information related to living individuals as for
equipment providing sweeping images of motorway traffic.
Thus, image and sound data relating to identified or identifiable living individuals is personal data:
v when used within the framework of a closed circuit system;
v even if they are not associated with a person’s particulars;
v even if they do not concern individuals whose faces have been filmed, but contain other
information such as, for instance, car plate numbers or PIN numbers as acquired in connection
with the surveillance of automatic cash dispensers;
v irrespective of the medium used for the processing – e.g., fixed and/or mobile video systems
such as portable video receivers, colour and/or Black or White images ;
v irrespective of the technique used for the processing– cabled or fibre optic devices ;
v irrespective of the type of equipment used for the processing– stationary, rotating, mobile -,
the features applying to image acquisition – i.e. continuous as opposed to discontinuous,
which may be the case if image acquisition only occurs in case a speed limit is not respected
and has nothing to do with video shootings performed in a wholly casual, piecemeal fashion;
v irrespective of the communication tools used for the processing, e.g. the connection with a
“centre” and/or the circulation of images to remote terminals, etc.
As regards obtaining the data subject’s consent, the latter will have to be freely given, specific,
informed, unambiguous and based on clear-cut information. Consent will thus have to be sought
separately and specifically in connection with surveillance activities.
The principle that data must be adequate and proportionate to the purposes sought means, in the
first place, that CCTV and similar video surveillance equipment may only be deployed on a
subsidiary basis, that is, for purposes that actually justify recourse to such systems.
Therefore, the proportionality principle entails that these systems may be deployed only if other
prevention, protection and/or security measures, of physical and/or logical nature, requiring no
image acquisition – e.g. the use of armoured doors to fight vandalism, installation of automatic
gates and clearance devices, joint alarm systems, better and stronger lighting of streets at night etc.
– prove clearly insufficient and/or are inapplicable to the legitimate purposes sought.
The same principle also applies to the selection of the appropriate technology, the criteria for using
the equipment in concrete, and the specification of the data processing arrangements also related to
access rules and retention period.
It should be avoided, for instance, that an administrative body may install Video Surveillance
equipment in connection with minor offences – e.g. in order to reinforce the ban on smoking in
schools and other public places or else the prohibition to leave cigarette stumps and litter about in
public places.
In other words, it is necessary to apply, on a case by case basis, the principle of adequacy in respect
of the purposes sought, which entails a duty of minimisation of data collection on the controller’s part.
Whilst a proportionate video surveillance and alerting system may be considered lawful if several
episodes of violence occur in an area close to a stadium, or if repeated assaults are committed on
board buses in peripheral areas or near bus stops, this is not the case with a system aimed either at
preventing insults against bus drivers and the dirtying of vehicles, identifying citizens liable for minor
administrative offences such as the fact of leaving waste disposal bags outside litter bins and/or in
areas where no litter is to be left about, or detecting the persons responsible for occasional thefts at
swimming halls.
Proportionality should be assessed on the basis of even stricter criteria as regards non-publicly
accessible premises.
The above considerations apply, in particular, to the increasingly frequent use of video surveillance
for the purpose of self-defence and protection of property – above all near public buildings and
offices including the surrounding areas. This type of implementation requires assessing, from a more
general viewpoint, the indirect effects produced by the massive recourse to video surveillance – i.e.,
whether the installation of several devices is really an effective deterrent, or whether the offenders
and/or vandals may simply move to other areas and activities.
What is the purpose for using
CCTV systems?
Images must be processed fairly and lawfully as well as for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes
and not further processed in a way incompatible with those purposes. The data controller should
ensure that the purposes sought are neither unclear nor ambiguous, also in order to be provided
with a precise criterion when assessing compatibility of the purposes aimed at by the processing.
The purpose and use of the CCTV system should be established before actual use:-
v Assess the reasons for using the equipment and how appropriate it is.
v Establish the person or organisation that is legally responsible for the scheme
v Establish the purpose of the scheme.
v Document the standards contained stated above.
v Effect registration under section 34 and notification under section 35 B of the DPA for
changes in particulars with the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner to cover this
additional purpose of use of personal data, if you are already registered and that purpose is not
included in your registration form.
v Document and identify the person or organisation that will monitor compliance of the scheme.
v Establish and document security and disclosure policies.
It should be clearly ruled out that the images collected may be used for further purposes, for instance,
with particular regard to technical reproduction opportunities –by expressly prohibiting copying of
these images to unauthorized third parties or recipients. The relevant purposes should be referred to
in a document where other important privacy policy features should also be summarised – in respect
of such major issues as documenting the time when images are deleted, possible requests for access
by data subjects and/or lawful consultation of the data.
Section 26 © of the Act provides that personal data should be “adequate, relevant and not excessive
in relation to the purpose for which such data has been collected and processed”. Therefore, a data
controller must be able to demonstrate that installing a system that collects personal data on a
continuous basis is indeed justified. It must further be able to meet its obligations to provide data
subjects, on request, with copies of images captured by the system.
This principle under which data must be adequate, relevant and not excessive also entails a careful
assessment of the proportionality of the arrangements applying to the data processing once the
lawfulness of the latter has been validated.
The filming arrangements will have to be taken into account in the first place, by having regard, in
particular, to the following issues:
the visual angle as related to the purposes sought - for e.g :–
v if the surveillance is performed in a public place, the angle should be such as
v not to allow visualising details and/or somatic traits that are irrelevant to the purposes sought,
or else the areas inside private places located nearby, especially if zooming functions are
v the type of equipment used for filming, i.e. whether fixed or mobile;
v actual installation arrangements, i.e. location of cameras, use of fixed view and/or movable
cameras, etc.;
v possibility of magnifying and/or zooming in images either at the time the latter are filmed or
thereafter, i.e. as regards stored images, and possibility to blur and delete individual images;
v image-freezing functions;
v connection with a “centre” to send sound and/or visual alerts and/or the circulation of images
to remote terminals;
v the steps taken as a result of video surveillance, i.e. shutting down of entrances, calling up
surveillance staff, etc.
Whilst in a few cases a system only enabling closed circuit visualisation of images, which are not
recorded, may be sufficient – e.g., in the case of the tills at a supermarket –, in other cases - e.g. to
protect private premises – it may be justified to record the images and automatically erase them, no
later than at the end of the day and at least at the end of the week.
An exception to this rule will obviously be the case in which an alert has been issued or else a request
has been made deserving specific attention; in such cases there are reasonable grounds to await, for
a short time, the decision to be possibly taken by either police or judicial authorities.
To quote another instance, a system aimed at detecting unauthorised accesses of vehicles to city
centres and restricted traffic areas should only record images in case a breach is committed.
The proportionality issue should also be taken into due account whenever longer retention periods
are deemed to be necessary – e.g., as regards video surveillance images that may be used to identify
the persons frequenting the premises of a bank prior to performing a robbery.
Thirdly, attention will have to be paid to the cases in which identification of a person is facilitated by
associating the images of the person’s face with other information concerning imaged conduct and/or
activities – e.g., in the case of the association between images and activities performed by clients in
a bank at an easily identifiable time.
In this regard, account will have to be taken of the clear-cut difference existing between temporary
retention of video surveillance images obtained by means of equipment located at the entrance of a
bank and the definitely more intrusive establishment of data banks including photographs and
fingerprints provided by bank clients with the latter’s consent.
Finally, consideration will have to be given to the decisions to be made in respect of both the possible
communication of the data to third parties – which in principle should not involve entities unrelated to
the video surveillance activities – and their total or partial disclosure possibly abroad or even online.
Obviously, the requirement that images should be relevant and not excessive also applies to the
matching of information held by different controllers of video surveillance systems.
The above safeguards are meant to implement, also operationally, the principle of moderation in the
use of personal data – which is aimed at preventing or reducing, to the greatest possible degree, the
processing of personal data.
This principle should be implemented in all sectors by also having regard to the fact that many
purposes can be actually achieved without making recourse to personal data, or by using really
anonymous data, even though they may initially seem to require the use of personal information.
The above considerations also apply in the presence of the justified need to streamline business
resources or else improve the services delivered to users.
This may be the case, for instance, with the need to calculate the number of tills to be kept
simultaneously open in a supermarket depending on the number of incoming customers, or else with
the requirement of building optimised shopping routes for customers in a supermarket.
To facilitate access to a working place and/or a specific transportation means requiring identity
controls, personal cards with photographs may be enough, possibly on computerised media, without
the need for implementing a facial recognition system.
It is advised that processing operations by means of video surveillance carried out by public bodies
should always be grounded on express legal provisions.
It is also necessary to consider the decision to be taken as to retention of images and retention period –
the latter having to be quite short and in line with the specific features of the individual case.
Quality of data
Images produced by the system must be as clear as possible to ensure that they are effective for the
purposes for which they are intended. When installed, the equipment should be checked to ensure
it performs correctly:-
v The medium on which the images are recorded should be cleaned to prevent recording on top
of previous images;
v The medium on which the images are recorded should no longer be used if there is a
deterioration in the quality of the images;
v If the system records location of camera, date, time etc. these should be accurate;
v There should be a documented procedure;
v Cameras should be sited only where they will capture relevant images;
v If automatic facial recognition systems are utilised, the database of images should be clear;
v A human operator should assess and determine the action to be taken to verify matches made
by automatic facial recognition systems;
v The assessment above should be documented regardless of a match on the database;
v Consideration must be given to the physical conditions in which the cameras are located;
v Operators should assess whether real time or specific timed recordings are required;
v Cameras should be properly maintained and serviced;
v Cameras should be protected from vandalism where the risk for such a situation may arise;
v A maintenance log should be kept;
v If a camera is damaged, there are clear procedures for:
w Defining the person responsible for making arrangements for ensuring the camera
is fixed;
w Identify whether there is a need to use surveillance to obtain evidence of that activity
and whether the use of signs would prejudice success in obtaining such evidence;
w To ensure covert monitoring is not carried out for longer than is necessary, assess how
long such monitoring should take place.
Section 22 (2) of the Act requires that at the time any personal data are recorded, the data controller
is placed under the obligation to supply some essential information to the data subject which
If the identity of the data controller and the usual purpose for processing is obvious, i.e, security,
all that need be placed on the sign is a statement that CCTV is in operation as well as a contact (such
as a phone number) for persons wishing to discuss this processing. This contact can be for either the
security company operating the cameras or the owner of the premises.
If the purpose or purposes is not obvious, there is a duty on the data controller to make this clear.
A CCTV camera in premises is often assumed to be used for security purposes. Use for monitoring
staff performance or conduct is not an obvious purpose and staff must be informed before any data
are recorded for this purpose. Similarly, if the purpose of CCTV is also for health and safety reasons,
this should be clearly stated and made known.
CCTV must not be used to record conversations between members of the public as this is highly
intrusive and unlikely to be justified. If your system is equipped with sound recording facility, you
should disable it.
In the limited circumstances where audio recording is justified, clear signs must be displayed that
audio recording is being or may be carried out.
Use of CCTV to monitor areas where individuals would have a reasonable expectation of privacy
would be difficult to justify. Surveillance should not include premises that either are reserved for
employees’ private use or are not intended for the discharge of employment tasks – such as toilets,
shower rooms, lockers and recreation areas; that the images collected exclusively to safeguard property
and/or detect, prevent and control serious offences should not be used to charge an employee with
minor disciplinary breaches; and employees should always be allowed to lodge their counterclaims
by using the contents of the images collected.
To justify use in such an area, a data controller would have to demonstrate that a pattern of security
breaches had occurred in the area prior to the installation of the system which would warrant
constant electronic surveillance.
Openness and appropriateness in the use of video surveillance equipment entails the provision of
adequate information to data subjects. They should be aware of the fact that video surveillance is in
operation, even where the latter is related to public events and shows or else to advertising activities
(web cams); they should be informed in a detailed manner as to the places monitored. It is not
necessary to specify the precise location of the surveillance equipment, however the context of
surveillance is to be clarified unambiguously.
The information should be positioned at a reasonable distance from the places monitored taking into
consideration the filming arrangements.
The information should be visible and may be provided in a summary fashion, on condition that it
is effective; it may include symbols that have already been proved useful in connection with video
surveillance and no-smoking information– which may differ depending on whether the images are
recorded or not. The purposes of the video surveillance and the relevant data controller will have to
be specified in all cases. The format of the information should be adjusted to the individual location.
Information must be given to employees and every other person working on the premises. This
should include the identity of the controller and the purpose of the surveillance and other
information necessary to guarantee fair processing in respect of the data subject, for instance in
which cases the recordings would be examined by the management of the organisation, the recording
period and when the recording would be disclosed to the law enforcement authorities.
Finally, specific attention should be given to the appropriate way to furnish blind persons with the
Recorded images should be stored in such a way that the integrity of the image is secured as it may
be needed for evidence in a court, for instance. Thus, appropriate technology affording the data
controller the possibility to take copies of a recording without interrupting the operation of the
system should be used.
The viewing of recorded images should be effected in a secure area restricted to authorised personnel
The Data Protection Act does not prescribe any minimum or maximum retention periods which
apply to all systems. Each organisation should adopt a retention policy which reflects the needs
and requirements of the organization. Images should not be retained longer than is strictly necessary
to fulfill the purposes for which they were meant to be recorded. A data controller should be able
to decide, based on the needs of its organisation, as to what would be the shortest period it would
require to retain those images. The retention policy should also be explained to those responsible
for operating the system. Measures should be put in place to ensure the permanent deletion of
images through secure methods at the end of the specified period and regular checks are to be carried
The storage medium should be stored in a secure environment with a log of access kept. Access
should be restricted to authorised personnel. Images should not be retained for longer than is
necessary. Once a retention period has expired, images must be erased.
While retained, the integrity of the images must be maintained to ensure their evidential value
and/or to protect the rights of the people whose images have been recorded. If images are to be held
for evidential purposes, they should be kept in a secure place with controlled access away from other
routine data.
Documented procedures should be put in place for removing the medium on which the images
have been recorded as follows:-
v Access to the images should be restricted only to those who need access to fulfill the purpose
of the system
v All access should be documented;
v Disclosure should be made in limited and prescribed purposes;
Access Requests by Data
Under section 41 of the DPA, individuals whose images are recorded have a right to view the images
of themselves and be provided with a copy of them. The data controller must in place internal
procedures to be able to handle these requests.
If images of third parties are contained in that document, the data controller must obscure, disguise
and blur the images of third parties where appropriate to avoid an unfair intrusion into the privacy
of these people where it may occur. In giving a person a copy of his/her data, the data controller may
provide a still/series of still pictures, a tape or a disk with relevant images.
A data controller may refuse any request for information where the request falls under section 43 of
the DPA and where he is unable to comply to the request as provided in section 42 of the DPA.
Clear guidance should be put in place to determine the appropriateness of making a disclosure,
which should in any case be restricted to genuine requests as a wide disclosure may be unfair to the
individuals concerned in the images and a record of when the disclosure has been effected and the
reasons for such disclosure.
Any person whose image has been recorded has a right to be given a copy of the information
recorded. To exercise that right, a person must make an application in writing named the “request
for access to personal data form”. A data controller should charge Rs 75 for responding to such a
request and must respond within 28 days, subject to certain exceptions provided in section 42 of the
Practically, a person should provide necessary information to a data controller, such as the date, time
and location of the recording. If the image is of such poor quality as not to clearly identify an
individual, that image may be considered not to be personal data.
1 When data subjects make a request for accessing their information, those operating the system
must be able to recognise such a request.
2 Written information should be given to individuals of the types of images retained, their
purpose and the policy concerning disclosure in relation to those images.
3 A designated person should deal with all subject access.
4 The images requested should be located by the designated person.
5 The designated person should make the decision whether disclosure also entails disclosure to
a third party.
6 The designated person should determine the decision as to whether the images of third parties
are held under a duty of confidentiality.
7 The designated person must ensure that third party images are disguised if third party images
are not to be disclosed.
8 An editing company may be used if the system does not have the capability to comply with
standard 7 above.
9 All requests for access should be recorded and reasons for any denials;
10 There are procedures for allowing access or disclosure:-
11 When access to or disclosure of the images is allowed then the following should be
w The date and time of access or disclosure;
12 Recorded images should not be made widely available e.g. on an intranet site;
13 If the images are made widely available, the decision should be made by a designated
person and the reasons documented;
14 If the images are disclosed to the media for instance, the images of individuals will
need to be disguised to avoid identification;
15 If the system does not have the capability to comply with standard 8 above, a data processor,
i.e. an editing company may be hired:-
The procedures to be followed when an editing company is hired are as follows:-
w There must be a contractual relationship between the data controller and the editing
w The editing company must provide the appropriate guarantees regarding the security
measures taken in relation to the images;
w The designated person must carry out checks to ensure the guarantees are met
w The written contract must make it explicit that the editing company should only use
the images in accordance with the instructions of the designated person;
w The written contract must make the security guarantees provided by the editing
company explicit.
If the Police require the CCTV images for a specific investigation, it is up to the data
controller to satisfy himself that there is a genuine investigation underway.
16 If it is decided by a designated person that an access is not to be complied with, the following
should be documented:
w The date of the request;
w The name and signature of the designated person making the decision.
17 All staff should be trained as to what are the individuals’ rights under section 41.
18 If disclosure is made, it should be in private with only authorised staff present
19 The Data Subject is entitled to a copy of his data in intelligible format.
20 Where there is a request from an individual to prevent processing likely to cause unwarranted
and substantial damage to him, all operators must be able to recognise such a request:-
v When such requests are made, all staff must be aware of the designated person who should
respond to them.
v The response from the designated person must indicate whether they will comply with such
v There must be a response in writing within 28 days of the designated person receiving the
v The designated person must give written reasons if the request cannot be complied with as
provided in section 41.
v A copy of the request and response must be kept.
v The designated person must notify the individual if an automated decision is made.
v If the individual makes a request in writing within 28 days the designated person must
reconsider an automated decision.
v The designated person must document the original decision, the request from the individual
and their response to the request.
v Data Subjects can take court action to prevent unlawful processing.
v Data Subjects can claim compensation for “damage” suffered as a result of breaches of this
v The contact point indicated on the sign should be available to members of the public during
office hours. Employees staffing the contact point should be aware of the appropriate policies
and procedures.
v Specific documentation should be provided to each enquiry.
v A complaints procedure should be clearly documented.
v A record of the number and nature of complaints or enquiries received should be kept
together with an outline of the action taken.
v A designated person should undertake regular reviews of the documented procedures and
make a report.
v An internal annual assessment should be undertaken.
Covert surveillance
The use of recording mechanisms to obtain data without an individual’s knowledge is generally
unlawful. Covert surveillance is normally only permitted on a case by case basis where the data are
kept for the purposes of preventing, detecting or investigating offences, or apprehending or
prosecuting offenders.
Where it is allowed, covert surveillance must be focused and of short duration. Only specific (and
relevant) individuals/locations should be recorded. If no evidence is obtained within a reasonable
period, the surveillance should cease.
If the surveillance is intended to prevent crime, overt cameras may be considered to be a more
appropriate measure, and less invasive of individual privacy.
Security Measures
Appropriate security and organisational measures would include:-
Whenever video surveillance is only aimed at preventing, detecting and controlling offences, the
solution consisting in the use of two access keys – of which one would be held by the controller and
the other one by the police – may prove useful in many cases to ensure that images are only viewed
by police staff rather than by unauthorised staff – without prejudice to the data subject’s legitimate
exercise of his right of access by means of a request made during the short image retention period.
Finally, it is fundamental for the operators concretely involved in video surveillance activities to be
adequately trained in and made aware of the steps to be taken to fully comply with the relevant
requirements. Training of controllers and operators, also related to the relevant risks and the
mechanisms correctly identifying the imaged individuals, can be considered to be a useful measure
as well.
Security companies that place and operate cameras on behalf of clients are considered to be “Data
Processors”. As data processors, they operate under the instruction of data controllers (their clients).
Sections 27(3), (4) & (5), 28 and 29 of the Data Protection Act place a number of obligations on
data processors.
These include having appropriate security and organisational measures in place to prevent
unauthorised access to, or alteration of, disclosure of, accidental loss, and destruction of, the data in
his control, in particular where the processing involves the transmission of data over a network. This
obligation can be met by having appropriate access controls to image storage or having robust
encryption where remote access to live recording is permitted.
Staff of the security company must be made aware of their obligations relating to the security of data.
Staff using the CCTV system should be trained to ensure that they know:
v What are the organisation’s policies for recording and retaining images?
v How to handle the images securely?
v What to do when they receive a request for viewing images from data subjects?
Clients of the security company should have a contract in place which details what the security
company may do with the data; what security standards should be in place and what verification
procedures may apply.
Furthermore, section 33 of the Data Protection Act requires that data processors must have an entry
in the public register maintained by the Data Protection Commissioner. For further information,
please refer to our Guidance Notes on Registration on our website
Those who are required to be registered and process data whilst not being registered are committing
a criminal offence and may face prosecution by this office. (This provision will only apply where the
data controller can identify the persons whose images are captured.)
Domestic use of CCTV systems
The processing of personal data kept by an individual and concerned solely with the management
of his/her personal, family or household affairs or kept by an individual for recreational purposes is
exempt from the data protection principles and Parts V and VI of the Act. This exemption would
generally apply to the use of CCTVs in a domestic environment. However, the exemption may not
apply if the individual works from home. Where the exemption does apply, a person who objects
to the use of a CCTV system – for example, a neighbour who objects to images of her/his property
being recorded – may be able to take a civil legal action based on the constitutional right to privacy.
National Security
According to section 45 (1) of the DPA, where in the opinion of the Prime Minister, personal data
would be required for the purpose of safeguarding national security , they are exempt from the
application of the DPA. This exemption will also apply to video surveillance systems being used for
the purpose of safeguarding national security.
CCTV is a seductive technology which has also become an icon for security. The clarity of the
pictures is often excellent, with many systems being able to recognize a cigarette packet at a hundred
metres. The systems can often work in pitch blackness, bringing images up to daylight level.
However, surveillance by the public or private sector, as illustrated in George Orwell’s novel Nineteen-
Eighty-Four by the impressive figure of ‘Big Brother’ should not result in the infringement of privacy
rights of individuals.
Government Printing Department
March 2010