Cacao: Scientific Name: Theobroma Cacao Common Name: Cacao Tree and Cocoa Tree
Cacao: Scientific Name: Theobroma Cacao Common Name: Cacao Tree and Cocoa Tree
Cacao: Scientific Name: Theobroma Cacao Common Name: Cacao Tree and Cocoa Tree
Cacao has a rich and interesting history as a food and its usage dating back
thousands of years. At one point in Central America, cacao was so ubiquitous that it
was used as a form of currency.
Cacao differs greatly from what most have experienced in the form of processed
chocolate. Cacao is a very interesting in that it has the most complex make up of any
known natural food source. It is an excellent source of magnesium and very high
levels of antioxidants. While these components are broken down slightly processing,
there are low temperature processed raw cacao powders which attempt to render a
high quality product that remains nutrient rich. These raw powders are an easy way to
get started enjoying the wonderful properties of cacao. Nibs and beans have even
higher concentrations of antioxidants and can be fun to have around and can be put
to good use making granola and other goodies (use them as a replacement for
chocolate chips).
There are many varieties of cacao but the National Seed Industry Council has
registered and approved only 9 varieties/clones of cacao. NSIC approved clones are the
BR 25 (CC-99-05)
- Reddish (red with green) pod color when still young that turns yellow as
it matures
- Leaves are elliptical in shape with wavy leaf margins
- Leaf length and width ratio is 11.0 cm is to 4.04 cm.
- First flowering starts at 16.12 months and fruiting follows at 17.70
- Pod index is 23.1pods/kg of dried beans. Pod length is 17.02 cm and has
width of 7.07.
- It has elliptical shape with smooth shape with smooth leaf margins
- Leaf length is 31.31 cm with a mean width of 13.44 cm
- It flowers at 23.20 months and bears fruit at 25.10 months
- Pod shape is Amelonado with a superficial ridges and a smooth surface.
Rugosity also appears in some cases.
- Pod index is 19.20 pods/kg of dried beans. Pod length is about 17.97 cm
and has width of about 8.67 cm.
- It has a pod wall thickness of around 1.80 cm.
- Bean color is violet and a hundred beans weigh about 182 grams.
- It is moderately resistant to known insect pests and diseases.
- Leaf shape is elliptical with smooth leaf margins.
- Leaf length is 32.73 cm with a mean width of 12.52 cm.
- It flowers at 21.10 months and bears fruit after three months or at 24.12
- Pod shape is Amelonado and is red in color while still young and
becomes yellow/ orange when mature.
- It has pod wall thickness of around 1.40 cm with 34 beans per pod.
- Pod index is 25 pods /kg of dried beans
- It is moderately resistant to known insect pest and diseases.
UIT 1 (CC-99-02)
- It has an elliptical leaf shape with wavy leaf margin.
- Leaf length and width ration 22.36 cm to 8.13 cm.
- It flowers of age of 16.80 months in the stage of first fruiting.
- Pod shape is Cundemor. Pod length is 20.07 cm and width of 8.65 cm
- Pod is yellow when old from original color of green color when still young
with wall thickness of 1.02 cm.
- Moderately resistant to insect and pest diseases.
ICS 40
- Leaf shape is elliptical with wavy leaf margin.
- Leaf length and width ratio is 29.95 cm is to 10.01 cm.
- Starts to flower at the age of 17.63 months and fruiting follows at 19.63
months and fruiting follows at 19.63 months.
- Pod shape is Cundeamor described as a variety with elongated cylindrical
fruit with ridges, a rugose surface, pronounced bottleneck and sharp
- Pod color is green when young and turns yellow when mature with wall
thickness of 1.35 cm.
- Pod index is 16.2 pods/kg with 44 beans per pod. Canopy diameter is
195 cm.
- Bean is stiped.
- Moderately resistant to insect pest and diseases.
UF 18
Cultural Management
Soil Requirement
Soil is made up of 50% loamy soil, 30% clay and 20% silt. Deep soil is about
15cm, highly favors the growth of cacao. pH is 5.0 – 6.5
Seed Selection – collect a seeds from ripe and healthy pods and
preferably collected from the seed garden. Choice a seeds that are
uniform in size. Select big seeds since the possibility is high that they
would produce vigorous and fast growing seeds.
Collect those seeds that show sign of germination two days after
Sow the pre- germinated seeds not more than 1 cm deep in the
prepared polybags. It is important to plant the germinated seeds
soon when the germs are 1 cm long. If planting is delayed, the root
or shoot may easily be damaged.
Climatic Requirement
Ideal rainfall for cacao cultivation ranges from 1250 to 3000 mm per annum,
preferably 1500-2000 mm with dry season of not more than 3 months. Temperature
ideal for cacao lies between a mean maximum of 30-32°C and mean minimum of 18°C.
Altitude of the area should lie between 300-1200 meters above sea level. Suitable
temperature is generally found in an altitude up to 700 m. Cacao thrives best in areas
under Type IV climate which has an evenly distributed rainfall throughout the year.
On the other hand, weeds growing along spaces in between the blocks may be
controlled by cutting down with scythes. The use of herbicide is not recommended.
Therefore weeding could be done manually or by mulching with available materials
such as rice hull.
Fertilizer application:
Fertilizer is carried out after the first leaf hardens and should be based on the
result of soil analysis. If analysis is not available, incorporate 15-35 grams of
ammonium phosphate (18-48-0) per bag depending on the size of polybag. The use of
granular fertilizer is also done when the leaves are dry to avoid leaf scorching.
Pruning cocoa trees can increase production, make tree maintenance easier,
and reduce pest infestation and diseases.
Maintenance pruning starts with regularly removal the low hanging.
Second remove regularly the chupons (shoots) on the stem.
Also remove all shoots and additional branches that are within 60 cm of the
jorquette. Removal of shoots is necessary to avoid production of non- essential
It is important to remove regularly all dead, diseased and badly damaged
Top pruning of the highest branches (up to 4 meters) in order to keep the tree
short for easy regular harvesting and maintenance.
It also recommended to open the center of the tree by pruning in the shape of a
champagne glass in order to reduce humidity and increase sunshine.
The CPB does not like the sunshine and increased wind. The additional
sunshine to the stem will increase flowering as well.
The best time for heavy pruning is after the high production cycle,
approximately one month before the rainy season. After pruning it is
recommended to apply fertilizer.
Pruning has to be done regularly and correctly, results in more pods on the tree
with less pest infestation.
Types of Pruning
Formative Pruning
Maintenance Pruning
Pest and Diseases Pruning
Side Grafting
1. Identify old, less productive but healthy trees to be subjected to side- grafting.
2. Gather bud sticks from bud wood garden.
3. Prepare the bud sticks to be used for side grafting
4. Make first horizontal deep cut on the main trunk
5. Shave bark downward into the cut
6. Make sure original cut is through the bark to the white wood inside.
7. Make two cuts downward from the horizontal cut.
8. Create “window” by peeling the bark neatly and cleanly downward to reveal the
9. Insert bud stick into the “window”
10.Tie window closed
11.Make sure graft is tied securely.
12.Cover side graft with plastic bag and tie tightly against the tree with raffia.
13.Remove plastic cover after one month
14.Productive side grafted trees 30 monts (2 1/2 years ) after grafting
Plant Nutrition
Cacao requires 16 essential elements to complete its life cycle and most of them are
obtained by the plant from the soil. The deficiency of any of these elements would
result in reduction in growth and production.
Providing proper amount of shade will reduce the nutrient needs of cacao due to
reduced metabolism as a result of decreased light intensity. Among the essential
elements needed by cacao are the nitrogen(N), phosphorus (P),potassium (K),calcium
(CA) and magnesium (MG) are the most deficient in many soils. These elements are
badly needed during the following period
Element Function Most needed during
Nitrogen vegetative growth the onset of rainy season and three months later
Phosphorus increases flowering the onset of rainy season
Potassium enhances flower set before flowering & fruit development and three
months later
CA & Mg lengthen life of leaves the onset of rainy season
Regularly apply organic fertilizer around the base of the plant particularly to during
the wet season, to hasten the vegetative and reproductive growth of cacao trees. The
pod bearing cacao trees without shade requires 100kgN,20 P kg K per hectare year.
Cut off infested branches at 40 cm below the lowest larvae hole. These branches
should be destroyed.
After pruning of an infested of an infested tree, big branches, especially those
with stem borer holes, should be burned.
The hole can be covered or plugged with mud or wood to prevent the larva to
come out, so that it cannot feed and hatch ,or cannot breathe.
Poking the larvae out with a piece of wire.
Squirt some soap solution in the exit hole. After a while, the larva will emerge
from the driven hole, probably driven out by the unpleasant soap fume. Catch
and kill the stem borer.
The production of quality cacao beans involves proper processing of wet beans
with special references to the standard of quality required by the market involves:
Pods harvesting - cacao pods are formed, grow to maturity and ripen in 160
to 180 days . Physical Indicator of ripened pods is the change in
color, green turns yellow, or dark – red purple to yellow or orange. During
the removal from the tree the care should be taken so that damaged should
be lessen but the most important, the flower cushions should not be
damaged so that they were able to produce flowers and pods for several
Pod Breaking and Removal of Seeds – open the pods after storing using
wooden baton or devised pod splitter to avoid injury or cutting the seeds may
allow molds and insects, and broken beans are also discarded during sorting
and grading.
Types of Fermentation
Sun - Drying
The best for sun drying is good quality of cacao beans .But under Philippine condition,
the most practical approach could be combined sun- mechanical drying: starting with
sun drying for 1-2 days, and finishing with artificial drying. This approach could
address the lowering of cost compared with using artificial dryers alone, while
attaining high quality dried fermented cacao beans.
Sun drying may also be done on multi-purpose drying pavements provided that the
cacao beans are placed on the receptacles made of plastic, or bamboo mats sheeting
on the cement floor. In some areas , trays made of bamboo, or plastic screen are used.
This is important to avoid contamination with dust and other foreign materials or
accumulation of foreign waste that could result to low quality, or worst , rejected cacao
Artificial Dryer
In using artificial dryers, the temperature should not exceed 60 C so that the removal
of water from the beans would be gradual. Rapid drying tends to make the beans
retain excessive amounts of acetic acid that the results to acidic beans.
WOOD, G.A.R. & R.A. LASS. 1987. COCOA. 4 TH Edition, Longman Scientific and
ESPINO,R.C., RAMOS, J.V. & C.S. ATIENZA.2001.Techno guide for Cacao in the
Philippines.HVCCP techno guide series no.2 ,Department of Agriculture.
COCOA FOUNDATION OF THE PHILIPPINES. 1999. Cacao Pest and Diseases. Cacao
Information Bulletin.
Philippine National Standard for Cacao ,final draft version, DA- BAFS, 2008.