Skills Lab Operational Guidelines

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Jan 2013

Jan 2013
Jan 2013
List of Contributors

1. Dr Rakesh Kumar JS, RCH, MoHFW

2. Dr J.K Das Director (NIHFW)
3. Dr Himanshu Bhushan DC (MH), MoHFW
4. Dr Manisha Malhotra DC (MH), MoHFW
5. Dr Dinesh Baswal DC (MH), MoHFW
6. Dr S.K. Sikdar DC (FP), MoHFW
7. Dr P.K. Prabhakar DC (CH), MoHFW
8. Dr. P. Padmanaban Advisor, NHSRC
9. Mr. K S Prasanth Senior Consultant, NHSRC
10. Dr Aboli Gore MP- TAST, Bhopal
11. Dr. Poonam Varma Shivkumar Prof. Of OBGY, MGIMS, Wardha
12. Dr. Archana Mishra DD (MH), GoMP
13. Dr. Manju Chhugani Principal, Rufaida CON, Jamia Hamdard
14. Dr Dinesh Agarwal UNFPA
15. Dr. V K Anand UNICEF
16. Dr. Ritu Agrawal UNICEF
17. Dr. Ravichandran UNICEF, Bihar
18. Dr. Anand Rai UNICEF, Bihar
19. Dr Bulbul Sood Country Director Jhpiego
20. Ms P. Princy Fernando Jhpiego
21. Dr. Rashmi Asif Jhpiego
22. Dr. Sanjay Gupta NIHFW
23. Dr. Utsuk Dutta NIHFW
24. Dr. Nanthini Subbiah NIHFW
25. Dr. Pushkar Kumar Lead Consultant, MH, MoHFW
26. Dr. Ravinder Kaur Senior Consultant, MH, MoHFW
27. Dr. Rajeev Agarwal Senior Mgt. Consultant, MH, MoHFW
28. Dr. Paul Francis WHO, India
29. Mr. Dileep Kumar President INC
30. Ms Surekha Soma INC
31. Dr. Uday Kumar GM, Nursing, Everonn, Chennai
32. Dr Sangeeta Batra Ipas
Maharashtra Team

1. Shri Vikas Kharage MD, NRHM, Govt. of Maharashtra

2. Dr. Satish Pawar Joint Director, Health Services, Maharashtra
3. Dr. Shrotri Aparna Consultant Gynaecologist, Pune
4. Dr. Vasant Jamdhade Gynaecologist, Nashik
5. Dr. Ulhas D Marulkar Paediatrician, Thane
6. Mr. Shridhar Pandit PO, NRHM, Maharashtra
7. Dr. B.S. Kamble Assist. Dir, IEC, Govt. of Maharashtra
8. Dr. Adkikar ADHO, Pune
Table of Contents

1. Introduction  1
Overview  1
Target audience  2
2. Competency based training in health 2
Objective 2
3. Setting up of skills lab 2
Prerequisites for skills lab 3
Database to be maintained at skills lab 4
Responsibilities of State Nodal Officer 4
Responsibilities of Divisional / District Nodal Officer 4
Selection of faculty/trainer/others 5
4. Training plan 6
Training duration  6
Supervisory & Mentoring visits 6
Estimation of training load 7
Training calendar 7
Training methodology 8
5. Skills lab for training  8
Using skills lab for In-service Education  8
Using skills lab for pre-service Education 9
Prerequisites for Trainers & job responsibility 9
Selection Process 9
Job responsibility of Trainers 10
Job Responsibilities of Skills Lab Coordinator 10
Training of Faculty / Trainer  10
6. Monitoring and Evaluation 11
Key performance indicators  11
7. Certification of the trainees 12

8. Budget 13

Annexures 15

ANC Ante Natal Care

ANM Auxiliary Nurse Midwife
ANMTC Auxiliary Nurse Midwife Training College
AMTSL Active Management of Third Stage of Labour
BCA Breathing Circulation Airway
CHC Community Health Centre
CMHO Chief Medical Health Officer
CMO Chief Medical Officer
CTI Central Training Institute
DH District Hospital
DPM District Programme Manager
DPMU District Programme Management Unit
EDD Expected Date of Delivery
EmOC Emergency Obstetric Care
ENBC Essential New Born Care
FHS Foetal Heart Sound
FRU First Referral Unit
GO Government Order
GoI Government of India
I/C In Charge
IMEP Infection Management & Environmental Plan
KMC Kangaroo Mother Care
LAM Lactational Amenorrhoea Method
LHV Lady Health Visitor
LR Labour Room
MO Medical Officer
MoHFW Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
NHSRC National Health Systems Resource Center
NIHFW National Institute of Health and Family Welfare
NRP Neonatal Resuscitation Program
NSV Non-Scalpel Vasectomy
Obs/Gyn Obstetrician and Gynecologists
ORS Oral Rehydration Solution
PHC Primary Health Centre
PIP Project Implementation Plan
PNC Post Natal Care
PPH Post Partum Haemorrhage
PPIUCD Post Partum Intrauterine Contraceptive Device
QA Quality Assurance
RCH Reproductive and Child Health Programme
RCHO Reproductive and Child Health Officer
RMNCH+A Reproductive Maternal Neonatal Child and Adolescent Health
SBA Skilled Birth Attendant
SCs Sub Centre
SDM Standard Days Method
SIHFW State Institute of Health and Family Welfare
SN Staff Nurse
SPMU State Programme Management Unit
TA/DA Travel Allowance/Dearness Allowance
Skills Lab: Operational Guidelines

1. Introduction continue to provide services, impacting quality

health outcomes. Moreover, the opportunities for
re-training of these health care providers are also
The Millennium Development Goal 4 & 5 on
Improving Maternal and Child Health aims at
reduction of MMR to 109 / 100,000 live births and
Another challenging area, especially in high focus
IMR to 28 / 1,000 live births in India by 2015.
states, is the weak infrastructure, poor technical
capacity and inadequate teaching - learning
Reduction of MMR, IMR, NMR and TFR are priorities
capabilities of the Nursing Schools and the ANM
of the Government of India. Various steps have
Training Centres. There is no structured plan for
been taken by GOI and the State Governments for
Continuing Nursing Education / Continuing Medical
accelerating the pace of decline of key indicators
Education or reorientation training. RMNCH+A
and to achieve the goals & targets set under
Monitoring visits have also revealed many of the
NRHM. However, for achieving 12th plan goals and
equipments provided to the health facilities remain
international commitments such as MDGs, there is
unutilized for want of operatoinal knowledge and
a need to further accelerate the initiatives with
skills. Preventive maintenance of these equipments
special focus on quality parameters. Improvement
is also limited. Hence, strengthening the pre-service
and achievements on these goals are possible only
and in-service trainings is also critical for ensuring
if the health care delivery system is strengthened
quality of services in health facilities. Strengthening
with technically competent health care providers
pre-service training will further reduce the burden
at all levels to deliver critical Reproductive,
on in service trainings of these cadres.
Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health (RMNCH+A)
services at institutional and outreach levels with
universal coverage, equity and quality. Overview

Hence, capacity building of health care providers Comprehensive Skills Lab with skill stations
to make them proficient in technical skills and are designed with the aim of acquisition and
knowledge requires key intervention for ensuring upgradation of the skills of health care providers to
the desired outcomes. Various types of skill based enhance their capacity to provide quality RMNCH+A
trainings are being implemented by the States with services leading to the improved health outcomes.
NRHM support, but ensuring practice of standard A Skills Lab will comprise of skill stations where
technical protocols impacting quality of services the trainees learn through practicing skills on
still remains a challenge. mannequins, simulation exercises, demonstration
videos and presentations. The basic objective is the
Despite the various types of trainings in RMNCH+A, reorientation of the personnel during in-service
it is observed that the health care providers are training and continuing medical education of
less confident in applying skills. Limited focus health care providers for RMNCH+A services. The
on assessing the competencies acquired by the skills lab will also be utilized to train and orient
trainees during the training, inadequate exposure the students pursuing ANM, GNM and Midwifery
/ opportunity to practice them during training, lack courses. The certification will be based on the
of post training follow up and under utilization of competencies acquired during the training. The
trained manpower at functional health facilities, Skills Lab will have dedicated trainers who provides
have resulted in compromise of skill acquisition, on-site mentoring to ensure practicing of the skills
practices and sustenance. As a result, many and adherence to the technical protocols acquired
trainees, who have not acquired the requisite skills by the trainees.

Skills Lab: Operational Guidelines

It is planned that at least one nursing school in gives an opportunity for repetition and feedback
every state will be developed as Centre of Excellence to the learners. It permits individualized learning
which will have one Skills lab. Further the Skills lab through videos and self practice on mannequins.
will also be set up at divisional level comprising of The skill stations help in clearly defining the learning
a cluster of 4 to 5 districts and in due course it is so outcomes against each activity being demonstrated
envisaged that every district (particularly) in high at different stations. Thus the assessment of the
focus states will also have one Skills Lab. trainees becomes specific for the competencies
acquired. This will also help in identifying the
Target audience trainees who are weak in a particular skill, getting
an opportunity to have their skills reinforced
The target audience of the Operational guideline on through periodic reorientation.
Skills lab is;
Skills Lab serves as a prototype demonstration and
State and District Trainers, Programme
learning facility for health care providers so that
Managers and Planners
they develop desired competencies. Skills Lab is
Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, equipped with various skill stations as per the skill
Paediatricians, Medical Officers, Staff Nurses, requirements for various cadres of the health care
Auxiliary Nurse Midwife and other service providers. This will also aid in institutionalizing the
providers usage of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
Faculty of Nursing Schools / Colleges and and adherence to technical protocols, so that they
Training Centers become a part of routine practice. Such labs have
an edge over other didactic methods by providing
Faculty of Medical Colleges, who can adapt it the opportunity for repetitive skill practice,
for strengthening pre service teaching simulating clinical scenarios under the supervision
of a qualified trainer.

2. Competency based training Objective: what will the Skills Lab do?
in health A Skills Lab;
facilitates acquisition / reinforcement of key
What is competency based training?
standardized technical skills and knowledge
A competency is a grouping of elements of by service providers for RMNCH+A services.
knowledge and skills necessary for the effective
ensures the availability of skilled personnel at
performance of a job / task. "Competent" staff has
health facilities.
the ability i.e, the requisite knowledge and skills
to proficiently perform their job. The competency improves the quality of pre service training
based training intends to achieve this objective. provides Continuing Nursing Education /
Continuing Medical Education
What are the advantages of competency based
training over traditional methods?
The competency based learning approach provides 3. Setting up of Skills Lab
a means for learners to practice and acquire clinical
skills and also upgrade their knowledge. It allows The Skills Lab will have a set of structured skill
facilitators to demonstrate the correct steps and stations with the specific objective of imparting

Skills Lab: Operational Guidelines

competency in skills. The teaching and training and other related services. However, in case of
at the Skill Lab will be through interactive space constrains, this can be located in other
learning. The methodology for such learning training institutions like Regional Health &
focuses on gaining knowledge through power Family Welfare Training Centre, Divisional
point presentation and discussions, use of videos Community Training Centres, District Training
and skill acquisitions through repeated hands on Centres, Central Training Institutions, Nursing
practices on the mannequins. These skill stations / ANM training schools. In case the skills lab
are of two levels; basic and add-on. Basic skills are is established in these training centres, then
the essential skills required for all cadres i.e. ANM, they must be linked with district hospital /
Staff Nurses, Lady Health Visitors, Medical Officers, any other hospital for exposure visits and real
Nursing supervisors, Teachers and Trainers involved time learning opportunities.
in imparting knowledge of RMNCH+A services
and its supervision. The add-on stations have skill Prerequisites for Skills Lab
stations to provide speciliased skills required for
Medical Officers, Staff Nurses, Nursing supervisors One of the critical steps will be to establish a
and Trainers. The list of Skill stations with skills is model Labour Room in the attached hospital, where
given in annexure 1. defined Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and
technical protocols are practiced so that the trainees
Steps: visiting these facilities can learn to upgrade / set up
similar facilities at their own institutions.
Designate a State level Nodal Officer (SNO)
and a District / Divisional level Nodal (DNO) Ideally, there should be enough space to
officer for Skills Lab operationalisation and accommodate all skill stations in one big hall which
their functioning. At State level, the State is about 1500 sq.ft . Attached to this hall there will
Training Officer or any Programme Officer be a space of about 300 sq.ft, which will function as
in charge of training is designated as State a seminar room where facilities for presentations
Nodal Officer (SNO). At District / Divisional (computer / laptop, LCD projector, screen, etc.) are
level, the officer in charge of Reproductive and available. Every lab must have net connectivity.
Child Health (RCH) programmes by whatever There should be another small room attached to
designation he / she is known, or the Medical the lab which will function as office. The standard
Superintendent of the hospital where training design of the new MCH wing sanctioned by GOI
facility is located be designated as District / has all these spaces marked. Suggestive lay out
Divisional Nodal Officer (DNO). and plan is available on MoHFW, Government of
Orient the nodal officers in competency based India website. Sample layouts & deisgn are given
training models and operational guidelines on in annexure 2.
Skill lab.
The second important requirement is availability
Select a location and space for setting up Skills of accommodation for 16 trainees (not necessarily
Lab. This should ideally be established in the in the same premises but at least nearer to the
premises of a well functioning District Hospital training site).
/ MCH centre or any other government hospital
having adequate delivery load, conducting C
section, adequate Human Resources, good and
functional Labour Room, Operation Theatre

Skills Lab: Operational Guidelines

Database to be maintained at Skills Organizing training of trainers including

Lab training of Skills Lab trainers.
Drawing up timelines and monitoring the
A software which is capable of capturing (a) progress of the establishment of Skills Lab
progress in establishing skills lab (b) trainee Organize State level orientation workshop on
database training load, competency & proficiency Skills Lab
status (c ) trainer database mentoring visits
Issue guidelines including translation of
(d) performance of delivery points mentored by
trainers in terms of standards / protocols etc. guidelines / manuals into local language, if
adhered to must be installed at all Skills Lab and the needed
information could be accessed online by the SNO / Maintaining database of trained personnel
DNO / Trainers / QA officers. The software can also in the requisite formats and evaluating
be used for planning the training schedules as well. performance of trainers, trainees and Skills
The training schedules for the various trainees are Lab. The format will be part of the software
available in the training manual. This software shall that will be shared with the states.
be developed by Government of India and shared Ensuring timely procurement of equipments,
with the States. mannequins as per the specifications (available
in annexure 3) of GOI and establishment of
Responsibilities of State Nodal Skills Lab
Officer Maintaining quality standards of the procured
equipments & other materials through AMC
The designated State Nodal Officer (SNO) will Periodic monitoring of Skills Lab for quality of
identify site for Skill Lab with the above mentioned training and also performance of trainers
requirements among the different districts or the
Identifying the non-performers (trainers) in
consultation with Divisional Nodal Officer and
His responsibilities will be; replace them promptly
Coordinating with the State Nursing in-charge
Taking steps for the creation of state-of-the
for pre service nursing training.
-art Skills Lab as envisioned in the guideline
Keeping district wise database on such delivery
Identification of nodal officers at divisional /
points which have been technically upgraded
district level
against the target with the help of Skills Lab
Selection of Skills Lab sites and establishing and mentoring visit by the trainers
the Skills Lab within a set time frame Identification & Selection of trainers
Accreditation of the Skills Lab once it is Organize TOT
declared ready by DNO by SQAC / NIHFW /
NHSRC / GOI nominated body. The States can Responsibilities of Divisional / District
access the guidelines for accreditation from
Nodal Officer
the GOI nominated bodies.
Reflecting the budget in the PIP and timely The DNO for skill station will undertake the
allocation of budget following steps:
Developing training plan based on the district Inspect the site, identify infrastructural gaps,
plan submit a renovation & furnishing plan with

Skills Lab: Operational Guidelines

budget, get appropriate approval and initiate Facilitate the mentoring visits of the mobile
renovation & furnishing to be completed trainers.
within 3 months. Ensure maintenance of database of the
The space allocated for skills lab should have trainees with competencies acquired, skills
uninterrupted power supply, water supply, gaps for re-training and details of mentoring
adequate lighting and ventilation. A provision visits.
for class room sessions with LCD projector is Divisional in-charge to communicate to
to be ensured. District CMO for ensuring rectification / filling
Parallel steps to be undertaken for procurement
of gaps identified during supervisory visits of
of mannequins, equipments, consumables, the Skills Lab trainer.
teaching - learning aids, computers, laptops Regular reporting of progress to the State
etc. as per list and specifications specified for Nodal Officer (SNO) and Divisional Nodal
each skill station. officer (DNO).
Providing enabling environment for trainees Coordination with nursing institutions for the
and trainers in terms of continuous availability conduct of pre-service training using Skills
of supplies, day to day maintenance and Lab.
infrastructural requirement, food and other Monitor the key performance and process
such requirements which if not provided for indicators.
can compromise quality in training.
Selection of faculty / trainer / others
Appropriate accommodation needs to be
provided to the trainees along with facilities
for transport, in case it is located at a distance. Every Skills Lab will have dedicated staff
members consisting of 6 faculties / trainers
Initiating process of recruitment of trainers and among them one will be designated as in-
i.e 1 MO (preferably LMO) and 5 postgraduate charge trainer or Skills Lab coordinator.
/ graduate nurses
Among the 6 faculties, one will be MBBS with
Prepare the training plan as per the training higher qualification, preferably LMO and five
load estimate. graduate / post graduate nursing staff. Besides
this, there will be one data entry operator and
Submit name wise list of the trainees along
one grade IV staff as multipurpose worker.
with their proposed date of training to
Divisional in-charge with copy to State Nodal Out of 6 trainers, 2 trainers will always be in
Officer. the field on rotation basis to provide on-site
mentoring of the service providers posted in
Timely nomination and release of the trainees the labour room and other critical service area
by Divisional in -charge and directives to the under RMNCH+A activity.
District CMO are to be ensured.
The selection shall be done by the state with
Timely conduct of the scheduled trainings is to representation from a central organization like
be ensured. NHSRC, NIHFW or GOI nominated body.
Nominate two MOs / Nurses as mentors Selection will be done strictly as per the
/ supervisors (in addition to the Skills Lab GOI defined Terms Of Reference (TOR) and
trainers) for every district to follow up the following the defined selection procedures
mentoring visits by the skills lab trainers. stipulated by GOI.

Skills Lab: Operational Guidelines

The recruited trainers will report to the DD / District PM / BPM / HM and such categories
Divisional Nodal Officer / District Nodal of staff who are not trainers but has a supervisory
Officer. These trainers will be dedicated staff / managerial role. This will help in understanding
for Skills Lab and also for on-site mentoring the concept of Skills Lab which will also be of
and will not be assigned any other duty. assistance in timely release of funds, procurement
Once the trainers are selected, they will be
of mannequins, operationalisation of Skills Lab,
trained by the national trainers. timely nomination of trainees, follow up etc.
Orientation will also help in improving knowledge
After training, these trainers will have the on supportive supervision when they undertake
responsibility of setting up of mannequins and mentoring visits.
equipments as per the standard plan.
The trainers will then ensure upgrading the Training duration
labour room of training centre as a model
labour room. The skills lab is now ready for 6 days training for each batch
receiving the trainees. 3 batches in a month

Besides Skill Lab trainers a pool of resource

persons as trainers needs to be created to Supervisory & Mentoring visits
ensure smooth conduct of training and Skills Lab personnel will organize regular
simulatenous mentoring visits. The training mentoring visits every month.
plan and mentoring visits should be planned Duration of the mentoring visit in a particular
in such a way that; district will depend upon the area to be
a pool of resource persons/trainers covered, requirement of the district / division
and number of trained personnel to be
comprising of dedicated trainers and
guest faculty is created per skill lab.
Two trainers will always be in the field on
Purposes of creating this resource are; rotation basis to provide on-site mentoring of
one - trainers from this pool can always the service providers.
accompany the skills lab trainer during Each field visit should ensure giving enough
mentoring visits; second - 4 trainers at time at the facility for onsite supervision and
skill lab is always ensured even if one or mentoring
two dedicated skill lab trainers are not Neonatal resuscitation will be demonstrated
available due to any reason. and hands-on practice on mannequin will be
ensured by the trainers during every mentoring
4. Training Plan Field visit teams will be created comprising of
2 trainers from Skills Lab and another from the
The initial batches of the trainees will be doctors / division / district who are trained as trainer /
supervisor should also join, so that mentoring
nurses / ANMs / supervisors of the attached district
process is strengthened and continuity is
hospital / training centre and also from all nursing maintained.
faculty of the SN / ANM training institute located
A roster will be prepared for all the teams
in the district. ensuring that at any particular time at least 4
trainers of the Skills Lab are always available
One day orientation will be organized in the Skills at Skills Lab for conducting training.
Lab for Divisional Nodal Officer / Divisional PM / In each visit, each of the team will mentor at
CMO / CS / ACMO / MS / DMS / DHO / DPHO / least 2-3 health facilities / delivery points.

Skills Lab: Operational Guidelines

Each trainer will work against a targeted with timeline for saturating the identified
number of health facilities every year for delivery points before undertaking the training
mentoring, so that he / she keeps visiting these in other facilities.
facilities till the service providers adopt and
adhere to the technical protocols. Thereafter
only periodic mentoring visits need to be Step 3: Training load of outreach workers
conducted. Name wise list of ANMs working at the SCs
which are not delivery points
Estimation of training load
Name wise list of ANMs and SNs working at
Step1:Training load of supervisors and mentors the health facilities other than delivery points
and SCs
The trainers, supervisors and mentors of
RMNCH+A services from each district under
Step 4: Calculating district wise training load
the jurisdiction of Skills Lab will be listed out by
from above groups
name by the Divisional Nodal Officer / District
Nodal officer and the list shall be handed over Step 5: Sending district wise training load along
to Skills Lab Coordinator for conducting initial with training plan to State Nodal Officer for
training among the supervisors and mentors preparing State Training Plan

Step2: Training load from delivery points Training Calendar

The Divisional Nodal Officer / District Nodal
A. Prioritizing as follows;
officer will take updated list of delivery points
Trainers and supervisors
from the districts under the jurisdiction
of Skills Lab and hand over to Skills Lab Saturating Delivery points beginning with
Coordinator. those providing RMNCH+A services
Prioritizing on those undergone SBA training
He / she will also collect facility wise names
of HR posted at delivery points and categorize Remaining staff
them into three groups; the first being those
B. Batch Size
involved directly in providing RMNCH+A
services and the second, those who sometimes The batch size is 16. This batch size has been
provide services particularly when performing arrived at keeping in mind the schedule of Skill
emergency duty. stations where trainings are conducted per
day, time taken to cover one station and also
The contractual doctors / nurses / ANMs also
on the effective trainer-trainee ratio.
have to be included in the list of trainees.
C. Scheduling of batches from high volume
The information given about the HR from the facilities like DH, one doctor and 2-3 SN; and
above group will include details of trainings SDH / CHC / FRU one doctor and 1-2 nurses.
undertaken by each of the individuals. One staff from PHC can be nominated as
All the above categories will ultimately need to trainee so that working of such facilities are
be trained in the Skills Lab. However, training not affected.
at Skills Lab will be first given to those health So for a batch of 16 trainees, about 7-8
providers who have undertaken SBA, BEmOC, facilities can be identified and trainees from
NSSK, F-IMNCI trainings these facilities should only be nominated till
Skills Lab Coordinator will then prepare the all the identified trainees of these facilities are
training load for each batch from each district trained at the Skills Lab.

Skills Lab: Operational Guidelines

Care must be taken to ensure that all the facilities are not drawn from one district and that the trainees
of each batch are drawn from more than 1 district ( Table 1, illustrative)

Table 1: Scheduling of batches

D1 D2 D3
Batch 1 F1 T1,2,3 F1 T1,2,3 F1 T1,2,3
F2 T1,2 F2 T1,2 F2 T1,2
F3- T1 F3- T1 F3- T1
Batch 2 F1 T4,5,6 F1 T4,5,6 F1 T4,5,6
F2 T3,4 F2 T3,4 F2 T3,4
F3- T2 F3- T2 F3- T2
Batch 3 F1 T7,8,9 F1 T7,8,9 F1 T7,8,9
F2 T5,6 F2 T5,6 F2 T5,6
F3- T3 F3- T3 F3- T3
*D stands for district, F for facility and T for trainees

This will continue till all staff of the selected The training schedule / skills covered differs
facilities are saturated. F1, F2 and F3 denotes the by the type of trainee (e.g. Staff Nurse and
facility selected in the district and they will not Outreach workers) and the details of the day
change till all the staff of that facility is trained, T to day programme is available in the trainers
denotes trainee and D the district. manual.

Training methodology
5. Skills Lab for training
Training methods should be interactive
sessions, discussions, demonstration of Using Skills lab for In-service
skills, practice on mannequins, case studies, Education
presentations, videos etc.
Trainer should limit himself / herself to impart For in-service education, the 6 day schedule of
knowledge / skills as per the guidelines. teaching is to be followed, (the details of which
Before the beginning of the training, ensure are available in the training manual), except
that sufficient teaching material, partographs, for those candidates who needs reorientation
case sheets, stationery, etc., are available. in only a few skills. Training methodology
should be adhered to the guidelines specified
Every session needs to be planned with set in the training manual on Skills lab.
objectives, activities to be performed, formats
It will be a mandatory requirement to use
to be used, and evaluation of the station.
Skills lab for assessment of knowledge and
All formats required by the trainer-trainee is skills during recruitment of new manpower
given in the training manual. particularly ANM, SNs and MOs
Performance of the trainee at each station is Skills lab will also be used in induction training
to be recorded separately. for all newly recruited services providers joining

Skills Lab: Operational Guidelines

at health facilities particularly at district level Prerequisites of Trainers & Job

and below. responsibilities
Trainees who have successfully completed the
training at the Skill Lab will be eligible for Appointment is suggested for a period of 3
performance based incentives. They will also years, with annual performance review. Retired
be eligible for study leave and enrollment to professionals who have experience working in
advance courses in Nursing which shall be training programmes, and who are willing to travel
supported throught NRHM. and have a passion for teaching may be preferred.

Using Skills lab for Pre-service Eligibility: Nursing

Education Degree in nursing with 2-3 years experience,
preferably in the RMNCH+A; or
The practicing of the skills should be followed
by imparting of the knowledge as per the pre- Diploma in nursing with minimum 5 years
service curriculum. There are two options as experience, preferably in the labour room
follows: Meeting the registration requirements of the
while a particular topic is being discussed, nursing council
Skills Lab practice related to that topic Willingness to travel to the mentoring sites
can follow, particularly for institution Aptitude for teaching
having Skills Lab in their premises.
faculty concerned will assess the training Eligibility: Medical
requirements and book their schedule
with the Skills Lab accordingly. According MBBS with 2-3 years experience working in
to the plan submitted, the Skills Lab will RMNCH+A
allocate timings to the institution. Aptitude for teaching
The pre-service Skills Lab can also be utilized Willingness for travel to the mentoring sites
by other government teaching institutions, Meeting the registration requirements of the
if they do not have such Skills Lab. However, Medical Council
a prior appointment with the Skills Lab
Coordinator with a copy to DNO for scheduling
these batches needs to be taken.
Selection Process
It will be desirable for the private teaching By GOI nominated institutes / agency
institutes to have similar Skills Lab so
that the quality of passed out candidates Applications through:
remain at par with the Government
Open advertisement
Popular websites
Since Skills Lab in pre-service training is a
part of the regular teaching / training, no Campus selection
honorarium for the ANM / GNM School Short listing as per TOR
faculty is envisaged For short-listing: Online written test
Skill lab shall be utilized for competency comprising different types of question
assessment of ANM/GNM in pre-service / scenarios for testing aptitude and
education. knowledge. Sample test questions will be

Skills Lab: Operational Guidelines

prepared in consultation with Maternal Ensuring maintenance of database

Health and Nursing division of GOI. (procurement, training schedules, trainee
Further short-listing before interview database, mentoring visits, etc.) at Skills Lab
TA / DA for interview by 3rd AC to be given Providing enabling environment for trainees
to the shortlisted candidates and trainers in terms of accommodation,
transport, continuous availability of supplies,
Job responsibilities of Trainers food and such other day to day requirements
which if not provided for, can compromise
Trainer should establish themselves not only quality in training.
for conducting training but also as a mentor Ensure setting up of Model Labour room in the
for those who have been trained; institution where Skills Lab is located
Will mentor 2 supervisors from the system in Ensure sending copies of reports relating to
every district for continuous mentoring of the Skills Lab performance (including mentoring
health providers involved in RMNCH+A care visits) to District and State QA Committee,
for making joint mentoring visits; besides the nodal officers.
Mentoring / supervisory visits to the delivery
points (at least 6 days / month); Training of Faculty / Trainer
Preparing annual targets of mentoring
institutes in consultation with district and All TOTs will be of 6 days duration at institutions
divisional offices; identified by GOI.

Submitting the tour plan in advance to district States will send their requirement of TOT
and divisional in-charge and also visit report. of faculty / trainer by name so that a well
(Format 1 in Annexure 4) performing / accredited institution can be
chosen to get these trainers trained.
The trainers will always carry neonatal
mannequin during mentoring visits. Faculty of these training institutes must be
trained first, on the full and complete protocols
Job Responsibilities of Skills Lab of the Skills Lab and who will be certified by
the training institute only when the trainers
achieve more than 70% competency.

Coordinator will be the nodal contact person These trainers will then conduct at least one
for all Skills Lab activities to two batches of supervised training in the
presence of two national trainers at their
Custodian of teaching learning aids including
place of posting.
mannequins and ensure its proper maintenance
and functionality; The certificate to the trainers will be issued
only after they have conducted the supervised
Ensures conduct of training as per training
training ( 2 batches) even if 70% competency
has been achieved in the TOT.
Ensuring proper upkeep and maintenance of
The national master trainers will remain
all equipments and mannequins
available for 6 days of TOT for the supervised
Ensuring quality of training and adherence to training being conducted by these trainers for
training guidelines as per GOI manual the trainees defined in the training guideline.

Skills Lab: Operational Guidelines

NHSRC (PHA division) with support & guidance The initial batches of the trainees will come from
from Maternal Health division, MoHFW, will these delivery points only. Once 50% of personnel
act as the national nodal agency for organizing receive training, mentoring visit will start by the
TOTs, supervising of selection process of trainers.
trainers and guiding the states in setting up
of Skills Lab and developing of training plans. Key performance indicators: State level

NHSRC will also help in developing national Percentage coverage of delivery points (out of
centres of excellence for Skills Lab training at total) mentored by Skills Lab
the identified institutes in the country with Percentage of labour rooms reached / achieved
support & guidance from MH division, MoHFW. quality standards out of the total delivery
points in the state. (All the standards referred
here are as per Maternal and Neonatal Health
6. Monitoring and Evaluation Tool Kit, MoHFW, GoI).

The Monitoring and Evaluation of the performance Key performance indicators: Divisional / District
of Skills Lab (Trainer / supervisor, Trainee, delivery
points mentored) should be closely linked with Monthly performance reporting in terms
the Quality Assurance and Supportive Supervision of number of batches ( as well as absolute
initiatives of the State. A set of key performance numbers) out of total planned for the Skills
indicators are listed below which can capture these Lab
essential elements. It is the joint responsibility of
Number of mentoring visits conducted against
the QA Committee at district level and the officers
the total delivery points
of the Skills Lab to ensure that all protocols are
adhered to in all the institutions identified as Percentage of labour rooms reached / achieved
delivery points. The QA Committee should also quality standards out of the total delivery
keep a copy of record of the training as well as points in the division / district
status on performance and protocol adherence of
the trainees and the delivery points mentored by Key performance indicators: Skills lab
the trainers. The Skills Lab Coordinator will ensure
sending a copy of various reports to district and Percentage of trainees achieved competencies
state QA Committee, besides the nodal officers. (minimum 70%)

In all the meetings of the division / district QA Percentage of Skills lab performing as per
Committee, the trainers of the Skills Lab should standards out of the total planned in the
be invited. The DNO has to ensure that atleast one district
trainer participates in this meeting to discuss the
progress and resolve problems. Key performance indicators: Trainer

Percentage of institutions following Infection

Key performance indicators prevention protocols in Labour room, OT and
Laboratory among the delivery points allotted
Every trainer of the skills lab will be allotted a fixed
number L3 / L2 / L1 delivery points for mentoring. Percentage of mentoring visits (institutions
These allotments / responsibility shall be given after covered) out of the total allotted delivery
a thorough discussion within the Skills Lab faculty points
under the leadership of DNO.

Skills Lab: Operational Guidelines

Key performance indicators: Trainee effect will be maintained at the Skills Lab.
Measurable only after 60% personnel of a particular The critical skills to be assessed and the
delivery point got trained at Skills Lab checklist are given in the training manual;
Number of delivery points with model labour The trainer will observe the competency
rooms set up in the district acquired by each trainee so that a reorientation
Number of trainees not adhering to the
plan can be made for the weak trainee.
Clinical Protocols (e.g. AMTSL, BMW, IMEP, The trainee will be issued a certification
ENBC) To be measured after 3 months of for participation. Format of the Certificate
individual training, by the Skills Lab trainers of participation is given in the training
during mentoring visit manual. The credit points / grades based on
competencies acquired against critical skills
shall be part of the trainee database;
7. Certification of the trainee The trainers will carry the record of the
competencies acquired by individual trainee
during field visit and observe the proficiency
A Knowledge & Skill based pre test;
of the trainee on site i.e. the place of posting;
During training, trainer will assess every
The trainer, based on the proficiency in
trainee on each skill station;
practicing the skills will first conduct on-site
At the end of the training a post knowledge mentoring and then only decide whether a
based test and a skill test based on Objective particular trainee needs further re-orientation
Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) for the at Skill Lab. The details of the same will be
critical skills shall be done; part of the database of the Skills Lab (Format 2
Trainees securing more than 70% will be in Annexure 4). However, since the proficiency
deemed to have acquired the skills and those can be tested only onsite, the task is entrusted
securing less than this shall be reoriented, as with mobile mentors.
per skill gaps identified. A database to this

Skills Lab: Operational Guidelines

8. Budget
Table 2: Budget for establishing Skills Lab

Category Non - recurring Recurring (yearly)

Civil works / Furniture / wood work / renovation / 20,00,000
Electrical work with power back up by 5 KVA generator
/ Water Supply and other ancillary requirements for
skills lab including seminar room and office set up
(New MCH wing have built- in skills lab and seminar
room etc. So no separate budgeting is required for skills
lab in these MCH wings for civil works)
Mannequins & Equipment (as per specification) 25,00,000
Consumables & Supplies 50,000
Teaching learning material (2 Computers, 2 Laptops, 3,00,000
1 LCD projector, 1 screen, 1 printer cum Fax cum
Photocopier, etc.)
POL for Generator diesel @ 10 liters per day (Rs 60 1,72,800
x10 = Rs 600) includes oil X 24 days x 12 months)
Maintenance of Equipments, Mannequins, Generators, 40,000
Sub Total 38,00,000 2,62,800
Salary for 1 Doctor @ Rs 66,000 (includes salary Rs 7,92,000
60,000 + Rs 5000 for accommodation + Rs 1,000
Mobile reimbursement per month ) x 12 months
Salary for 5 Nurse Trainers @ Rs 46,000 (includes
salary Rs 40,000 + Rs 5000 for accommodation + Rs 27,60,000
1,000 Mobile reimbursement per month ) x 12 months
Data Entry Operator @ Rs 15,000 x 12 months 1,80,000
Multipurpose Health Worker @ Rs 10,000 x 12 months 1,20,000
Sub Total 38,52,000
Grand total 48,00,000 41,14,800

Skills Lab: Operational Guidelines

Table 3: Budget for training one batch of 16 participants

Item Cost
No. of participants per batch (16)
TA (to & fro travel but disbursement as actual and as per entitlement)Rs. 3000X16 48,000
DA + Accommodation disbursement ANM / Nurses @ 400X10X6days 24,000
as per the type of participant i.e.
Doctor / ANM / Nurse Doctors @ 700X6X6 days 25,200
Honorarium to training team of trainers (4) Salary component
Teaching Material, Course Material &Mis. Expenses Rs. 250 X 16 4,000
Lunch and Tea for the Trainee (Rs.200 x 16 participants X 6 days) 19,200
Sub total 120,400
IOH (10%) 12,040
Total 132,440

Once a skills lab is established, its maintenance cost, HR cost along with their mobility support and the
training cost for all batch needs to be reflected in the budget plan and PIP.

Table 4: Budget per mentoring visit of 2 trainers

Item Cost
Hiring of vehicle (2000 / dayX15 days) for 15 days field Rs 30,000 per month
visit including to & fro journey
DA + Accommodation Doctors / skills lab trainers Rs 1500 X 2 skills lab trainers X15days = Rs
(both Doctor / Nurse ) / other 45,000 per month
supervisor) @1500

Total per mentoring visit of 15 days Rs 75,000 per month

Total mentoring visit per year (Rs 75,000x12) Rs 9,00,000 per year

Skills Lab: Operational Guidelines

Annexure 1: List of Skill stations

S. No. Theme Basic Skills Add-on Skills
1 Antenatal Care Calculation of EDD
Recording BP and weight
Abdominal examination and
auscultation of Foetal Heart
Sounds (FHS)
Laboratory Investigations-
Haemoglobin estimation-
Sahlis & Hb Color strips
Urine test for albumin and
sugar by uristix
Urine pregnancy detection
by using kit
Rapid Diagnostic Test for
Testing blood sugar
2 Intra-natal Care Preparation of labour room Management of Incomplete
(organise a LR, trays, delivery abortion (MVA)
(instrument) kit, privacy and Episiotomy repair
dignity, NBCC ) Complicated delivery
Plotting & Interpreting ( Twin, breech)
partograph Assisted delivery (forceps,
Cervical Dilatation Normal ventouse)
Delivery Cord Prolapse
AMTSL Manual Removal of Placenta
Providing initial dose of
MgSO4 for severe pre-
eclampsia / eclampsia
Initial Management of
atonic PPH
3 Complication CAB approach
Management Identification & management
(MNH) of shock (IV line & Blood
transfusion, catheterization)

Skills Lab: Operational Guidelines

4 New Born Care Essential Newborn Care for a Chest compression and
normal, crying baby medication- New Born
New Born resuscitation Resuscitation
Breast Feeding & KMC Use of Phototherapy
Temperature Recording machine for new-borns with
Radiant warmer Jaundice
Use of Suction machine Inserting feeding tube in a
Counting respiratory rate
Oxygen administration
Using Glucometer
Setting up an IV line on
child arm
Using Pulse oximeter
Using Nebulizer and Multi
dose inhaler with spacer

5 Family Planning Interval IUCD PPIUCD

6 Infection Prevention Hand washing
Personal Protective attires
Preparation of 0.5% chlorine
solution & Decontamination
Processing of equipments
cleaning, steam sterilization
or HLD (High Level
Disinfection), Chemical
sterilization of instruments,
Autoclaving b) disinfection
and disposal of sharps and
Segregation of bio medical
Labour room / Operation
Theatre sterilization
7 Counselling Plenary*
8 Documentation Plenary*
*session covered in Seminar room

Skills Lab: Operational Guidelines

Annexure 2: Layout & designs for Skill Lab

A few sample designs for the Skills Lab are provided If the layout is in multiple rooms, then it should
here. This is to provide guidance to the nodal officers be close vicinity or should be neighboring
and actual construction may be modified depending Depending on the size of the neighboring
upon the type of space available. However, care rooms available, appropriate no. of skills cabin
must be taken not to reduce the minimum space can be accommodated.
requirements provided here.
LR and NBC should be situated in one room.
1500 Sq. Ft. Space will be good for the skills
cabins (4+1 LR/NBC) Every cabin will have table, cupboard & white
cum soft board.
No skill cabin should be less then 8X8

The designs indicated are;

A Type designs for Skill cabins
B Design of Tables
C Design of Cupboards
D Layout of Seminar Hall

Rectangular space: 40x20 ft

Skills Lab: Operational Guidelines

Square space: 32x32 ft

L-shaped space: 44x15 ft & 24x20ft

Skills Lab: Operational Guidelines

B. Design of Tables: or Marble due to its weight and wear &

1. Table Size:
d. The tables of the skill stations would have
a. For Skill Stations in the Training Hall
drawer of 2 X 2.5
(qty: total 10 tables) = 3x3x2.5 (height x
length x width) 4. Table for Seminar Hall
b. For Seminar Hall (qty: No.01) U shaped i. U-Shaped
c. For the Office Workstations (qty: No.06) ii. Can accommodate 20 people at a stretch
5 X 2 min.
d Cabinets 2x3x2 (height x length x width) iii. PA system equipped
2. Table Material: iv. 2 wooden almirahs with front opening of
glass for keeping books / library purpose
Made up of Wood (Not of Marble/Granite)
Board of Teak / Plywood C. Design of Cupboards:
3. Table Design for Training Hall: 1. Height: approx 5.5 ft
a. tables of the skill stations should not 2. Width: 5 ft
have any wheel
3. Depth : 2 ft
b. The height of the table should be of 2.5-
4. Distance between last and second last racks,
2.8 ( equal to labour tables height)
inside the cupboard should be approx 2ft.
c. The top of the table should be smooth
and water protected ( Dont use Granite

Layout for the Seminar Hall 30x20 ft

Skills Lab: Operational Guidelines

Annexure 3: Specifications of Mannequins and Equipments

for Skill Lab
General specifications desired for all The Lead time must not be more than 6 weeks
Mannequins: after confirmation of written supply order.
The supplier must ensure the availability of
The color of the mannequin should be on- call service agent from state headquarters
Caucasian simulating Indian babies / adult in within 48 hours, from local within 24 hours,
medium skin tones. from outside state within 7 days and incase
the problem is not rectified on site at the time
The material of the mannequin should be of of service then its need to be rectified with in
polyvinyl and silicone rubber, free from any next 7 days for minor defects and within 28
carcinogenic agents. days for major defects.
The texture of the mannequin should be soft The warranty for mannequins must be two
and smooth and close to the feel of baby / adult years from the date of receiving at consignees
skin as relevant. The texture must be friction address.
free to demonstrate the desired procedure.
All mannequins should include a soft / Hard
The Internal parts of mannequin must be Carrying Case and study questions, Dos and
realistically sculpted, anatomically accurate Donts, instructions manual, maintenance
and feel must be smooth / resilient / bony as guide, , background information, videotape
relevant and suitable for simulation. for demonstrating the use of mannequin,
The mannequins must be portable and any
user manual with trouble shooting guidance,
fittings used in mannequins must be of technical manual with maintenance and
first line technical intervention instructions
aluminum or polycarbonate or equivalent.
and any other relevant teaching / training
The mannequins durability must be of materials in English
minimum 2 years.
The mannequins should have additional
The material of the mannequin should accessories as listed and also talcum powder or
withstand extremes of temperature (upto 45 silicone gel to avoid friction, list of accessories
degree Celsius) and spare parts with cost and contact details
The supplier must ensure manufacturers of its supplier preferably within State / Delhi.
warranty / guarantee for the specifications The supplier / manufacture should list the name
and also against manufacturing defects. and address of technical service providers in
The manufacturing units must have an internal
system of quality control and supplier should The payment of the mannequin is linked
produce the process and certificate from the with installation at consignee address,
manufacturers. demonstration to service providers at consignee
address and certification of installation and
The supplier will be responsible for service,
functionality by the head of the concerned
maintenance, replacement, etc. against any
complaints up to the satisfaction of the users,
irrespective of the location of manufacturing The suppliers should agree for 10% of payment
unit. to be released after 2 years (Warranty Period)

Skills Lab: Operational Guidelines

General specifications desired for all Case and study questions, Dos and Donts,
equipments: maintenance guide, use of equipments,
background information, transparencies and
videotape, user manual with trouble shooting
The material used for equipments should be of
guidance, technical manual with maintenance
rust proof, high quality PVC / stainless steel /
and first line technical intervention
polyvinyl and silicone rubber as applicable and
instructions and any other relevant teaching /
free from any carcinogenic agents.
training materials, in English.
The stainless steel composition must be of 8 to
The equipments should have detailed
10% nickel, 18 to 20% chromium.
information of the device features, functions,
The fittings of all equipments must be of detection capabilities, method of operation,
stainless steel / aluminum. materials, alarm capabilities, software,
The equipments should be durable of minimum specifications and operating ranges, power
3 years for repeated use by trainers / trainees. source, parameter detection ranges, etc
wherever applicable. This description should
The supplier must ensure manufacturers contain engineering drawings, pictures, and
warranty / guarantee for the specifiactions all devices labeling, such as instructions for
and also against manufacturing defects. use and promotional materials.
Every manufacturing unit must have an The equipments should have additional
internal system of quality control and supplier accessories as listed and also material / gel
should produce the process and certificate / oil to avoid friction and enhance smooth
from the manufacturers. function, list of accessories & spare parts with
The supplier will be responsible for service, cost & contact details of its supplier preferably
maintenance, replacement, etc. against any within State / Delhi.
complaints up to the satisfactions of the users The payment of the equipments is linked
irrespective of the location of manufacturing with installation at consignee address,
unit. demonstration to service providers at consignee
The lead time of all equipments should not address and certification of installation and
be more than 6 weeks after confirmation of functionality by the head of the concerned
written supply order. department.
The supplier must ensure the availability of The supplier / manufacturer should list
on- call service agent from state headquarters the name and address of technical service
within 48 hours, from local within 24 hours, providers in India.
from outside state within 7 days and incase The equipments should have power cord
the problem is not rectified on site at the time wherever required, temperature electrode and
of service, then it need to be rectified with in fittings with at least 10 meters of standard
next 7 days for minor defects and within 28 wire and accessories
days for major defects.
The suppliers should agree for receiving 10%
The equipments should have three years of payment of equipments after 3 years
comprehensive warranty and two years of (Warranty Period).
extended comprehensive warranty.
All equipments should have device safety
Equipments should include a Hard Carrying certification.

Skills Lab: Operational Guidelines

Theme 1: Antenatal Care Lower cushion when inflated should raise

the fetus to desired position
Skill station: Antenatal abdominal palpation and Upper cushion when inflated should
auscultation of fetal heart sound create a firm abdomen as in the ninth
month of pregnancy
1. HUMAN FETUS REPLICAS The abdominal mannequin should be able
Features: accommodate the fetus in vertex, breech, or
transverse positions.
Human fetus replicas should be very close to
real The abdominal mannequin should have the
facility to accommodate the fetus of different
Human fetus replicas should have actual size gestational age, demonstrate vertex / Breech
showing external development and growth of / transverse position delivery, and attach the
the fetus for corresponding gestational age perineum to demonstrate the episiotomy
Human fetus replica should be available to repair.
represent different gestation period- 5th and
7th month 3. Dictaphone
Human fetus replicas should have features, Dictaphone should be able to give a simulation
color and skin texture simulating Indian babies of fetal heart sound
Human fetus replicas should be feasible for Dictaphone should have 4GB Digital Voice
teaching external development and growth of Recorder
the fetus Dictaphone voice recorder should work for
Human fetus replicas should be flexible recording digitally all the voices and reproduce
enough to fit inside the abdominal palpation it with good quality sound.
mannequin while demonstrating the leopold Dictaphone should have different recording
maneuver during pregnancy settings.
Dictaphone should have digital pitch control /
2. ABDOMINAL PALPATION MANNEQUIN FOR facility for different Scene Selection
LEOPOLD MANEUVERS DURING PREGNANCY Dictaphone should have Intelligent Noise Cut /
Features: Low Cut Filter / Digital VOR
Dictaphone should have Linear PCM / MP3 /
The abdominal palpation mannequin should
WMA / AAC Playback
have full size adult female lower torso
(abdomen and pelvis) Dictaphone should have Track Mark

The abdominal palpation mannequin should

have a one-piece full term fetus with palpable
Theme 2: Infection Prevention
fontanelles, spine, shoulders, elbows, and
Skill station: Sterilization
The abdominal palpation mannequin should AUTOCLAVE
have upper and lower inflatable cushions with
independent inflating devices in the abdominal The autoclave should be of 20 L capacity and
part of the mannequin must be Stand-Alone Bench Top autoclave.

Skills Lab: Operational Guidelines

The autoclave should have automatic single Power consumption of autoclave not more
door, self-sealing with high-quality silicone than 3000 W
gasket. The autoclave should have device safety
The autoclave should have chamber diameter certification according CE 93 / 42, FDA 510k
25 cm, depth 45 cm. or equivalent
The autoclave should have pre-set automatic Additional accessories:
cycles for unwrapped instruments, wrapped Set of 3 matching instrument baskets
instruments / packs;
Set of 3 matching sterilizing drums
The autoclave should have slow exhaust and
3 roll of sterilization indicator TST control
drying cycles
The autoclave should have two automatic
3 boxes paper sheet and crepe for
programs, which are 2.2 bar at 134C and 1.1
sterilization pack
bar at 121C
3 rolls of adhesive tape for sterilization
The autoclave should be fitted with 5 L water pack
reservoir - could be manually filled, automatic
for at least 10 cycles 10 spare set of fuses
1 box TST (temperature steam time)
The autoclave should have auto power shut-
control spot, (box of 500 TST), plus 1
off upon completion of each cycle
record sheet
The autoclave should have 3 removable
2 Stainless steel cylindrical sterilizing
shelves, instrument trays and double safety
drum of 165mm diameter
door locking device
Thickness steel: 0.8 mm
The autoclave should have safety feature
to protect against over-pressure and over- Diameter, approx: 165 mm
temperature Height, approx: 100 mm
The autoclave should have audible and visual
alert upon cycle interruption or completion Theme 3: Family Planning
The autoclave should have unwrapped cycle
Skill Station:
time: cold 30 min, hot 20 min
1. Interval IUCD
The autoclave should have control panel with
alpha-numerical display and cycle indicators 2. Postpartum IUCD
The autoclave should have air vents situated
laterally and need to be manually closed after
sterilization Hand held uterus model should show coronal
TST (temperature steam time) control spot section of uterus, ovaries and fimbriae
must be self-adhesive and the color changes Hand held uterus model should have a clear
must be irreversible when sterilized, attachable plastic window permitting easy view of IUD
to steam sterilizing containers
Hand held uterus model should permit easy
Power requirement for the autoclave must be demo of inserting and removing of IUD
220 V / 50 Hz single phase
Hand held uterus model should be Made of PVC

Skills Lab: Operational Guidelines


ACCESSORIES Skill Station:

Should have full size adult female lower torso 1. Pelvic examination includes cervical dilatation
(abdomen and pelvis) with relevant internal and pelvic assessment
landmarks 2. Normal Delivery
Should have palpable normal and pregnant 3. AMTSL & Checking placenta
uteri with realistically sculpted and
4. Initial dose of MgSO4 for severe pre-eclampsia
anatomically accurate ovaries and fimbriae
/ eclampsia management.
Should have accessories to enhance visual
5. Episiotomy repair
recognition of normal and abnormal cervices
6. Initial Management of atonic PPH
Should have removable introits
7. Complicated delivery ( Twin , breech, shoulder
Should have screw design between Uterus
dystosia, ventose and Forceps)
and Cervix for fast and easy change-out
Should be suitable for teaching / practicing bi- 1. CHILD BIRTH SIMULATOR ALONG WITH
manual pelvic examination ATTACHMENT FOR CERVICAL DILATATION (
Should be suitable for vaginal examination, CLOSED OS,4 CM, 6CM, 8CM, FULLY DILATED
including insertion of speculum, uterine CERVIX)
sounding and IUD insertion & removal Features:
Should have distal end of vagina to facilitate Should have hemi pelvis of adult female with
introduction of a female condom anatomical landmarks like pelvic cavity, spine
Should have features to demonstrate etc. Should have manual mechanical birthing
Minilaparotomy (both interval and postpartum system to enable the user to control the
tubal occlusion),Manual vacuum aspiration rotation and speed of fetus delivery etc.
(MVA), visual recognition of normal and Should have articulating fetal baby with
abnormal cervices,48 hours postpartum fundal adaptors to fit with manual birthing system
Should be versatile to change the position of
Additional Accessories: the fetus during the process of birth including
One anteverted uterus descend, flexion, extension, internal and
external rotation, restitution.
One retroverted parous uterus
Should have features for training normal and
Five normal cervices
breech deliveries
Four abnormal cervices
Should have Inflatable cushions to lift fetus
Ten fallopian tubes for Leopold maneuver during pregnancy
2 x 48 hour postpartum uterus with Shall have adaptive birth canal to demonstrate
duckbill cervix and fallopian tubes dystocia and deal with its relief
2 Extra locking pins and thin cervical Should have features to demonstrate cord
locking ring prolapse

Skills Lab: Operational Guidelines

Shall allow demonstration and practice of Should have three separate modules for
placenta previa episiotomy
Should have cervical dilatation attachment Should have one model featuring medial
for closed Os, 4cm, 6cm, 8cm and fully dilated episiotomy with tears in labia-minora
cervix Should have one model featuring mediolateral
Should have features simulating / represent episiotomy with peri-urethral tears
conditions of the cervix and vagina prior to Should have one model featuring standard
labor, during labor and at birth in a primgravid episiotomy
Should have features to attach with child birth
Additional Accessories :
One detachable padded stomach cover
Additional accessories:
Detachable Manual mechanical birthing
3 nos. of medial episiotomy model with
system with mounting flange tears in labia-minora
One fully articulating fetal baby with
3 nos. of mediolateral episiotomy model
adaptors to fit with manual birthing with peri-urethral tears
3 nos. of mediolateral episiotomy model
One elevating cushion for Leopold
6 detachable dilating cervices MANAGEMENT OF PPH:
6 detachable Vulva
The mannequin should be highly realistic for
9 vulvar inserts simulating postpartum hemorrhage
6 placentas The mannequin should have features to
9 umbilical cords
manually control the amount of bleeding and
the conditions of uterus.
One 48 hour postpartum uterine activity
The mannequin should have features to control
dilation of the cervix.
One postpartum perineal insert
The mannequin should have the following
Reusable episiotomy repair module (set
Full term fetus with placenta and
of 3 including medial tears, mediolateral
tears and standard mediolateral umbilical cord
episiotomy) Blood concentrate
2 sets cervical dilatation attachment Fluid collection tray
for closed Os, 4cm, 6cm, 8cm and fully Fluid drain
dilated cervix .
Urine catheter

Should enable use of standard needle holder - Carrying bag

with 00 or 000 chromic sutures

Skills Lab: Operational Guidelines

The mannequin should have features for 1. ADULT CPR MANNEQUIN

training the following
Adult CPR mannequin should have features
Urine catheterization
to demonstrate opening of airway, head tilt /
Normal delivery chin lift and jaw thrust techniques.
Complete and Incomplete placenta
Adult CPR mannequin should have disposable
Oxytocin injection
Adult CPR mannequin should have removable,
Controlled cord traction
reusable faces
Bimanual compression of uterus
Adult CPR mannequin should have a clicker
4. INTRAMUSCULAR INJECTION TRAINING which confirms correct compression depth
MANNEQUIN Adult CPR mannequin should have compression
Intramuscular injection training mannequin spring for consistent resistance
should have a lifelike human lower torso with Adult CPR mannequin should have weight: 3.9
intramuscular injection site in upper outer kg and H x W x D: 25 in x 8.5 in x 13.5 in
quadrant of palpable gluteal region on both
Additional Accessories:
side (left and right).
Intramuscular injection training mannequin 6 reusable mannequin faces
should have facility for detaching the upper 6 airways
portion and illustrating the anatomical
50 mannequin wipes
details of posterior side of the simulator, deep
anatomic structure of the head of femur, the
shaft of femur, the sciatic nerve, deep layers
of muscles, major blood vessels and aspect of Adult IV training arm should have full adult
bony pelvis underlying the gluteus muscles - arm with clenched fist and tornique position
at any one side - by hand painted or molded
as relevant. Adult IV training arm should be suitable for
practicing IV injections
Intramuscular injection training mannequin
should have Intramuscular injection in Adult IV training arm should have prominent
ventrogluteal site below iliac crest on both venous network
side(left and right) Adult IV training arm should have anatomically
Intramuscular injection training mannequin located venous grooves, fitted with soft latex
should have facility for giving Intramuscular tubes, closely simulating consistency of human
injection in lateral thigh at any one side veins
Adult IV training arm must have a pliable
Theme 5: Complication Management translucent latex skin stretched over venous
(MNH) network
Adult IV training arm should have cephalic,
Skill Station:
basic, antecubital, radial, and ulnar veins
1. CAB approach
Adult IV training arm should have veins in
2. Management of Shock (IV catherterization
and Urinary catherization) dorsum of hand

Skills Lab: Operational Guidelines

Adult IV training arm should feature realistic Theme 6: Essential Newborn care
pop as needle enters vein
Adult IV training arm must have a Smoked Skill Stations:
Lucite base with metal stand 1. Essential New Born Care
Adult IV training arm veins and skin must be 2. New Born Resuscitation
3. KMC
Additional Accessories:
4. Measurement of Body Temperature Newborn
4 set of kit with simulated blood
5. Radiant Warmer
concentrate, pressure bulb, blood
dispensing bag 6. Use of Suction machine
4 sets of spare arm skin for future 7. Setting up an IV line on child arm
replacement 8. Inserting NG Tube


10. Glucometer
Female catheterization mannequin should
have adult female lower torso with realistic 11. Oxygen administration
vulval area and urethral opening 12. Nebulization and Multi dose inhaler
Female catheterization mannequin must
have internal bladder reservoir for standard 1. ESSENTIAL NEW BORN CARE &
catheterization exercises RESUSCITATION MANNEQUIN

Female catheterization mannequin should The Newborn mannequin should be realistic in

have external reservoir bladder mounted on size and appearance and also natural weight,
Smoked Lucite with metal stand feel and touch.
Female catheterization mannequin should Newborn mannequin should have features for
have modular urethral valve to prevent fluid training essential newborn care (ENBC) and
leakage newborn resuscitation.
Female catheterization mannequin should
Newborn mannequin should facilitate effective
have inflatable internal bag to lift the bladder bag and mask ventilation, chest must rise only
anteriorly with correct technique.
Female catheterization mannequin should
The newborn mannequin should include the
have detachable upper skin to show bladder,
inflatable bag and foam
Squeeze bulbs for simulation of cord
Female catheterization mannequin should
pulsation, spontaneous breathing,
show connection to bladder and vagina with
auscultation of heart sound and cry
locking ring and rectum
Additional Accessories:
Female catheterization mannequin should
have removable urinary assembly 4 External umbilical cords and 6 umbilical
Additional Accessories : ties
6 spare bladder tanks 4 baby sheets or towels

6 urethra inserts 2 Head cap

Skills Lab: Operational Guidelines

2 Neonatal mucus sucker (easy to open, 4. RADIANT WARMER

clean, autoclavable and reusable)
Should have O2 cylinder provision
2 Training Stethoscope
Should have mobile newborn resuscitation
2. NORMAL NEW BORN BABY MANNEQUINE table with fixed-height radiant warmer
(KMC) Should have side trays for accessories

Newborn mannequin should weigh close to Should have four antistatic castors (Wheels)
normal newborn (2.5 3.5 kgs) and 2 wheels with breaks

Newborn mannequin should have actual size Should have table surface with mattress with
showing external development & growth infant head / shoulder support

Newborn mannequin should be close to normal Mattress-padding should have foam density
skin colour, texture and bony feel approx. 21 - 25 kg / m3

Newborn mannequin should have moving Mattress cover should be removable with
head, flexible upper and lower limbs zipper, waterproof, washable, resistant to
cleaning with chlorine based solution and
Newborn mannequin should have baby cap, flame retardant
nappy, mittens, socks, Kangaroo Mother Care
(KMC) dress / shawl / bed sheet (for wrapping Side boards should be transparent acryl, drop
the mother and baby) down and lockable
Hood suspended above the table should
3. DIGITAL THERMOMETER (MEASUREMENT integrate heating element and overhead light
Overhead light should have 2 x 50W halogen
Digital thermometer should have spot, with dimming function
Celsius scale switchable to Fahrenheit Heating element should have emitter with
Measurement range between: 32C to 43C parabolic reflector and protected by metal
grid and should be with high quality heating
Accurate measurement: + / - 0.10C between
element like ceramic
32C to 43C
Control unit should allow air and skin
Liquid crystal display, easy to read
temperature preset (LCD indicator / Digital
Features to support manual switch on, with Indicator) and radiant heater output (servo
beep sound after the temperature is measured and manual)
and Auto switch off after 10 seconds
Display should report system errors, sensor
Water proof and easy to clean
failure, shock proof with auto regulation for
Battery powered temperature maintenance.
Lowbattery indicator Power requirement: 220 V / 50 Hz
Certification of safety according CE 93 / 42, Power consumption: 800 W
FDA 510k or equivalent
Should have electronically controlled sensors (
Must be safe to use, no glass, no mercury Skin & Air) with digital display for temperature
Additional Accessories:
Should also have separate sensor for continuous
5 x Nickel Cadmium battery digital display of room temperature

Skills Lab: Operational Guidelines

Should have heavy duty and rust proof metal Should have Noise Level: 50 dB A 3
body Should have 43 x 30 x 68 cms dimension and
Should have servo and manual control facility weight of 27Kgs
Should have SET temperature display on FND / Should have safety certification according CE
LCD by mode selection 93 / 42, FDA 510k or equivalent
Must have all modes and timer display on LCD
Should have all safety alarms visual display
on LCD Should have high performance suction pump
Should have Skin sensor fail alarm for pharyngeal and tracheal suction
Additional Accessories : Should have double acting piston pump
providing a combination of large airflow and
3 - mattress
high vacuum
6 - spare skin temperature probe
Should have see-saw movement of pedal that
(including connection cable)
generates suction every time, one side of the
3 - spare heating element pedal is depressed
10 - spare set of fuses Should have pump chassis complete with valve
Power cord and fittings with at least 10 diaphragms, manifold pipe, bottom cover,
meters of wire cylinder with draw link and valve diaphragm,
piston O-ring, pedal with retaining springs,
5. ELECTRICAL SUCTION MACHINE aspirating tube with angle connector and
combination suction tip
Should have housing and Base: MS Powder
Should have pump which can be totally
coated cabinet with Stainless Steel top disassembled, is easy to clean and disinfect
Should be mounted on bearing castor wheels All parts should be autoclaved at 1210C
with brakes, completed with pressure regulator
H.P motor Should have Vacuum maximum of 600 mmHg
Should create free airflow at two pumping
Should have capacity: 0-700 mm Hg 10
regulatable, flutter free vacuum control knob strokes per second, approximately 30 to 40 L
(pressure regulator), 25 Ltrs / min / min.
All the parts should be made of high-strength,
Should have single rotary vane pump or other
long-life materials, not requiring specific
equivalent pump
maintenance or storage
Should have wide mouthed 2 x 2 Liter jar
Should have transparent polycarbonate
(Polycarbonate) with self-sealing bungs
collection container capacity, approximately
and mechanical over flow safety device.
1 liter
Should have 8 mm ID x 2 meter tubing ( non-
collapsible tube with adaptors - PVC) Should have thermoplastic rubber bottom
Should have bourden type 6.5cm Diameter,
0-760 mm Hg calibration Vacuum Gauge Manifold pipe: polypropylene gasket, O-rings
and valve diaphragm: silicone rubber
Power should be 230 V, 50 Hz, 2 0.5 Amps,
200 watts. (110 V on request) Should have teflon piston rings

Skills Lab: Operational Guidelines

Should have aluminum foot pedal 9. PHOTOTHERAPY UNIT:

Additional Accessories: Phototherapy unit should have heavy sturdy
3 set of silicone rubber suction tubing, mobile stand
approx: diam. 10 mm, length 1.5 m Should have four antistatic castors, 2 with
3 angle connector and combination breaks
acetal suction tip Should have single head with surface size
2 spare valve diaphragms approximately: 0.50 x 0.75 m
2 spare piston O-ring Should have head height adjustable
2 spare retaining springs approximately 1.40 to 1.75 m
Should have blue light with 4 Compact
7. PEADIATRIC IV ARM KIT Fluorescence Tubes (CFL) approximately: 20 W

Should have pediatric arm Should have white light with 2 Compact
Fluorescence Tubes (CFL) approximately: 20 W
Should have replacement skin and multi-vein
system Should have grills to protect the tubes

Should have simulated blood pack Should have infant table surface with foam
padded mattress with density approximately
Should have blood bag with tubing and
21-25 Kg / m3 with infant head / shoulder
support and
Should have clamp and hook
Mattress cover should be movable, with
Should have 5 syringes zipper, waterproof, washable, resistant to
Should have mannequin lubricant cleaning with chlorine based solution and
flame retardant
Additional Accessories:
Infant table should have side boards
5 replacement skin
transparent acryl, drop down and lockable
5 multi vein system
Should be Irradiant at skin level, up to: 40 UV
3- simulated blood pack
/ cm2 / nm
3 blood bag with tubing and connector
Should have wavelength: 420 to 500
3- lubricant nm, with highest intensity at 470 nm
integrated cumulative hour timer;
The power requirement not more than 220 V
Should look like 0-8 weeks old and Caucasian / 50 Hz; and power consumption not more
colour than: 250 W
Should have soft and flexible and replaceable Phototherapy unit should have device safety
face skin and upper body skin certification according CE 93 / 42, FDA 510k
or equivalent
Should offer OG exercises to demonstrate tube
feeding and gastric suction Additional Accessories:

Placing NP / OP tubes must be possible 6 spare blue CFL tubes

Should have markings for ear canal 3 spare white CFL tube

Should have removable internal parts 10 spare set of fuses

Skills Lab: Operational Guidelines

10. GLUCOMETER Oxygen concentration measured at the flow

meter by oxygen sensing device (OSD)
Should have direct reading and photometry
determination of total amount of glucose in Sound level <15 dB
whole blood Superior grade of molecular sieve with an
Should have switch on and auto switch off indicator / sensor on the device indicating
whether the sieve is functional or non-
Should indicate automatic zero while
switching on the glucometer.
Maintenance free rotary proppet valve.
Should have automatic indication showing
readiness for receiving of blood through strips Oxygen purity approximately 90%,

Should have dual wavelength measurement, Oxygen output approximately: 0 - 5 LPM,

660 and 840 nm Pressure approximately: 8 psi
Sample size: one drop of whole blood on Double outlet or flow splitter for oxygen
disposable cuvette delivery
Measuring time, approximately: 10 seconds Oxygen tube of 2 m length with facility for
Measuring range, approximately: 0 to 20 mmol nebulization with tube & mask; with two
/ L or 0 to 400 mg / dl humidifier bottles and two cabinet filters

Should have accuracy equivalent to laboratory Power requirements: 220 V / 50 Hz

spectrophotometer Power consumption: 450 W
Should have large LED display readable in low Device is safety certified according CE 93 / 42,
light working situations, display cover durable FDA 510k or equivalent
plastic display in mmol / L and mg / dl, easy Additional Accessories:
switch between both measurements
3 spare set of tubing
Memory for at least 100 previous tests
3 spare set of internal and external filters
Device is safety certified according CE 93 / 42, (bacterial);
FDA 510k or equivalent
10 spare set of fuses
Additional Accessories:
10 x box of 100 cuvettes 12.
10 x box of 100 sterile lancets HOOD)

3 x cleaning set Should have round shape 3 - Medium size,

3 x calibration set approximately height 22 cm, diameter 25 cm,
3 small size , approximately: height 18 cm,
3 x dust cover
diameter 20 cm
3 x storing case
Should be autoclavable polycarbonate
10 x spare set of fuses
Should be free from trauma of silicon neck,
11. OXYGEN ADMINISTRATION (OXYGEN with adjustment flap
CONCENTRATOR) Should have bilateral oxygen nozzle

Oxygen concentrator to provide oxygen from Should have oxygen tube of 2 m length with
atmospheric air one spare set of tubing

Skills Lab: Operational Guidelines

Should have port for oxygen sensor 5 replacement mesh

Device is safety certified according CE 93 / 42, 5 set tubing,
FDA 510k or equivalent 2 AC / DC adapters,

13. NEBULIZER 10 set of batteries

Should be easy to use and clean 14. MULTI DOSE INHALER WITH SPACER
Should deliver inhaled steroids, antibiotics and
The spacer must be of 145ml volume
all commonly prescribed broncho-dilators
The spacer should be 5 -6 long and 2
Should have features to respond to breathing
pattern i.e. to increase release of drug on
inspiration and to decrease the wastage of The spacer should fit with the inhaler
drug on expiration It should have silicone one way valve to prevent
Should have mask with different size ( for exhaling air from entering the champer
adult & pediatric) The spacer should be washable, could be
Flow rate: 6 lpm rising up to 22 lpm on sterilized and reusable
inspiration The spacer should be latex free
Additional Accessories:
5 filters,
10 masks (Each Size),
10 mask & mouth piece

Skills Lab: Operational Guidelines

Annexure 4: Supportive Supervision

Format 1
Mentoring visits by Skills Lab Team: Advance Tour Plan

For the Month: Year:

1. Skills Lab: (location)

2. Names of team member:
3. Schedule:

Date From To (name of Mode of Expected Remarks (including requirements for LCD
the facility) transport Expenditure etc. if teaching sessions are planned at
the institution)

Total expected expenditure:

Advance (if required):

Signature of the trainer: Date:

Signature of the DNO: Date:

Skills Lab: Operational Guidelines

Format 2
Tour Report of Mobile Mentors

1. Skills Lab (location): 2. Name of mentor:

3. Period of visit: 4. Institution visited:
5. Key observations:

Section A: Institutional assessment

Remarks (specify any Action Timeline*
hindrances towards points*
achievement of RMNCH+A
Enabling environment
Drugs & supplies
Availability and performance of FRU
teams etc.
Any other significant finding
Condition of LR
Arrangement of LR
Cleanliness etc.
Any other significant finding
Condition of OT
Arrangement of OT
Aseptic practices etc
Any other significant finding
Section B: Individual assessment
Skills# Trained Staff** Remarks (Skill Gaps)
Partograph maintained
AMTSL followed
ENBC practiced
Neonatal Resuscitation
IUCD insertion
Adherence to Infection prevention practices
Section C: Action taken on the mentors previous Comments
Institution Trained staff

*To be submitted to CMO &DNO

*Database of the same to be updated at the Skills Lab for further action and follow up
# Listing of Skills is only indicative, more can be added as mentoring progresses
** Mention by name against each skill
 Signature of Mentor


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