Kemberly S. Penton

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PENTON July 17, 2020

Quiz on Advance Philosophy for Group 4
MAEd English

1. Why do we need to consider the 5 sources of curriculum?

It is essential for us, teachers, to consider the 5 sources of curriculum -- given the
fact that curriculum plays a vital role in enabling quality learning and supporting
education that is relevant to holistic development of the students. First, knowledge is
considered as one of the major sources that contributes to the sustainable
development and growth of an individual. We should not neglect the fact that without
it, there will be no achievement of high quality learning outcomes.
As we all know, curriculum represents a conscious and systematic selection of
knowledge, skills and value – a selection that shapes the way teaching, learning and
assessment processes are organized by addressing questions as what, when, why
and how students should learn. Therefore, this source should be considered when
developing a curriculum.
Next is science as a source of curriculum.

, the curriculum is also understood as a political and social agreement that

reflects a society’s common vision while taking into account local, national and global
needs and expectations.The curriculum, in other words, embodies a society’s
educational aims and purposes. Contemporary curriculum reform and development
processes therefore increasingly involve public discussion and consultation with a
wide range of stakeholders. Curriculum design has evolved into a topic of
considerable debate –with frequently conflicting perspectives –engaging policy-
makers, experts, practitioners and society at large. The complexity of curriculum
development processes and the range of issues informing the ‘what’ and the ‘how’ of
teaching,learning and assessment present major challenges for policy-makers and
curriculum developers. Since curriculum development processes are influenced
both by local needs and by broader, transnational trends, a comprehensive
international perspective on curriculum issues, trends and approaches is critic

he development in students of broadly defined competencies or capabilities, such

as critical and creative thinking, depends on the integration of three broad learning
domains: knowledge, skills and values.
entralto curriculum change is the notion of quality.The aforementioned questions are
all relatedto this notion. But what does ‘quality’ mean in a curriculum context? What is
the quality framework within which curriculum developers can set goals, develop and
implement change processes,and eventually gauge their success?Some useful
indicators of a quality curriculum have to do with its relevance, consistency,
practicality, effectiveness and sustainability –descriptors which we explore in greater
depth throughout the paper
A principal objective of a quality curriculum is, in a fair and inclusive manner,to
enable students to acquire and develop the knowledge, skillsandvalues, and the
associated capabilities and competencies,to lead meaningful and productive
lives.Key indicatorsof curriculum success include the quality of the learning achieved
by students,and how effectively students use that learning for their personal,
social, physical, cognitive, moral, psychological and emotionaldevelopment.A quality
curriculum maximizes the potential for the effective enhancement of
learning.Underlying this paper is the premise that educational quality should be
understood primarily in terms of the quality of student learning, which in turn
depends to a great extent on the quality of teaching. Of prime importance in this
is the fact that good teaching and learning are greatly enhanced by the quality,
relevance and effectiveness of the curriculum. That is a key rationale for this pape

2. What should curriculum developer take into account when planning for the

it is the curriculum that articulates both the competencies necessary for lifelong
learning and the competencies needed for holistic development.We thus argue
that curriculum lies at the crossroads of these four key aspects of SDG 4: that
education should be (1) inclusive and equitable, (2) characterized by quality
learning, (3) promoting lifelong learning, and (4) relevant to holistic
development.Curriculum, in other words, provides the bridge between education and
development –and it is the competencies associated with lifelong learning and aligned
with development needs, in the broadest, holistic sense ofthe term, that span that

1. Why do we need to consider the 5 sources of curriculum design? 2.What should curriculum developer
take into account when planning for the curriculum? Please send your output to
([email protected]) Deadline: Monday July 20, 2020 Part 2: Reflection Essay (Individual Output)
1. As a teacher, what type of curriculum design would you choose is best suited to both your students and
their course? Why? Give examples.

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