Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of HVAC System in Auditorium

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International Journal of Advanced Research and Development 

International Journal of Advanced Research and Development

ISSN: 2455-4030, Impact Factor: RJIF 5.24
Volume 1; Issue 5; May 2016; Page No. 68-72

Computational fluid dynamics analysis of HVAC system in auditorium

M Raman ME
Department Of Mechanical Engineering, Kingston engineering college, Tamilnadu, India.

Computer simulation played a key role in the optimization of a displacement ventilation system in auditorium by helping to
reconfigure the locations of the diffusers and the exhausts in order to eliminate unnecessary air flow. Displacement ventilation
systems, which locate the air supply on the floor instead of the ceiling, are gaining popularity in North America because they are
more efficient and require less energy to maintain a given level of comfort. However, displacement ventilation systems are
generally more difficult to design due to several inherent issues like the need to avoid temperature gradients and drafts with the air
supply located near the people. In a recent application, these challenges were addressed by simulating a school auditorium using
the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) technique to evaluate airflow velocity, pressure, and temperature. The simulation showed
the existence of a flow pattern that had both hot, cold spots as well as a stagnant area in the auditorium. The diagnostic information
provided by the simulation results made it easy to improve the flow pattern by changing the location of some of the diffusers and

Keywords: building energy auditorium, Auditorium energy simulation, HVAC systems

1. Introduction modeling approach provides a practical foundation for fine-
Throughout the 20th century, trends in HVAC design have grained HVAC control design and optimization for large open
been determined largely by technological advances and energy spaces.
costs. Engineers have always sought to find new ways to
ensure occupant comfort, but the level of attention devoted to 2. Related Works
finding innovative ways to reduce energy use has fluctuated Displacement ventilation is a unique concept for ventilating
over the last few decades. When energy costs have risen, Auditorium and supplying conditioned air. It uses the natural
energy efficiency has become a priority; when they have been buoyancy of warm air to provide improved ventilation and
low, it has been less of a design driver. This article identifies comfort. First developed for industrial buildings, displacement
several trends which are being used to reduce energy use in Ventilation now enjoys an increasing market share in many
commercial buildings. The trends to be considered include applications throughout the world. Although relatively new to
decoupling of ventilation and heating/cooling, designing the United States, displacement ventilation has-been in use in
systems for optimal efficiency, increased analysis in system Europe, since the 1970s. In a conventional HVAC system, air
design, and total auditorium integration. Consequently one of is supplied at a relatively high velocity towards the ceiling at a
the main criteria in the redevelopment is to improve the temperature about 200F below the design temperature. The
Thermal comfort within the auditorium for both the supply air mixes with the room air to provide a nearly uniform
performers and the audience. Given the constraints of the temperature throughout the space. The mixing slows the rate,
existing building and systems installed the proposed system at which the room air recalculates,
was expected to improve the comfort issues that were raised Resulting in relatively low ventilation efficiency. In a
however to assist in providing confidence in the design a displacement ventilation system, on the other hand, supply air
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)investigation was is introduced to the space at or near the floor level at a
undertaken. In addition to general rebalancing, the major temperature only slightly below the design temperature at a
proposed change is the reconfiguration of the under floor low velocity. The cool, clean air spreads and forms a pool of
exhaust to the front stalls area to serve as supply air and the conditioned air over the floor in the occupied space, displacing
alteration of some high level. the warmer room air. When the cool air meets a heat source,
In this paper, we first describe the auditorium and the multi the temperature difference creates a buoyant force and a
modal of air condition are installed throughout the auditorium. convection plume is generated. This plume acts as a channel
We then build thermal models of the auditorium via system through which warmed and dirty air moves upward to a
Identification techniques and analyze the quality of the ceiling area where it exits through the exhaust. Due to
models. To reduce the complexity of the thermal model, we entrainment of the surrounding air, the volumetric flow of the
employ spectral clustering methods to group ventilation plume gets larger as the plume rises. When the flow rate of the
according to their temperature measurement and correlation. plume is equal to that of the supply air, thermal and
By selecting a suitable air condition from each group, we containment zones form a level or area that distinguish the
construct simplified thermal models that can approximate the upper (warm and polluted) and lower (cool and clean) levels
spatio-temporal thermal dynamics of the large space. of air. This level or area is termed as a stratification level
Evaluation based on a three-month data trace collected from through which there is no flow exchange between lower and
the auditorium shows that our models can capture the thermal upper levels. The warm and contaminated air and
dynamics at sufficient accuracy and spatial granularity. Our contaminants are then exhausted from the space near the
International Journal of Advanced Research and Development 

ceiling. This stratification is one of the greatest advantages of units and six existing spill air/smoke exhaust fans. The system
thermal displacement ventilation systems over conventional layouts make use of the symmetry about the building axis line,
mixing type ventilation systems. Cool and clean air is where with each being essentially the mirror of the other. The
people need to breathe it and hot, dirty air is at the ceiling existing supply scheme utilizes 14°C supply air delivered by
being exhausted. In addition to the fact that the displacement overhead diffusers, with supplemented by sidewall supply
ventilation approach improves indoor air quality in the lower diffusers. The stage is cooled via supply to the wings, and by
level by separating contaminated air from clean air through the high-level grilles (above the boxes). Return air to the air-
stratification, many investigators have noted the advantages of handling units is primarily via sidewall grilles on the stall,
displacement ventilation in lower energy costs. Location of circle and balcony levels, supplemented by ceiling return
heat source is higher; heat gain from a heat source to the lower above the stage, through the side walls and under floor return
level decreases significantly, which results in a reduction of grilles in the lower stalls. The existing system that serves the
the cooling load in the lower region. auditorium comprises six receiving air handling units and six
existing spill air/smoke exhaust fans Spill air is exhausted by
3. System Outline the smoke exhaust fans withal majority of the air drawn from
The auditorium is generally divided into the following major ceiling level above the stage supplemented by a mid-level wall
spaces; circle, stage, wings, windows and boxes. grille. This arrangement can be seen below in Figure1 &2

Hvac Total Heat Load Calculation

 Location: Vellore
 Building Area: 2712.977 sq. feet.
 Dbt: 103°F(summer) or 39.4°C
 Wbt : 82°F(summer) or 27°C
 Orientation: stage is towards west
 Latitude: 13.04 °N
 Daily temp.: 18°F or 7.8°C
 U-Overall values of the materials: from ASHRAE
standard data book

I. Auditorium Sensible Heat

A1) Solar gain through glass
A2) Solar and Trans gain through walls and roofs.
A3) Trans gain except walls and roof
A4) Infiltration and outside air Fig 1: Existing (Diffuser) HVAC system using Revit 2015
A5) Internal heat gain
Sensible heat sub- total =A1+A2+A3+A4+A5
Factor of safety = 10%
Total sensible heat = (A1+A2+A3+A4+A5)*1.10

II. Auditorium Latent Heat

Q1 = infiltration (cfm) *0.68.
Q2 = outside air (cfm) *0.12*0.68.
Q3 = people* latent heat released per person.
Latent total heat = Q1+Q2+Q3.
Factor of safety = 5% [supply duct and leakage losses]
Total latent heat = Q1+Q2+Q3+ (Q1+Q2+Q3)*5%

III. Room Total Heat= Total Sensible + Total Latent

Existing Hvac System
The 3D modeling of base diffuser (exciting model) type of Fig 2: Existing (Diffuser) HVAC systems using CATIA
auditorium was created using Autodesk Revit 2015 & CATIA
R5 software package. Its included for All views, such as plans, Proposed Hvac System
elevations, sections, details, schedules, as well as all design The Proposed designing of the Grid type of modeling are
sheets printed for construction documents, are automatically created using Autodesk Revit 2015 & CATIA software and
generated based on the model. The Autodesk Revit also designed air conditioning system has to use the openings
Architecture software coordinates with two other software of this ventilation system for incoming and outgoing air. This
packages: Autodesk® Revit® MEP (Mechanical, Electrical, proposed design of the grid base auditorium gives the more
and Plumbing) and Autodesk® Revit® Structure. The exiting thermal comfort condition when compared to the diffuser base
model of auditorium major demerits of improper air auditorium. So this type of condition or performance are
distribution inside the auditorium also which has consumed analyzed. The proposed alterations to the air distribution
maximum rate of energy rate level. The existing system that system result in the addition of much more air handling units
serves the auditorium comprises six receiving air handling and exhaust fans. The supply to the front stalls is reconfigured
International Journal of Advanced Research and Development 

to an under floor displacement system, with the supply air order to reduce the model development and calculation time
temperature of this portion of the system raised to 18°C. The for this complex simulation, it’s essential to make
stage cooling is via high-level jet diffusers grilles (above the simplifications to allow convergence of the simulation within
boxes), replacing the wall grilles, with the supply component a finite time. Further, as Phonics makes use of a structured
via the wings reduced. The sidewall return via grilles in the grid angled and curved geometry can result in increased
passengers and corner levels remains as per existing, with are convergence times if not properly considered. The following
balance in the stall areas. The under floor return is replaced by table contains a list of simplifications, and comments on the
the displacement supply system mentioned earlier, with the justification.
ceiling supply diffusers above the front stalls altered to act as
return. Additional ceiling return is added above the side corner Grid Generation
to supplement exhaust from the auditorium. This can be seen The grid spacing implemented in the model was 167x140x92,
in Figure 3&4 below or 2,150,960 cells. This resulted in ineffective resolution of
approximately 0.25-0.3m.Note that the grid was able to
expand where little detail was required (generally only in the z
direction above the corner zone), such that resolution in
matched the nominal unit size unoccupied areas. Generally,
this is a coarse grid given the distribution of supply, exhaust
and loads through the space. However, increases in resolution
were not feasible due to the limitations of 32-bit computing;
sensitivity analysis was undertaken of test spaces representing
half model. This analysis was undertaken to determine the
impact of the course grid. It involve creating a small model of a
Diffuser with two separate grids, one a course grid and the
other a fine grid. The difference between the two models was
compared in this sensitivity analysis and no significant
difference was observed.

Fig 3: Proposed (Grid) HVAC using Revit 2015 Occupants

Occupants were modeled as blocks heat sources composed of
domain material (in this case air) withal fixed heat flux,
occupying a seat that provided obstruction to air flow.
Individual members, with seat, occupied a space of 0.5m by
0.5m by 1.2mhigh. They were considered effectively “at rest”,
And thus assigned a 65W sensible load. On the stage
equipment and performers were represented by a fixed
60W/m² heat load with20 W/m² heat load in the wings.

Obstructions, such as walls, ceilings and rows were considered
to have sufficient thermal mass to be insensitive to local
conditions in minor time scales, thus they were given a fixed
surface temperature due to thermal history (pre-performance

Ventilation System
Fig 4: Proposed (Grid) HVAC system using CATIA Cooling mode operation under full occupancy was chosen for
this analysis. Perfect commissioning is assumed when
Simulation Parameters assigning flow rates to HVACelements, in that nominal flow
Software values are achieved Note that in comparison to heating mode
The CFD software package Phonics was used in this and isothermal cases, it has been found that turbulence models
assessment. Phonics provides a full capability for grid are generally poor predictors of ventilation flow in cooling
generation, solution and post-processing via 3-D or text input. mode (Feinberg, G et al 2005), with
Phonics has been validated under a number of applications, the standard k-ε turbulence model provides adequate
including in building environmental simulation (Gaspar, PD et performance (Cao, G 2007) and was thusadopted for this
al. 2003). The Flair module of Phonics is dedicated to CFD simulation.
airflow visualization and analysis applications within the built
environment and provides the following capabilities; steady Diffusers
state and transient CFD analysis, turbulence models (including Given the coarseness of the grid, a simple diffuser type was
the k-remodel), buoyancy models, conjugate heat-transfers, a used based on a grille/nozzle model. The actual diffuser type
library of materials based on CIBSE reference data and a was simulated by selecting face velocity, aspect and angle to
range of HVAC-related objects, including diffusers and fans. appropriate values depending on whether the diffuser was a
Computational fluid dynamics is a time intensive process. In ceiling mounted register, linear slot, under floor or wall
International Journal of Advanced Research and Development 

register. It is not expected that proper diffusion will be Pressure Plot Elevation View
achieved throughout the model, but both models will be
subject toothsome limitation and thus are comparable.

Return air
The return air outlets were represented in the model by square
face fans, which function by extracting air from the model at
points. The volume of air for a particular fan was determined
by the chosen face velocity.

4. Results and Discussion

As discussed above two modeling scenarios were investigated.
One being the existing system as currently designed and
operating, the other being the system as proposed by the
mechanical engineers. The purpose of the modeling was to
determine if the proposed solution was going to solve some of
the system problems and also to identify if there are additional
areas that require further design review and consideration. Elevation View showing Existing Conditions
Results of the two models are shown below for temperature
and velocity in plan view at the stalls level (the area with most
complaints) and in section view through the center of the

Temperature Plot Elevations

Elevation View showing Proposed Conditions.

Turbulence kinetic Energy Plot Elevation View

Elevation showing Existing Conditions

Elevation showing Proposed Conditions. Elevation View showing Existing Condition

International Journal of Advanced Research and Development 

It should be noted that in the CFD simulation, both the

existing and proposed systems demonstrate stagnation of air
and higher temperatures in the back stalls and circle area.
Feedback from users of the auditorium would also support this
finding of temperature in these areas.

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Elevation View showing Proposed Conditions.

5. Conclusion
The results of the CFD analysis indicated that the proposed
alterations generally achieve the following when compared to
a model of the existing
 Delivery of supply air from diffusers to the overall
auditorium and appears to improve.
 Local temperature variations may be more moderate.
 Gradually increases the amount of air flow velocity from
the grid base auditorium model.
 Circulation patterns in the void space appear to be more
moderate and hence air dumping may be less likely to


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