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Institute of Computer Architecture and

Computer Engineering

University of Stuttgart
Pfaffenwaldring 47
D-70569 Stuttgart

Master Thesis Nr. 00731-001

Realistic gate model for

efficient timing analysis of
very deep submicron
CMOS circuits

Deepthi Murali

Course of Study: Master of Science in Information Technology

Examiner: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Hans-Joachim Wunderlich

Supervisor: Dipl.-Inf. Marcus Wagner

Dipl. -Inf. Eric Schneider
Dr. rer. nat. Michael Kochte

Commenced: 2015-09-14

Completed: 2016-03-15

CR-Classification: B.8.2, C.4, J.6


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I certify that this work contains no material which has been accepted for the award of
any other degree or diploma in my name, in any university or other tertiary institution
and, to the best of my knowledge and belief, contains no material previously published
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I would like to take the opportunity to thank a number of people as I am presenting the
results of my Master Thesis.
I would first like to thank Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Wunderlich for providing me the
opportunity to do research at the institute. The regular meetings and feedback provided
by him were very crucial to the completion of this thesis. Next, I would like to express
my heartfelt gratitude to my supervisors Mr. Marcus Wagner , Mr. Eric Schneider and
Mr. Michael Kochte. They took sincere efforts to keep me motivated so that I achieve all
the goals of my thesis. Without their advice and guidance, I would have definitely been
lost and I am very happy to have got them as my supervisors. I am also thankful to all
other staff of the institute for their friendly attitude as it made me really comfortable to
work at the institute.
I would specially like to thank the System Administrators, Mr. Helmut Häfner and Mr.
Lothar Hellmeier, as they provided immediate help with all technical issues which were
extremely important during the course of the thesis.
Last but not the least, I would like to thank my family and friends for extending their
support throughout the duration of my thesis. Without their support, it would have been
very difficult to go through all the good and bad times of my Thesis.


The continuously shrinking technology has made it possible for designers to incorporate
more functionality with better performance at a much higher density in Integrated Cir-
cuits(ICs). Fast and accurate timing simulation of such large circuit designs using ever
more complex transistor models has become a challenging problem. In modern circuits,
the gate delay is severely affected by process variations, environmental variations and
cross talk. Moreover, technology scaling has also resulted in significant increase in inter-
connect parasitics (including resistors and capacitors) which can dramatically reduce the
performance of a circuit.
For the circuit design validation and delay test evaluation, the industry has long relied
on fast gate-level timing simulators like ModelSim to validate the designs. However,
with continued scaling and steadily increasing circuit performance requirements, gate
level simulators can no longer provide acceptable simulation accuracy. On the other
hand, circuit level SPICE simulation provides acceptable accuracy but at a very large
computational cost. To provide a suitable trade-off between the accuracy of the SPICE
simulation and the speed of the gate level simulation, this thesis proposes a realistic gate
model which can be used for the fast and accurate timing simulation of circuits to analyze
their timing behaviour.
In this thesis, a heterogeneous gate model that combines a simple gate model like Non-
Linear Delay Model (NLDMs) and an advanced current source model (CSM) using a
classifier is proposed. The simple gate model allows fast timing simulation and gives
acceptable accuracy in many cases while the advanced gate model always provides more
accurate and reliable results, but at a much higher computational cost. The classifier is
designed to choose the advanced gate model depending on special cases (eg, multiple input
switching) where the simple gate model gives inappropriate results. This heterogeneous
gate model is further applied to develop a circuit simulator that enables fast and accurate
post-layout and delay fault simulation.


Acknowledgement i

Abstract iii

1 Introduction 2
1.1 Motivation and Goals of this Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Organization of the Thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

2 Fundamentals of VLSI Circuit Modelling and Simulation 4

2.1 Electrical Description of VLSI circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.1.1 Elementary Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.1.2 Voltage and Current sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2 MOSFETs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.2.1 Physical Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.2.2 Device Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.3 SPICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.4 Description of a Spice Netlist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.4.1 DC, AC and Transient Analyses in SPICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.4.2 Limitations of SPICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.5 Timing Simulation in Design Flow of VLSI Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.5.1 Functional simulation and pre-layout simulation . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.5.2 Postlayout Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.5.3 Definitions related to Circuit Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

3 State of the Art in Circuit Timing Simulation 19

3.1 Timing Model - Gate and interconnect model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.2 Different abstraction of simulators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.2.1 Gate-Level Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.2.2 Switch-level Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
3.2.3 Transistor level Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.2.4 Circuit level Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.3 Interconnect Modelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.3.1 Lumped C model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.3.2 Lumped RC Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

4 Design of a Heterogeneous Gate Model 28

4.1 Model Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28


4.1.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
4.1.2 Impact of Multiple Input Switching on Gate Delay . . . . . . . . . 29
4.1.3 Definition of Classifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
4.2 Input and Output Waveform Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
4.3 Simple Gate Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
4.4 Advanced Gate Model for a CMOS Inverter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
4.4.1 Important Cell Characteristics of a CMOS Inverter . . . . . . . . . 36
4.4.2 Description of Current Source Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
4.4.3 Current Source Model Characterisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
4.5 Advanced Gate Model for 2-input CMOS gate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

5 Application to Circuit Simulation 44

5.1 Circuit Simulation Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
5.1.1 Traversal of Circuit Netlist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
5.1.2 Summary of Heterogeneous Gate Model Simulation . . . . . . . . . 45
5.2 Computation of Gate Output Voltage Waveform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
5.2.1 Output Voltage Transition using Simple Gate Model . . . . . . . . 46
5.2.2 Output Voltage Transition using Advanced Gate Model . . . . . . . 46
5.3 Simulation of VLSI Interconnect Parasitic Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
5.3.1 Approximation using Lumped C Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
5.3.2 Exact simulation of RC interconnects for advanced gate model . . . 47
5.4 Using SPICE simulation as Advanced Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

6 Experimental Results 51
6.1 Benchmark Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
6.1.1 Small Circuits for Gate Model Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
6.1.2 Medium Sized Circuits for Simulation Scalability Evaluation . . . . 53
6.2 Input Vector-Pairs used for Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
6.3 Reference Simulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
6.3.1 Using Circuit-Level Simulator HSPICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
6.3.2 Using Gate-Level Simulator HDLSIM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
6.4 Circuit Simulation Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
6.4.1 Results without Interconnect Parasitic Capacitances . . . . . . . . . 56
6.4.2 Results with Interconnect Parasitic Capacitances . . . . . . . . . . 56
6.5 Simulation Results using SPICE as Advanced Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . 57
6.6 Summary of results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

7 Conclusion and Future Work 59

7.1 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
7.2 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

List of Figures

2.1 Symbol of a resistor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2.2 (a)Symbol of a non-polarised capacitor (b)Symbol of a polarised capacitor 5
2.3 Symbol of a variable capacitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.4 Symbol of a DC voltage source with a dc voltage of Vdc . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.5 Symbol of a DC current source with a dc current of Idc . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.6 Symbol of a dependent current source I(v) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.7 Symbol of ground in a circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.8 (a)n-channel enhancement MOSFET (b) p-channel enhancement MOS-
FET (c)n-channel depletion MOSFET (d) p-channel Depletion MOSFET 7
2.9 Structure of a n-channel MOSFET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.10 Transient Analysis of RC circuit in SPICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.11 Y chart representation of IC design flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.12 Design Flow of ICs and simulation steps involved . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.13 Pre and post layout Simulation Steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.14 Steps of Logic phase of Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.15 Steps of physical phase of Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.16 Combinational Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.17 Sequential Circuit with a Flip-Flop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.18 Input and output waveform of an Inverter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

3.1 Block Diagram of a timing model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

3.2 Relative accuracy and runtime of the timing simulation with gate and in-
terconnect models of different abstraction levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.3 NLDM measurement points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.4 Resistive Switch Representation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.5 RC network reduction using Lumped C model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.6 RC network reduction using Lumped RC model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

4.1 Proposed heterogeneous gate model for efficient timing simulation . . . . . 29

4.2 CMOS NOR gate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
4.3 Block diagram of the efficient classifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
4.4 Fall propagation delay dZR of 2-input NOR gate as a function of δ A,B . . . . 32
4.5 (a) Propagation delay vs. Rise time of input signal A (b) Propagation
delay vs. Fall time of input signal A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
4.6 Output transition time vs. Transition time of input signal A . . . . . . . . 33
4.7 (a) gate delay vs. RSAT (b) output transition time vs. RSAT . . . . . . . 33
4.8 Example of a PWL Waveform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34


4.9 p-MOSFET parasitics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

4.10 Schematic of inverter gate after layout extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
4.11 Gate model for single input switching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
4.12 Current characterization for INV X1 gate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
4.13 Setup to extract the miller capacitance Cm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
4.14 Setup to extract the output capacitance Co of the inverter . . . . . . . . . 42
4.15 Gate model for 2-input CMOS gate with MIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

5.1 Flowchart of circuit simulation based on heterogeneous gate model . . . . . 45

5.2 RC interconnect representation between a driving gate output and a re-
ceiving gate input (not shown) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
5.3 Simplified gate model for advanced algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
5.4 Gate model for NOR2 gate with interconnects and NanGate Cells as loads 50

6.1 Inverter chain (inv chain) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

6.2 Chain of 2-input NOR gates (nor2 chain) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
6.3 Chain of 2-input NOR gate and inverter gate (nor2 inv chain) . . . . . . 53
6.4 Circuit netlist of ISCAS85 c17 circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

List of Tables

6.1 ISCAS85 circuit characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

6.2 Average simulation results for circuits without interconnects . . . . . . . . 56
6.3 Average simulation results with CSM as advanced gate model . . . . . . . 56
6.4 Average simulation results with ngspice shared library as advanced gate
model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

Chapter 1


1.1 Motivation and Goals of this Work

The design optimizations, validation and delay test methodologies of modern day In-
tegrated Circuits (ICs) require accurate and fast timing analysis techniques. With the
steadily increasing performance requirements of modern circuits, even the smallest inaccu-
racy in the delay prediction can be catastrophic - for both asynchronous and synchronous
circuits. Ideally, the circuit would be simulated in the most detailed level possible viz, the
circuit level simulation. The most commonly used tool for circuit level timing simulation
is SPICE. However, this is extremely slow. For example, to evaluate the effectiveness of
delay tests, it is necessary to perform accurate timing simulation of a large number of
input vector pairs.
Conventionally, the industry relied on certain gate-level simulation tools like ModelSim,
for the validation of the new design and for delay test evaluation. For this, it used
the delay information from the Standard Delay Format (SDF) files. However, with the
continued down-scaling of technology, the delay of a logic gate has become severely affected
by various new factors like cross-talk, noise, process-variations, etc. Another important
effect that dominates the delay of the circuit is the impact of interconnect parasitics,
which increases dramatically with growing technology generations [1]. Therefore, the
very simple and abstract gate models used by gate-level timing simulation have become
very inaccurate. A new gate models on transistor level must be designed that incorporate
all these factors in order to give fast and accurate simulation results.
Moreover, with continuous technology scaling, circuits have become more prone to defects,
e.g. a wire with an extremely large resistance or a very small resistance between neigh-
bouring wires, which were supposed to be completely isolated. To detect such a fault, we
apply a vector pair to the circuit and check if the time of the last transition at the output
is smaller than the clock cycle time. This is referred to as delay fault simulation. When
there are large number of vector pairs, numerous SPICE simulations of the circuit are re-
quired to be carried out and these have to be extremely fast. However, circuit simulation
program like SPICE use very complex and accurate MOSFET models like BSIM4 that
has hundreds of transistor parameters and hence, this method of simulation proves to be
computationally very expensive. Added to this, SPICE simulation also results in the use


of a lot of CPU time and memory.

The gate model used by a circuit simulator is of critical importance as it determines the
speed and the accuracy of the simulation. A gate model is basically a mathematical model
that is composed of several transistor parameters and a number of equations representing
the relationship between these parameters. In SPICE, these equations are used to evaluate
the voltage/current at any given node. This complex modelling of gates in SPICE had a
number of restrictions which included [2]:
• No approximations made to the device models
• Global convergence to the solution at every time instant
This meant that a lot of time is utilized even in the latent circuit parts resulting in exor-
bitantly large simulation time especially for large circuits. Thus, high levels of integration
along with the shrinking technology demanded the need for a much simpler gate model
which could simulate circuits much beyond the capacity limits of conventional SPICE
simulators. This led to compromising the accuracy of SPICE simulations and to come up
with efficient gate models with much accelerated simulation results.
Traditionally used gate models like Non-Linear Delay Models (NLDMs) are very fast
but these are inaccurate due to the crude representation of the input and output signal
waveforms. Also, as the effect of interconnect resistance and capacitance increases, the
NLDM models do not provide good accuracy as they consider the load of a gate to be
purely capacitive. Therefore, more complex models like Current Source Model (CSM)
are developed which provide better accuracy by capturing and modelling the non-linear
output current of the gate.
This thesis aims at developing a realistic gate model for fast post-layout simulation of
circuits and to explore the various trade-off possible between the simulation accuracy,
simulation speed and scalability. The proposed gate model is developed by combining a
simple but fast gate model and an advanced but a slower (and more complex) gate model
into one. This exploits the speed provided by the simple gate model and the accuracy
provided by the advanced gate model.

1.2 Organization of the Thesis

The reminder of this thesis is organized into the following chapters.
Chapter 2 gives a brief description of the relevant concepts and definitions which will aid
in the better understanding of the thesis.
The first part of Chapter 3 gives a wide insight into the different types of gate models
in general as the aim of this thesis is to develop a gate model. It also analyses the
advantages and the limitation of the various gate models and thus helps in the choosing of
the simple and the advanced gate models which are later required to develop the proposed
heterogeneous model. The latter part of this chapter analyses the various interconnect
model that are used to model the interconnect resistance and capacitances.


Chapter 4 focuses on the detailed description of the design of the proposed heterogeneous
gate model. It explains the various design details of the simple and advanced gate model
and their implementation.
Chapter 5 explains how the proposed gate model in this thesis can be applied for the fast
and accurate simulation of circuits. This chapter also discusses the method to simulate
the interconnects in a circuit.
Chapter 6 explains the experimental setup used for this thesis. The first part of this
chapter gives a detail description of the circuits chosen for validation of the designed
gate model. The next part explains the details of the reference reference simulation
with a fast gate-level and a very accurate circuit-level simulator. The next part involves
the experimental setup used for the circuit simulator using the proposed gate model.
The final part of this chapter discusses the simulation results of the implemented circuit
Finally, Chapter 7 discusses the possible future work and concludes the thesis.

Chapter 2

Fundamentals of VLSI Circuit

Modelling and Simulation

This chapter mainly focusses on the relevant concepts and definitions which are essential
for the better understanding of the ideas presented in this thesis.

2.1 Electrical Description of VLSI circuit

2.1.1 Elementary Devices

A resistor is a device which impedes the flow of current through a circuit. The symbol of
a resistor is as shown below:

Figure 2.1: Symbol of a resistor

The unit for measuring resistance in OHM (represented by the Greek symbol Ω).
Resistors have a linear current-voltage relationship [3] as stated by Ohm’s law,

V = IR (2.1)

V is the voltage across the resistor,
I is the current flowing through the resistor.


A capacitor is a device that stores energy in the form of an electric field [4]. The most
common type of capacitors are the parallel plate capacitors, which is made of 2 parallel
plates separated by a dielectric material. When a power source forces the electric charge
into the plates of the capacitor, the capacitor stores energy, resulting in a voltage V across
it. The quantity capacitance is defined as the measure of electric charge (Q) required to
build 1 unit of voltage (V) across the plates of the capacitor and it is given by :

C= (2.2)
Capacitors may be polarised or non-polarised. Non-polarised capacitor is the one that
has no implicit polarity and it can be connected either way in a circuit. A polarised
capacitor is the one that has implicit polarity, i.e, it can be connected only in one way in
a circuit.
The unit of capacitance is Farad and the symbol of a non-polarised and polarised capacitor
is as shown below:

Figure 2.2: (a)Symbol of a non-polarised capacitor (b)Symbol of a

polarised capacitor

A variable capacitor or a voltage controlled capacitor is the one whose capacitance can be
controlled with the voltage applied across its terminals. Symbol of a variable capacitor is
as shown:

Figure 2.3: Symbol of a variable capacitor


2.1.2 Voltage and Current sources

There exists mainly 2 kinds of energy sources in electronics - voltage source and current
DC Voltage source
An ideal independent voltage source provides the same voltage across its terminals ir-
respective of the current through its terminals. Such a voltage source may produce a
constant dc output voltage.
The symbol of a DC voltage source is as shown below:

Figure 2.4: Symbol of a DC voltage source with a dc voltage of Vdc

DC Current Source
An ideal DC current source produces a constant dc current across its terminals no matter
the voltage required across its terminals. The symbol of such a current source is as shown

Figure 2.5: Symbol of a DC current source with a dc current of Idc

Voltage controlled DC-current source

A voltage controlled dc current source is the one that produces a DC current at its
terminals as a function of a voltage in the circuit. These type of current sources are referred
to as dependent current sources. The symbol of such a source is as shown below:


Figure 2.6: Symbol of a dependent current source I(v)

The ground is nothing but a circuit node to which all the voltages in a circuit are referenced
to. The commonly used circuit symbols to represent the ground node are :

Figure 2.7: Symbol of ground in a circuit

Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor(MOSFET) is a type of voltage con-
trolled Field Effect transistor. A MOSFET is a three terminal device with gate, source
and drain and both the n-channel(NMOS) and p-channel(PMOS) MOSFETs are avail-
able. MOSFET devices exists in 2 mains forms :
• Depletion Type - In this type of MOSFETs, a Gate-Source voltage (VGS ) is required
to turn “OFF” the device, i.e, these MOSFETs are similar to a “Normally Closed”
• Enhancement Type - These type of MOSFETs require a Gate-Source voltage (VGS )
to turn the device “ON”, i.e, similar to a “Normally Open” switch.
The symbol of NMOS and PMOS transistors are as shown below:


Figure 2.8: (a)n-channel enhancement MOSFET (b) p-channel

enhancement MOSFET (c)n-channel depletion MOSFET (d)
p-channel Depletion MOSFET

2.2.1 Physical Structure

The MOSFET strcture shown in fig 2.9 is fabricated on a p-type substrate which is
marked as the Body. The source and the drain regions are created by two heavily doped
n-type regions. A thin layer of an insulator (usually silicon dioxide, SiO2 ) is grown on
the substrate, in the areas between the source and the drain [5]. A metal layer is then
deposited on the oxide layer to form the gate terminal. Metal contacts are also made at
the source, drain and the substrate (also called bulk or body) to bring out 4 terminals in

Figure 2.9: Structure of a n-channel MOSFET [6]

The substrate is generally connected to the source terminal. This is because, the substrate
forms pn junctions with the source and the drain regions and normally, these junctions


are kept reverse biased. Since, the drain terminal is at a higher potential when compared
to the source, these junctions can be cut-off by connecting substrate to the source. Hence,
the substrate has no effect on the operation of the MOSFET and hence the reason why
MOSFET is treated as a three terminal device.

2.2.2 Device Operation

Depending on whether the MOSFET is a depletion type or an enhancement type, the

voltage applied to the gate controls the flow of current between the drain and the source.
In general, conduction in a MOSFET happens when a conducting channel is formed be-
tween the drain and source regions. For an n-channel MOSFET, the channel is formed by
negatively charged electrons and for a p-channel MOSFET the holes form the conducting
In case of an enhancement type MOSFET, the conducting channel is very lightly doped.
So, when there is no voltage applied to the gate terminal, the channel is non-conducting
and hence it is in normally “OFF” state. This can be thought of as 2 back-to-back diodes
that do not conduct even when a voltage (VDS ) is applied between the drain and the
source, as the path resistance between them is of the orders of 1012 ohm [5]. For an
n-channel enhancement MOSFET, when a positive voltage is applied at the gate terminal
with respect to the source terminals (VGS ), negatively charged electrons are attracted
towards the gate, hence enhancing the channel thickness. At a point when VGS is greater
than the threshold voltage Vth , the channel becomes conducting with sufficient number
of charge carriers. When a small positive drain-source voltage VDS is applied, current Id
starts flowing through the channel formed between the source and drain and hence the
MOSFET becomes conducting. The conductance of the channel increases with the excess
gate voltage (VGS - Vth ) which is also known as the overdrive voltage.
When the drain source voltage VDS is increased further, keeping the VGS a constant, drain
current Id increases. The voltage VDS appears as a voltage drop across the source and
drain terminals, and therefore the voltage between the gate and the points across the
channel varies from VGS at source terminal to (VGS -VDS ) at the drain terminal. Thus,
the voltage across the length of the channel and the depth of the channel varies. The
channel is deeper at the source end and narrows down towards the drain terminal. So,
with increasing VDS , Id increases. At a particular value of VDS , called the pinch off
voltage, the channel depth at the drain end decreases to almost zero. Increasing VDS
beyond this point has no much effect on the shape of the channel and thus the drain
current Id saturates.
For a p-channel MOSFET, the reverse is true. When VGS is 0, the device is “OFF”. When
a negative VGS is applied to the gate terminal, the holes are accumulated in the channel
and the device turns “ON”, while a positive VGS will turn the device “OFF”.
The depletion mode MOSFET device is a less common type, which is normally “ON”
when there is no gate voltage applied. For a n-channel depletion MOSFET, positive VGS
increases the gate current while a negative gate voltage -VGS depletes the majority charge
carriers which are electrons and hence the drain current decreases and eventually the
device turns “OFF”. Similarly, for a p-channel MOSFET, the opposite holds true.

2.3. SPICE

The enhancement MOSFETs are the mostly used in integrated circuits (ICs) to produce
the CMOS logic gates. This is mainly because of their low “ON” resistance and extremely
high “OFF” resistance and their infinitely high input resistance which makes them excel-
lent electronic switches. CMOS stands for Complementary MOS which consists of both
PMOS and NMOS within its design.

Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis (SPICE) is a general purpose ana-
log electronic circuit simulator [7]. It is a circuit simulation program used in IC designing
in order to check for the integrity of a design and to predict the behaviour of a circuit.
As SPICE tools provided the best possible accuracy of results, they were mainly useful
in the following areas :
• Validation of timing of critical paths in circuits
• Characterization of cell libraries
• Modelling and simulation of precision analog components
SPICE simulators are essential for the evaluation, analysis and optimization of any inte-
grated circuit (IC) design [8, 9]. The inputs to a SPICE simulators includes a description
of the circuit in the form of a netlist, a set of device models which which define the
electrical behaviour of the various electronic devices used and a set of input signals.
Generally, a SPICE simulation has three main steps [10] :
• Generating the required input netlist file,
• Running the SPICE simulation,
• Measurement and analyses of the simulation results.

2.4 Description of a Spice Netlist

A SPICE netlist file contains a description of an electronic circuit and consists of a number
of statements defining each circuit element present in the circuit. For example, consider a
RC circuit with a voltage source at the input which is as shown in the figure below:


Figure 2.10: Transient Analysis of RC circuit in SPICE

Here the circuit netlist can be written as :

*Spice Netlist of a simple RC circuit
V1 1 0 ac 1 sin(0Voff 1Vpeak 2KHZ)
R1 1 2 30
C1 2 0 100u
.TRAN 5us 500us
.print tran v(1) v(2)
The first line is always interpreted as a comment. R1 and C1 are the description of the
Resistor and the Capacitor elements of the circuit. The resistor is between nodes 1 and 2
and has a value of 30 ohm, whereas the capacitor is connected between the nodes 2 and 0
and has a value of 100uF. V1 is the AC voltage source which provides a sine wave of DC
offset 0 V, a peak amplitude of 1 V and a frequency of 2kHz. The .TRAN statement is
a SPICE command, which requests a transient analysis over a specified duration with a
specified time-step. In this example, the duration is 500µs and the time-step is 5µs. This
is explained in detail in the following section. .print is another SPICE command used to
print the voltages at any particular node. In this example, the voltages at nodes 1 and 2
are printed. .end marks the end of the netlist.

2.4.1 DC, AC and Transient Analyses in SPICE

Any circuit analysis of a SPICE simulator is fundamentally based on constructing and

solving the circuit equations using some complex numerical techniques [11]. The most
simple analysis in SPICE is the DC analysis or the operating-point analysis. The DC
analysis is also an integral part in various other types of analyses. The energy storage
elements like capacitors and inductors are not considered in a DC analysis. In case they
exist in the circuit description netlist, they are opened or shorted, respectively. Following
this, a set of equations are formulated. Any circuit obeys 3 set of equations : Kirchoff’s
Current Law (KCL), Kirchoff’s Voltage Law (KVL), Branch Constitutive Relation (BCR).
KCL states that the sum of currents at any circuit node is zero at any instant of time.
KVL states that the voltage across any branch in a circuit is equivalent to the difference


between the node voltages. BCR is the equation for any electronic device which governs
its equation, e.g, Ohm’s law for a resistor.
Depending on the method of equation formulation in SPICE, a set of non-linear algebraic
equations are formed and solved. For example, in Sparse Tableau Analysis (STA), all
the formulated equations are solved simultaneously while the sparsity of the equations
are exploited to the maximum. In Modified Nodal Analysis (MNA), the KVL and BCR
equations are substituted in the KCL equations to form n equations in n node voltages,
hence a compact set of equations are obtained. The system of equations are first linearized
using the Newton’s method, and then LU factorization is employed to solve the system of
linear equations. The Jacobian of the system matrix for applying the Newton’s method
is computed and LU is factored at each iteration until the convergence is reached.
A transient analysis in a SPICE simulator determines a circuit’s behaviour in the time
domain. The first step of a transient analysis is the DC operating point analysis which is
carried out to determine the initial conditions. Energy storage elements like capacitors and
inductors present in the circuit will provide ordinary differential equations to the system
of circuit equations. Thus, for a transient analysis, the SPICE simulator is required to
solve a set of non-linear differential algebraic equations (DAEs). The conversion of DAEs
to a set of non-linear algebraic equations is the first step in a transient analysis. This is
done by integrating the DAEs in time domain. The advancement of time for integration is
done by a small interval called the time step and the voltages across the inductor and the
currents through capacitors are integrated using one of the several numerical integration
algorithms. The most popular integration algorithms available in SPICE are Trapezoidal
Rule, Backward Euler and the Gear’s variable order integration. This results in a set
of non-linear algebraic equations which are solved as in a DC analysis. Afterwards, the
simulation proceeds by computing the next time step until the required simulation time
has been reached.

2.4.2 Limitations of SPICE

With accuracy being given the highest priority, SPICE simulators have a number of
restrictions which include the following:
• No device model approximation
• Global convergence to the solution at every time point
• Consistent time discretization for all circuit elements
These restrictions “imply” that at every time point, a system of equations representing
the entire circuit is constructed. Accurate transient simulation requires very small time
steps, even for large latent circuit parts. In other words, a SPICE simulator must simulate
a large number of time steps and in each time step, a huge system of linear equations
must be accurately solved. Hence, the speed, accuracy and reliability of the SPICE
simulators is constantly challenged and the main contribution of this comes from the
cost of evaluating even more complex equation based semiconductor device models (e.g.
BSIM4 with hundreds of parameters) and the computational cost of linear solvers.


2.5 Timing Simulation in Design Flow of VLSI Cir-

The design of a VLSI Circuit ideally starts with a specification at very high abstraction
level and each design step results in a circuit description at lower abstraction level, which
is shown below:

Figure 2.11: Y chart representation of IC design flow [12]

The above chart described the design flow in 3 major domains:

• Behavioural domain
• Structural domain
• Geometrical/ Physical domain
The design flow starts from the highest level and then proceeds to the lower levels (shown
by arrows in the figure) [12].
The more simplified design flow of an IC basically consists of 3 main phases :
• Logic Design


• Physical Design
• Testing
The basic design flow of an IC along with the simulation steps is as shown below :

Figure 2.12: Design Flow of ICs and simulation steps involved

(adapted from [13])

In the above figure, the logic design phase usually consists of the functional simulation
and the pre-layout simulation where as the physical design consists of the post-layout
simulation. Finally, the testing phase aims to detect any physical faults present in the
design, by making use of automatic test pattern generation (ATPG) tool to generate test
vectors for verifying the design.
In general, the major steps involved in a pre and post layout timing simulation [14] of a
circuit is as shown in the figure below:


Figure 2.13: Pre and post layout Simulation Steps [14]

Once the design is completed, the schematic and the layout of the design is obtained.
Initially, the design is validated by conducting tests like design rule check and layout vs.
schematic test. These tests mainly test for the functionality of the circuit and it does
not give the actual timing behaviour of the circuit. They do not consider the effect of
parasitics as well.
Next step is the parasitic extraction of the design, which is used for the actual analysis
of the circuit. The parasitic information of the circuit is used to represent the accurate
electrical circuit model such that simulation of the circuit gives very accurate results
considering the exact amount of extra delay caused by the parasitic resistances and ca-
pacitances. These include, the violations like set-up and hold times, glitches, etc.
In the following subsections, the details about pre- and post- layout simulations shall be

2.5.1 Functional simulation and pre-layout simulation

The logic design phase with functional and prelayout simulation processes involved is as
shown in the figure below:


Figure 2.14: Steps of Logic phase of Design [13]

The first step of the design process after the design is finalized is the functional verification
of the design. This only checks the functionality of the design. It does not provide any
information about the timing of a circuit. As a next step, the prelayout netlist of the
circuit is extracted to perform the pre-layout simulation. The Pre-layout simulations
allow the circuit to be verified at a particular frequency, including the gate delays of the
circuit. It allows the designers to identify and eliminate signal integrity, crosstalk and
other electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) issues. This method is the most cost-effective
way to design a circuit in relatively few iterations, as it occurs much early in the design

2.5.2 Postlayout Simulation

As the technology is scaling to the leading edge nodes of 28nm and below, ever more
complex transistor models with hundreds of parameters are required for the accurate
and reliable timing simulation of new circuit designs. These parasitic elements are now
found to dominate the timing behaviour of the circuit. Furthermore, the impact of the


interconnect parasitic elements on the circuit timing has increased dramatically. So it

is required to accurately simulate circuits with the interconnect parasitic resistance and
capacitances, but in an efficient manner.
The steps of a typical physical design of IC involving postlayout simulation process are
as shown in figure below:

Figure 2.15: Steps of physical phase of Design [13]

The placement and routing process defines the exact location of the cells in a circuit.
This also includes connecting cells with the interconnect material. This is followed by
design rule check (DRC) which checks for rules against place and route so as to avoid any
interference, cross-talk, etc [13]. Finally, post layout simulations are performed to test
that the design meets the given timing requirements.
The more parasitic capacitances and resistances present in a circuit, the larger is the run
time and memory requirements of the simulation [14]. Moreover, the parasitic extraction
from the entire layout of the chip with all the connecting nets can result in an exorbitantly
large netlist size. This may also affect the efficiency of the simulation, while possibly


contributing very little to the overall accuracy of the simulation results.

Also, as the resistance effect of the interconnects can no longer be ignored, the designers
have moved from “C” to “RC” model for post-layout simulation.
Another considerable challenge is the presence of process variation effects. This introduces
the need to simulate circuits for various process corners and this in turn increases the
simulation run time and increases memory requirements.

2.5.3 Definitions related to Circuit Timing Combinational Circuits and sequential circuits

A circuit is called a combinational circuit if it has combinational devices like logic gates
(AND, OR, etc), MUXs and has no memory elements like Flip-flops, Registers etc [15].
The figure below shows an example of a combinational circuit.

Figure 2.16: Combinational Circuit

If a circuit contains memory elements also in addition to logic gates, then such a circuit
is called a Sequential Circuit. Example of such a circuit is as shown below:

Figure 2.17: Sequential Circuit with a Flip-Flop


It is important to differentiate between the combinational and sequential circuits for

timing analysis because combinational circuit timing analysis primarily deals with propa-
gation delay of the logic gates and interconnect in the circuit only. For sequential circuit
timing analysis, there are various other timing characteristics that should be satisfied
which includes the setup time, hold time, and minimum clock period.
In this thesis, only combinational circuits are considered for timing analysis. Delay Definitions

Any logic gate has some delay associated with it to transfer the voltage change at an
input to the output of the gate. An ideal gate does not have any such delay, but in
reality, all gates have some delay between a significant change of the gate input voltage
and a significant change of the gate output voltage. This delay associated with a gate is
called the propagation delay (or simply gate delay) of the gate. Consider an inverter
having the following input and output waveform (with supply voltage Vdd = 1V ) as shown
in [16] the figure below :

Figure 2.18: Input and output waveform of an Inverter [16]

Some common delay definitions with respect to the above are described below [17]:
tpdr : Rise Propagation Delay
The Rise propagate delay is defined as the delay between 50% point of the input to the
50% point of the rising output of the gate.
tpdf : Fall Propagation Delay


The Fall propagate delay is defined as the delay between 50% point of the input to the
50% point of the falling output of the gate.

tpd : Average Propagation Delay

The average propagation delay is defined as the average of the tpdr and tpdf . i.e,

(tpdr + tpdf )
tpd = (2.3)
The transition time is the time between two neighboring 0.1Vdd and 0.9Vdd voltage crossing
points. Depending on the sign of the voltage change, it is also called rise time or fall
tr : Rise Time
The rise time is usually defined as the time taken for a rising transition to increase from
the lower threshold to the upper threshold, usually 0.1Vdd to 0.9Vdd respectively, where,
Vdd is the supply voltage.
tf : Fall Time
The fall time is usually defined as the time taken for a falling transition to decrease from
an upper threshold to the lower threshold, usually 0.9Vdd to 0.1Vdd , where Vdd is the
supply voltage.

Chapter 3

State of the Art in Circuit Timing


3.1 Timing Model - Gate and interconnect model

Timing models typically consist of the driver model, interconnect model and the receiver
model (Fig 3.1). The driver and receiver model, together referred to as the gate model,
require characterization using circuit simulators, while the interconnect model can be
extracted from a layout. A timing model can be represented as follows:

Figure 3.1: Block Diagram of a timing model

The accuracy and runtime of the timing simulation is determined by the accuracy and the
computational cost required to evaluate the circuit model. The circuit model is a netlist of
gate and interconnect models. To find a suitable trade-off between runtime and accuracy,
gate and interconnect models at different abstraction levels have been proposed.
On a broad level, simulators are generally classified into the following categories:
• Gate level simulator
• Switch level simulator
• Transistor-level
• Circuit level simulator
The figure below depicts the accuracy-runtime variation of the above mentioned type of
simulators as compared to SPICE simulators (which is a circuit level simulator) which
can be treated as ”Exact” Simulators.


Figure 3.2: Relative accuracy and runtime of the timing simulation

with gate and interconnect models of different abstraction levels,
adapted from [11]

3.2 Different abstraction of simulators

In general, switch-level and gate-level simulators in the above figure sacrifice accuracy in
order to achieve huge speed-up. These are mainly used for the functional simulation of the
circuits, completely ignoring the timing information. “Exact” Simulators refers to those
where the circuits are simulated with SPICE like tools which use complex device models
(e.g BSIM4), which demands extremely large computation requirements. Hence, this
type of simulation becomes practically impossible for very large circuits. Transistor-level
simulator is the category of simulators which are used to determine the timing results of a
circuit with a reduced accuracy than “Exact” simulators, but at a much faster speed.

3.2.1 Gate-Level Simulation

In gate-level simulators [18], the circuit to be simulated is modelled as a number of logic

gates connected together. Each logic gate has a delay model that represents the delay of
the gate, which is the time a transition at the input of the gate needs to propagate to the
output of the gate. The simulation algorithm consists of a simple event driven mechanism.
Gates whose inputs are exclusively connected to primary inputs are evaluated first and
their outputs are updated at the appropriate time in future. Following these, once the
outputs of the gates in the first logic level are updated, the fanout gates are simulated
and their corresponding outputs are updated. Thus events are repeatedly scheduled and
evaluated until the circuit is simulated for the required number of cycles. This kind of
logic simulation forms the most integral part of any IC designing process.


Most of the cell libraries comprise of table models which specify the delay and timing
checks for various timing arcs of the cell. These table models are usually referred to
as Non Linear Delay Models (NLDMs). The NLDMs are the traditionally used delay
models. These models are look-up table (LUT) based models which store the gate delay
and the output transition time in 2 look-up tables for various input transition times
(tin ) and output load capacitance Cout as the entries. The delay information is usually
obtained from the Liberty (.lib) file, also called as the timing library file. However, if
customised cell library is required for some particular parameter values, then the cells can
be characterised by using tools like HSpice or similar tools.
The gate delay and output transition time are characterised using a circuit simulator with
appropriate input stimulus to cause the output transition. These look-up tables are later
used with linear interpolation technique to obtain the gate delay and output transition
time while simulating the gates in a circuit.
The accuracy of the timing analysis depends on the accuracy of the cell characterisation.
The delay and the output transition time LUTs constructed for NLDMs usually consist
of fixed number of entries , e.g, 5 X 5 , 7 X 7 tables of (tin , Cout ) pairs [19]. The value
of timing information for other (tin ,Cout ) pair is obtained by interpolation of the nearest

Figure 3.3: NLDM measurement points, adapted from [20]

The above picture shows the input/output measurement points. It is seen that in NLDM,
only 3 cross over points are determined, 0%, 50% and the 100% points (marked as lower,
delay and upper threshold in the input and the output waveforms). The gate delay is
modelled as the difference between the 50% points of the input and the output waveform
and the output transition time is the difference between the 0% and the 100% points of
the output waveform [20].


Once the characterisation data is available, NLDMs offer extremely fast timing analysis.
However, these timing models have a disadvantage that they are insufficient to reflect
the non-linearities of the circuit at lower geometry. Another shortcoming of the NLDMs
is that it fails to capture the effect of miller capacitance effects between the input and
output nodes. This effect dominates the delay calculation for small impedance nets.
Also, NLDMs fail to capture the effect of multiple input transitions at the input of a gate.
Hence, the timing analysis with this model becomes very crude in cases of multiple input
switching (MIS). CCS and ECSM Timing Model

To account for the inaccurate results provided by NLDMs, several other models like
the ECSM and the CCS were developed. Effective Current Source Model (ECSM) is
essentially based on current source modelling. It stores the various voltage sample values
as a function of time.
The composite current source (CCS) provides all the necessary tools and guidelines for
the accurate library characterization and validation. The CCS is the first in the EDA
industry to deliver a complete open-source current based modeling solution for timing,
noise and power [21]. Along with the various available parsers, characterization tools,
validation tools and guidelines, these provide an open source Liberty modelling format
which enables efficient characterization for cell library creators.
Some facts about the CCS include [22]:
1. Uses a current source for modelling the driver
2. Stores the gate output current as a function of time. It stores data specifically
targeted at characterizing a cell’s timing, noise, and power behaviour.
3. CCS consists of more data points as opposed to NLDM which captures only three
cross-over points. Hence, CCS requires more memory than NLDMs.
4. The receiver model for the CCS consists of a 2-segment capacitor in order to model
the Miller Effect
5. CCS provides much better accuracy than NLDMs
6. CCS enables both temperature and voltage scaling of detailed cell behaviour.
7. CCS addresses the existing and emerging design requirements including the physical
effects of nanometer designs as well as the needs of design strategies such as multiple-
voltage domains
The timing model of a cell with CCS or ECSM consists of a driver model and a receiver
model along with the interconnect Model. The driver model consists of a time and voltage
dependent current source in addition to the cell parasitics, and a cell output current is
characterised for a given output load and input waveform The advantages of such a model
are :


• Current source models are known to be very efficient in modelling the non-linear
switching activity of transistors and hence prove to be very accurate.
• It is known to be better than traditional NLDM gate models in handling the com-
plex interconnects which is prevalent in the currently existing low-power nanometer
• This model provides high accuracy even when the drive resistance is much lower
than the interconnect impedance as it has much more detailed information on drive
One disadvantage of these CCS and ECSM is that the characterisation is dependent on the
input signal and the output load capacitance. Also, another drawback is the computation
overhead caused by these models. Hence, substantial research is being made to develop
these models with high accuracy and to keep the computation overhead minimal.

3.2.2 Switch-level Simulation

Switch level simulation is applied exclusively to digital circuits. Here each transistor is
modelled as a voltage controlled resistive switch which is either on or off [23]. Each
transistor is assigned a fixed conductance or resistance to describe the current driving
capability of the transistor. This type of simulation is repeated for different values of the
signals at the primary input. This type of simulation is efficient because its MOSFET
model is very simple and very large circuits can be simulated. However, there are a few
fundamental limitations linked to this simple modelling of MOSFET. Firstly, it gives
very little timing information and secondly certain analog situations like charge-sharing,
glitches, etc are worst handled.
An example of a resistive switch representation of a NOR gate followed by an Inverter
gate is as shown in figure below:

Figure 3.4: Resistive Switch Representation [24]


The very first switch level timing simulator was the MOTIS [25]. This simulator used
Look-up tables to store the I-V characteristics of transistors. The charging current of the
load capacitance was determined from these tables to evaluate the change of voltage at
the output of the component connected block (CCB).
Following these, there were numerous simulators that were developed which approximated
the device and circuit quantities by piecewise approximate functions. These included the
E-LOGIC simulators [26] which used the method of nodal analysis, but considered the
voltage to be discretized into different “levels”. The various times at which the discrete
voltage levels are reached at output node is found and simulation is done in an event-
driven manner. To speed up the simulation process more, the MOS transistor models
were further simplified and were considered as current-limited switches for very fast event-
driven simulation.

3.2.3 Transistor level Simulation

The more complex and time-consuming type of simulators are the transistor-level simu-
lators which model the transistors in a logic gate by describing their non-linear current
and voltage equations. Thus, these simulators have much more complex gate models that
provide more accurate results but these models are much simpler when compared to gate
models of SPICE tools, and hence they provide faster than SPICE results. This is seen
in the fig 3.2 shown above.
Some simulators based on transistor-level models include ACES and SAMSON. In ACES
[27], the I-V characteristics of the transistors were stored as PWL functions, and the
voltage waveform was obtained by performing explicit integration with adaptive time
steps to achieve an accurate and efficient simulation. SAMSON [28] was essentially a
mixed logic simulator, that used event-driven algorithms to exploit latency. This simulator
provided much more accurate results than the previous ones. Current Source Models(CSM)

In an attempt to solve the accuracy of gate model in presence of process variations, noise
and voltage fluctuations, Current Source Models were developed [29].
The traditionally available NLDMs are used to abstract the delay and output transition
times of cells which are later used for the timing analysis. However at geometries 90nm
and below, many new effects cannot be modelled properly. Some of these challenges
include :
• Miller Effect
• Multiple Input Switching (MIS)
• High Impedance interconnect
• Dynamic IR drop
• Temperature Inversion


• Process Variations
The very first CSM which was called as Blade [30], was developed using a voltage con-
trolled current source, a capacitance and the time shift of the output voltage waveform.
Since CSM is an active research topic, various models have been developed over the past
years [31–34]. In [34], the logic gate was modelled to consist of a nonlinear current source,
an input and output voltage dependent capacitors and a miller capacitor connected be-
tween the input and the output nodes. This model could not handle situations where a
fast ramp signal is applied at the gate input a small capacitive load is present at the gate
output. Thus, this work was extended to include a calibration capacitance in [35]. This
was later adapted in paper to provide high accuracy even in case of multi-stage circuits

3.2.4 Circuit level Simulation

Conventionally used simulators for postlayout simulation included traditional true spice
simulators, that gave very accurate results. But as the circuit size grew and the par-
asitic effects of technology increased, these simulators demanded unimaginable runtime
and memory. The memory and the CPU time requirements demanded by these exact
simulators for simulating even moderately-sized circuits (having say 50,000 transistors)
turn out to be unacceptable. This gave rise to a much accelerated class of fast spice
simulators which provides an optimised run-time.
In general, these simulators sacrifice the accuracy of timing simulation (ideally in the
range of 10% relative to exact simulators) to reduce the computational cost.
The properties of these fast-spice simulators include:
1. Use of approximate MOSFET models
2. Reduction of parasitic resistance and capacitance network to speed up the simulation
3. Applies partition algorithms and uses partition matrix to perform hierarchical sim-
4. They seek to simplify the repeated evaluation of the non-linear analytic device
models. Thus, sacrificing the accuracy of simulation for speed.
5. Employ the use of “event-driven” algorithms which incur computation only when
there is activity in the circuit and only in those portions of the circuit where there
is any activity and hence exploits the latency of the circuit.
6. Speedup over the SPICE simulators by using more simplified linearization or inte-
gration techniques.
7. Simulators are built using gate models that partition the circuit into “channel con-
nected components” which are essentially sub-circuits consisting of transistors which
are drain-source channel connected. The boundary of these channel connected com-
ponents are either the gates of transistors, primary input of the circuits, primary
outputs of circuits, power supply or ground.


These fast-spice simulators provide IC designers additional timing estimation methods

which prove to be an integral part of the design methodology. They form the basis for
timing and power estimation methods in the design of ICs and they have become an
integral part of any design process of ASICs, memory, etc.

3.3 Interconnect Modelling

In the past history of Integrated Circuits, the interconnect wires were considered only in
certain special cases or when some high-precision analysis is performed. But, as the device
dimensions are constantly reducing and the speed of the circuits are aimed to be increased,
the parasitic effects of the wire interconnects can no more be neglected [37]. This is further
aggravated by the fact that the improving technology has enabled the manufacturing of
larger die sizes economically feasible, which in turn means an increased average length of
the interconnect wires and hence the increased parasitic effects of these wires. Thus, it
is becoming an essential need to consider and simulate the wire interconnects as well in
addition to simulating the various gates in the circuits. In other words, with continuous
scaling, the delay contributed by the interconnects or the wires is becoming a significant
contributor in the total delay of the circuit.
An ideal wire is the one that has no parasitic elements like parasitic resistances or parasitic
capacitances associated with it and hence it has no effect on the electrical properties of
the circuit [37]. Such ideal wires are considered to be equi-potential in the sense that
a voltage applied to one end of the wire propagates immediately to the other end even
if separated by a distance. This is the most simplistic model of a wire and it is usually
considered in the early stages of design when it is more important to analyse the behaviour
of the transistors. However, with constantly shrinking technology, and for the accurate
simulation of circuits, it is important to consider more complex model for the wires so as
to analyse their effect on the electrical properties of the circuit.
To study the effects of interconnects on the simulation of a circuit, it is important to
accurately approximate the actual behaviour of the wire as a function of its parameters.
These are called as interconnect models which may vary from being very simple to very
complex depending on the accuracy requirements.
The basic idea of interconnect modelling is to produce a reduced order model of the in-
terconnect networks which captures the original interconnect behaviour upto a particular
frequency. Reduced order models of large RC networks can be plugged into any timing
simulator and simulated more efficiently with the non-linear drivers and receivers.
Some examples of the interconnect models are:
• Lumped C model
• Lumped RC model
• Distributed RC model [37]


3.3.1 Lumped C model

The simulation of interconnects for the simple gate model is done by reducing the RC
interconnect network into a lumped C model. This means that the entire RC network
of the interconnect wire is represented by using a single capacitance as shown in figure

Figure 3.5: RC network reduction using Lumped C model, adapted

from [37]

The lumped C model considers only the dominating capacitive parasitics of a wire and
assumes the resistive components to be negligibly small. The distributive capacitances of
a wire are lumped together into a single capacitance as shown in the figure above. This
model still represents the wire as a equipotential region and it only changes the capacitive
loading effect on the driving gate. This wire model is quite simple and yet effective and
it is the most commonly used wire model in the analysis of ICs.

3.3.2 Lumped RC Model

For very small on-chip wires of the sizes of few mm length, the resistance effect is quite
significant. The equipotential assumption assumed in the simple lumped C model is not
adequate anymore and hence a RC model is adopted.
The simplest way to model the interconnect resistances and capacitances using the lumped
RC model is to lump all resistors of the net into 1 resistor and to lump all capacitances
to 1 capacitance. Thus, the model can be represented as follows:


Figure 3.6: RC network reduction using Lumped RC model, adapted

from [37]

The Rlumped and Clumped represent the overall lumped resistance and capacitance of the

Chapter 4

Design of a Heterogeneous Gate


This chapter presents the proposed heterogeneous gate model for fast and accurate timing
simulation. An abstract description of the model is presented in section 4.1. The following
section 4.2 shows the waveform model, which defines the inputs and the output of this
model during simulation. The section 4.3 defines the simple gate model and the sections
4.4 and 4.5 describe the details of the advanced gate model of the proposed heterogeneous
gate model.
In this thesis, we shall consider only the 2-input NOR gate and the inverter gate for all
the following sections that follow. This ensures that all circuits used for the validation of
this model are synthesized using these 2 gates only.

4.1 Model Description

The proposed heterogeneous gate model combines a very fast gate-level model designed
for single input switching with a complex but very accurate transistor-level model.

4.1.1 Overview

The heterogeneous gate model proposed in this thesis uses a simple gate model for single
input gates (Inverter Gate) and in case of a multiple input gate, it uses a classifier to
determine whether a multiple input switching (MIS) case is detected at the gate input.
In case of MIS scenario being detected, the advanced gate model based on current source
model (CSM) is simulated to compute the next gate output transition as this model
considers the effect of MIS, which the simple gate model fails to capture. Thus, the
heterogeneous gate model consists of a simple gate model based on NLDM, an advanced
gate model based on CSM and a classifier to choose between the 2 when a MIS case
occurs. Note that this gate model takes the voltage waveform at the gate inputs and the
gate output as the input and produces the gate output current waveform as result.


The idea of the proposed heterogeneous gate model can be represented as shown in the
figure below:

Figure 4.1: Proposed heterogeneous gate model for efficient timing


The purpose of combining gate models of different abstraction levels is to explore the
trade off between the speed of simulation using the simple gate model and the accuracy
achieved using the advanced gate model. The classifier thus plays an important role in
achieving this trade-off between the speed and accuracy of simulation.
The primary idea of using the classifier for a multi-input gate lies in the fact that although
NLDM provides very fast computation results, these results are inaccurate, especially in
cases where multiple input switching occurs. The timing libraries used by the NLDMs
have the pin-to-pin delays of each gate characterized for single input switching case only.
The impact of simultaneous switching of the gate inputs can cause significant errors in
the timing estimates of the gate [38]. Since this effect of multiple input switching is not
captured in NLDMs, another advanced gate simulation algorithm is used in such cases
compute the next gate output transition more accurately.

4.1.2 Impact of Multiple Input Switching on Gate Delay

Given that the simple gate model calculates the next gate output transition much faster
when compared to the advanced gate model, it is most desirable to simulate all gates
using the simple model except for those cases, where simultaneous switching of the gate
inputs occurs. To avoid the application of the advanced gate model in cases where the
simple gate model provides sufficient accuracy, it is necessary to design the classifier in
such a way that it chooses the time consuming advanced gate model only when it is
For any basic logic gate, we can define the Controlling and the Non-Controlling values.
The controlling value completely determine the value at the output of the gate. Hence, the
input transition can either be Controlling to Non-Controlling (CTN) or Non-Controlling
to Controlling (NTC) depending on its effect at the output of the gate. For example,


for a NOR gate, the Controlling value is 1 and the Non-Controlling value is 0. Thus, a
falling transition is a CTN transition, while a rising transition is a NTC transition.
Consider the cmos 2-input NOR gate as shown below:

Figure 4.2: CMOS NOR gate

In the above diagram of a NOR gate, Q1 and Q2 are p-channel MOSFET transistors and
Q3 and Q4 are p-channel MOSFET transistors. The inputs of the NOR gate are denoted
by A and B and the output of the gate is denoted by Z.
When only one gate input (A or B) has a transition and the other input remains at
the non-controlling value, the delay of the gate is called the single input switching (SIS)
delay. This delay can be determined quite accurately using a simple gate model like
When both A and B have NTC (rising) transitions, both the n-channel MOSFET (Q3
and Q4) are conducting in parallel. Therefore, the gate is discharged with twice the
current. In this case, the output arrival time is determined by the earliest arriving signal.
Similarly, when both inputs A and B have a CTN (falling) input transitions, then the
current starts flowing only when both the p-channel MOSFET are conducting. Therefore,
the latest arriving signal determines the arrival time at the gate output.
When multiple inputs of the gate switch, it is necessary to consider whether they switch
in the same direction or not. If multiple inputs switch in opposite directions, they either


do not propagate a signal to the output or they produce a glitch at the output of the gate.
Hence, it is more important to consider those multiple input transitions which happen in
the same direction.

4.1.3 Definition of Classifier

When the gate to be simulated is a multi-input gate, initially the transitions at the input
of the gate are analysed to determine whether they cause a transition at the output of
the gate. If a transition occurs at the gate output due to a transition at one of the gate
inputs while the other gate inputs remain stable during that time, then the gate output
transition is computed according to the simple gate model.
However, if a gate output transition is caused due to the combined effect of multiple gate
inputs switching almost simultaneously, the simple gate model cannot provide sufficient
accuracy and the classifier has to choose the advanced gate model for the computation of
this output transition. From the above section, it can be seen that the most important
parameter that determines the MIS effect on the gate delay is the relative arrival time
between the 2 input transitions. Hence the classifier must consider this parameter to
determine MIS scenario.
To minimize the computational cost for the classification of every gate output transition,
the design of the classifier is kept as simple as possible and hence the classifier evaluates
the absolute difference in arrival times between the 2 inputs that switch simultaneously.
If this absolute difference is less than a particular threshold, the output transition is
computed according to the advanced gate model to simulate the gate. Otherwise the gate
output transition is computed using the simple gate model. The design representation of
the classifier is as follows:

Figure 4.3: Block diagram of the efficient classifier

Suppose that the 2 inputs of a 2-input NOR gate are represented as A and B and let the
output of the gate be represented as Z. Let Vdd denote the supply voltage of the gate.
The transition time of a transition tr, where tr ∈ (R, F ), can be denoted as T A tr and
represents the time taken for the input to rise from 0.1Vdd to 0.9Vdd in case of rising


transition (R) or the time taken for the input to fall from 0.9Vdd to 0.1Vdd in case of a
falling transition (F). The arrival time of any transition on input A can be denoted as
AA tr and it is defined as the time when the voltage at input A reaches 0.5Vdd . Similarly,
AB tr denotes the arrival time of a transition at input B. The Relative Signal Arrival
Time (RSAT) between 2 transitions at inputs A and B is denoted by δ A,B and is defined
as the difference
δ A,B = AA B
tr − Atr (4.1)
between the transition arrival times at input A and input B.
To decide whether the simple or the advanced gate model should be used to compute the
output transition, a suitable threshold for |δ A,B | must be determined. This threshold is
chosen based on the analysis in [38], which will be summarized in the following.
For a 2 input NOR gate, the delay of the gate when a single input has a rising transition is
much larger than the case when both the inputs have rising transitions. This is because,
in the latter case, multiple n-channel MOSFET transistors are turned ON for the output
gate capacitance to discharge. The speed-up caused by simultaneous transition of the
inputs, can be easily understood by plotting the gate delay as a function of the RSAT
δ A,B , keeping the input transition times, TA R and TB R , at some constant value. The
plot is as shown below:

Figure 4.4: Fall propagation delay dZ R of 2-input NOR gate as a

function of δ A,B [38]

It is seen from the above graph that the speedup caused due to simultaneous switching
is significant only when the difference between the arrival times of the 2 inputs (RSAT)
is close to zero. Thus, an upper bound SAR and a lower bound SBR can be found such
that if
SBR < δ A,B < SAR, (4.2)
the MIS effect has significant impact on the delay of the gate [38]. SAR is the minimum
δ A,B for which the gate delay is unaffected by the transition at input B and is completed
determined by the transition at input A. Similarly, SBR is also defined the same way.
Hence, one of the important parameters to be considered for determining the effect of MIS
on the delay of the gate is the Relative Signal Arrival Time δ A,B between the transition
arrival times at the gate inputs A and B.


Other factors that determine how significant MIS is on the gate output are the gate input
transition times. Again from literature [38] , it is seen that for a fixed value of δ A,B and
TB tr , the gate delay is a function of TA tr which is either:
(i) monotonically increasing, or
(ii) monotonically increasing and then monotonically decreasing.
This is true for both rising and falling transitions and is illustrated as shown in the figure
below, where dZ,A
F and dZ,A
R denotes the gate delay for a falling or a rising transition at
input A.

Figure 4.5: (a) Propagation delay vs. Rise time of input signal A (b)
Propagation delay vs. Fall time of input signal A [38]

Similarly, when the output transition time is plotted as a function of TA tr , for some
constant TB tr and δ A,B , it is strictly monotonically increasing. This is shown in the figure
below, where tZ,A
F and tZ,A
R denotes the output transition time for a falling or a rising
transition at input A:

Figure 4.6: Output transition time vs. Transition time of input signal A [38]

However, the gate delay dZ,A tr and the output transition time tZ,A tr has the same variation
with the relative arrival time between the 2 inputs.


Figure 4.7: (a) gate delay vs. RSAT (b) output transition time vs.
RSAT [38]

So, from the above, it can be concluded that output transition time increases with increas-
ing input transition time, and, the gate delay is bitonic with respect to input transition.
It is seen that the minimum gate delay is observed Relative Signal Arrival Time δ A,B is
close to zero. However, the minimum output transition time does not necessarily occur
when δ A,B = 0

4.2 Input and Output Waveform Model

One of the most important parameters to consider while designing the heterogeneous
gate model is the modelling of the input and the output waveforms. The inputs to the
heterogeneous gate model are voltage waveforms and the output of the heterogeneous
gate model is a current waveform. All waveforms are modelled as Piece-Wise Linear
functions (PWL). A PWL function is used to construct a waveform by combining a series
of straight line segments connecting a number of (x,y) pair of values which are defined by
the user.
In the following, the piece-wise linear function model of a waveform will be called piece-
wise linear waveform. For example, the PWL voltage waveform with 5 voltage levels of
{0V, 0.22V, 0.44V, 0.66V, 0.88V, 1.1V} with an alternating time gap of 1us and 2us is
as shown in the figure below:


Figure 4.8: Example of a PWL Waveform

Here, the voltage is considered to be linear between any 2 consecutive voltage points.
That is, between 0V and 0.22V, the voltage is considered to be linearly rising with time
at the rate of 0.22V per 1us, while between the voltages 0.22V and 0.44V, the voltage
is linearly rising at the rate of 0.11V per 1us. This way, the voltage waveform is linear
in pieces although on the whole form 0V to 1.1V, it may not be considered linear. The
waveform in the above example can be represented as :

{(0, 0V ), (1us, 0.22V ), (3us, 0.44V ), (4us, 0.66V ), (6us, 0.88V ), (7us, 1.1V )} (4.3)

The piece-wise linear voltage waveform is usually defined as a set of (time, voltage) pairs
while for a current waveform, it is defined as a set of (time, current) pairs. The more pairs
(x, y) are used to represent the waveform, the more accurate the shape of the waveform
will be. This flexibility is particularly important given the non-linear nature of the gate
output current modelled in the advanced simulation algorithm of the heterogeneous gate
model. This in turn helps in finding the accurate voltage waveform at the output of the

4.3 Simple Gate Model

The Non Linear Delay Model (NLDM) has proven to be very efficient if the gate output
transition is caused by a single transition at one of the gate inputs while the other gate
inputs remain constant. Therefore, the NLDM is chosen to be the simple gate model
within the heterogeneous gate mode.
The high efficiency of the NLDM is achieved by the extensive use of Look-up tables
(LUTs). Various LUTs have already been characterized for each gate representing the
gate delay and the output transition time.


A NLDM cell library contains, for each cell, four lookup-tables representing the rise delay,
fall delay, rise transition and fall transition from each input pin to the output pin of the
gate [39].
The input waveform at any gate input is defined as a Piecewise linear waveform (PWL)
with the 0% and the 100% points of the voltage waveform represented as (time, voltage)
pairs. Therefore, the input transition time is the difference between the times at 0%
and 100% voltage points. Let (t1 , v1 ) be the (time,voltage) pair corresponding to the
0% voltage point and (t2 , v2 ) be the point corresponding to 100% point. Then the input
transition time is t2 − t1 .
It is assumed that a load capacitance of fixed size is attached to the gate output. The size
of this capacitance is computed from the interconnect parasitic capacitances, parasitic
resistances and the sum of the input capacitances of all the receiving gates.
In the following, the extraction of the gate delay and the output transition times from
the tables is as explained. Each table represents a two dimensional function, which maps
the given pair of input transition time and output capacitance to either the gate delay
or the output transition time. In the special case that a table entry exactly matches the
given pair of input transition time and output capacitance, the timing value corresponds
directly to the values stored in the table and hence the table becomes trivial.In case the
values of the input transition time and the output capacitance do not correspond to the
table entries, then a 2-D interpolation of the four nearest neighbours [40] is performed to
extract the timing values.
Suppose x1 and x2 are the two input slope values and y1 and y2 are the two values
corresponding to the output capacitance. Let T11 , T12 ,T21 and T22 be the corresponding
table values. The interpolation formula for the delay values for the pair (x0 ,y0 ) is then
defined as:

T 00 = x20 ∗ y 20 ∗ T 11 + x20 ∗ y 01 ∗ T 12 + x01 ∗ y 20 ∗ T 21 + x01 ∗ y 01 ∗ T 22 (4.4)

where the intermediate terms x01 , x20 , y01 , y20 are calculated as :

x01 = (x0 − x1 )/(x2 − x1 ) (4.5)

x20 = (x2 − x0 )/(x2 − x1 ) (4.6)
y01 = (y0 − y1 )/(y2 − y1 ) (4.7)
y20 = (y2 − y0 )/(y2 − y1 ) (4.8)

The gate simulation with the simple gate model uses the above mentioned formula for
calculating the gate delay and the output transition times at the output of the logic gate.
Then, the transition is appended to the PWL function, by storing the 0% and 100% cross-
over points. Let d be the pin-to-pin delay of the gate from input X and ot be the output
transition time, both corresponding to a particular input transition time and output load.
Then the arrival time of the output transition is defined as :

AZ = AX + d (4.9)


Now, since the output transition time (ot) is also known from the LUTs, the 0% and the
100% points can be easily determined as follows:

t1 = AZ − (ot/2) (4.10)


t2 = AZ + (ot/2) (4.11)

For a falling output transition, t1 represents the time at which the output is at Vdd and
t2 is the time at which the output falls to 0V. In case of a rising transition at the output,
t1 represents the time at which the output is at 0V and t2 is the time at which the output
rises to Vdd .
For the use of the NLDM within the proposed heterogeneous gate model, several modifica-
tions are necessary. At first, an input transition consisting of more than two time/voltage
pairs must be approximated by two time/voltage pairs (t1 , v1 ) and (t2 , v2 ). This is done
by finding the 10% and 90% voltage crossing points.
Second, the heterogeneous gate model is required to produce a current waveform at the
gate output. Therefore, the gate output current during a transition must be computed.
If C denotes the capacitance at the gate output and V denotes the gate output voltage,
then the gate output current is I = C ∗ dV /dt. Since the output voltage changes linearly
with the time t, the gate output current I1 is

I1 = C ∗ (v2 − v1 )/(t2 − t1 ) (4.12)

during a gate output transition from (t1 , v1 ) to (t2 , v2 ) and zero otherwise.
The time intervals during which the current flows are determined from the equations 4.10
and 4.11.

4.4 Advanced Gate Model for a CMOS Inverter

In [41], a very accurate current source gate model was presented, which can be used
to efficiently simulate multiple transitions at the gate inputs and was selected as the
advanced gate model.
Section 4.4.1 summarizes the most important cell characteristics of a CMOS inverter,
which have a significant impact on the gate output current. This analysis leads to the
construction of an accurate current source model in section 4.4.2. The characterization
of all model parameters is finally explained in section 4.4.3.


4.4.1 Important Cell Characteristics of a CMOS Inverter

One of the most important cell characteristics is the DC current through the gate output,
which depends only on the instantaneous voltages at the gate inputs and outputs.
At any time instant, the output current of the gate charges/discharges the load capaci-
tances and the parasitic capacitances present at the output of the gate. Thus,

I dc (V i (t), V o (t)) = I load + I parasitic (4.13)

I dc (V i (t), V o (t)) is the instantaneous dc output current of the gate
I load current flowing over the gate output, and,
I parasitic is the current which flows inside the logic cell to charge or discharge the cells
internal parasitic capacitances
Of critical importance for the circuit timing simulation is the current Iload , which is
flowing over the gate output and charges/discharges the parasitic capacitances of the
interconnect network and the input capacitances of all receiving gates. It is clear from
the above equation that the cells parasitic capacitances can significantly reduce Iload and
must therefore also be considered as important cell characteristics.
The output parasitic capacitance of any gate is composed of 2 main capacitances - gate-
drain capacitance (Cgd ) and the drain-bulk capacitance (Cdb ). Similar capacitances exist
between any of two of the four terminals of a MOSFET, as shows for a p-MOSFET in
the following figure.

Figure 4.9: p-MOSFET parasitics [1]


The value of these parasitic capacitances depend on the terminal voltages of the gate and
hence it varies during a transition at the input/output of the gate. In general, drain-bulk
capacitance Cdb depends only on the output voltage and the Cgd depends on the mode of
operation of the transistor and hence the terminal voltages. For any switching input of
the gate, Cgd depends on both input and output voltages which represents the miller ca-
pacitance. For the accurate simulation of a library cell, many more parasitic capacitances
and resistances arise from the cell layout, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 4.10: Schematic of inverter gate after layout extraction [1]

Of particular importance are:

• The capacitances between the gate input “in” and ground “gnd” or power-supply
pin “vdd”, which determine the input capacitance of the inverter.


• The coupling capacitances between the input “in” and the output “out3”.
• The capacitances between the output “out3” and ground “gnd” or power-supply
pin “vdd”, which determine the gate output capacitance.
This analysis leads to the current source model in the next subsection.

4.4.2 Description of Current Source Model

Any logic gate is modelled as a non-linear current source with accurate non-linear capac-
For an inverter gate with only one switching input, the complete gate model can be
represented by the figure below :

Figure 4.11: Gate model for single input switching [41]

In the above figure, Ci represents the receiver capacitance as seen by the gate input,
Cm (Vin ,Vout ) represents the miller capacitance at the switching gate input, Idc (Vin ,Vout )
represents the non-linear gate output current, Co (Vin ,Vout ) represents the sum of all par-
asitic capacitances at the output of the gate, and, Zload represents the load connected at
the output of the gate.
The miller capacitance Cm is simply a coupling capacitance between the input and output
terminals of a gate. It causes an amplification effect on the coupling capacitances (gate-
source, gate drain capacitance) at the input and output terminals of the gate. That is
because this coupling capacitor (miller capacitor) experiences a voltage swing at the gate
input and simultaneously a voltage swing of opposite direction at the gate output. The
presence of the miller capacitance results in the change of the input capacitance of the
gate. The importance of the miller capacitance lies in the fact that if the changed input
capacitance if not captured accurately, it results in causing significant variations in the
timing simulations of circuits. Hence, the transient analysis of any logic gate using the
above mentioned gate model depends significantly on the Miller capacitance along with
the output load capacitance at the gate output.


Using Kirchhoff’s Current Law at the gate output node, the gate output DC current in
Fig 4.11 at any time instant t can be written as :

Idc (Vin , Vout ) = iCm + iCo + Iload (4.14)

dVout dVin dVout
= Cm (Vin , Vout ) − + Co (Vin , Vout ) + Iload (4.15)
dt dt dt

Therefore, the gate output current waveform at any time instant t is defined as
dVout dVin dVout
Iload = Idc (Vin , Vout ) − Cm (Vin , Vout ) − − Co (Vin , Vout ) . (4.16)
dt dt dt

4.4.3 Current Source Model Characterisation

The parameters of the current source and the parasitic capacitances depend on the gate
terminal voltages. Therefore, it is necessary to measure the current and the capacitances
for many different combinations of gate input and output voltages. Although this demands
some time for characterization, it only has to be done once for each library cell.
The characterization of the dc output current and the parasitic capacitances of the gate
was performed by a supervisor. Characterization of DC Output Current

The dc output current corresponding to instantaneous input voltage, Vin (t) and instan-
taneous output voltage Vout (t) is determined using SPICE transient analysis. The setup
for measuring the gate output current of INV X1 gate in SPICE is as shown below:

Figure 4.12: Current characterization for INV X1 gate

By performing DC analysis in SPICE, we can obtain the gate output current as the
current flowing through a voltage source connected at the output of the gate. Thus, the
instantaneous dc current at the output of a gate can be found by characterizing the gate
for different input and output voltages.


The input and output voltage sources are swept from 0 to 1.1V, which is the supply
voltage at a step size of 0.1V. Hence, for each combination of input and output voltage,
the DC analysis is performed and the current at the output of the gate is measured. This
is stored as tables in MySQL. Later, this table is used to determine the DC output current
corresponding to any input and output voltage by using B-Spline interpolation. In case of
a single-input gate, B-Spline interpolation is performed in 2 dimensions and for a 2-input
gate, it is performed in 3 dimensions. Characterisation of Miller Capacitance

The intrinsic capacitance of any logic gate depends non-linearly on the gate input and
output voltages. This makes the characterization of the miller capacitance an important
step in the implementation of the current source based gate model.
In general, the current through any voltage-controlled capacitor can be represented using
the below formula :
I = C(v) ∗ dV (t)/dt (4.17)

Using the above formula, the Miller capacitance of the advance gate model can be char-
acterised as explained. The characterization setup for extracting the miller capacitance
Cm is as shown in the figure below:

Figure 4.13: Setup to extract the miller capacitance Cm [41]

A dc voltage source is connected to the output of a gate and a ramp signal is applied to
its input. The dc voltage source is then swept between 0 and the supply voltage, Vdd .
For each value of Vdc , transient analysis is performed in SPICE. Applying Kirchhoff’s
Current Law (KCL) at the output node :

I dc (t) = iCm (t) + iCo (t) − iVdc (t) (4.18)


where, Idc (t) is the instantaneous gate output current at time instant t, iVdc is the current
flowing from the dc voltage source , and, iCo is the current through the equivalent grounded
capacitance at the gate output.
From the above 2 equations, the miller capacitance Cm (t) can be written as :

I dc (t) + iVdc (t)

C m (t) = (4.19)

where, k is the slope of the input applied Vin

Thus, for a particular Vdc , miller capacitance value can be obtained for different time
instants during the applied input transition. This is repeated for various values of Vdc to
obtain the complete characterization of miller capacitance data for different Vin and Vout
values. Characterization of Output Capacitance

The gate output capacitance can also be characterized using the following characterisation
setup. A DC voltage source is connected to the input of the gate and a ramp signal is
applied to the gate gate output. The dc voltage source is then swept between 0 and the
supply voltage, Vdd . For each value of Vdc , transient analysis is performed in SPICE.

Figure 4.14: Setup to extract the output capacitance Co of the inverter [41]

When KCL is applied to the output node, the current equation can be written as:

I dc (t) = iCm (t) + iCo (t) − itr (t) (4.20)

Hence, expanding the above equation, output grounded capacitance at any time instant
t can be written as:


I dc (t) + itr (t)

C o (t) + C m (t) = (4.21)
where, m is the slope of the voltage applied at the output, itr (t) is the current through
the output voltage source at time instant t.

4.5 Advanced Gate Model for 2-input CMOS gate

The advanced gate model discussed above for an inverter gate can be extended for 2-
input CMOS gates as well. The number of inputs that can switch simultaneously so that
a MIS case results is 2. Therefore, for a 2-input CMOS gate with MIS at both inputs,
the gate can be modelled using 2 Miller capacitance for the two inputs and an equivalent
grounded capacitance which is the sum of all parasitic capacitances at the gate output.
This is depicted in the figure below:

Figure 4.15: Gate model for 2-input CMOS gate with MIS (adopted
from [41],[36])

The Cm1 and the Cm2 are the miller capacitances at the 2 inputs “i1” and “i2” of the
gate. Co is the equivalent grounded capacitances at the gate output. These capacitors
are modelled in the same way as explained in section 4.4.3.
Using Kirchhoff’s Current Law at the gate output node, the gate output dc current in


Fig 4.15 at any time instant t can be written as:

Idc (Vi1 , Vi2 , Vout ) = iCm + iCo + Iload (4.22)

dVout dVi1
= Cm1 (Vi1 , Vi2 , Vout ) −
dt dt
dVout dVi2
+ Cm2 (Vi1 , Vi2 , Vout ) −
dt dt
+ Co (Vi1 , Vi2 , Vout ) + Iload (4.23)
Therefore, the gate output current waveform at any time instant t is defined as
dVout dVi1
Iload = Idc (Vi1 , Vi2 , Vout ) − Cm1 (Vi1 , Vi2 , Vout ) −
dt dt
dVout dVi2 dVout
− Cm2 (Vi1 , Vi2 , Vout ) − − Co (Vi1 , Vi2 , Vout ) . (4.24)
dt dt dt

Chapter 5

Application to Circuit Simulation

The proposed heterogeneous gate model enables the fast and accurate timing simulation
of VLSI circuits. The basic simulation algorithm is explained in section 5.1. The following
section 5.2 details the conversion of the current waveform at the gate output into a voltage
waveform using numerical integration. The simulation of interconnect parasitic elements
is addressed in section 5.3. The last section section 5.4. presents an alternative simulation
approach to achieve even greater accuracy.

5.1 Circuit Simulation Algorithm

This section describes the circuit simulation using the proposed heterogeneous gate model.
The simulator is provided with a circuit netlist and a set of input vector pairs. An input
vector pair is applied to the circuit in the form of PWL functions. The simulator is
provided with the gate model and the required equations for simulating any gate as
specified in chapter 4. For the simulation of circuits considering the interconnects, the
simulator is also provided with the dspf file, which were obtained by VLSI interconnect
parasitic extraction from the circuit layout. All the output waveforms are stored in as
piecewise linear (PWL) functions.

5.1.1 Traversal of Circuit Netlist

All gates are simulated starting from the ones to which the primary inputs of the circuit
are connected. Each primary input is applied as a PWL waveform with (time, voltage)
pairs specified.
During the simulation, the circuit is traversed in topological order. Each gate with at
least one input transition is simulated, as described in chapter 4. The result of each
simulation is a current waveform at the gate output, which is converted into a voltage
waveform using Euler’s method of numerical integration. The output voltage waveform
is stored as a PWL function of (time,voltage) pairs, which can later be used as the inputs
to simulate the receiving gates. This process continues until all gates with at least one


input transition have been simulated. The flowchart of the circuit simulation algorithm
is shown in Figure 5.1.

Figure 5.1: Flowchart of circuit simulation based on heterogeneous

gate model

Once all the gates in the circuit are simulated, then the arrival time of the last transition
at each primary output is measured to determine the delay of the circuit for the given
input vector-pair. The delay of the circuit is defined as the time difference between the
50% voltage points of the primary output and the primary input.

5.1.2 Summary of Heterogeneous Gate Model Simulation

If the gate to be simulated is an inverter gate, it is simulated using the simple gate model
and the output voltage waveform is obtained as explained in section 5.2.1. Note that
the total output capacitance of the gate being simulated is modified by considering the
lumped capacitance (as described in section 3.3.1)of the wire in addition to the sum of
input capacitance of all receiving gates. This waveform obtained by simulating the gate
using the NLDMs is stored as a PWL waveform where the 0 and the 100 % points are
stored as (time, voltage) pairs.


In case the output transition of a multi-input gate with only one switching input must be
computed, then the simple gate model is simulated as it provides sufficient accuracy in
this case.
In case of multi-input gates with multiple input switching (MIS), determined from the
classifier described in section 4.1.3, the advanced gate model is used to simulate the gate
output transition. The output voltage waveform points are stored for numerous time
points as (time, voltage) pairs as in the case of simple gate model with the difference
being that in the advanced model, the non-linear output voltage waveform of the gate
output is accurately captured. This accuracy is as a result of using the non-linear output
current of the gate which is accurately described by the advanced gate model, especially
taking the MIS into effect. These voltage waveforms are fed as the inputs to the receiving
gates in the next logic levels.

5.2 Computation of Gate Output Voltage Waveform

The following subsections explains how the voltage waveform at any gate output is ob-
tained from the current waveforms produced by the heterogeneous gate model proposed
in Chapter 4.

5.2.1 Output Voltage Transition using Simple Gate Model

The simple gate model of the heterogeneous gate model is designed based on the NLDM.
The output current from this model does not depend on the instantaneous output voltage.
For a given current waveform Iload (t), the voltage over the load capacitance Cload is

Z t
V (t) = Iload (t)dt + V (0). (5.1)
Cload 0

The current waveform I load (t) is a piecewise constant function and therefore the voltage
waveform V (t) is a piecewise linear function. This voltage waveform can be very efficiently
computed. For example, the voltage transition in the time interval t ∈ [t1 , t2 ) is

V (t) = Iload (t) ∗ (t − t1 ) + V (t1 ) (5.2)

Thus, the output voltage waveform can be obtained very efficiently.

5.2.2 Output Voltage Transition using Advanced Gate Model

The advanced gate model explained in the previous chapter can be used for obtaining the
transient response at the output of any logic gate. The voltage waveform at the output of
the gate is computed from the the current waveform, by using Euler’s method of numerical


integration. As it is already known, the gate output current for any instantaneous input
and output voltage can be obtained for the advanced gate model as explained earlier.
Similar to the previous subsection 5.2.1, the integral over the current waveform from time
0 to time t gives the charge Q(t) of the load capacitance Cload at time t, assuming that
the output capacitance was initially discharged (Q(0) = 0). Then the voltage at time t is
V(t)=Q(t)/Cload . However, it must be considered that the gate output current depends
on the output voltage. To do this, the simulation time is split into small time steps ∆t
and Euler’s method of numerical integration is applied.
Considering the load capacitance Cload , we can rewrite the current given by equation 4.16
at any time instant as follows[41]:

V out (t + ∆t) − V out (t)

I dc (V in (t), V out (t)) = (C load + (C m + C o ))(V in (t), V out (t))( ) (5.3)
V in (t + ∆t) − V in (t)
− C m (V in , V out )( )

If V in (t + ∆t) − V in (t) is represented as ∆V in , then the output voltage at time (t + ∆t)

is given by,

I dc (V in (t), V out (t))∆t + C m (V in (t), V out (t))∆V in

V out (t + ∆t) = V out (t) + (5.4)
C load + (C m + C o )(V in (t), V out (t))

At time t = 0, initial voltage at the input and output of the gate, Vin and Vout are known.
The dc gate output current corresponding to input and output voltages are evaluated for
t = 0. Thus, the voltage for the next time instant (t + ∆t) is evaluated using the above
formula. This process is repeated until the Vout reaches the desired value. Thus, using
the advanced gate model, the exact non-linear output waveform at the gate output can
be determined and stored.
From equation (7) in [36], the Euler’s numerical integration formula for the 2-input gate
is given by:

Q1 (t) + Q2 (t) + Q3 (t)

Vout (t + ∆t) = Vout (t) + , (5.5)
Cload + (Cm + Co )(Vi1 (t), Vi2 (t), Vout (t))

Q1 (t) = Idc (Vi1 (t), Vi2 (t), Vout (t))∆t (5.6)

Q2 (t) = Cm1 (Vi1 (t), Vi2 (t), Vout (t))∆Vi1 (5.7)
Q3 (t) = Cm2 (Vi1 (t), Vi2 (t), Vout (t))∆Vi2 . (5.8)


5.3 Simulation of VLSI Interconnect Parasitic Ele-

Interconnect parasitic elements, such as parasitic capacitances and and resistances, have
a large impact on the circuit delay. A description of the interconnect parasitic elements
of each wire is contained in the dspf (Detailed Standard Parasitic File) which is obtained
by interconnect parasitic extraction from a given circuit layout.

5.3.1 Approximation using Lumped C Model

Considering the high computational cost for the simulation of complex interconnect net-
works, the interconnect parasitic capacitances were approximated by the lumped C model.
In case of the advanced gate model, exact simulation of the RC network is done to achieve
very accurate results even though the simulation time is quite significant.
In this thesis, the effective capacitance information of each wire is obtained from the dspf
file. In the dspf file associated with each circuit, the net wire capacitance for each net is
specified in the first line of the net description for each net. For example, consider the
description of net “n1” of some circuit :
*NET n1 0.2586FF
So the net capacitance of the net n1 is 0.2586 FF. This capacitance is added to the sum
of the input capacitances of the receiving gates.

5.3.2 Exact simulation of RC interconnects for advanced gate


Another method chosen to simulate the parasitic RC network of interconnects, is by using

the ngspice shared library provided in C++.
For any gate, the RC parasitic wire network at the output terminal can be represented as
a RC network as shown in the figure below:


Figure 5.2: RC interconnect representation between a driving gate

output and a receiving gate input (not shown)

This can be simplified by replacing the driving gate with a non-linear current source which
represents the gate current Iload , followed by the RC interconnect network details, along
with the input capacitance of the receiving gate at node. This is illustrated in the figure
below for the case of two receiving gates “Gate 1” and “Gate 2”:

Figure 5.3: Simplified gate model for advanced algorithm

The above RC network is passed to the ngspice share library for transient analysis. The
input to the circuit is a current source which is defined as “EXTERNAL” in ngspice. The
value of this current source at any instant is later retrieved from the caller using callback
functions defined in the library. The voltage waveform at each output node is computed
and stored as a PWL waveform.
There are generally 2 methods to load the ngspice library (*dll library). Firstly, the caller
can link to the library during compiling and then search for the library upon start or


secondly, it is also possible to start the ngspice shared library dynamically at runtime
using the dlopen/LoadLibrary mechanism.
The input to the ngspice is in the netlist of the RC network to be simulated with an
EXTERNAL current source. This simulation may be started in a separate thread and
the result can be read back at each time point. The details of the functions for using the
ngspice as a shared library [42] is explained in the following subsections. Initialization of Ngspice shared library

int ngSpice Init(SendChar*, SendStat*, ControlledExit*, SendData*, Sen-

dInitData*, BGThreadRunning*, void)
After the ngspice library has been loaded, the caller has to call this init function to
initialise the simulator. This function, mainly passes the address pointers of several
callback functions that may be used in the simulator to ngspice.dll. The int return
value is not used.
NULL is allowed to be passed in case some functions are not used, except for ControlledExit*
which is essential to exit from the library.
int ngSpice Init Sync(GetVSRCData*, GetISRCData*, GetSyncData*, int*,
GetVSRCData* - callback function for retrieving a voltage source value from the caller.
GetISRCData* - callback function for retrieving a current source value from the caller.
GetSyncData* - callback function for synchronization
void* represents a pointer to the user-defined data which will not be modified by the
function but handed to the caller during callback. In case NULL is sent, the userdata from
the initialization is kept, otherwise it is overridden by the data from this function Interaction with Ngspice shared library

The RC network of interconnects to be simulated using the ngspice shared library has to
passed to the library in the form of a netlist. This is done by passing the netlist as a
string array.
An array of char pointers, circarray is allocated with the required memory and then each
line of the netlist is copied to the array. The first line of the array must always be a title
line and the last line should always be a NULL. Then Circ(Circarray) is used to parse
the circuit netlist to ngspice.

As an example, the following netlist is passed to Ngspice :

transient analysis for DC current source and RC


I1 0 I_0:ZN external
*|I (I_0:ZN I_0 ZN O 0.000000FF 8.400 6.305)
*|I (I_1:A I_1 A I 0.565000FF 8.075 6.930)
*|S (s1_2 8.455 6.930)
*|S (s1_3 8.455 6.930)
*|S (s1_4 8.075 6.930)
*|S (s1_5 8.075 6.930)
C1_5 I_0:ZN 0 0.016620FF ic=0
C2_5 I_1:A 0 0.016620FF ic=0
C3_5 s1_2 0 0.015200FF ic=0
C4_5 s1_3 0 0.020250FF ic=0
C5_5 s1_4 0 0.020250FF ic=0
C6_5 s1_5 0 0.015200FF ic=0
R1_5 s1_5 I_1:A 5.000000
R2_5 s1_4 s1_5 5.000000
R3_5 s1_4 s1_3 1.357143
R4_5 s1_2 s1_3 5.000000
R5_5 I_0:ZN s1_2 5.000000
.TRAN 3.2e-12 8e-11 0 3.2e-12 UIC
The initial condition (ic=0) is set to specify the initial voltage of the parasitic capaci-
Once the netlist is parsed, the command ng_Spice_Command("run") is used to run the
simulation in ngspice.
Afterwards, the callback functions SendInitData and SendData are used to access the
simulation result synchronised with simulation time.

5.4 Using SPICE simulation as Advanced Algorithm

The simulation method described in 5.2.2 is very complex and was not fully implemented
due to timing limitations. To simulate the proposed heterogeneous gate model considering
all interconnect parasitic elements, another advanced algorithm was used in case of MIS
effect in multi-input gates. This algorithm involved the use of ngspice shared library to
simulate the multi-input gate with MIS by passing the NanGate Cell representation of
the gate itself to be simulated. That is instead of the non-linear current source of the
simplified gate model, the gate itself is passed to ngspice. In addition to this, NanGate cell
representation of the output driven gates are also passed to represent the input capacitance
of the receiving gates, instead of using a constant capacitance. For example, in case of a
2 input NOR gate with MIS which drives a NOT gate and a NOR2 gate at its output, it
can be represented as follows :


Figure 5.4: Gate model for NOR2 gate with interconnects and
NanGate Cells as loads

The steps of the circuit simulator are the same as mentioned in the previous section.
This method ensures more accurate results than the proposed gate model. Although,
the output waveform returned by ngspice has many data points (depending on the step
size of transient simulation in ngspice), in order to optimize memory requirements and
computation time, the output waveform of a gate is compressed to store the voltage points
with a step size of 0.1V. This means that the output voltage waveform only has points
starting from 0V or 1.1V (depending on rising or falling transition respectively) with a
total of 11 (time, voltage) pairs between these points. The details of the results obtained
for various circuits used in this thesis are presented in the next chapter.

Chapter 6

Experimental Results

This chapter comprises of all the experiments carried out to evaluate the heterogeneous
gate model for circuit simulation. It is composed of 3 parts - first part which describes
the various benchmark circuits used for the evaluation of the proposed gate model. It
also discusses how the input vectors are chosen for the simulation of benchmark circuits.
The second part explains the reference simulations of the benchmark circuits with a gate
level and circuit level simulator, and the final part, which presents the results obtained
with the proposed gate model. The speed and the accuracy of the timing simulation using
the proposed gate model are compared with the gate level simulator and the circuit level
The proposed gate model was implemented for a 45nm technology using the BSIM4
predictive technology models [43]. All experiments were performed on a workstation with
a 3.4 GHz processor and 16 GB RAM.

6.1 Benchmark Circuits

The proposed gate model was evaluated for small and medium sized circuits to evaluate
the efficiency of the proposed gate model as well as the scalability of the circuit simula-
All circuits were synthesized using a commercial synthesis tool and mapped to only INV_X1
and NOR2_X1 cells from the NanGate Open Cell Library [39]. During the synthesis, all
contributions of interconnect parasitic capacitances to the circuit delay were ignored. The
resulting delay information (SDF-file) was used by HDLSIM for the circuit simulation
without considering interconnect parasitic capacitances.
The proposed gate model was also evaluated for the circuit simulation including all in-
terconnect parasitic elements. For that purpose, circuit layouts were created using a
commercial place&route tool. The resulting delay information (SDF-file) was used by
HDLSIM for the circuit simulation considering all interconnect parasitic capacitances.
Finally, interconnect parasitic extraction was performed, which produced a DSPF-file
(Detailed Standard Parasitic Format) that was used by HSPICE and the simulator of the
proposed gate model.


The synthesis and the creation of the circuit layouts was done by a supervisor.

6.1.1 Small Circuits for Gate Model Evaluation

The proposed gate model was used for the accurate timing simulation of various circuits
listed below :
• Inverter Chain
• Chain of NOR gates
• Chain of NOR and INV gates
The above mentioned circuits were used for the design and development of the circuit
simulator using the gate model proposed in this thesis.
The inverter chain consisted of a chain of 7 inverter gates. The chain of NOR gates
consists of 7 2-input NOR gates connected together, with the 2-inputs of each gate tied
together. The circuit diagram of these 2 circuits are shown below:

Figure 6.1: Inverter chain (inv chain)

Figure 6.2: Chain of 2-input NOR gates (nor2 chain)


The third circuit is a chain of a NOR gate and inverter gates which is as shown below:

Figure 6.3: Chain of 2-input NOR gate and inverter gate

(nor2 inv chain)

The nor2 chain (fig 6.2) is the smallest circuit where the MIS case can be investigated
as the inputs of all the gates are tied together. This ensures that the transitions at the
gate input overlap, which gives rise to a MIS scenario.

6.1.2 Medium Sized Circuits for Simulation Scalability Evalua-


This can be extended to test the scalability of the developed gate model for bigger circuits
like ISCAS85 benchmark circuits. These circuits help in validating the classifier designed
as the gate model is switched more often between the simple and the advanced gate
models. These circuits include:
Binary tree of 2 input NOR gates of degree 3, Ripple Carry Adder, c17, c432, c499, c880,
c1355, c1908, c2670, c3540, c5315, c6288, c7552
The above mentioned ISCAS85 circuits are a set of combinational circuits which were
proposed in the 1985 International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. These combi-
national circuits have since then been used for various research work and they provide a
basis for the validation of results in the area of test generation. The c17 circuit is the
smallest of the ISCAS85 circuits and it is composed of 6 NAND gates. The c17 circuit
has 5 primary inputs (I1 ,I2 ,I3 ,I4 ,I5 ) and 2 primary outputs (o1 , o2 ). The circuit netlist of
c17 circuit is as shown below:

Figure 6.4: Circuit netlist of ISCAS85 c17 circuit [44]


The table below shows a brief description of the other ISCAS85 circuits:

Table 6.1: ISCAS85 circuit characteristics

Circuit Name Circuit Function #gates #PI #PO
C432 Priority Decoder 160 36 7
C499 ECAT 202 41 32
C880 ALU and Control 383 60 26
C1355 ECAT 546 41 32
C1908 ECAT 860 33 25
C2670 ALU and Control 1193 233 140
C3540 ALU and Control 1669 50 22
C5315 ALU and Control 2307 178 123
C6288 16-bit multiplier 2406 32 32
C7552 ALU and Control 3512 207 108

In the above figure, the column “#PI” represent the number of primary inputs of the
circuit and the column “#PO” represent the number of primary outputs of the circuit.
The column “#gates” shows the number of gates in the benchmark circuit before synthe-

6.2 Input Vector-Pairs used for Simulation

The accurate timing simulation of circuits using the proposed gate model involves the
application of certain input transitions to the primary input of the circuit and measuring
the arrival time of the last transition at the primary outputs of the circuits.
The input vector pairs for the simulation of various circuits were generated using a com-
mercial Automatic Test Pattern Generation (ATPG) tool and provided by a supervi-
Each input vector-pair creates a set of transitions at the primary inputs of the circuit,
which are used during circuit manufacturing test to distinguish between the correct and
a faulty behaviour of the circuit. In this thesis, many input vector-pairs were created for
each benchmark circuit, which for example sensitize the critical path of the circuit. In
addition, there are also vector pairs that can activate possible transition faults in a faulty
circuit. A fixed number of such input vector pairs are pre-calculated for each circuit and
these are stored in a MySQL database and utilised to evaluate the proposed gate model
for the respective circuits.

6.3 Reference Simulations

All benchmark circuits were simulated with all available input vector-pairs using a fast
gate-level simulator HDLSIM and a very accurate commercial circuit-level simulator


HSPICE. Each simulation is performed twice. In the first run, all interconnect parasitic
capacitances are ignored. In the second run, the parasitic capacitances of the intercon-
nects are considered by both HDLSIM and HSPICE. At the end of each simulation, the
arrival time of the last transition at each primary output is measured and stored in a
MySQL database. Furthermore, the runtime of the circuit simulation is also measured
and also stored in the database.

6.3.1 Using Circuit-Level Simulator HSPICE

To evaluate the accuracy of the proposed gate model, the precise arrival time of the last
transition at each primary output is required for comparison. For this purpose, a very
accurate commercial SPICE software HSPICE [45] was used to simulate all input-vector
pairs for all circuits, both without and with the interconnect parasitic capacitances.
Each simulation is performed twice. In the first run, all interconnect parasitic capaci-
tances are ignored. In the second run, the DSPF-file obtained by interconnect parasitic
extraction is used to consider the impact of the interconnect parasitic elements on the
circuit delay.
At first, an input vector pairs to be applied to the primary inputs of the benchmark circuit
is loaded from the database. By defining suitable voltage sources for all primary inputs,
all the primary input transitions are applied simultaneously and with an input transition
time of 1 ps. Afterwards, the SPICE netlist is extended by including the 45nm predictive
technology files for the transistors, the NanGate Open Cell Library description of the
INV_X1 and NOR2_X1 cells and specifying the .tran statement for transient simulation.
Finally, a set of .measure statements are added to measure the arrival time of the last
transition at each primary output.
The interconnect parasitic elements are obtained from the detailed standard parasitics
file (DSPF) file after interconnect parasitic extraction from the circuit layout.
To automate this process, a bash script was created to perform the following steps for
each input vector pair:
• Generation of the circuit netlist
– Inclusion of all library files and the 45nm technology files required for simulat-
ing the circuits.
– Definition of voltage sources for each primary input according to chosen input
vector pair.
– Netlist of the circuit to be simulated.
– SPICE command for transient analysis of the circuit.
– Measurement of the arrival time of the last transition at all primary outputs
of the circuits.
• SPICE simulation of the circuit netlist generated.
• Storing of the results from SPICE simulation in database.


6.3.2 Using Gate-Level Simulator HDLSIM

To evaluate the speed of the simulation using the proposed gate mode, all input vector-
pairs were simulated with a very fast in-house gate-level simulator HDLSIM. For each
input vector-pair the simulation was done using the SDF-file after the synthesis, which
ignored interconnect parasitic capacitances. The simulation was then repeated with the
SDF-file obtained by the commercial place&route tool, which considered all parasitic ca-
pacitances and resistances. The runtime and the arrival time of the last transition at each
primary output was provided by a supervisor and stored in the MySQL database.

6.4 Circuit Simulation Results

The proposed heterogeneous gate model was implemented in the circuit simulator CIR-
SIM. Similar to the computation of the reference results in the previous section, all input
vector-pairs for a benchmark circuit were simulated using CIRSIM, with and without the
consideration of the interconnect parasitic capacitances.
In the following, the abbreviation CS is used to identify the results using CIRSIM and
the abbreviation SP denotes the results obtained by HSPICE. Similarly, the abbreviation
HS is used to identify the results for HDLSIM.
After each simulation, the arrival time of the last transition at each primary output of the
benchmark circuits was measured. These measurements are compared to the reference
SPICE results. The absolute difference between these 2 values determine the error of the
designed gate model.
For a given input vector-pair, the simulation error of CIRSIM and HDLSIM at the i-th
primary output is defined as

CS,i := |TSP,i − TCS,i | (6.1)

HS,i := |TSP,i − THS,i |, (6.2)

where TSP,i , TCS,i and THS,i denote the arrival time of the last transition at primary output
i obtained by HSPICE, CIRSIM and HDLSIM, respectively.
The average (maximum) simulation error ¯CS (ˆCS ) of CIRSIM is defined as the average
(maximum) value of CS,i computed over all primary outputs and input vector-pairs for
each circuit. The average simulation error ¯HS and maximum simulation error ˆHS of
HDLSIM are defined in the same way. The average and maximum simulation errors of
CIRSIM and HDLSIM are presented for each benchmark circuit in the following subsec-
tions in the form of tables.
To represent the average runtime of the simulation of a vector pair, three columns namely,
tHS , tCS and tSP are also presented. tCS represents the average simulation runtime with
designed CIRSIM, tHS represents the average runtime with HDLSIM and tSP represents
the average runtime required with SPICE.


6.4.1 Results without Interconnect Parasitic Capacitances

The accurate simulation of the smaller circuits like inv chain, nor2 chain and the
nor2 inv chain were performed using the heterogeneous gate model proposed in this
thesis. The result summary for these circuits are shown in the table below :

Table 6.2: Average simulation results for circuits without interconnects

circuit ¯HS (ps) ˆHS (ps) ¯CS (ps) ˆCS (ps) tHS (ms) tCS (ms) tSP (ms)
inv chain 18.92 20.32 13.57 14.73 0.0026 2.92 35.00
nor2 chain 6.81 12.05 4.52 5.33 0.0035 108.21 60.00
nor2 inv chain 23.33 24.21 14.68 15.60 0.0028 4.26 55.00

The circuits inv chain and nor2 inv chain do not have any MIS scenario and hence the
classifier chooses the simple gate model using the NLDM to simulate all gates in both
the circuits. Therefore, the runtime of the circuit simulator (tCS ) as seen from the above
table is much less than the SPICE runtime (tSP ).
For the nor2 chain, all the gates have MIS at the input and hence the classifier chooses
the advanced gate model for simulating the gates. The average simulation error (¯CS ) of
the designed circuit simulator is much better than the average simulation error of HDLSIM
(¯HS ).

6.4.2 Results with Interconnect Parasitic Capacitances

This subsection presents the experimental results for the simulation of the proposed het-
erogeneous gate model while considering all interconnect parasitic capacitances. For this
purpose, the interconnect parasitic capacitances were approximated by the lumped C
model, as explained in subsection 5.3.1. The result summary is as shown below:

Table 6.3: Average simulation results with CSM as advanced gate model
circuit ¯HS (ps) ˆHS (ps) ¯CS (ps) ˆCS (ps) tHS (ms) tCS (ms) tSP (ms)
inv chain 23.05 23.46 19.74 21.53 0.0030 4.64 50.00
nor2 chain 14.80 22.20 4.09 6.63 0.0031 112.65 75.00
nor2 inv chain 27.65 28.50 21.13 21.94 0.0027 4.79 65.00

The above table shows that for the nor2 chain circuit, where the advanced gate model
based on CSM is used, the average error of propagation is very small with on average
only 4.09 ps difference to HSPICE result. However, the speed of simulation has to be
optimised further. There are several factors like the timestep used for simulation, the
memory handling, etc., that determines the runtime of the advanced gate model using
the CSM. Once these optimisations are carried out, a better runtime can be achieved using
the advanced gate model which in turn would reduce the computational cost required for
the simulation of the proposed heterogeneous gate model.
Thus, it is evident that by improving the accuracy of the advanced gate model with con-
siderably efficient runtime, more accurate results can be produced with the heterogeneous


gate model and this can be extended for larger circuits.

6.5 Simulation Results using SPICE as Advanced Al-

This section presents the results for an alternative simulation approach, which performs
a SPICE simulation of the gate using the Ngspice shared library in case of multiple input
switching. In particular, all interconnect parasitic elements between the driving and the
receiving gates are considered as explained in section 5.4. The summary of the results
using this circuit simulator which uses the NLDM as simple gate model and the ngspice
shared library as the advanced gate model is as shown in the table below:

Table 6.4: Average simulation results with ngspice shared library as advanced gate model
circuit ¯HS (ps) ˆHS (ps) ¯CS (ps) ˆCS (ps) tHS (ms) tCS (ms) tSP (ms)
nor2 tree 4.31 10.89 14.32 31.24 0.0042 104.93 51.43
inv chain 23.05 23.46 19.74 21.53 0.0030 4.64 50.00
nor2 chain 14.80 22.20 13.19 18.62 0.0031 952.62 75.00
nor2 inv chain 27.65 28.50 21.13 21.94 0.0027 4.79 65.00
c17 6.66 14.80 6.95 15.16 0.0040 23.52 47.62

The use of ngspice shared library with nangate cells as the advanced algorithm in the het-
erogeneous gate model has definitely increased the accuracy of the results. As it is evident
from the table, the circuits inv chain and the nor2 inv chain chain do not involve any
MIS scenario. Hence, they are simulated using the simple gate model where the average
error of simulation has better accuracy than HDLSIM and the speed of simulation is also
much faster than SPICE.
The nor2 chain circuit which encounters MIS at every NOR gate, the advanced algorithm
using the ngspice shared library is used. This has definitely improved the accuracy of the
simulation results over HDLSIM. However, the accuracy achieved is limited due the output
waveform from the ngspice being compressed into a PWL function with lesser number
of data points. This shows that the accuracy of the gate model greatly depends on the
accuracy of the advanced algorithm while simulating gates with MIS. However, as far
as the simulation runtime of CIRSIM is concerned, it is much larger than the SPICE
simulation time as a consequence of the use of ngspice shared library. This is mainly
due to the fact that several files must be loaded from the NFS server. For example,
to load the description of the predictive technology model for the n-MOSFET and p-
MOSFET transistors and also several files for the description of the nangate library cells
are required. It is well known that the average access time for each file is in the order of
tens of milliseconds and this had to be repeated for the simulation of each gate.
The other circuits to be simulated include the nor2 tree and the ISCAS85 benchmark
circuit. As the table shows, the accuracy of the results for nor2 tree is quite bad as
compared to HDLSIM. This is the circuit where the classifier switches between the sim-
ple and the advanced gate models. The inaccuracy of the results is partly because of


the waveform being compressed after simulating a gate with the ngspice shared library.
This error is further increased by the crude approximation of the output waveform for
the application of the simple gate model. However, using a sufficiently small time step
and with further optimizations, the error introduced by this approach is expected to be
The results for the c17 circuit seems to give almost the same accuracy as HDLSIM with
a reasonably faster simulation speed over the SPICE results, thus proving the claim
for a simulator which is faster than SPICE and with good accuracy. The accuracy of
simulations can be further improved by using efficient optimisation techniques for the
waveform obtained from ngspice.

6.6 Summary of results

This chapter evaluated and compared the accuracy and runtime of an highly optimized
in-house gate-level simulator, a highly optimized commercial SPICE simulator with the
newly developed simulator CIRSIM, which simulates the proposed heterogeneous gate
model. The results show that the idea of combining a simple gate model and a more
complex time-consuming advanced gate model gives accurate results. However, the run-
time of the simulation hugely depends on the number of gates being simulated using the
advanced gate model. The fewer the number of gates simulated using the advanced gate
model, the higher is the speed-up achieved over the SPICE calculations. While using
the current source model as the advanced gate model, the runtime of simulation is much
faster than that achieved using the ngspice shared library. However, there is more scope
for optimisations to improve the runtime of the circuit simulator and to make it more
efficient than SPICE runtime.

Chapter 7

Conclusion and Future Work

7.1 Conclusion
This thesis presented the idea of a realistic heterogeneous gate model by integrating a
simple gate model based on NLDMs and an advanced current source based gate model.
The simulation of any gate with NLDMs proved to be very fast when compared to SPICE
but the accuracy with these models proved to be quite unsatisfactory. One of the main
factors that the NLDMs failed to consider was multiple input switching at the gate inputs.
In order to handle this, a more advanced algorithm to simulate the gate which is based
on a non-linear current source and parasitic capacitances was implemented. In addition,
another advanced algorithm using the ngspice shared library was implemented to achieve
even greater accuracy. However, this approach could not be fully optimized due to timing
The heterogeneous gate model proposed in this thesis was implemented in the newly
developed circuit simulator CIRSIM. The experiments conducted demonstrate the high
efficiency and flexibility of the proposed heterogeneous gate model.
SPICE simulation of large circuits with thousands of transistors, proves to be very time
consuming and hence this proposed gate model may save a huge chunk of the computation
time with a relatively reduced overall accuracy than SPICE (around 15% or less).

7.2 Future Work

The results of simulation clearly shows that the accuracy of simulation using the hetero-
geneous gate model depends on the accuracy and runtime of the advanced gate model
chosen. This broadens the scope for a numerous optimisation techniques can be employed
to improve the accuracy and runtime of the advanced gate model. Furthermore, the pro-
posed gate model can be improved by employing more complex classifiers using Machine
Learning. Once accuracy close to SPICE results is achieved, this gate model can also be
extended to incorporate glitches and glitch filtering.


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