KiwiFlyer Guide To Aviation Training 2019-2020

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The KiwiFlyer Guide to

Aviation Training
October 2019 Supplement









Where to complete your flight training

A Head Start for Young Flyers

Microlights & Light Sport Aircraft

The benefits of Gliding

Aviation Research
The KiwiFlyer Guide to Aviation Training

Where to complete
your flight training?

This image is from the annual Walsh Memorial Scout Flying School at Matamata. Having been bitten by the bug, where to next?

KiwiFlyer Contributor (and A-Cat Flight Instructor, GA Flight experienced aviators.

Examiner, ATPL ground instructor, and international pilot with Air There are a growing number of recreational flying organisations,
New Zealand), Mark Woodhouse knows a thing or two about flight ranging in size and style, that are certificated under Civil Aviation
training. With such a variety of training establishments on offer, he Rule (CAR) Part 149, and which offer flying training on microlight
is often asked what the best option is. The answer as Mark outlines aircraft. Many types of aircraft, certificated in the microlight
below, depends… category, are very high performance and capability, more so than
some ‘normal’ training aircraft. However, there are currently fairly
significant limitations on cross crediting flight training time in
I am often asked which flying training organisation is best, but microlight aircraft across to private, commercial and air transport
I will never give you a straight answer, for no better reason than pilot licences issued under CAR Part 61, so think carefully about
“it depends”. It depends on so many factors such as your age and your long-term goals. Nevertheless, this may be an option if you
personality, your long-term goals, your home location, your learning are only interested in flying recreationally and do not expect to
style and not least, your financial situation. continue on to a private or commercial licence.
Flight training requires you to make a massive investment, in New Zealand has many commercial Flight Training
time, emotional energy and money. Lots of money. This article Organisations (FTOs), ranging in size, style and target market.
tries to give you some guidance on answering the very important Some FTOs are relatively new and relatively small, some are
question - Where to train? In no particular order… relatively small but have been training for many years, some are
New Zealand is very fortunate to have a number of aero clubs focused on overseas students and some are focused on training
around the country, most if not all, affiliated with the Royal New students for relatively ‘direct’ entry to various airlines. Although
Zealand Aero Club (RNZAC), trading as Flying NZ. However, aero I use that term hesitantly, as some FTOs will tell you they will
clubs vary widely in terms of size, strength, aircraft type(s) available, get you into an airline at the completion of your training, but the
the experience level of their flying instructors and whether the aero actual outcomes may be different. Given that they are commercial
club can give you access to student loan funding. At the very least I businesses, they often have slick marketing packages, be careful
think you should explore the club(s) near where you live. If you are what you believe and do your own research before committing.
looking to commence your training while continuing to work, the Try to gauge a commercial FTO’s financial strength. Over the
local aeroclub may well be your most suitable option. years a number of FTOs have gone into receivership, leaving their
A very strong argument can also be made for joining your local students in all sorts of strife. This includes one FTO that went
aero club anyway, even if you choose to do the bulk of your flying into receivership very recently, although I have not yet heard how
training elsewhere. Aero clubs usually have an active recreational well their students are being supported, or not. If an organisation
and competition flying calendar and will likely give you the is competing on the basis of price, be careful to assess whether the
opportunity to mix with, fly with and learn from a wide range of quality of their training and the longevity of their support will be

48 KiwiFlyer Magazine Issue 65

adequate for your needs.

About this Guide

Some commercial FTOs offer flight training for CAA licences,
blended with an academic qualification. This may range from
‘Diplomas’ which have little or dubious recognition, through
to the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) certified
Diploma in Aviation (Level 6) and on to University based degrees.
An academic qualification might be right for you, but it is not right WELCOME to the KiwiFlyer Guide to Aviation Training in New
for all. While some might tell you otherwise, it is my opinion (and Zealand. This special annual supplement includes articles related
observation!) that you do not need an academic qualification to get to aviation training as well as profiles and some great advice from
into the airlines. An airline will usually take those they perceive as leading flight training providers from around the country.
the best available applicants, and in times of shortage they tend not
to focus on the luxury of an academic qualification. Participants in this Guide cover a broad training spectrum and
In New Zealand there are a limited number of student loan readers will find a wealth of opportunity whether it be a microlight
funded positions available, usually by commercial FTOs but also certificate for Sunday flying, a PPL to take the family on holiday by
by some aero clubs. The amount of funding support offered by the helicopter, through to fully structured programmes designed to set
government each year is limited and is demonstrably not keeping the career pilot up on a fast track to airline employment.
up with inflation, so even if you are successful in being offered a
‘student loan funded position’, you will probably need to come up There are articles covering how to get a cost-effective start
with additional personal funding, especially for helicopter students. in aviation whilst still at school, how to choose a flight training
For some, the RNZAF may be an avenue worth considering. provider, building good foundations, microlight versus certified
That said, the RNZAF is much more than just flight training; the aircraft options, and incorporating academic studies into an
RNZAF is a commitment to a career in the armed forces, and all aviation career. There are also many snippets of wisdom amongst
that that entails. Yes, they fund your training, the equipment is the various training provider profiles.
advanced and expensive, and your instructors will be highly trained
and highly experienced aviators. But that training is for much more More than 1000 copies of this issue of the magazine are being sent
than just to fly an aircraft, they train you to be a leader of teams to Careers Officers at every NZ Secondary School and students
of personnel. The pilot role is called a GD(P), i.e., General Duties interested in aviation will find much useful information within.
(Pilot). My understanding is that there is currently a ten-year Aviation training is not limited to just practical and theory tuition
return of service obligation, but there are few better ways to spend either. Academic opportunities abound for University degrees in
ten years! aviation disciplines that can extend all the way to Doctorate level
Finally, I’ll talk a little about DIY flight training. In New research.
Zealand there is currently no legal requirement for flight training to
be undertaken by a ‘certificated’ or ‘approved’ organisation. You can There is also much included for existing pilots to consider in terms
gain training and be credited training experience toward a licence of getting current for summer or refreshing and extending skills to
as long as your flying instructor holds the appropriate, current a higher level. How about adding some ratings to your licence,
qualifications. If you have family or friend connections with access undertaking aerobatic or other advanced training, or learning to
to a suitable aircraft and instructor rating, you can be trained by fly a glider. As well as the fun of learning, those are all skills which
them. In fact, at one time one of my sons considered continuing could be very helpful to have someday.
his pilot training and we seriously considered purchasing an aircraft
and doing it together. That said, I very strongly recommend having Even those who might not be immediately interested in training
an independent examiner do the flight tests. A very important for themselves should find it interesting to look through this guide
principle of quality training is the separation of the training from and observe the many and varied training approaches that are
the checking. Flight tests should be an independent, objective available. The range extends from small companies and personal
sampling of the standard of training achieved. one-on-one tuition through to large corporates with fleets of
I’ll end by encouraging all students, and their supporters if aircraft, an array of lecture facilities and purpose built student
applicable, to make a short list of places they think they might accommodation, and everything in between.
like to learn to fly at, then visit each. While listening to the
organisation’s ‘pitch’, also create the opportunity to talk to the In most cases, participants in the guide provided their own material
students that are already there. They will give you an invaluable for publishing and often are speaking directly to prospective
perspective and the opportunity to make the important decision of students. Several have taken the opportunity to tell of student
where to train for yourself. achievements that they are justifiably proud of.
And one final thought, it is my heartfelt hope that you will not
fall into the trap of trying to complete your training ‘on the cheap’. Our industry is a close one and word of mouth is a frequent and
It’s just not worth it! The cost of ignorance, a lack of skill and/or a trusted form of recommendation. If someone asks for your advice
poor attitude can be your life or the life of others. None of us know on matters of training, please refer them to this Guide which is
what we don’t know when we start something new - we all need also available for download from our website along with most
high quality practical flight training, theory resources and positive other KiwiFlyer articles and back issues.
Fly safe!
Mark Woodhouse KF

2019 #5 49
The KiwiFlyer Guide to Aviation Training

Instructor or Airline or Both?

Ardmore Flying School caters for all options
When the initial passion to want to fly bites our young it Where does the NZ Diploma in Aviation fit in?
is normally one of two things that ignites it – Military flying There is still debate over the value of an academic Diploma at
(particularly pictures of jets) or Airline flying (pictures of Captains Level 6 for pilot training. While some airlines prefer a new recruit
and crew). Traditionally, ‘becoming a pilot’ meant aiming down of to have an academic background (it is an indication of the ability
these two career paths. It was not often that the thought of being a to learn and commit) the pilot still has to have the necessary CAA
Flight Instructor fired up a young ‘wanna be’ pilot. licences and ratings before they can be employed and operate
Aviation career choices have changed in recent years however. commercially. There is no doubt that the requirement to enrol in
As flight instructors are in more and more demand, particularly one of these programmes, especially to receive student loan funding
B Category and multi-engine instructors, flight instruction is in NZ, adds complexity and cost to the operation. Requiring
becoming quite a viable and enticing career. international students to enrol in these academic programmes is
Salaries and working conditions are becoming more attractive even more complex and costly with even less relevance - as many
– especially the work-life balance aspect. Flight instructors get to theory papers, especially ATPL, are not transferable to other
come home every night (no overnight duties away from home in countries for licence purposes.
all too familiar hotel rooms), generally have more flexible working
arrangements to make the most of weather, and often have the Ardmore Flying School – catering for all options
flexibility with their employer to have time available to attend to At Ardmore Flying School we cater for all options – whether
those important family matters – bank appointments, children’s wanting to join an airline or other commercial operation directly,
sports days, school holidays etc. or to train as a Flight Instructor. In both cases either the Level 5
Combined with the challenge of being able to develop Training Scheme (Commercial Pilot and Instrument Rating) or the
professionally through the instructor ranks and with added skills Level 6 Diplomas (Flight Instruction or Airline Preparation) are
and ratings, instructing now begins to look like a viable career available.
option that can be held in high regard. The days of the flight Our experienced senior instructors, several of whom have
instructor being seen as a ‘wanna-be’ airline pilot are fading and committed to instructing as a long-term career are well suited to
the sooner that perceived stigma is removed from the industry the train and assess pilots at all levels. We are CAA Part 141 approved,
better. NZQA Approved, a preferred provider for TEC student loan
But what if you want to be an airline pilot? Great – the funding and a signatory to the Code of Conduct for the Pastoral
opportunities today are better than they have ever been with Care of International Students. We also have CAAV (Vietnam)
demand internationally that has been growing for some time now. approval to train Vietnam Airline cadet pilots.
Even if this demand dips in the next year or two there are still Ardmore Flying School has set up a Flight Instructor Training
fantastic opportunities available to begin your career as an airline Unit with its own dedicated senior instructor(s), classroom and
pilot. Direct entry into an airline is still rare in New Zealand, programmes. We train continuously throughout the year and
with most such opportunities only available offshore. While employ most of those graduating from this programme.
not impossible for domestic students, it is more likely that this Our Pacific Simulators EuroJet 4.5 A320 fixed base simulator
training pathway will apply to international students, particularly provides an excellent platform to deliver the Multi-Crew
those sponsored by an overseas airline. The reality is that most Integration Course. This course, taught by retired airline Training
NZ domestic students will follow dual career pathways – flight Captains, is proving a significant benefit for those wanting to join
instructor first then on to an airline second. an airline and begin type rating training. 36 hours exposure to

Training in Ardmore Flying School’s Airbus A320 Simulator.

50 KiwiFlyer Magazine Issue 65

2-crew operations in this simulator provides a challenging but very
enjoyable learning experience for those completing the Airline
Preparation Diploma.
Student Loan funding is available at Ardmore Flying School –
however, places are limited, and a comprehensive selection process
is undertaken such that only the best candidates enrol under this
funded option.

Courses & Qualifications

Ardmore Flying School delivers the following components:
• Private & Commercial Pilot Licences
• Single & Multi-Engine Instrument Ratings
• New Zealand Certificate in Aviation Commercial Pilot and Multi-engine training in a Diamond Twin Star at Ardmore Flying School.
Instrument Rating (Level 5)
• C-Category Flight Instructor – New Zealand Diploma in
Aviation – Flight Instruction (Level 6)
• Air Transport Pilots Licence Examination Credits – New
Zealand Diploma in Aviation – Airline Preparation (Level 6)
• Multi-Crew Integration Course – MCIC - New Zealand
Diploma in Aviation – Airline Preparation (Level 6)

For more information

For more information on our training and employment pathways:
• Visit or look us up on social media
• Call 0800 Ardmore or email: [email protected]
• Or come in and chat with one of our friendly team members
who will guide you on the way to aviation success.
Classrooms are light, spacious, and air conditioned.

2019 #5 51
The KiwiFlyer Guide to Aviation Training

So much more than just a licence

Christchurch Helicopters offers commercial, maintenance, ground ops,
and real-world experience to trainee helicopter pilots.

Welcome to New Zealand’s premier Part 141 (Check & Training). We are your knowledge beyond just meeting the
helicopter flight training provider, also accredited by the New Zealand minimum standards set by CAA. We will
nestled between the rolling hills of Banks Qualifications Authority (NZQA), as a arm you with the necessary skills to make
Peninsula and the snow-peak jewels of Private Training Establishment approved you employable.
Canterbury’s Southern Alps. to deliver the Level 5 NZ Diploma Christchurch Helicopters operates a
Christchurch Helicopters is based at in Aviation and approved for student fleet of Guimbal Cabri G2 helicopters.
the Christchurch International Airport. funding by the Tertiary Education These are the safest and most modern
Established in 2001, the company was Commission (TEC) which allows a training helicopters you will find in the
NZ’s largest helicopter flight training limited number of students to access world. Christchurch Helicopters decided
school with bases in Christchurch, student loan funding and allowances for to invest in high quality training aircraft
Auckland and Invercargill. Over the the Diploma Programme. many years ago so as to provide our staff
years we have trained many students, Our philosophy has always been to and students the best, safest available
contributing to a large number of NZ’s provide quality flight training to the resource for training. Along with these
professional helicopter pilots flying today, highest level, in a safe and welcoming aircraft, we have a varied fleet of turbine
with many others flying all over the world environment and to exceed the client’s helicopters which students can obtain
in places such as Canada, USA, Australia, expectations. ratings on.
Asia, PNG and even Antarctica. At Christchurch Helicopters, we Along with our fleet, Christchurch is
Christchurch Helicopters is will go the extra mile to expand your lucky enough to have one of the largest
Certificated by NZCAA under Part 135 knowledge. Yes, you will obtain a Low Flying Zones in NZ right on our
(Commercial Air Transport Operations), licence, but on leaving, you will have doorstep, plus the beautiful Southern
Part 137 (Agricultural Operations) and experienced much more and expanded Alps for all-important mountain training

You’ll learn to fly in a state of the art training helicopter - the Guimbal Cabri G2. It’s just a short flight to the Southern Alps for genuine mountain training.

52 KiwiFlyer Magazine Issue 65

not far away. Between our fantastic learnt outside just flying the aircraft and
Cabris, our training area and our bespoke this is experience you won’t find anywhere
Diploma Programme, no other flight else.
school in NZ can provide you with the Initially a ground-based position is the
range of experiences, skills and knowledge most likely role a newly qualified pilot
that we can. will attain with an aviation company. The
As we run alongside our training additional knowledge and ground skills
division a busy commercial operation, taught within our Diploma programme
there will be opportunities for you to will allow you to be well placed to secure
observe and be involved in activities this position ahead of other candidates.
outside your ‘normal’ training such as So, it all starts here. When you commit
on lifting jobs, fires, frost protection and to this training, and challenge yourself
other commercial operations. Very few, if to achieve a career unlike any other, you
any training schools in NZ can provide will not regret the time and effort that is
the kind of exposure to the ‘Real World’ required. We will do everything we can
of helicopter pilots that we are able to. to help you achieve your dream. Thus
We are also the only major flight training prepare yourself for a challenge that will
school in NZ that has an agricultural provide you with a career unlike any
division with an E-Category instructor on other.
staff. This provides further opportunities After many hours of study and
for students to experience the ‘Ag’ training, our current students are at
industry if they aspire for a career in this the exciting stage of finishing their
sector. programme of study. Therefore we are
We also maintain our own aircraft now accepting applications for our March
having highly qualified engineers on staff 2020 Diploma intake. These student
and as part of your course, you will spend funded spots are very limited - contact us
time maintaining your aircraft with our now for information on 03 359 0470 or
engineers, learning more than just to be email: [email protected]
a pilot. So many skills and knowledge are Bucket training in our nearby low flying area.

2019 #5 53
50 KiwiFlyer Magazine Issue 65
The KiwiFlyer Guide to Aviation Training

Specialist MEIFR, RNAV & RNP Training

RidgeAir is a Twin Engine Charter and
Training Operation based at Woodbourne
Airport in Blenheim. The company is
headed up by Ross McCullum who is
Chief Pilot of their Part 135 Charter
operation and also a B-cat advanced multi-
engine IFR instructor.
The company provides niche multi-
engine IFR training, specialising in Single
IFR to Multi rating conversions, IFR
renewals and recurrency and now most
importantly RNP GNSS training and
Over the past 10 years many students
have passed through RidgeAir and
completed their Multi Engine or IFR
training or upgrade with Ross. More than
80% of these students are now employed
full time in some flying capacity, either in
GA or working for an airline.

New Southern Skies

Ross has been heavily involved with
the CAA NSS working group for the
implementation of PBN/RNP operations RidgeAir’s highly equipped Piper Seneca is certified for all RNP operations.
in the New Zealand context.
After becoming concerned that the weather. There’s also a Freon air-con instructor, and Ross can generally help out
information available was confusing to system for hot days. with reasonable cost accommodation as well
many (not least himself ), Ross wrote a Ross says the glass cockpit has been as transport to and from training each day.
paper called PBN for Dummies. He says a real advantage to students that are RidgeAir provides all necessary charts
the CAA liked it so much they asked him coming up for an airline interview and documents plus Bose noise cancelling
to present it at the New Southern Skies which is typically done in a very similar headsets. Rates are inclusive of Airways
annual Conference ‘Approach 18’. It was environment. and landing fees aside from entries into
very well received and led to collaboration Wellington, Auckland and Christchurch
between RidgeAir and the CAA to Benefits for Trainees which attract a small additional charge.
implement the PBN Expo - whereby Ross says the Seneca’s glass cockpit There is no charge for pre-flight and post-
Ross and his co-pilot Bianca along with and GPS combination is not dissimilar flight briefings.
two representatives from the CAA toured to what a pilot might expect say in a RidgeAir can also provide and certify the
both North and South Islands in their Dash 8 or ATR cockpit. Trainees get real ground theory component for initial GPS
Piper Seneca. At numerous stops, they experience and exposure to flying the certification.
demonstrated the recent RNP avionics glass cockpit and associated systems, plus Students at RidgeAir looking to upgrade
upgrades that had been done to the aircraft using the GPS similar to an FMC where or renew their rating can typically be all
and provided advice gained through the approach SIDS and STARS can all be done and dusted in 5-7 days due to the
RidgeAir PBN certification process which loaded and flown using full GPS steering. personal nature of the training – “You’re
Ross had recently undertaken. The G500 also allows Vertical Navigation not just a number here,” says Ross.
guidance for RNAV approaches which
RidgeAir’s aircraft brings up a display the same as you would For more information
The RidgeAir Piper Seneca is fully see when flying an ILS; these can be flown If you are interested in receiving personal
equipped and certified for all RNP fully coupled to the auto pilot or hand one on one instruction from a highly
operations, having a G500 glass cockpit flown using the Flight Director. experienced flight instructor who has a very
coupled to a Garmin GTN 650 and With his dual GA and Airline practical approach with a commercial edge,
Garmin 530W GPS. background Ross is able to provide very then contact Ross at RidgeAir on
The aircraft automation is valuable training scenarios that better 021 246 2544, email: [email protected]
complemented by a KFC 150 auto pilot prepare students for their all important or visit
and flight director system with altitude interview Sim Check.
alerting, and is fully de-iced with an Another benefit is that training with
oxygen system for those times when a Ross is all carried out one on one – there’s
bit more altitude is required to avoid the no waiting in a queue to get an aircraft or

2019 #5 55
The KiwiFlyer Guide to Aviation Training

Heliflite Charter and Training at Ardmore

To become great at anything you need our students are able to learn about the We are also certificated by NZCAA
to know your equipment inside and out. maintenance that keeps them in the air, to provide Robinson Safety Awareness
Based in Auckland at Ardmore Airport, and our busy Part 135 charter operations training, mandatory for all new and existing
Heliflite not only operates helicopters, but also mean that students with us have the R22 and R44 pilots.
also repairs, builds, and maintains them. opportunity to gain valuable experience in Our private pilot programme focuses on
We are a one stop shop for everything a real-world commercial business. training pilots to operate light helicopters
rotary, and offer a full range of helicopter Our large fleet of modern helicopters as safely as possible, and our commercial
services including maintenance, training range from two-seater piston, up to large programme builds on this by adding
and commercial ops. All of our operations multi-engine turbines. We offer full practical skills that are highly valued by
are certificated by NZCAA. training course packages in R22, R44 and commercial operators.
As well as learning to fly helicopters, Schweizer 300 helicopters. Our CPL students gain a lot of exposure
to commercial-style flying as part of their
course, and we encourage them to include
a large amount of R44 time (which we
offer at a very competitive rate) as part of
their minimums to ensure they are in the
best position to land that elusive first flying
job. In the later stages of our CPL course,
we treat all of the flying as though it was a
commercial job which ensures that pilots
are well versed with the legal and other
requirements of flying for hire and reward.
Our standard CPL course includes two
type ratings and an unrestricted night rating
on top of the usual minimums if time
allows. All of this commercial focus means
that by the time our students obtain their
commercial licence, they are ready to be a
valuable asset to any flying organisation.
We have a great team of experienced
and highly qualified pilots that include IFR
rated A-Cat plus B and C-Cat Instructors,
as well as a professional group of ground
staff to ensure that you are guided through
your training safely, efficiently, and with
the minimum of fuss. Once you have your
licence and have been signed off by our
Chief Pilot, we have a variety of helicopters
available for private hire. This means that
you can take a helicopter away for private
use on your own time, be it a trip to the
bach for the weekend or just a flight around
the city with friends.
If you are interested in what it takes to
learn to fly helicopters, come along and
PPL and CPL TRAINING SCENIC FLIGHTS try one of our 30 minute introduction
CAANZ CERTIFICATED HELI CHARTER flights. Our Instructors will give you
a taste of everything, from pre-flight
R22, R44, S300 HELI FISHING preparation through to the ultimate test
SAFETY AWARENESS COURSES PROPOSAL FLIGHTS of co-ordination - hovering! Our training
rates are some of the best in New Zealand
TYPE RATINGS HOTEL TRANSFERS and we offer discounts for bulk training
We welcome you to swing by to meet
NIGHT RATINGS (unlim) PHOTOGRAPHY the team and enjoy a tour of our facilities at
57 Victa Lane, Ardmore Airport. For more
09 299 9442 [email protected] information contact Sylvia on 09 299 9442
or visit our website

56 KiwiFlyer Magazine Issue 65

Southern Wings - Flight Training Professionals
Worldwide, airlines are expanding their enjoy the variation of terrain, weather,
fleets and schedules to meet the demand controlled and uncontrolled airspace
of global economic expansion. The world across New Zealand. Southern Wings
is facing a pilot shortage; now is the time boast highly experienced instructors who
to train to be a pilot. are passionate about flying and who want
Southern Wings is an Air New Zealand to share that passion and their experience
Preferred Flight Training Organisation with the next generation of professional
(FTO). There are only four FTOs in pilots.
New Zealand and Southern Wings is the The New Zealand Diploma in Aviation
only FTO with two bases. By choosing at Southern Wings provides the training
to train with Southern Wings as an Air relevant to commercial considerations.
New Zealand Preferred Flight Training From crew and passenger demands, or
Organisation, prospective pilots will be weather and air traffic disruptions, today’s
assured they are: modern airline pilot needs the ability to
• Joining a flight training programme manage all of these issues in addition to
designed to produce commercial airline demonstrating well-honed flying skills Southern Wings’ Piper Archer ZK-SWG at dawn.
pilots; and possessing an in-depth knowledge
• Likely to succeed as they have of modern aircraft systems. This course completion requirements depend on the
met airline styled entry criteria for prepares you for the pilot’s demanding stream chosen. For the Airline Preparation
programme selection; and multi-faceted role. stream, students will complete a PPL,
• Interacting with airline personnel. The New Zealand Diploma in Aviation CPL, and Multi-Engine Instrument
Southern Wings is interested in quality; course that Southern Wings provides Rating (MEIR) and, all of their ATPL
we do not aspire to be the biggest, just has three streams; General Aviation, theory. Then they will undergo a
the best. With bases in Auckland and in Instructor and Airline Preparation. All secondary selection process for entry into
Invercargill, we have the whole country students of these streams will complete a the Airline Integration Course (AIC).
covered. Southern Wings students Private Licence (PPL) and Commercial The New Zealand Diploma in Aviation
experience the opportunity to fly and Pilot Licence (CPL). After that the is student loan funded.

2019 #5 57
The KiwiFlyer Guide to Aviation Training

A Head Start for Young Flyers

New Zealand is well served by several organisations who make it Wairarapa and Youth Glide groups are now active in most gliding
their business to help develop interest from the next generation of clubs. There is actually an awful lot of effort, time and money
aviation enthusiasts and professionals. Mostly volunteer based, these going into helping young people fly gliders.
organisations offer a variety of ways a young person can become For more information see the separate article later in this issue.
involved in aviation either for general interest, recreation, or with a
career in mind. The information we featured on these organisations The Air Training Corp (ATC) National Aviation Course
in our 2018 Training Guide was well-received, so here’s a recap. The Air Training Corp is part of the New Zealand Cadet Forces
Thanks again to Mark Woodhouse for putting the words together. (NZCF) and is for both girls and boys aged 13 to 18. The NZCFs
are a voluntary, disciplined, uniformed youth leadership training
organisation and while they are not part of the New Zealand
So, you like the idea of flying, but people have told you it is Defence Force (NZDF), they are directed by the Chief of Defence
hard to get into and very expensive. Well to an extent it is, but Force, on behalf of the Minister of Defence, and are supported in
you might be interested to hear that there are many individuals, partnership by the NZDF and the community.
organisations, programmes and events that will help you explore One of the major events within the ATC is the National
and progress your interest, some at little or no cost. Aviation Course, which is a week-long flying course held at
RNZAF Base Woodbourne in January each year. While their
The Walsh Memorial Scout Flying School friends were hitting the beach over the summer break, these
The Walsh is an annual two week tented flying camp held at ATC students spent the week studying everything from aircraft
Matamata in the Waikato for 16 to 20 year olds. The camp is a maintenance, pre-flight checks and radio procedures, to flying
National School of Scouting NZ and is supported by The Royal with a general aviation flying instructor. By the end of the course
Aeronautical Society and a number of major corporates such the ATC cadets aim to pass their flight radio exam and get their
as Air New Zealand and Airways Corp, as well as many smaller wings by making their first solo flight.
companies, individuals and the local community. In the words of one parent; “.... had an amazing time and
The school is established for up to 44 Ab-Initio (which literally came back so inspired and motivated. We were thrilled about her
means “from the beginning”) Students, 26 Returned Students and achievements, so whomever needs to hear ‘thanks’ we cannot say it
up to 4 Student Staff. Members of Scouting NZ have priority for enough!”
places up to the end or August and then remaining places are open The National Aviation Course is now a well established and
to all applicants. Overall about 40 to 50% of the students are from successful feature of the ATC annual calendar. The course enjoys a
Scouting and about 25 to 30% are female, with that proportion good level of financial support and awards from a number of very
growing. The school has been over-subscribed for many years now, generous sponsors for which they are always most grateful.
so a ballot is run to determine which of the applicants is fortunate For more information go to www.
enough to gain a position. That said there are usually withdrawals about/air-training-corps.htm
for one reason or another, so the waiting list does get used.
All staff, instructors and controllers attend on a voluntary basis, ServiceIQ Aviation Gateway Training
with varying levels of support from their employers. ServiceIQ is the Industry Training Organisation (ITO) for
For more information go to then click on aviation (including pilots), travel, tourism, museums, hospitality
National Schools/Flying and retail, and is committed to helping young New Zealanders
make a start in their careers.
Youth Glide ServiceIQ offers a wide range of training opportunities
The Youth Glide Soaring Development Camp is a live-in event including the Aviation Gateway programme. The purpose of this
aimed at taking any gliding youngster, at any stage of flying, programme is to enable schools to provide senior students (year 11
and helping them to develop further. These events are run by and above) with access to structured workplace learning that helps
Youth Glide NZ which is a not-for-profit organisation providing them to kick-start their aviation career by gaining foundation
education, tuition and training for all relevant skills necessary for knowledge, skills and experience, and to gain unit standards while
gliding in NZ. Participating students range in ages from 14 to 24. doing so.
Instructors, tow pilots and other helpers give freely of their A student’s ultimate career role could be as a pilot, flight
time and expertise, many of whom come back year after year. The attendant, aeronautical engineer, airport operations manager, air
programme is augmented by great educational and social events. traffic controller, academic, regulator, tourism operator, or many
There is much more to Youth Glide than just getting young other related occupations. The Aviation Gateway programme can
people into gliding; they benefit in many other ways such as also help students make professional contacts that can open doors
providing positive interactions with adults and giving them in the future.
goals for lifelong learning, recreation and careers. Over the years There are two types of Gateway training programmes
many great friendships have been cemented at these camps, with available, either a programme ready made by ServiceIQ, or a
competition for places at future camps now becoming quite tough. DIY programme, where your school’s Gateway Coordinators
While Youth Glide began in Omarama and Canterbury a select the best ServiceIQ products to create a tailor-made learning
similar but separate camp is now being run at Greytown in the programme for you. Both programmes take place in the classroom

58 KiwiFlyer Magazine Issue 65

and/or an industry workplace. of the Royal New Zealand Aero Clubs - RNZAC). Young Eagle
ServiceIQ’s Aviation Gateway training programme is a fantastic members will get the opportunity to experience many different
way for you to get a feel for what it’s like to fly an aircraft, plus aspects of aviation, from visiting air traffic control units and
gain insights about other aviation industry roles. If your passion maintenance organisations, through to flying in an aircraft, with
is to be a pilot, this first-time flying experience helps you gain an instructor of course. Young Eagles will have the opportunity to
acceptance into full-time flight training when you leave school. actually control the aircraft, experience how it works and to look
You will do your training flight with a CAA qualified flying down on the world from above.
instructor at a local aero club during term time. The programme Whether you are interested in aviation for a career or for
usually takes about 10 weeks, and normally runs between 1.00pm recreation, or you are just curious to find out what it is all about,
and 3.30pm. Students who successfully complete the programme Young Eagles might just be the starting point for your aviation
will have gained: adventure. If you are interested contact your local aero club and
- Up to 18 credits towards a national qualification; see if they offer the Young Eagles programme. If the aero club in
- Up to three flights towards their Private Pilot’s Licence (PPL); your area doesn’t offer the Young Eagles programme, maybe your
- Real skills and knowledge of the aviation industry; and, enthusiasm will encourage them to join.
- An insight into many different career options. For more information go to
ServiceIQ also offers a Gateway “Flying NZ” Flight Training
Scholarship to a stand-out student who has successfully completed To conclude
the Gateway Aviation training. As you can see, there are opportunities out there which will
While the ServiceIQ Aviation Gateway training programme is help you learn about the aviation industry and help you take those
not offered in all schools, it may be available in yours, so ask your first tentative steps toward either a career or a recreational interest
school Careers Advisor, and if its not, encourage them to explore in aviation. The opportunities I have touched on above may not be
setting it up. all that exist, and to the others I apologise for not mentioning you.
For more information go to If you are interested, don’t sit back and wait for it to come to
gateway-training/serviceiq-gateway-aviation-training/ you. My observation is that to be a professional in our industry
takes a determined investment of effort, time and to some extent
Young Eagles or other money. It is not easy, but there are those prepared to help
Young Eagles is an aviation immersion programme for young you, and most aviation professionals I know are passionate about
people between the ages of 12 and 18. It is offered by many aero their chosen careers. If you want it - go for it. And don’t let
clubs under the auspices of Flying New Zealand (the trading name set-backs along the way discourage you. Persevere.

2019 #5 59
The KiwiFlyer Guide to Aviation Training

Come and enjoy our

PPL, CPL, advanced ratings and
friendly training microlight training are all available
atmosphere at the at the South Canterbury Aero Club
Wanganui Aero Club

Tail Wheel Ratings

Aerobatic Ratings

Regular club activities

South Canterbury Aero Club’s most recent fleet addition is this Cessna A150 Aerobat
Competitive Rates
Situated in the uncongested airspace of including PPL, CPL and Instructor’s
South Canterbury, surrounded by wide ratings.
Very experienced B-Cat open space bordered by the Southern
Alps and the sprawling coastline. South
SCAC is nationally renowned for its
strong youth flying including Young
MEIR Commercial Canterbury Aero Club is ideally located to Eagles and Gateway programme, helping
help you achieve your aviation goals with our youth members achieve credits
Pilot-Instructor both professional or recreational training. towards their school NCEA certificates
South Canterbury Aero Club and its through their flight training achievements.
professional instructors embrace club Many of our youth members have also
style flight training, meaning training at achieved large flying scholarships through
your pace, in your time, supported by FlyingNZ, helping them financially
our friendly team of instructors, club towards their flying goals.
members and students who are interested Through learning to fly with us and
in your success. becoming a South Canterbury Aero Club
The club offers training in general member you will have many opportunities
aviation aircraft towards private and to get involved with club activities outside
commercial licenses, as well as microlight of your regular lessons including fly
pilot certificates in a late generation aways, social events and regional and
microlight. SCAC also offer Terrain national flying competitions.
Awareness, Basic Mountain Flying in real Many of our commercial students
mountainous terrain, Tailwheel Training and instructors have gone on to fly in
in our super cub, as well as Spin and other commercial operations, including
Aerobatic Training in our Cessna 150 Ag flying, Sounds Air, Air New Zealand,
Aerobat. Glenorchy Air and Air Safaris.
Operating from Richard Pearse Airport
just 3 miles north of Timaru City, means
Wanganui Aero Club low training costs with no unnecessary
holding, airways or tower fees and no
06 345 0914
excessive landing frees added onto every flight lesson.
Over the last four years under our For more information please contact club
or look us up on Facebook current Chief Flying Instructor the club CFI and Manager Aaron Pearce on 03 688
has maintained an immaculate safety 2355 or 0508 FLY TIMARU, send a text
record and maintained a better than 90% to 027 846 6287, email: cfi@scaeroclub.
pass rate on flight tests for our students or visit:

60 KiwiFlyer Magazine Issue 65

Make the Southern Alps your playground
while you learn to fly with Wanaka Helicopters
Wanaka Helicopters is a world-renowned flight school situated working with our international commercial clientele to build personal
in Wanaka, surrounded by the spectacular Southern Alps. Family experience valuable for early-career opportunities.
owned and operated since 1992, we are one of New Zealand’s Our Diploma in Aviation students typically enter the workforce
largest and most experienced helicopter flight schools. With ten with three type ratings gained during CPL build-up and sling training
highly experienced pilots on the team and a large fleet of helicopters including the R22 - the most common mustering helicopter in Australia
our primary activities include flight training, commercial and tourism and New Zealand, the Cabri G2 - the newest entry in light-training
operations. Mountain flying is our specialty and we attract trainees aircraft from Guimbal inspired by Eurocopter design principles, and
from all around the world to learn from our knowledgeable instructors. the R44 - the aircraft new CPL pilots are most likely to fly as part of a
Chief Flight Instructor Simon Spencer-Bower is the country’s commercial operation.
most experienced helicopter instructor and his team of eight B and An established industry network is the key to kicking off a strong
C-category instructors are highly experienced and well regarded aviation career. Commercial and industry connection is an important
as instructors and commercial pilots. With the Southern Alps on our focus for Wanaka Helicopters. At WHL, trainees are exposed through
doorstep, we have the best daily opportunity to provide advanced industry engagement in special events, which have included Robinson
mountain training. Most trainees fly our seven two-seat trainers Factory Seminars, CAA SMS workshops, medical briefs and additional
including R22s and Cabri G2s though many progress to working with Fire and Emergency coursework to support Rural Fire responses using
our R44s and AS350s. Other aircraft are available for those seeking a fire bucket.
additional single-engine type ratings. Successful completion also sets graduates up to exercise the
We are able to provide an excellent training programme for privileges provided for by NZCAA in New Zealand ground operations,
trainees in either self-directed study with PPL, CPL and specialist flight planning and assisting operators with their safety management
training or a comprehensive fully-supported NZQA-accredited Level systems. Student loans, NZ Maori Scholarship (up to $10,000) and
5 Diploma in Aviation. This is a two year full-time qualification with all FeesFree funding (up to $12,000) is available for eligible students
flight theory ground courses taught at Wanaka Airport. which makes the Diploma a popular avenue for career-oriented pilots.
Diploma students also participate in seven flight safety and If you are thinking about taking the next step in your aviation
management courses in addition to eleven flight skills courses before career get in touch with us to discuss your options or stop by to visit our
gaining their CPL. As well as flying, trainees frequently have the Wanaka base. Contact us on 0800 46 36 26 or check out our website
opportunity to participate in loading, unloading, briefing and for more information.

2019 #5 61
The KiwiFlyer Guide to Aviation Training

Auckland’s Premier
North Shore Aero Club Flight Training Facility
Aviation is unique in the experience it provides, whether on the experienced instructors, ideal location, modern aircraft fleet and top
private or commercial scale. There’s more to flying than sitting in class facilities, the cost of training is extremely competitive.
a jet watching the autopilot fly for you, something which many We also offer theory ground courses which are one of NZ’s
organisations tend to forget. Who can forget their first trial flight most popular, with people coming from all over the country to
and the feeling they experienced as the aircraft first lifted off the take advantage and make those pesky exams a breeze. Full details
runway? Even after a thousand take-offs that first one remains and timetables can be found on our website which is continually
special. It’s that feeling that makes people want to learn to fly, to updated as new course dates are released.
put in the effort so they may, one day, give someone else that same
feeling as they pull away from the ground. Expert Quality Instruction and an Ideal Location
North Shore Aero Club provides that experience through Good instruction is hard to come by and at NSAC we pride
training. We know there needs to be reward for hard work. The ourselves on our top class team. With two ‘A’ Category instructors
club aspect supplements the training, not only are trainees pushed and Flight Examiners on staff we have the expertise to provide
towards becoming better pilots, but they’re constantly given reason comprehensive instruction in a concise manner.
to want to improve. The environment not only fosters ability and a Located on Auckland’s North Shore, we are just a hop, skip
safety culture, but a desire to keep flying and try new things. and 25 minute drive from the Auckland CBD, up the Northern
Motorway. Once airborne, you are immediately positioned within
Kick start your career with our NZQA Diploma in aviation. a large, un-crowded flight training area offering low flying areas,
We have been training pilots for over 55 years and with our CTAs, CTRs, varied terrain and a number of friendly airfields to
excellent pass rates, NSAC pilots have experienced great success visit all within 15 nm. All this equates to very efficient PPL and
moving to airlines including Air New Zealand, Jetstar, Virgin CPL training and of course being only 8 nm away from Whenuapai
Australia, Cathay Pacific, Virgin Atlantic, Qantas and Emirates to Air Force base with its RNAV (GNSS), VOR/DME and ILS/DME
name a few. With airlines these days looking for more than just the approaches and our own RNAV (GNSS) approaches into North
basic qualifications, gaining a Diploma is the ideal way to upskill Shore, we are ideally located for completing an Instrument Rating.
and with our NZQA accredited course, it couldn’t be easier.
Welcoming Friendly Environment
Popular Individual Courses Our friendly team at NSAC are waiting to discuss your options
All our courses are available as practical modules and individual with you – we’re open 7 days from 8am until 5pm or later during
theory covering everything from the recreational RPL and PPL, to the summer months. We warmly welcome you to call in anytime
the professional CPL, MEIR, and Instructor Rating. With NSAC’s and it will be our pleasure to show you around.

62 KiwiFlyer Magazine Issue 65

Mainland Aviation College
“Where students come before all else”
Based at the Dunedin International Airport and in operation Mountain flying (which our location is perfect for), Tail wheel
for over 25 years, Mainland Aviation College has been highly ratings, Instrument ratings, and more…
successful with countless students now in the aviation career of It is important to Mainland Management that students are
their choice. In the most recent years Mainland Aviation College provided with the best training opportunities they can get. This led
have at least 30 of their students now flying as Captains and First to the decision of ‘capping’ student numbers to ensure that training
Officers for Mount Cook Airline and Air NZ. Others have chosen is personalised with no unreasonable waiting times for Instructors,
careers in Instructing, Ag Flying, Outback Flying, Charter Flying, aircraft and courses. Because of this approach, our students
Seismic Flying, and more… complete their course in the required timeframe which saves them
Mainland Aviation College is in the unique position of having money and continues to keep the good name of Mainland Aviation
a successful Multi-Engine Air Charter division, Mainland Air College.
Services Ltd. After gaining the required amount of hours with We have a large fleet of training aircraft and are very lucky to
Instructing, students are then offered further training to fill have a base of experienced Instructors including A-Cats, B-Cats
positions in the Charter division, as they become available. This and C-Cats which is quite a rarity in these changing times of
immediately gives those selected the opportunity to gain Multi aviation.
hours which are priceless in some areas of aviation - and puts them Our CEO, Philip Kean, has been in the aviation industry for
a step closer to realising their dream. over 50 years and is still actively flying, Instructing, Charter flying
Mainland Aviation College is a NZQA Approved PTE, and Flight testing. His experience in all types of aircraft and flying
for delivering the Diploma in Aviation to both Domestic and is an asset to the college. Philip runs an open door policy to his
International students. The College is also Pastoral Care approved office, where students are welcome anytime.
and provides safe, warm and clean accommodation for those So, if you wish to join a Flight Training Organisation where the
students who require it, at a very minimal rent per week. student comes before all else, just give us a call. We’ll be happy to
As well as providing flight training for the Diploma in Aviation, speak with you!
Mainland Aviation College students can choose to extend their
skills with: – Aerobatic training, Strip landings, Beach landings,


Taking you from zero hours to a fully qualified Commercial Pilot with the Diploma in Aviation
• PPL • CPL • MEIR • Instructor Ratings • Tailwheel Ratings • Strip & Beach Landings • Aerobatic Ratings
• We are NZQA Approved and have Contacts in all aspects of Aviation.
• Capped student numbers ensure personalised training with no unreasonable waiting times for
aircraft, instructors or courses.
• Our Flight Training covers all careers in aviation from Airlines to Ag, Scenic to Charter, and even
Aussie Outback Flying, or whichever aviation career you choose.

More Info: 03 486 2200 [email protected] Facebook: Mainland Air - Flight Training & Charter

2019 #5 63
Aviation Training contributed by Anke Smith

Profiling Research at Massey University School of Aviation

Part 2: Biodiesel Applications for General Aviation Engines
The continuing growth of the aviation feasibility and sustainability of biodiesels
industry shows aviation accounting for in New Zealand - analysed the history
3.5% of global energy related CO2 of biodiesel production, the production
emissions by 2030. By 2050 the industry frameworks available at present, and the
has committed to reducing carbon emissions end-users.
by 50 % from the 2005 levels. The current main sources of feed-stock
Research into blending lower carbon for commercially produced biodiesel in
Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) with fossil New Zealand use cooking oil and tallow,
jet fuel is gathering pace as it is recognised a by-product of the meat processing
this will be essential to meeting this carbon industry – all continuous sources. The
emissions goal. manufacturing process for tallow biodiesel
Dr Rose Davies at the Massey University has the potential to produce high quality
School of Aviation is one such researcher. biodiesel.
The research and technology development Stage Two saw aviation engine
programme on biodiesel application for simulation test rigs constructed at Massey
GA engines in New Zealand commenced University. Pure biodiesel fuels and
in 2015 at the School of Aviation, Massey biodiesel/Jet A-1 blends were tested on a Dr Rose Davies (left) working on a biodiesel test rig
University, led by Dr Davies. She explains small jet engine and also on a diesel engine.
her particular interest in this subject: The jet engine was tested under steady in development to identify the difference
operating conditions - equivalent to in the combustion process with different
aircraft steady level flights - and under biodiesel fuels when the operational
Biodiesel is the popular and widely varying operating conditions, equivalent conditions are not in steady state. Further
used term for fuels made by reacting to aircraft flying in changing airspeed, systematic tests are scheduled on aircraft
vegetable oil or animal fat with an alcohol heading, and rotating motions. diesel engines to explore if any issues
to produce long chain fatty acid esters, The diesel engine was tested under occur and to develop recommendations
usually with a metal oxide or hydroxide propeller operating conditions. It was for when the fuel is switched from Jet A-1
catalyst. The biological origins of the fuel found that engines can operate well on to biodiesel or its blends.
underpin a potentially sustainable resource biodiesels and their blends under the
with the intrinsic prospect of a reduced steady operating conditions. However, Post grad student enquiries welcome
carbon footprint for users. Though there the level of engine power and emissions Dr Davies was awarded a contract
are many challenges in the production is dependent on the characteristics of the by Taylor and Frances, international
of biofuel with specifications that align biodiesel and their blends. academic publishers, for publication of
with the broad requirements of fuel for Stage Three involved testing and her recently completed book. The book
aviation use, the (aviation) industry has analysing the specifications of different - ‘Aerodynamics for Air Transport Pilots’
demonstrated its interest in the potential biodiesels and their blends. The (ISBN: 978-0-3673-3947-0) - is primarily
of biodiesel with well-publicised trials by specifications for biodiesels can vary aimed at bridging the gap between pilot
several commercial carriers. significantly. The ability of the tested training manuals and academic texts.
However, there is little quantitative biodiesels to produce heat/energy is Dr Davies’ other research interests
information on the effects of biodiesel comparable to that of Jet A-1 or petroleum include the development of motion
and biodiesel blends on the performance diesel. But the specifications related and force feed-back for low cost PC
of aviation engines - in particular on to the quality of combustion and the based aviation training devices. Massey
the performance of non-steady-state transferability and storage, for example University flight instructors have been
operations of receptacle engines which viscosity and flash point and cloud point, able to assist Rose in several experiments
are widely used in the general aviation are very different. These differences in fuel on a force feed-back model for a flight
industry. It is strategically important to specifications can cause some delays of simulator.
develop a biodiesel application scheme for actions in flight manoeuvres, and the low Her subsequent joint paper on this
general aviation engines, in order to assure fluidity feature of biodiesel may require topic with Massey’s Dr Savern Reweti
a sustainable and renewable energy source heat energy in fuel delivery systems. was awarded the ‘Best Written Paper in
for general aviation. The next step of this programme, in the Operation and Support Section’ of
There were initially three stages in this collaboration with Dr Hong (Linda) Yu the Australian International Aerospace
programme: Investigating the sources/ and other international academics from Congress (AIAC) 2017 conference.
feed-stocks of biodiesel in New Zealand, the China University of Petroleum, will be Rose is also a postgraduate supervisor
conducting engine tests, and identifying to investigate the technology which can interested in hearing from prospective
the research hot spots in using biodiesel in change the specification of biodiesels and Doctoral or Masters students sharing her
general aviation engines. their blends to bring them closer to those research interests who wish to further their
Stage One - the study of the of Jet A-1. Several analytical methods are academic careers.

64 KiwiFlyer Magazine Issue 65

The KiwiFlyer Guide to Aviation Training

Give your passion purpose - Join the RNZAF

What we do peacekeeping and humanitarian missions. Intelligence Officer:
The Royal New Zealand Air Force There are opportunities to travel overseas Military intelligence is a fascinating
provides New Zealand with its airborne and you can learn a trade and gain area of our operations and you will be at
military capability. To do this, we support qualifications that will set you up for life. the heart of it, interpreting intelligence
a fleet of aircraft – each designed to data on a wide range of missions at home
perform a different role, whether it is Careers and overseas.
airlifting supplies or rescuing someone at There are two main career pathways in
sea. To maintain and operate our aircraft the Air Force – Commissioned Officers Learning Development Officer:
we have a tight-knit team of highly trained and Non-Commissioned Officers. You will support the development of
experts, from pilots to ground crew. Commissioned Officer roles are offered the NZ Defence Force and its people as a
Together we help protect New Zealand’s to those with a high level of academic specialist in military training, education
interests, whilst supporting global achievement and the potential to lead and and professional development.
peacekeeping and humanitarian missions. manage.
Non-Commissioned Officer roles – Medical Officer:
What you could do aircrew, operations support and technical Unlike any medical career in the
All roles in the Air Force are critical to roles – focus on providing the essential civilian world and unrivalled in its variety,
delivering effective air operations across core skills and hands-on expertise we you will practice all aspects of medical care
the globe – and each role offers you the need. and train other medics and aircrew.
opportunity to gain industry level skills
that will help you become an expert in Roles: Ground Officers Psychologist:
your field. Whether you have a technical Communication and Information Systems Finding out what makes our personnel
mind or enjoy working with your hands (CIS) Officer: tick is just one of the exciting challenges
in a trade, a career in the Air Force will Keep us in contact at home and of this specialist role. Develop your
mean you are part of a team that is truly overseas as you train to deploy a range psychology skills in the fast moving and
world-class. of advanced communication and exciting military world.
Join us, and help others in times of information systems. A skilled and
need with agile air operations across the rewarding role. Supply Officer:
world. Moving and managing military
Engineering Officer: hardware, supplies and personnel requires
The lifestyle The expert in all aspects of aviation quick thinking and the ability to keep a
Imagine a job where you are maintenance, this is a role that demands level head. Take the lead in this role that
surrounded by the latest technology, the best problem solving skills and rewards offers travel and challenges.
working alongside your mates, and you with a varied and challenging career.
you have the chance to make a positive
difference to the world around you. This is
the unique opportunity that awaits you in
the Air Force. The lifestyle is very active,
very social and you will have amazing
experiences, such as being involved in

66 KiwiFlyer Magazine Issue 65

Roles: Air Crew agenda as you secure our elements in
Air Warfare Officer: New Zealand and across the world.
Aboard the long-range surveillance Protecting our personnel and equipment
P-3K2 Orion and C130H Hercules cargo from sabotage and terror threats is a top
aircraft, you will operate and manage priority.
complex hi-tech systems, navigate and
provide tactical coordination to ensure Fire Fighter:
mission success. Protect lives and equipment as you lead
the fire and rescue services at our airfields
Air Warfare Specialist: and bases.
On every mission aboard the specialist
long-range surveillance P-3K2 Orion, you Intelligence Specialist:
will be at the heart of its complex systems, Test your skills locally and globally
sensors and controls. as you learn how to produce accurate
intelligence from imagery, electronic
Flight Steward: signals and geospatial information.
Travel the world on our Boeing 757
aircraft and train to become an expert Logistics Specialist:
in the care of crew, equipment and Make sure we are ready for anything
passengers. by organising, buying and managing all
the equipment we use in our operations at
Helicopter Loadmaster: home and overseas.
As part of the NH90 helicopter crew
you will manage all passengers and cargo, Medic:
as well as operate the door guns, rescue You will be trained in a medical career
hoist, and be the pilot’s eyes for underslung unlike anything in civilian life, providing
loads, search, and identifying external aspects of medical care to our personnel
threats. both on the ground and in the air.

Parachute Jump Instructor: Roles: Technical

There is never a dull moment in this Aircraft Systems Technician:
adrenalin-packed career. Become an expert While some fly aircraft, other learn
in descending safely out of aircraft and how they work. We will train you
train others in the military to do the same. to become a technical master in the
maintenance of all our aircraft systems.
You will understand why this is one Aeronautical Structures Technician:
of the most sought after and challenging Show off your precision hand skills
careers in the Air Force. Learn on fixed and train to become a specialist in repair
wing training aircraft and then progress to and manufacture of metal and composite
rotary wing and multiengine aircraft. aeronautical structures and componentry. – it will be your responsibility to maintain
a variety of equipment, from parachutes
Roles: Operations Support Electronics Technician (Aviation): and aerial delivery equipment to painting
Aviation Refueller: Travel the world and work on our aircraft.
Become an expert in aviation fuel expanding fleet of aircraft, learning how
systems and learn to operate a range of to troubleshoot and repair complex Armament Technician:
vehicles and equipment. electronic systems that keep them flying. This is your opportunity to understand,
handle and maintain all the Air Force’s
Communication and Information Systems Ground Support Equipment (GSE) weapons, including guns, explosives and
(CIS) Technician: Technician: guided missiles.
Take up the challenge of mastering If you are excited by working with
some of the world’s most sophisticated engines, motors and specialist aviation Find out more
communications technology and travel equipment, then this is your opportunity To apply, or to find out more
with it to destinations around the world. to combine your interests. information on military life, entry
requirements and intake information, visit
Force Protection: Safety and Surface Technician: the Defence Careers website:
Travel and adventure are all on the This will keep you busy and challenged

2019 #5 67
The KiwiFlyer Guide to Aviation Training

If you want to ‘really’ learn to fly...

If you want to ‘really’ learn to fly, and at the same time develop ground; is this flight likely to be bumpy; and similar questions that
great skills that will support your powered flight training and all affect your flight planning. A glider pilot would actually be using
future flying, plus if you’d like to get started quite young, and fly that knowledge to find the rising air and use the energy whether
at a very low cost, then go and visit your local gliding club. You’re they’re flying a glider or a power plane. This knowledge, if you’re
sure to be welcomed and have a great time there. flying a powered aircraft can save you fuel, money and time.
So how can flying an aircraft without an engine teach you to
better fly one that does? Jill McCaw explains: Stick and rudder flying: A glider isn’t pulled through the air by
an engine. You have to fly it cleanly and that involves a lot more
rudder than a power pilot is used to using. You learn to use your
Engine failure landings: This is probably the thing that everyone feet. A glider requires precise control movements (although they are
thinks of first when asking this question. Every landing in a actually very forgiving, and many training gliders will correct a bad
glider is without an engine or the chance to go around. Glider attitude if you just leave the controls alone).
pilots learn to land precisely where they want at the speed that
is correct for the conditions – every time. Flying a glider teaches Situational Awareness: Glider pilots are taught to fly with their
you that all aircraft fly without an engine, it’s just their glide angle heads outside the cockpit and to always be aware of other gliders
that is different. Landing out in a glider, i.e. landing somewhere sharing their sky, particularly in thermals or flying in the rising air
other than on an airfield because you have lost your source of along ridge lines. Traveling at 100 knots along a ridge you really
lift, happens all the time. Glider pilots train for it, right from have to be very, very aware of other traffic, especially as it may be
the early days of their landing training. If a glider is at 2,000 feet on a reciprocal course to you. Glider pilots judge their height above
then the pilot is looking for somewhere to land, looking at the the ground by what they see out the window, their airspeed by the
paddocks below, assessing slope, wind strength and direction, sound of the airflow past the aircraft in conjunction with the height
obstacles and the ability to be retrieved from the paddock. If of the top of the instrument panel compared to the horizon, and
you’re flying a power plane below 2,000 feet and you’ve flown have an audio sound on the variometer telling them if they are in
gliders you’ll automatically be making those judgements, making rising or falling air. They don’t need their head in the cockpit.
you safer should something go wrong. At 1,000 feet a glider pilot
is preparing to land. Every landing too is a glide approach so if Where can you learn to fly a glider?
you have to do it in a non-powered power plane you’ll be used to Just about anywhere in the country. See the Gliding New
how it feels. You learn to judge a glide slope to aiming point and Zealand website for information on your local club then give them
landing by angles. a call. Gliding clubs are run entirely by volunteers and so mostly
fly weekends only. Some clubs have a booking system for trial
Weather awareness: Gliders rely on the energy in the atmosphere flights but others will just expect you to turn up, put your name on
to fly and glider pilots learn a great deal more about the weather the flying list and wait until a two-seater and an instructor is free.
than the average power pilot. Knowing what to expect of the air When you phone the club contact it would be worth asking what
you’re flying through is a safety consideration. Is that convection to expect as well as what the price of your flight will be. Remember
likely to develop into something you’d be better flying around; is that everyone, the tow pilot or winch driver, the people getting the
the wind coming over that ridge going to try dumping you on the glider onto the airstrip, the ones driving the retrieve vehicle and

68 KiwiFlyer Magazine Issue 65

your instructor are all volunteers. They’re all giving something future champion of the world.
back to the sport they love. If you join the club and learn to fly, New Zealander John Coutts started gliding at 16 and was
you’ll be expected to pull your weight and help get other members World Champion 10 years later. Terry Delore from Christchurch
in the air too. started gliding at 14 and now holds numerous world records for
speed and distance.
Youth Glide New Zealand Alex McCaw and Nick Oakley soloed at 14, and now, in
If you’re 19 years of age or younger and not yet earning a wage, their twenties compete internationally. Abbey Delore and Enya
then you can learn to fly through Youth Glide. Youth Glide is McPherson, also in their early twenties, broke a NZ women’s
available at most clubs and YGNZ also runs camps for young two-seat gliding speed record for a 100km course.
pilots of all abilities several times a year. The benefits of belonging
to Youth Glide, over and above belonging to the gliding club, is Youth Glide at Club Level
the camaraderie of sharing experiences with other young pilots. Youth Glide operations are incorporated within the parent
Youth Glide ensures flights with ‘youth compatible’ instructors organisation of the local gliding club or Soaring Centre. They
and extra assistance targeted specifically at young people. are subject to rules and regulations of the club, and as members
are entitled to free instructional training in gliders with trained
Learning to Glide instructors. Various clubs have their own arrangements, but all
Youth Glide follows the Gliding New Zealand training make at least one two-seater training glider available to Youth
curriculum. There is no early age limit to learning to fly. Many Glide members at no or reduced rates, and often have reduced
young pilots have held their Glider Pilot Licence (GPL) before rates for towing. Gliding New Zealand waives affiliation fees to
their car licence. They will have had lots of practice flying with the national body and pays the subscription of SoaringNZ, the
highly qualified instructors. The knowledge and skills gained while national magazine.
learning to fly gliders can be translated into NZQA Unit Standards Members are expected to ‘do their bit’ on the airfield, taking
for NCEA. their turn at duty pilot, running wings, preparing aircraft in the
Once flying alone, the pilot is supervised and guided so as to morning and putting them away at the end of the day and other
make progress in a safe, structured way. Many of today’s finest tasks. There is a lot of co-operation involved in running a gliding
glider pilots started gliding at a very young age. The younger you club.
start, within reason, the faster you learn and will have the highest The end result is that world class soaring experiences and
likelihood of becoming a pilot able to fly further and faster and professional training in all aspects of gliding are available to
even win racing competitions. You could become a member of the Youth Glide members at very affordable rates.
New Zealand Team squad flying for your country, or perhaps, a For more information see

2019 #5 69
The KiwiFlyer Guide to Aviation Training

Bill Henwood image

Represented in New Zealand by Anderson Aviation, the Bristell NG5 can be registered in either of the microlight or LSA categories.

Train in a Microlight or Light Sport Aircraft

As well as being CFI and Manager of the South Canterbury Aero The differences
Club, Aaron Pearce is a microlight enthusiast. Modern highly- Between GA and microlights there are two differences we have
specified microlights are no longer the poorer cousins of certified to deal with: the machine and the training. Let’s start with the
General Aviation aircraft, and depending on your end goals, machine and what you can and cannot do.
microlights and light sport aircraft can provide a significantly less In a nutshell a microlight is a recreational machine. The aircraft
expensive option of learning to fly – and then continuing to do so are built lighter to fit in the ‘microlight’ category and only allowed
once your licence has been printed. Aaron explains: a maximum of two seats. However there are some seriously
impressive machines appearing in the microlight category, both
in speed and performance, with huge wheels for back country
When visiting a local airfield, most people’s eyes will be drawn to landings and with more modern avionics than an A320 – and with
the shiniest, newest and fastest looking aircraft. These days, such miniscule operating costs. Bang for buck most modern microlights
machines are most likely to be in the Light Sport or Microlight outperform their GA equivalents hands down, taking off and
categories. landing in a distance that will give a Super Cub a challenge. The
The word microlight can still bring shivers to some of the lower running cost comes down to the privilege of being allowed
general public thanks to the media and memories of Thrusters and to perform your own maintenance on the machine, and that they
Pterodactyls when every flight taken was something of a calculated often consume less than 18 litres an hour of automotive grade fuel.
risk. Thankfully, microlight technology has come a long way For all the freedom that microlighting offers, it does come with
since then and a well-maintained microlight aircraft is now just as some restrictions however. As the machine is in a category allowing
reliable as most Cessnas or Pipers. ‘amateur maintenance’, a microlight and its pilot may not fly over
As a fixed wing General Aviation Instructor and a Microlight ‘built up areas’. You can also only fly during daylight hours, and
Examiner I can only talk to my own experiences and the law not for hire or reward.
surrounding these machines on the fixed wing side of things, but Now regarding the pilot and the training: There are three CAA
there are of course also plenty of rotary winged microlight types certificated Rule Part 149 organisations in New Zealand who offer
– in both the helicopter and gyroplane categories. That said, the microlight training and pilot certification. These are FlyingNZ
rules are essentially the same across both types, aside from some (the Royal NZ Aero Club and governing body of all aero clubs),
differences in examination requirements. RAANZ (the Recreational Aircraft Association of NZ) and
When considering whether to go down the microlight or SAC (Sport Aviation Corp.). All operate under slightly different
certified aircraft path for flight training, the main thing is to structures and all can help you to achieve your microlight pilot
understand the options each path leads to, and also the law certificate. Do some online research and talk to members to decide
surrounding training if you’re considering what you want to do which is best for you.
with your new pilot licence or certificate. When considering whether to start off on the microlight or
General Aviation (Cessnas and Pipers) path, it’s important to think

70 KiwiFlyer Magazine Issue 65

about what you personally want to do once you have achieved your approved as being alike enough to GA aircraft and maintained
licence or certificate. Do you have aspirations of being a commercial as such, that the hours flown can be logged as microlight or GA
pilot or instructor? Do you want to carry the whole family away depending on the instructor’s qualification, or the certificate or
on holiday? Or maybe you have a friend that flies and you want to licence held by the pilot.
become his new wingman? Basically any pilot or certificate holder can fly the machine on
It comes down to you. If you’re semi-retired, only want to fly his or her licence or certificate. If the instructor is operating on
on a sunny Sunday and just want to get involved in flying but a microlight certificate then the hours are ‘microlight’ but if the
have no professional flying aspirations then definitely consider instructor is a C, B, or A-Cat and has an appropriate type rating
microlighting. The training is cheaper due to the lower operating then the hours are now GA hours and count towards PPL, CPL
costs of the aircraft, and the pathway is generally quicker with not and even Instructor ratings.
having to undertake the same amount of training nor level of exams
as for a private pilot licence. In saying that, it is a fact that a good What to do
microlight instructor will treat you and your standard of training no The best advice I can offer is talk to people, pilots, students, and
differently than for a fully-fledged private pilot working their way to instructors before you spend any money on flight training with
a PPL in a Cessna. anyone. Remember, there could be some bias and most people will
However if you’re a teenager and considering aviation as a career, be trying to sell you their machine / instruction / preference with
save your pennies and head down the General Aviation route. Yes it the motive of attracting your business and hard-earned money.
is more expensive than microlighting and yes you’ll fly less hours for A good instructor or club should be spending more time asking
the same money but unfortunately there is no recognition for dual you questions than telling you how great or how cheap they are
hours logged in a microlight towards a PPL or later on your CPL. - and they will also be up front about what you can or cannot do
You will eventually have to re-fly many of the hours you have with the licence or certificate you might gain with them.
already paid for because the instructor and aircraft weren’t of the Microlights are cheap to operate, happy, recreational and
correct category. I have had to be the bearer of bad news to many generally speaking, fair weather machines.
a gutted teenager as they had to remove hours from their total That statement might ruffle some elevators and rudders but
time before a flight test because they were misinformed or just not it’s not meant in any derogatory way; as a recreational, private
informed about the specifics around cross-crediting their training. owner machine it’s very hard to beat the new Tecnam tailwheel
for versatile fun, a Dynamic for looks and speed, or the affordable
Light Sport Aircraft happiness of a Rans S6. Whichever path you choose, you’re sure to
The new kids on the block, LSAs or Light Sports are a completely have a great many enjoyable hours of flying ahead.
different beast. They are basically a ‘microlight’, however they are Aaron Pearce KF

2019 #5 71
The KiwiFlyer Guide to Aviation Training

Study Support from Waypoints Aviation

Pilot Books - Ground Courses - Mock Exams - iBooks
Owned and managed by Mark and Ruth Mark Woodhouse. These books have and use of imagery is very good. Tools
Woodhouse, Waypoints Aviation provides become the de facto purchase for most to view the different layers in each book
a comprehensive range of study support new student pilots starting their careers (chapters, sections, questions, etc.) are all
material for student pilots working and many will be pleased to hear that user-friendly. Text is searchable, and you
through their licence examination credits. Waypoints are presently also developing can add highlights and notes to it for your
Mark is an experienced ATPL ground more volumes in the series. own reference. It’s also of course much
instructor, currently employed as an Waypoints are continuing to work more portable than a textbook and easy to
international pilot with Air New Zealand. on a project to convert the PilotBooks refer to whenever the opportunity permits.
Resources offered by Waypoints range of conventional paper textbooks If you’re an iPad using aviation student,
include the PilotBooks series of flight and to eBooks. To date fourteen of the this is probably a study option that’s
ground training textbooks, Apple eBooks, textbooks have been converted, i.e., the perfect for you. And if you haven’t got an
online Mock (practice) Exams, Ground Flight Training Manual and Volumes iPad it’s potentially enough justification to
Courses. The majority of this material 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13 and buy one.]
development has been led by Mark 14 can be purchased through the Apple
himself, who is continuing to extend the iBookstore. See Online Mock Exams
range as opportunity permits. for details. [KiwiFlyer has sampled these Waypoints Mock Exams are multi-
on an iPad. They are easy to use, very choice practice exams, styled on the
PilotBooks and eBooks elegantly presented, well-illustrated, and real ASPEQ examination (similar to the
The well-known and respected include interactive question and answer old Sample Exam papers they used to
PilotBooks series of flight and ground sessions for each chapter, as well as links make available). Question bank sets are
training textbooks for the PPL, CPL, IR, to Waypoints mock exams. Considering available now for all of the PPL(A) and
BTK and ATPL have been authored by these are textbooks, they have a great (H) subjects, for CPL Air Law, Nav and
Walter Wagtendonk, Stewart Boys and deal of visual appeal - the layout, fonts, for PofF, for BTK, and for five of the

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72 KiwiFlyer Magazine Issue 65

seven ATPL(A) subjects. More mock exam
question banks are under development,
with priority going on the CPL(A) and
ATPL(A) subjects.
Each mock exam you sit is unique,
made up of a set number of multi-choice
questions generated randomly from a
large master question bank, covering the
full syllabus of each subject. All content
is modelled on the type of questions you
may get in the real ASPEQ examinations.
These mock exams are designed to A screenshot of the Waypoints iBooks page
fine tune and focus your knowledge in
preparation for the real examination. Each
multi-choice item comes with a syllabus developed and offer pilot study support
reference and a study reference. material which will help you develop
appropriate knowledge, skills and attitudes
Ground Courses to achieve your flying dreams - safely. We
Waypoints provide ground courses for offer material to you as free downloads,
the higher level professional licences and as they become available. Material on
ratings. ATPL theory, and BTK ground our Free Stuff page is offered as a free
courses are run in conjunction with and download. Its content has been produced
based at the Nelson Aviation College in and collated from a wide range of sources
Motueka. Waypoints works very closely and where possible we have given full
with the College. credit to the original author(s).

Free Stuff For more information visit:

Waypoints believe passionately in or
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2019 #5 73

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