KiwiFlyer Guide To Aviation Training 2019-2020
KiwiFlyer Guide To Aviation Training 2019-2020
KiwiFlyer Guide To Aviation Training 2019-2020
Aviation Training
October 2019 Supplement
Aviation Research
The KiwiFlyer Guide to Aviation Training
Where to complete
your flight training?
This image is from the annual Walsh Memorial Scout Flying School at Matamata. Having been bitten by the bug, where to next?
2019 #5 49
The KiwiFlyer Guide to Aviation Training
2019 #5 51
The KiwiFlyer Guide to Aviation Training
Welcome to New Zealand’s premier Part 141 (Check & Training). We are your knowledge beyond just meeting the
helicopter flight training provider, also accredited by the New Zealand minimum standards set by CAA. We will
nestled between the rolling hills of Banks Qualifications Authority (NZQA), as a arm you with the necessary skills to make
Peninsula and the snow-peak jewels of Private Training Establishment approved you employable.
Canterbury’s Southern Alps. to deliver the Level 5 NZ Diploma Christchurch Helicopters operates a
Christchurch Helicopters is based at in Aviation and approved for student fleet of Guimbal Cabri G2 helicopters.
the Christchurch International Airport. funding by the Tertiary Education These are the safest and most modern
Established in 2001, the company was Commission (TEC) which allows a training helicopters you will find in the
NZ’s largest helicopter flight training limited number of students to access world. Christchurch Helicopters decided
school with bases in Christchurch, student loan funding and allowances for to invest in high quality training aircraft
Auckland and Invercargill. Over the the Diploma Programme. many years ago so as to provide our staff
years we have trained many students, Our philosophy has always been to and students the best, safest available
contributing to a large number of NZ’s provide quality flight training to the resource for training. Along with these
professional helicopter pilots flying today, highest level, in a safe and welcoming aircraft, we have a varied fleet of turbine
with many others flying all over the world environment and to exceed the client’s helicopters which students can obtain
in places such as Canada, USA, Australia, expectations. ratings on.
Asia, PNG and even Antarctica. At Christchurch Helicopters, we Along with our fleet, Christchurch is
Christchurch Helicopters is will go the extra mile to expand your lucky enough to have one of the largest
Certificated by NZCAA under Part 135 knowledge. Yes, you will obtain a Low Flying Zones in NZ right on our
(Commercial Air Transport Operations), licence, but on leaving, you will have doorstep, plus the beautiful Southern
Part 137 (Agricultural Operations) and experienced much more and expanded Alps for all-important mountain training
You’ll learn to fly in a state of the art training helicopter - the Guimbal Cabri G2. It’s just a short flight to the Southern Alps for genuine mountain training.
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50 KiwiFlyer Magazine Issue 65
The KiwiFlyer Guide to Aviation Training
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The KiwiFlyer Guide to Aviation Training
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The KiwiFlyer Guide to Aviation Training
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The KiwiFlyer Guide to Aviation Training
2019 #5 61
The KiwiFlyer Guide to Aviation Training
Auckland’s Premier
North Shore Aero Club Flight Training Facility
Aviation is unique in the experience it provides, whether on the experienced instructors, ideal location, modern aircraft fleet and top
private or commercial scale. There’s more to flying than sitting in class facilities, the cost of training is extremely competitive.
a jet watching the autopilot fly for you, something which many We also offer theory ground courses which are one of NZ’s
organisations tend to forget. Who can forget their first trial flight most popular, with people coming from all over the country to
and the feeling they experienced as the aircraft first lifted off the take advantage and make those pesky exams a breeze. Full details
runway? Even after a thousand take-offs that first one remains and timetables can be found on our website which is continually
special. It’s that feeling that makes people want to learn to fly, to updated as new course dates are released.
put in the effort so they may, one day, give someone else that same
feeling as they pull away from the ground. Expert Quality Instruction and an Ideal Location
North Shore Aero Club provides that experience through Good instruction is hard to come by and at NSAC we pride
training. We know there needs to be reward for hard work. The ourselves on our top class team. With two ‘A’ Category instructors
club aspect supplements the training, not only are trainees pushed and Flight Examiners on staff we have the expertise to provide
towards becoming better pilots, but they’re constantly given reason comprehensive instruction in a concise manner.
to want to improve. The environment not only fosters ability and a Located on Auckland’s North Shore, we are just a hop, skip
safety culture, but a desire to keep flying and try new things. and 25 minute drive from the Auckland CBD, up the Northern
Motorway. Once airborne, you are immediately positioned within
Kick start your career with our NZQA Diploma in aviation. a large, un-crowded flight training area offering low flying areas,
We have been training pilots for over 55 years and with our CTAs, CTRs, varied terrain and a number of friendly airfields to
excellent pass rates, NSAC pilots have experienced great success visit all within 15 nm. All this equates to very efficient PPL and
moving to airlines including Air New Zealand, Jetstar, Virgin CPL training and of course being only 8 nm away from Whenuapai
Australia, Cathay Pacific, Virgin Atlantic, Qantas and Emirates to Air Force base with its RNAV (GNSS), VOR/DME and ILS/DME
name a few. With airlines these days looking for more than just the approaches and our own RNAV (GNSS) approaches into North
basic qualifications, gaining a Diploma is the ideal way to upskill Shore, we are ideally located for completing an Instrument Rating.
and with our NZQA accredited course, it couldn’t be easier.
Welcoming Friendly Environment
Popular Individual Courses Our friendly team at NSAC are waiting to discuss your options
All our courses are available as practical modules and individual with you – we’re open 7 days from 8am until 5pm or later during
theory covering everything from the recreational RPL and PPL, to the summer months. We warmly welcome you to call in anytime
the professional CPL, MEIR, and Instructor Rating. With NSAC’s and it will be our pleasure to show you around.
Taking you from zero hours to a fully qualified Commercial Pilot with the Diploma in Aviation
• PPL • CPL • MEIR • Instructor Ratings • Tailwheel Ratings • Strip & Beach Landings • Aerobatic Ratings
• We are NZQA Approved and have Contacts in all aspects of Aviation.
• Capped student numbers ensure personalised training with no unreasonable waiting times for
aircraft, instructors or courses.
• Our Flight Training covers all careers in aviation from Airlines to Ag, Scenic to Charter, and even
Aussie Outback Flying, or whichever aviation career you choose.
More Info: 03 486 2200 [email protected] Facebook: Mainland Air - Flight Training & Charter
2019 #5 63
Aviation Training contributed by Anke Smith
2019 #5 67
The KiwiFlyer Guide to Aviation Training
If you want to ‘really’ learn to fly, and at the same time develop ground; is this flight likely to be bumpy; and similar questions that
great skills that will support your powered flight training and all affect your flight planning. A glider pilot would actually be using
future flying, plus if you’d like to get started quite young, and fly that knowledge to find the rising air and use the energy whether
at a very low cost, then go and visit your local gliding club. You’re they’re flying a glider or a power plane. This knowledge, if you’re
sure to be welcomed and have a great time there. flying a powered aircraft can save you fuel, money and time.
So how can flying an aircraft without an engine teach you to
better fly one that does? Jill McCaw explains: Stick and rudder flying: A glider isn’t pulled through the air by
an engine. You have to fly it cleanly and that involves a lot more
rudder than a power pilot is used to using. You learn to use your
Engine failure landings: This is probably the thing that everyone feet. A glider requires precise control movements (although they are
thinks of first when asking this question. Every landing in a actually very forgiving, and many training gliders will correct a bad
glider is without an engine or the chance to go around. Glider attitude if you just leave the controls alone).
pilots learn to land precisely where they want at the speed that
is correct for the conditions – every time. Flying a glider teaches Situational Awareness: Glider pilots are taught to fly with their
you that all aircraft fly without an engine, it’s just their glide angle heads outside the cockpit and to always be aware of other gliders
that is different. Landing out in a glider, i.e. landing somewhere sharing their sky, particularly in thermals or flying in the rising air
other than on an airfield because you have lost your source of along ridge lines. Traveling at 100 knots along a ridge you really
lift, happens all the time. Glider pilots train for it, right from have to be very, very aware of other traffic, especially as it may be
the early days of their landing training. If a glider is at 2,000 feet on a reciprocal course to you. Glider pilots judge their height above
then the pilot is looking for somewhere to land, looking at the the ground by what they see out the window, their airspeed by the
paddocks below, assessing slope, wind strength and direction, sound of the airflow past the aircraft in conjunction with the height
obstacles and the ability to be retrieved from the paddock. If of the top of the instrument panel compared to the horizon, and
you’re flying a power plane below 2,000 feet and you’ve flown have an audio sound on the variometer telling them if they are in
gliders you’ll automatically be making those judgements, making rising or falling air. They don’t need their head in the cockpit.
you safer should something go wrong. At 1,000 feet a glider pilot
is preparing to land. Every landing too is a glide approach so if Where can you learn to fly a glider?
you have to do it in a non-powered power plane you’ll be used to Just about anywhere in the country. See the Gliding New
how it feels. You learn to judge a glide slope to aiming point and Zealand website for information on your local club then give them
landing by angles. a call. Gliding clubs are run entirely by volunteers and so mostly
fly weekends only. Some clubs have a booking system for trial
Weather awareness: Gliders rely on the energy in the atmosphere flights but others will just expect you to turn up, put your name on
to fly and glider pilots learn a great deal more about the weather the flying list and wait until a two-seater and an instructor is free.
than the average power pilot. Knowing what to expect of the air When you phone the club contact it would be worth asking what
you’re flying through is a safety consideration. Is that convection to expect as well as what the price of your flight will be. Remember
likely to develop into something you’d be better flying around; is that everyone, the tow pilot or winch driver, the people getting the
the wind coming over that ridge going to try dumping you on the glider onto the airstrip, the ones driving the retrieve vehicle and
2019 #5 69
The KiwiFlyer Guide to Aviation Training
2019 #5 71
The KiwiFlyer Guide to Aviation Training
Your Experienced
Aviation Medical Services Team
Ingram Road
Hangar 1, Steele Road Phone Paul on 07 843 1200 or 021 743 033
Hamilton Airport
Airport Email: [email protected]
2019 #5 73