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This research paper is dedicated to our family whom we rely on and gives us an unending

support and love. To all of our friends whom we run to when we needed help and who

contributed a lot in the completion of this paper. To all of the students who will also take the

same undertaking in which this paper will serve as their guide in writing and most of all to our

Almighty Creator whom we owe everything.



The researcher warmly extend their deepest gratitude to their teachers, schoolmates and

classmates and friends especially to the following persons:

Foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my adviser. Ms. Cyrene

Academia for the continuous support of my research, for his patience, motivation, enthusiasm,

and immense knowledge.

Beside my adviser, I would like to give thanks for Mr. Jhon Mark R. Siglos, our Practical

Research teacher and research paper adviser, for his guidance and valuable inputs and

suggestions for the improvement of our paper, for rendering his valuable time to guide us in the

whole writing process, and for his intellectual insights and encouraging words which are

instrumental in the realization of the study.

I thank also my fellow classmate in Saint Anthony Academy: Remart Antanoy, Rinky

Viajedor, Marchan Dauba, John Mark Candido, Ludeme Ayong, and Sugie Barrera, for the

stimulating discussions, for the sleepless nights we were working together before deadlines, and

for all the fun we have had in our last year in Saint Anthony Academy. Also I thank also my

friends who help me to finish my research: Ronnel Araco, John Sill, and Justin Kit Solon.

The Researcher

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