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Pre-Service Education
for the
Nursing and Midwifery Cadre
in India

Operational Guidelines

Maternal Health Division

Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Government of India
Pre-Service Education
for the
Nursing and Midwifery Cadre
In India

Operational Guidelines

Maternal Health Division

Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Government of India
Edited Annexures 3,4, 6, 8, 9 and 13

These operational guidelines were developed through technical assistance from Development
Partners/Indian Nursing Council and Experts, with Project Support from USAID supported
MCHIP program and Norway India Partnership Initiative. Printed with USAID supported
MCHIP program.
List of Contributors

1. Dr. J.K Das Director, NIHFW

2. Dr. Himanshu Bhushan DC (MH), MOHFW
3. Dr. Manisha Malhotra DC (MH), MOHFW
4. Mr. T. Dileep Kumar President, INC
5. Dr. Asha Sharma Vice- President, INC
6. Ms. Surekha Sama Secretary, INC
7. Dr. Monir Islam WHO SEARO
8. Dr. Arvind Mathur WHO SEARO
9. Dr. Bulbul Sood Country Director, Jhpiego
10. Dr. Somesh Kumar Jhpiego
11. Dr. Paul Francis WHO, India
12. Mr. Billy Stewart DFID
13. Ms. Sabina Bindra Barnes DFID
14. Mr. Sanjay Valsangkar DFID
15. Dr. Henri Vanden Hombergh UNICEF
16. Dr. Pavitra Mohan UNICEF
17. Dr. Sanjay Kapur USAID
18. Dr. Rashmi Asif Jhpiego
19. Ms.P.Princy Fernando Jhpiego
20. Mr. Venkatesh Srinivasan UNFPA
21. Dr. Sunanda Gupta WHO, India
22. Dr. Dileep Mavalankar Dean, IIPH, Ahmedabad
23. Dr.Pushkar Kumar Lead Consultant, MH, MoHFW
24. Dr.Rajeev Agarwal Sr.Mgt.Consultant, MH,MoHFW
25. Dr.Ravinder Kaur Senior Consultant, MH,MoHFW
26. Dr. Manju Chuggani Principal, Jamia Hamdard
27. Ms. Yasmeen Zaveri Roy SIDA
28. Dr. Loveleen Johri US Department of HHS
29. Dr. Ashfaq Ahmad Bhat NIPI
30. Ms. Nanthini Subbiah NIHFW
31. Ms. M. Prakasamma ANS, Hyderabad
32. Ms. Bhargavi C.N OSD, Nursing

Topic Page No.

Operational Guidelines
Introduction 1
Strategic Approach 1
Programmatic Approach 3
Program Implementation Plan 4
Annexure 1 : Performance standards of the Nodal Centres and GNM/ANM Schools 10
Annexure 2 : Specifications of mannequins and equipment for skills lab of Nodal Centers 242
Annexure 3 : List of skills stations 261
Annexure 4 : ToR for HR Recruitment 263
State Nursing Cell under Directorate of Health Service/Nursing Wing of the state
Nursing and Midwifery Tutor
Program Coordinator
ANM Faculty
Program associate at ANM/GNM schools
Annexure 5 : List of equipment, mannequins and charts of skills lab of Nodal Centres 274
Annexure 6 : List of equipment, mannequins and charts of mini skills lab of ANM and GNM 281
Annexure 7 : List of the books for the library at NNC/SNC and 287
GoI guidelines on RMNCH+A services
Annexure 8: List of the books for the library at GNM School and 299
GoI guidelines on RMNCH+A services
Annexure 9 : List of books for library at ANMTC and GoI guidelines on RMNCH+A Services 307
Annexure 10 : Specifications for the IT lab of NNC/SNC, GNM and ANM School , 310
National/State Nodal Center Training Stationary
Annexure 11 : SOP of the mentoring visit of the faculty of the Nodal Center 313
Sample letter from NNC to Districts
Checklist for effective teaching skills
Checklist for supportive supervision
Feedback form
Annexure 12 : Division of responsibilities among stakeholders for strengthening pre-service 325
midwifery education component in ANM and GNM trainings
Annexure 13: GoI letters and Policy decisions for strengthening pre-service nursing and 326
midwifery education

ANC Antenatal Care

ANM Auxiliary Nurse Midwife
ANMTC Auxiliary Nurse Midwife Training Center
BP/CR Birth Preparedness and Complications Readiness
CBT Competency Based Training
CSS Clinical Skills Standardization
DP Development Partner
ETS Effective Teaching Skills
FP Family Planning
FRU First Referral Unit
GNM General Nursing and Midwifery
GoI Government of India
ICM International Confederation of Midwives
IEC Information, Education and Communication
IMNCI Integrated Management of Neonatal and Childhood Illness
INC Indian Nursing Council
IP Infection Prevention
IUCD Intra Uterine Contraceptive Device
JSY Janani Suraksha Yojana
LHV Lady Health Visitor
LRP Learning Resource Package
MCHIP Maternal and Child Health Integrated Program
MEC Medical Eligibility Criteria
MNC Maternal and Newborn Care
MNCH Maternal, Newborn and Child health
NIHFW National Institute of Health and Family Welfare
NNC National Nodal Center
NRHM National Rural Health Mission
PHC Primary Health Center
PNC Postnatal Care
PSE Pre service Education
RCH Reproductive and Child Health
SBA Skilled Birth Attendant
SBMR Standards Based Management and Recognition
SHS State Health Society
SNC State Nodal Center
ToT Training of Trainers
UNFPA United Nations Population Fund
UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund
USAID United States Agency for International Development
WHO World Health Organization
Strengthening Pre-Service Education
for Nursing and Midwifery Cadre in India
Operational Guidelines


The National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) of the Government of India (GoI) has brought back the
focus on delivery of essential reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health (RMNCH)
interventions at the level of Primary Health Centers. The overarching objective of NRHM is to increase
the accessibility of these services to the vast rural population of India. The recent policies and
programs, focusing on RMNCH, Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY scheme), Janani Shishu Suraksha
Karyakram (JSSK), Integrated Management of Newborn and Childhood Illnesses (IMNCI),
Operationalization of 24/7 PHCs and First Referral Units; have put an increased emphasis on the role
of the basic health worker, the Auxiliary Nurse Midwife (ANM), and General Nurse Midwife (GNM)
in the provision of comprehensive RMNCH services in the country, especially in rural areas.

While the GoI has initiated the above mentioned programs like the JSY and JSSK to increase the
access to institutional care for childbirth and other basic RMNCH services, the quality of care at the
health facilities is not consistent throughout the country. One of the main contributing factors towards
this inconsistent quality of care is the sub-optimal competency of the providers, especially the nurse-
midwives, working in the public sector facilities. This problem is further aggravated by the shortage
of the human resources, especially the nurse-midwives, at the public sector facilities. Therefore,
capacity of the states to produce sufficient number of competent and confident nurse-midwives is
crucial for the success of the various RMNCH programs being launched and implemented by the GoI.
This is all the more important because the staff nurses and ANMs are the providers of basic health
care at the lowest level of the health system and therefore the availability of adequate number of
competent nurse-midwives in the country is a critical determinant to accessibility of quality RMNCH
services to the vast rural population in the country.

To respond to this need for development of the adequate number of competent and confident basic
healthcare service providers who can provide quality RMNCH services at the grassroots level, a
comprehensive initiative to strengthen the foundation of pre-service education (PSE) for these nurse-
midwives is being undertaken by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) in
collaboration with the Indian Nursing Council (INC).

Strategic Approach

The MoHFW, GoI, in collaboration with INC, and with support from various development agencies,
has initiated a national program for strengthening the quality of pre-service education at the GNM
Schools and ANM training centers in the 10 high focus states of Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, Bihar,
Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Chhattisgarh, Orissa, Assam and Jammu & Kashmir.

However, though only 10 high focus states have been identified for implementation of this program, it
is strongly recommended that other states also adopt/adapt this program for strengthening quality of
pre-service education for the nursing midwifery cadre in their nursing-midwifery institutions.

The strategic approach for strengthening GNM Schools and ANMTCs include establishment of a
number of National/State Nodal Centers (Upgraded Colleges of Nursing) to steer the process. It is
envisioned that these Nodal Centers, besides serving as model teaching institutions, would also serve
as pedagogic resource centers for strengthening PSE at the GNM Schools and ANM Training Centers

(ANMTCs) in their respective regions and assigned states and also provide support in the concurrent
strengthening of these ANMTCs and GNM Schools. It is important to note that the goal of this
initiative is to strengthen the quality of education at the ANM and GNM schools with special priority
to high focus states of India. The national/state nodal centers are being set up to just act as
intermediaries of the Nursing Division of MOHFW and the Indian Nursing Council, for bringing
about this improvement in the quality of education at the ANM and GNM schools. Therefore, the
setting up of national/state nodal centers should be viewed in the perspective of the strengthening of
PSE at the ANM and GNM schools and not as standalone milestones or deliverables.

The approach adopted for this program includes a combination of top down and bottoms up
programmatic activities where in the setting up of national/state nodal centers is initiated at the
national or state levels, concurrently, the strengthening of the ANMTCs and GNM Schools is also
initiated at the state and district levels, so as to minimize the time lag between the setting up of nodal
centers and strengthening of ANM and GNM Schools.

Towards this objective, the initiative will work on strengthening of the five of the most criticial
dimensions of the Pre Service Education (PSE) at all the ANM and GNM schools, which inlcude the

 Educational Processes at the schools

 Clinical practices at the respective clinical pratice sites of the schools
 Capacity, including the clinical skills and teachning skills, of the faculty
 Training infrastructure of the schools, including the skill lab, library and the IT labs
 Management capacity for overall strengthening of the PSE for Nursing & Midwifery

Components of the initiative for improving quality of nursing-midwifery education

Capacity of the
(both teaching and
clinical skills) Strengthened
Improved Clinical
Practices (at the
clinical practice
(class rooms, skill
labs, IT)

Educational Improved Management and
Quality of Leadership
Processes (at the
capacity at various
institutions) PSE

Programmatic Approach

Strengthen the foundation of nursing and midwifery education in ten high focus states of India,
resulting in higher functioning educational institutions and better prepared service providers i.e.
ANMs and nurse midwives who are competent, confident and ready to work, especially in rural areas.

Priority states:
Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, Bihar, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Chhattisgarh, Orissa,
Assam and Jammu & Kashmir. However, though only 10 high focus states have been identified for
implementation of this program, other states can also adopt/adapt this program for
strengthening quality of pre-service education for the nursing midwifery cadre in their nursing-
midwifery institutions.

 To strengthen the educational and clinical standards and processes in National Nodal Centers of
Pre-service Nursing and Midwifery Education (NME), towards enabling them to assume
responsibility for the training and mentoring of master trainers of SNC and faculty of ANM/GNM

 To strengthen the educational and clinical standards and processes in State Nodal Centers of Pre-
service Nursing and Midwifery Education (NME), towards enabling them to assume
responsibility for the training and mentoring faculty of ANM/GNM Schools;

 To strengthen the quality of Pre-service Nursing and Midwifery Education at the ANM/GNM
Schools by improving the MNCH/FP knowledge and clinical skills of ANM/GNM School
faculty and implementing the quality improvement process for strengthening educational
processes and clinical practices at all ANM/GNM Schools;

The identified NNCs/SNCs will be set up by the implementation of the INC endorsed performance
standards for the national/state nodal centers through the quality improvement process and
standardization. It is expected that an institution can be recognized as a nodal center once it achieves
70% to 80% of the performance standards which ultimately helps in strengthening of the educational
and clinical processes; strengthening of the training infrastructure by establishment of the skills lab,
computer lab, library and strengthening of the management, teaching and clinical capacity of the
faculty of these institutions.

Concurrently the ANM/GNM schools also will be strengthened through the use of simple, measurable
performance standards which serve as a quality improvement guide. These performance standards
provide a structure for program support and a criterion-based quality improvement system which will
allow the GoI/INC, through its nodal centers (State/National level) for nursing and midwifery
education, to provide specific ongoing technical support for strengthening of the quality of education
at these institutions.

Expected Outcomes:
 National Nodal Centers and State Nodal Centers established at pre-determined colleges of
 Improved quality of pre-service education at the ANM/GNM Schools in the ten states:

 GNM Schools and ANMTCs strengthened in terms of faculty positions, training
infrastructure, educational processes, clinical practices and achieving and sustaining at least
70% of the INC approved performance standards.
 Strengthened capacity of the faculty of the GNM Schools and ANMTCs by focused refresher
training in teaching and clinical skills.
 Strengthened capacity at the national and state levels to better manage the nursing and midwifery
education in the country, especially focusing on these ten high focus states.

Program Implementation Plan

Setting up of National Technical Advisory Group/Task Force:

MOHFW, GoI, jointly with the INC, will assemble a national technical advisory group/task force for
advising and steering this initiative to strengthen the quality of pre-service education for the nursing
midwifery cadre in India. This group will include representative/s from MOHFW, GoI, INC, NIHFW,
representatives of the state governments, representatives of the national and state nodal centers and
development Agencies. The role of this group will include the following:

 Meet on a semi-annual basis(more frequently if required) to review the status of implementation

of the program,
 Advise the program on the strategic and operational directions for ensuring efficient and effective
 Advise the program on the broad timelines and its adherence to the implementation,
 Advise the program on new/additional interventions and or modifications in the current
interventions, for ensuring effective implementation of the program and

Setting up of National/State Nodal Centers:

Major activities and steps:
 Identification of National/State Nodal Centers: Identification of the Colleges of Nursing to be
strengthened as National/State Nodal Centers. The criteria for selection of these Colleges of
Nursing are as follows:
o The institution should be a college of nursing, preferably located at a central location in the
o The management of the institution should be willing to accept the additional responsibilities
of a nodal center.
o The institution should have physical space/infrastructure to undertake the responsibilities of
the nodal center, like housing the additional nodal center staff, training the faculty of the
GNM schools and ANMTCs.
o The institution should have access to a well functional Department of Obstetrics and
gynecology at its own/close by institution with permission to the nurse-midwives to conduct
o The institution should be ready to follow the norms and guidelines of the program

Till now, the following colleges of nursing have been identified by the MOHFW, GoI and the
INC, for developing them as national nodal centers:
 College of Nursing, NRS Medical College, Kolkata
 College of Nursing, CMC Vellore.
 College of Nursing, CMC Ludhiana
 College of Nursing, St. Stephen’s Hospital, New Delhi
 Government College of Nursing, Vadodara
 College of Nursing, Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
 RAK College of Nursing, New Delhi.
 Identification of state nodal centers: Every state will have at least one college of nursing
identified as state nodal center on the criteria mentioned above. States like Bihar and Uttarakhand
have already identified existing colleges of nursing for setting up of state nodal centers.
Other states need to identify the same on priority and send the names of the identified institutes to
the MoHFW, GoI, with a copy to NIHFW, INC and supporting partners.
 Orientation of faculty of nodal centers: Three day orientation of the identified additional and
regular faculty of the college of nursing (Principal, tutors), and the representatives from the
clinical practice sites (HOD –OBG, LR in-charge, Nursing Superintendent/Matron) to the
educational and clinical standards and its implementation, has to be undertaken at national nodal
center. While the first two days of the workshop will be dedicated to the educational standards
corresponding to the sections 1 to 4 of performance standards (see the table below), the third day
of the workshop is committed to orientation on the clinical standards. The first two days of the
orientation will be attended by faculty of the Nodal Centers while the third day of the meeting
will also be attended by representatives of the clinical practice sites.

Performance standards for setting up of national /state nodal center

(see Annexure 1)
Sections Areas Number of Standards

1. Class room and practical instruction 15

2. Clinical instruction and practice 17
3. School infrastructure and training materials 13
4. School management 16
5. Clinical site practices 21

 Baseline assessment: Baseline assessment of the college and the clinical site using the
educational and clinical standards and preparation of an action plan for addressing the identified
gaps, to be done by the faculty of the college oriented at the national nodal center with support
from the development partner.
 Three day on-site training for standardization of clinical practices : Three day on-site training
for standardization of clinical practices at the respective clinical practice sites of the identified
national/state nodal centers for updating the clinical skills and knowledge of clinical staff from the
OBG and pediatrics department of these sites along with the identified faculty of the nodal center,
to facilitate the implementation of the clinical standards at these sites. The first day of the training
will focus on orientation to the clinical standards and discussion on the gaps of the clinical
practice site as assessed in the baseline assessment. The next two days of the training will be
focused on clinical update and standardization of clinical skills and knowledge of the providers of
the clinical practice sites and select faculty of the nodal center. The action plan with timelines for

implementation of standards, along with the roles and responsibilities, will also be discussed with
the stake holders during this training.

 Finalization of the action plan: A two day on site meeting/orientation of the faculty of the
college of nursing to orient them on the educational standards, discussion on the baseline
assessment findings and finalization of the action plan for strengthening of educational processes
at the college of nursing. The action plan with timelines for implementation of standards, along
with the roles and responsibilities, will also be discussed during this meeting.

 Implementation of action plan: Implementation of the action plan developed as per the gaps
identified during baseline assessments of clinical and educational processes, to be done by the
faculty of the identified institutions. Periodic internal assessments to be done at an interval of
every four weeks so that the standards are achieved at least upto 70% within six to nine months of
initiation of the process. .

 Hiring of Faculty: Advertise, conduct interview and hire 2-3 additional faculty at the Nodal
Centers (TOR in Annexure 4). The institution to also identify at least three-four existing faculty
who would take up the responsibility for strengthening of the quality of education at these
institutions and also conduct trainings for the faculty of ANM and GNM schools once the nodal
center is established.
 Strengthening of training infrastructure: Strengthen the skills labs, library and IT infrastructure
of the college of nursing for enabling it to assume additional responsibilities of the nodal center.
The GoI has developed the guidelines for setting up the skill labs for the nodal centers (Annexure
2: Specifications of mannequins and equipments for skills lab, Annexure 3: List of Skills station,
Annexure 5: List of equipment’s, Mannequins and charts of skill labs of Nodal Centers) and these
guidelines should be followed for setting up of skill labs for the nodal centers. The list of books
for the library and equipments for the IT lab is also annexed for guiding the strengthening of the
library and IT lab of the nodal center (Annexure 7: List of the books for the library at NNC/SNC,
Annexure 8: List of the books for the library at GNM School Annexure 9: List of the books for
the library of ANMTC and Annexure 10: Specifications for the IT Lab of Nodal Centers) The
existing infrastructure of the college of nursing may have to be strengthened for setting up of the
skill lab, library and IT lab for enabling the college of nursing to assume the responsibilities of
nodal center.
 Identification of additional faculty: While the educational and clinical standards are being
implemented, identified faculty from the NNC and SNC, including the additionally hired faculty,
shall be sent to a functional National Nodal Center for a 10 day training to equip them as master
trainers for the conduction of the six-week training for the faculty of the ANM and GNM schools.

 External assessment: On conducting the periodic internal assessments based on the performance
standards (Annexure 1: Performance standards of the Nodal Centers and GNM/ANM Schools) as
stated above, if the institution is confident that they have achieved 70-80% of the performance
standards, the authorities of these nodal centers will call for external assessment of the educational
and clinical standards of the college of nursing by the Indian Nursing Council, with intimation to
NIHFW and Nursing Division, MoHFW, GoI, for assessing whether the college of nursing has
achieved the score for certification by INC as a national nodal center. On conducting internal
assessments, if the staff of the college of nursing feels that they have not achieved 70-80% clinical
and educational standards, they should again take time bound steps to address the remaining gaps
towards achieving these scores.

Expected Outcomes from setting up of national/state nodal centers:

 Strengthened educational processes and infrastructure in the NNC/SNC

 Strengthened clinical practices in the clinical practice sites of the National Nodal Centres (NNC)/
State Nodal Centres (SNC)
 Improved knowledge & clinical skills of the faculty of the nodal centers for MNCH/FP
 Strengthened teaching and clinical skills of the faculty of the nodal centers.
 Well-functioning College of Nursing identified and strengthened to function as national/state
nodal center (SNC).

Roles and responsibilities of the established nodal centers:

 Support the state nursing cell for developing the roadmap for strengthening pre-service nursing
midwifery education and for budgeting the same.
 Advertise, conduct interview and hire a program assistant to coordinate the 6 weeks trainings.
 Conduct 6 weeks trainings for the faculty of the GNM/ANM schools . Trainings to be planned so
that not more than 2 faculty from an ANMTC participates in the same batch of training.
 Faculty of the NNC/SNC to conduct mentorship visit to the GNM Schools and ANMTCs, from
which the faculty have been trained, to hand hold them in post training transfer of learning and
onsite follow up. (Each ANMTC to be visited at least once every 6 months) (Annexure 11: SOP
of the mentoring visit of the faculty of the nodal center).

Strengthening the quality of pre-service Nursing and Midwifery Education

at the ANMTCs and GNM Schools:
Major activities and steps:
 Sanctioning of faculty for GNM schools and ANMTCs: Policy decision and budgeting at the
state level to be made to sanction posts at the GNM schools and ANMTCs as per the INC
requirements and plans for recruitment for the posts to be made.
 Hiring of Faculty: Advertise, conduct interview and recruit faculty for all the GNM Schools and
ANMTCs so that the HR shortages can be addressed.
 Orientation of faculty: Three day orientation of the identified additional and regular faculty of
the ANM/GNM Schools (Principal, tutors), and the representatives from the clinical practice sites
(HOD –OBG, LR in-charge, NS) of these schools to the educational and clinical standards and its
implementation. While the first two days of the workshop will be dedicated to the educational
standards corresponding to the sections 1st to 4th of section of performance standards, the third day
of the workshop is committed to orientation on the clinical standards. The first two days will be
attended by faculty of the GNM/ANM Schools while the third day of the meeting will also be
attended by representatives of the clinical practice sites.
 Based on the capacity of the state/development partner supporting the state, the state can stagger
the strengthening of ANM/GNM Schools and can do it in a phased manner, selecting a select
number of ANM/GNM Schools to be strengthened in the first phase and then undertake the
strengthening of the rest of the ANM/GNM Schools in the subsequent phase. This planning
process will be led by the state nursing cell and supported by state nodal center.
 Baseline assessment : Baseline assessments of the GNM and ANM schools and their affiliated
clinical sites using the performance standards and preparation of an action plan for addressing the
identified gaps to be conducted by the faculty of the ANMTC/ GNM School, supported by the
faculty of SNC and respective development partners.
 Three day on-site training for standardization of clinical practices : Three day on-site training
for standardization of clinical practices at the respective clinical practice sites of the ANM/GNM
Schools for updating the clinical skills and knowledge of clinical staff from the OBG and

pediatrics department of these sites along with the identified faculty of the ANM/GNM School, to
facilitate the implementation of the clinical standards at these sites. The first day of the training
will focus on orientation to the clinical standards and discussion on the gaps of the clinical
practice site as assessed in the baseline assessment. The next two days of the training will be
focused on clinical update and standardization of clinical skills and knowledge of the providers of
the clinical practice sites and select faculty of the ANM/GNM Schools. The action plan with
timelines for implementation of standards, along with the roles and responsibilities, will also be
discussed with the stake holders during this training.
 Finalization of the action plan: A two day on site meeting/orientation of the faculty of the
ANM/GNM Schools to orient them on the educational standards, discussion on the baseline
assessment findings and finalization of the action plan for strengthening of educational processes
at the ANM/GNM Schools. The action plan with timelines for implementation of
standards, along with the roles and responsibilities, will also be discussed during this
 Implementation of action plan: Implementation of the action plan developed as per the gaps
identified during baseline assessments of clinical and educational processes, to be done by the
faculty of the ANM/GNM Schools. Periodic internal assessments to be done at an interval of
every four weeks so that the standards are achieved at least upto 70% within six to nine months of
initiation of the process.
 Strengthening of training infrastructure: Strengthen the skills labs, library and IT infrastructure
of the ANM/GNM Schools. The existing infrastructure of the ANM/GNM Schools may have to
be strengthened for setting up of the skill lab, library and IT labs.
 Six weeks trainings: Faculty from the ANMTC/ GNM School to be trained in the 6 weeks
trainings at the SNC/NNC.

Main components of the 6 weeks curriculum:

 Effective teaching skills
 Skilled birth attendance
 Integrated Management of Neonatal and Childhood illness
 Prevention of Reproductive tract infections including prevention of Parent to Child
Transmission of HIV
 Family Planning
 Quality improvement in nursing education (SBMR)

 Implementation of action plan (contd.): Implementation of the performance standards to

strengthen the educational and clinical practices at these institutions to continue as per the action
plans developed during baseline and subsequent internal assessments.
 Faculty at the ANMTCs/GNM Schools will start implementing competency based trainings at
their ANMTC/ GNM School while teaching their students. The strengthened skills lab, library
and computer labs should be fully utilized during the trainings.
 Mentorship visits: Faculty of the NNC/SNC to conduct mentorship visit to the GNM Schools
and ANMTCs from which the faculty have been trained to hand hold them in post training
transfer of learning and support the above mentioned steps for strengthening of GNM/ANM
Schools. (Each GNM School/ANMTC to be visited at least once every 6 months) (Annexure 11:
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) of the mentoring visit of the faculty of the nodal center).

Critical steps for setting up of National/State Nodal Centers and
strengthening of GNM schools and ANMTCs



SI The me Basic Skills Add- on Skills

1 Antenatal Care  Calculation of EDD
 Recording BP and weight
 Abdominal examination and
auscultation of Foetal Heart
Sounds (FHS)
 Laboratory Investigations
- Haemoglobin estimation
- Sahli’s & Hb Color strips
- Urine test for albumin and
sugar by uristix
- Urine pregnancy detection
by using kit
- Rapid Diagnostic Test for
-Testing blood sugar
2 Intra-natal Care  Preparation of labour room  Management of Incomplete
(organise a LR, trays, delivery abortion (MVA)
(instrument) kit, privacy and
 Eepisiotomy and repair
dignity, NBCC )
 Plotting & Interpreting  Complicated delivery ( Twin,
partograph breech)
 Cervical Dilatation  Assisted delivery (forceps,
 Normal Delivery ventouse)
 Cord Prolapse
 Providing initial dose of
 Manual Removal of Placenta
MgSO4 for severe pre-
eclampsia / eclampsia
 Initial Management of atonic
3 Complication  CAB approach
Management (MNH)  Identification & management
of shock (IV line & Blood
transfusion, catheterization)
4 New Born Care  Essential Newborn Care for a  Chest compression and
normal, crying baby medication- New Born
 New Born resuscitation Resuscitation
 Breast Feeding & KMC  Use of Phototherapy
 Temperature Recording machine for new-borns with
 Radiant warmer
 Inserting feeding tube in a
 Use of Suction machine baby
 Counting respiratory rate
 Oxygen administration

 Using Glucometer
 Setting up an IV line on
child arm
 Using Pulse oximeter
 Using Nebulizer and Multi
dose inhaler with spacer
5 Family Planning Interval IUCD PPIUCD
6 Infection Prevention  Hand washing
 Personal Protective attires
 Preparation of 0.5% chlorine
solution & Decontamination
 Processing of equipment’s –
cleaning, steam sterilization
or HLD (High Level
Disinfection), Chemical
sterilization of instruments,
Autoclaving b) disinfection
and disposal of sharps and
 Segregation of bio medical
 Labour room / Operation
 Theatre sterilization
7 Counselling Plenary*
8 Documentation Plenary*


State Nursing Cell under Directorate of Health Services/ Nursing Wing of the State

Overarching responsibilities of State Nursing Cell

i. Cadre Management of Nursing Personnel i.e. Nursing Educators, Nursing

Administrators, Nursing Service Personnel and Public Health Nurses like ANM, LHVs
and PHNs etc.
ii. Coordinate with Government of India with regard to Planning and Implementation
Schemes under Development of Nursing Services.
iii. Maintaining Nursing Management Information with regard to number of Nursing
Personnel sanctioned/in-position with regard to Staff Nurses, Ward Sister, Assistant
Nursing Superintendent, Nursing Superintendent and Chief Nursing Officer and Public
Health Nurses like ANM, LHVs and PHNs
iv. Maintain information about Nursing Educational Institutions like ANM, GNM, B.Sc.
(N), M.Sc. (N) Nursing College along with their admission capacity
v. Maintain number of nursing teaching faculty in the nurses education institutions along
with their specialization
vi. Maintain total number of nursing personnel required and number to be trained in the
vii. Supervision and Management of quality of Nursing Education in the State
viii. Collaborate with State Nursing Council and professional association
ix. Collaborate with other State level officers concerning with National and Health Family
Welfare program
x. The State Nursing Cell will submit quarterly report about the functioning of the nursing
service and quarterly report on nursing management information system.

Responsibilities of the state nursing cell for the program to strengthen pre-service
education for nursing-midwifery cadre in India

The State Nursing cell, housed at the state health society will function as the state level authority
for the coordination and management of the program within the state. It will act as a liaison
between the national program management cell at the NIHFW, national nursing cell at
MOHFW, GoI and the NNC, SNC and the nursing educational institutions.

Human Resource:
 State Program Officer(Rank of Deputy Director)-1
 Program Coordinator - 2

State Program Officer

General Responsibilities

Job responsibilities related to management of the national program for strengthening pre-
service education in the respective state:

 Work with NNC, SNC, state government, development partners, GNM and ANM schools to
implement, monitor and report on training activities including M&E frameworks.
 Meet regularly with the state health society, SNC staff for smooth project management and
respond in a timely manner to requests for meetings, reports and other requests.
 Facilitate the selection and hiring of the training coordinators/nursing and midwifery educators at
the SNC.
 Facilitate the logistics for the trainings at the SNC.
 Work with the state nursing directorates for releasing the ANM/GNM faculty for the 6 weeks
 Backstop the 6 weeks trainings at the SNCs.
 Oversee the implementation of the performance standards at the GNM/ANM schools for quality
 Visit the ANM/GNM schools to identify needs and facilitate the achievement of standards.
 Advocate with the state government to plan for the infrastructural strengthening of the
GNM/ANM schools.
 Provide technical assistance in the refurbishment of the GNM/ANM Schools in the state.
 Facilitate the procurement process for the skills labs and educational infrastructure at the
GNM/ANM Schools.
 Facilitate the recruitment of faculty at the GNM/ANM Schools as per the INC norms.
 Conduct monitoring visits to the SNC for quality assurance of the trainings.
 Look into the specific needs of the SNC and rectify them for the smooth conduction of the
 Perform other duties as per program needs as assigned by the national program manager.
 Qualification: Nurse Midwife with Masters’ level degree in Obstetric and Gynecological nursing
field required. Community health nursing/ Pediatric nursing field can also be considered.

o Desirable: 3-5 years of experience working with educational or clinical training programs,
working in ANM training center/ GNM School or community health.
o Technical knowledge and field experience in Nursing / Midwifery Education focusing on
Skilled Birth Attendance, IMNCI and Family Planning
o Knowledge of pre-service education systems development for Nurses / ANMs.

Position reports to: the Director/ Add. Director (Health Services)/ & MD, NRHM
Salary (not to be advertised): Rs. 60,000 -70,000 per month (depending on experience).

Program Coordinator (2)

Job Description/ Responsibilities of the Program Coordinator:

 Assist the SPO in the overall management of the state program management cell.
 Work with SNC, state government, development partners and government counterparts to
implement, monitor and report on training activities including M&E frameworks and reports.
 Respond in a timely manner to requests for meetings, reports and other requests.

 Facilitate project activities including workshop planning, logistic arrangements and other activity
support to ensure smooth conduction of trainings and supervisory visits.
 Assist with financial management, reporting on expenditure on a timely basis and other finance
tasks as assigned.
 Work in coordination with the state health societies/state nursing directorates in the specified
regions to help release ANM/GNM faculty for the trainings.
 Work to ensure efficient and effective program operations, maximizing the input and support of
all personnel as appropriate.
 Collect data from the SNCs, ANMTCs and GNM Schools for reporting.
 Maintain up-to-date program and training data of the nodal centers and the ANM/GNM faculty in
the state.
 Perform or assume other duties as assigned by the State Program Officer for the smooth running
of the program.
 Qualification: A university graduate, preferably with a Bachelor’s degree in Commerce/
accountancy with excellent computer knowledge.
o 3-5 years relevant work experience in office management and/or project support
o Advanced computer competency (Microsoft Word, Power Point, Excel, Outlook)
o Experience working with projects and knowledge of health and training issues desired.
o Familiarity with the Indian health system, key stakeholders and relevant government
policies/strategies—particularly National Rural Health Mission and RCH II
 Position reports to: State Program Officer.
 Salary (Not to be advertised) Rs.30,000 per month, consolidated.
 Duration of consultancy/ Position- Initially for a period of 11 months can be extended
depending upon the need and satisfactory performance of the selected candidate.

TOR / Job Description for the Nursing and Midwifery Tutor

Title: Nursing-Midwifery Senior Tutor

Duty Station: National/State Nodal Center at various locations

Summary Job Description

The nursing and midwifery educator will ensure timely provision of training and assistance in
building the capacities of the faculty and service providers of their nodal center and the ANM/GNM
faculty in the specified region. The educator will support the National/State Nodal Center and the
specified GNM Schools and ANMTCs by conducting the trainings of the faculty of the ANMTCs and
GNM schools of the assigned states and undertaking mentoring visits to these ANMTCs and GNM
Schools to provide technical support for strengthening the educational and infrastructural processes at
these institutions. This position requires midwifery education, experience and technical expertise in
SBA, FP and/or Child Health, strong coordination skills and ability to develop positive, professional
working relationships with various counterparts. Within the nodal center, primary working
relationships include the principal, of the respective college of nursing, regular faculty of the college
of nursing, administrators and providers of the clinical practice site, trainees and other personnel
involved in this initiative for strengthening PSE (pre-service education) for nursing midwifery cadre.
The educator will provide the necessary technical assistance and support program management for
this program in the country.

Reporting Structure

 Position is Supervised by: The Principal, College of Nursing/ Nodal Center

 Position Reports to: The Principal, College of Nursing/ Nodal Center

Salary (not to be advertised): Rs. 60,000 -70,000 per month (depending on experience).


Technical and Training responsibilities:

 Update the faculty and clinical service providers from the college of nursing and its clinical
practice site, functioning as the National/State nodal center, on the Government of India protocols
for Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (RMNCH).
 Facilitate the adherence to clinical practices in accordance with standard national protocols for
RMNCH and Indian Nursing Council (INC) approved clinical standards at the clinical practice
sites of the nodal center and monitoring the sustenance of these clinical practices/standards.
 Facilitate the quality improvement of the educational and evaluation processes at the respective
college of nursing through the implementation of the educational standards and monitoring their
 Conduct the training of the master trainers from the other nodal centers in the INC approved 10
day training module for subsequent trainings of the ANMTC/GNM school faculty.
 Conduct the training for the ANM/GNM faculty in clinical and teaching skills at the nodal center,
using the INC approved six-week curriculum.

 Undertake mentoring visits at the assigned ANMTCs and GNM Schools of the respective states,
for supporting the trained faculty in post training transfer of knowledge and skills to the students
at the GNM Schools/ ANMTCs.
 During these mentoring visits, facilitate the implementation of the quality improvement process at
the GNM Schools/ ANMTCs and their linked clinical practice site by assisting the
implementation of the performance standards.
 During these mentoring visits Support the faculty in the establishment of skills lab, library and
other educational infrastructure at the GNM Schools/ ANMTCs.
 Provide strong and innovative technical leadership and set priorities for all assigned duties, as
well as coordinate with other stakeholders-MOHFW, NIHFW, INC and Development partners,
for responsive technical support.
 Keep the MOHFW, NIHFW, INC, respective Development partners and state governments
informed of successes, challenges and lessons learned.
 Work to keep up to date on technical programmatic priorities and approaches through self-study
and liaising with technical staff in the NNC and INC.


 Work in close coordination with state governments / state nursing cell/directorate in

implementation of the state specific road map for strengthening nursing-midwifery education,
particularly its technical aspects.
 Regularly report on state specific training plans in advance for the upcoming year and also the
quarterly activities and achievements.
 Monitor the trainings in the state nodal center (applicable for tutors at national nodal center) and
reporting on the same and other indicators of the M&E frameworks.
 Travel to ANMTCs of the assigned states for supporting the identification of gaps,
implementation of the standards and undertake need based monitoring and report on the same.
 Meet regularly with the other staff of the College of Nursing and affiliated clinical site, including
administrative and management staff, for placing skill labs, computer labs, library etc. and
implementation of technical protocols in a time bound manner.
 Facilitate all associated activities and logistics related to the trainings at national/state nodal
 Work in coordination with the state nursing cells and directorates in the specified regions to
facilitate nomination of GNM/ANM faculty for the trainings.
 Perform or assume other duties as assigned by the Principal of the Nodal Center such as
facilitation of a few sessions in the College of Nursing, to ensure the smooth functioning of the
Nodal center as a whole.




 BSc Degree in nursing-midwifery.

 Technical competency in Nursing / Midwifery Education, focusing on Skilled Birth Attendance,
Newborn, Child Health and Family Planning


 Masters’ level degree in Obstetric and Gynecological nursing field preferred. Masters in
Community health nursing/ Pediatric nursing field can also be considered.
 3-5 years of experience working with educational or clinical training programs, working in ANM
training center/ GNM Schools or community health.
 Knowledge of pre-service education systems development for Nurses / ANMs.

 Experience and demonstrated ability working with pre-service education programs.
 Demonstrates good facilitation and coaching skills.
 Strong written and oral communication skills in English and Hindi.
 Technically proficient with up to date skills in SBA, Newborn and FP.
 Proficiency in writing technical and programmatic reports.
 Microsoft Office computer skills, proficiency in Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
 Ability to work within a national program team and communicate regularly with a variety of team
 Ability to travel up to 30% of his/her time.
 Willingness and flexibility to work on a wide range of tasks.

TOR / Job Description for the Program Coordinator

Title: Program Coordinator

Duty Station: National/State Nodal Center, Various locations

Summary Job Description

The program coordinator placed at the state/national nodal center would assist in the implementation
of activities and support general functions of the provision of training and assistance in building the
capacities of the ANM/GNM faculty in the specified region. The program coordinator will support the
Nodal Center and the specified ANMTCs by conducting monitoring activities. This position requires
competence on IT/computer skills; experience in data entry and analysis, handling of finance and
account maintenance. Strong coordination skills and ability to develop positive, professional working
relationships with various counterparts would be a requisite attribute.

Reporting Structure
 Position is supervised by: Principal, College of Nursing/National/State Nodal Center.
 Position reports to: Principal, College of Nursing/National/State Nodal Center.

Salary (not to be advertised): Rs. 30,000 -35,000 per month (depending on experience).



 Train the faculty of the Nodal Center and the ANM/GNM Faculty in computer applications/IT
skills. These will include but not limited to MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power point, MS Outlook,
using internet, sending/receiving/replying to e mails, using computer for showing videos of
training material etc.
 Train the faculty in basics of maintenance of computers in the ANMTCs.
 In consultation with state nursing cell and principals of ANMTCs and GNM schools, identify one
nodal person at each institution, either a faculty or administrative staff who will be responsible for
operating and managing IT equipments at the institutions, and conducting group based training of
these staff at the nodal center.


 Collect data from the clinical service sites of the nodal canter and the ANMTCs/GNM Schools
and report it to the relevant authorities for program management.
 Undertake record keeping duties for trainings conducted at the nodal center.
 Work with National/State Nodal center, state government, development partners and government
counterparts to implement, monitor and report on training activities including M&E frameworks
and reports.
 Develop computerized tracking plan for mentoring visits in consultation with the faculty for the
ANM and GNM Schools whose staff have been trained.

 Meet regularly with National/State Nodal center staff including the College and Clinical
site staff for smooth project management and respond in a timely manner to requests for
meetings, reports and other requests.
 Facilitate project activities and work including training planning, logistic arrangements and other
activity support to ensure smooth conduction of trainings and mentorship visits.
 Assist the Principal of the institute with day to day administrative and financial management
related to the training and technical activities of the nodal center.
 Travel to ANMTCs at the specified regions for monitoring of IT equipments at the ANM and
GNM schools as needed.
 Perform or assume other duties as assigned by the Principal coordinator / nursing and midwifery
educators, National/State Nodal Center to ensure the smooth functioning to achieve the project



 A university graduate, preferably with a Bachelor’s degree in Commerce/ accountancy

 Degree/Diploma/distance learning certificate with excellent computer competency (Microsoft
Word, Power Point, Excel, Outlook).
 Knowledge on basics of operating and maintaining computers, printers and related IT equipments.


 3-5 years relevant work experience in office management and/or project support.
 Experience working with projects and knowledge of health and training issues desired.
 Familiarity with the Indian health system, key stakeholders and relevant government
policies/strategies—particularly National Rural Health Mission and RCH II


 Demonstrate ability to coordinate several activities simultaneously

 Attentive to details and able to produce documents and coordinate activities with little supervision
to a professional quality.
 Comfortable with working in a multicultural team.
 Able to manage/prioritize work from several sources. Ability to handle a variety of assignments
under pressure of deadlines.
 Excellent organizational and logistical skills required
 Fluency in spoken and written Hindi and English required. Hindi typing skills desired.
 Ability to develop productive working relationships with other agencies, stakeholders and other
 Willingness and flexibility to work on a wide range of tasks.

TOR / Job Description for the ANM Faculty

Title: Nursing Tutor

Duty Station: ANMTC, Various Locations

Summary Job Description

The tutor at the ANM Training Center would function as a full time faculty of the institution leading
and assisting the principal in planning, implementing and evaluating the ANM educational programs
in the School. The tutor will train the ANM students as per the syllabus of the Indian Nursing Council
and the latest RMNCH protocols of the MOHFW, GoI. This position requires nursing-midwifery
education, experience and technical expertise in SBA, FP and/or Newborn and Child Health,
coordination skills and ability to develop positive, professional working relationships with various

Reporting Structure
 Position is Supervised by: The Principal, ANMTC
 Position Reports to: The Principal, ANMTC

Salary (not to be advertised): Rs. 30,000 per month consolidated.


 Train the ANM students in nursing and midwifery courses as per the latest INC syllabus,
Government of India protocols for Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn and Child Health
 Coordinate with Principal in planning, implementation and evaluation of the educational
 Assist in the development, implementation and evaluation of staff and student welfare programs.
 Function as the class coordinator for a particular group of students during the academic year.
 Develop master rotation plan, clinical rotation plan and time table for the smoothing coordination
and conduction of the course components.
 Participate in staff development programs.
 Participate in teaching in various educational programs.
 Prepare teaching materials and arrange for external lectures.
 Participate in clinical teaching.
 Conduct evaluation of the student’s progress as per the norms of the statutory body.
 Is available for consultation with the Principal for day-to-day academic activities
 Conducting, constructing and evaluating the tests, assignments and final examinations.
 Helping students in extracurricular activities.
 Maintenance of class room and laboratory equipment, supplies and teaching aids.
 Maintain all students' records including cumulative record, practical record, health record etc.
 Facilitate the quality improvement process in the ANMTC by implementing the performance

 Share responsibility with Principal in supervision of students
 Prepare the academic calendar under the guidance of the principal.
 Participate in orientation programs for new students.
 Provide academic guidance to the students.
 Write students’ performance report as assigned by Principal and reviews evaluation report of the
assigned students.
 Coordinate with Medical Officer and hospital staff in the preparation of clinical rotation plans and
clinical area postings for the students.
 Supervise and guide the students during clinical practice.
 Facilitate functioning of School Library in coordination with Senior Librarian.

Human Relations:
 Share responsibility with Principal and Vice-Principal in identifying conflicts among student and
staff members and initiate solution, consult and inform when necessary.
 Share responsibility with Principal and Vice-Principal in informing parents about students'
progress, problems etc.
 Facilitate guidance and counseling to students' as per need.

Knowledge Management/Knowledge Sharing

 Participate in the trainer’s development program and update the knowledge and skills to function
as full-fledged trainer for the ANM student.
 Constantly update the knowledge on the recent trends in health care with relation to Reproductive
Maternal, Newborn and child health and family planning.
 Provide skills training for the student and staff trainees in the skills lab, evaluate for competency
attainment and help in hands on practice in the clinical area under close supervision.
 Co-ordination and conducting in-service education programs.

 B.Sc. Nursing or GNM with Diploma in Nursing Education & Administration/Diploma in Public
Health Nursing.
 Experience: 2 years of clinical working experience.
 Technical knowledge and field experience in Nursing / Midwifery Education focusing on Skilled
Birth Attendance, IMNCI and Family Planning
 Experience and demonstrated ability working with pre-service education programs.
 Demonstrates good facilitation and coaching skills.
 Strong written and oral communication skills in English and Hindi.
 Technically proficient with up to date skills in SBA, IMNCI and FP.
 Microsoft Office computer skills, proficiency in Word, Excel and PowerPoint.

Performance Measures: (SMART: Simple, Measurable, Achievable, Results-oriented, Time


TOR / Job Description for the Program Associate
Title: Program Associate
Duty Station: ANM/GNM SchoolsVarious Locations

Summary Job Description

The program associate at the ANM Training Center would function as a full time staff of the
institution. This position provides programmatic, administrative, and logistic support to the principal
and nursing tutors in implementing the ANM educational programs in the School. This position
requires a graduate in any discipline, experience and technical expertise in computer operations &
training and ability to develop positive, professional working relationships with various counterparts.
Reporting Structure
 Position is Supervised by: The Principal, ANMTC
 Position Reports to: The Principal, ANMTC
 Work as computer Trainer, imparting basic computer training to ANM/GNM students.
 Make entry of data in different formats as required in the school.
 Assist Principal of ANM/GNM Schools and other officials in carrying out activities
related to data management.
 Assist in preparing correspondence, documents as well as training material such as manuals and
audiovisual aids.
 Handle procurement of training/education related material including training models, books,
and manuals etc. as per procurement guidelines.
 Manage logistic arrangements of all events related to training/education (such as educational
trips, external clinical postings, celebrations of world health day., etc) including budgeting,
planning the event, collating material, making arrangements for students/tutors travel and
reimbursements in consultation with Finance.
 Review and maintain stock inventory of training and program related material periodically at
the skills lab, Library and IT lab.
 Assist in maintaining proper documentation of all financial transactions related to workshops,
trainings and procurement at the ANM/GNM School.
 Assist in conducting staff meetings, including preparing agenda, taking and circulating minutes of
the meeting.
 Maintain program and office files both electronic and physical documentation.
 Perform other duties as assigned by the supervisor.

Age Limit: 18-45 years

Salary: Rs.10, 000-15,000/- Per Month Consolidated.
Qualifications/ Experience:
 Graduate in any discipline.
 1 year Diploma in Computer Application.
 Excellent command over MS Office & Internet.
 Computer Typing speed of minimum 40 words per minute in English and 30 words per
minute in Hindi.
 Good communication and writing skill in English & Hindi.
 Minimum 2 years of relevant experience as Computer/Data Entry Operator.
 Preference will be given to the female candidates and those who have teaching
Performance Measures: (SMART: Simple, Measurable, Achievable, Results-oriented,
Time bound)

List of Equipment and instruments for Nodal centers
SI # ITEMS Total Needed

1 BP Apparatus 4
2 Stethoscope 4
3 Adult weighing Scale 2
4 Measuring tape 4
5 Foot rest (1-2 feet height) Wooden 2
6 Watch with seconds hand 2
7 Hub cutter 4
8 Sahli's haemoglobinometer 4
9 Puncture proof Container 5
10 Specimen collection bottles – Plastic 50
11 Test Tube Holder 20
12 Spirit lamp 20
13 Draw Sheets/Covers 20
14 Blanket 10
15 Bed sheets 10
16 Pillow 4
17 Pillow Covers 10
18 Plastic Trays 10
19 Towel (1 meter) 20
20 Labour table with foam mattress -stainless steel 2
21 Kelly's pad 4
22 Delivery trolly 2
23 IV stand 5
24 Curtains ( 6 feet length) 20
25 Functional focus lamp 2
26 Spare Bulb for focus lamp 4
27 Digital Thermometer 10
28 Delivery gown(Half/ Full Hand) 2
29 Oxygen hood 2
30 Stamp pad (to keep papers for writing) 10
31 Infant weighing scale 1
32 Infantometer 1
33 Brass V drape 10
34 Stop watch 2
35 Foot operated Suction Machine (optional) 1
36 Electrical Suction Machine 1
37 Functional bag and mask with two sizes masks (0 and 1), 4

38 Baby Dress 4
39 Mittens 4
40 Socks 4
41 shawl/KMC dress 5
42 LCD TV 32" 1
43 DVD player 1
44 Glucometer kit 2
45 Pitcher (Capacity of 10-15 litres ) 4
46 Oxygen cylinder with the opener 1
47 2 litre water Jar with Lid 4
48 Feeding Cup 4
49 Feeding Spoon 4
50 SS Kidney Tray 8" 20
51 Small S S steel bowl with lid 20
52 SS tray Big-12”x11” with lid 15
53 SIMS/Cuscus speculum 2
54 Mayo’s scissor (curved) - 10" 2
55 Vulsulum/Tenaculum 2
56 Uterine sound 2
57 Anterior vaginal wall retractor 2
58 Sponge holder 2
59 Tourniquet 5
60 Cheattle forceps 4
61 SS bottle/ narrow mouth container to keep Cheattle forceps 4
62 Newborn ID tag 2
63 Cord clamp 20
64 Scissors – straight - 8 " 7
65 Artery Forceps 10 '' 12
66 Foleys urinary catheter 25
67 Plain urinary catheter 25
68 Uro Bag 25
69 Dee Lees Mucous extractor/Penguin mucus sucker 5
70 Child size disposable nasal prongs and Nasal catheters 20
71 Adult size disposable nasal prongs and Nasal catheters 20
72 Needle holder 2
73 Toothed Dissecting forceps 2
74 Plain Dissecting forceps 2
75 Episiotomy scissor 2
76 Small artery forceps 2
77 Eye pads –Newborn 2
78 Feeding tube 5,6,7,8,9,10 fr (5 *6 size) 30
79 Nebulizer 1
80 Kellys /PPIUCD forceps 2

Infection Prevention Articles
81 Sterile Gloves 6.5 (25 Pairs/Box)* 20
82 Sterile Gloves 7 (25 Pairs/ Box)* 20
83 Examination Gloves Medium Size (100/Box) 20
84 Examination Gloves Large Size (100/Box) 20
85 Plastic Aprons 25
86 Caps –disposable (100/pack) 15
87 Mask (100/pack)-Disposable 15
88 Shoe cover (1 pair)-Disposable 100
89 Goggles 10
90 1 liter plastic mug 10
91 Utility gloves-rubber 20
92 Medium size plastic Bowl (to make bleaching paste) 10
93 Wooden/plastic stirrer (Long wooden -plastic scale) 10
94 Boiler 10'' x 6'' x4'' 1
95 Electric Stove/Induction Stove 1
SS or Aluminum Big Drum (size to accommodate one SS tray with
96 instruments) with Lid to demonstrate HLD 2
97 Autoclave -small size portable 1
98 Drum for autoclave -small size 2
99 Soft brush 10
100 detergent powder/liquid (1 Kg/Pkt) 2
101 Small Size color coded Foot operated bins (Yellow) 4
102 Small Size color coded Foot operated bins (Red) 4
103 Small Size color coded Foot operated bins (Black) 4
104 Small Size color coded Foot operated bins (blue) 4
0.5% chlorine solution in a plastic container/Tub inner width 3 ft in
105 diameter height 2 ft) 10
106 Air tight plastic container to store Bleaching powder/Detergent 5
Plastic measuring spoon (15 gms, 30 gms, 45gms,60gms and
107 75gms) 4 in each size 20
108 Mops 4
109 Lancets 200
110 Gauze (1 pkt) 5
111 Cotton roll (500 Gm) 10
112 Spirit (100 ml/Bottle)* 10
113 Povidone Iodine (100 ml Bottle) * 2
114 Distilled water *(1litre/Bottle) 20
115 N/10 HCl *(2/5 litre /Bottle) 4
116 Dropper 10
117 Hb Color stripes (If available in state practice) 10
118 Uristix *(100 strips/box) 2
119 Pregnancy detection kits * 40
120 RDT test packet * 40

121 Test Tube ( 10/15 ml) 50
122 Match Box 20
123 Benedict Solution (100 ml/Bottle)* 10
124 Acetic Acid (100 ml/Bottle)* 10
125 IUCD (Expired one also can be used) 20
126 Venflon size 16 10
127 Venflon size 18 10
128 Venflon size 20 10
129 Venflon size 24 10
130 IV sets 20
131 IV Fluids (Ringer lactate /Normal Saline) 20
132 Inj.Oxytocin 10IU * 20
133 Syringes 2 ml,(box of 25) 2
134 Syringes 5 ml,(box of 25) 2
135 Syringes 10 ml,(box of 25) 2
136 Syringes 20 ml,(box of 25) 2
137 Needles 22 gauze 50
138 Inj.Mgso4 50%(2ml/ampoule) 40
139 Adhesive tape (Roll) 10
140 Nappy (30 pcs/pkt) 1
141 Mounted catgut with round body needle* 25
142 2% Xylocaine(25 ml/Bottle)* 4
143 Salbutamol MDI with spacer 5
144 Salbutamol respules* 20
145 ORS packets*
146 Zinc Sulphate dispersible tablets*
147 Dry duster (Cloth) 25
148 Wooden Stool 10
149 Study Chair-Iron/Steel 15
150 Table - 2ft X 4ft –wooden 10
White Board Marker Pens 1 box (red, black, green, blue colors
151 2*4colors) 8
152 Flip Charts Stand 1
153 White Board 1
154 Tripod stand for white board 2

Models, charts and learning material for skills lab of nodal centers

All Charts must have rigid lamination on 12mm Board with Aluminum frame

1. Embryology set model - Model consists of 10 parts and shows the relationship between fetus and
uterus during gestation period. Various models representing different gestation months included in
the model are as below.

Part No. Gestation month Appearance/height of fetus

1st Normal uterus inner genitals
2nd First Placenta is shown
3rd Second Embryo looks like human
4th third Fetus is about 9 cms
5th fourth Fetus is about 16 cms
6th fifth Fetus is about 25 cms
7th sixth Fetus is about 30cms
8th seventh Fetus is about 35cms
9th eighth Fetus is about 40cms
10th ninth Fetus is about 45cms

2. Female pelvic section with baby model - Full size adult female pelvis made of fibre glass and hand
painted with relevant anatomical landmarks and a cloth/rexine fetal doll with head made of fibre glass.

3. Female Reproductive system - Superior quality Model made of advanced PVC. Dissectible into a
number of parts and mounted on a stand. Shows internal and external female genital organs.
1 Male Reproductive System Chart -51x66cms size 1
2 Female reproductive system Chart-51x66cms size 1
3 Fetal Development / Embryology Development Chart -70x100cms size 1
4 Stages of Labour (1,2 &3) Chart– 70x100cms size 3
5 Pregnancy & Birth Chart- 70x100cms size 1
6 Mechanism of Labor Chart-70x100cms size 1
7 Embryology Set- Model 1
8 Female Pelvic Section with Baby-Model 1
9 Model Female Reproductive System- Model 1
10 BP/CR Flipbook for counseling 4
11 Flip book -FP counseling 4
12 SBA Posters (16) VENYL, 24X36”, GUMMING ON BACK SIDE 1 set
IMNCI-Chart (12 posters)
13 The size of the chart must be of size: 24x36”, must have PVC pipe on top and 1 set
bottom and thread to hang the poster

Enlarged partograph (WHO, Simplified Partograph, as in SBA Guideline) on

14 1
white board – Size 24x36”
FP Counseling kit (bag)
 Material of the folder kit: Jute or Tetron
15 5
 Folder size: 10’’x14’’
 The inner right side of the kit should display the oral pills, IUCD, condom,

ECP and printed messages on Permanent contraceptive methods under
laminated transparent plastic sheet. The inner left side of the kit should have
a pocket to hold the templates of FP IEC and the space in middle should be
adequate enough to accommodate the FP counseling Flop book.
 The outer back side of the kit to have small pocket of 8’’x11’’ size and
should be adequate enough to accommodate the hand held uterine and
penile model.
 The kit folder should have a zip facility to open/close the kit
Loose contraceptive samples ( Mala -D, ECP, Mala -N, Condoms, Depo -
Provera) Free Samples can be obtained from the Govt. 5 Each
(i) MCP card
(ii) Labour room register
(iii) Case sheet
(iv) Partograph
(v) Referral -in / referral out registers / referral slip
(vi) Discharge slip
(vii) MDR reporting
17 (viii) Line listing Severe Anaemia
(ix) Village wise register
(x) Due list/VHND plans
(xi) MTP format
(xii) Eligible Couple register
(xiii) IUCD insertion/follow up register and monthly reporting format
(Note: The item listed in S.N 17 should be as per state Government
recommendation) 1 Each
18 EDD and gestational age calculation Wheel 20
19 MEC wheel 20

Mannequins and Equipments for Skills Lab Nodal Centers

Brief Description Requirement

Abdominal Palpation Mannequin for Leopold Manoeuvres during

Human Fetus Replicas (5 month and 7 month) 2
Dictaphone 1
Child Birth Simulator 4
Cervical dilatation attachment (Closed Os, 4 cm,6 cm, 8cm and fully
Postpartum Suturing Trainer 2
Model with normal uterus and accessories and also with postpartum
uterus attachment
Adult IV arm training kit 2
Female catheterization mannequin 2
Adult Intramuscular Injection Training Mannequin 2
NG tube trainer(Pediatric) 2
Essential Newborn care and newborn resuscitation Mannequin 4
Newborn Baby doll without clothes 2
Pediatric multi venous training arm kit 2
Mannequin for simulation and Management of PPH 4
Adult CPR mannequin 1
Fetal skull 5
Adult female pelvis made of synthetic material 5
Radiant Warmer 1
Phototherapy Unit 1
Nebulizer 1
Metered dose Inhaler with Spacer 1
Crash Cart (Optional) 1
Colour coded spring balance infant weighing scale 1
Pulse oximeter with probe 1
Hand held uterus model 2
Penile Model 2
Oxygen Concentrator Equipment- Portable and cylindrical (Optional) 1


SI # ITEMS Total Needed


1 BP Apparatus 4
2 Stethoscope 4
3 Adult weighing Scale 2
4 Measuring tape 4
5 Foot rest (1-2 feet height) Wooden 2
6 Watch with seconds hand 2
7 Hub cutter 4
8 Sahli's haemoglobinometer 4
9 Puncture proof Container 5
10 Specimen collection bottles - Plastic 100
11 Test Tube Holder 20
12 Spirit lamp 20
13 Draw Sheets/Covers 20
14 Blanket 20
15 Bed sheets 20
16 Pillow 4
17 Pillow Covers 20
18 Plastic Trays 10
19 Towel (1 meter) 20
20 Labor table with foam mattress- stainless steel 2
21 Kelly's pad 4
22 Delivery trolley 2
23 IV stand 5
24 Curtains ( 6 feet length) 20
25 Functional focus lamp 2
26 Spare Bulb for focus lamp 4
27 Digital Thermometer 10
28 Delivery gown(Half/ Full Hand) 2
29 Oxygen hood 1
30 Stamp pad (to keep papers for writing) 10
31 Infant weighing scale 1
32 Infantometer 1
33 Brass V drape 2
34 Stop watch 2
35 Foot operated Suction Machine 1
36 Electrical Suction Machine 1
37 Functional bag and mask with two sizes masks (0 and 1), 4
38 Baby Dress 4

SI # ITEMS Total Needed

39 Mittens 4
40 Socks 4
41 Shawl/KMC dress 5
42 Glucometer kit 2
43 Pitcher ( Capacity of 10-15 liters ) 2
44 Oxygen cylinder with the opener 1
45 2 liter water Jar with Lid 4
46 Feeding Cup 4
47 Feeding Spoon 4
48 SS Kidney Tray 8" 20
49 Small SS steel bowl with lid 20
50 SS tray Big-12”x11” with lid 15
51 SIMS/Cuscus speculum 2
52 Mayo’s scissor (curved) - 10" 2
53 Vulsulum/Tenaculum 2
54 Uterine sound 2
55 Anterior vaginal wall retractor 2
56 Sponge holder 2
57 Tourniquet 10
58 Cheattle forceps 4
59 SS bottle/ narrow mouth container to keep Cheattle forceps 4
60 Newborn ID tag 20
61 Cord clamp 20
62 Scissors – straight - 8 " 6
63 Artery Forceps 8/10'' 12
64 Foleys urinary catheter 25
65 Plain urinary catheter 25
66 Uro Bag 25
67 Dee Lees Mucous extractor/Penguin mucus sucker 5
68 Child size disposable nasal prongs and Nasal catheters 40
69 Adult size disposable nasal prongs and Nasal catheters 40
Infection Prevention Articles
70 Sterile Gloves 6.5 (25 Pairs/Box)* 20
71 Sterile Gloves 7 (25 Pairs/ Box)* 20
72 Examination Gloves Medium Size (100/Box) 25
73 Examination Gloves Large Size (100/Box) 25
74 Plastic Aprons 50
75 Caps -disposable(100/pack) 15
76 Mask (100/pack)-Disposable 15
77 Shoe cover (1 pair)-Disposable 200
78 Goggles 5
79 1 liter plastic mug 5
80 Utility gloves-rubber 10

SI # ITEMS Total Needed

81 Medium size plastic Bowl (to make bleaching paste) 10

82 Wooden/plastic stirrer (Long wooden -plastic scale) 10
83 Boiler 10'' x 6'' x4'' 1
84 Electric Stove/Induction Stove 1
SS or Aluminum Big Drum ( size to accommodate one SS tray with
85 instruments) with Lid to demonstrate HLD 2
86 Autoclave -small size portable 1
87 Drum for autoclave -small size 2
88 Soft brush 10
89 Detergent powder/liquid( 1 Kg/Pkt) 5
90 Small Size color coded Foot operated bins (Yellow) 4
91 Small Size color coded Foot operated bins (Red) 4
92 Small Size color coded Foot operated bins (Black) 4
93 Small Size color coded Foot operated bins ( blue) 4
0.5% chlorine solution in a plastic container/Tub inner width 3 ft in
94 diameter height 2 ft) 5
95 Air tight plastic container to store Bleaching powder/Detergent 10
Plastic measuring spoon (15 gms, 30 gms, 45gms,60gms and 75gms) 4 in
96 each size 20
97 Floor Mops 4
98 Dry duster 25
99 Lancets 100
100 Gauze(1 pkt) 5
101 Cotton roll (500 Gm) 10
102 Spirit (100 ml/Bottle)* 30
103 Povidone Iodine (100 ml Bottle) * 2
104 Distilled water *(1 liter/Bottle) 20
105 N/10 HCL *(2/5 liters /Bottle) 4
106 Dropper 10
107 Hb Color stripes (If available in state practice) 10
108 Uristix *(100 strips/box) 2
109 Pregnancy detection kits * 40
110 RDT test packet * 40
111 Test Tube ( 10/15 ml) 100
112 Match Box 20
113 Benedict Solution (100 ml/Bottle)* 20
114 Acetic Acid (100 ml/Bottle)* 20
115 IUCD (Expired one also can be used) 50
116 Venflon size 16 50
117 Venflon size 18 50
118 Venflon size 20 50
119 Venflon size 24 50
120 IV sets 25
121 IV Fluids (Ringer lactate /Normal Saline) 25

SI # ITEMS Total Needed

122 Inj.Oxytocin 10IU * 20

123 Syringes 2 ml,(box) 25
124 Syringes 5 ml,(box) 25
125 Syringes 10 ml,(box) 25
126 Needles 22 gauze 50
127 Inj.Mgso4 50%(2ml/ampoule) 40
128 Adhesive tape 10
129 Nappy (30 pcs/pkt) 1
130 ORS packets* 10
131 Zinc Sulphate dispersible tablets*
132 Wooden Stool 10
133 Study Chair-Iron/Steel 15
134 Table - 2ft X 4ft -wooden 10
135 White Board Marker Pens 1 box(Red,Black,Green,Blue colors 2*4colors) 8
136 Tripod stand 1
137 White Board 1
138 Flip Charts 2
Procurement List for GNM School Skills Lab (Additional)
SI # ITEMS Total Needed


1 Needle holder 2
2 Toothed Deserting forceps 2
3 Plain Deserting forceps 2
4 Episiotomy scissor 2
5 Small artery forceps 2
6 Eye pads -Newborn 2
7 Feeding tube 5,6,7,8,9,10 fr (5 *6 size) 30
8 Nebulizer 1
9 Kelly’s /PPIUCD forceps 2
10 Mounted catgut with round body needle* 50
11 2% Xylocaine (25 ml/Bottle)* 4
12 Salbutamol MDI with spacer 5
13 Salbutamol Respules* 20


SI # Items Requirement
1 Fetal Development / Embryology Development 1
2 Embryology Set Model 1
3 Stages of Labor – framed charts 3
4 Male Reproductive System-framed Chart 1
5 Female reproductive system - framed chart 1
6 Pregnancy & Birth -framed Chart 1
7 BP/CR Flipbook 1
8 Model Female Pelvic Section with Baby 1
9 Model Female Reproductive System 1
10 Model first stage of labor 1
11 Hand held uterus model 2
12 Penile Model 2
13 MEC wheel 20
14 SBA Posters (16 posters) 16
(i) MCP card
(ii) Labour room register
(iii) Referral -in / referral out registers / referral slip
(iv) Discharge slip
(v) MDR reporting
(vi) Line listing Severe Anaemia
16 (vii) Villagewise register
(viii) Due list/VHND plans
(ix) MTP format
(x) Eligible Couple register
(xi) IUCD insertion/follow up register
(xii) Monthly reporting format &
(xiii) Partograph 13
17 FP Counseling kit (Bag) 10
18 Flip book -FP counseling 10
19 (EDD and gestational calculation) Wheel 20
20 MEC wheel 20
21 SBA Hand Book-GoI 40
22 SBA -Guidelines, GoI 40
23 Loose contraceptive samples ( Mala -D, ECP, Mala -N, Condoms,
Depo -Provera) Free Samples can be obtained from the Govt. 1
24 LCD TV 32" 1
25 DVD player 1
26 Enlarged partograph on white board 1


S.N. Items Total Needed

1 Abdominal Palpation Mannequin during pregnancy 2
2 Child Birth Simulator 2
Model with normal uterus and accessories and also with
3 2
postpartum uterus attachment
Cervical dilatation attachment (Closed Os, 4 cm,6 cm, 8cm
4 2
and fully dilated)
5 Dictaphone 1
6 Adult IV arm training kit 2
7 Female catheterization mannequin 2
8 Adult Intramuscular Injection Training Mannequin 2
9 Fetal skull. 5
10 Adult female pelvis 5
11 Newborn baby doll without clothes 2
12 Essential Newborn care and Resuscitation Mannequin 2
13 Mannequin for simulation and Management of PPH 4
14 Human Fetus Replicas (5 month and 7 month) 2
15 Radiant Warmer. 1
16 Colour coded spring balance infant weighing scale 1


S.N. Items Total Needed

1 Postpartum Suturing Trainer 2

2 NG tube trainer 2
3 Pediatric multi venous training arm kit 2

4 Adult CPR mannequin 1

5 Phototherapy Unit 1
6 Nebulizer 1
7 Metered dose Inhaler with Spacer 1
8 Crash Cart (optional) 1
9 Pulse oximeter with probe 1
10 Oxygen concentrator equipment- portable and cylindrical 1



SI # Author Name of the Book Quantity

Fundamentals of Nursing
1 Potter & Perry Basic Nursing,7th Edition 10
2 Basavanthappa Fundamentals of nursing, 1st Edition 10
3 Jacob, Rekha-R & Clinical Nursing procedure, 1st Edition 10
4 Prakash Nathan Surgical and medical procedure for nurses and Par 10
medical staff, 1st Edition
5 Gomez Nursing at a glance, 1st edition 10
6 Esther sirra Nursing process, 2nd edition 10
7 Sr. Nancy Principles and practice of nursing, Vol-I, 6th Edition 10
8 Sr. Nancy Principles and practice of nursing, Vol-II, 4th Edition 10
9 Gail B,Ladwincy, Guide to nursing Diagnosis, 2nd Edition 10
10 Penelope Ann Hilton Fundamentals of nursing skills, 1st Edition 10
11 Annamma Jacob,Rekha R, Clinical Nursing procedure, The art of nursing 10
Jadav Sonali Tarachand practice, 2nd Edition
12 B.T.Thappa Theories and practice of nursing, 2nd Edition 10
13 Sheldon Communication for nursing: Talking with patients 10
14 Lewenson Decision Making in nursing, Thoughtful approaches 10
for practice
15 Judit M Wilkinson & Fundamentals of Nursing, 1st Edition 10
Karen Van Leuven
16 Debra Lynn-Mchale, Procedure manual for critical care, 6th edition 10
17 Baumberger Quick look Nursing: Fluids and Electrolytes 10
18 Dillon Nursing health assessment clinical pocket guide 10
19 Sam M. Nursing process a clinical guide 10
20 Gupta l.C. Practical nursing procedures 10
21 Sharma S. Principal & practice of nursing 10
22 Fundamental of nursing the art & science of nursing 10
Taylor C. care
23 Moyet Hand book of nursing diagnosis 10
24 Sandra Lippincott manual of nursing practice 10

25 Patal M.B Ward procedures 10
26 Sirra E. Nursing process 10

SI # Author Name of the Book Quantity

Anatomy and Physiology
1 Nelter’s Atlas of human physiology, 1st Edition 10
2 Guyton & Hall Textbook of medical physiology, 11th Edition 10
3 Sujit Kumar Chowdhury Concise medical Physiology, 6th Edition 10
4 Sabyasachi Sircar Principles of medical physiology, 1st Edition 10
5 Dr.A.K.Jain Physiology for nursing, 1st Edition 10
6 Dr.A.K.Jain Manual of practical physiology for nurses, 1st edition 10
7 Chattergee Human physiology vol. 1 10
8 Chattergee Human physiology vol. 2 10
9 Grants Atlas of Anatomy,12th Edition 10
10 Anand & Verma Human Anatomy for nursing and allied sciences, 1st 10
11 Dr.Renuchavhan Anatomy for B.Sc Nursing, 1st Edition 10
12 Ross & Willson Anatomy and physiology in Health and Illness, 10th 10
13 Inderbir Singh Anatomy and Physiology for nurses, 2nd edition 10
14 Sear’s Anatomy and Physiology for nurses, 6th edition 10
15 Sylvia S Understanding anatomy and Physiology, 5th Edition 10
16 Prof.A.K.Jain Anatomy and physiology for nurses,2nd editioin 10
17 Indu Khurana, Arushi Textbook of Anatomy and Physiology for nurses and 10
allied health sciences, 1st edition
18 Bansal Anatomy and Physiology for Nursing (Hindi) 10
19 Ashalatha Textbook of Anatomy and Physiology for Nursing 10
20 Rao MCQs for BSc nursing in Anatomy and Physiology 10
21 Watson R. Anatomy & physiology for nurses 10
22 Gupta Anatomy & physiology for nurses 10
23 Tortora Principal of anatomy & Physiology vol. 1 10
24 Tortora Principal of anatomy & Physiology vol. 2 10

SI # Author Name of the Book Quantity
1 Rekha Sharma Diet management, 4th Edition 10
2 Suvangini A Joshi Nutrition and Dietetics, 3rd Edition 10
3 Dr.Shrinandam Bansal Food & Nutrition, Vol-I, 1st Edition 10
4 Dr.M.Swaminathan Food & Nutrition, Vol-I, 2nd Edition 10
5 T.K.Indrani Nursing Managemnet of Nutrition and Theraputic 10
Diet,1st Edition
6 Kusum Samant Nutrition for nurses(Q&A), 1st Edition 10
7 The educational planning Food and Nutrition for nurses, 1st Edition 10
group, Delhi,ARYA
8 Sam M A textbook of nutrition for nursing 10
9 Gupta l.C. Food & nutrition facts figures 10

SI # Author Name of the Book Quantity

1 Dr.U.Styanarayan, Biochemistry, 3rd Edition 10
2 A.C. Deb Fundamentals of biochemistry,9th Edition 10
3 Raju & Madala Biochemistry for nurses, 1st Edition 10
4 J.Koolman Color atlas of niochemistry,1st Edition 10
5 A.C Deb Fundamentals of biochemistry,9th Edition 10
6 Harbansal Biochemistry for B.Sc nursing students,1st Edition 10
7 Jacob Anthikad Biochemistry for nurses,2nd Edition 10
8 K.Thylam Biomedical physics for nurses 10
9 Bindu Biochemistry for nurses 10
10 Rao A test book of biochemistry 10
11 Lal H. Biochemistry for B.Sc.Nursing students 10

SI # Author Name of the Book Quantity
1 Mosby Mosby’s Nursing drug references, 23rd Edition 10
2 S.M.Raju Introduction to nursing pharmacology, 1st Edition 10
3 Kee Hayes, Mc Cuistion Pharmocology for nurses, 6th Edition 10
4 Brenner Stevens Pharmocology, 3rd Edition 10
5 Chaudhuri Pharmacology for nurses & allied professions 10
6 Ashton Pharmacology 10
7 Turkoshi Drug information hand book of nursing 10
8 Deglin Davis drug guide for nurse 10
9 Nurse's hand book of behavioral and mental health 10
A team drugs
10 McCann Nursing rapid fire drug facts 10
11 Wilkes Oncology nursing drug hand book 10
12 Tuhi Esfmflu dh ikb~;iqlrd 10

SI # Author Name of the Book Quantity

1 H.Ruth Ashbee, Mary S Anathanarayan & panikar’s Textbook of 10
Mathewa microbiology for nurses
2 C.P.Bavega Textbook of microbiology for nurses, 2nd Edition 10
3 WHO Prevention of Hospital acquired infection, 2st 10
4 Seema Sood Microbiology for nurses, 2nd Edition 10
5 Paniker Textbook of microbiology for nurses, 1st Edition 10
6 CP Baveza Textbook of Microbiology for nurses, 3rd Edition 10
7 C P Baveza Practical Microbiology for nurses, 1st Edition 10
8 Anatnarayan Microbiology for nurses 10
9 Bansal Microbiology for Nursing (Hindi) 10
10 Rao Textbook of Microbiology for Nursing Student 10
11 TNAI Simplified microbiology 10

SI # Author Name of the Book Quantity
Medical Surgical Nursing
1 Joyce M Black, Jane Medical Surgical Nursing Vol-I, 8th Edition 10
Hokanson Hawks
2 Brunnar and Siddarth Text book of Medical Surgical Nursing Vol-I, 11th 10
3 Davidson Principles and practice of medice, 20th edition 10
4 Lewis Heitkemper Medical Surgical Nursing,7th Edition 10
5 Linton Introduction of medical surgical nursing,4th Edition 10
6 M.Black Medical Surgical Nursing, Vol-II, 8th Edition 10
7 Vijayalakshmi Medical Surgical Nursing 05
8 Basavanthappa Medical Surgical Nursing 05
Williams Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing With CD 05
9 Chintamoni Morony’s Surgery for nurses, 17th Edition 05
10 C.P.Thersyamma Operating room technique and Anesthesia for 05
nurses, 3rd Edition
11 T.K.Dutta Fundamentals of operation theatre technics,3rd 05
12 John V Conte, W.A The John Hopkins Manual for cardiac surgical care, 05
Baumagantner 2nd Edition
13 Philip M hanno, Penn Clinical manual of Urology, 1st Edition 05
14 Neil J Feiedman, Peter Essentials of ophthalmology, 1st Edition 05
15 PL Dhingra Shruti Dhingra Disesase of EAR, NOSE and THROAT, 5th Edition 05
16 Rupa vedandrum Emergencies in ENT, 1st Edition 05
17 Doctor Diabetes, 1st Edition 05
18 Yarbro Cancer Nursing: Principles and Practice 05
19 Michael Renal disease 05
20 Chowdhury Respiratory nursing care 05
21 Tuli Test book Ear,Nose & Throat 05
22 Luthra A ECGg for nurses 05
23 Prema T.P Ess. Of neurological & neurosurgical nursing 05
24 Vivek Tandon, Suneet Sood Multiple Choice Questions in Medicine,1st Edition 05
25 P.G.Raman Multiple Choice Questions in Medicine,1st Edition 05
26 Deborah, Addman & Disaster Nursing, 1st Edition 05
Timothy .J.
27 Lucita M. Cardiovascular nursing 05

28 Sole M.L Introduction to critical care nursing 05
29 Thomas N. Diabetes mellitus 05
30 A reference manual for nurses on coronary care 05
Nancy S. nursing
31 Carnevali Nursing management for the elderly 05
32 Holloway Nursing the critically ill adult 05
33 Udaykumar Pharmacology for Nursing 05
34 Herbert-Ashton Quick Look Nursing: Pharmacology 05
35 Kennedy Sheldon Quick Look Nursing: Oxygenation 05
36 Madara Quick Look Nursing: Pathophysiology 05
37 Jones & Bartlett Nursing Handbook of IV Drugs 05
38 Gupta First aid 10
39 Indrani First aid for nurses 10
40 Panda U.N. First aid for nurses 10
41 Gupta First aid(Hindi) 05
42 Singh A. First aid & emergency 05
43 Shatner First aid pocket guide 05

SI # Author Name of the Book Quantity

1 Mohan H. Test book of pathology 10
2 Huether Understanding pathophysiology 10
3 Daniel’s Delmar’s guide to laboratory & diagnostic test 10
4 Robbins Pathologic basis of disease 10
5 Madara B. Pathophysiology 10
6 Springho Pathophysiology: made incredibly, easy 10
7 Hansen M. Pathophysiology foundation of disease and clinical 10

SI # Author Name of the Book Quantity

Child Health Nursing
1 Dorothy R.Marlow Textbook of pediatric nursing,6th Edition 10
2 Parul Dutta Pediatric Nursing, 2nd Edition 10
3 Hockenberry Wilson Wong’s Essential of pediatric Nursing,8th Edition 10
4 Suraj Gupta The short text book of pediatric nursing 10
5 Meherban Singh Essential Pediatric for nurses, 2nd Edition 10
6 Nelson Textbook of pediatrics Vol-I, 18th Edition 10

7 Nelson Textbook of pediatrics Vol-II, 18th Edition 10
8 D.K.Gupta Pediatric Surgery, Diagnosis and Management Vol- 10
I, 1st Edition
9 D.K.Gupta Practical Newborn critical care nursing, 18th 10
10 S.A.Kalaimathi Nurses guide to neonatal procedure, 1st Edition 10
11 Swarna Rekha Bhat Achar’s Textbook of pediatrics, 4th Edition 10
12 Piyush Gupta Essential od pediatric Nursing. 3rd Edition 10
13 Jacob Singh Pediatric Nursing 10
14 Panda U.N. Pediatric nursing 10
15 Alario A.J Practical guide to the care of the pediatric patient 10
16 Beevi A. Test book of paediatric nursing 10

SI # Author Name of the Book Quantity

1 D.C.Bhattacharya Sociology,7th Edition 10
2 S.K.Mangal Essential of educational Pshchology,3rd Edition 10
3 Dr.Omprakash, B.Pal Sociological foundation of education 10
4 Krishna Gowda Sociology for nurses,5th Edition 10
5 Indrani Sociology for Nurses 10
6 Jacob Sociology for Nursing 10
7 Chakravarty Sociology theory, methodology and concepts 10
9 Manelker Sociology for Nurses 10

SI # Author Name of the Book Quantity

1 Elements of psychology & mental hugience for 10
Bhatia B.D. nurses in india
2 Mangal Abnormal psychology 10
3 Kundu C.L Educational psychology 10
4 Mangal General psychology 10
5 Fernald Munn’s introduction to psychology 10
6 Clement Psychology perspective on pregnancy & childbirth 10
7 Aiken L.R Psychological testing & assessment 10
8 Baron R.A. Psychology 10
9 Anand Psychology for nurses 10
10 Krishne Gowda Psychology for nurses, 1st Edition

SI # Author Name of the Book Quantity
Mental Health Nursing (Psychiatric Nursing)
1 Kethyneeb Fundamentals of mental health nursing, 3rd Edition 10
2 Merry C.Town Psychiatric Mental health nursing, 5th Edition 10
3 B.T.Basavan Thappa Psychiatric mental health nursing,1st Edition 10
4 Gail W. Stuart Principles and practice of psychiatric nursing,9th 10
5 Elizabeth M Varcardia Pshychiatric nursing care planning,4th Edition 10
6 Dr.Bimla Kapoor Psychiatric Nursing Vol-I, 3rd edition 10
7 Dr.Bimla Kapoor Psychiatric Nursing Vol-II, 1st edition 10
8 R.Sreevani Mental health Nursing, Practical record book, 1st 10
9 Jacob Psychology for Nursing 10
10 Jones & Bartlett Nursing Handbook of Behavioral and Mental Health 10
11 Nambi Psychiatry for Nursing 10
12 Sreevani A guide to mental health and psychiatric nursing 10
13 Question bank mental health nursing for 10
Sreevani undergraduate nursing student
14 Shah I.P. A hand book of psychiatry 10
15 Neeraja K.P. Ess.of mental health & psychiatric nursing vol.I 10
16 Neeraja K.P. Ess.of mental health & psychiatric nursing vol.II 10
17 M T Thresia Psychiatric and mental health nursing, 1st Edition 10
18 K.Lalitha Mental Health & Psychiatric nursing, 1st Edition 10

SI # Author Name of the Book Quantity

Community Health Nursing
1 K.Park Textbook of preventive and social medicine,21th 10
2 M.C.Gupta, B.K Mahajam Textbook of preventive and social medicine,3rd 10
3 S.Kamalam Essential in community health nursing practice,2nd 10
4 J.Kishore National health Programme 10
5 WHO,USAID Family Planning 10
6 Neelam Kumari Essential of community health nursing, 2011 10
7 Sood R.K. A community health nursing manual 10

8 K.K.Gulani Community health nursing,2nd Edition 10
9 Keshar Swarnkar Community health nursing,3rd Edition 10
10 Sunita Patey Textbook of community health nursing, 1st Edition 10
11 Basavanthappa Community health Nursing 10
12 K.Park Community health Nursing –Hindi 10

SI # Author Name of the Book Quantity

Midwifery (Maternal Health Nursing)
1 D.C.Dutta Textbook of obstetrics, 6th Edition 10
2 Elizabeth Stepp Gilbert Manual of high risk pregnancy, 4th Edition 10
3 D.M.Frases, M.A.Cooper Myles Text book of midwives, 14th edition 10
4 C.S.Dawn Textbook of gynecology, conyraceptive and 10
demography,14th Edition
5 S.K.Chattopodhya, Midwifery 10
M.Narayan Swami
6 Cunnighum Leveno Bloom William’s Obstetrics, 23rd Edition 10
7 Konar & Dutta Bedside clinics and viva voce in obstetrics and 10
gynecology, 1st Edition
8 Kamini Rao Textbook of midwifery & Obstetrics for nurses 10
9 Annamma Jacob Maternal And neonatal nursing care plans,1st 10
10 Marie Elezabeth Midwifery for nurses, 1st Edition 10
11 Barbara Kintle & Patritia Basic maternal and newborn care 10
12 Unicef & WHO Managing Newborn problems 10
13 Stergard Dr Atlas of gynecologic surgery 10
14 ILCA Core Curriculum for Lactation Consultant Practice 10
15 Fahey Varney’s Midwifery: Study Question Book 10
16 Ament Professional Issues in Midwifery (HB) 10
17 Dutta D.C Test book of gynecology 10
18 Rees M. Gynaecology 10
19 Clarke M. Health for all reproductive health 10
20 Managing newborn problems, a guide for doctors 10
WHO nurses & midwives
21 Littleton Maternity nursing care 10
22 Cochard Netter’s atlas of human embryology 10
23 Anderson Reproductive health women & men’s shared 10

SI # Author Name of the Book Quantity
1 K.P.Neeraja Textbook of nursing education,1st Edition 10
2 E.Sonatombi Devi Nursing Education 10
3 Barbara A Mayer Nursing education –foundation of practice 10
education,1st Edition
4 B.T.Thappa Nursing Education, 1st Edition 10
5 S.K.Mangal, Uma Mangal Essential of educational technology, 1st Edition 10
6 Carrol.L.Dolly Curriculum development in nursing education,2nd 10
7 Indrani History of nursing 10
8 Basavanttappa Nursing education 10
9 Sampath Introduction to educational technology 10
10 Kochhar Methods & techniques of teaching 10

11 Parker Nursing theories & nursing practice 10

12 Hadikin R. Effective coaching in health care 10
13 Quinn’s & F.M. Quinn’s principles & practice of nursing education 10
14 Thomas M. Effective teaching 10
15 Radhakrishnan History & trend in nursing in India 10

SI # Author Name of the Book Quantity

1 B.M.Sakharkar Principles of hospital administration and 10
planning,2nd Edition
2 G.N.Pravakaran Trends issue and management in nursing, 1st Edition 10
3 Marry Lucita Nursing practice and public health administration,1st 10
4 G.M.Francis Hospital Admininstration, 3rd Edition 10
5 Neelam Kumari, Madhu Nursing services& administration,1st Edition 10
6 Lucita M. Nursing practice & public health administration 10
7 I.Clement Elsever Management and nursing services & education 10
8 Patal M.B. Ward procedures 10
9 Finkbiner Ward management 10
10 Ballabh C. Hospital administration 10
11 Ballabh C. Hospital & nursing homes 10
12 Ballabh C. Hospital waste management 10

SI # Author Name of the Book Quantity
1 B.T.Basvanthappa Nursing Research,2nd Edition 10
2 Polit Beck Nursing Research, 8th Edition 10
3 S.K.Sharma Nursing Research and statistics,1st Edition 10
4 Bunn & Grove Understanding Nursing Research, 4th Edition 10
5 Janet Houses Nursing Research, 1st Edition 10
6 Carol Boswel, Sharan Cannon Introduction to nursing research 10
7 Nancy Burns Understanding nursing research-Building evidence 10
based practice
8 Indrani Research methodology for nurses 10
9 Basic steps in planning nursing research from 10
Brink P.L. question to proposal
10 Walsh M. Introduction to nursing research 10
11 Pope C. Qualitative research in health 10
Bio Statistics
12 Prabhakan G.N. Biostatistics 10
13 Kapil Sharma Statistics methods
14 Barida J.P. Manual of biostatistics 10
15 Mahajan Methods in biostatistics 10

SI # Author Name of the Book Quantity

English & Computer, others
1 Selva Rose Career English for nurses, 2nd Edition 10
2 J.Sarumathi English for nurses 10
3 M.C.Jain & MS Soakshi Computer for nurses 10
4 Rajiv Khanna Introduction to computer 10
5 Bhawana Puri A Textbook of computer 10
6 Jain S. Multimedia & web technology class xii vol.2 10
7 I.Clement Practical Record/Cumulative Record for Basic B.Sc nursing 10
course, 3rd Edition-2012
8 C.Manivannan Clinical Record 10
9 Anthikad Cumulative record for GNM 10
10 Pinto Midwifery Record Book for B.Sc Nursing Students 10
11 Panda Jaypee’s Nursing Dictionary 10
12 Dorland Illustrated Medical Dictionary 10

13 Mosby Mosby’s Pocket Dictionary of medical, nursing & health 10
14 G.N.Prvakaran Illustrated nurses dictionary 10
15 U.N Panda Jaypees nurses dictionary 10
16 Jacintha D’souza Dictionary for nurses, 1st Edition 10
17 Stedman Stedman medical English Dictionary (power pack) 10
18 Tiran D. Bailliers midwives dictionary 10
19 Weller Bailliers nurses dictionary for nurses & health care workers 10
20 Panda U.N Jaypee’s nurses dictionary 10
21 Gupta Illustrated nurses dictionary 10
22 Dorland Dorlands illustrated medical dictionary 10
23 Mosby’s pocket dictionary of medicine nursing & health 10
Team professions
24 Balliyers Nurses dictionary (Hindi) 10
25 Kumar’s Oxford English-English-Hindi dictionary 10
26 O Brien Sprituality in nursing: Standing on holy ground 10
27 Young Sprituality,health and Healing: An integrative approach 10
28 Humber James M,et al Privacy and health care 10
29 Zuzelo The Clinical Nursing Specialist Handbook 10
30 Pushpa Biswas Florence Nightingale,1st Edition 10
31 INC Syllabus for nursing –Basic B.Sc 10
32 INC Syllabus for nursing –Post Basic B.Sc 10
33 INC Syllabus for nursing-ANM 10
34 INC Syllabus for nursing-GNM 10
35 Clement Nursing solved question papers for B.Sc nursing 2010- 10
1999, 1st year
36 Clement Nursing Solved Question Papers for BSc Nursing 2009- 10
2000 2nd year
37 Clement Nursing Solved Question Papers for BSc Nursing 2009- 10
1999 3rd year
38 Clement Nursing Solved Question Papers for Sse Nursing 2009- 10
1999 4th year
39 Smith Sandra Smith’s Review for NCLEX-RN 10
40 Raju S.M Comprehensive review for CGFNS 10
41 Lagerquis NCLEX RN Success 10
42 Silvestri Q & A review for the NCLEX RN examination 10
43 Lazo J.S Review for USMLE Step-1 10
44 Ibsen K. Review for USMLE Step-2 10


Subject: Nursing principles and practice
S.No Author Name of the Book Quantity

1 Weller Bailliere's Nursing' Dictionary: For Nursing & Health Care 10

2 Basavanthappa Fundamentals of Nursing 10
3 Thresyamma Fundamentals of Nursing Procedure Manual 10
4 Potter &Perry Fundamental of nursing 10
5 Sheldon Communication for Nursing: Talking with Patients (PB)
6 Panda Jaypee's Nursing Dictionary 10
7 Anthikad Cumulative Record for General Nursing and Midwifery 10
8 Lewenson Decision-Making in Nursing. Thoughtful Approaches for Practice 10
9 Nancy Nursing Art procedures 2 (HINDI ) 10
10 Nancy Nursing Art procedures 2* 10
11 Nancy Nursing Art procedures 1 (HINDI)* 10
12 Nancy Nursing Art procedures 1* 10
13 O'Brien Spirituality in Nursing: Standing on Holy Ground 10
14 Young Spirituality, Health, and Healing: An Integrative Approach 10
15 Sharma Principles and Practice of Nursing 10
16 Humber James Privacy and health care 10
m, et al
17 Brown Quick Reference to Wound Care 10
18 Carpenito- Nursing Diagnosis: Application to Clinical Practice nurse 10
19 Baumberger- Quick Look Nursing: Fluids and Electrolytes 10
20 Dillon Nursing Health Assessment Clinical Pocket Guide 10
21 Annamma Clinical Nursing procedure, The art of nursing practice, 2nd 10
Jacob,Rekha R, Edition
Jadav Sonali
22 Dr.M.Swamina Food & Nutrition, Vol-I, 2nd Edition 10
23 T.K.Indrani Nursing Managemnet of Nutrition and Theraputic Diet,1st Edition 10

Subject: Microbiology
S.No Author Name of the Book Quantity
1 Anatnarayan Microbiology for nurses 10
2 Bansal Microbiology for Nursing (Hindi) 10
3 Rao Textbook of Microbiology for Nursing Student 10
4 Spencer Public health microbiology 10
5 Sood S. Microbiology for nurses 10
6 TNAI Simplified microbiology 10
Subject: Sociology
S.No Author Name of the Book Quantity
1 Indrani Sociology for nurses 10
2 Gowda Sociology for Nursing* 10
3 Jacob Sociology for Nursing, 10
Subject: Psychology
S.No Author Name of the Book Quantity
1 Anthikad Psychology and Sociology for GNM and BPT Students 10
2 Jacob Psychology for Nursing 10
3 Salgado Introductory Psychology for Nursing 10
Subject: Anatomy and Physiology
S.No Author Name of the Book Quantity
1 Yalayyaswamy Anatomy & Physiology for Nursing 10
2 Bansal Anatomy and Physiology for Nursing (Hindi) 10
3 Ashalatha Textbook of Anatomy and Physiology for Nursing 10
4 Gray’s Anatomy for students 10
5 Ross & Anatomy and physiology in health & illness 10
6 Anthony Text book of anatomy and physiology 10
7 Waugh Anatomy & Physiology in Health & Illness 10
8 Netter’s Atlas of Human Physiology 10
Subject: English and Computer
S.No Author Name of the Book Quantity
1 Selva rose Career English for nurses 10
2 J.Sarumathi English for nurses 10
3 Bhawana Puri A textbook of computer 10
4 N.C.Jain & Computer for nurses 10
MS Soakshi
5 Rajiv Khanna Introduction to computer 10

6 Jacintha Dictionary for nurses, 1st Edition 10
7 Stedman Stedman medical English Dictionary (power pack) 10
8 Tiran D. Bailliers midwives dictionary 10
9 Weller Bailliers nurses dictionary for nurses & health care workers 10
10 Panda U.N Jaypee’s nurses dictionary 10
11 Gupta Illustrated nurses dictionary 10
12 Dorland Dorlands illustrated medical dictionary 10
13 Mosby’s pocket dictionary of medicine nursing & health 10
Team professions
14 Balliyers Nurses dictionary(Hindi) 10
15 Kumar’s Oxford English-English-Hindi dictionary 10

Subject: Medical Surgical Nursing

S.No Author Name of the Book Quantity
1 Linton Introduction to Medical-Surgical Nursing 10
2 Lippin Cott Manual of nursing practice, 9th Edition 10
3 Joyce M Balck, Medical Surgical Nursing Vol-!, 8th Edition 10
Jane Hokanson
4 Lippincott Critical Care –Handbook, 5th Edition 10
5 Grover I Malik Textbook of Pharmacology for Nursing* 10
6 Jones & Nursing Drug Handbook 10
7 Grace Nursing Ethics and Professional Responsibility in Advanced 10
8 Operating room technique and anesthesia for general nursing 10
Thresyamma course
9 Goldman Pocket guide to the operating room 10
10 Yalayyaswamy First Aid & Emergency Nursing * 10
11 Gupta First aid(hindi) 10
12 Chowdhury Respiratory nursing care 10
13 Tuli Test book Ear,Nose & Throat 10
14 Payne Nursing Student's Guide to Clinical Success 10
15 Brunner Medical surgical nursing 10
16 Yarbro Cancer Nursing: Principles and Practice 10
17 Barker Advanced Practice Nursing: Essential Knowledge for the 10
18 Prescher- Clinical Practice Protocols in Oncology Nursing 10

19 Gupta First aid (Hindi) 10
20 Vijayalakshmi Medical Surgical Nursing 10
21 Basavanthappa Medical Surgical Nursing 10
22 Yarbro Oncology Nursing Review 10
23 Stedman Stedman medical dictionary (power pack) 10
24 Williams Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing With CD 10
25 Udaykumar Pharmacology for Nursing 10
26 Michael Renal disease 10
27 Herbert-Ashton Quick Look Nursing: Pharmacology 10
28 Kennedy Quick Look Nursing: Oxygenation 10
29 Madara Quick Look Nursing: Pathophysiology 10
30 Jones & Nursing Handbook of IV Drugs 10
31 Chintamani Surgery for nurses 10
32 Yadav Izkfkfed loklf; 10
33 Tuhi Esfmflu dh ikb~;iqlrd 10

Subject: Mental Health Nursing

S.No Author Name of the Book Quantity
1 Kapoor Text Book of psychiatry for nurses vol 1* 10
2 Kapoor Text book of psychiatry for nurses vol 2* 10
3 Basavanthappa Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing 10
4 O'Brien Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing: An Introduction to Theory and 10
Practice, (PB)
5 Nambi Psychiatry for Nursing 10
6 Lalitha Mental Health & Psychiatric Nursing 10
7 Jones & Nursing Handbook of Behavioral and Mental Health Drugs 10
8 Sreevani A guide to mental health and psychiatric nursing 10
9 Shah I.P. A hand book of psychiatry 10
10 Neeraja K.P. Ess.of mental health & psychiatric nursing vol.i 10
11 Neeraja K.P. Ess.of mental health & psychiatric nursing vol.ii 10
12 Lalitha K. Mental health & psychiatric nursing 10

Subject: Community Health Nursing

S.No Author Name of the Book Quantity

1 Basavanthappa Community Health Nursing 10
2 K.Park Community health nursing 10
3 K.Park Community health nursing (Hindi) 10
4 Swarnkar Community health nursing * 10

Subject: Child Health Nursing

S.No Author Name of the Book Quantity

1 Hatfield Bradribb's Introductory Pediatric Nursing 10

2 Heiner Manual therapy in children 10
3 Browne Nursing Care of the Pediatric Surgical Patient 10
4 Jacob Singh Pediatric Nursing 10
5 Suraj Gupta The short text book of pediatric nursing 10
6 Meherban Essential Pediatric for nurses, 2nd Edition 10
7 Dorothy Textbook of pediatric nursing,6th Edition 10
8 Beevi A. Test book of paediatric nursing 10

Subject: Community Health Nursing

S.No Author Name of the Book Quantity
1 Basavanthappa Community Health Nursing 10
2 K.Park Community health nursing 10
3 K.Park Community health nursing (Hindi) 10
4 Swarnkar Community health nursing * 10
5 Dayer- Cultural Competencies for Nursing: Impact on Health and Illness 10
6 SIFPSA Samudayik Swasthya SIFPSA (State innovation in Family 10
planning services project agencies)
7 A M Chakle Health worker ke liye pathyapustak 10

Subject: Midwifery

S.No Author Name of the book Quantity

1 D.C.Dutta Textbook of obstetrics, 6th Edition 10
2 S.K.Chattopodh Midwifery 10
ya, M.Narayan
3 Annamma Maternal And neonatal nursing care plans,1st Edition 10
4 Pinto Midwifery Record Book for B.Sc Nursing Students 10
5 Ament Professional Issues in Midwifery (HB) 10
6 Myles Text book of midwifery 10
7 Madara Quick Look Nursing: Obstetric and Pediatric Pathophysiology 10
8 Beck Postpartum Mood & Anxiety Disorders: Clinician Guide 10
9 Barbara Kintle Basic Maternal and newborn care 10
& Patritia
10 Marie Midwifery for nurses, 1st Edition 10
11 Barbara Kintle Basic maternal and newborn care 10
& Patritia
12 Unicef & WHO Managing Newborn problems 10


S.No Title Quantity

Maternal Health
1. SBA Guidelines for Skilled Attendance at Birth. 40
2. SBA Handbook for ANM LHV and SN. 40
3. My Safe Motherhood Booklet- English 05
4. Comprehensive Abortion Care training & Service Delivery Guidelines 05
5. Guidelines for JSSK 05
6. Maternal Death Review Guidebook. 05
7. Village Health & Nutrition Days 05
8. JSY Guidelines 05
9. 24 hrs PHCs Guidelines 05
10. National Guidelines on Prevention Management and Care-STI, HIV; 10
11. RMNCH+A operational guidelines and training manual 10
12. Infection Prevention, IMEP Policy Framework, GoI 10
13. Rural Health Statistics 2011 /(latest); GoI 05
14. National Health Profile 2011 /(latest); GoI 05
15. Operational Guidelines and reference manual for prevention of PPH
through community based distribution of Misoprostal
16. ENBC module, WHO 10
17. Effective Teaching Skills, Jhpiego 10
18. Clinical Training Skills Manual, Jhpiego 10
Reference for (10-15)
19. Guidelines for maternal and newborn Health 05
20. Guidelines for Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram 05
21. Operational Guidelines on Facility Based Management of Children with 05
Severe Acute Malnutrition
22. Guidelines for Enhancing Optimal Infant & Young Child Feeding 05
23. Guidelines for Janani-Shishu Suraksha Karyakram 05
24. Maternal & Newborn Health Toolkit 05

New Born and Child Health
25. IMNCI Module for basic health workers 10
26. IMNCI Chart booklet 10
27. IMNCI Photo booklet 10
28. Guidelines for enhancing optimal Infant and Young Child Feeding 05
(IYCF) practices
29. Guidelines for Control of Iron Deficiency Anaemia 05
30. Rastriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK)- Child Health Screening and 05
Early Intervention Services under NRHM
31. Operational guidelines on Facility Based management of Children with 05
Severe Acute Malnutrition.
32. Facility Based Newborn Care (FBNC) operational guidelines 05
33. Home Based Newborn Care (HBNC) operational guidelines 05
34. Deworming guidelines 05
35. Training manuals for Facility based management of SAM (Severe Acute 05
- Facilitator guide on Facility Based Care of SAM
- Participant Manual on Facility Based Care of SAM
36. Policy Guidelines for Vit A, Zinc and Iron and folic acid supplementation 05
Family Planning
37. IUCD Reference Manual - Nursing Personnel 10
38. PPIUCD Reference Manual 10
39. Counseling for PPIUCD-Reference Manual 10
40. Counseling for PPIUCD-Trainers Notebook 05
41. FP Booklet-English 10
42. Guidelines for administration of Emergency Contraceptive Pills (ECP) 10
by health care providers
43. Handbook for Reproductive, Maternal, Neonatal, and Child Health 10
(RMNCH) Counsellors
44. Facilitators’ Guide for Training of Reproductive, Maternal, Neonatal, and 05
Child Health (RMNCH) Counsellors
Adolescent Health
Refer for (36-37)
45. Menstrual Hygiene Scheme booklet 05
46. Menstrual Hygiene Scheme Flipbook 05
Refer for (38-41)
47. Operational guidelines for school based WIFS Programme 05
48. Operational guidelines for ICDS based WIFS Programme 05
49. Technical handbook on Anaemia 05
50. Guidelines for control of Iron Deficiency Aneamia 05
Note: Five sets of ANMTC library book list can be added to SNC library book list, for
referral by 6 weeks ANMTC faculty training participants.


Subject: Community Health Nursing

S.No Authors Name of the book Quantity

1 Keshaw Swarnkar Community Health Nursing for ANM (H & E ) 10
2 A M Chakle Health worker ke liye pathyapustak 10
3 K Park Preventive & Social Medicine 10
4 SIFPSA Samudayik Swasthya SIFPSA (State innovation in 10
Family planning services project agencies)
5 Keshaw Swarnkar Community Health Nursing for ANM ( English )- 10

Subject: Health Promotion

S.No Authors Name of the book Quantity

1 M. Swaminathan Ahaar aur Poshan 10
2 Catherine Armstrong Sharir Sambandi vigyaan (Human Anatomy and 10
3 Pitman and Jewner Bhartiya nurses keliya Pathyepuustak 10
4 Keshaw Swarnkar Health Promotion for ANM 10
5 Ross and wilsaon Anatomy and Physiology 10
6 Catherine Armstrong Human Anatomy and Physiology

Subject: Psychology

S.No Authors Name of the book Quantity

1 Armnath Sharma Nurses ke liya mano vigyan aur swasthya 10

Subject: Microbiology

S.No Authors Name of the book Quantity

1 Parker Microbiology 10

Subject: Primary Health Care

S.No Authors Name of the book Quantity
1 Keshaw Swarnkar Community Health Nursing for ANM (H & E )- 10
2 Ministry of Health and Handbook of Immunization 10
Family Welfare,GoI
3 Sister Nancy Nursing ke mool sidant 10
4 A M Chakle Health worker ke liye pathyapustak 10
5 Dr Om Prakash Yadav Prathmik Sahayata avam Sankat kalin dekh baal, 10

6 SIFPSA Foundation Course- Swasthya Karyakartha 10
Female trainers manual
7 Mike Suji Medicine ki pathayapustak 10
8 Potter and Perry Fundamental of Nursing 10
9 JHPIEGO Infection Prevention Guidelines 10
10 K Park Preventive & Social Medicine 10
11 SIFPSA Samudayik Swasthya 10
12 Keshaw Swarnkar Health Promotion for ANM 10

Subject: Child Health Nursing

S.No Authors Name of the book Quantity

1 A M Chakle Health worker ke liye pathyapustak 10
2 SIFPSA Bal Swasthya 10
3 Jacob & Singh Shishu Parichariya 10

Subject: Nursing Midwifery

S.No Authors Name of the book Quantity

1 A M Chakle Auxillary Nurse ke liye Pathyepustak 10
2 Ministry of Health and SBA Handbook and Guidelines, 2010 10
family welfare, GoI
3 USAID, JHU, WHO Family Planning: a Global Handbook for Providers, 10
2010 (Hindi)
4 SIFPSA Prasav Karam sambandi gyaan ka saral adyan 10
5 Migrate Myles Midwife ke liye pathyepustak 10
6 Migrate Myles Text of midwives(English) 10
7 MoHFW,GoI IMNCI module for basic health workers worker 10
8 WHO ENBC module 10
9 WHO Managing Newborn Problems: A Guide for Doctors, 10
Nurses, and Midwives, 2003
10 WHO Managing Complications in Pregnancy and 10
Childbirth: A Guide for Midwives and Doctors, 2000
11 JHPIEGO Basic Maternal and Newborn Care, 2004 10

Subject: Health Center Management

S.No Authors Name of the book Quantity

1 SIFPSA Samudayik Swasthya 10
2 MOHFW, GOI Mahila Health worker ke liye pustika 10

S.No Authors Name of the book Quantity
1 Mosby Nurses Dictionary –In Hindi 10
2 INC ANM Syllabus 10
3 SIFPSA Clinical Manual for mahila swasthya karya kartha 10
4 Oxford English-English Dictionary 10
5 English – Hindi Dictionary 10
6 Medical/ Nursing Dictionary 10

S.No Particulars Quantity

IMNCI Module for basic health workers, 82 pages, GoI 20

1 Chart booklet , 16 pages, GoI 20

Photo booklet , 12 pages, GoI, 20

2 ENBC module, WHO, 138 pages 10

National Guidelines on Prevention Management and Care-STI, HIV; GoI, 10
108 pages,
SBA guidelines – GOI 2010 40
4  Guidelines for Antenatal Care and Skilled Birth Attendance, (10
 Hand Book for Auxiliary Nurse Midwives Facilitators
 Facilitators Guide
5 Infection Prevention, IMEP Policy Framework, GoI 36 pages 10
6 Effective Teaching Skills, Jhpiego, 270 pages 10
7 Clinical Training Skills Manual, Jhpiego, 192 pages 10
8 Rural Health Statistics 2011; GoI 5
9 National Health Profile 2011; GoI 5
10 Safe Motherhood Booklet, MoHFW, GoI 20
11 RMNCH+A Counselor Handbook, MoHFW, GoI 10
12 Maternal & Newborn Health Toolkit 05
Operational guidelines and reference manual for prevention of PPH 05
13 through community distribution of Misoprostal
12 RMNCH+A Skills lab training manual 10

As per the
Book Shelves for library books storage-with Lock number of
14 books


S.No Item Model/Specification Unit

1 Desktop The desktop must have 6
- Intel Core i3
- 500GB Hard Disk Drive
- Optical Drive
- 19” TFT Monitor
- Keyboard & Mouse
- Windows 7 Professional
- 1 Yr. Warranty
2 Laptop The laptop must have 1
-Intel Core i3
- 500GB Hard Disk Drive
- Wireless, Bluetooth, Webcam.
- 3 USB ports
- Windows 7 Professional
- 1 Yr Warranty
3 LCD Projector The LCD Projector must have 3000 ANSI lumens with 1024 1
x 768 Native Resolution
4 Computer Table Standard Computer table (Width 1200mm, Depth 600mm, 6
Height 750mm ) with Keyboard Tray.
5 Multi-function LaserJet Multifunction (Print, Copy, Scan) printer with: 1
Printer(B&W)  Up to 18 ppm speed
 Hi-Speed USB 2.0
 150-sheet input tray
 8MB Memory
 600 x 600 dpi Print Quality
 1 Yr Warranty
6 Fax  Laser Fax 1
 10-ppm Laser Printing (A4)
 600 x 600 dpi Print Resolution
 Super G3 Fax with 33.6 kbps Modem
7 Internet (One (DSL broadband) 1
time for one year)
8 Hard Disk for 500 GB Hard Disk 1
computer back up
9 Miscellaneous (Installation & Configuration)

10 Air conditioner

Nodal Center -Training Stationary

1 White Board - Big size 1

2 White Board Markers 15 boxes with all colors
3 Duster 2
4 Tripod 1
5 Double sided tape 5
6 Glue stick 5
7 Scotch tape 5
8 Binder clips (big) 2 boxes
9 Binder clips (small) 2 boxes
10 Board pins- 1 box
11 L-folders 5 packets
12 U-clips 2 packets
13 Pens: 2 packets
14 A4 paper rims 3 packets
15 Staple pins 2 boxes
16 Index file 5
17 Punching machine 1
18 Ring binders 7
19 Plastic punched flaps (for the ring binders, in which pages can 300
be inserted
20 Flip chart markers 5 boxes
21 Scissors 2
22 Staplers 2
23 Plastic files 5
24 Envelopes 20
25 Stamp Pad (to keep papers for writing) 10
26 Flip chart (6/1Training/4 batch/1 yr) 24
27 White Papers (1 box of 100 papers) 7 boxes

Computer lab List for ANM & GNM School
(Specifications are as mentioned in IT lab for Nodal centers)

School School
SI. # Items Unit Unit

1 Desktop 2 4
2 Laptop 1 1
3 LCD Projector 1 1
4 Computer Table 2 4
5 Multi-function Printer(B&W), with scanner, copier and fax 1 1
6 Fax 1 1
7 Internet (One time for one year) 1 1
8 Miscellaneous(Installation & Configuration) 1 1
9 Air conditioner 2 2
10 Generator -7 kVA -Diesel 1 1
11 POL ( 1litre/hour) 4 liters/day * 22 working days =88 liters per month



ANMTC faculty mentoring visit

Under INC initiative to
Strengthen the nursing and
Midwifery Pre-Service Education in India

Standard Operating Procedure


After completing the 6 week ANM Faculty Training on “Strengthening the pre service nursing and
midwifery education in India”, ANM faculty is expected to use the new GOI guidelines when
teaching midwifery and deliver quality competency –based clinical training and implement the
performance standards in ANM school that results in sufficiently prepared ANMs able to deliver
appropriate maternal and new born care in communities and health care facilities throughout India

To achieve the above, mentoring visit after training is mandatory. This document helps and guides the
trainer/training coordinator to plan and implement the same for the desired goal.


1. Facilitate the implementation of performance standards for ANM pre service Education
 Review the performance standards assessment and score
 Support in identifying the gaps and planning to meet them
2. Reinforce key clinical skills as per GoI guidelines/standards and simultaneously the effective
teaching skills on the following to all ANMTC faculty and representative from clinical site
 Partograph
 Newborn Resuscitation
 Initial management of AN and PN complications
 Infection Prevention
 FP counseling
3. Orient the stake holders on purpose & outcome of the visit and way forward.


Visit Plan
1. Identify 2 or 3 ANMTC which are geographically nearby and group them.
Example: The ANMTCs Dumka and Deoghar District at Jharkhand (Between 67 Kms) can be
grouped for single visit. Likewise the other ANMTCs in other
districts (as shown in a circle in below map) can be grouped.

2. Plan the date of the visit by checking it with the respective ANMTC faculty convenience.
3. Send a letter to ANMTC in charge with copy to Superintendent/Civil Surgeon- District Hospital,
Joint secretary-INC, Director & Chief of state Health Services, Respective State regarding the
mentoring visit explaining the objective and support required at least a week prior from the
Principal coordinator of NNC.
4. Have a copy of the performance standards for ANM pre service Education which was endorsed by
5. Inform the ANMTC In charge/Trained ANMTC faculty to conduct the preliminary assessment
before stakeholders meeting. And arrange stake holders meetings during the visit period.


1. Meet the stake holders and brief the objective of the visit.
Stakeholders: Civil Surgeon, District Hospital, All ANMTC faculty, clinical site representatives
and store In-charge.
2. Use the supportive supervision check list to assess the facility key requirements for quality pre
service nursing and midwifery education.
3. Review and discuss the existing assessment findings in the performance standards for ANM pre
service education with all ANMTC faculties and clinical site representative.
4. Facilitate the achievement of the standards by identifying the gaps and planning to meet them.
5. Finalize the action plan focused on interventions that will help to fill the gaps by utilizing existing
resources and identifying potential resource and support (encourage starting with small changes,
“Low hanging fruits”).
6. Observe the teaching skills (Facilitation, clinical demonstration and coaching- skill lab or clinical
site as feasible) of ANMTC faculty using the Check list as guide and provide constructive
feedback for further improvement only with respective faculty in private to maintain esteem.
7. Demonstrate the key clinical skills per GoI guidelines/standards to all ANMTC faculty and
clinical staff.
o Partograph
o Newborn Resuscitation
o Initial management of AN and PN complications
o Infection Prevention
o RMNCH counseling

8. Fill the Feedback form for improvement and share it with ANMTC in charge
9. Make a copy of findings in the performance standard, action plan and Feedback Form.
10. Debrief all stakeholder
Objective: Provide feedback on SBM-R approach to strengthen the pre service nursing and
midwifery education and to gain their cooperation and commitment in the further implementation
of the standard.
Facilitator: Training coordinator, NNC.
Participants: Civil Surgeon, District Hospital, Representatives from ANMTC and its clinical site.

Meeting Points:
o Congratulate them for initiating the standard based approach to strengthen the pre service
nursing and midwifery education/ achievements
o Discuss the Key action plan for quality improvement based on the findings of the
performance standards
o Next SBM –R assessment
Documentation: One ANMTC faculty to register key points of discussion in ANMTC meeting
minutes register.

1. Regular follow up once in a month to facilitate the achievement of the standards by identifying
the gaps and planning to meet them via e mail or Telephone.
2. Summit the trip summary (highlighting the key observations, feedback for improvements, action
plan to meet the unachieved standards and next steps) to INC copy to Principal Coordinator, NNC
and Supervisor, MCHIP.

1. Prior information to the ANMTC In-Charge (Superintendent/Civil Surgeon, District Hospital)
2. Arrangement of travel on mentoring visit
3. Arrangement of local transport by coordinating it with the respective ANMTC trained faculty



Place an “S” in case box if task/activity is performed satisfactorily, an “” if it is not performed
satisfactorily, or “N/O” if not observed.
Satisfactory: Performs the step or task according to the standard procedure or guidelines

Unsatisfactory: Unable to perform the step or task according to the standard procedure or

Not Observed: Step, task or skill not performed during evaluation

Skilled delivery of a learning activity: If you, as a mentor, believe that the person whom you
assessed has achieved competency, place your initials (e.g., “PJ”) in the corresponding column.


1. Presents an effective introduction.
2. States the objective(s) as part of the introduction.
3. Asks questions of the entire group.
4. Targets questions to individuals.
5. Uses learner names.
6. Provides positive feedback.
7. Responds to learner questions.
8. Follows trainer’s notes and/or a personalized reference manual.
9. Maintains eye contact.
10. Projects voice so that all learners can hear.
11. Moves about the room.
12. Uses audiovisuals effectively.
13. Presents an effective summary.
Skilled delivery of facilitating a learning activity or presentation
1. States the objective(s) as part of the introduction.
2. Presents an effective introduction.
3. Arranges demonstration area so that learners are able to see each
step in the procedure clearly.
4. Communicates with the model or client during demonstration of
the skill/activity.

5. Asks questions and encourages learners to ask questions.
6. Demonstrates or simulates appropriate infection prevention
7. When using model, positions model as an actual client.
8. Maintains eye contact with learners as much as possible.
9. Projects voice so that all learners can hear.
10. Provides learners opportunities to practice the skill/activity under
direct supervision.
Skilled delivery of a clinical demonstration
1. Greets learner and review previous performance when applicable.
2. Works with the learner to set specific goals for the practice session.
3. Observes the learner, providing positive reinforcement or
constructive feedback (when necessary for client comfort or safety)
as s/he practices the procedure.
4. Refers to the checklist or performance standards during observation.
5. Records notes about learner performance during the observation.
6. Is sensitive to the client when providing feedback to the learner
during a clinical session with clients.
7. Reviews notes taken during the practice session.
8. Greets the learner and asks to share perception of the practice
9. Asks the learner to identify those steps performed well.
10. Asks the learner to identify those steps where performance could be
11. Provides positive reinforcement and corrective feedback.
12. Works with the learner to establish goals for the next practice


ANM/GNM School -

District: ______________________________ State: _________________________________

Supervisor/Assessor/Mentor: _____________________ Date of the visit: ______________________

SI # Supervisory Area Findings Remarks

1. No. of Faculty M.Sc Nursing_____
B.Sc Nursing______
GNM with DNEA, or DPHN______
Total __________
2. Name of the faculty members completed 6 weeks ANMTC faculty 1._____________________________
training by INC 2._____________________________
3. Class Room (circle as appropriate)
a. Observe if the classrooms have:
 Adequate light, either natural or electrical Yes No
b.  Adequate ventilation (open windows or fan, air conditioner, fans) Yes No
c.  Chairs and Desks/ arm chairs in sufficient numbers for the
largest class size Yes No
d.  Adequate and flexible space for group learning activities Yes No
e.  Blackboard or whiteboard Yes No
f.  Chalk or whiteboard markers Yes No
g.  Electricity backup Yes No
h.  Overhead projector with voltage stabilizer/LCD projection unit Yes No
i.  Clock Yes No
j.  Flipchart and tripod (as needed) Yes No
k.  Notice board Yes No

l.  Waste bin Yes No
4. Skill Lab (circle as appropriate)
a. Does the ANM/GNM school have functioning Skill lab for MCH Yes No
b. Check the availability of the following
 Anatomic models
- Child birth simulator Yes No
- Zoe model with different attachments Yes No
- Cervical dilatation model Yes No
- Episiotomy suturing model Yes No
- Female bony pelvis Yes No
- Fetal skull Yes No
- IUCD hand held model Yes No
- Condom demonstration model Yes No
- Newborn resuscitation model Yes No
c.  Contraceptive basket with- COCs, ECPs, Condoms, Cu-T Yes No
d.  Instrument kits – delivery kit (2 artery forceps, 1 scissor, bowl,
kidney tray, sponge holder), newborn resuscitation kit, IUCD
insertion and removal kit Yes No
e.  Ambu bag and mask of various sizes Yes No
f.  Consumable medical supplies Yes No
g.  BP apparatus and stethoscope, adult weighing machine, urine
testing kit, HB testing kit Yes No
h.  Appropriate infection prevention (IP) supplies and equipment for
hand washing (running water into sinks or buckets, soap, towel) Yes No
i.  Plastic buckets for decontamination, soiled linen, and waste Yes No
j.  Colour coded bins for biomedical waste management Yes No
k.  Educational posters and anatomical charts related to MNCH and
FP Yes No
5. Verify if there is current year
 Master rotation plan Yes No
 Clinical rotation plan Yes No

6. Question bank exists as a teachers resource Yes No
7. A record of the formative assessments (internal mark register) is
maintained Yes No
8. Computer (Yes as  No as X) 1.________ 2._________ 3._________ 4._________
a. Is there a computer with internet facility available, accessible and
functional in their GNM/ANM School
b. Is the information you receive from NNC group mail being useful.
Any suggestions: (write it)
c. How often does she/he uses the internet or check email
(write it)
9. At Labor room (Name of the clinical site: ______________________________________________________________)

Circle as appropriate Comments

a. Inj. Oxytocin available for AMTSL Yes No

b. Inj. Mg So4 50%, 10 g(10Ampoules), 10 CC syringe -2, 22 gauge needle -2 Yes No
available for initial management of Eclampsia
c. Ambu Bag, Mask Size 0 and 1, mucous sucker available for newborn Yes No
d. Functioning O2 cylinder, Adult/neonate Mask, IV cannula -2, Ringer Yes No
lactate/Normal Saline (4liters), IV Tube-2,adhesive tape, Inj. Oxytocin -20
Units for initial management of PPH.
e. Is Essential New Born Care practiced
 Calling out the time of birth
 Immediate Drying and wrapping of baby on mothers abdomen
 Clean clamping and cutting of cord (within 1-3 mins of the birth)
Yes No
 Eye care
 Place identification bracelet
 Maintain Skin to Skin contact og mother and baby (Kangaroo Mother Care)
 And Initiation of breast feeding within one hour
f. No. of staff nurses working at MCH area trained on SBA ________________

Verify with at least two students if:

g. Students are aware of clinical rotation plan and her objective of clinical posting Yes No

h. Students are allowed to conduct deliveries Yes No

i. Students are achieved competency on models before clinical training on key clinical skills
 AN examination Yes No
 Partograph Yes No
 Assisting Normal Delivery including AMTSL Yes No
 Essential Newborn care Yes No
 PN examination Yes No
 FP counseling Yes No
 Hand washing Yes No
 Segregation of waste Yes No
 Processing of equipment’s/instruments Yes No
j. Students are guided through checklist (as per SBA guidelines) for attaining competency on clinical skills Yes No

k. Students are supervised at clinical site (By___________________________________) Yes No


10. Section Baseline 1IA 2IA 3IA

S1 Classroom and practical instruction
S2 Clinical instruction and practice
S3 School infrastructure and Training materials
S4 School management
S5 Clinical areas where student midwives undertake clinical experience


Name of the ANMTC: _____________________________________________________________

Name of ANMTC In charge: _______________________________________________________
Name of the Training Coordinator, NNC: ___________________________________________
Date of Mentorship Visit: __________________________________________________________

For Improving Teaching (Facilitation, Demonstration and coaching) Skills:

For achieving the standards and improving quality:

Signature of TC, NNC Signature of ANMTC In charge


INC National Nodal State Nodal Centre NIHFW Nursing/MH State Govt Development
Centre Division Partners
Establishing Training of staff Develop training Technical and Overall Overall Provide technical
Standards from SNCs under plan in consultation managerial coordination of the coordination of the support at the
their jurisdiction with state oversight for work intervention and intervention national and state
Developing learning counterparts plan keep track on the levels, in terms of
resource materials Develop work plan implementation of progress Establish the overall additional
in consultation with Conduct Trainings NNC/SNC/GNM/A system of manpower required.
NIHFW & for defined number NM schools Approve the plans implementation
Accreditation of
NNC/SNC/GNM/A respective State DPs of ANMTCs and from state govts. in Interface with the
NM schools for GNMTCs Tutors Reporting to the PIPs or later Finalize the Road MOHFW, NIHFW,
offering training as Oversight & MOHFW on Map for training INC and state levels
per standards Guidance to SNC in Technical Oversight progress of the Seek feedback from institutions to
co-ordination with for upgradation of work plan NIHFW and initiate facilitate smooth
Release of funds to roll-out of the
Periodic review of NIHFW & ANM/GNM schools appropriate actions SNC and ANM
respective DPs intervention in the
trainings offered by schools initial years.
NNC/SNC/GNM/A Technical oversight Organize periodic
NM schools, on Practicing & of trainings at review meetings Procure directly or
small sample basis adherence to ANM/GNM schools On request of the
through identified MOHFW and state
Technical Protocols agency equipments Govt. to conduct
Practicing & for SNC and ANM rapid
adherence to schools assessments/evaluat
Technical Protocols ions on the
Providing adequate initiative.
infrastructure Handholding &
Guidance to NNC

Letter No-1- Strengthening of State Directorate/ Nursing Cell/ Supervisory Structure

Letter No.2- Career Path for in-service cadre of ANM/ GNM personnel working in the public
health department

Letter No. 3- Road Map for strengthening ANM/ GNM training school to improve the quality
of nursing and midwifery education

Recommendations of Expert Group Deliberations Held at Goa on 12th- 13th April: Points for
implementation by the State Government

1) Developing and strengthening ANM/ GNM schools and State Nodal Centers as per GOI Road-
2) Making 6 weeks training compulsory as induction course for newly recruited faculty
3) State to give commitment on filling up of vacant positions on priority and sanctioning faculty
positions as per INC guidelines
4) Incentives and higher salary can be given for attracting qualified faculty from other States to
bridge the shortage
5) To mandate minimum 3-5 year service as faculty after recruited & trained
6) Regular and structured knowledge and Skills Upgradation of ANM and GNM faculty be
organized by refresher courses/ CNE-
7) Utilize high case load facilities as clinical sites for training. CHC- FRUs with high case load
may also be explored as clinical training sites for attaching the students for clinical
experience since nursing schools attached with DHs & MCs do not get sufficient hands-on
8) Nursing faculty, OBG, Pediatrician and other clinicians should discuss and delegate for
Clinical skill standardization of the hospital attached to the Nursing School to be provided by
the Nurses
9) Nodal person at clinical site like matron, clinical preceptor/ instructor to supervise the students
on the ‘hands on skills’ performed at clinical site. Nursing students should also be given enough
opportunity for hands-on practice
10) Skills lab development in the states to be fast tracked
11) Grading of Institutions as A/B/C/D category – displayed on state website( in public domain)
12) DH to be the examination centre for all competency based certification and a GO to this effect
needs to be issued and followed up by State Nursing Council for strict compliance
13) Creating and filling Posts of District and Block PHN
14) Monthly Meeting of ANMs to be utilized for knowledge and skills enhancement for the
nursing staff by PHC MO
15) Implementation of carrier development path already shared with the states
16) Strengthening Nursing Cell in State Directorate.
17) Better coordination between directorate and nursing council for improved outcomes
18) Representation of Nursing Personnel in the Executive Committee Meetings under NRHM at all
levels of institutions
19) District Nursing official/ PHN at district level to look after the administrative issues of field
Nurses and provide supportive supervision and management of database.
20) Development of e-learning modules for nursing personnel in Management, Accounting and
21) Soft skills trainings e.g. IPC, Motivation etc to be organized at state/district level to enhance
the behaviour, attitude and motivation of nursing personnel’s
22) Exposure visit for Mission Directors and State Nursing Officials to CMC Vellore for learning the
model of nursing practices. Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala models also need to be studied
23) Geriatric care and mental health are 2 important areas where male nurses could contribute. Their
role in nursing should be encouraged

Maternal Health Division
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Government of India


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