English GR 2

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3 I Wouldn't
Rhyming words
AEoch word from the box rhymes with
another word from the box. Remember, rhyming
words often have the
Wnite the rhyming pairs. same letter patterns.
The first hos been done to help you.
floor nice house play Cat mice
mouse wall door
fat hall say
floor door 2 nice mice 3 house mor

4 a4 Say Cat fat wall

B Write one pair of words from
5 6
Activity A in a sentence.
rere i5 a Small door by the hall
Capital letters, full stops and question marks
Asentence storts with a
Atelling sentence ends
capital letter.
a with full stop.
There's o mouse house in the wall.
Some sentences end witha question
These are asking sentences. mark.
Will you come out to play?

Put full stops at the end of the

Put question marks ot the end oftelling sentences.
the asking sentences.
The mouse house has a srnall door
2 /here does the fat
cat sit,
3 Tnenice nice live in
the mouse house
4 Does the cat want to
5 the mice come out ?
Soft c

Say these words aloud.

the c sound in each
What do you notice about
The cin mice is called a soft c.
It sounds more like an s!

A Write the softc words.

1 2

f ace2 juice

5 6

race rice ice

B Add the soft c words to the table.

Sort them by looking at the letter that comes after the soft .
icy price
city cinema pencil
cereal spicy cycle
ce cy
cinema race

city cereal spicy

pencil price Cycle
Citrus Cenire
Add one more word to each column in the table.
Making verbs using am. is and
The words am, isond are help to make lots of doing words.
am - verb fomily nome + ing
Iam waiting for the mice. Doing words are
is verb fomily name + ing called verbs.
The cot is sitting by the doo.
are + verb fomily nome + ing
The mice are staying in the house.

Underline the verb in each sentence.

The first one has been done to help you. Remember these verbs
have two Words.
1 The cot is waitingfor the mice.
2 The mice ore hiding in their house.
3 Iom visiting the city.
4 Youare closing the door.
5 Thot cat is getting fat!

Complete eoch sentence with am, is or are.

1 !
2 He i5 sitting.
3 You are talking.
4 We are
5 She
CUse these verbs in sentences of your own.
1 are writing We are
She is looking- at me.
3 am go9 am
qOinq to eat now.
Some poems have rhyming
Read these rhymes.
In the house
In the hall
There's a wall. There's amouse.

Near the floor On the mat

There's adoor. There's acat.

1 Think of your own word to complete each
The pictures will help you.

On the log
There's a
In the box
There's a fox

2 Write two more rhymes using the same rhyming pottern.

Ín the mug
There' S a buq.
1í had some Sand
in hand.

3 The Princess and the Pea

Ths s the beginn1ngof the well-known. troditionol tale
The Drncess ond the Peo Aprince decides he wonts to
momy o"ei princess He visits mony ploces seorching for
Oprncess to marry Mony princesses want to morry him,
b° none of them seem to be quite right for him.

The prince returned home feeling sod ond upset. He spoke

to hrs fothe the king. thot evening in front of a warm fire
whie o storm wos roging outside.
"What om Ito do?" he cried. "I'm tired of looking for a
"eg pincess Moybe Iwill never morry."
Im sure you will. my son." replied the king. "Things
wi tee better in the morning. It is quorter to twelve and
time fo bec
The prince heoded upstoirs. Suddenly the king heard
OKnoK ot the door. He opened it to discover abeautiful
Voung womar Her clothes were drenched and muddy. and
he wos shoking from the cold.
Se sto0 in front of the king ond allshe could say
ws1moreol princess
The prine wos wotching from the top of the stairs.
Ares prrcess" he whispered to himself. "How do I
Ase t reo princess?"
Aplay is a story that is performed by actors so thot on
audience con wotch it. When a play is written down, it looks
different from a story. It contains everything the actors have
to say and do.
Below is the beginning of the story The Princess and the
Pea', written os ploy script.

The Princess and the Pea Scene setting

In the palace, in front ofa roaring fire.

(Sounds ofa storm raging outside.) stage directions
KING: Come here and sit by the fire. Now tell me, how did
your search for a princess go?
PRINCE: Oh, father! I looked everywhere. I met some
princesses, but none of them seemed like the right
princess for me.
KING: That is a shame. dialogue
PRINCE: (Upset) Whatam I to do? I'm tired of looking for arealprincess. Maybe I will
never marry.
KING: (Reassuringly) I'm sure you willmy son. Things will feel better in the morning
It is quarter to twelve and time for bed.
PRINCE: Okay, father, I will go and get some sleep.
(The prince leaves and begins to walk off the stage.
There is a knock.
The king opens the door.
The prince stops at the edge of the stage to see who it is.
Awet, muddy, cold princess is at the door.) scene setting a
description of the
KING: Hello, are you okay? Sscene on the stage
PRINCESS: I'm a real stage directions extro
princess. information provided
PRINCE: (Whispering) Areal princess but how do ! for theoctors
knowshe is a real princess? dialogue words spoken
by the octors

Word Check You can use o dctionary

Find each word in the text. Choose the to help you.
correct meoning
1 rogin9 a blowing wildly b blowing gently
2 drenched odry b soaked

Cooy these sentences from the story. choosing the correct words
to finsh them
1 The prnce wanted to [have dinner] / lgo on ajourneyl
(marry a real prncess).
2 He traveled [to many places) / lacross the river] / [into
the citu)
3 He returned home (happy but exhausted] / [having found
a princess to marry] / [sad and upset).
4 As the king went to bed [there was a loud bangl |
(c stopped raining] | [there was a knock at the door].
5 Abeauttful young woman stood [crying]I (shaking]|
(sTulung) at the door.
Wte your onswers to these questions about the play script.
1 How mony choracters are there in this part of the
2 Where is the Scene set?
3 Copy one example of a stoge direction.
4 Copy one exomple of o piece of
C DiscUss these questions with a friend and
write notes.
1 How do you think the prince
feels on seeing the young woman
he door?
2 Vihot do youthink happens next in the story?
Homophones ore words thot sound the same but ore
set dtteteritly ord have different meanings.
Ho do1know dshe is oreol princess?
There s no dout h01 she is greol princess!
know ornd no ore honophones homo means same and
phone meons sound.

Use these words to make six pairs of
heard rain
bored night Son flower

herd board rein Sun

knight flour
three pairs of words from Activity A. Write each poir of
words in your ownsentence.

Apostrophes of contraction This is an
Contractions are words that have been made
Aletter or more than one letter is left
or letters.
An apostrophe is used in place of the missing letter
I'm = I am
I'm tired of looking for a real princess.

A Copy the sentences but replace the underlined words

with a contraction.
1 "It is someone at the door," said the king.
2 "I am very cold," said the young woman.
3 "How do l know if she is a real princess?"
wa and qua words
Listen to the sound the wa and qua make.
They sat in front of a warm fire.
The king said, "It is quarter to twelve."
Match each clue with the correct wo word from the
water watch wallet warning
1 I'm worn around o wrist.
2 You can store money in me.
3 You can drink me if 'm cean.
Ilet youknow about a problem.
OWrite clues for eoch of these words.
quorter 2 squoshy 3 waterfoll 4 wate

Conjunctions ore words we use to join sentences.
Here so reminder of conjunctions that hove been covered sc
and but or SO because
These ore usetul conjunctions that have to do with time:
when while before after
The prince wos verysod when he returned home.
The king heord o knock ot the door while he
The princess arrived ot the door before the was going up
prince had gom
Things would seem better after the prince had a good nig

A Copy the sentences. Use o

eoch one conjunction from the box to com

before after while when

1 He wll marry he has found a real
2 They sat in front of the fire princess.
the storm raged.
3 He had to fnd a real
4 The prncess was
princess he could marry.
drenched standing in the rai
erproof Writing
Play scripts
When you write aplay script.yumust include:
where the scene is set - the setting
the names of the characters
o far: what each character says - the dialogue
what each character does - the stage directions

1 Youare going to read part of a traditional story called

'Rumpelstilts kin'.
The story takes place in a country far away. A miller has a
daughter. He is very proud of her. and tells the king that she can
stairs. spin gold out of straw. The king sends for the grt and takes her to
ne to bed.
a room filled with piles of straw. He tells her she must turn all the
ht's sleep. strawinto gold by the morning.

plete The girl began to weep.

"What shall Ido?" she cried. "I can't turn straw into gold!"
Just then. the door opened and a little old man walked in
"What are you crying for?" he asked in a croky voice
"My father told the king Icould spin straw into
gold. The king wants all this straw turned into goid
by the morning!" Glossary
miller someone
"Can youspin the straw into gold?" asked the who mgkes cioth
old man.
from cotton
"No." replied the qirl. "l don't know how " spin moke piees o
"I do," said the old man.
me in return?" "What will vou give (otton into threo
uSing spinning
"Il give you my necklace. said the girt wheel
"That seems fair." ggreed the old man. strow drycut stalks
sat down and began to spin and he
of groin like con

2 Write the extract trom

Script Look caretully atRumpelst1ltskin
as o play
i9 to see how to set
out youf play ript
You could une
dtterent colours for
choracters noies ond the stoge the

3 AChinese Play
Alphabeticol order
judge and painter.
Wnte o list of five jobs people do. Include
painter driver 0ccountant Car penBer
in alphabetical order.
8 Pt the words youhove written in Activity A
accountant Corpenter driver judge painter
Wnte these words in olphabetical order. Remember, if the words
begin with the same letter,
you need to look at the
Sunrise SCene sheet sorry second letter in each wNord.

Scene , Sheet, Sorry, Sunshine

Diologue in plays
For dialogue in stories we use speech marks and words like said.
*Good morning." said the judge.
For diglogue in plays we put the speaker's name first and we do
not use speech morks.
UDGE: Good morning.

Wrte these direct speech sentences as they would appear in aplay.

1 The udge won't pay me!" said the pointer.
DAINTER: The judqe on't poy me.
2 Core to my house." soid the judge.
JuvGE : Come to my house
3 Here is your picture," said the painter.
PAINTER: Here is your picture.
4 You haven't pointed orthing!" said the Judge.
TuoGE : You hoser't palnted anything
Remember. o suffix is o word
ending. The suffix ive usuolly
ive word ending comes of ter an s or ot.

Look closely at each of these word fomilies. The first one is done
Add a word using the ive suffix to each one.
for you.
1 decide, decided, decision decisive
2 attract, attracted, attraction attractive
3 secret, secretly Secretive
4 compete, competition Competitive
5 impress, impression impre $s ive
6 create, creation, creating Creative
7 protect, protecting, protection protective
8 imagine, imagination imaginative

Complete each of these words, adding sive or tive to each one.

1 massive 2 cap tive 3 expen Sive
4 exclu Sive 5 decep tive 6 talka tive
7 exces sive 8 negative 9 mo tive
10 inquisi tive 11 relative 12 alterna tive
13 extenßi ve 14 posi tive 15 effec tive
Check the spelling of each word you have written in Activity B
in adictionary. Write correctly any you have misspelt in the
box below.
Noun rou
different types of nouns.
Nouns are naming words, There ore
proper noun beqins witho copital letter.
" A
udge Wang
small letter.
" common noun begins with a
nome of a group of things.
" Acollective noun is the
oflock of birds
of two words.
" Acompound noun is mode up
you cannot see or
Abstroct nouns ore the names of things
touch They ore the nomes of qualities, feelings or
kindness, pleasure, evening
Wnite eoch noun from the box under the correct headingin
toble below. The first one has been done for you.

China Swarm tablecloth bravery

Erik childhood flock football
pack moonlight Vikings babysitter
talent herd Kim
afternoon footprint Sam bunch

Proper noun Collective Compound Abstract

noun noun noun

Cuna footbaI
pack friendshi
Erik Swarmn babysitter talent
moon qnt braery
footprint Childhood
kim bunch table cloth afternoon
B Use oneobstoct noun from Activity A in a sentence of your own.

Their friendship qrew over the last year.

She hos a qood talend in Singing
1 have god childhood memories
1 Use this guide to help you plon a short
play. Youcould base your ploy on:
youand your friends o favourite story " your own idea
a What is the title of your

b Write the name of each character ond a little information about him/her.
Character Information

c Write notes about the setting and what happens in each

Scene 1


What happens

Scene 2

What happens

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