Macro 9
Macro 9
Macro 9
1. Learning Outcomes
2. Introduction
unable to recruit additional labour and loose sales. Under such circumstances, firm would
accept higher wage inflation and correspondingly prices will also rise. According to
Phelps and Friedman, in the long run there is no trade-off between inflation and
unemployment as unemployment is at its natural rate. So, they asserted that a permanent
trade-off between inflation and unemployment is illusion. According to Friedman, there
is a short run trade-off between the two as expectation of inflation is slow to adjust. But
he argues that people cannot be fooled forever, so long run trade-off does not exist.
If the monetary authority wants to keep the unemployment rate below the natural rate,
then it should be ready to accept continuously rising inflation which would be beyond
supply. To decide whether the change in price is temporary or permanent, the individual
has to make expectation about it. This expectation would rely on past experience of the
individuals. If in the past period most of the change in prices is permanent, then he would
expect the price change to be permanent and labour supply will not change. If the price
change is temporary in the past period, he would expect the current price change to be
Also, the change in taste or invention of new products or technology might produce profit
for some and losses for others. So, some individuals would face an increase in price while
others a decrease in price. Those who face increase in price will vary their labour supply
depending upon how much the change is temporary.
Another source of business cycle is uncertainty in the nominal prices. The individuals are
interested in purchasing power of one unit of labour and not just the nominal payment. If
aggregate price is uncertain then individual has to decide whether the change in price is
change in real price or not. If all the prices increase then there might not be a change in
relative supply price but if other prices do not change then there would be change in his
relative price. So, the individual has to rely on past experience for the price change. Here,
we assume that individual does not have too much information, so he cannot distinguish
between overall price change and change in relative price.
Lucas argues that gathering information involves time and money as it is difficult to get
information in short notice and sometimes the producer has to respond quickly and it is
not worth waiting to get all the information.
Aggregate and relative price changes cause economy wide business fluctuations.
Fluctuations in business can occur if there is unexpected increase in money supply. This
will lead to unexpected increase in the price level. The individual producer based on past
experience will attribute a part of price change to aggregate price change and a part to the
relative price change. Temporary employment will increase in countries that have volatile
aggregate price level. Producer will view most price movements as aggregate price
changes. So monetary shocks will not cause large fluctuation in GDP and employment.
Whereas in countries with stable price level, unanticipated changes in prices are changes
in relative price and accordingly treated as temporary change will change the
employment and GDP. So in countries with volatile inflation history, workers cannot be
fooled easily and employment will not fluctuate whereas in in stable inflation economies,
policymakers can cause booms easily by changing the unanticipated inflation. But this
policy cannot continue for so long as it would cause inflation rate to be volatile. The
movement in general price level is caused by movement in money but Lucas argues that
long term movement in money and price is strong, but in short period the link is not so
strong. If the link between money and price is close, then agents can easily calculate the
general price level and there would be not be unanticipated inflation and no business
cycle. Another source of business cycle is change in rate of interest. If interest of rate is
high, agents will work more and put their extra proceeds in bank to enjoy higher
consumption in future.
The rationale behind Lucas's supply theory is based on how suppliers get information.
Lucas claimed that suppliers had to respond to a "signal extraction" problem when
making decisions based on prices; the firms had to determine what portion of price
changes in their respective industries reflected inflation (nominal change in prices) and
what portion reflected a change in real prices for inputs and outputs. Lucas hypothesized
that suppliers know their own industries better than the general economy. Given this
imbalance in information, a supplier could distinguish a general increase in prices due to
inflation as an increase the relative price for its output, reflecting a better, real price for its
output and encouraging more production. The surprise leads to an increase in production
and employment throughout the economy.
The simple aggregate supply function can be represented simply as:
Y = f (P Pe)
This means that output is a function of gap in actual and expected price level. The Lucas
supply curve adds expectations to this model. Aggregate supply is a function of the and
the potential output and the difference between actual prices (Pt) and the expected price
level based on prices in previous period times a coefficient based on an economy's
sensitivity to price surprises ( ):
Yt = Yp t t-1 Pt )
This "Lucas supply curve" models output as a function of the "price" or "money
surprise," the difference between expected and actual inflation. Lucas's "surprise"
business cycle theory fell out of favour after the 1970s when empirical evidence failed to
support this model.
ECONOMICS Paper 4: Basic Macroeconomics
Module 27: Lucas Supply Curve
According to this aggregate supply curve, the difference between actual and full
employment output depends on the difference between the actual and the expected price.
If Pt > t-1Pte then Yt > Yp and if Pt < t-1Pte then Yt < Yp
In Fig 1 aggregate demand curve is drawn for a given money supply, it is downward
sloping because higher prices will lead to lower output to keep the nominal demand
constant. Aggregate supply curve is drawn for a given expected price level, it is upward
sloping implying that at higher price level the gap between actual and expected prices rise
and thus leads to more output being produced. At the intersection of these two curves
equilibrium price and output level is determined. If the price expectations are fixed, then
a monetary expansion by the monetary authorities will shift the AD curve rightwards
leading to a rise in prices as well as output. Thus, only AD shifts while the AS remains at
its original level as shown in Fig 2. This result is incompatible if we incorporate the
rational expectations in our model. For this we introduce the money supply rule.
a random error term. This error term has zero expected value and it cannot be predicted
either by monetary authorities or public. Yt-1 is the feedback policy of the authorities as it
depends on the past value of the observed variable.
Thus using the following relations we derive the implications of policy ineffectiveness
Aggregate demand: Mt + Vt = Pt + Yt
The expected money is calculated by using the money supply rule that:
t] = 0
2.) E [Pt/I t-1] = t-1 Pte
3.) E [Pt-1 - t-1 Pte] = 0 i.e. forecasting error is zero.
M t + Vt - P t = Yp t t-1 Pte)
We get,
t-1 t + Vt - P t = Yp t - Yt-1 - Vt + Yp)
Solving the above we get,
Pt t-1 + Vt - Yp t
Pt = t-1 Pte t
Pt - t-1 Pte t
Yt = Yp t
This equation reflects the policy ineffectiveness proposition that only the unanticipated
t, can affect output. The predictable part of money supply will
only affect prices and not output. This implies neutrality of money which says that
anticipated change in money stock affect only nominal variables and not the real
variables. Also, According to Lucas supply equation, output deviates from the full
employment level only when prices deviate from expected prices.
7. Summary
1. The trade between inflation and unemployment disappears in the long run when people
are assumed to have rational expectations.
2. There are many sources of business cycles that have been listed by Lucas including
imperfect information, uncertainty in nominal prices, changes in technology, changes in
rate of interest etc.
3. The Lucas aggregate supply function is based on the Lucas imperfect information
model which states that economic output is a function of money or price "surprise
4. Policy ineffectiveness proposition is related to the ineffectiveness of monetary policy.
The inclusion of Lucas supply curve and rational expectations leads to no change in real
variables when the money supply is raised.
5. PIP with Lucas supply curve implies that money is neutral which implies that
anticipated change in money stock affect only nominal variables and not the real