Meera 5
Meera 5
Meera 5
(Ask Srijan)
(flip mood)
Because nothing less than becoming a God could help me cope with the fact that you don’t love me
Everywhere I turned- you were there
I was a mindfuck waiting to happen the next time you spoke to me
I fell to drink, got weighed down by depression
Dreams turned to nightmares
And the parts of me that loved you infected the rest
Killing me slowly Rotting every day
I had to burn it away
So I gathered dry wood, made a pyre, poured kerosene over it, struck a match and jumped right in.
I Burned- in pain,
But the sadness that comes with the sense of loss- is a great anesthetic
It numbed everything that I did to tear your feelings out
It numbed the pain when I tore off your memories like ripping a bandage from flesh
It numbed the fear from my nightmares and the scorching heat of the hot showers I took,
It numbed the pangs I had each time I ignored your messages.
And also the pain as I open up my contacts list scrolled down to your number, and saw the delete option
which I could press to never-
It is even possible to be smitten by someone, fall in love head over heels with all the feels that were
there the first time it happened
But still have my head on my shoulders.
I still see you- because the prayers you recite- and the poems you write- reach me.
The friendship that was always there is more prominent now- promising even.
And you know- I am still up for it.
I am still here- rooting for you.
Meera- I am free
Even if you are there Praying At temples not built for me
even if you walk by my house Where the person I love, lives with me
I hope you come into my house as you walk by and then visit often
It is small but filled with love for the people who care to enter.
And no one will get cramped for space.
Don’t worry, there is plenty of room
Even for an ocean as vast as you
Visit me- I am there for you.