CSE Name-Year Citation Style Guide
CSE Name-Year Citation Style Guide
CSE Name-Year Citation Style Guide
If the document is part of a series, you must add the Book in a series
series title and volume number at the end of the entry. Author(s). Year. Book Title. Edition. Place of
Publication: Publisher. (Series title; vol. #)
Tegos G, Mylonakis E, editors. 2012. Antimicrobial
Journal article drug discovery: emerging strategies. Wallingford,
Oxfordshire (GB): CABI. (Advances in molecular
Author(s). Year. Article title. Journal name. and cellular microbiology; vol.22).
Volume(Issue): Pages.
Thesis or dissertation
Holmberg S, Osterholm M, Sanger K, Cohen M.
1987. Drug-resistant salmonella from animals fed Author(s). Year. Title [content designator]. [Place of
antimicrobials. New England Journal of Medicine. Publication]: Publisher (often a university).
311(2): 617-622. Bernier MH. 2009. Assessing on-farm water use
efficiency in southern Ontario [thesis]. [Montreal
(QC)]: McGill University.
Author(s). Year. Book Title. Edition. Place of
Publication: Publisher. Conference papers or proceedings
Carson R. 1962. Silent spring. Boston (MA): Author(s). Year. Title of paper. In: Editor name(s),
Houghton Mifflin. editors. Title of Volume. Number and name of
conference; date of conference; location of
conference. Place of publication: Publisher. p. Pages.