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The book discusses concepts like privacy, freedom and asset protection through the use of second passports and dual citizenships. However, it warns readers to carefully research the laws in their jurisdiction before taking any actions.

The book is a biography of Johnny Yellow Moon, a Native American performer, and discusses his life story and experiences living abroad to escape racism. It also talks about concepts like private traveling and maintaining anonymity.

Johnny Yellow Moon faced racism and discrimination in the US due to his Native American heritage. He found it more comfortable to live in France where his ethnicity was not a hindrance. However, he was estranged from his European wife and children.

© Copyright 2005. Global Liberty Publishing Inc, Panama City, Republic of Panama. All rights reserved.

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of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form. This work is protected by copyright laws in all countries.

Printed and bound in the European Union.

By 'Grandpa' and Others

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The information in this book is intended to make readers think outside the box and explore possible
options. We feel that the contributors explore many interesting and amusing possibilities. However,
investment and other decisions, particularly those taken outside your home country, involve risks.
The publishers specifically disclaim any responsibility for the appropriateness, legality, accuracy or
completeness of information contained in this book. Any investment or other decisions a reader
may make based on information in these volumes must be at the reader's sole risk. You should
conduct careful research and always consult qualified advisors familiar with your personal situation
and risk profile before making any decisions.



To the extent that you feel any contributors or the editors of this book contradict your religion,
personal morality or if they seem to encourage illegal or immoral acts, we expressly apologize for
the inclusion of such ideas. We have made every effort to distribute this book through channels
which will reach only broad minded adults living in communities where reading and possession of
this material is acceptable by prevailing legal and moral standards.

Some of the concepts, actions and ideas mentioned in this book could be heretic or illegal in some



Different countries of the world have widely divergent laws concerning investments, conduct of
business, control of foreign entities, investment in foreign currencies, use of second identities and
dual citizenships. The way we use the internet or cable TV is illegal in some countries.

The publishers and editors specifically advise you to learn the local rules and NOT to break any
laws that may be applicable to you. ALWAYS take advice from a legal professional qualified in
your jurisdiction if you have the slightest doubt about the legality of any business or personal
financial operation. Remember: reading about criminality is not illegal in most places. Stories about
crimes are a mainstay of popular entertainment all over the world. Committing a crime is a serious
and entirely different issue which should not be confused with reading about it.

Nothing in this book should be construed as a recommendation to evade taxation. That is not our
message. Information and views provided herein are intended to convey the methods of structuring
one's life, investments and business activities in such a way that taxes are limited to the minimums
allowed by law. Readers are advised to consult the appropriate authorities, professional lawyers or
accountants in their individual nations to determine the applicable laws. No one can know the laws
of every nation. We certainly do not. Anything you read here is not intended as legal advice. Period!
We endeavor to provide entertaining, humorous, and often satirical material in regard to the subject
matter. Because the legality of the information presented differs from nation to nation (and since
the interpretation of laws even within nations can be contradictory) we make no claims as to the
truthfulness, accuracy or legality of the information presented. We stress that the views expressed
might not be applicable to your situation or that of any particular individual. We can take no
responsibility for any damages you suffer by acting or not acting based upon material herein.

Of course if you make or save a lot of money, we hope you will buy some more of our books to give
as gifts. All trademarks are acknowledged. Products mentioned in this book may be trademarks of
their respective companies.

The publisher has no affiliation with nor participation in any consultation services provided by the
authors nor by any third parties to which this book may make referrals.



This book is for entertainment and information purposes only. Take everything you read here with
many grains of salt. Don't expect to sue us for damages if you get yourself in a jam. Personal advice
tailored to your situation (that you pay for) is more likely to be legal, useful and accurate. We have
found that personal subjective inteipretation of the authors' ideas and experiences can lead some
reckless readers without legal training into dangerous ground.

We can provide referrals to licensed professionals. We strongly advise that no actions be taken
solely in reliance upon what you interpret as 'our advice' in this book.This book is not "advice!" We
present here stories and opinions from a number of writers. Each has had different experiences.
Each of our authors has a different educational background and point of view. This variety, it is
hoped, will alert you to possible options to explore on your own.

ONCE AGAIN THE PUBLISHER AND EDITORS STRESS "never break the law" intentionally
or unintentionally.
Volume Three

Chapter 78
Beginning a journey into the amazing world of second citizenships and foreign residency. Everything changed
after Sept 11th 2001. Old information is now dangerous!



Chapter 79
We see how second passports save and improve lives daily on a global scale. For generations the super rich
and the most successful and influential people in history have been expatriating and changing citizenships
when appropriate. Also covered: Using second passports in tax planning, plus secret banking and other good
uses for third world passports.


Chapter 80
Having covered why people, and more specifically you. might want a second passport, we move on to the
mechanics involved.


1. IS IT LEGAL? 25

Chapter 81
Countries which accept all comers and others on a points system. Religious. Retirement and Investor Citizen-
ship programs. Countries which sell residence programs. Many little known passport programs are outlined
in this chapter.


Chapter 82
The good old days and now. Governments want to staunch the growing flood outflow of their brainiest, best
and wealthiest citizens. Why illegal Black market passports may be the only choice to get out of a war zone
fast. But why these same documents are a bad investment if you have the time to do it properly and legally.



Chapter 83
Living openly in the shadows and other legal back door tactics to acquire European passports. Formidable
paperwork but its cheap - and if you follow the instructions here your odds are very good!


Chapter 84



Chapter 85


Chapter 85A

Chapter 86
Detailed naturalization laws of around 200 countries in table format, never before published anywhere!
Covers naturalization by residence citizenship through marriage dual citizenship rules. Where automatic
citizenship results from birth on national soil. Hints on advance planning for future generations and what
rights are granted to parents of children granted birthright citizenship. A chance to do your planning with a
single detailed chart!

Chapter 87
Why a small corrupt country could be your perfect PT business base. Money talks everywhere but in smaller
third world countries it talks louder because corruption is more affordable. Maybe you will qualify for a
diplomatic passport and can represent your new country in your old home town. Hint: You never offer a bribe.
You do favors and give treats to your newfound influential friends.



Chapter 88
Small corrupt countries not your cup of tea? You can still make good one-off deals with governments of
major first world countries. Learn how to make special deals such as tax holidays and interest free loans from
governments keen to attract investments to conflict zones.



Chapter 89

Fast-track naturalization and even instant passports through marriage. Is it dumb for a guy to marry for love
or money when they can marry for a 2nd passport? Grandpa says "Never marry - unless it is to get a passport."


Chapter 90
Guest writer Frank Abigail recounts the trials and tribulations of his long amusing and ultimately successful
struggle to obtain an Italian passport by marriage. Why using a lawyer was very important - and learning a
few Italian songs was essential! What he did when the bureaucrats insisted upon receiving documents that
don't exist.



Chapter 91
Why you need to be careful when using an intermediary to buy a second passport. Escrow arrangements.
Problems and solutions regarding preservation of anonymity. Why good facilitators avoid problem appli-
cants. Never before published info on how 'passport and immigration consultants' operate.



Chapter 92
People you shouldn't trust and places you should never go for advice. Hint: Licensed professionals operating
in your own country can't legally give you the best advice or even tell you the truth. What about Attorney-
client privilege? The reality after 9-11: It's A thing of the past! Dealing with offshore lawyers, and how to get
anonymous, reliable internet consultations.


Chapter 93
Strange passports from real countries. Non-citizen passports. What to say when a border official asks "How
much did you pay for this passport?" Diplomatic passports. Seaman's books and airline crew cards. And


Chapter 94
Here's what you should not do. but things you should know about!



Chapter 95
Once you have got your new passport, how can you use it? Successful border crossing techniques used by
professional smugglers. How to avoid being selected for interrogation or baggage inspection at air and land
borders. Choosing your luggage. Carrying computers and sensitive documents. And much more.



Chapter 96
A final tale of hope wherein we learn how an early victim of Big Brother escaped and prospered using PT
techniques and attitudes still valid today. How Johnny Yellow Moon kept his ass and his assets and avoided


BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

Chapter 78
"A second passport is like a spare tyre; you should have one to dependably get you through any
conceivable difficulties. "

The world changed forever on September 11th, 2001. The terror attack on NYC's Twin Towers
provided the excuse Big Brother government was already seeking to apply pressure worldwide.

Most legitimate 'economic citizenship' programs were closed down fast. These days, people seeking
a second passport may find themselves viewed with great interest by Big Brother. Holding more
than one passport is frowned upon in many circles. Citizenship and nationality consultants in the
USA were hounded out of business.

Of course, government talk and press releases about second passports being used for terrorism is
pure propaganda. Like the stuff USA put out after Pearl Harbour to justify confiscating property
from and putting the innocent Japanese Americans into concentration camps. The 9-11 suicide
bombers mostly from Saudi Arabia all used their own legitimately obtained native country passports.
They came to the USA with genuine visas issued to them by the USA government.

Not one terrorist, not one 'non-combatant enemy suspect' jailed at Guantanamo, nor even any
terrorist suspects ever used the services of a passport consultant or lawyer to get a second passport.
Most people seeking second passports (that they pay for) are peaceful folk who have nothing to do
with terrorism. They are seeking other citizenships for legitimate tax or privacy reasons.

Sure, some crooks use false identities sometimes; but their second passports or identity documents
are almost always counterfeits or simply stolen ones with the pictures replaced. Serious spies or
assassins (as in the novel, Day of the Jackal) may kill people who look like them to take the passports
of their murder victims. However, middle-class or wealthy people who simply want to expatriate
for tax or political reasons now find it more difficult and expensive. Big Brother has changed the
rules of the Second Passport game beyond recognition.

So Beware! Information you may read in older books (written prior to 2005) on second passports
no longer applies!

This third volume of Bye Bye Big Brother, written from scratch in 2005, is the first, and for now the
only definitive guide on earth to the world of second citizenships. Further on we will cover in

• The reasons why you might want a legally issued second passport
• The methodologies and legal processes involved in getting one for yourself
• How to obtain your second passport at the best prices and with minimum delays
• How to protect yourself and keep your money from the many crooks and scammers
in this business
• A detailed list of many countries with summaries of their citizenship rules - from a
PT perspective. 1
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

But please don't skip ahead just yet. The world of second passports is full of intrigue. There will be
no clear cut, textbook answers to serve your particular needs. First, we need you to understand a
certain way of thinking. Then you won't be surprised by the methods of some successful passport
middlemen. Are you ready to have your consciousness raised?


Forget second passports for a moment. You are about to learn something much more important. The
following revelations will lead you down strange pathways that few people know about or ever

They could well help you to obtain a second passport. But more importantly, these revelations will
potentially open thousands of doors to you. You will have options most people will never know
anything about. Without guidance from someone who has walked the walk, you can't conceive of
the possibilities. You wouldn't know they exist. So bear with us as we show you a new way of
thinking. Could we call it "How to be an opportunist? " . . .


Years ago, I was a kid hoping to qualify for admission to Harvard University. In the course of
pursuing this goal, I attended a weekend seminar with an 'admissions and grants consultant.' A grad
of my prep-school advertised in my high-school newspaper and offered a money back guarantee of
satisfaction. I figured I'd pop for it. As his seminar gave me quite a bit of useful info, it was well
worth the price charged and I never asked for a refund.

What happened? I learned some principles - new ways of thinking. They have served me well
countless times since that well spent weekend more than seventy years ago.

The revelations started when the young grad student giving the weekend programme told us the
following story. A blazing beacon went on inside my head.


The name 'Slithering' doesn't matter. It is a fictional name made up for this chapter. The real name
of the guy was just as weird as 'Slithering' however. The dates and names have been changed. But
the essential facts are all here.

Two centuries earlier, a wealthy whaler and slave ship owner - who himself had attended Harvard
- decided to leave part of his considerable fortune to endow a certain building called 'Slithering
Hall.' In addition, his will provided, "To ensure that there would always be a Slithering at Harvard,
the trustees of Harvard should invest my bequest of $ 10,000 in gold (a sum equal to several million
dollars today). . . as follows . .."

They were instructed to employ the interest on this bequest to pay all the tuition fees at Harvard plus
generous living expenses (including the manservant) of a worthy student who would be either:
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

a) A direct descendant of any member of the Boston Slitherings; or

b) Any qualifying student whose surname shall be Slithering.

At first, I thought to myself "So what? I am not a descendant of this character and my name isn't
Slithering. This trust fund has nothing to do with my goals."

But as our grants-consultant explained on that fateful day, when you have a goal, such as getting
into Harvard and maybe getting through four or more years on a full scholarship, it behoves you to
do plenty of research to find and figure out how to fit yourself into a niche. These days, it's called
lateral thinking.

He told us that the Slithering bequest - now a huge unclaimed trust fund - was there just waiting
"up for grabs" to any student admitted to Harvard who applied for it. It could be claimed by anyone
who knew about the Slithering bequest. He asked us "How could any one of you kids here today
qualify for $30,000 a year?" No one raised their hands.

Then he went on to explain: In the USA, like in most English speaking countries, anyone can
legally change their name by simply 'using' any new intended name, or by executing a simple form
called a 'Change of Name Statutory Declaration' or 'Deed Poll.' Thus, anyone who was admitted to
Harvard under the surname 'Slithering' could qualify for what in 2005-2006 money would be a
$60,000 per year or more, cash stipend.

Good grades had nothing to do with it. You just have to pass (even by the skin of your teeth) and
stay a registered student at Harvard in order to keep getting the grant each year. Some day, maybe
after attaining the PhD level, you might have enough of Harvard. Then you give up the generous
Slithering stipend and finally move on to something else. Probably one of the $350,000 a year jobs
that Harvard Ph.D. grads usually land.


Naturally, the bursar or board of trustees in charge of such things has to approve your application.
Our grants consultant said he considered it preferable if they were not informed that you had changed
your name to "Slithering" just to get this grant, or just before applying. But there would be no
damage if the fact of the name change ultimately came to light. The intent of the deceased was
clearly and only to have a person named Slithering at Harvard. Maybe the trustees would give
preference to a descendant, but as the grant had been dormant for years and couldn't be used for any
other purpose, the scholarship committee had to give it out to any qualified applicant. There were
certain ways to do it and certain things to avoid in the paperwork. But these were just technical

Did I do it? Did I get the grant? In a word, yes. But the hurdles encountered along the way are
another story. It is the principle of "secret doors" we are exploring here.


You can search the internet, read dusty old reports in public and private libraries, do original research,
buy books on the subject and, most of all, keep your eyes open. Sometimes an obscure fact in a 3
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

book, lecture or conversation will give you a lead. If you hear of someone else who has done it, ask
"how?" You can do the research yourself or pay a consultant to help you achieve your goals (preferably
on a partially contingent fee basis).

It is generally a bad idea to try and exploit some of these obscure windows all by yourself. Why?
Because if you say the wrong thing or file the wrong papers with the person who has power to make
a decision, you may not only sink your own application, but you may muddy the waters for those
who follow.

So whom do you turn to for help? A trained lawyer, with political connections and favours owed
him, is usually the person who will hold your hand while walking the tightrope to success. But
beware! There are many lawyers (and people from all professions) who are jerks. Their advice may
be less than worthless. How do you find a good lawyer or consultant? Mainly by recommendation.
Your editors get regular feedback from readers and may be able to help you.


Let's change tack for a moment and look at an interesting history lesson, one that is not covered in
American textbooks. You may start out by asking what does the Spanish Civil War have to do with
me? Bear with us please - you will find towards the end that this story is very relevant to second
passports. Maybe your own second passport.

During the Spanish Civil War (1936-39), 2,800 American volunteers took up arms to defend the
Spanish Republic. They tried to suppress a military rebellion led by the Fascist General Franco and
aided by Hitler and Mussolini.

To the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, which fought from 1937 through 1938, the battles represented a
last hope of stopping the spread of international fascism. The Lincolns fought alongside approximately
35,000 anti-fascists from fifty-two countries who, like themselves, were organized under the aegis
of the Comintern (Communists). Their declared aim was to "make Madrid the tomb of Fascism."

In keeping with Popular Front culture, the Americans named their units the Abraham Lincoln
Battalion, the George Washington Battalion, and the John Brown Battery. Together with the British,
Irish, Canadian, and other nationals, they formed the Fifteenth International Brigade. One hundred
and twenty-five American men and women also served with the American Medical Bureau as nurses,
doctors, technicians and ambulance drivers.

American radicalism was spurred by the rapid expansion of fascism abroad. There was Japan's
invasion of Manchuria in 1931, Hitler's ascendancy in 1933, and Italy's assault on Ethiopia in
1934. The Communist Party responded with the 'Popular Front,' attracting thousands of aroused
citizens directly into its ranks of would be freedom-fighters.

Enter Franco, a right-wing Spanish general who, with German and Italian support, attacked the
legally elected government on July 19, 1936. A desire to confront fascism in Spain swept through
the Europe and the Americas. Within weeks, militant German, French, and Italian anti-fascists were
fighting in Madrid. By January 1937, despite a State Department prohibition against travel to
Spain, Americans were crossing into Spain by the hundreds - across the Pyrenees from France.
Ernest Hemingway was among them.

BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

These Lincolns came from all walks of life, all regions of the country and included seamen, students,
the unemployed, miners, fur workers, lumberjacks, teachers, salesmen, athletes, dancers and artists.
They established the first racially integrated military unit in US history and were the first to be led
by a black commander. At least 60 percent of the Americans had been members of the Young
Communist League.

Open recruitment in the USA brought on government suppression. The reaction of Western
governments to the war was duplicitous - they agreed to a non-intervention pact. The United States
embargoed aid to all the Spanish belligerents. This was a policy publicly promoted to de-escalate
the war. But selective enforcement actually undermined the legitimate elected democratic government
of the Spanish Republic.

The Soviet Union and Mexico were the only governments to defy the embargo and sell armaments
to the Republic. Many of these shipments were impounded at the French border. Throughout the
war, a vociferous political and cultural movement in America rallied to the Republic by raising
money for medical aid and demanding an end to the embargo. Such participants included celebrities
of the day including Albert Einstein, Dorothy Parker, Gene Kelly, Paul Robeson, Helen Keller, A.
Philip Randolph, and Gypsy Rose Lee. They reflected the wide base of liberal-leftist support for the
Republican cause. The wealthier conservative people of the day were more or less in favour of the
more orderly and organized fascists.

Self-motivated and ideological, the foreign fighters in Spain attempted to create an egalitarian
'people's army;' officers were distinguished only by small bars on their berets and in some cases
rank-and-file soldiers elected their own officers. Traditional military protocol was shunned - not
always successfully. A political commissar in each unit explained the politics of the war to the
volunteers and tended to their needs and morale.

The Lincoln Brigade helped ease the pressure on Madrid, giving the Republic time to train and
organize its own popular army. The subject of respectful news reports by such writers as Ernest
Hemingway, Herbert Matthews, Martha Gellhorn, and Lillian Hellman, the Americans fighting in
Spain helped strengthen anti-fascist opinion in the United States.

Yet the Lincolns and the Republican military, fighting with inadequate weaponry, could not withstand
the forces allied against them. By the end, the Lincolns had lost nearly 750 men. They sustained a
casualty rate higher than that suffered by American units in World War II. Few escaped injury.

In November 1938, as a last attempt to pressure Hitler and Mussolini into repatriating their troops,
Spanish prime minister Juan Negrin thanked the volunteers for their services, passed out medals
and made them all Spanish citizens.

He then disbanded the International Brigades. The Fascist coalition then broke the cease-fire and
renewed the offensive. Madrid fell in March 1939. The Lincolns had returned home as heroes of the
anti-fascist cause. But they were war heroes for only a short time. Many Lincolns soon aroused
bitterness within sectors of the American Left when, with the signing of the Hitler-Stalin non-
aggression pact in 1939, the Lincolns (following the Soviet Party Line) almost unanimously supported
the Communists' call for the United States to stay out of WWII.

Once the United States and the Soviet Union entered the war, however, many of the Spanish Civil
War veterans enlisted in the USA armed forces or served with the merchant marine. In a
foreshadowing of the McCarthy period, the USA-FBI designated the Lincolns 'premature anti-
fascists' and any who had served in Spain were confined to their bases. Many successfully protested 5
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

and were allowed to see action. Others were more or less "in custody" for the duration (of World
War Two).

Among the core agents of the Office of Strategic Services in World War Two were many Lincoln
veterans. Their contacts with the European partisans, forged in Spain, were key to OSS missions.
Yet for J. Edgar Hoover, anyone who had fought in the Lincoln Brigade in Spain was a "red"
communist and a danger to America. By the 1950s most veterans of the Spanish Civil War, whether
Communist or not, were blacklisted, harassed and forced out of their jobs by the FBI. Woody
Allen's comedy movie, the "Straw Man ", shows what was like during that period.

Communist Lincolns, in particular, were hit hard by the repressive 'Subversive Activities Control
Board,' the Smith Act and state sedition laws. Many were charged, convicted and sentenced to
prison as subversives and traitors to the USA. It should be said, however, that over time all but a
very few convictions were overturned.

Notwithstanding its exclusion from American textbooks, the story of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade
commands attention as a unique example of prescient, radical and selfless action in the cause of
international freedom. During their lifetimes, Spanish Civil War veterans who were in the
international brigades were discriminated against (by many countries) in many ways. They were
much like those volunteers who later fought with Che Guevara. They may be heroes to some people,
but they were considered potentially dangerous rebels and revolutionaries as far as most governments
are concerned.

If any of them were found and arrested in Spain during the Franco era, they were put to work as
slave labour on what was to become Franco's pharoanic tomb. So there was not much point in any
of them claiming their Spanish Citizenship! And that citizenship after all, is what this story is all

Now things are different! That little-known executive order of 1939, by the then legally elected
head of state, could now be considered a secret backdoor to the European Union. You do get the
idea. Don't you? No? OK we will spell it out.


What does this above story have to do with your quest for a European Union passport? Let's say
that today, you are a wealthy 40 year old American named Frank Lewis.

With the help of a certain nameless expert on such things, you are directed to and visit the office of
the "right person." He is a bi-lingual immigration lawyer licensed in both Spain and the USA.

The conversation goes like this:

Q: Mr. Lewis, did you know that any descendants of foreigners who fought in the Spanish
Civil War are potentially citizens of Spain?

A: No, I was not aware of that.

Q: I show you here a photograph and brief biography of the late Jim Lewis. As you furnished
me with a family tree, 1 took the liberty of accumulating some genealogical data. We have
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

determined that your grandfather might have been the same Jim Lewis who died in the
Spanish Civil War. Before you answer me, I want you to know that if you can identify the
picture I am about to show you, and if this is your grandfather, you may already be a Spanish
citizen. It is just a matter of my filing the right paperwork on your behalf. [Pulls out the
photograph] Now is this your grandfather?

A: Why yes I think it is. There's an uncanny resemblance to the photos I saw as a child of old
Grandpa Jim when he was a soldier. Now that you mention it, Granny Lewis did say he died
in Spain around 1938.

Q: Then to the best of your information and belief, you can sign this affidavit that you are
the grand-child of Jim Lewis, a Spanish Veteran and according to our research, an artilleryman
with the John Brown Battery? Can you place a $20,000 advance with me now and pay
$80,000 more when your passport is delivered?

A: Yes. That was our understanding.

To cut a long story short, about one year later, Jim Lewis receives his Spanish passport. He picks it
up in person at the Spanish Consulate in London. No Spanish language test, no good conduct
certificates, nor other clearance. Nada. Jim is now legally a Spaniard. His passport was legally
issued and is renewable for life. His own children are also automatically Spanish if they choose to
apply. His dossier is fully backed up with all necessary documents and approvals.

Now have you got it?


Jewish people are either from a Russian/Polish orbit, in which case they may speak Yiddish and are
Ashkenazim - or they are from a Spanish/Portuguese background, in which case they may speak
Ladino and they are called Sephardim.

To make up for the fact that many Sephardim were burned at the stake, tortured and expelled prior
to 1492, Spain and Portugal have special laws allowing for descendants to return as residents and
gain citizenship in a very short time. Germany has a similar law that applies to all Germans and
their descendants who left Germany because of Nazi persecution. What is less generally known is
that anyone can try to 'do a Slithering' and possibly gain the benefits. Are you Jewish? Have a
Jewish name? How do you think Spanish bureaucrats really define Sephardi? They don't know.
They just process papers. If those papers are prepared by someone who knows the ropes, they will
be approved.

Do you get the idea now? You don't even have to be Jewish -just descended from a Jewish ancestor
in your family tree sometime between 1492 and now. Getting all the documentaton together won't
be an easy road to travel, but there are people who specialize in such things. At least you now,
hopefully can come up with some ideas of your own - based upon ancestry.

Do you have a relative that was displaced during World War Two? Most countries welcome back
descendants of native sons or daughters. Italy even has scholarship programs for young persons
with Italian names who want to study in Italy and return to the motherland. Or if you are a member 7
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy. Freedom and Asset Protection

of a Jewish congregation or part Jewish on the maternal side of your family tree, you get Israeli

These 'ethnic doors' are generally known. One of the most automatic is the Israeli "Law of Return."
Automatic citizenship and an immediate passport if any of your ancestors left Israel 2,000 years ago
and you profess Jewishncss. It might help to have a Jewish sounding name too.

You don't want an Israeli passport? Why not? It can be a stepping stone to immigration and other
passports. There are as many Israeli-Americans in New York City as in the biggest cities of Israel.

Ireland used to have a similar rule, but alas in recent years they have tightened up. France and
Spain give preferences to people who speak their language and were born in former colonies or
possessions like the French Louisiana Territory. Turkey considers anyone who speaks Turkish a

Other languages and religions too can help in your paper chase for a 2nd passport. Muslim converts
can get residence and the citizenship of virtually any Muslim country. That includes some pretty
desirable places. You may need to do some studying and be able to read the Koran in its original
language (Arabic) to convince an imam of your sincerity. Some people got Thai citizenship by
becoming Buddhists. Others get citizenship and new passports by marriage. There are many niches
one can fit into. Do you get the idea?

If so, you are now ready to progress to our main second passport section! Enjoy your travels.
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

Chapter 79

For generations the international super rich have been expatriating and changing citizenship to
maximize freedom, preserve wealth and avoid persecution. Look at the most successful and influential
people in history. You will find many examples of people who changed their citizenships during
their lives.

There are many other good reasons why you might need a second passport - and the second citizenship
that is part and parcel with it.

You need a second passport if your existing/present passport:

Has to be renewed or extended more frequently than once every ten years. Annual renewal
or five year expiration periods are common. The only reason for requiring frequent
renewals is to curtail the free movement of citizens. Renewals (sometimes involving a
required return to the home country, a visit to an inconveniently located consulate in
person or facing the third degree on whether you have paid your proper taxes) can also
be expensive. In terms of your own schedule, it can be a real bother. If you don't want to
be controlled by Big Brother, you need the freedom of a second passport. You need one
that will be automatically renewed by mail - with no questions asked. As explained in
the Six Flags theory, the country of your second passport should have no tax, military or
other liabilities to abuse its citizens who reside abroad.

Could your passport be withheld or cancelled by Big Brother or his agents "on suspicion
of a crime or for political reasons?" The USA, for example, has a long tradition of
pulling the passports of its citizens who have travelled (or might travel) abroad to espouse
views unpopular with the current administration. The most famous American case was
that of Paul Robeson, an internationally famous black singer and actor of the 1960's. He
had leftist views. His passport was revoked during the McCarthy, anti-Communist
hysteria. Under the USA Patriot Act, with a new hysteria having taken hold, not only
can passports be revoked; even the citizenship of native born Americans can be cancelled,
consigning "suspected" Americans to a legal no-man's-land. This action would be
contrary to the USA's Constitution and treaty obligations, but do you think the bureaucrats
care? Taking a case to the Supreme Court is way beyond the financial capability of most
citizens. In most despotisms or dictatorships, there is no absolute right to travel. The
issuance of a passport is completely within the discretion of bureaucrats. This is the sort
of passport one can not depend upon. Freedom to travel is too important a right to be
left in the hands of your government!

Does your existing/present passport limit your investment possibilities and entrepreneurial
activities? Many countries boycott other countries and impose criminal penalties on
"trading with the enemy." Of course, your enemy and the government's enemy may well
not coincide. If you are trading with somebody, they are not likely to be your enemy -
and free trade is the best way to keep things peaceful. Huge private investments can be
wiped out due to political changes. Innocent Iranian, Kuwaiti and Iraqi investors, some
resident in Europe and the USA, had billions of dollars confiscated by western nations 9
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

such as Britain and the USA. Various governments have had a gripe against another
government and this served as an excuse to simply steal some extra revenue from private,
non-political business people.

Does your existing/present passport expose you to retribution and other dangers?
Americans and Brits were chained to missile targets in Saddam's Iraq while Swiss and
Mexicans were being evacuated. In the Argentine-British conflict over the Falkland/
Maldives Islands, innocent Brits again were beaten up and put into jail in South America.
Americans and Israelis are always being kidnapped and murdered, just because of their
nationalities. Using a second neutral passport for travel can camouflage your true
nationality and save your ass and your assets.

• Does your existing/present passport expose you to income taxes on your worldwide
income? Many governments impose no personal income taxes at all, resident or not.
Think South America and all tax haven countries. Only one nation, the USA, expects
even non-resident USA passport holders to pay "Uncle Sam" a third or more of their
income in taxes. This anomaly means that international tax consultants all refer to the
USA passport as "The Most Expensive Passport in the World. "

• Does your existing/present passport make you a target for suicide bombers, kidnappers
or terrorists? Israelis, Americans, Germans and wealthy Chinese are often selected as
targets over other nationalities. Why travel with a high-profile document when a second
passport is the cheapest insurance you can get?

• Does your existing/present passport allow your present Government to control or restrict
your travels? Look in your passport. For example, does it say "Travel to Cuba (or anyplace
else) is forbidden?" Your personal travel freedom anywhere you please is a basic human
right. For practical purposes, to avail of this right you need an unrestricted passport,
issued by a neutral country without political enemies.

• Does your existing/present passport show that you are a citizen of a hated, very unpopular
or "pariah" state? When this happens, it becomes difficult or impossible to get a visa to
go anywhere. South Africa used to be the example in the 1980s. Today in the West it
may be North Korea or Iran. Some passports, like Thai for instance, may be not very
good for visa-free travel but they offer a very decent alternative for offshore banking. A
Nigerian passport, due to the prevalence of frauds emanating from that country, is good
for nothing. Bankers won't accept an account from a Nigerian and it is difficult for
Nigerians to get a visa to go anywhere.

• Does your existing/present passport force you or your family into unwanted military
service? Avoid countries with mandatory armed forces enlistments, unless you are unfit
for service as over-age or handicapped!

• Does your existing/present passport limit your freedom of movement? Poor, population
exporting countries like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and the Philippines have lousy
passports. Russians and other CIS nationals also have big problems arranging ordinary
visas required for business trips etc. These so-called travel documents are basically no
good for travel! To get a tourist or business visa to Western Europe or North America is
nearly impossible without a local sponsor. This sponsor must accept full financial
responsibility for your return to the home country within a few weeks or months.

BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

Is your existing/present passport issued by a state like Somalia which is politically unstable
or even doesn't exist? Some countries are "here today, gone tomorrow." Their passports
become worthless when they go to war, or are absorbed by a neighbouring country.
Think Tibet or Zaire. Other countries are not even here today. "New mini-countries"
often issue passports that are not recognized by any other countries. These have included
Seborga in Italy, Sealand off the coast of England, Minerva on a Pacific Ocean Coral
reef, Freeland (which apparently never got off the ocean floor), and so on.

• Does your existing/present passport penalize you for changing your legal permanent
residence to a tax haven? This is another way that Big Brother restricts free movement.
As explained elsewhere, a second passport may be a necessary intermediate step.
Example: A Frenchman can't escape French income taxes by moving to the tax haven of
Monaco. He might be able to finesse a tax free status in Monaco if he becomes a citizen
of somewhere else (say St. Kitts and Nevis) first. An American can't legally escape
USA income taxes and annual filing requirements any other way. He must move his
physical residence abroad; then renouncing USA citizenship to becoming a citizen and
passport holder somewhere else.


Most people buy insurance to protect health, life, home, car, and personal possessions. Intelligent
people acquire a second passport for exactly the same reasons.

People in professions with a high risk of being sued (doctors, lawyers etc) use second passports as
a way of making their assets less attractive to parasitical, fee-hungry contingency lawyers. Savvy
entrepreneurs use second passports in order to avoid paying exorbitant and outrageous taxes. Non-
residents of a high tax country can avoid subjecting their children or heirs needlessly to estate and
inheritance taxes.

The solutions used by PTs usually are incredibly simple and do not need to involve accountants,
lawyers, trusts, family foundations or complicated "structures" like two-tiered, bearer share offshore
holding companies. Often you don't need a lawyer or accountant at all.

The common sense workable plans first written about by guru Harry Schultz in the 1960's are
nothing short of miraculous. Many of these involve moving assets to bank or brokerage accounts
opened with a second passport. By holding assets under another nationality, not linked to your
'socialist insecurity number,' you can simply, elegantly and legally avoid most taxes. It takes
knowledge and effort to do it properly and legally without risking fines or jail sentences. It will
usually involve a physical move - or at least a willingness to move should that become necessary.

Obtaining second passports and a sunny tax haven legal residence gives PTs many new opportunities
for doing business and for tax planning. Above all, a second passport is about keeping your options
open. 11
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

Almost every country has had more than one civil war or revolution. In such cases, a large portion
of the population is dispossessed, starved or otherwise distressed. People by and large fail to learn
much of their own country's history to see just how often this has happened.

Large groups of Americans have often fled the country to avoid being drafted in unpopular wars.
(What war is ever popular?) Targeted groups in the USA have been jailed and/or had their assets
confiscated just about every twenty years. The same old story has been repeated many times in
every country. But for now let's look at the United States as an example.

'From 1620 to 1920, the native Americans (American Indians) were the target of confiscation of
their lands - and genocide. Towards the end of this book you will read about Johnny Yellowmoon,
an American Indian who overcame the odds and may even have been the first PT. But don't be in
any rush to jump ahead and read his story. There is much to study before we get there.

Prior to 1776 and the American Declaration of Independence, over half of all Americans were
"Tories" - loyal to their lawful government in England. They were the farming, artisan and wealthier
classes. Those in favour of a break from England were mostly the smart traders and business people
who saw no point in being taxed and regulated by far-away bureaucrats.

After the American Revolution, a few Tories saw the writing on the wall and switched their allegiance
to the winning side. Those that did not were obliged to abandon forever their homes, farms, plantations
and their former country. Now often penniless, they were forced out in droves. They left for Canada,
Mexico, and the British Colonies of the Caribbean. If they survived at all, they all had to start over.

Benjamin Franklin's own son escaped to Bermuda where he eventually became Governor General
- He was much like some of today's American tax exiles!

Again, during the American Civil War (1860-1865), the majority opposed the war (as usual). By the
end, many Northerners and Southerners - up to 15% of the total population - moved to Canada,
England, Brazil, Spanish Mexico (including Texas) and Argentina to avoid the conflict. The war
and the peace that followed destroyed much property and squandered the lives and treasure of an
entire generation of Americans!

Songs, stories and town names all over the world ("New This-or-That") nostalgically recall the fact
that entire communities 'pulled up stakes' and moved many times due to religious persecution,
wars, high taxes. In the case of the Irish, it was persecution, poverty and famine caused mainly by
the occupying armed forces of England.

In World War One (1915-1917), the USA once again became a very uncomfortable place for many
of its citizens - ethnic Germans, Italians and Turks. They were the enemy. Many were pushed to
emigrate from America.

In the post World War One period, independent thinking Americans who liked to think new ideas,
indulge in forbidden sex (good heavens!), drink newly banned liquor or smoke newly banned
marijuana, had to move abroad. The between-the-wars 'lost generation' of Americans in Paris is
legendary. Gertrude Stein, Josephine Baker and Ernest Hemingway were just a few of the thousands
who escaped from America during that period.
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

Next came World War Two. Innocent, non-political Japanese-Americans had their US assets seized
and were put into concentration camps.

In the post World War Two days of 'McCarthyism', leftists, notably many Hollywood actors, writers
and directors, were persecuted and jailed for their views. It was not a good time to be or ever have
been a member of the banned Communist Party. So much for "the land of the free."

Black people in America have always been an underclass. Freedom seeking American blacks from
1700 to now often moved elsewhere, notably to France or Muslim countries where - with equality
- they acquired citizenship and often became prominent and wealthy. In Liberia especially, American
born blacks constituted a very prosperous upper class with dual citizenship.

In the Korean and Vietnamese war period, thousands of anti-war Americans and their families
acquired foreign nationalities - notably Canadian and Swedish - to escape the draft.

This brings us conveniently to today. Most recently (2001-2005), Palestinian-Americans, Iranian-

Americans, Iraqi-Americans and all types of Arab-Americans have been arrested. Many have had
their bank accounts frozen. Why? Only because of their ethnic backgrounds, associations, or their
family names. Along with anti-war protesters and others, selected innocent Americans have been
persecuted. Assets have been seized on various pretexts.

The American majority seems, unfortunately, to buy the unlikely story that narcotics, terrorism,
gambling, prostitution, pornography, tax evasion, and any form of political protest are all part of
one terrible 'unpatriotic' cancer that must be excised.


Citizenship renunciation could be a solution for many Americans - who gain no benefits by being
patriotic or supporting their country. Current figures, on wealthy Americans who have renounced
their citizenship versus the very few wealthy foreigners who have taken up USA citizenship, tell us
a lot about current trends.

As you can imagine, most of those coming in and applying for US citizenship are not rich. But most
of those leaving and renouncing are in the upper 5% of wealth. The people leaving are those who
currently pay almost 50% of all US taxes.

Few wealthy foreign people apply for the US citizenship, even if they live and do business in the
USA. Why? They know that the USA passport means inescapable high-rate taxation and form-
filing slavery for life.

We do know of a way, a loophole perhaps, for non USA people to get a 'fast track' American
passport and then leave again without being subject to the 'no escape' tax on worldwide income
rules. The solution is so simple yet so secret that it will only be revealed to our highest level,
personally known consulting clients upon payment of a hefty fee! This plan is good for only a very
few wealthy investors, and not for merely curious. To benefit from this plan you must be someone
who would easily qualify for a no questions asked US Green Card, and you must then rent or buy a
home on US territory for a few years. But you don't actually need to live in the States and you will 13
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

never have to file a tax return or pay income taxes. There is no fraud, fibbing or concealment of
anything. The plan can be run by any lawyer or advisor you choose.

For quite some time, the US has been struggling with capital leaving the country. As a result, the
government, starting in 2000, introduced new laws to prevent wealthy citizens expatriating and
renouncing citizenship for tax purposes. This law taxes the unrealized capital gains and future
income of citizens who attempt to renounce their citizenship, at the same annual rate, even if they
never visit the USA again.

But it is possible to avoid this problem by renouncing your citizenship and applying for a new
citizenship in a certain way. The basic secret is to acquire the second citizenship for well documented
non-tax reasons - like marriage to a foreign person, the offer of an important post in a foreign
government or a few other good reasons we would rather not spell out here. If we did give all our
suggestions in print, Big Brother would pass still more laws foreclosing those possibilities or little
known loopholes.


America should certainly not be singled out as any sort of unusual persecutor. It is not the only
country where innocent people have been and are regularly persecuted, jailed and subjected to asset
confiscation. In fact, it is not nearly the worst country on that score!

The reason for concentrating on America is that we love the free-market, libertarian principles on
which the USA was founded. It is sad for us to see the USA going down the tubes.

Because our readers are English speakers, they tend to be from the States, UK, Australia, South
Africa etc. The truth is that any white American with an American sounding name who keeps a very
low profile (and pays taxes without protesting) is fairly likely to be untouched by the heavy hand of
government. But if you are adventurous enough to be reading this book, the chances are you will
never fit in to that 'average law abiding American' mould. As we said, PTs are people of above
average wealth and above average intelligence.

The possibility of arbitrary asset seizure, or being unjustly jailed or restricted, is a fact of life in
every country. That in a nutshell, is why everyone who can afford the time and money needed
should have a second passport. Anyone of above average wealth and intelligence needs a 'bolt hole'
- a place to escape to, a place where assets can be safely parked for a rainy day. That is why we
described a passport as sort of a spare tyre. It is a document that can save your ass and your assets.


Many countries are even worse than the USA! In some Muslim countries, sexual "crimes" like old
fashioned sex between two unmarried (or married) consenting adults can result in the lovers being
stoned to death! A woman who has been forcibly raped is guilty of a capital crime in some places.
Yes, you read that right. In most countries outside of Europe, merely smoking (not even inhaling!)
a harmless joint of marijuana can result in a long jail term. But a person who holds a second
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

passport can spend his or her time in a place where favorite diversions (or perversions) are
considered normal, not criminal.

Many European countries do not allow dual nationality at all. They arrogantly expect their citizens
to be the property of just one government. Governments know that dual nationality lessens their
hold over you, because if they confiscate your passport, you will simply use your other one to move
somewhere else. Every PT-minded person needs to keep options open. Keeping options open is a
way of retaining freedom. In concrete terms, that means getting a second passport is as essential as
an insurance policy.

Not so long ago applicants from UK (who can legally have dual nationality without any negative
tax consequences) were the people most interested in second citizenship. But as of the twenty-first
century, the citizens of France have surpassed them in the second passport sweepstakes. Spanish
and Scandinavian citizens follow. They change countries for reasons usually relating to making a
decent living or escaping the unreasonable burdens of taxation in their home countries.

Traditionally, the tax haven countries of Monaco, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Andorra, Gibraltar
and Campione have held special attraction as a residence flag for Europeans. This is mainly because
of geographical proximity. However, the tax haven status of these countries for European Union
citizens will be reduced and possibly even eliminated by treaties over the coming years, starting in

We predict the new rule in Europe may be a simple one: If you don't pay taxes somewhere, you will
have to pay it to your country of citizenship.


Some loopholes will always remain. Example: a citizen of France can apply for any third world
citizenship, or any citizenship (maybe Australia's) for that matter. After getting his new passport, he
can renounce French citizenship. After that, the ex-Frenchman can get legal residence in Monaco or
Andorra. By living in one of those places for six months a year, he can escape all income taxes -
and at the same time, he can still live, own property, and bank anywhere in Europe.

There is no problem for this Frenchman travelling, even on a third world passport, within most of
Europe. Why? Because a Monaco Resident's Card (for instance) is good for visa free travel to
Western Europe. Any identity card showing you as a resident of any European country, tax haven or
otherwise, is generally good for visa-free and passport free travel all over Europe and to many ex-
colonies as well.

Wherever you are in the world, you need to disguise yourself as a foreign tourist who is just Passing
Through. That is the PT Way and the very best, most low profile disguise there is.


During the Gulf War (1990), it was not just the Americans and Brits who found themselves stuck in
the middle of a war zone and forbidden from leaving. Spare a thought for the wealthy Kuwaitis who
had funds outside of Kuwait. Having no visas to places like Egypt and England, many could not 15
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

escape from their own prosperous and peaceful little country when it was invaded and annexed by

The Iraqi government took over Kuwait in a two day Blitzkrieg and announced to the world that
Kuwait ceased to exist as a nation. The country was looted, the currency was declared worthless
and everything of value in Kuwait soon re-appeared in Baghdad with new owners.

In this situation, suppose you were a Kuwaiti educated at Oxford University lucky enough to have
a few million Swiss Francs stashed in a Zurich bank. You might also have been lucky enough to be
out of the country at the time of the invasion. Let's also suppose after your country ceased to exist,
you were stuck as a tourist in 'Swinging Damascus.' (We are joking, of course! Damascus is anything
but swinging.)

In Syria, you'd be facing deportation to your new home country of Iraq. If you were unlucky enough
to be in Kuwait (as most Kuwaitis were), your fate was even more uncertain. A mob of undisciplined,
unprofessional Iraqi teenage soldiers took over the country. Women were raped and murdered by
the hundreds. Men faced similar abuses. Many Kuwaitis were simply chained up and taken to
Baghdad as prisoners - never to be heard from again. Travel to and contact with the outside world
was totally cut off.

Commercial airlines were not willing to allow Kuwaitis abroad holding Kuwaiti passports to board
from anywhere in the world - lest the airline be fined by the country of destination for bringing
refugees or asylum-seekers into that next country.

The Kuwaiti passport went from being one of the better travel documents in the world - good for
visa free travel - to being entirely worthless.

A few Kuwaitis were prescient. Having read the early PT books, before the war, they did acquire
alternative travel documents. Their neighbours thought they were being unnecessarily paranoid.
The Kuwaiti PTs also had assets on deposit abroad - not as Kuwaitis but as Brits, Americans or
otherwise. They survived and prospered. And best of all, those who could show a non-Kuwaiti
passport in the confusion, were allowed by the Iraqis to exit the country - if they did it promptly.

Wealthy Taiwanese will face the same issue if Taiwan (ROC) is ever invaded by the People's Republic
of China, or acquired by the PRC in some type of treaty deal. If one looks at a world map, the
countries where there are (or reasonably may be) serious problems vastly outnumber those which
are stable. There is no place on earth immune from civil strife a lesson recently learned in once
peaceful and prosperous Yugoslavia. The Yugoslav passport was, for a time, an excellent one. Now
having been Balkanized into several countries, Yugoslavia exists only in history books and memories.


Political changes often come into effect so fast that citizens are caught unaware of restrictions on
personal freedom. That is, until rights they took for granted have suddenly vanished.

Take Richard Albert, an American who has lived all his life just thirty meters from the US-Canadian
border. The nearest town to where Albert lives happens to be on the Canadian side. Albert had been

BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

crossing the border to go shopping and to church for his whole life. That was until one day in early
2004, when the US decided that the border would no longer be open on Sundays. Crossing when
the border is closed used to be considered normal, but now it has been banned. Albeit, unaware of
the new regulations, was caught on a security camera 'crossing illegally' and was fined $10,000.
Now he can no longer attend his regular church.

Does your country limit foreign investments? Are there restrictions or declaration requirements on
export or import of cash? Do you need an exit permit to travel? Do you need a visa to visit any
country you would like to go?

If you don't have full control of your own assets or if your ability to travel is limited by your present
nationality - you need a second passport.

How about personal problems relating to divorce, child custody, bankruptcy, government
expropriation, violent personal creditors, stalkers, unwarranted government investigations or even
phoney, politically inspired criminal charges?

Could a second passport help you preserve your assets? Could it help you get to another place
where you could let things cool off and make a deal? Often police or a court will order a passport
confiscated just because of pending litigation.

Your ex-wife could claim that you might spirit your children abroad. Or that you are not paying
enough child support or alimony. On the basis of such a claim, even if unwarranted, you could be
jailed for contempt of court and your local passport could be confiscated - indefinitely. You would
be grounded.

Do you expect justice? Even in the Bible (book of Ezekiel) it was written that "the wheels of justice
grind slowly..." Never mind if you are never charged with a 'crime.' If anyone claims you owe child
support, alimony, or back city, state, property or federal income taxes, or even many types of debt,
you may not be able to obtain or renew your existing passport until you prove the contrary! You
don't need to be found guilty of anything to have your passport seized. Many people have found
this out too late.

Proving a negative in the face of a wrongful accusation is difficult, if not impossible. If you have to
travel urgently, your trip may have to be postponed indefinitely - maybe until you have grey hair
and wrinkles. Not all courts are free of corruption and not all judges will give you a fair shake.
Some say that expecting real justice from the Police is like expecting real music from a Military


A major benefit from a second citizenship is the right to live where you please, earn more money
and to enjoy unrestricted travel. The quality and cost of a legal second citizenship and passport
often turns on these desires. 17
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

A wealthy Pakistani, Filipino, African, Russian or People's Republic of China citizen, can travel
very few places without a visa. But the same individual, with a 'good passport' from the European
Union or even Latin America can move about internationally as he pleases. Citizens of India, and
many other countries' nationals - including the majority of countries in Africa and the Middle East
- can only get useless passports. Their rough texture means they are not even good for toilet paper.

An old acquaintance was a multi-millionaire bank owner who lived in Frankfurt, Germany, but was
by birth a citizen of Iran. If he received an invitation to lunch with colleagues in Paris or London, he
had to stand personally in long and humiliating embassy queues making travel arrangements far in
advance. A three hour round trip might take three weeks of bureaucratic wrangling (and a few
bribes!) to arrange. It was never definite that his visa would be approved at all. For this gentleman,
a European Union passport was essential. Of course he eventually obtained one through the good
offices of a PT oriented immigration consultant and a lawyer.


Another exceedingly wealthy business executive of our acquaintance was a US citizen. One day he
was attending a conference in Davos, Switzerland. To his utter astonishment, he read in the
newspapers that he had been criminally charged with "parking assets" - though he had no idea of
what criminal act might have been involved!

He was a leading light in the Libertarian Party, and it was the year they criminally indicted hundreds
of American Libertarians - including virtually all the candidates for public office. Now our hero
found himself stuck in Switzerland after being told by his lawyer back in New York that he was a
fugitive. If he returned he would be clapped into the clink.

In those good old days before 9/11, many lawyers could and would gladly (for a price) provide such
upper echelon people with nearly instant travel documents. The local governments didn't really
care nor did they consider 'trafficking in passports' to be a criminal or even questionable activity.
Rather, immigration and nationality law and finding people "instant passports" was a regular field
of practice, just like criminal law or conveyancing.

Our CEO (Chief Executive Officer) obtained a new legally issued Belgian passport and quickly
transferred his stateside assets to offshore accounts where they could not be seized. Thus, he had
the upper hand in negotiations. Rather than being in jail, assets frozen and desperate to sign anything
to get out, he was living legally and comfortably in Switzerland and continuing to run his international
business from Switzerland. Today he would have had to be prepared in advance or go to jail. Instant
(decent) passports are pretty much a thing of the past.

With his friendly lawyer who had facilitated the second passport, he negotiated a settlement from
abroad, avoiding any jail time. Today, he is a partner in a Wall Street firm and still a big shot in the
Libertarian Movement. It was a close call for him. He saved his ass and his assets with a second
passport and PT tactics.
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection


A camouflage passport is a deliberately fake passport issued, in any name you choose, from a
country that no longer exists (such as Burma, Dutch East India or the USSR).

What is the point of a document like this? Because it is not a facsimile or counterfeit of a real
passport and because the purported issuing state does not exist, it is a 'fake' passport that you can
legally carry. Imagine you had been one of the Brits in Kuwait or Iraq during the Iraqi invasion.
Let's say you had been lucky enough to have in your possession a Burmese camouflage passport.
The chances are high that an Iraqi teenage soldier guarding the border would not have known that
Burma no longer exists (It is now called Myanmar, by the way). You would have been able to
escape on your neutral Burmese passport even though your British passport would have condemned
you to be one of Saddam's 'human shields.'

Crossing a normal border with a camouflage passport would, of course, be the height of stupidity.
Most border crossings now are computerized. At the very least they will know which countries
exist and which do not.

What about using a camouflage passport to open bank accounts? It has certainly been done in the
past. In most countries, but maybe not all, it would be illegal. But these days, banks around the
world have "know your customer rules" and have tightened up procedures substantially. Worst of
all, the bank might agree to open an account and then freeze your money later, when another member
of staff looked at the passport copy and discovered it was from a non-existent country. What do you
do then?

For these reasons, we do not advise using camouflage passports for crossing borders or for banking.
Instead, use a banking passport - something we will discuss further in this chapter.

Camouflage passports are a well-established PT product. They only cost a few hundred dollars.
They are just the thing to give to hotel clerks in the Third World who insist upon leaving your
passport in a pigeon hole at the unattended front desk where it is likely to be lost or stolen. It is also
a good thing to give to thieves who want to rob you of identification documents and money. Most of
all, when some crazy religious fanatic hijacks your plane and wants to behead everyone of your
(real) nationality, you can quickly establish that you are from Burma, Belize or Ceylon—countries
he regards as non-hostile. So for all these reasons (and others you can think of perhaps?) it might be
fun and worthwhile to have a camouflage passport or two in your collection. You can probably get
away with using it for low-grade applications - like when paying by credit card at Wal-Mart or
Safeway, or when entering a night club or gambling casino. It's also something that you can show
off to your friends if you feel the need - unlike your (genuine) serious second passports. These
should be kept top secret of course.

If you fancy getting hold of a camouflage passport, check the resource section. Or just contact the
publisher. We can put you in touch with a source that still offers them.


Here's an astoundingly simple but often overlooked fact: Any wealthy "Mr Rich" can avoid all
taxes by simplv leaving the place of his birth and finding a new home in a so-called 'pure tax
haven.' 19
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

Pure tax havens (where no one pays any income tax and never has) include Bermuda, The Caymans,
Andorra, the Bahamas, Paraguay, St. Kitts and Nevis, Monaco, Sark, and many other lands.

Or one might move to a place like Ireland that does not levy taxes on the sort of income or assets of
Mr Rich. Ireland doesn't tax the royalties of artists or writers. New Zealand doesn't tax gambling
income. Many countries do not tax the offshore incomes of part-time resident foreigners. Among
these are Austria, Croatia, Italy, Switzerland, and even the USA.

The details are not so simple, but simply finding and establishing a legal residence in a place most
suitable for you is the principle. Other chapters in this book explain everything (well, almost
everything) you need to know about tax havens and exactly how to do it.

Example: A British or Irish person simply moves abroad terminating his old domicile and residence.
Residence is terminated by getting a proof of residence abroad document, such as a foreign residence
permit. How to terminate domicile? Domicile is basically 'the intention to return to the original
home, some day, eventually, maybe.' Thus terminating domicile is mainly a question of intention.
Selling the family home and buying a cemetery lot somewhere else is pretty good evidence of
domicile termination. It is not necessary for Mr Rich to abandon his British citizenship or his
maroon E.U. passport. Only residence and domicile must be jettisoned.

The rule is similar for Canadians, Germans, and French or Italian citizen/residents. They must
simply terminate their original home country residence. Domicile is not an issue. It makes no
difference whether they have the intention to return or not. For most citizens of most places, to
escape all taxes it is not necessary to prove you have abandoned either domicile or citizenship.
Outside of the British Isles and former colonies, no places we know of base taxation on the concept
of "domicile."


For United States citizens, it requires more effort and paperwork to escape than any other country
on the planet. To break free from US taxes legally requires the abandonment of citizenship, residence
and domicile.

With the exception of the United States, no other country in the world taxes on the basis of citizenship.
But even the 'Land of the Free' does give a large exemption (currently $80,000 per year per person)
from income tax to anyone who lives abroad for a full calendar year. The catch is the citizen must
file a tax return and answer a lot of questions "under penalty of perjury." If they do that, the USA
doesn't care about whether its citizens live abroad legally (as a registered resident) or as clandestine
illegal aliens somewhere. They still get the tax break.

But another catch is that the exemption applies only to "earned" income like wages, not to unearned
income like dividends or interest. However, there are completely legal ways to convert unearned
income to earned income.

The Philippines until about 2003 had a rule similar to that of the USA - but it was flouted so much
that the rule was changed. Today, Filipinos resident overseas are no longer subject to Filipino income
taxes just because they are citizens. At the same time, the rules were changed to allow Filipinos to
hold dual citizenship. Previously, they lost their Filipino citizenship if they acquired another. The
Filipino passport might not be worth much as a travel document, but it does allow one to own real
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

estate there which is a right denied to non-Filipinos. Further, foreigners are not allowed to stay for
more than six months generally (unless they are retirees or married to a Filipino). A Filipino passport
is relatively easy to get (if one lives there) and it makes a fine banking passport.

Typical of European anti-avoidance tactics is Italy. As of 1 January 1999, Italian citizens who claim
to be non-resident in Italy will have their claims of tax exemption denied if their new country of
residence is located in any one of 49 named blacklisted tax havens. Prominent Italians wishing to
escape this rule now move to the UK as a first stop. They often become British citizens after four
years of residence, thus abandoning Italian nationality. Then the Italians can then live tax free in a
tax haven like Monaco, or even in the quasi-tax haven of Italy as an EU, but non-Italian, national.

There are all kinds of rules - and there are legal strategies to circumvent them. That is why we said
at the outset there is no cookie cutter approach that can give the same easy solution for everyone. It
depends on where you come from, where you want to end up, and what your goals are. If the answer
you need is not in this book, contact us. But first read the book so that you know the general
concept, and can figure out what you want and what is within the realm of possibility. It is only
when you can ask the right questions that you will get useful answers.


An American we know was resident in Switzerland for over forty years. He hadn't returned to the
USA in all that time. When he went for his fourth passport renewal at the Embassy in Berne he was
told that the IRS demanded he return to the USA to 'regularize his tax situation' because he had not
filed US tax returns in all the years he lived in Switzerland. He was given a 30 day passport-like
document good for a one-way trip, and was told his US passport was no longer renewable without
IRS approval.

Unwilling to return to the USA and possibly face jail or huge financial demands, he stayed in
Switzerland and is instructing his lawyer apply for Swiss citizenship.

Although he has far more than the required 12 years of residence, obtaining the Swiss passport is
normally a several year long process. Also, the result is far from definite. Any Swiss neighbour with
a gripe can blackball a person applying for citizenship. And the Swiss tax authorities may decide
that they settled his accounts too cheaply during the forty years when he had another passport and
other options.

Again, it is not just the USA that is grabby and can be very threatening. Another friend tried to
renew his German passport recently at a consulate in Thailand where he was living. The German
embassy simply informed him that it was 'suspicious' he spent so much time abroad. The Consul
refused to issue him anything other than a short term, one-way temporary travel document valid
only for a return to Germany. Our friend never told us what he had been up to, but he was no happy
camper when he told us about his problem. He sure didn't want to go back to Germany.

The only moral to be drawn from these stories is that one should apply for, and obtain, a second
passport before it is desperately needed.
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection


The world is inundated with new laws, regulations, forced information exchanges, and currency
movement controls. Sometimes these rules serve legitimate objectives. But just as often, such laws
(often copied directly from Hitler Era Nazi predecessor laws) are used to subjugate the population
and keep it under close control.

Citizens of a certain very large world power nation (Guess who?) are simply no longer welcome as
clients in most of the world's financial institutions. Why? Because of many years of bullying of the
Banks by this government. This Super Power demands information, reporting and often the freezing
of foreign accounts of its citizens and others. If the foreign bank fails to bend over backwards to
comply, all the dollar accounts, stocks and other assets of the foreign bank are seized.

Ultimately, there is no choice. If the bank wants to stay in business it must violate the customer's
trust and its own secrecy laws. The customer is given up, sold out, in a word - betrayed.

The predictable result? Banks don't want the bother and the heat. The hassle they get isn't worth the
business gained. So individual Americans' accounts are simply refused. This is now the case in
much of Europe.

European tax authorities have long envied the ruthless effectiveness of the American IRS. As a
result they are all trying hard to catch up. Since 1994, most European nations jumped on the
bandwagon. By using 'blacklisting' they have implemented treaties and forced information sharing
agreements on all "offshore" financial institutions. These are supposed to kick in around 2006. In
that year, any place with bank secrecy will (maybe!) be forced to report the name, address and
amounts held to every European account holder's country of citizenship. We understand that the tax
haven banks have already worked out reporting circumvention schemes for their better clients.

As a practical matter, this rule will have little or no effect on most PTs who do not live in their
country of origin. Why? Because an Englishman or Norwegian, say, who resides in say the tax
haven of Monaco is not liable to his homeland (or anywhere else) for any income taxes. Of course
an American is always liable for USA income taxes just because he holds an American passport. As
mentioned so often, the USA is the ONLY country in the world that levies an income tax on its non-
resident citizens after they have left.

What can be done to alleviate these problems? One answer is a so-called banking passport. As the
name suggests, this type passport is mainly used for banking. Unlike for travel, where a first world
country's passport is best, for pure banking purposes a third world country is perfect. It will do you
no harm if your bank reports your annual interest and dividends to Guatemala or Venezuela or the
Philippines. Why? Because those countries don't want the info. Such information will just disappear
into a bureaucratic black hole. But one caveat! In banking passports you must not have a passport
from any countries that is a haven for terrorists or drug-related activity. That means avoid places
like Afghanistan, Bolivia, Syria, Pakistan or Colombia!

For your banking passport, a third world passport is usually cheaper and easier to obtain and just as
useful for banking as a first world passport. Therefore it can be economical and worthwhile to
acquire one or more for banking purposes even if you will be travelling on a different passport.
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

Put simply: a banking passport facilitates judgment proofing, the opening of foreign bank accounts,
the conduct of international business, the safe storage of wealth for future generations, and the
ownership of gold and other forbidden investments.


Over the years, usage of so-called banking passports has expanded beyond pure banking. A typical
third world banking passport even if is not good for most travel can still be useful for many other
things. Think printing and publication of controversial opinions, free practice of religion, buying a
tax-free car, dealing in Cuban cigars, having a second spouse and house and many other activities
that may be forbidden by your home country. Things like travel to a forbidden destination (like
Cuba, which gives out visas easily even to holders of the worst African passports...) may subject
you to arrest and fines if carried out using your existing, onshore identity.

Above all, the ability to have assets in an alternate identity available for your survival needs and to
have those assets kept absolutely confidential is another very good reason to have a second passport.
Preferably you will have perfectly legal alternate name on that second passport. More on alternate
names in another section.


To end this chapter, we will leave you with these thoughts. Many important figures in history have
used a passport of convenience - often fraudulent - to escape, to survive and to go on to great
things. The United Nations' Refugees magazine runs a regular feature article on these 'Refugees
Who Made a Difference.' Albert Einstein and Victor Hugo were two from a long, long list.

Millions more, not such important or famous people, but people like you and me, have obtained the
right papers - by hook or by crook - and done the same thing: Survived, prospered, and found
freedom and happiness.

The twentieth century "will go down as the bloodiest century in all of human history." Government-
initiated conflicts were directly responsible for the deaths of 160,000,000 human beings. These
statements of fact came from former USA Vietnam-era Secretary of War Robert McNamara, during
an interview given to CNN in 1996. McNamara continued by asking rhetorically, "Is that what we
want in the 21st century?" Want it or not, the New Millennium has started off badly. The new
wrinkles include suicide bombers, airliners crashed into New York office buildings, new wars, new
revolutions, genocide, more religious intolerance, millions of deaths—and still counting.

We, the authors and publishers of Bye Bye Big Brother, in our small way, want to save lives - and
improve lives. We feel that many people who would otherwise suffered or died, have instead escaped
with our good advice. Others will become PTs escaping oppression to go on to a full and rich life.
Life, liberty and happiness gained - possibly with the help of a second passport. Survival, together
with many other advantages, is available to those who prepare themselves with the information in
this book. We hope you will be one who is Prepared Thoroughly. 23
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

Chapter 80

Having covered why people, and more specifically why you yourself might want a second passport,
let's move on to the mechanics and specifics.


Before reviewing the details and history of various passport deals or programs, we feel the prospective
passport purchaser should always consider items on the following checklist. There are no right or
wrong answers - everything depends on your personal situation. Before you consider parting with
any cash, here are a few factors you need to seriously consider.

Is the passport you will get legally issued pursuant to a legally authorized program?

This is sometimes a difficult question to answer definitively. Usually any formally issued passport
granted by a 'strong man,' military dictator or the thugs working for him is 'legal.' But - and this is
a big 'but' - from the point of view of our readers who might buy such a document, it might be
revoked just as easily as it was issued. It might not be renewed or recognized by a successor regime.
In other words: what is legal one week might not be the next. That is how life in much of the third
world works. If you want to do any business there - passports, real estate or anything else, your
success depends upon whom you know in government, and how influential they are.

Consider this scenario: maybe during the Cold War, a certain high political appointee in the USA
wanted or needed your Dad (then a citizen of a communist country) to defect. By decree or private
law they made him an American citizen and gave him a pension for life, a new identity, and a USA
passport. Is it legal? If you asked the proverbial man in the street whether this was legal, he would
most likely assume it was not. But this sort of procedure has in fact been carried out in the USA
hundreds or thousands of times, in full accordance with USA federal law.

The same thing goes on all the time in most other countries. Another famous example where a
nefarious past may be overlooked in exchange for services to a government is the French Foreign
Legion. They can create from scratch an official new French identity for honourably discharged
veterans. Virtually every other government does the same. Sometimes there is an officially published
program, like "Invest 1,000,000€ in Ireland and get instant citizenship." More often, a high official
is simply empowered to grant citizenship to any foreigner 'in the national interest,' at his discretion.

How secure is the deal you are considering? Is it likely that a successor administration would
renege and cancel such a passport? It depends on a lot of factors. But then even native born American
citizens like the internationally known black singer Paul Robeson had their passports seized and
cancelled for political reasons. For the PT, if a deal is made quietly, and if you as a new citizen are 25
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

low profile, generally speaking, your passport should be renewable and good for life. Make waves
and political enemies, and your status will be as delicate as a mote of dust in a heavy wind.

Usually passports granted by bureaucrats of a legitimate government (dictator or otherwise) are

good forever. William Wallace was just an American soldier of fortune who invaded and took over
Nicaragua a century ago. He commanded a small band of outlaws and didn't last too long. Yet as the
head of state, many of his 'official acts' carried over to bind later administrations. These included
land grants and citizenship for his hired gun mercenaries.

What's a modern-day example of a small investment turning into a major first class document?
East German passports were handed out to anyone who went to the old communist passport office
and handed over a relatively small amount of cash. Passports and naturalization certificates were
sold for $ 1000 each (sometimes less) in the weeks after the Berlin Wall came tumbling down. The
communist apparatchik-bureaucrats knew their days in Fat City were numbered. They broke the
law and took bribes. But all of these passports were legally issued. That is to say they were not
counterfeits or stolen blanks. They were proper passports, recorded in the books as having been
issued to legal citizens of East Germany.

Many North Korean diplomats (among the thousands of foreigners), who wanted to defect to the
West became instant Germans - for a fee. These last minute East German passports were all
exchanged within weeks for regular German passports and a cash handout for all the new East
German citizens. West Germany not only recognized these passports, they gave the 'new citizens'
cash to defray the bribe money they had spent to get them. Was it legal? Does it matter?

"Is it legal?" was not a question asked of Raul Wallenberg. This Swedish diplomat found himself
running the Swedish Consulate in Vienna and Budapest during World War Two. Horrified by Nazi
persecutions, he took it upon himself to help enemies of the Nazis (Jewish or otherwise) escape.

Often just before they were herded into trains bound for death camps, people came to him begging
for a Swedish passport. Sweden was a neutral country. As such, a Swedish passport could be a
ticket out of Nazi occupied Europe. In the waning days of World War Two, Wallenberg issued
Swedish passports and Swedish national identity cards by the thousands - against the orders of his
own government. And most of Wallenberg's 'New Swedes' survived the war.

Unfortunately, poor Wallenberg himself was apparently murdered for his good deeds. But it is
worth noting he was posthumously awarded honorary Canadian citizenship. This was in recognition
that he was morally right to save lives by issuing what were technically 'fraudulent' passports. We
say "Well done Canada!" Editor's note: This Canadian citizenship is a good example of government
discretion can be used for a legal, instant grant of citizenship. More on how you can get a government
official to use his discretion in your own case later.


The answer to this question is not always "Yes." Citizenship usually entitles you to a passport, but
the inverse may not be true. For example the current Panama passport program (more on that later,
too) offers an instant investor passport but does not confer citizenship rights. Tonga until recently
issued quite a number of 'Passports' via its Consul General in Hong Kong. These passports gave no
right of entrance or residence into Tonga. They were therefore worthless because no other country
accepted them for entry either.
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

Uruguay until just recently issued non-resident, non-citizen passports. So do Estonia, Latvia and
Lithuania. The Brits also offer a passport which looks similar to a regular British/EU passport but is
intended for so-called 'British Overseas Persons' who don't actually have the right to live in the
UK. On close inspection, these British passports do not have the European Union endorsement on
the cover either.

As long as these documents look like full citizen passports, they may have some value. Border
officials in many countries simply look at passport covers and waive you through. Some countries
couldn't care less and accept them for travel. But if you check the invaluable Travel Information
Manual issued by the (IATA) airline association, you will get the official instructions to border
officials with regard to these special, non-citizen passports. Every country, even the USA, will
grant visas in these documents in the event that it suits them to do so politically.

But the question arises; will these passports be recognized for travel to the places you want to visit?
Will they be renewable? What are they worth to you if only good for five or ten years? We suggest
that the answer depends upon what you actually need. If you can and will make use of these documents
while they are valid, fine. Maybe you want to use them only for banking in order to conceal your
'true' nationality. Is such a use worth the price you must pay for the passport? Only you can decide.


We have heard that some of the thousands of passports issued by the corrupt Noriega regime in
Panama (sold to all comers at about $8,000 a crack) were not renewed upon simple request. We
have also heard that with some negotiation with amenable consuls, and for a slight additional fee,
they could renewed. In most third world countries everything related to government functions is for

Many people apparently used these Noriega era passports to enter the USA, Canada and other
places. During the (USA) amnesties and other deals over the years these faux Panamanians acquired
USA legal residence, and ultimately US citizenship, based on their Panamanian identities. Now
they could care less what Panama does about their passports. They used the Panama passport as a
stepping stone have their valid US documents. In this way many Arabs, Chinese, Pakistanis, Filipinos,
Taiwanese and others were able to immigrate to their country of choice.

The truth is that in most of the world they follow the golden rule: the people with the gold make the
rules. Panama was absolutely corrupt before Noriega, it was corrupt when the USA invaded and
removed Noriega, and it is still corrupt today. It probably always will be corrupt. Most people there
seem reasonably content to have "the best government officials that money can buy." Perhaps this
kind of endemic corruption is the will of the majority, a form of democracy?

Probably the same thing can and will be said of Iraq. But Iraq is not under consideration because for
the moment at least, its passport is lousy. One needs a visa to go almost anywhere with an Iraqi
passport. One the other hand, if it is cheap enough it might be a good investment for the future. Just
like the nearly worthless East German or South African passport, the Iraqi passport could eventually
gain respectability.
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

Most countries will grant citizenship to an eligible person due to ancestry, marriage, or ethnic/
religious background. For a price, your application and supporting papers can be made to fit the
requirements. Corruption and venality may not be everywhere you look at first glance, but
accommodating civil servants seem to be everywhere, even in the first world - if you look hard
enough. Generally speaking, once a passport is issued (with proper computer or file back) up it is
renewable and good for life - unless you make waves.


Will your new citizenship and passport will be respected and accepted by the international

During the 1980s, hundreds, maybe thousands of Dominican Republic's passports were sold by all
and sundry judges and passport officials for as little as $300. What was the natural result of this
proliferation of cheap but validly issued documents? Most major countries gave the third degree to
any Dominicans who didn't look and sound like Dominicans. Most real Dominicans are both Spanish
speaking and Mulatto. "How much did you pay for this passport?" asked the border officials at
Heathrow airport. Most holders answered truthfully. They were then told they were not legal citizens
of the Dominican Republic. They were refused entry to Great Britain and were sent back from
whence they came. The moral of this particular story is that if a passport deal is absolutely wide
open, and all comers are buying passports at a relatively low price, border officials will know about
the deal and be on the lookout for bogus 'new citizens.'

Should you ever get such a document? An American or European mainstream lawyer might say,
"Don't touch it with a ten foot bargepole." On the other hand, a number of Cubans and Haitians,
facing persecution and starvation, were able to escape their fate. Three hundred dollars (two years'
salary in Cuba) versus continuing misery? Not a bad gamble for them! Should we look down
judgementally from high ethical pedestals and criticize them for aiding and abetting corruption?
This author, for one, doesn't think so.

Now those particular games are finished. The Dominican passport issuing office has become
somewhat respectable. Most people in the business will tell you they are simply not for sale at any
price any longer. Or are they? Maybe if you look hard enough. Or maybe if you have a lawyer or
other contacts that can produce the needed backup documents . . .

The most important thing to remember is that if you get the passport of a certain country, you should
look the part and be able to answer such questions as "What is the name of the Capital and the
current president of your country?" Every passport holder should be able to speak the national
language of his supposed country. You should be the right race. A Mexican doesn't usually wear an
African Dashiki. He should also know his national anthem (one of the most complicated in the
world, but Japanese border guards have apparently been taught it in order to recognise fake Mexicans)
It is possible for a good con-man to talk his way into or out of most any situation, but not without
some basic knowledge and a well rehearsed cover story.
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection


This is very important. You must ensure there will be no unintended forfeiture of your new or any
existing nationalities if you are found to have a second passport. Will the country of your present
nationality (or your new one) pull your passport if they hear you have another citizenship - however
obtained? Look into it before you take the plunge! If there might be a problem, you will need to be
very discreet in your use and possession of conflicting documents.

In any event, a second passport is not something you should brag about or show your friends. Even
your trusted business partners or your present spouse may some day be your worst enemy. Keep it
close to your chest. Your second passport is to be treated like the "Get out of Jail" card in the game
Monopoly™. You hold it quietly in reserve till it is needed.


Is there military service associated with acquiring the new citizenship you are considering?

The Israeli passport 'on paper' sounds very attractive and easy to obtain. Just join a congregation
and study Hebrew for a few months. Many Russian emigres have reportedly bought fake birth
certificates in Cyprus that show they have Jewish ancestry.

Just get a certificate of Aliya - then return to the Holy Land that every devout Jew supposedly
yearns for. Citizenship is granted "upon arrival" at Ben Gurian airport. The passport is sent to the
new immigrant by mail a few months later.

The catch? If you are between 17 and 55 you will be clapped into the army. Even women are subject
to the military draft. And it isn't a peacetime army like the Swiss!

And on that note, to digress to the Alps for an instant. The Swiss have similar military requirements
to Israel's, requiring annual summer camp training. In Israel, Switzerland and in several other
countries this reservist status goes on for your entire adult life - until you are too old to do any more
push-ups. So if you want to be a lover, not a fighter, be sure you check out the military requirements
in your target country.

Of course another angle is that if you like military service, joining a foreign army is often a quick
path to citizenship and a new passport. The required service however can be anything form six to
fourteen years.


It is almost impossible to acquire citizenship in pure tax havens, so a new passport combined with
residence in that (new) country usually means you will have to pay some taxes. The only exception
we know of right now is Paraguay and other countries in Central and South America, where citizenship
is fairly easy to obtain and there are no income taxes or at least no income taxes on income generated
outside of the country.
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

There are a few other countries where there are taxes on the books, but no one ever pays. In New
Zealand for instance, people who make their living gambling pay no taxes. In Ireland, those who
derive their income from artistic, creative or literary work are tax free. How about the USA? You
can be tax free there too.

Sceptical? For those who say "a rich person can't live in the USA without paying heavy taxes on his
worldwide income," consider this. Joe Billionaire from Anywhere decides to live in the USA as a
legal resident for five years. But he doesn't wish to pay a dime in income taxes. Can he arrange it?
There are literally dozens of ways for him to do his time tax free.

How would this new green card holder handle living expenses? Just bring enough assets with him
in gold or cash, or otherwise send in capital. Do you need $50,000 or $5,000,000 for a comfortable
stay? It doesn't matter. You can spend your capital tax-free without limit. Another way would be
with a student visa. Students are not taxed on their offshore earnings. Another would be as a diplomat
or NGO, or governmental representative. Diplomats are not taxed. It is relatively easy to get a
diplomatic appointment. An individual paid and sent by one country to another to encourage
commerce or tourism is tax free. Find a niche and fill it! See our resource list or contact us.

Still another deal for any foreigner living as a legal resident in any other country would involve him
turning over his income producing assets to a bank in the country of "Anywhere" to hold in trust for
him. Just until he left the country of temporary residence - USA for instance. A foreign trust's
income is not taxed. And I have not even warmed up yet.

Tax laws, however, are complicated with many exceptions. Get good advice before you do anything.
Blindly relying upon the above comments or anything in this (or any book) could have disastrous
consequences. The devil is in the details!

In general, every person can choose from several options depending upon who they are and what
their goals are. The publishers are not immigration or tax consultants, but we can refer you to
experts. Our registered book buyers get such referrals for free.


If you use a consultant or agency of some sort for immigration or gaining a new passport, are all
your funds in safe custody during the application process? Will there be a full or partial refund if
the applicant is not approved for any reason? This point must be very clearly understood by all
parties. There should be a written contract.

We have found that those lawyers and fixers (i.e. the final sources) who are reliable and effective
often don't want any direct contact with their clients. They don't wish to be known to the public.
They are afraid of government sting operations. All business is by referral. The referral people or
retail agents (consultants) are not in it just for the fun of it, either. They will normally ask for - and
obtain - a non-refundable consulting fee just like a medical doctor does.

A general practitioner does a preliminary physical check. He listens to the patient recite his or her
symptoms, does a few tests, and then collects his fee for the check up and diagnosis. The GP refers
the patient to the right specialists. In the second passport and immigration game, it works much the

BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

If you are lucky, the 'GP' will make a contingent fee deal on your behalf- and possibly hold all or
most of your funds in some sort of escrow arrangement. Then, if you don't get your desired result
for any reason, you should get all or most of your money back. You will, that is, only if he's not a
fly-by-night-con-man. You must be able to find the guy holding your money!

There could be a service charge even in the event of failure. The reasons for this and amount
involved should be agreed to in advance. For instance the country you want to get a passport from
requires an AIDS exam or criminal record check and you don't pass. You don't get your passport
because you have concealed something negative about yourself. The people who have done all the
work for you don't want to be left empty handed. Your agreement with them should provide for this

If you are a high profile problem case, and the potential problem is known in advance, you could be
refused or charged a higher fee. If your background check reveals a material fraud on your part, you
must expect that you will be charged a fee for your lawyer having wasted his time. Thus it is best to
be upfront - that is, be totally honest with your chosen representative. A criminal record or having
three wives is not always going to be a bar to achieving your goals.

Finally, remember that unlike lawyers or accountants in your own country, an offshore consultant or
broker is under no duty to tell your secrets to anyone.


If you ever do have a serious legal problem like a criminal indictment, then it is already (probably)
too late to obtain a second citizenship. The passport you need to wiggle out of a tight situation has
to be there when you need it. Who will sell you marine insurance while your boat is sinking? The
process of getting a legitimate, legal second citizenship and passport almost always takes time. Six
months? Five years? That is the typical range.

Usually - but not always - there is a requirement that applicants must reside for a while in the new
country as a condition of the naturalization process. Three years is the minimum we know of (Canada,
Paraguay and Nicaragua, for example). Twelve years (Switzerland), twenty five years (Andorra and
Monaco) and thirty years (San Marino) are at the other end of the scale.

Consider that you may not be able to travel to your desired 'new' country at all during a time of
distress. Imagine if you are sued for divorce by a jealous spouse. A writ of ne exeat is served on you,
your passport is seized and you are stuck in your home country (maybe even in jail!) awaiting a
trial. That is not the time to be looking for a second passport! It is too late.

There is the 'no criminal record' certification discussed below. Most of us can get it upon request.
It's easy before you get into difficulties. But it won't be available after you get deep into hot water.
It will be many times harder to get a foreign passport after you have been charged with (or convicted
of) blasphemy, tax evasion, having forbidden oral sex with your wife or some similar victimless
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

It is not that you have metamorphosed into such a bad guy or that passport facilitators are morally
opposed to oral sex - it is just that the people in the sensitive business of providing alternative
travel documents don't need or want any heat. They don't want to end up in the dock accused of
facilitating passports for criminals. We should point out that on the grey market the cost of overlooking
your problems (and the additional risks they present) can be exorbitant. You actually can buy an
insurance policy on a sinking ship. But it costs more, it's illegal and you have to find a corrupt


"Costa Rica grants refuge and issues passports to US Fugitives" Imagine this kind of negative
publicity for a country and the subsequent problems such a news story causes. These stories have
actually run over the years. In the 1980s, the hideout country of choice (no extradition) for British
fugitives was Spain. The British tabloids called renamed the Costa del Sol the Costa del Crime.

The Seychelles ran a program in the 1990s where anyone who invested ten million dollars there
would get instant residence, citizenship and protection from extradition. As soon as this deal got
wide publicity, it had to be withdrawn.

Costa Rica has been a favourite hideout for American fugitives. They presumably don't know any
better, because most of them are eventually expelled and sent back to Big Brother of the North upon

To protect themselves from accusations of harbouring wanted criminals, most countries require
that any citizenship or resident's application include a copy of a police record from the home country.
This is verified before granting residence or citizenship.

This criminal record clearance is a document that everybody in civil law countries is accustomed
to. It is routinely issued by all local police departments in Europe and Latin America. But for
Americans or Brits getting a certified criminal record or a certificate of 'no criminal record' isn't
always easy. The UK, for example, does not formally issue such documents. But British Police,
upon request from the concerned party, will issue a Data Protection Act document giving details of
your files in the police national computer database. This is basically the same thing as a 'criminal
record.' However such a document is by no means easy to obtain and can take many months.

In the USA, you can obtain from the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) a document certifying
that you have no record and no outstanding arrest warrants anywhere in the USA. The FBI will
issue these upon request. Local county courthouses and local sheriff departments issue similar
documents. Apparently local authorities still (as of 2005) only check their own records, i.e. those
found locally. So the courthouse near where you are living now would not, for example, have on
record any convictions from another state.

This last titbit of information might come in handy for those who are not too dense to understand
why. It is certainly not the intention of this author to give any help to real criminals or fugitives.
Unfortunately we must accept that by printing this advice we stand open to accusations of helping
crooks. So why do we print it?

BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

The problem is that many people have police records on file which unjustly hinder them from
obtaining second citizenships. Is it fair that a conviction for being drunk and disorderly at the age of
eighteen should prevent a fifty-year-old businessman from acquiring a second passport?

More worrying still are victimless and political crimes. Governments change all the time. An example:
remember the time not long ago when Hungary was the west's enemy, a repressive communist
country? Many brave Hungarians risked their lives to help bring down the tyrannical Russian-
puppet government. They were sometimes accused of treason or spying for the west. Others were
simply engaged in what would be legal trading in any non-communist country. They were tried and
convicted of crimes against the state and given jail sentences.

You might think they would be pardoned or even honoured now that Hungary has become a
democratic European Union member, partly due to their help. No such luck. The modern day
Hungarian government still has communist era offenders listed as convicted criminals. 'Once a
criminal, always a criminal' they seem to say. "You committed acts which were criminal offences
against the government of that time." These people will almost certainly never be able to get visas
to visit the USA. It will be nigh on impossible for them to emigrate or obtain a legal second passport
from any country.

The bottom line is that there are many people in many countries who unjustly have convictions or
other blemishes on their official records. This makes it much more difficult for them to obtain
residency or citizenship in another country. We don't condone the use of violence or fraud but we
do try to be more understanding about past mistakes than many bureaucrats would be. If someone
has lead an exemplary life for years, we don't think that minor past mistakes should be held against
them. We certainly don't think that once a person has been punished (especially for a non-crime!),
he should be ostracised for the rest of his life.

Bottom line? What should you do in these circumstances?


1. Apply to a country which legally expunges crimes from your record after a while. If you
are convicted in the USA, you may carry that conviction with you for life. But other
countries say that, after a certain number of years of good behaviour, all people should
be given a clean slate and another chance. Sweden and the Netherlands for example are
quite liberal. Australia and New Zealand have a short rehabilitation period, and old
criminal offences are not considered by applicants who wish to immigrate there. If you
are a convicted of a non-serious crime, it can be expunged after five to ten years. In
France, once a conviction has been expunged, it is a criminal offence for anyone but the
offender to ever mention it or bring it up again! The UK has something similar, known
as the 'Rehabilitation of Offenders Act.' This allows an ex-convict legally to state that "I
have no criminal record." This applies if the crimes you were convicted of took place
some years before (exact time depends on the sentencing, etc). You would need to check
carefully the regulations in your target country, with the help of a good criminal lawyer
from there.

2. The second way is to obtain a clearance certificate from one authority that does not
know about convictions from another authority. This might come from a different county 33
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy. Freedom and Asset Protection

or state in the USA, or a different country altogether. Most countries will issue certificates
to former residents even if you are not one of their citizens. For example, in the UK one
may apply for the relevant document by post giving a UK residential address where you
might (or might not) have lived five years ago. Provided you have never had anything to
do with British police, you will receive a document confirming this. Whether that
document is acceptable in another country depends on you. This technique will probably
work in most third world countries. Generally, it is just a case of 'give them the papers
they ask for, and they will give you the papers you want.' But we doubt you could
conceal recent convictions from places like the USA, Switzerland, Canada, or Monaco.
They all tend to check residential applicants' backgrounds rather carefully.

A small number of countries require the 'no criminal record' certificate, but strangely
enough, they are prepared to accept one of their own in full satisfaction of this requirement.
For example, in the Slovak Republic it is enough to present a local police certificate -
certifying that you have no convictions in Slovakia! The Czech Republic used to be the
same until a few years ago but now requires foreign certificates, so maybe Slovakia will
follow suit very soon. Belizean or Brazilian police will also issue certificates to people
who have been living there as tourists for at least six months. These certificates are
sufficient to apply for permanent residence or citizenship. What you might or might not
have done outside or before does not matter. You get a clean slate.

The fourth method should be handled with great care and used as a last resort. This is
Interpol clearance. This is generally used as an alternative where, for some reason or
another, the applicant cannot provide a police clearance certificate. The local police in
the country you are applying to will take your fingerprints. Then you will have to fill out
a special form giving your life story and listing every single place you have lived and
every single job you have ever held. Every school you ever attended, and every single
license or permit you ever had must be listed. But it doesn't end there. The forms are just
about as intrusive as you could imagine. They forward everything direct to the Interpol
headquarters in Lyon, France. Interpol will do its own record check and then send their
reply - eventually. Of course they will check their own records and those of your country
of citizenship. Their checks seem to be of varying quality and depth. But you never
know what they will or won't pick up. If your conviction was long ago and it is filed
deep in a basement archive somewhere, it is a fairly safe bet that an Interpol check will
not pick up on it. But a vast amount of debris is floating around on computers and it is
just as likely that data on persons with similar names will surface and be included with
the report on you.

The bad news is that Interpol will keep the enquiry and your fingerprints on file in their
data base. If any government or police official later wants to find out anything about you
(from your fingerprints, name and birth date) they will get leads from the life history
document you have filed. They will also be pointed straight to the country you have
applied to.

The good news? Interpol checks cost the requesting country a substantial fee (about
$150 a shot last time we checked) Third world countries will try to pass the cost on to
you, while under-funded police in first world countries may charge you or if they can't,
they will try to avoid running such a check in the first place.

The final method is to locate a country where you have a constitutional or other legal
right to live, irrespective of any criminal convictions. European Union citizens have a
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

right to live in any EU country. If your grandfather was Irish, you have a right to live in
Ireland. If you have German blood you have an automatic right to move there. In some
countries a spouse or parent of a child he supports may have the absolute right to live
with his family regardless of his past. And so on.

It is almost impossible in a book like this to list all requirements or specific information for every
country. You can usually ask at a Consulate. The answer you get often will vary! It depends on
which bureaucrat or which office you ask. And when.

One reader writes that he was applying for Italian citizenship. He says: "Nowhere in the law was
there any requirement that Italian be spoken or understood." Yet he was asked to sing the National
Anthem as part of his "examination." Fortunately he had been tipped off that his particular Judge
would want him to sing some songs in Italian. So he was prepared. The amusing story is told later
in this book.

If you need anything from any government office in any country, unless it is going to be a slam-
dunk, try to develop (in advance) a friendly informal relationship with a local fixer (lawyer) or
directly with somebody in a position to know the ropes. Make it clear that you might not fit into the
standard mould. Discuss what they will accept in lieu of official requirements. Tell them (for instance)
that your home country will not issue a no-criminal-record-certificate because you have not lived
there during the past ten years. Will they accept a document from the Republic of Perambula instead?
Or a character reference from your lawyer? If you are charming and the officials are reasonably
flexible, you will probably be able to reach an agreement.

It is not always easy. Some bureaucrats have a two word vocabulary: "No! Impossible!" Thus,
before you start any process you need full and accurate information and maybe a good PT consultant
to help you with the unwritten law. That's why we wrote this book.


Immigration, citizenship and second passport opportunities come and go. Mostly they go. Either
way they get more expensive with every passing year.

In 1980, two dozen Citizenship-Immigration-Passport programs were openly advertised every day
in the International Herald Tribune classifieds. Today, you won't see a single such ad. Back then,
you could qualify for a Dominican Republic passport in a week or two by simply buying a home or
a small empty lot there. As a property owner you were a citizen. Not any more!

Panama, Estonia, Latvia and (East) Germany were available cheap - for way under $ 10,000 cash on
the barrelhead. Even Belgium was available. Today, those instant passports for cash deals seem to
be gone for the duration. They may be gone forever, but who knows? This post 9-11 terrorism scare
can't last for ever (we hope!).

Will we ever go back to the loose times of the 1980's? Nothing is for certain. Yet the few remaining
opportunities of today may not be around tomorrow. Or - like well located real estate - they will
probably cost a lot more in the future. That is why we recommend to our readers that they start the
paperwork and make the effort to get in under the wire. 35
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection


Since 9/11, the United States has equated second passport providers with those who aid and abet
terrorists. The fact is that of the dozen or so reputable people in the business, most of whom contacted
prospects through referrals or offshore websites, not one has or had even a remote connection with
any terrorist.

Still, intense pressure has resulted in the closure (or retreat into deep cover) of virtually all the
operators in this business. Only the frauds and a few sting operations are still openly advertising.
With the good guys laying low, waiting to see how the cookies crumble, the operators still advertising
second passports on the internet or in the press are all crooks. The honest brokers have either
retired or gone into deep cover.

The British politician, Tony Benn, some years ago attracted much TV coverage by holding up a well
known book. This book was published by now defunct Scope Publishing and written by a prominent
attorney. This lawyer was and is still an expert on second passports. But these days he has moved on
to other areas of endeavour. The politician Benn, in a passionate speech, claimed that Irish terrorists,
who were then blowing up London, were using the ideas in this book (The Passport Report) to get
passports to facilitate their evil deeds. People generally applauded this 'exposure.' The book was
then, in effect, banned. We understand that the publisher was harassed and subsequently charged
with mailing out unsolicited advertising material and accused of promoting child prostitution until
he saw the light and shuttered his publishing operations. Was this pressure justified?

Nobody bothered to mention that (without any passport) any would-be Irish terrorists could simply
get on a boat, ferry or airplane with their baggage full of bombs. To enter England, no passports or
even identity documents were needed. Baggage and freight between the countries was not inspected
unless it looked like a rocket launcher or tank.

Further, the book in question was theoretical in its approach. The specific suggestions were not
going to be of any use to terrorists. For example, chapters included details of to obtain a passport in
Thailand by becoming a Buddhist Monk. It was quite unlikely that any Irish bomb-thrower would
go to Thailand to undergo a many year long, arduous religious conversion to get a Thai passport in
order to cross the sea to England. Not to mention the fact that a Buddhist conversion would
undoubtedly have cleansed any soul of any violent impulses.

But the book was condemned none the less. The publisher sold out. His successor, similarly pressured,
shut down the operation totally. The government prevailed and stopped the flow of information
about Second Passports because of a supposed link with terrorism and crime.

Anyone with three ounces of common sense does not seek to link things that do not fit together. Yet
we see even now as we write these words, 'public service' ads on television where video pirates and
marijuana dealers are said to be financing terrorist operations. Huh? Why not ban baby food? After
all, baby food producers help grow terrorists, don't they? Baby terrorists eat apple sauce. So let's
ban apple sauce.

BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

Sometimes we wonder why we write, publish and expose ourselves to strong criticism, government
heavy-handedncss and even real danger. It surely isn't the money! This is a non-profit enterprise.
The answer?

The main reason is a historical impulse. A desire to see things as they are. To find truth and to write
these things down for posterity.

Also, a Political Purpose. A desire to push the world in a certain direction and to alter people's ideas
on the kind of society to strive for and the sort life that is worth living.

Finally, after having been abused by Big Brother in a misinformed, sad and unfree world - and
having finally found a way out of it - we feel compelled to share our own path to enlightenment,
happiness and freedom. We offer hope to those who need it.

If you have any words of encouragement, comments, criticisms, additions or corrections - please e-
mail the editors at [email protected] 37
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

Chapter 81

The second citizenship 'market' is divided into many segments.

For example:

• Countries that want and will accept all comers as immigrants and potential citizens.
After a legally established period of legal residence they will, upon application, grant
full citizenship and passports. Most countries, with only very few exceptions (like
Liechtenstein), will allow any physically resident immigrant to apply for citizenship
and a passport after a certain period of residence (with good behaviour). Often there is a
requirement to learn the local language and pass some sort of civics test. Examples of
wide open countries include: Russia, Ukraine, Philippines, Paraguay and Nicaragua.

• Countries who accept almost all comers in limited numbers if they are in such categories
as missionaries or asylum seekers. Examples: Austria, Sweden, Denmark.

Countries who accept as residents almost all persons who have certain locally needed
qualifications, usually determined on a point system. These are countries where being a
"care-giver to the elderly," dentist, sewage disposal expert, or multi-millionaire gets
you an open door. Examples: Canada, Australia, Italy, New Zealand.

Countries who will grant citizenship (possibly without legal residence) by birthright.
Fewer and fewer countries are granting instant citizenship purely on the basis that the
person in question was born there. This leaves only Canada and Australia as the two
remaining highly desirable countries for acquiring inalienable citizenship rights
citizenship by birth on their soil. See our chart in this book on this subject.

Countries who will accept as 'returning' citizens those who have some well defined
ethnic, ancestral or religious tie. These include most Muslim countries, Turkey, Great
Britain, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, France, Nordic countries, Germany and Israel. Most
countries will grant citizenship to a person who is eligible due to (recent) ancestry - i.e.
citizenship of parents, (an existing) marriage to a citizen or legal resident. A well defined
ethnic/religious background would include being of Sephardic background in Spain, or
having ancestors who were victims of Nazi era persecution during the Nazi years in

Countries who may accept and on a discretionary basis, grant residence or citizenship to
certain categories of persons "based upon personal associations, high prestige, or a
former position as royalty, nobility or head of state, recommendations and or great
wealth. Prime examples are Switzerland and Monaco. They never refuse residence to
Nobel Prize winners, for instance. Austria and Saudi Arabia have similar rules. These
countries will also accept a very limited number of refugees. Guest workers are a different
category altogether and get zero long term rights.

Countries that actively recruit or will accept self-supporting retirees. For example:
Panama, Philippines, Costa Rica, and Malaysia. 39
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

Countries that sell residence permits by requiring some kind of financial commitment
or investment. Legal Resident status takes a person to citizenship within a defined period.
Examples: Andorra (25 years!). Panama, and St. Kitts & Nevis offer much shorter
residence periods.

Countries that will waive all residence requirements and grant citizenship and passports
immediately upon the applicant's creation of an "economic tie" to that country. This
translates into plain language as serious money invested! This market, fearing blacklisting
by the USA and the basic integrity of their travel documents, has gone largely underground
since 11 September 2001. By underground, we mean the deals are still there, but they
are being done informally and no longer publicly announced or advertised. Examples of
where major investments will still get nearly instant passports: Commonwealth of
Dominica, Mauritius, Belize, Cape Verde. Austria and Ireland had such programs but
they are in temporary abeyance as of 2005. The publishers try to keep track of what's on
and what's off. Feel free to contact us if you have a spare million or two to invest.

Countries who will accept new immigrants based on family ties or relationships. Denmark
for instance, will accept the homosexual or lesbian partner of one of its citizens as a
resident and later, a citizen. Canada and most countries will accept a parent sponsored
by a child who is a citizen and resident. Most countries will permit a spouse to rejoin a
local resident.

Countries that base citizenship or immigration on race or "bloodlines." Certain countries

like Liberia (though who would want to go there these days?) will accept as residents
and citizens black or mixed race persons. Ancestors of Blacks are assumed to have been
kidnapped as slaves - even if that event cannot be proved; and even if the enslavement
took place centuries ago. Some countries in Africa (Ivory Coast and Liberia for instance)
were quite modern and prosperous as recently as a decade ago. Now they are mostly
hell-holes. As a practical matter, corruption always made it possible, and still makes it
possible to "buy" almost any "Black African" passport cheap. In Somalia, as of 2005
they are sold on the streets of Mogadishu for only S75. In the 21 Century things have
fallen apart in most of what were the "better" countries of Africa. AIDS, famines and
civil wars now make most of Black Africa unsafe and undesirable as a place to actually
live. Still, those passports may have some uses for banking or as stepping stones to
other passports.

Countries that will give instant passports to "Ethnics." Germany will take in ethnic
Germans anywhere who were settled in Russia at the time of Katherine the Great.
Passports are not instant, but will be fast-tracked dependent upon how quickly the
applicant can assimilate. Turkey has a similar rule.

Within each of these above categories there are:

(1) Countries which have clearly defined published and government administered programs.
These may involve immigration based upon a point system or a special deal for
entrepreneurs who give a certain amount of employment to locals. When the applicant
follows the procedures, within a predictable time he will almost surely obtain the desired
passport - unless the government changes the rules! And (unfortunately for those who
have depended upon them) they often do. New Zealand for instance, welcomed Asians
and offered citizenship after two years. Then for political reasons, the welcome mat was
pulled out and new arrivals were subjected to a difficult language test, travel restrictions
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy. Freedom and Asset Protection

and a five year wait for their passport. Similar rule changes affected applicants in Belize,
Canada and Northern Ireland.

(2) Countries, such as Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, and Slovakia, to name
a few, do not have any published or advertised programs but their diplomats will negotiate
with applicants for residence or citizenship on a case-by-case basis. Negotiations with
bureaucrats may or may not be successful because some bureaucrats love to feel powerful
by saying "no." Unfortunately, a fact of life is that in most countries, there are always
officials who will take money or favours in exchange for visas, passports or whatever
paperwork they have to offer. While no one approves of corruption in the abstract, when
there is an urgent need, knowing the right "bent" officials can be a lifesaver. And as
mentioned, some officials like Wallenberg of Sweden and a certain government minister
in Switzerland, actually broke the law and during periods of crisis, helped people get
documents for idealistic reasons. In the film "Schindler's List" Mr. Schindler who was
originally a Nazi who only wanted to make money, got himself into a position where he
could and did (for moral reasons) get life saving work permits for desperate workers
who came to him for help.

(3) Last, there are many poor countries where governments pay very poorly. Diplomatic
staff is expected to make enough by hook or by crook, to live and perhaps retire on their
'tips.' Laws are considered very flexible. Favours are exchanged. All rules are open to
wide interpretation and discretion. It is well known that North Korean diplomats (to
give the most extreme example) are obliged to deal in contraband to survive. With the
right contacts the applicant will usually get the desired results. Even without the right
contacts, simply visiting these diplomats and expressing your needs will often get what
is needed - for a price.

The most attractive market for some individuals is those #1 (above) countries who grant immediate
citizenship according to a clearly defined program. That is best if you can find it because everything
is done in a clean 100% legal way, with no winks or envelopes full of cash passed under the table.
These can be investment or the much cheaper, residence-based programs that usually take some
years to ripen into citizenship and passports. Basically the longer you can wait, the cheaper the
program. Five years is a typical wait but this can be reduced to two or three years. We always say,
"The time will pass anyway - so if you can start on one or more such programs while they are open,
go for it. "

On the downside, residence based programs are often uncertain due to possible changes in the law
during the residence period. Required physical residence can also be disruptive to one's business
and family arrangements. But the fact is that in most cases, with a little ingenuity, one can travel and
simply not have travel stamps inserted into the passport that will eventually be exchanged on the
basis of any required 'uninterrupted residence.'

Special, case-by-case deals (#2) are both expensive and uncertain. Even with a very good lawyer
who has a fine track record, you may lose both time and money unless the bureaucrat has something
to gain personally by giving you what you need and something to lose by denying your requests.
Contingent fee arrangements are always best in such cases. However, it will be rare that anyone will
represent you without at least some expense money up front.

Passports-for-cash in the informal or 'grey' market (#3) we will discuss later at greater length.
Generally bribes are illegal and not recommended, but there are always exceptions to every rule:
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

Remember, in most countries, there is nothing wrong or illegal in 'tipping' bureaucrats for help if
they can speed up or simplify a procedure — if they could do the same job legally.

It may be illegal in Britain or the USA to pay extra for expedited service, but it is standard operating
procedure in most of the world. That is not the same as bribing anyone to break the rules.

The first and most obvious place to start looking for a second passport is in your family roots. Many
US and other citizens are legally entitled to European or other passports due to their ancestors. If
your parents were born in almost any European country, you qualify.

If your lineage goes back to your grandparents or great grandparents or even further back, the paper
chase becomes more difficult but you might still be in luck. Germany, Hungary, Ireland and Italy are
particularly liberal in this respect. If you have such blood in your family, it is well worth following
the trail and inquiring about what you may qualify for.

If you do not know much about your grandparents or their parents, start investigating. Due to the
destruction during the first or second world wars (etc.) records can be difficult to track down or may
simply be missing. For some people, the fact that their ancestral church and/or the court house was
burned down along with the family records can be an opportunity. Destruction requires the use of
alternate documents (like affidavits) to establish an ancestry that might be useful. Read this paragraph
ten times over. Got it now?

It was quite common for landed immigrants in the Americas to change their name when they
disembarked from the ship to start their new life. In many cases, the immigration officials, unable to
pronounce or spell many ethnic names, simply changed the names as they saw fit. Often, immigrants
even lied about their place of birth, claiming to be Americans instead of Europeans. It seemed like
a good idea at the time. In those days, such data was rarely checked by the authorities and was taken
at face value. As in the above paragraph, it may take the statements of people who know the real
facts to establish your right to a foreign passport.

What if, for example, you always thought your late grandfather was born in New York City? Maybe
you can find a way to prove that in fact he was born in Italy, but arrived in New York as a baby.
Because he could not even remember his infancy in Italy, he simply found it more convenient to tell
people he was from New York.

If you can find something similar to the above case in your family background, with the help of
good genealogists, lawyers and others you may finally be able to qualify for an Italian (or other
European) passport.

Finally, remember that the rules apply to your parents and spouse, too. If you or your spouse's
parents or grandparents are living, maybe you can persuade them to become citizens of a new
country based on their ancestors - giving you one or two more generations of leeway. Once they are
citizens, it might take you a few years of manoeuvring, but you will almost certainly qualify for the
citizenships you desire in the end.
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection


In the Philippine Islands, virtually all the upper classes and everyone in politics have both the local
Filipino passport and an American one as well. Many also have Spanish or Chinese passports due to
their ancestry. And almost everyone in the Philippines is at least partly Spanish or Chinese.

But let's look at how millions of Filipinos got their USA documents? The answer is simple: any
Filipino who was in the military and fought against the Japanese in World War Two (or his
descendants) is qualified to be an American citizen. The Philippine Army was part of the American

Actually it isn't quite that simple - to establish the right to an American passport, a Filipino must
jump through a lot of bureaucratic hoops. Not only that, up till recently (2003) when second
citizenships were authorized, the Filipino-American had to avoid giving his own government any
whiff of his American connection. If the government knew 'officially,' they could pull his local
passport and confiscate all his Filipino real estate holdings. Foreigners are not allowed to own
property there. This rule was invariably circumvented by paying a suitable bribe.

Then, too, there was the matter of avoiding US income taxes. Virtually no rich Filipino pays a dime
in US taxes. Very few pay Filipino taxes either.

The bottom line was (and still is) that getting through the processing inevitably required the help of
an experienced 'fixer.' As in most of the third world, this fixer is usually a politician and often a
lawyer too. They negotiate the slippery slopes and present you with a fait accompli when it's all
over. Most fixers want an up front deposit with the balance payable as a contingent fee.

As a result, even if the military service of old Grandpa Colonel Rodriguez was 'doubtful,' wealthier
Filipinos still wangled their USA passports. Most ordinary folk with their 'do it yourself applications
couldn't qualify. One person estimated that fifty million Filipinos theoretically might be able to
qualify. If they did, the islands would empty out and the California/Hawaii population would triple
in a week!

The USA government is well aware of this situation. They control the situation by being strict and
selective. Translation: those who can pay around $25,000 get the passport. Those who can't, don't.
There are plenty of exceptions and wrong answers on the USA forms will disqualify many an
applicant. In spite of this, there are a few hundred thousand do-it-yourselfers that got the passport
and are now living in the USA. There are also quite a few USA Foreign Service officials doing time
in Federal Prisons for accepting bribes or favours in connection with visas or USA passport issuance.


Filipinos also escape their poor country by the millions with visas as nurses, medical techs or as
domestic servants. Most of them are on temporary 'guest worker' visas, and they eventually return
home. Almost all start out thinking that they want to go back home when they retire or are too old
to work any more. But quite a few marry foreigners they meet while working abroad or on the
internet match-making services. Others just like their new countries better. 43
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

The poor Filipino typically pays a travel or employment agency around $7,500 to finesse his or her
getting abroad by any means. The government a few years ago put in place (among many other
hurdles) a 'morals support officer' who must interview and approve the applications of all women
going abroad 'for their own good'. The officials are supposed to make sure the expats are not going
to be placed into slave labour or prostitution. What a travesty this has been! These officials charge
a hundred bucks or so to wink and rubber stamp all applications brought to them by low level
fixers. It is a way for them of obtaining a share of the large incomes earned abroad by the prostitutes.

They also charge an equal amount to all applicants. It's just another level of bureaucracy; another
opportunity for another political appointee to demand a bribe from the hard working, financially
pressed people trying escape poverty and improve the situation of their family. The third world is a
tough place to start out from if you are poor.

Why have we mentioned this? To illustrate to the moralists who rant and rail about corruption that
corruption is the name of the game in all poor countries. We may not like it, but nothing happens in
such places unless you pay. And many of those who try to expose corruption or fight the system are
likely to end up beaten and in dank dark prisons.


Here's one interesting back door to a European (or maybe other) passport Under Spanish law anyone
born in one of the former Spanish colonies can qualify for a Spanish passport after just two years of
residency in Spain. Anyone born in Brazil can get a similar break in Portugal. France is perhaps
even more generous, extending privileges to anyone from a French speaking country (Canada,
much of Africa, parts of Asia and the US 'Louisiana Purchase' area for example)

The rule usually depends on birth rather than citizenship. What is the distinction? Let's say you are
a German but you were born in Brazil because your parents were working there at the time. You
qualify. But if you were born in Germany and later naturalized in a Latin American country, you do
not qualify.

The old Austro-Hungarian Empire offers interesting possibilities, too. Over the centuries the borders
of Austria, Hungary and other countries in the region have frequently changed, leading to displacement
of citizens. For example, citizens who had to flee because of Hitler's Third Reich (Jews or others)
may become citizens by declaration, in some circumstances. The thousands of Hungarians who
fled the Communists in 1956, and their ancestors who left earlier, can now reclaim Hungarian
citizenship. There are always onerous technical requirements so that the lawyers can make some

Finally, the United Kingdom also has a myriad of complex rules that might qualify you or someone
in your family for citizenship. You need to start by asking if anyone was born in the UK, Ireland or
one of the many British colonies or territories. Even if they were not, if for example your grandparents
worked for the British government in one of those colonies, you could qualify.

Nobody said it was easy to obtain citizenship through one of these back doors. It will take a lot of
research. The information may not be easy to find. If you have the time and the inclination you can
do it yourself. For many people genealogy is an interesting hobby. You can fool around with the
research for years.
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

But if you need a fast citizenship for business reasons, you would be better off talking to a citizenship
lawyer or consultant who is familiar with the rules of all European Union countries. Because most
lawyers qualify in just one or two jurisdictions, it can be hard to find someone with the overall
global view covering many countries. That person in turn, like a general practitioner, can send you
to a specialist. The publishers of this book know of a few suitably qualified lawyers and well-
connected professionals. We prefer to avoid lawyers when we can, but they are a necessary evil
sometimes. We can point registered readers in the right direction.


'Passport-by-Residence' is the term used in the business for programs which do not offer an instant
passport, but nonetheless lead to a passport after a short period of residence - two to five years.
Examples are Canada, Australia, Paraguay and New Zealand, amongst many other countries.

The facts on the ground arc always changing. As we go to press in 2005, apart from the St Kitts
Economic Citizenship Program (maybe already rescinded by the time you read this), the only current
fully legal way to acquire a new or second passport is via a legitimate residency program. This
entails from two to three years (in Canada, Australia, Paraguay, Brazil, Argentina) to Switzerland's
over fourteen years of residence and processing time.

Note: these are the waiting periods cited in the laws. But processing times can be interminable. Add
at least another year or two for the 'start to finish' waiting time, including average processing

Some countries, for example UK and Canada, do insist that you physically move there and spend
most of your time there during the required residence period. Others, such as Paraguay, couldn't
care less. You simply go there once to pick up your residence papers, and you can go back to
Paraguay again after two years 'residence' to claim your naturalization.

The good news is that such options are 100% legal and relatively inexpensive, certainly much less
than the traditional 'economic citizenship' programs and also much less than buying illegal documents
on the black market.

We recommend that you go to work to get the clock running on residence as soon as is possible.
Once the clock is ticking time will pass fast. Either you're going to be near the front of the queue, or
not in it at all when they close the doors. Don't be moaning and groaning about a missed opportunity
four or five years from now. Further on in this section you will find more information on some of
the residency programs available. Take action.


Years ago I immigrated officially to New Zealand. They had and still have one of the world's best
passports for visa-free travel. Nobody hates New Zealanders!

An extra nice feature in New Zealand (and Australia) is that, just before you apply for your new
passport, you can change your name to anything you want by simply filling in and signing a deed
poll form - in about ten minutes flat!
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

The rule when I applied was that after two years residence, during which you could travel abroad,
you could apply for full citizenship and a new passport without needing to give up your prior

So, naturally, I went there and applied for residence. I rented a small apartment, and travelled
abroad the maximum time I was allowed to be out. I waited out the required two years. I paid my
income taxes in New Zealand. Then I filled out the final forms. I used an immigration consultant at
first when I started the process. But later, as the consultant wanted another $2000 to prep me and
hold my hand during the final citizenship interview, I figured there would be nothing I couldn't do
on my own. Filling out a few forms and the interview? A piece of cake. I felt I could do it all myself,
thus saving the two grand.

Big Mistake!

Everything went along smoothly and the New Zealand bureaucrats were friendly and helpful as
could be. One question in the interview was "Where have you travelled during your trips abroad
and for how long did you stay in each place?" Now I had read in the instructions that there were
certain time limits you could be abroad - like 'not over 6 months per year of residence.' So I was
careful to time my travels to be well within the limits.

As to the question about where I had stayed. I truthfully mentioned that 1 had done a lot of moving
about, and during both summers I stayed mostly at the family's old ancestral seaside summer cottage
near Brighton, England. I had inherited it and held it in my name, but it was used by several other
family members. 1 made idle chit chat about the place and thought no more about it.

Then the letter came: "Application rejected!" Nobody in the government would tell me exactly

Reluctantly, I went to my old immigration consultant and we went over everything. He explained to
me that one of the things the immigration guys look for is whether you have given up owning any
real estate in your previous 'domicile.' The British domicile rule, which I didn't know at the time
(and which has since been loosened up), was if you own a home in the UK that you could live, it
was the same as never leaving! For UK income tax purposes you are still a resident. So I theoretically
owed British income taxes during my New Zealand legal residence period. Of course 1 also owed
New Zealand taxes on all my worldwide income. But that was not directly related to my citizenship
application rejection.

British rules had nothing to do with New Zealand bureaucrats. They just automatically rejected
anyone who still owned a home back in their previous country or country of prior domicile.

The immigration consultant told me that he would have gone over all the standard questions with
me, and I would have learned of any 'secret pitfalls.' I could have simply not mentioned my visit
- or my house ownership. If I was a real boy-scout, I could have gifted the house to another relative,
thus making the 'legal divestiture' of foreign residential real estate that was required of all new

As it was, when I went back to appeal, the New Zealand official who had ruled against me told me
I would have to start the two year period all over again - without even telling me the reason for the
adverse decision or warning me about the home ownership pitfall. Because of prior business
commitments it was not possible for me to start all over and stay in New Zealand for another two
years. Without going into detail, I can tell you I lost much more than the $2000 I had so short-
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

sightedly saved on the consultant. Not to mention almost three years wasted on that whole botched

Moral of the story: If you can find an expert who knows his stuff—preferably an ex-official of the
government department you are dealing with — always use them. Second choice is someone who
has successfully been through the process either personally or on behalf of clients and has plenty of
experience in pushing through the paperwork.


We will not give you all the detailed possibilities here because obviously, a flood of visitors all
trying to cozy up to the Tuvalu Minister Of Foreign Affairs on this (or any similar) obscure island
would probably result in nobody getting what he wants. But let me give you a few hints on how it
might be done and how it should not be done. Remember: Adapt this advice to your own situation
and to the countries that interest you.

There is a certain teeny-weeny island nation we know of: Niue is autonomous, but is technically a
protectorate of New Zealand. So the Niue passport is, in effect, a New Zealand passport. If a person
and his family went there and one way or another ingratiated himself with the locals, it probably
wouldn't be long before he could leave with a Niue/ New Zealand passport in hand.

From some of these little island nations, maybe the PT could get an appointment as Consul General
- in Australia or any other neat place. These can be wangled. Your author personally knows a dozen
or more pseudo 'diplomats' who have done it. In Niue, a country with a total population of under
2000 souls, it obviously is fairly easy to become a fishing, drinking or praying buddy of the local
headman. The headman at his discretion can make you a citizen and get you a passport.

There are also similar specks of islands that are protectorates, possessions or even territories of
various major countries: For Great Britain there is Pitcairn Island of Mutiny on the Bounty fame or
the Channel Island of Sark. France? Try St. Pierre et Miquelon.

Italy, Germany, Chile, Mexico, China, Indonesia and others also have obscure little island territories.
Better known are Netherlands (Antilles), Venezuela (Margarita Island) and even the United States
(Saipan, Micronesia, the Marianas). All it takes is study and maybe a personal visit. Bingo. A
second passport and maybe even a diplomatic passport could be yours.


For an example of how it should not be done, look at the amazing story of the Gambian honorary
consul in Hong Kong some years ago. This Englishman personally sold 250 Gambian passports at
$20,000 each to Taiwanese. That qualifies as stupid, but such goings on are not out of the ordinary
in this business.

The newly anointed Consul was so sure of his scheme that for his newly minted Chinese-Gambians
he proceeded to charter a plane. The plan was for them to immigrate en masse to Great Britain. At 47
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

that time, Gambians did not need a visa to enter England. But needless to say, when they arrived, a
planeload of Chinese-looking Gambians raised some eyebrows at the airport immigration desk.
They were soon deported and on their way home again.

The Consul heard about this, and not anxious to return some £5,000,000 in ill gotten gains he took
a powder and was never heard from again. The Taiwanese were not happy.

If you are ever offered a passport or any scheme that sounds a bit fishy or implausible, use your
common sense. Either give it a pass or, before you flush your money down a toilet, run it by us for
a smell test. We have seen so many scams, that we can sniff out the BS pretty quickly. This service
is free to our book buyers. Contact [email protected]
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

Chapter 82

There used to be so many that you didn't have enough fingers and toes to count them. Now, due to
pressure from Big Brother, there are very few countries who openly and legally 'sell' passports to

Countries still pushing legal, openly operating, verifiable programs after 11 September 2001 can be
counted on two fingers. They are Dominica, and Saint Christopher (St. Kitts) & Nevis.

Belize is a quiet, low profile 'maybe' as is Panama. Cape Verde just (as of 2004) dropped out.

Ireland has left the market, as have Jamaica, Grenada and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Anjouan
another Speck-of-an-Island nation in the Comoros Islands has not yet finalized a new program that
they announced years ago. These programs and many others seem to have gone underground and
unadvertised - or be on indefinite hold.


There used to be several first class European Union countries that offered 'economic citizenships',
at what we always considered an exorbitant cost to the buyer. These included Austria, Ireland and
Belgium. What is exorbitant? I would say one hundred thousand to a million dollars was exorbitant.
But these were of course authorized by law, 100% legitimate and renewable documents. All gone
now. Or if not gone, nobody is openly touting them.

In the old days, even Switzerland had a deal where a million dollar contribution to a small Canton
(province) would result in a referendum whereby the citizens of that canton could vote in a foreigner
in as a citizen. The Prince of Monaco reportedly sold a few passports to millionaires after World
War Two. Even the United Kingdom once sold appointments to the House of Lords after World War
One. This included the title and the right to a British passport (probably even a diplomatic passport).

Belize, Cape Verde, St. Kitts and Nevis, Grenada, Tonga, all had similar 'constitutionally authorized'
legal deals in the fifty to one hundred thousand (USA) dollar price range.

The process of applying and obtaining citizenship was straightforward, and relatively automatic.
Do you consider three to six months processing time 'instant?' That's about how long it took. But
there was always an interview or three, a check of police records, and a background investigation.

This was up until September 2001, when the whole scene changed for ever.

As far as we know, the USA has tried to squelch all the foreign instant passport programs, on the
grounds that somehow terrorists might be able to buy passports and then use them to destroy Western
civilization. Of course this is rubbish. No terrorist would ever bother with investments, background
checks and legal red tape. It is far easier (and free!) to abduct and murder someone who looks like 49
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

you. Just hide the body, steal their passport, and then assume their identity. Just like in the novel,
Day of the Jackal.

The real reason of course for the American opposition to easy passports is the same as the Soviet
logic that built the Berlin Wall. The best, brightest and richest citizens of the USA were giving up
their American citizenships, buying new passports and then leaving for the PT Life. Of course
many never heard about the PT concept, they just wanted to get out.

Editor's Comment: We actually think that living in some parts of the USA offers a pretty good
economic and physical environment- but we wouldn't want to be American citizens or even legal
residents. As you have learned the PT Weltanschauung is that 'foreigners' and tourists can live in
any country and be treated much better than local citizens. Tourists and foreign investors have a
much easier task to pack up and leave if they feel the government is not treating them properly.

Just as the Berlin wall only diverted freedom seeking escapees from Berlin to Hungary and Austria,
anti-emigration efforts in the USA and elsewhere merely push the more mobile, better informed
people to seek another way out. Underground information comes at a high price via specialist
lawyers and consultants. This book offer insights and information that a domestic lawyer in your
own country often can't legally tell you - even if he knew the facts.


Today's 'instant passport' market looks very different than it did before 2001. In a word, it is tougher
and more expensive to make a deal these days. But it is still possible.

Instant passport deals come in many different shapes and forms. Some are totally legal, and some
are blatantly illegal. Some black market passports (used at the wrong time or place) can land you in
a lot of hot water. Yet even a bogus black market document could save your life. How?

Any document that looks like a passport can be useful to cross a border when you are in a life-
threatening situation like a hijacking. Or you are trapped in a war zone and your true citizenship
marks you as a candidate for beheading.

Moving up to the so-called 'Grey Market' you can buy a real passport. Some are going to be renewable
with computer back up in the issuing country. Others are more or less stolen blanks filled in by
corrupt passport office employees and sold informally.

Then there are what we call 'Lily White' passports. These are usually issued by public officials who
have the power, in their discretion, to grant citizenship or issue passports.

Which type is the best for you? Let's explore the possibilities.


During the first Gulf War, as Saddam was rounding up the many American and British oil workers
who found themselves stranded in Iraq, there was no time for them to put too fine a point on
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

legality. The Iraqis handcuffed these men to likely targets of American missiles, taking 'before'
pictures of them, and then leaving them to be blown to smithereens. There was nothing left but
blood and guts in the 'after' pics.

In the confusion of war it turned out that Iraqi border guards on the road to Damascus and other
roads out of Iraq were letting out Filipinos, Africans, Lebanese, French, Germans, ex-Soviet bloc
people and holders of any and all passports - except those of the United Kingdom and the USA,
that is.

It was much the same as in the waning days of the Vietnam War. Of course back then, it was only
non-Vietnamese who could get out. In Vietnam or Iraq if you had what looked like a non-belligerent
passport, you had an excellent chance of escaping. If you didn't have suitable I.D., you were chained
up like a dog, and faced an unpleasant fate.

At that time, British and American oil company representatives both in and outside Iraq were
desperately scurrying around trying to acquire travel documents to liberate their employees and
their dependants. Some of the same black market passport brokers that the USA has closed down or
even put in jail were the heroes of those days. They came to the aid of these stranded workers with
blank passports and batches of unclaimed and undelivered passports from their inventory. We know,
because one of our contributing writers was one of the major suppliers of life-saving documents.

These passports were quickly doctored for the stranded Americans and Brits. They needed expired
passports, camouflage passports, and even national identity cards - all of which were quickly
'renewed,' altered or otherwise put into service to evacuate vulnerable civilians out of harms way.
They worked! It turned out that even with questionable documents and a hundred dollar note or
gold coin, one could bribe a border guard and get out. But not an 'enemy of the state' with a British
or American document. They were dead meat.

How does this story apply to you? Maybe you are or some day will be a pawn in a bigger game.
Your own Big Brother Country won't or can't do a thing to help you. In many instances, your own
country may be the driving force that wants to string you up. Wait for them to knock at your door
and you will be strung up on a high tree (figuratively speaking) and left to dangle in the wind.

When facing something like Saddam's or Big Brother's 'justice,' you won't have any choice. You
pay what ever is asked, you do what ever must be done to escape. If it's available and if that's the
only choice, of course you will get an illegal, black market passport for one-time use - if that's what
will work.

You try to save your ass. Or you don't. In a crisis, there is no time for seeking a legal way out, no
time for internationally recognized 'investor programs' or the clever and creative artistry of the grey
market. When in a very tight spot, you do what you have to do, illegal or not. And you do it fast.
That's why there will always be a black market, and that's why some day (if you are not well
prepared) you may be very grateful for its existence.


There are, in various places, respectable lawyers and others (usually ex-politicians) who convince
legislators or government ministers to establish official programs. Part of the deal is that the backers 51
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

of such programs are authorized to represent clients in their applications. They command high fees
ranging from the mere bagatelle of $50,000 to much greater amounts, sometimes in the millions.
These 'respectable' lawyers write, lecture at seminars and look with scorn and disdain upon any
'scandalous' or 'fraudulent' programs - especially if they are grey market deals undercutting their
high-cost programs.

First rule: caveat emptor. A program or passport is not legal simply because the promoter says that
it is. This should be obvious, but it is amazing how many people suffer from myopia. The applicant
must see a copy of the relevant laws governing the issuance of passports. The existence of any
claimed investment program should be verifiable at any of the country's embassies, consulates, and
relevant government offices - not merely by one minister or official who says it has to be kept a
secret. If it's a secret, then ipso facto, it's a grey market deal, or maybe just a scam.

In a lily white deal, if the application is successful, the applicant should receive a duly endorsed
certificate of naturalization, as well as a passport. These must be in his own name - certainly not the
name of some deceased or fictitious individual. A legally changed name with the proper birth-date
is OK. The date and place of birth shown in the documents should always be the real vital statistics
for the applicant. The passport itself should be delivered at a consulate or an appropriate government
office by an identified, named genuine official of the government.

The country issuing these papers should be a stable, democratic one - a 'real country' not a fictional
place like the Principality of 'Melchezidek.' There should be no legal clouds over the country's
right to grant citizenship. The applicant should check and make sure that he understands both how
his original (home) country may view his new citizenship and how his new country may view his
native citizenship. Many countries do not allow dual citizenship.

Contrary to popular mythology in the second passport world, there is currently no legal verifiable
instant passport program in South America. Everything coming out of there is 'grey market.'
Neither is there any legal investor program in Central America apart from the old, discredited
Belize program.

Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay do have residence programmes, requiring deposits in a local
bank, which lead to citizenship in as little as two years. Other Latin American countries generally
insist on three to five years of residency. But, given the current political and economic chaos in
Argentina, it is not clear if any official will do this without suitable motivation. And that would take
you back into the grey area.


How about negative aspects of the lily white programs? They can be considerable. The following
are important factors to bear in mind if you are contemplating these 'white glove' programs.

First, the official investor programs all have provisions for background investigations and criminal
record checks. Thus, in a perfect world, it should be acceptable to other nations that third world
countries sell passports openly - with controls so that undesirables do not get these travel documents.

But in the real world, the United States, the European Union and other entities disapprove of and
blacklist all such programs - while cynically pushing their own million dollar investor programs.

BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

So you may find yourself landed with a passport from a country which is effectively blacklisted or
subjected to lots of extra scrutiny at borders. You can be reasonably sure you won't face any legal
risks travelling on the passport - but if the countries you want to visit refuse you a visa because they
know you bought your citizenship, what use is it?

Secondly, there's the simple factor of cost. These official programs, even in corrupt, disreputable,
aids-infested, ratty third world countries with lousy passports, seem to require an absolute minimum
of around $50,000 in cash for either investments, for fees or both together. These fees and the
money that needs to be tied up can amount to over $1,000,000. People have actually put up such
enormous sums in places like Canada, Austria, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand.

Even in Canada, the vast majority of foreign investors have ultimately lost or been fleeced out of
their money in these programs. Unfamiliarity with a new environment and an investment opportunity
chosen by a consultant often leads to financial disaster. The reality is that these investment programs
are so expensive as to be far beyond the means of most ordinary people. And for wealthy people,
they would not go into the deals offered if it was a pure economic decision. Why? Because the
typical investor deal in some new hotel or casino is a lousy business deal. They buy into a deal for
the passport, and then they get the passport but kiss their investment goodbye.

Then there's the issue of discrimination. Passports issued under such official programs are often
revoked or given a new status by a later administration. A good example is Dominica today. Dominica
as of this writing has started issuing new-style passports to its 'normal' citizens. These come with
residency and work rights in other Eastern Caribbean countries. Not so for Economic citizens who
upon renewal, still receive the old style passports. This makes them second class citizens with
fewer rights than natives. The original contract guaranteed full rights. Now the investors are 'less
than equal.'

Our experience has been that in the countries selling such documents, there is often political fallout
because the voters (i.e. the 'people' stirred up by sensationalist journalists) don't benefit at all from
those foreign investors. A few well placed politicians and lawyers running the schemes end up with
well filled pockets. In the next election, they are thrown out as 'greedy scoundrels.' The opposition
politicians and their eventual successors promise to kick out the foreign vultures and end the practice
of selling passports. What happens then? We have seen it time and again.

The opposition takes office. They discontinue the plan and sometimes revoke the passports granted
under it. Nobody can sue a sovereign government. So the investors are screwed. Then after a short
period the newly elected politicians invariably enact a new variation on the old passport sales plan.
It allows them to board the gravy train, too. Sometimes the new version involves a quiet exercise of
discretion. It becomes an unpublicised grey program. This is far more profitable for the new ministers
or officials who can take cash gifts in exchange for their exercise of discretion in granting citizenship
and passports.


Even the very highest level investment programs in relatively honest countries can work out for the
client in unexpected ways. We heard the following story from a reliable source and regard it as
probably true. 53
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

'Tom Douglas' was an American lawyer who successfully defended many big time drug dealers in
the 1970's. He became a millionaire from his fees and successful investments.

He had bad luck when he turned forty. The Drug Enforcement Administration, through a sting
operation, established that his involvement with some clients was so intimate, that it amounted to
conspiracy and money laundering. Unless he squealed on and testified against his own clients BB
would see to it that his license to practice law was revoked. There was a good chance that Tom
could even be convicted of "conspiracy" - a vague, victimless thought crime that requires no overt
actions, but only discussions.

The lawyer was worried, and eagerly jumped at an alternative they offered him: a chance to serve as
a protected and paid undercover agent for the DEA. The standard deal with the government was
that he could (as part of his new job) now actually make drug deals, keep the profits, and even get
paid a government salary and expenses. He just had to report on what he was doing.

Tom realized that he might, some day, be called upon to testify. And if that happened he would be
assassinated. But this was something that might happen in the distant future. He would think about
that another day.

That day came! Tom had been representing principals at the highest levels of a ruthless Columbian
Cocaine Cartel as a lawyer. As an undercover agent, he had also infiltrated the organization enough
to socialize and talk business with the Kingpins in Medellin.

It was at this point that Tom realized that he was in way over his head. The danger to him, his wife
and two small daughters was more than he could be comfortable with. He told his DEA handlers
that he wanted out, that he would go straight, and that he would voluntarily give up his law license
and retire. His DEA supervisors were ambivalent, but he took this response for acquiescence.

Tom told his Colombian clients that due to stress and heat he couldn't take, he was retiring and
would be moving to another country. They didn't mind. "Good idea, Compadre," they said.

This is where the story intersects with our main topic, second passports. Tom, the lawyer, was a
multi-millionaire. Now in his mid forties, made arrangements with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
of the Federal Republic of Austria. The deal was that Tom would acquire and expand a major
Austrian vineyard by investing upwards of $4 million there.

Under Austria's then existing investor/passport program he got instant citizenship, a passport and
permanent residence status for himself and his family. He moved from America to Austria, became
the proprietor of a Schloss, and settled in comfortably as an Austrian land owner. He officially
renounced his USA citizenship to cut all ties and also to be free of the USA income tax filing
requirements. He felt free.

But the bliss was not to last. Two years later, his old Colombian clients and former business associates
were in the dock in a federal drug bust. In the 9th Federal District (California) this arrest and
extradition was receiving publicity as "the biggest drug bust of the decade."

A DEA agent flew to Austria to visit Tom and said that his testimony in the case was essential. Tom
would be required come back to give evidence about the operations of the gang and his former role
as an undercover agent. Tom figured that if he ever testified or even was suspected of being a
government witness, he and his family would be dead meat, slaughtered by associates of the cartel.

BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

All the witness protection in the world would not help them because the gang itself had connections
in high places in the USA. For a price, even the most secret government records can be obtained. If
he testified, they would get him and make an example of him and his family. So he refused to return
to the States. He also figured that as an Austrian citizen, he was now beyond the jurisdiction of the
Americans and could stay out of the fray, on neutral ground.

Wrong! The next thing he knew, Tom was in the San Francisco Federal Detention Centre, being
prepped and readied as a material witness. The American ambassador had merely whispered in the
ear of the Austrian president. The American authorities said that they (the Austrians) had unwittingly
given Tom Douglas, a major kingpin in international drug trafficking, citizenship and the red carpet
treatment. And unless the Austrians quickly and unilaterally cancelled his passport and expelled
him from the country, the Americans would take "appropriate blacklisting measures against Austria."

There was no proof, no request for extradition, no paperwork. Yet Austria caved in at once. Tom's
$4 million might have just as well been poured down a toilet. Handcuffed to Federal Marshals and
given a one-way USA single trip passport, he was flown into the USA as an 'unindicted co-
conspirator.' This is legalese for a guy who will either testify exactly as the government wants, or go
down the tubes with the other criminal defendants.

What can we learn from this case? If Tom and his family had simply disappeared until all his old
associates in government and in crime were either retired, replaced, dead or in jail, he would have
been much better off. The high profile, fully legal escape route he thought would put him in the
clear actually left him exceedingly vulnerable.

The moral of this story? The high level 'lily white' arrangement in some cases may be worth a lot
less than a low level deal where a completely new identity is purchased from an insignificant
bureaucrat - for a lot less money. The client and new PT then simply rents a nice home or apartment
in a resort area with many transients, and lives a low profile life, enjoying his money and his family.
Tom should have provided himself with a witness protection program that really protected him
against being called as a witness. Each person has their own problems and goals and a conference
with one or more outsiders would have helped Tom. Lawyer's Proverb: A lawyer who represents
himself has a fool for a client.

In the case of Tom, who knew he was skating on very thin ice, a complete disappearance and
severance of all ties would have been a more intelligent alternative. But it is always easy to say what
would have been the right decision after a disaster. We can, however, learn from Tom's mistakes.

So remember this, dear reader: Tom was not a criminal! He was, at the start of this tale, a lawyer
doing his lawyer job as he saw fit and he was in the right to do it that way. It is not unusual for
successful lawyers to end up as targets of government. He reluctantly went over to the other side
because he was coerced or blackmailed into becoming an informer. An honest man, he wanted out
as soon as he was in.

He was a lawyer, and of course wanted to do it the 'legal way.' It took him several years to work out
what he thought was a foolproof escape route. He openly emigrated to Austria, went into a different,
respectable business and was a good citizen there. He properly settled all his USA income tax
obligations. He severed his legal ties with the USA and was a totally clean 'expat' for two years.

What happened next? The USA simply lied to the Austrians and accused him of being a drug dealer
- which he was not. To preserve his life and save his family, Tom in jail, again refused to testify. He
then got a fifteen year sentence. The main drug accused kingpin jumped bail, went back to Colombia 55
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and is now one of the top politicians in their government. Tom is in a difficult position in more ways
than one - but for our purposes, his story is finished. He won't see daylight for a long time.

Lawyers always recommend 'legal' programs but they don't always work out as planned. For some
people who want to escape their pasts, the Lily White Path recommended by the straight arrow
lawyers may not be a good idea at all.


We are not recommending that anyone break any laws, but we do owe it to our readers to tell the
facts as we know them. The prices for a grey market passport are much less than the cost of the legal
investment programs. The time needed from start to finish is a few months. This is usually a lot
faster than the expensive programs. The information and paperwork demanded of the applicant is
much less.

By closing down the cheaper programs of citizenship for sale, Big Brother has pushed much of that
business onto the grey market. By 'grey market' we are basically talking about legally issued passports.
They are registered in the right places - like computer data bases. Even primitive third world countries
now have computer records of legally issued passports and stolen passports.

But behind the legally issued, by definition there is almost always some fraud or corruption involved.

Sometimes purveyors of grey market documents, we must admit, can be devilishly clever! Here are
a few cases we have heard about.


Mr. X, who wanted to disappear completely, was offered the chance to be reborn as the 'illegitimate'
son of his own mother, born on his exact date of birth, in a town in the third world that was of a
similar name to the city where he really was born. Let's call it Nuevo Philadelphia, Perambula.
Perambula is just a fictional name we use to represent the country of new passport.

X figured that with fairly correct information on his new passport, except with his mother's maiden
name replacing his own, he could still return to his old identity again, if he ever wanted to do so.
Like a good PT, he was keeping his options open. In the meantime he would move to a third country
as a citizen of Perambula - with a new name. There the legality of his new passport was not likely
to ever be challenged.

Not only that, his new country of residence, say Costa Rica, would eventually grant him their
passport based upon a three year residence and a small tip for expedited processing. He would
never surface in any search for him under his old name, nor in any general fishing expeditions
looking for Americans. What do you think?


An alternative was to use all his real, correct documentation with the addition of a "registry of
foreign birth" in Perambula. This would show that either his mother or father was a citizen of
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

Perambula at the time of his birth. Thereby, Mr X himself was for that reason a citizen at birth and
forever after. Result? He could get a passport any time he desired one.

The backup registry documents were totally genuine, although based upon the sworn affidavits of
very old people who said they knew the parent(s) and knew them to be citizens of Perambula. If
ever questioned in the future the people who made the affidavits would doubtless prove to be too
senile to remember anything. Or they would be dead.


In this alternative scenario, Mr X had supposedly rendered valuable services to our imaginary Latin
American country, the Republic of Perambula. At the discretion of a judge or other official, he was
for this reason, awarded citizenship. In this case or in all of the others (above or below), a name
change is legally permissible. In fact, in Perambula, a name change to the Spanish equivalent is
customary. That would work too!

Not only that, in the Spanish tradition, one's last name can be the mother's maiden name and/or the
father's surname.


The applicant's father or grandfather was shown to have served in the Perambulan National Guard
as a foreign soldier of fortune - and this entitled them to citizenship. All that is needed is some
affidavit or documentation of this 'fact,' and a favourable ruling from the right bureaucrat.


The great-great grandparents of Mr X were from Perambula. This entitled him to citizenship. This
actually works with Germany and Japan in some circumstances. Many other countries give rights
based upon recent or distant ancestry. In Israel, the association can be 3,000 years earlier!


This works in countries where there is a great deal of leeway and discretionary power on the part of
bureaucrats - who may be motivated in various ways. A resident's permit is been granted to Mr X.
After a short period citizenship follows for the strangest reasons. These are a few we actually

It could happen that because one spoke Turkish, or loved Swiss Yodelling, or was a member of the
Hibernian Lodge, or was a convert to Islam, one qualifies for a passport somewhere. All of these
quirky attributes or strange talents have resulted in relatively quick second passports.

Many countries have immigration laws that allow certain strange classes of persons to apply for and
get instant citizenship. We explore this more in the chapter about 'Finding Your Niche.' These
situations may not even be grey market, but are just quirks that you hear about or can fit yourself
into. In another for instance, there was a chap from near Louisiana who had a French name and
spoke a local dialect that turned out to be 'Acadian.' It turned out that this name and language skill
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

got our hero on a fast track for immigration to either Canada or France because (even without any
paper documentation) he was presumed to be a descendant of a French Pioneer. Did he learn 'Acadian'
just for this purpose? We don't know.


In Germany and Spain, Arabs and Africans have arranged marriages with prostitutes or 'old maids'
whom they meet for the first time at the altar for a quick ceremony. They do not see the new spouse
again until she accompanies the 'husband' to pick up his residence card.

Marriage assisted immigration happens all over the world. It was the subject of a 1990 comedy
movie in the USA called Green Card starring Gerard Depardieu and Andie McDowell. In typical
Hollywood style, the couple actually does fall in love. After the usual problems there is a typical
Hollywood happy ending. In real life, the foreign spouse just gets a divorce once he has his papers.
Later the husband brings over his real wife from his original home country and marries her again,
giving her and the kids citizenship too.


Even in places where it is virtually impossible to get local citizenship - like Monaco and Liechtenstein
- well-placed government officials can legally exercise wide discretion. In Liechtenstein recently,
the Prince granted citizenship to an athlete who had won an important victory for Liechtenstein.
The proper authorities can always, anywhere, grant citizenship to anyone they please, anytime they
please. But this kind of discretion is much more commonly exercised in the countries of Latin
America and Asia.

In the USA, the same power exists. It is generally in the hands of influential politicians. They can
get private laws passed to benefit constituents or personal friends. It is illegal to bribe someone to
introduce a private bill, but the dividing line between financially supporting a Senator's favourite
good cause and a bribe is often deliberately fuzzy. A private bill (and there are many) can be introduced
by any lawmaker or parliamentarian. They can exempt any individual from the general laws or
confer any benefit the government has the power to dispense. This includes citizenship.

In the USA, it is an unwritten rule that such bills are usually passed unanimously, without discussion.
Every lawmaker expects his own private bills will be passed in the same way by his colleagues.
Generally they are. If you want to be shocked at what your legislators are giving away, read these
private laws. They are published in the Congressional Register. You can probably find them all on
the web. But we won't spend a lot of time on this topic, nor on getting a passport this way in the
USA. Private bills are only for the rich and influential.

Marc Rich, the Billionaire onetime fugitive commodity trader, supposedly spent well over
$20,000,000 all told on obtaining his pardon. Before him, the world's most famous billionaire
fugitive was Aristotle Onassis. He married the widow of the USA president. Sympathy for her was
so great that she had not trouble getting a pardon for her new husband.

BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

Of course any pardon is an executive prerogative, not a private bill - but the principles involved are
similar. No doubt a president or national leader could arrange for anyone to become an instant
citizen. But when it comes to USA citizenship, few high-net-worth individuals want the 'highest
priced passport in the world.' The USA as mentioned earlier in this chapter had an investor program
of the sort they condemn and discourage when other countries announce them. But it was not very
popular. There are better ways to get a USA passport than tying up half a million bucks in a
McDonald's franchise in the Harlem ghetto. In fact, there is even a special 100% legal American
passport (not so costly) that doesn't cause it's holder to be liable for any tax on his worldwide


Somewhere in Latin America this typical story unfolds...

Sam Spade is a semi-retired American, formerly with the CIA and now a spare-time middleman and
passport broker. He meets his source and golf buddy, Jose Ramirez, at "The Club." Jose is a grey
eminence - a semi-retired lawyer and the former mayor of the town of El Capitale, Perambula,
South America. All names are fictional, if you haven't figured that out yet!

Sr. Ramirez is the former ambassador to Rome, and former Minister of Immigration. Unknown to
anyone but him and Sam, he was also formerly in the pay of Sam Spade's ex-employer. Ramirez got
his start in politics when he was funded by Uncle Sam - via Sam Spade. The two go back a long
way and trust each other implicitly.

It is lunch time at the Country Club. Over cigars and a fine cognac, Sam explains that he has a client
who loves the country of Perambula and would like to become a citizen as soon as possible. Because
they have been through this before, the script is a familiar one. They don't even discuss the client.
But Sr. Ramirez knows the client is not going to be a problem. Why? Because he comes recommended
by Sam.

Sam hands His Excellency a box of the finest Cohibas Esplendidos, Castro's favourite cigar. Inside
the box is an envelope containing $20,000 cash and the blank signed passport application of the
client. His client's old expired passport is also in the cigar box. His Excellency looks it over briefly.
They talk of wine, women, classical music, and the good times his Excellency had on his last visit
to a 'Magical Nightlife Week in Paris' - all expenses paid courtesy of Sam.

After Sam leaves, his Excellency gives his son and partner $10,000 cash and certain instructions.
The assistant personally visits the Jefe of Immigration, and hands out a few of the cigars and a
bottle of Chivas Regal.

Casually, he points out that the border officials neglected to stamp this passport with an entry stamp
five years ago when his gringo friend arrived in Perambula. Because the gringo doesn't speak
Spanish, Sr Ramirez agreed to drop by the office and fix the problem. $500 is inside the passport.
The Jefe whips out the appropriate stamp, twiddles the date five years back and apologizes for the
errors of his underlings. The 'correctly' stamped passport is handed back minus the $500.

A few hours later, in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the current director of immigration receives a
hand delivery of the naturalization and passport application. Everything is in proper form, with the 59
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passport showing the applicant has been in residence for more than the required time. $5000 cash is
in the envelope.

"Licenciado, we don't see enough of you around here; how is your esteemed father?"
Other deliveries are made, and in due course all needed papers, medical exams, waivers of this-n-
that are processed. Three days later His Excellency has in hand a new passport, Naturalization
Certificate, a driver's license, a local Visa credit card, a cedula (ID card), and three different letters
of congratulations and reference from high officials commending the new citizen on his generous
charitable works in Perambula. Not forgetting the police certificate confirming that the client has
not committed any crimes during those five years spent in Perambula.

These are in turn delivered to Sam Spade who gently places on His Excellency's desk another white
envelope. A round trip ticket and paid hotel reservation for 'Theatre Week in New York' is clipped
to the envelope.

Sam says his goodbyes, collects the balance due from the middleman, and the passport and supporting
documents are on their way to the client.

The unwritten understanding is that the client is now a citizen and can even live in Perambula if he
chooses to do so. All the right papers are in the right files. But if he turns out to be a 'bad guy' in any
way, all documents will be disavowed, and the officials will give stern orders to tighten up on any
processing which lets 'bad guys' into the system.

There are endless variations on the above. But the general idea is that when trusted friends need a
favour, it is granted. The relationships are the important thing, and as everyone will tell you - the
cash is incidental. Just as you don't accept a dinner invitation without bringing flowers or chocolates
for the hostess, you don't ask for favours without a 'token' gift. In three days, with a little cash and
a good fixer, the client gets what could have taken seven - eight - ten years or even forever without
that little help from his friends. Everybody is happy.


Let's look at the grey market from the provider's point of view for a moment. As we said above, if
the client turns out to be a bad guy, the documents will be disavowed. If the client tries to get into
(opposition) politics or buck the existing system, he might find that his file disappears and his
passport is not renewable. Or worse.

The biggest risk is that the client provided with the passport is a person who will use it in connection
with a major fraud or other crime. If such a client is found to be involved in a terrorist plot, fingers
will be pointed at any official who issued or signed off on the passport. Unless this person is
extremely high up, secure and well-connected, the bureaucrat will find himself dangling in the
wind - maybe even literally! Needless to say, bureaucrats do not take such risks for peanuts. Nobody
wants heat.

BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection


A Panamanian-resident friend of ours tells an interesting story about corruption gone wrong. It
illustrates how governments can never be trusted to stand behind grey market documents, however
well the officials are paid off at the time.
Once upon a time there was a Chinese guy who had apparently swindled the People's Republic of
China government out of a small fortune. He moved to Panama and acquired a local grey market
passport. He established a business, and lived happily there for many years. The Chinese knew he
was there, but regular payoffs to officials meant he was well protected in Panama. Or so he thought.

That was until Panama, a few years ago, accepted a big, low-interest loan from Taiwan. This upset
the mainland Chinese government. China has major economic and financial interests in Panama.
The Chinese Ambassador expressed extreme displeasure with the current Panamanian Minister of
Finance's mistake and made certain threats.

"How could the Panamanians make up for this mistake and get back into China's good graces?"
asked the president of the ambassador.

You guessed it. The Chinese swindler was requested for the chop. Panamanian officials were soon
on the phone to a local wheeler-dealer, wanting to rent his private plane for a quick trip to Cuba
with three cops and a prisoner. They paid cash in advance. The pilot later told us that he had never
seen a handcuffed man fight like this. The poor sucker definitely knew what was in store for him.

That's right - the Chinese fugitive, with his Panamanian passport and citizenship, was suddenly
and without any court orders or other formalities, expelled to Cuba. From there Fidel Castro, of
course, sent him straight home to China. The Panamanians declared to the news media that it had
been established that the fugitive's passport was acquired through illegitimate means. No further
details were given. They had also officially found out, after 15 years (!), that this guy was wanted in
China. "Naturally Panama just wanted justice to be done."

Foreigners on the run often quip: "Panama offers freedom to anyone willing to pay for it." Freedom
for all who buy protection? - Well, for as long as the local kleptocrats don't get a better offer.

Another person who thought her protectors would stay bought was Dutch 'Narco-Godmother' Moear.
In her biography, writing about Panama she famously stated: "In a corrupt country you can do
much more with your money. " That was six months before she was arrested and deported from
Panama. She has since drastically revised her opinion.

Bottom line? If you are high profile character, you can probably never pay off enough people to buy
secure protection. Colombian drug lords like Pablo Escobar, who positively courted media attention
and fancied himself as a much loved celebrity, can pay the powers that be enough to keep their
freedom for a while. But in the end, if you are a big time swindler, terrorist, drug baron, or if you
insist on publishing a biography of your criminal life - you will get your comeuppance.

On the other hand you can be an anonymous Joe Sixpack who bribes a bureaucrat $20,000 for a
passport. Then you disappear to live peacefully and quietly in another third world country. Stay
below the radar and you will probably live many years in peace, love and harmony. Blend in, be
invisible, have good looking documentation, stay out of trouble.
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

Chapter 83

Many people movers - known as 'Snakeheads' in Asia and 'Chicken Hawks' in Latin America -
specialize in getting people to their destination for a fee. No visas. No passports. No papers. No
questions asked.

Normally snake heads with a good reputation will be paid 100% cash up front. If the cargo doesn't
make it, the customer can get a refund or can try again. Others will take part in advance, and the
remainder upon a successful delivery.

Why do people willingly pay to be moved illegally from their home country to another part of the
world? The reason is almost always purely economic.

Starving refugees can't afford to pay anything unless relatives abroad will help them out.

Generally, the people who use snake-heads will take any hard and dirty, low-paying job. Why?
Because they need money to send back home to repay the snake-heads and then support impover-
ished families. Once they arrive in a prosperous nation, the illegal aliens simply work black - that
is, unregistered in tax and social security systems. To avoid deportation they just try to stay out of
sight and out of trouble by adopting PT low-profile tactics.

Most authorities in Europe and some parts of the USA go quite easy on these 'undocumented
aliens' because they are gainfully employed in jobs locals won't do. Many politicians realize that
these low-cost workers comprise an essential ingredient in their national economies.

Politicians may choose to criticise illegal immigration in public. Shows of xenophobia in public are
often a good way to win votes from the lazy masses, who think the world owes them a living and
immigrants somehow threaten that status. But apart from the talk, governments rarely instigate
serious actions against illegal immigration.

Where would California be without the Mexican workforce? How could middle and upper class
Italian matrons cope without their African maids and Filipina nannies? Normally the migrants cause
no trouble and only a very few get involved in any criminal activities. Yet the media and many
politicians have a tendency to blame the illegal aliens for all kinds of problems.

Anyway, if they manage to survive a few years, eventually illegal immigrants can get legal in a
number of ways:

i) In the next amnesty

ii) By taking a job that gives them legal status

iii) Enlisting the aid of a helpful employer in applying for a work permit 63
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iv) Having a child born locally (illegitimate or not)

v) getting a life-partner (gay or heterosexual)

vi) working for an NGO, or a diplomatic family

vii) Getting a government job maybe in the military or police service

viii) working in the Merchant Marine or on a yacht

ix) becoming a trainee in a corporate program

x) being a student

xi) becoming a fiancee or spouse

xii) becoming certified in a "needed or vital occupation"

xiii) becoming a registered guest worker

xiv) simply being "settled in" and gainfully employed (British Rule)

It all depends on the country. Once settled in, making normal contacts and getting a job usually
results in being able to stay for as long as desired,
desired. Only a minimal fraction of the illegal aliens in
any country are ever actually caught and deported.

One of the interesting tricks these people use to avoid deportation is to carry no identification, and
to refuse to speak a single word if they are arrested or detained. If the arresting officers can't
establish where they came from or who they are, they have to be let go. The reason? Governments
have to be able to repatriate suspected illegals to somewhere that will accept them. If the government
can't find out who a person is or where they came from, they can't do anything to them.

This ploy works well, we are told, in Europe. Even the Americans don't know what to do with
Africans or persons of indefinite origins. Mexicans picked up in the USA usually admit where they
came from because they are happy to get a free ticket home for a vacation with their families. The
experienced migrant workers have contacts and know they can sneak back over the border again
and again.

In the USA the 'Migra' can sometimes play rough. Most suspected illegal aliens - those who can't
produce a green card - are assumed to be Mexicans. Talkative or not, they are handcuffed, bussed
out and are just dumped by Federal Marshals in the deserts of northern Mexico. Even USA-born
citizens who look Mexican are sometimes caught in this net! If dumped in the desert without money
or friends, it can take years to get back.

Another trick that sometimes works (to avoid deportation) is to fight, scream and resist being placed
on a plane to your home country. If someone makes such a fuss, yelling that they will be murdered
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

if sent home, normally the flight crew will refuse to transport the unruly passenger. But lately, in
some countries, people who try this tactic are drugged and put aboard a plane while unconscious.


Now here's a funny tale! Huge numbers of Belizeans (about 50% of the entire population of Belize)
are, at any given moment, illegal aliens in the USA. But Belizeans are not Latinos. They speak
'Black English' and appear to be American blacks. They blend in so well, they are almost never
apprehended or deported!

Belize, an English speaking country below Mexico, has been selling passports on the official market,
the grey market, the black market and every other market ever since it was the British Colony of
British Honduras.

The whole country of Belize is still claimed by Guatemala, and so all Belizeans are theoretically
Guatemalans too and entitled to Guatemalan passports. But Guatemala and Mexico won't even let
Belizeans in - if they are black. So the Belizeans move about in these countries with real or forged
American identity documents. No shortage of those in Belize either!

When entering the USA from Mexico, a person who appears to be an American is just asked a
simple question, like "Anything to declare?" If the answer is in unaccented American English or
typical Black Man's Jive Talk, normally no further identification is requested. Thus it is quite easy
for a Belizean to get from his country (South of Mexico) into the States - particularly if he comes in
with friends driving a big California licensed SUV.


Most European countries have regular, almost predictable, amnesties every few years to regularize
the situation of illegal aliens. The advantages of these programs are that you simply arrive in a
country one way or another, with or without a visa or residence permit. Then you just settle in. No
formalities necessary!

Even the United States has had a recent amnesty and will doubtless have more in the future. But do
you need to wait for an amnesty?

Here's the bottom line. In most countries, people with education and assets can get in and stay in
any country they fancy. Whether they choose to be part of the system or to live the PT life is largely
a matter of choice. They just need the knowledge of what the options and advantages are. An
immigration lawyer in any country always knows ways to get his clients the papers they need to get
legal - if that is the goal. Sometimes it can be a do-it-yourself project. In any event, one needs a
guide to what is the best way to live happily ever after in the country of your choice. That is what
this book is for.

Although many of our readers probably started out feeling that an all seeing Big Brother is always
watching them, the opposite is closer to the truth. Do not despair! Big Brother may try to watch you,
but it is an impossible job! Of course Big Brother can make life miserable for people who must use 65
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airplanes, or those who must cross at official borders regularly. Registered working stiffs in any
system that requires papers and government identity numbers are also at risk.

But there is a substantial invisible portion of the population in any country which stays in the
shadows. Those who support themselves by trading or working black live in a sort of underground
of vigilant freedom.

It is a parallel universe much like the fictional ones portrayed in such great films as Brazil and
Seconds. People who have some street smarts avoid having to live like poor economic migrants.
They are able to move quickly and conveniently between countries, preserve their freedom, and
protect assets. To do this well, in our opinion, a second passport is essential. We cover many ways
of obtaining a second nationality in this book. We will discuss using an amnesty for that purpose in
this chapter.


After a few years of living in the shadows, when an amnesty is announced, the undocumented alien
must simply (by affidavits from friends, leases, telephone bills, employers' statements, etc etc)
prove that he has been in the target country the required time (usually a few years) and has no
criminal record (in that host country) Then he almost automatically gets a residence permit. That
permit eventually leads to citizenship after another few years.

Let's consider the situation in Italy, for example. Amnesties are held roughly every four years.
Anyone can apply. Any kind of second-class identity document is used to establish the applicant's
name and birthplace. The process is initiated by purchasing a kind of 'welcome pack' for around
$750 at any Italian Post Office. A replica of these forms/instructions is always available on the
Internet. You then fill out the forms in the pack yourself.

You can't use the replica forms though. You must use the official forms with the bollo. In Italy,
selling official forms with this bollo or tax stamp is just another source of government revenue.
After some months you receive by mail notification that your new Italian ID documents are ready
for collection. You then get a local photo-identity card good for travel throughout the European
Union. With that you can obtain a fiscal number, a driving license and can work legally at any job
in Italy. The purpose of the amnesty is simply to get people who were working black onto the
taxpayer rolls.

Most other European countries have similar programs.

The Netherlands has an even better program. You do not even need to wait for an amnesty. If you
can prove you have lived there five years illegally, you are entitled to naturalization and a Dutch
passport. Amsterdam is a great city in which to live for five years - or if you fancy something
quieter, the Netherlands has many other beautiful cities like The Hague, Utrecht, Delft or Maastricht.
Rotterdam is an important city for business, being one of the world's largest ports.

Many Africans, Pakistanis and other third world citizens chose this route. A large proportion of the
population in the Netherlands is recent immigrants. The Netherlands has always been a country of
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

tolerance and open immigration. Only in 2005, after some terrible Moslem terrorist incidents, are
they considering a general tightening of immigration policies.

In the United Kingdom, the deal is also better than waiting for an amnesty. Getting a passport is a
two-step process.

1. Prove that you are settled in (illegally), assimilated, and are self-supporting. This gives one
the right to apply for legal residence.

2. After being legally resident the required period (around 5 years) citizenship is more-or-less

Needless to say, whole books have been written about the fine points of immigration law and
naturalization in any country. But for starters, the essential facts can almost always be found, in
English, on the internet.

If you need expert help, the publishers of this book can almost always point you in the direction of
a specific competent professional (in any country) who has already successfully helped other PTs
gain residence and citizenship.

To recap, the advantages of the back door method are many:

1. The costs are nominal compared to the expensive 'economic citizenship' programs;

2. Your past, in your home country, is a closed book. Illegal immigrants are not expected to
show valid passports or immigration documents;

3. Generally, your new country does not check your status or criminal record in your old country.
Maybe they will not even know what 'old country' you are from!

4. Once you get your residence card, you will often qualify for a special non-citizen passport
and can travel abroad and come back without fear of being locked out. In Europe, a mere
resident's ID card is good for travel within the EU, Switzerland, Andorra, a few other
European countries and also to most former European colonies.


The disadvantage is simply the risk of getting caught and deported during your illegal period prior
to the amnesty (or during your five years in the Netherlands).

You must keep a low profile and avoid deportation. In Europe, this is easy if you are white, but not
so easy if you are a person of colour - or if you insist upon standing out from the crowd by wearing
quaint native costumes or headgear. It is not a good idea to differentiate yourself in an obvious way.
You might as well paint a bulls-eye and write "cops come and get me" on your chest.

You must work or earn your living on the black or grey market because, obviously, you can't be
declared. However, that's really more of an advantage than a disadvantage as it means you won't
have to pay taxes. Register a company in a nearby country (England is easiest if you are living and
working within the European Union) then simply bill all your work through that. 67
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

You can look for back doors within the back door... In some cases, an employer can go to bat for
you and pull enough strings to get you declared an essential and necessary employee who can't be
replaced by a local. Often if one speaks an obscure language, the employer who wants to export or
import from the country whose language you speak can certify you as an 'essential.' The laws in
each country vary. But by just being there, keeping eyes open and being an all round nice guy, an
'illegal' will find local allies. These allies can often help regularize his status.

But, back to the risks... You have an indefinite status and may feel insecure during the waiting
period. The downside risk is deportation and a free trip to your homeland - unless you are given a
hearing (doubtful) and can prove your life (if deported) would be in danger there for political,
religious, or racial reasons. For example one woman recently won the right to stay in France because
she would be forced to undergo genital mutilation (circumcision) in her native African country.
Facing a death sentence (even if guilty of a capital crime) is also always a good reason for claiming
and getting 'asylum' in most countries not having a death penalty.

There are millions of undocumented aliens in Europe, Canada and the USA. All of these places
have had amnesties and can be expected to have many more of them.


Here's a helpful hint: The European Union provides free information on legal rights and other
opportunities in all the member states. They can answer questions on immigration and even provide
free legal advice. It is called Europe Direct and can be reached by international freephone number
00 800 678 9 10 11. If you cannot access that number from where you are, try +32 2 299 9696. You
might also try any Internet Search Engine for 'Europe Direct' in case they have changed the number
since we went to press.

Another good source of information is the Schengen area visa information website:

This includes links to various embassy and government websites containing up-to-date information
on immigration.


For the more creatively minded, there are many ways of acquiring second citizenships outside the
mainstream. Some people will dismiss the following methods as mere flights of fancy - but for
clever people like our readers, they might just stimulate your creative juices. How could you apply
the following ideas to your personal situation? Most importantly, all these ideas have worked for
other people in the recent past.

The best thing about these ideas is that they cost little or nothing to implement. They just might get
you a legal instant second passport from a major, first world country.
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection


Not keen on joining the military? Instead you can volunteer your services as an informer or spy. By
providing a government with needed expertise or information, you may be able to talk your way
into residence and/or citizenship as part of the deal.

Thousands of Russians were given new identities in the USA during the cold war. Such things still
go on today, under wraps. We bet if you are of Middle Eastern origin and can offer useful intelligence
on terrorist groups, or if you speak an unusual language which might help infiltrate terrorist cells,
you can talk your way into an instant US passport.

Anybody who can cultivate good government contacts will find governments willing to help them
in exchange for knowledge or expertise which is valuable. Thousands of bennies are granted annually
to thousands of individuals who help nations or their political leaders accomplish their objectives.
Almost every other country runs similar undercover programs.


You can enter most countries on a student visa. These visas can be extended as long as you are a
student, researcher, degree candidate or 'teaching fellow.' If you like academia, this status can
usually be extended almost indefinitely. Contacts made as a student will often lead to employment.
An influential employer or research institute can always wangle the right papers for people they

In some countries, like Austria, if you are smart enough and stay long enough to become a university
professor you may qualify for honorary citizenship. But by then you will most likely have been
there long enough to qualify under the normal naturalization rules anyway.


Some countries have a long tradition of granting citizenship based on merit. For example, Austria,
Switzerland, United Kingdom and many other nations can grant instant citizenship to eminent
professors, writers, athletes, academics and scientists. In the 1984 the UK famously granted
citizenship in just 14 days to South African athlete, Zola Budd, so that she could represent Britain
in the Olympics. By virtue of her original citizenship, she would have been banned from the games
due to the sanctions against South Africa.

Hungary, Croatia, France, Liechtenstein and Cuba have all recently granted similar instant
citizenships for merit.


Historically, small countries and principalities have granted citizenship to those who served the
king, prince, sovereign or dictator. San Marino granted honorary citizenship to the officers and men
of foreign armies that defended it. A modern day example is Spain, where the King occasionally
grants citizenship to high achievers in fields such as sports or the arts. The Prince of Monaco has
discretion to grant citizenship and he does it now and then - very discretely. 69
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection


Since the 1960s, many countries have opened up offshore business centres, free trade zones and the
like. The purpose of these ventures is to bring prosperity to the country (or perhaps to individual
politicians). Consider the economic citizenship programs referred to in this book. They are normally
proposed and set up by foreign lawyers or developers with a specific project in mind. Like a new
factory - or a gambling casino.

Who do you think is the first person to receive a passport when a new citizenship program is born?
You guessed it - the guy who helped the government to set up the program! This has happened
often and is happening now in the Caribbean.

Today, the Caribbean is more difficult. You should probably be looking at island nations and African
governments. African politicians and diplomats are bought for cash today, just as they always have
been. We don't condone or encourage corruption, but it is a fact of life. You just need to think up a
project, develop the right contacts and give the boss man's son or son-in-law a job.

During the Iraq 'Oil for Food' program even the head of the United Nations, Kofi Annan, was able
to overlook a few billion dollars worth of irregularities when his son was hired as a facilitator.

If an economic citizenship or passport-by-residence program does not exist somewhere, there is no

reason why you can't set one up, get yourself a passport and make a lot of money too!

In our resource list we offer assistance in becoming an Honorary Consul for a third world country.
There is no better way to meet the big shots than in the diplomatic service. Being a diplomat can
also bring one a passport, allow one to grant passports to others; and provide immunity from arrest
and prosecution. It is something that most PTs consider or try.


Opportunities arise from time to time, particularly during lame duck periods, when one administration
is soon to be leaving because a new political group has taken power. Exiting bureaucrats are often
interested in granting concessions, selling government assets, granting diplomatic appointments,
passing out pardons and passports. They want to make hay while the sun is still shining and they
still have the power. Just before retirement is another good time to ask for something you want.

Bureaucrats or politicians may crudely demand cash in a bag for the favours only they can grant. Or
they might want return favours payable after they leave office. Perhaps a contract to publish their
autobiography? A sizeable donation to their favourite charitable foundation or library? For the
person who knows what he wants, there is often a very good, opportune time to get it at a bargain
price or make some sort of deal. Particularly in the third world, but certainly in every country at
some time or other, money talks.

BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection



Guess what? Although this is not going to be so popular for Westerners after 9/11, there was and is
a way for Muslim-converts to get a near instant citizenship and passport in almost any Muslim

The super rich Saudis or Kuwaitis don't want you unless you have prominent local sponsorship!
But all the other Muslim countries, including Lebanon, are wide open. Our best friend in Palm
Beach, Florida, "Christopher the Persian," just became a Malaysian this way after a brief Muslim
conversion ceremony.

We have learned that juicy loopholes, like this, once publicized will be rapidly plugged. So we will
not give full details in print. But book buyers can get the facts by phone in a one-on-one consultation.

This arrangement doesn't involve ancestry, the payment of bribes or money. It does take a little time
and effort to pull it off. The citizenship once granted, is irrevocable - even if the granting country
knows all the facts of how it was obtained. Here's a hint: You can't be president of the USA if you
got your USA citizenship this way.

This is really a hidden gem! Are you curious?

We will restrict our offer to reveal the secrets to:

1. registered book buyers are under 110 years old and physically ready to
undertake the tasks at hand:
2. have a minimum net worth of $5.00 excluding the value of this book;
3. who are very serious about getting a second passport;
4. whom we (at our sole discretion) determine are qualified for this method.

If your heart is beating, you are qualified. Ask via the publisher via e-mail for the free report:
Hidden Gem - A LEGAL SECOND PASSPORT FOR FREE. Please write 'Hidden Gem Request'
in the subject line and be sure to mention your book registration number. The email address is:

[email protected]

If you don't have email, you can instead send €25 or equivalent cash in any currency to cover
postage and handling to one of our regular addresses (best is the one in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil).
When sending cash in the mail, be sure to hide it very carefully by wrapping in aluminum foil or
news paper. Sorry we cannot accept checks or money orders for such small amounts, due to the high
cost of clearing in South America.
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

Chapter 84

Nothing like this has ever been published before! In this chapter Bye Bye Big Brother (BBBB)
brings you for the first time in print, Passport Programs Past & Present (PPPP). Here's the complete
A to Z of countries that offer, or offered, instant citizenship programs.


Almost all nations offer fast passports after residency periods. The shortest of these are very short -
even a day or so will do in a few places! In respectable countries, the shortest residence period
typically is two or three years.

Often the residency periods start when you register. This may not always entail your physical presence
in the country itself. Often a personal representative with a suitable power of attorney can do all the
paperwork and legwork for you. Residence and domicile (a similar concept) are legally speaking,
a matter of personal intention, not a matter of physical presence.

In some places you can come in, establish residence, and then return two or three years later to pick
up your passport. Accommodating bureaucrats have been known to backdate documents to shorten
the wait. But be careful about any procedures that could later be considered fraud, as they could be
grounds for revocation of your citizenship at a later date.

Naturalization is the term used when a foreigner becomes a local citizen by complying with certain
established procedures. In the post 9-11 era, we strongly advise getting your second passport legally
by following the rules. That way, your new passport will be valid under international law. Even Big
Brother will be unable to challenge it or take it from you.

Some of the nations we list or discuss in this chapter do not currently issue passports to foreigners.
So why do we bother mentioning them? Because if they have done so in the past, it is reasonably
likely that they will again in the future. When the heat from Big Brother is off, things usually return
to the prior status quo. We feel it is definitely worth keeping an eye on places that had a passport
program at one time. New programs suitable for you may well reappear in the future.

Sometimes such programs will be officially announced. Just as often, some kind of executive order
opens new doors but the opportunities are kept under the counter - only for insiders or people 'in
the know.' Who are they? Usually consultants, immigration and nationality lawyers, and diplomats.

There are important lessons to be learned by studying the successes and failures of the various
economic citizenship programs. These were, in effect, instant citizenships sold for cash. This writer
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

and his associates plus some of the co-authors of this book were the driving force behind several of
these programs. Others were modelled on legislation we wrote.

Big Brother paid no attention to these 'economic citizenship programs' until certain muck-raking,
left-wing journalists started sticking their noses in. Horror of horrors! Some high-profile, wealthy
people were getting second passports in order to leave their country of origin, take their wealth with
them and 'escape' future income taxes on their worldwide income. Normally, the pattern was for
the wealthy businessmen who bought these second passports to settle physically in third countries
or tax havens.

In 2001, Big Brother made a great fuss about terrorists using second passports to travel and do
mischief. Countries issuing them were pressured to shut the programs down. Needless to say, no
terrorist would ever go to the bother of investing hundreds of thousands of dollars and going through
a tough criminal record check just to be able to detonate a suicide bomb.

First off, penetrating most borders is and always has been pretty easy. Millions of illegal immigrants
come into the USA and first world countries every year. They even travel home for Christmas and
then back to their jobs in January, all without papers. And if a terrorist wants a passport it is easy to
buy a stolen passport. Serious bad guys will kill someone of similar physical appearance and use
their passport.

The new fingerprinting and iris scans might reduce the use of stolen and forged passports for a
while, but the clever people in the underworld would soon figure out how to alter stolen or forged
passports to have the physical co-ordinates match those of the bearer. The new systems are only as
strong as their weakest link. It only takes one corrupt passport officer to issue a real passport with
fake details...

However, terrorists rarely if ever use stolen or forged documents. They simply (like those who
destroyed the Twin Towers) travel on legally issued documents with legally issued visas. As a
member of the Israeli secret service once said, "If an intelligent and well trained operative is
planning to give up their own life in an assassination or hijacking, it is extremely difficult, probably
impossible to stop them. The only way to handle terrorists effectively is to infiltrate their organization
with informants at every level. "


It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that the passport of a European Union country (or
failing that, a prospective future member of the EU such as Romania or Bulgaria) is one of the best
second passports to go for these days.

The European Convention on Nationality provides for a maximum waiting period of ten years of
residency prior to applying for naturalization in a European Union country. Most EU countries are
shorter, five years being the more typical residence period.

Some good news: the trend in Europe is towards shorter periods for naturalization. Luxembourg,
for example, offers one of the best passports in the world. It is now (as of 2005) available after five
years of residence instead of the previous ten to twelve year waiting period.
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection


The OECS is another international grouping, similar to the European Union. As from 2003 they
started issuing a common passport. The reason for groups like this (or the EU) issuing a common
passport is to facilitate free trade, economic integration and the unrestricted movement of individuals.
For the individual, it means he can live and work in any of the countries without any visa or work
permit. Note: This OECS passport is not issued to economic citizens of Dominica.

OECS members are Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, British Virgin Islands, Commonwealth of
Dominica, Grenada, Montserrat, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia and St. Vincent and the Grenadines.


In 1991 the Treaty of Asuncion established a Common Market and provided for the economic
integration of Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay and Brazil. Obviously, it is a much younger free trade
zone than the European Union. With the more recent incorporation of Chile and Bolivia as associate
members of Mercosur, the bloc has taken the first step in its plans to create a much wider free trade
and integration scheme. The area of free trade that is resulting from these agreements incorporates
half of Latin America, plus much of the Caribbean population and almost 60% of its GDP.

Mercosur talks with the Andean Community will also expand this union. Colombia, Ecuador, Peru
and Venezuela are all considering joining with the group. An agreement between the members of
the two existing blocs and NAFTA would set the basis for a free trade area encompassing all of
North and South America (the so called FTAA, or Free Trade Area of the Americas).

From the point of view of the passport seeker, any citizen can already travel between Mercosur
countries with a simple national identity card. No passport is needed. Mercosur, like the EU, will
eventually negotiate for uniform rights for all its citizens to travel abroad without visas into other
zones. Citizens from any Mercosur member are allowed to settle and work in any other member
country. Goods and services are already flowing copiously between the member countries. Full free
trade and free movement of citizens has not happened yet, but it is on the way. Accordingly,
citizenship in Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Brazil, Chile and Bolivia (or other future members of
Mercosur) will give a larger package of benefits than citizenship in a single country that is not part
of an economic union.

Let us now look at individual countries . . .


This small island in the Indian Ocean was for years a French colony. Following independence in
1974 it became part of the Federal Islamic Republic of the Comoros. But the Comoro government
was highly unstable, even by African standards. Dozens of military coups took place throughout the
seventies, eighties and nineties. 75
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

A legendary French soldier of fortune Bob Denard took over the country and made himself the
Supreme Leader - for a while. In his autobiography, Denard asserts that he routinely issued regular
and diplomatic Comoro passports to all his friends and colleagues. Denard himself was the subject
of an arrest warrant in France - but he still managed to do a deal with the French secret service
exchanging Comoro passports (to be used by French secret agents) for a new French identity that he
used himself. Many passports were also issued to South African officials in return for cash - thereby
allowing the South African government to make deals circumventing the embargos of their apartheid

In 1997 the Island Of Anjouan broke away from the Comoros and declared independence. In 1999
a French PT, F. Leclerc, made a deal with the Anjouan government obtaining exclusive rights to set
up and run an offshore centre. They announced an ambitious program. It encompassed all the things
that those who dream up 'new countries' are always proposing. It included licensing banks, captive
insurance companies, ships, international 'offshore' companies, and internet casinos.

Unfortunately, the election of a new government in the Comoros (and the end of the 'Federal Islamic
Republic' ushering in the new 'Union of the Comoros') led to reconciliation with separatist anarchistic
Anjouan. Re-unification snuffed the Anjouan Offshore Centre. The official Anjouan citizenship
program is now on indefinite hold. However, we understand that in the general confusion, legally
issued Comoro passports and diplomatic appointments are still available on the grey market at
relatively low cost. By the way, a certain Chinese gentleman based in London has supposedly
acquired such credentials and is apparently using them to sell fraudulent banking licenses.


Argentina welcomes over 100,000 immigrants per year. But even greater numbers of Argentineans
have been leaving!

Following the devaluation of the currency and the economic crisis of the past few years, everything
(real estate, cost of living, etc.) has become much cheaper in Argentina. Unemployment is rampant.
The large cities are much more dangerous than they used to be. The continuing economic crisis
means that government employees don't always get paid on time (or at all). To survive and pay their
rent, they must sell their discretionary powers to issue and put their rubber stamps on various

This has made it relatively easy to acquire citizenship and a passport if you sniff around a bit.
Typically, one needs to fly to Buenos Aires and track down a good immigration lawyer, who will
see to it that all necessary documents for residency are in proper order. We are told that one can end
up with what is in effect, a legally issued certificate of naturalization, a cedula (photo identification
card) a driving license, and the coveted Argentine passport in one or two quick visits to Buenos

There are several legal government programs. These are more expensive and not instant. But for
one who has the time and the spare cash, a legal program is better for most people and will withstand
later scrutiny. As you know from all our prior comments, we always refer our readers to legal and
properly authorized sources. We prefer that you do things by the book and legally. We also recognize

BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

that where urgent needs and personal survival is involved, expediency may sometimes over-rule
other considerations.

Argentina is the only Latin American country currently enjoying visa-free travel to the USA.
Obviously, this fact alone makes this particular passport very attractive for business people. One
lawyer of our acquaintance has told us that any person who makes an investment of approximately
US$ 100,000 in an approved investment scheme set up by him can obtain legal residence for himself,
spouse, children, and parents. This results in a cedula good for residence in Argentina (if you want
to live there) plus travel (and easy citizenship by residence) in the Mercosur zone (Brazil, Paraguay,
Uruguay and Argentina). The cedula is issued almost immediately. Citizenship comes two years

Argentina recognises dual nationality and has a liberal immigration and naturalization policy. After
just two years of residence, one can apply for Argentine citizenship.

Argentina, unfortunately, taxes residents on their world-wide income. According to the Wall Street
Journal, only about 3% of wealthy Argentineans who should pay taxes pay any income taxes at all.
Due to its cheap land and large, unfarmed areas, Argentina has recently provided a good escape
hatch for distressed white farmers from Zimbabwe. Land and businesses priced at a fraction of
what they were before the economic crisis of 2002-2004.

In our opinion, it appears to be a good time to buy a large tract of forest or agricultural land. Or a
nice apartment or home in the city. Even if you don't have any need for a residence or passport,
Argentina is a great playground - a fine place to live and invest. We have personally lived in
Argentina. Aside from its inefficient and corrupt governments it is nearly perfect in every other

One negative is the succession of incredibly inept, kleptocratic governments. Starting with Juan
Peron, prior to World War Two, these quasi-fascist governments have transformed the country from
one of the three richest in the world to its present third world status. The gorgeous broad avenues of
Buenos Aires look as if they have seen better days. And they did - sixty years ago! Yet there are
opportunities and it is a great place to live and enjoy life if you already have assets abroad. Gorgeous
scenery, immense stretches of waterfront property, low living costs, good looking, tolerant, intelligent
people (mostly of Italian descent), not forgetting great steaks, grilled meat and the best wine in the

Argentina is PT heaven. Perfect Territory. One of the best passports too. More details are available
to interested readers who desire a personal consultation. No contact names are published in this
book because the few insiders we know do not want to be bothered by tyre-kickers and Looki-
Lou's. Further they do not need all sorts of Big Brother agents or investigative journalists setting
them up for stings. They all require a small upfront fee and want to know their clients and carry out
extensive background checks.

To find out about legal programs publicly advertised, you should contact your nearest Argentinean
Consulate or Embassy. Start out by asking them about immigration opportunities. They never admit
to or call their programs 'Second Passport Deals.' It is politically incorrect for any government to
admit to servicing people who just want a better travel document. 77
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection


Australia offers another one of the best passport-by-residence programs - if you can qualify. Obtaining
residence rights under their points system can be difficult in the first place, but once you are given
the OK to immigrate, you are home free. You can get the point qualification chart from any consulate
and quickly figure out if you qualify - or rather, if you are smart, figure out how you can qualify. It
all depends on your age, education, and what skills are currently deemed in short supply.

However, note: Points can be added to your score by simply agreeing to invest money in Australia.
Here 'investment' really means a (hopefully) profitable business that you choose. Unlike in third
world countries, it is not just a way of throwing away your dough into a politician's pet scheme.

Just two years residence is required to apply for an Australian passport. This residency requirement
can also be waived if you serve in the Australian army as a reservist for three months. (Editor's
Note: We would not recommend it. Why? Old Army Proverb - "Never Volunteer!" Australia has a
long history of taking heavy casualties fighting other people's battles. If interested in this subject,
Google the 'Battle of Gallipoli.')

Historically, Australia frowned upon dual citizenship. But as of April 2002, dual citizenship is
allowed without any restrictions. Australians who lost citizenship (and possibly the passports of
their children) by acquiring another passport prior to 2002 can now reclaim it. Could Australian
citizenship by ancestral right apply to any members of your family?

Beware: Australian taxation is on worldwide income and relatively high - but unlike USA citizens
who are taxed wherever they live, the Australian income tax applies only to physical residents. That
said, there are quite a few asset protection loopholes (like trusts) that can be legally used by persons
who immigrate there and own offshore assets.

Let us know if you need to be pointed in the right direction. The Australian government is one of the
least corrupt on Earth (up there with Finland). Don't try bribing anyone in this fair and pleasant
land! Not even traffic cops. You may land in the pokey.

The East Coast (and one city named Surfers Paradise) is on our list of top ten PT playgrounds. For
surfers, the waves and year round spring-break party climate is near perfect. It is old time California
in the days of the Beach Boys - about forty years ago! Because Australia is in the wrong military
orbit, Islamic terrorists do target Australians sometimes. But we wouldn't worry about it. The odds
of any individual being injured are somewhat less than being struck twice by lightning bolts. The
Australian passport is as good as any for visa free travel.


Austria is one of the most open doors into European Union countries for non-EU citizens. If you are
seeking a new residence or passport it's well worth considering. It has had an economic citizenship
program for many years. It is never identified or advertised as such. Perhaps Austria prefers to
avoid heat and also to distance itself from competitors at the low end of the market like Dominica
and St Kitts.
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

Austria, by the way, has no kangaroos. It is located to the south of Germany. Austrians speak German.
The capital is Vienna - arguably, along with Paris and San Francisco, one of the three most beautiful
and liveable historic cities in the whole world. The location is at the heart of Europe. Austria is
bordered by Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Hungary, and Slovenia. Its favourite son is Arnold
Schwarzenegger, ex-body-builder, movie star and lately Governor of California. He is a dual-citizen.

Austrian legislation provides for the possibility of granting citizenship to an alien if he or she
'contributes in an extraordinary manner to the interests of Austria.' Such contribution may be in an
economic form. This program has been popular with musicians, academics and big-time investors
in the past.

Since 9-11, it has become much more difficult to acquire citizenship by merely investing. Only a
very few cases are approved each year. Some people have made the necessary investment only to be
then turned down (after their residence period) for citizenship. Usually denial is for 'moral reasons.'
The problem being that a few retired drug dealers became Austrians in this way. There was a resulting
scandal. Austria is extremely sensitive now. This is partly because two recent national leaders were
identified as Nazis or Neo-Nazis. The nation was subsequently treated as a pariah for brief periods.
Austria does not wish to be seen as a haven for people with shady pasts.

If you are whiter-than-white and have substantial funds available (a minimum investment of
approximately one million euros is generally required) and if you are prepared to invest these funds
in a suitable business project in Austria, you still have a good a chance. If you don't have big bucks,
Austria is also more generous than most countries when it comes to admitting people on the basis
of an asylum claim. Talk to an Austrian immigration lawyer. The publishers know an excellent
lawyer based in Graz who specialises in these cases.

Another Austrian instant citizenship program allows academics to obtain citizenship through
appointment as a university professor. This is based on experience, reputation, merit and governmental

Here is the little known open door to Austrian citizenship...

If the academic or instant investor's citizenship route seems too expensive or uncertain, Austria
also offers the possibility to become resident in the European Union with minimal requirements.
The key is to be able to show sufficient funds (you must be able to show that you have at least an
earning capacity of US$ 25,000 per person per year), permanent accommodation in Austria and
health insurance providing full coverage in Austria. An Austrian residence permit (and resident's
photo-ID card) allows you to travel at will to all Schengen states, plus EFTA associates like
Switzerland, without the need for any passport or visa.

After six years of unmonitored legal residence, and in many cases even earlier, it is possible to
apply for Austrian citizenship. This program has proven especially attractive for Russians and
Ukrainians in the past.

European Union or EEA citizens and those who have been granted asylum may apply for citizenship
after four years. As in all countries, the path is smoothed by learning the local lingo, customs and a
bit of history. How to spend your time in Vienna? Your writer has found that there are many language
schools catering to foreigners. One can take a crash course in German. There are also many fine
universities and MBA courses. We personally spent some time at the world's only school (that we
know of) for training high level diplomats. Courses in Vienna are usually taught in both German
and English. 79
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

Another interesting concession allows for tax-free residence, again at governmental discretion.
Can you show that your presence in Austria is in the public interest? That it contributes to the
positive development of science or technology? The Minister of Finance may officially reduce or
eliminate your tax liability or Zuzugsbegunstigung. This status must be confirmed and renewed by
the Minister of Finance every year. As a practical matter, one can pay minimal taxes during one's
official residency period - and thereafter, either stay on the tax rolls, or travel and live as a PT.

Vienna, Salzburg and other Austrian cities are among the most beautiful and cultured in the world.
For urban living, horsemanship, fine wine and food, Austria is a top rated playground. It has been a
great place to invest from or just use as a banking base. Secret accounts were the norm, but under
recent treaties, for confidential banking, it is necessary to use an intermediate corporation or trust.
Do you need this set up? Interested in more about Austria or contacts there? Ask for a referral to our
Swiss based banking consultant who also covers Austria.


Following a revision to its citizenship laws in 2000, Belgium now offers the fastest naturalization
programme in the European Union. The general waiting period was reduced from five years to
three, and down to just one year in certain circumstances.

The basic requirement is simply to set up a new business in Belgium and pay taxes during the
residence period. Getting a job there is another possibility. Unfortunately, Belgium does not permit
dual nationality except in case of marriage. But the reality is that Belgium can do nothing to cause
people like Canadians, Americans, Italians or Brits to lose their prior nationalities, even if they are
obliged to renounce in the course of obtaining a Belgian passport. In fact, most countries will not
take away your prior citizenship even if the country of your second passport insists upon an 'oath of
allegiance' renouncing all others. The famous one-time fugitive billionaire Marc Rich travelled on
(and still has, we believe) Belgian, Israeli, USA, Swiss and Spanish passports.

The required residence period should normally be spent mostly in Belgium. It is necessary to rent or
buy a home. You can travel abroad however. Abroad is only a few minute car ride from many places
in tiny Belgium. Several times, at random, a local municipal policeman will be sent to ring your
doorbell, ask the neighbours about you, checking at the residence address where you are supposed
to live. If you never sleep there regularly an adverse report may be filed. Unless you can explain that
your absences were temporary or related to your Belgian business activities, you may not get your
Belgian passport. Seriously!

But after residence is verified during the first year, the government pays little attention to actual
presence so long as the business you are conducting is maintained and some taxes are paid. Belgium
hopes for taxes in the range of 30,000 euros per year or more. As always, you should learn the local
language. Belgium has three official languages - French, Flemish and German. Also, everyone in
business speaks English. But we recommend you try and learn enough to communicate reasonably
well in French.

The three year physical residence can be waived if you lived abroad but can show you maintained
ties to Belgium in that time. You might for example live in a neighbouring country but commute to
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

work in Belgium. Or you might be representing a Belgian manufacturer in Hong Kong. Your
immigration lawyer will keep you on the right track.

Although income taxes are high and a resident is technically taxed on worldwide income, there is
no capital gains tax in Belgium. There are also generous tax concessions for foreign executives
posted here. Furthermore, Belgium's more depressed federal regions, such as Wallonia, offer many
tax concessions to encourage new investment.

Perhaps most attractive is the 'option' of citizenship is through marriage. This works for most
countries and allows you to keep your former nationality. The rules vary from country to country. In
Belgium you must prove that you have been living together with a Belgian citizen (unmarried
cohabitation is treated the same as marriage) for three years - though not necessarily in Belgium.
This period is reduced to six months after marriage or co-habitation started if you have been legally
living in Belgium for at least a total of three years.

Another interesting provision is that anyone who has been erroneously considered Belgian by the
Belgian authorities for at least ten years is considered Belgian. This is to be proven by such things
as Belgian identity papers, a passport, inclusion on the voter registration lists or military service.
This provision is clearly designed to regularize illegal immigrants, but could equally apply to a
creative PT who has managed to obtain some local ID papers from a Belgian town hall or consulate.
We must add parenthetically that Belgium was and probably still is considered the most corrupt
country in Europe. Most government bureaucrats were on the take and were joked about in Europe
as 'the best civil servants that money can buy.'

Things were supposedly cleaned up a bit in recent years when a huge paedophile ring (protected
and used by a number of mid-level and high public officials) was exposed. There had been kidnapping,
sexual slavery of children and several child murders connected with this group. Police and public
officials were in the midst of it and protected the guilty. While official corruption had been winked
at for generations, this situation was just too much for the Belgian people. Mass protests resulted in
criminal charges against the perpetrators. Some of the bureaucrats who worked with them were
implicated and fired.

Talking of corruption, Belgium was the major source of fraudulent passports and other government
documents in the 1990s. Belgian passports were traditionally hand-written and blanks could be
filled in for local applicants on the spot by low-level officials in town halls. This was the situation
up until 2001. Passport blanks were often left in unlocked drawers in every municipal administrative
centre. Belgium had the highest level of bureaucratic corruption in Europe. Journalists called it the
'sewer of Europe.' It was known as a centre for organized crime. As you might imagine, quite a few
passports found their way into the hands of seriously evil men. Thousands of passports were issued
to women the local Mafia brought in from Eastern Europe to work the brothels of Amsterdam.

Besides the corrupt officials, or perhaps because of them, many Belgian town halls were not physically
secure. Yugoslav and Albanian organized crime gangs recognized the potential well before the
Belgian authorities recognized the need for security. Starting in 1994 these crime rings began an
astoundingly successful series of burglaries at municipal buildings in Belgium. Then, as Belgian
bureaucrats slowly reacted and tightened security, Belgian consulates in France, the Netherlands
and Germany were also burglarized and still more blanks were stolen. It is said that at least 20,000
blank Belgian passports found their way on to the black market. To make matters worse, there was
no central record of passports - neither legally issued nor stolen blanks. All data was recorded
locally in hand-written files. 81
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This chaos was largely rectified at US insistence. The USA in 2002 threatened to cancel visa-free
travel rights (into the USA) for Belgian passport holders. Belgian passports are now of a new
design: high-tech and machine readable. They are issued centrally at a high security facility outside
Brussels, and backed up by online records. But you could still be offered one of the many stolen
blanks still floating around on the black market. Be warned: the serial numbers of all stolen passports
are now known and indexed. These numbers have been registered with Interpol and the information
is available to border posts worldwide. Black market documents are to be avoided. In fact, all old-
style Belgian passports are considered questionable documents at borders these days.

Can you use such false documents to trick the Belgian authorities into believing you have been
legally considered Belgian for ten years? As you recall, local law makes such people (even with
false documentation) eligible for new and legitimate documentation. Do you have brass balls? Can
you speak Flemish or Belgian accented French? Belgian administration is notoriously inefficient
and decentralized so this ruse actually has a good chance of working. Not to mention the fact that it
is apparently not to hard to find bent local officials who will assist you in exchanging bad paper for
good paper. But we believe this is a risky route of last resort. We don't advise it.


Belize was an early entrant - perhaps the first nation ever to sell economic citizenship authorized in
an official, legal program. A retired citizenship lawyer 'Dr Tom Sawyer, PT' takes up the tale of
how he started this program:

I was a lawyer in Los Angeles back in 1980. In the course of my practice, I represented quite a few
Belizeans. They were a happy go lucky bunch of black kids who brought marijuana (and later,
coke) up from South and Central America in surfer-vans, small planes and boats. Many were
moderately rich. When they had scrapes with the law, I represented them and invariably got them
off by voluntary agreements to leave the country (USA) and not come back. One of the kids I
represented paid his fee by giving me in lieu of a fee, a legally issued Belize passport in my name he
said was worth $5,000. It turned out later that he had paid only S300 for it.

Some of the Belizean kids were real entrepreneurs. Besides weed, they sold legitimately issued
Belize passports to their fellow American, Jamaican, Mexican and Colombian drug smugglers for
whatever the traffic would bear - usually around $1,000 a pop. They would buy the blanks from
clerks in the Belize passport office for $300. If the client wanted an officially certified birth certificate
from Belize that, too, could be obtained at small cost.

As it turned out, I eventually learned that I had been conned into taking a $300 passport of no
particular use to me instead of a $5000 legal fee. Getting shucked and jived (a Belizean expression
for being swindled) was to be typical of my Belize experiences.

The Belize passport, however, was an excellent document - especially for a Caribbean black who
spoke English. Belize was an English speaking country. Unlike a Mexican passport, Belize
documentation was good for visa free access to many countries including the UK, Canada, Australia
and New Zealand. It was easy to get a USA visa, because Belize had a tiny population of around
200,000 half of whom were already in the USA. The registrar would register any names given to
him by the young entrepreneur and the passports so issued were backed-up, and fully legitimate. In
those days, nobody in law enforcement cared much about passport frauds. In fact, the maximum jail

BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

time handed out for travelling on fraudulently issued documents, even USA passports, was around
three months. That of course was in the good old days.

I figured out a plan where the informal penny-anti traffic in passports could be a big money raiser
for the Belize government itself. I felt, 'why not benefit the dirt poor citizens there?' So I went
down and made an appointment with the then president. He was a simple black preacher who lived
in an Abraham Lincoln style one room concrete block, tin roofed cabin. He liked my idea to sell the
Belize passport to individuals approved by a committee of one, namely myself. The only requirement
was to be 'good moral character.' The preacher decided he didn't want any criminals using the
Belize passport. Each passport to be sold by me would put $10,000 in the Belize public treasury. I
intended that another $10,000 service charge per passport would go into my personal treasury. The
total cost to the buyer was to be $20,000.

My program was very simple. The president felt that as long as some of his ministers could also get
some personal fees out of the deal, it was doable. He charged me with the duty of drawing up a new
law. I did it. But the ministers proceeded to change my law. The Health Minister wanted to personally
give medical exams to all applicants. The Interior (Police) guy wanted to do his own interview and
be able to charge a fee for it. The law, even before it went to the parliament for final vote, grew more
and more complicated. Each Minister wanted to give himself a piece of the action. Or as a famous
comedian (Jimmy Durante) used to say, "Everybody wants to get into the act!" The law became top

Finally, after years of my pushing, shoving, begging and pleading, Belize changed its Constitution
and nationality laws in 1986 to permit a grant of nationality on the basis of the purchase of a 10-year
Belize bond, paying no interest. This program was established, with the blessing of the UK
government in London, the former colonial power. The Brits were convinced that the Belize passport
program would help them relieve some pressure from wealthy Hong Kong British subjects. They
felt that Belize could provide a new business base and good travel document for wealthy Hong
Kong citizens concerned about the return of Hong Kong to the People's Republic of China in July,
1997. The program was unanimously backed by both the major political parties in Belize as early as

Unfortunately, at the last moment, Belize did not entrust me with being the agent to handle the
program. After all my years of work, they turned over the deal to a guy I nicknamed 'Superman' -
because his name was Clark Kent I believe. Anyway, I heard that the guy who hijacked my deal did
not have smooth sailing either. Various officials demanded ever increasing bribes - uhhm sorry,
fees. Even the most humble passport office clerks demanded the right to participate in the gravy
train to replace their lost income from the $300 passport sales.

The government originally granted the exclusive right to locate and interview acceptable clients to
Belize Orient Corporation, an entity owned by the said Clark Kent, or was it Kent Clark? He had
been an Assistant Secretary of Commerce. He was to personally get a fee of about $12,000 on each
new citizen.

Belize was to get around US$13,000 cash for its treasury from each new economic citizen. This
was later raised to $25,000. We have since noticed that greedy third world countries can't resist
sinking their 'official' programs by continually raising prices (and the required fees) until there are
no more buyers.

But back to the original Belize deal. There were 1,000 investment slots authorized, the original
Superman theory being that the total Belizean national debt of US$25 million would be retired by 83
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selling passports. My original idea (as also floated by Belize Orient) was that people who took this
economic citizenship would never set foot in Belize. They would use the Belize passport to become
what only later became known as PTs.

The program would have been successful - but various ministers almost immediately undercut the
efforts of Superman and his Belize Orient Corporation for personal enrichment. They all demanded
faxes which were then quite expensive and the latest 'must have' item for bureaucrats. Other
investments were required, namely the purchase of worthless, non-accessible plots of land belonging
to the wives of government ministers.

Also, the ministers wanted equal standing with Belize Orient so that they could personally send
relatives to Hong Kong to sell citizenships and keep the $ 12,000 administrative fees 'in the family'
as it were. Consuls were appointed and sent out to Hong Kong and Taiwan to sell passports in
competition with Belize Orient. Sales were made to all comers including Taiwanese. The Asians
were led to believe that this backwater slum was going to be a new Hong Kong. This sales pitch led
to an unexpected influx of actual, full-time Chinese immigrants to Belize.

New immigrants had to pay to the ministers personally an administrative fee of whatever the traffic
would bear. Belize Orient applicants were delayed and denied, but the Ministers sold and approved
each others' passport applications like hotcakes. Many became multi-millionaires. Superman's
business withered away to nothing.

More than 15,000 Chinese moved to Belize, a country of only 200,000 in population, with (at that
time) over half of the official population living up north in Big Brother Land.

These Chinese immigrants opened new businesses and competed all too effectively with the local
population who, as mentioned, were a fairly lackadaisical bunch of fun loving pot smokers. A
German religious group, much like the American Amish, did all the legitimate agriculture. The pot
(marijuana) was grown by locals. All legitimate commerce (stores, banks, restaurants, imports and
exports) was soon in the hands of the Chinese.

When I was in Belize last in 1985, the country was run like a slapstick comedy movie set. More
than half the (black) Belize population was growing or dealing dope and living half time in California.
The USA had just initiated a 'foreign aid' program for Belize. This amounted to giving away $3
million worth of brand new Japanese Yamaha Mountain Bikes (motorcycles). These went to all the
politicians' kids. Nominally the program was supposed to provide transportation for rural school

For a few months, the kids tore up the jungles with these bikes. They killed and injured each other
with abandon and chased most of the once abundant four footed wildlife to exhaustion and extinction.
Within six months, all the bikes were wrecked and the racket was heard no more. I am not sure what
the USA achieved with this handout. Maybe it was the shut down of the first passport program. As
mentioned, there had been some quality control by Belize Orient, but under the minister's
discretionary semi-clandestine land sale program, besides the unwanted Chinese settlers, a lot of
serious criminals, high level Colombian dope dealers and all kinds of assorted criminals and fraudsters
ended up with the Belize passport.

This became a national scandal and an election issue in 1989. The old administration got the heave-
ho. Once in office, the new guys cancelled the program publicly and promised that there would
never be another program. Yet having tasted the easy money to be earned from selling passports,
from 1989 through 1994, more Belize passports than in the first program were sold by government
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

officials on the basis of 'discretionary grants.' About $25 million worth of passports were sold at
the new 'whatever the traffic would bear' market price of up to $ 100,000 each. During that 5-year
period, not a dime found its way to the public treasury. Belize Orient could not compete. With its
fees circumvented by the politicians, it was disbanded.

In 1994, with another flood of Chinese immigrants again showing up - and highly visible evidence
of grey market sales - the secret program became an election issue again. Once again the new
administration was tossed out on its assets. But two successive sets of politicians had become very
wealthy men by selling passports. The new reform candidates again promised that there would
never be another program. But politicians will be politicians. The Belize passport office was a
goose that was laying golden eggs. Passports were Belize's second most important export (after
dope). Another new program was announced in January, 1995.

The resulting 1995 program, which was no longer tied to bonds, was based on a direct cash
contribution and registration fees. The asking price was $100,000 but all of a sudden, sales dried
up. Belize it seemed had finally priced themselves out of the market. Then Belize lowered the price
to attract wider interest in its, by now internationally known, program. Around the same time,
unexpectedly, Canada and Switzerland rescinded visa-free travel for Belize nationals.

By 2001 the cost for a single person had to be discounted - to $40,000 down from its high of
$100,000. Sales went on until Belize announced the termination of its last program after 9-11 when
the USA linked it to 'narco-terrorism.' Of course many drug dealers, but not one terrorist, ever used
or obtained a Belize passport. We also doubt that a single dollar of the profits ever went to finance
anything but fancy homes, 'ho's (whores), cool cahs (SUVs), Blang Blang (Jewellery), and plenty
of parties serving Belikin beer and local rum.

As of 31 December 2001 the Belize passport program was dead. There is still the old legal residence
program in Belize. This will lead to nationality after three to five years of legal residence. It is one
of those grey area programs now. The years can be discounted with a bit of creative rubber stamping
by bureaucrats. But the Belize passport is not nearly as good as it used to be. And my old $300
passport? The embassy clerk wouldn't renew it unless I paid her a $20,000 gratuity! My guess is
that a local boy could have negotiated for a lot less. But for a rich foreigner (all foreigners are rich
according to Belize logic) - the motto is 'soak 'em good.'

Everything you need in the way of passports (or for that matter, any contraband) can still be bought
on the grey market in Belize. Every few years there is a media scandal. Official immigration
procedures are then tightened up. But these crackdowns only seem to last a few months. Then
things return to kleptocracy as normal in good old Belize. Of course, as mentioned, permanent
damage has been done to the Belize passport and it is doubtful that it will (in the foreseeable future)
have the stature and visa free rights that it once enjoyed, Every Belize passport is now somewhat


Bolivia has the only quasi-governmental grey market passport program we know of. Strange as it
may seem, private corporations can and do solicit 'non-refundable investments' from foreign nationals
on behalf of the Bolivian government. This leads to a grant of residence and subsequent expedited 85
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naturalization. We hear the going rate is around $50,000 for the 'investment' plus handling and
administrative charges that seem to be set at whatever the traffic will bear.

Bolivia is currently in a state of civil unrest. Government powers are partly in the hands of populist
indigenous politicians sponsored by drug barons, and partly in the hands of politicians bought and
paid for by Big Brother to the north. There is a real tug of war going on. In the meantime, in Bolivia
and neighbouring Columbia, there is a general state of lawlessness much like in the USA prohibition
era. But instead of booze, it is cocaine that's at the heart of the conflict. Passports are very much a
side issue.

It is certainly possible to obtain Bolivian passports for cash, but it is hard to know which passports
are considered legal by the government, and which are not. Bolivian passports are a huge step up
from Columbian. Bolivians enjoy visa-free travel to all the European Union. But still, crossing
borders or coming into a respectable bank clutching a passport issued by a major cocaine exporting
country is not the most confidence-inspiring move. In fact, unless you are a very good actor, it will
probably cause much sniffing, snuffing and Samsonite-searching.

But a Bolivian passport saved many a German fugitive after World War Two, and not a few more
modern military men are probably laying low in Bolivia now. Because of a generally ineffective
and anarchic system, Bolivia is a good place for criminals who want to lay low. Not that we are
trying to help such people - but as we have noted before, we are simply telling it like it is.

Taxes? Not something anyone worries about down there.

The residence period required for naturalization is two years. The language is Spanish but there are
many indigenous natives who have their own lingo. It is third world, cheap, quaint, corrupt and

We are also informed that Americans will have a particularly hard time getting Bolivian citizenship
due to the US influence and the anti-drug programs in the region. Big Brother assumes that any
American who wants to become a Bolivian has to be a 'narco-terrorist.'


Brazil has never offered an 'instant' program, although stories of grey market passports abound.
The largest South American country is one of the most attractive to second passport seekers. Its
passport allows visa free travel to much of the world. It is in fact almost as good as the Swiss

The incredible ethnic diversity of Brazil means that, say, an ethnic German, Chinese or Russian
person travelling on a Brazilian passport will not look the least bit out of place.

Brazil does, however, offer several legal residence programs which lead to fast track naturalization
in as little as two years. Some of the advantages are:

1. The right of the applicant to work in Brazil.

BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

2. Minimum amount of time required per year to be there. You can satisfy residence
requirements by visiting Brazil just once every two years for a few days to renew
your permit.

3. The program is pre-approved by the government

4. Highly favourable tax and extradition laws

5. Includes entire family including spouse and children up to 18 years old.

The program grants Resident Investor Status in return for investment of around $200,000 in a local
business. A visit to Brazil is required for about 10 days for processing.

Unlike other Brazilian residency programs which restrict you and your family to certain areas of
Brazil, the Investor Program offers residency anywhere in Brazil for applicant and family. After two
years the entire family can apply for citizenship and passports.

If you are single, a passport is possible after one year and marriage to a Brazilian citizen. This can
be easily arranged by consultants, but any single male will probably need no help given the legendary
beauty and availability of the Brazilian female population! If you like cappuccino coloured girls,
the most gorgeous, sexy, mixed race beauties are to be found on the beach at Ipanema or Copacabana
(or anywhere else in Brazil for that matter). It is not by chance that your author spends a lot of time
in this particular playground. It is in fact hard to avoid being seduced by one of these vixens (foxes).
To find one to marry you and have your child, just snap your fingers. They'll come a-running!

The one-year residence period also applies if you have a Brazilian child (a Brazilian mother is not
necessary, since any child born in Brazil is automatically Brazilian), if you adopt or sponsor a
Brazilian child (that means paying minimal maintenance costs until the child reaches 18 years) or if
you are a native of another Portuguese speaking country. That means such diverse places as
Mozambique (Africa), Macau (China), Goa (India) or of course Portugal itself.

What if you are tired of the world, and need time to hide out, re-group and revitalize body and soul?
Brazil must be the place. It is so huge, it is easy to disappear here. It's a pleasant place to live, with
all the conveniences of your home country (nothing like Bolivia for example). Brazil offers so
much variety in lifestyle. You can choose between cold, Germanic style cities like Porto Alegre, or
international cosmopolitan centres like Rio, or just disappear into the huge 'interior.'

The authorities don't ask too many questions of foreigners, and neither do they like answering
questions from other countries. What goes on in Brazil is their business, and they don't like foreign
governments interfering. Brazil is big enough to 'just say no' to pressures which smaller countries
would succumb to. We love this attitude! It is also known that there are certain hotels and apartment
rental operations in Brazil who have 'working relationships' with the local police to achieve extra
security and privacy for their guests.

Footnote: Brazil will not extradite any person who has fathered and supports a Brazilian child.
Ronny Biggs, the famous multi-million pound train robber openly lived here with his son and gave
interviews for years. He thumbed his nose at British authorities. We heard that as an old man he
returned to London, having made a deal for a quiet welcome that included medical treatments he
needed and a very short jail sentence giving him a place to stay for his recuperation. But when he
arrived in London, the British government backed out of the deal and left him lingering in jail.
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection


Canada has no enemies. The cost (in time, money and paper-chasing) of becoming a Canadian is
less than for many unattractive offerings. Canada, like Australia, is not corrupt.

In many cases, for well-educated applicants and/or those with special skills, no investment is required.
Even those without any special skill can currently enter as 'care givers' - if they agree to be a nanny,
nurse's aid or a companion to an aged person. Usually preference is given to those who speak
French or English - the two national languages of Canada. Outside of the Province of Quebec,
English is the lingua franca.

People who sign a contract to work a while in the less popular, less populated areas are also given
preferential treatment in immigration matters. Check with a Canadian consulate for their current
list of preferred immigrant occupations. The preferences change regularly with the perceived needs
of Canada.

Any foreign citizen who is legally resident in Canada may travel visa-free to the United States. As
a practical matter, any Canadian resident can visit the USA for up to six months - any time he wants
to. With a passport, more countries offer visa free entry to Canadians than to any other country's
passport holders.


Canada has run, since the 1950s, the most successful, popular and profitable investor-residence
program in the world. Canada's example is one of the few 'lily white' programs that many countries
would benefit by following. They have attracted many billions of dollars in inward investment.
Canada gained perhaps a million productive intelligent educated and hard-working new citizens.
These new arrivals have revitalized the sleepy far west of Canada and have made Vancouver into an
economic powerhouse - the largest Chinese city in the world outside of China!

With proper tax planning, there is little or no tax in Canada during the short three-year waiting
period for citizenship. Dual nationality is permitted and even encouraged. Full-time, continuous
presence in Canada is not necessary and the passport is first-class - far better for visa-free travel
and personal safety than the travel documents of its bigger southern neighbour (the USA if you
didn't already know).

To qualify as an investor, without starting an active business, one could qualify buying certain
Canadian bonds. Or make required bank deposits. The net loss to the investor in a purely passive
scheme would be roughly US$50,000. Legal fees in Canada might be up to another US$15,000.

Government application fees would be US$2,500 (for the applicant, spouse, and one child). The
applicant would be required to rent or buy a home in Canada. This will cost about US$5,000 per
year. An advantage of the investor category is that one need only spend 30 to 90 days per year in
Canada to have that year count towards citizenship. The big disadvantage is that as a passive
investor one loses around US$50,000 worth of capital.

A far better alternative in our view is to qualify under the entrepreneur program. This requires
bringing capital of about US$100,000 into your own business. Because one could use this money
to manufacture or to buy and sell goods, or to invest in almost any venture, like forestry this capital

BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

can work for the applicant. The money need not be lost - unless one makes a serious business

The disadvantage of the entrepreneur category is that one is expected to spend more time in Canada,
on the theory that running a legitimate full time business there takes some watching. However, it
depends on the nature of the business. Exporting Canadian products might require the majority of
one's time be spent abroad. In any event, with a real, documented business, one should be able to
reduce his presence in Canada in the later two years of the three year residence period.


If one likes skiing, the city of Vancouver is just about the only place on Earth where a big-city Metro
(subway) can be taken all the way to the ski lifts at a first class ski resort, Whistler B.C. Although
you can own waterfront property looking out on the Pacific Ocean, you can forget about doing a lot
of swimming - unless you enjoy feeling like a Popsicle. However, sailing, fishing and golf are very
popular activities.

The legal fees and housing costs are lower than in the US and Europe. This writer actually went
through the whole process on a do it yourself basis. I spent nothing on legal fees. Even rents were
avoided by merely trading the use of my ski chalet in Davos, Switzerland for an equivalent in

From the time one applies abroad until the date one is given landed immigrant status will take nine
months to one year. Once permission is granted, there is only a short window of a few weeks,
during which one must show up physically in Canada. After three years as a resident, one can apply
for Canadian citizenship. That final process currently takes 3-4 months.

Canada has recently passed new rules requiring reporting of ownership or control of offshore
structures. It is still possible for a wealthy person to put most assets in trust before immigration so
that the income is not subject to Canadian income taxes on worldwide income. Although the reporting
does not entail new taxes, it is intrusive. Some fear that it could be a prelude to the taxation of the
offshore income arising in these 'beneficially owned' structures.

On the other hand, if a trust is set up offshore, and the immigrant has no control over disbursements,
Canada could only tax the income actually transmitted to Canada. Anything could happen during
the four years while one is waiting for Canadian citizenship. But the upside is that once citizenship
is granted, one can always move tax residence to an offshore haven like Bermuda and never be
bothered for any more Canadian taxes. The passport is for life!


After much lobbying by a prominent American lawyer and author, this very poor, black, desolate,
volcanic African island nation (formerly a Portuguese trading outpost until independence in 1974)
changed its constitution and nationality laws. This change permitted an investor to obtain immediate
economic citizenship and passports for his family for US$35,000.

The spoken language there is 'Creole,' a mix of Portuguese and African languages with a few words
of English, French and Spanish. It is one of the few countries in the world with a lower per capita
income than Haiti! And that is Poverty with a capital P. 89
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

The Cape Verde passport program was public and legal. Funds were held in escrow at The Royal
Bank of Scotland in Zurich, Switzerland. Unfortunately, the actual processing of paperwork was
very slow and inefficient. This may have been due to the refusal of the straight arrow American
lawyer involved to grease the wheels with the demanded baksheesh. He can't be blamed. USA laws
make it a criminal offence for American citizens to bribe any foreign official. But the bottom line is,
without a bribe, nothing happens in such places - aside from famine, disease, drought, and continuing

We went to Cape Verde once, in the days when the passport program was in operation. We were
planning to stay a week but we left in disgust after just 24 hours. This island is neither a place to
invest, to bank nor to go for a good time. Outside of fishing enthusiasts, nobody could ever consider
it a 'playground' either. It is hard to find anything good to say about Cape Verde.

In any event the first tranche of investors, after waiting long periods for their passports, became
impatient and pulled out. It was a hard sell from the git go because the quality of the passport was,
in any event, extremely poor. Almost no one wanted Cape Verde as a prospective nationality.

The country's only profitable export was (a long time ago) slaves going to Brazil from Senegal and
The Gambia. That trans-shipment trade was outlawed and shut down by Great Britain around 1805.
The island has been an ignored backwater on a downward economic spiral ever since. Like the
Philippines, but on a much smaller scale, Cape Verde has exported a lot of people (mostly to New
England) over the past two centuries. Almost as many Cape Verdians now live in the area near
Boston, Massachusetts, USA as the 350,000 souls still remaining in Cape Verde!

During the years your author was working as a tax consultant in Stockholm, Sweden, we regularly
dined out with one rich elderly Swedish widow of our acquaintance who has now moved on to a
better world. She was a lavish entertainer who spent part of the year in Sweden, and the other half
living under a completely different identity on the French Riviera. She had bought into the Cape
Verde program with a new name, and established legal residency in the hills behind Cannes. After
about five years she obtained a fully legal French passport in her chosen new name. There are
always exceptions which prove the rule. We suppose that the French bureaucrats just felt sorry for
this elderly lady who was obviously harmless. Of course this was way before 9-11 and terrorism
made second passports politically incorrect. It was also during the reign of a notoriously corrupt but
enormously popular mayor of Nice, who finally fled to South America. It just goes to prove that
creative routes to good second passports can work, but we believe even this lady could have found
an easier and cheaper route.

Anyway, the Cape Verde program was subsequently relaunched under different auspices, but was
suspended again in 2003. We believe that anyone visiting Cape Verde in person would find it fairly
easy to obtain a fast but legally issued passport on the grey market. This is true in every black
African country. We'd suggest consulting a well-connected local lawyer and making your deal on a
Cash on Delivery basis before you go there. You can get a list of English speaking lawyers from any
Embassy of an English-speaking country serving Cape Verde. UK embassy staff is amongst the
most helpful. If you want to give it a try, go ahead and let us know how it turns out.

Bottom line? We feel there are other much better countries to try first. A passport from a poor
African country has little value for visa-free travel or for banking.
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection


Chile is the most prosperous and respectable South American country. Surprisingly, it is not so easy
to find corrupt bureaucrats. Immigrants from neighbouring countries like Peru, as well as western
Europeans, seem to be welcome. However Russians, Eastern Europeans, Chinese and Arabic people
seem to be the subject of discrimination.

Chile historically has had sold residence rights in return for a $30,000 investment. This leads to a
passport after five years. This system is administered by the International Economic Relations
Secretariat which is also known as PROCHILE.

It is a good, honest passport. There are plenty of ways to qualify for a Chilean passport legally.
Marriage is one. Or simply going there as a tourist and hiring an immigration lawyer to figure out
some pretext for getting a residence permit and later, citizenship.


Costa Rica has a long history of 'passport by residency' programs dating back to 1971. In those
days, buying a home and a $30,000 government bond would entitle anyone to residence. The applicant
immediately received a non-citizen passport and, after five years, he and his entire family qualified
for full citizenship.

Somehow, however, Costa Rica attracted a disproportionate number of undesirables, including a

few high-profile US fugitives. Under American pressure, the residence and retiree pensionado
programs were terminated.

These days, an investor from North America or Europe with an income of US$1,000 per month
from abroad (or a pensioner with US$600 per month) is granted permanent residence for himself
and his family. He cannot work there, but he can run his own business in another country and
receive dividends. Costa Rica does not tax foreign-source income.

After seven years of residence, one can apply for citizenship. However, some nationalities such as
Russians, Cubans, blacks in general (not including American blacks, who are unofficially considered
to be whites for immigration purposes in all of Latin America) and Dominicans are not welcomed
in Costa Rica. Costa Ricans have much European blood and like to see themselves as superior to
other Central Americans.

In recent years, there have been a number of scandals around the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in San
Jose. A few 'honorary' consular and diplomatic appointments were given out to persons in return
for kickbacks. One big-time Czech gangster was arrested with a Costa Rican diplomatic passport in
his possession at the Czech border.
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection


Dominica is an English-speaking Caribbean nation famous for eco-tourism. It is not to be confused
with the nearby hispanic Dominican Republic which is much larger. Since the early nineties Dominica
has been promoted by a number of lawyers for its economic citizenship program.

Dominica was, for a while, a decent jurisdiction. It worked for adults seeking a fully legal, reasonably
well-operated program. This program was officially suspended soon after the 9/11 terrorist attacks,
but we are informed it was reinstituted and now operates more discreetly as a grey, discretionary
program where the Prime Minister has the final say. However, since 2002 the application process
has become quite complicated, even requiring applicants to pay $3000 out of their own pockets for
a background check by Kroll Associates, a private detective agency based in Miami.

The 1991 law authorizing the program was clear. The program was publicly and transparently run.
See The Commonwealth of Dominica, Citizenship (Amendment) Act of 1991, Act No. 23 of 1991.
The program had broad-based local support and there was no question of its legitimacy. For a
single person, there was a concessionary price of USS45,000. For any two adults, the cost was

Some government authorized consultants were entitled to offer citizenship at these prices. These
prices included all government, administrative and legal fees. But, applicants had to be processed
in groups of 20, so at those prices large groups were not easily put together.

As of 2004, the marketing program was changed. It now processes individuals and families, one at
a time, for fees upwards of $150,000. Reputedly at 10am on the last Friday morning of every
month, the Prime Minister personally receives for coffee the potential applicants who have passed
the Miami screening process and have transferred the money in advance to a government account.
It is then up to the Prime Minister at his discretion whether citizenship should be awarded.

Under the old program, the public treasury of Dominica received no direct benefit. Rather, a private
developer had purchased land from the then Prime Minister's family. The entrepreneur was given
the right to award Dominica citizenship to persons investing in a proposed new hotel to be built on
that land. The Dominica people were supposed to derive an indirect benefit from increased
employment due to construction and operation of the hotel. But the hotel was never finished. Investors
lost their entire investment. But at least they did get their passports.

A new administration elected in 1995 replaced an essentially private program with a public one.
This was the so-called 'Re-Engineered Program of 1996.' Another new administration, elected in
1999, ran on a platform of cancellation of the program due to mismanagement of it and adverse
publicity. Also, the Canadian government cancelled visa-free travel for all Dominicans because too
many Chinese were using their acquired Dominican nationality to enter Canada without a visa and
then overstay.

Do you see a pattern here? When a passport program becomes widely known or when it gets publicity,
visa free travel rights are withdrawn. Possessors of the passports are questioned at borders, and if
they admit to 'buying' the passport, they may be denied entry—even with a visa.

In June 2002, the Government of Dominica announced significant changes to the programme, to
come into effect as of July 1, 2002. However, as these proposals were heavily criticised, the

BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

Government officially suspended applications - although we hear that a few are still being processed
at the Prime Minister's discretion during those Friday morning sessions.

Under the new published regulations, there are now two options for obtaining citizenship: A Family
Option and a Single Option. Under the Family Option, the applicant pays US$ 100,000. This qualifies
the applicant, his or her spouse and two children under 18 years for citizenship. An additional
US$25,000 per child is required for each child under 25 years of age. Under the Single Option, a
single applicant pays US$ 75,000. In addition to the above contributions, other additional fees
apply which can mount up quite substantially.

As in any event it appears that the Dominica citizenship programme will in the future be more
costly, depending on the effective increase of costs in Dominica. Other programmes - in particular
the St Kitts program - currently seem far more attractive.

Roger Gallo, author of the excellent book Escape from America and owner of the highly informative
expat website was one source who previously recommended Dominica.
However in 2004 he posted the following message on his website:

/ have removed my endorsement for the Dominica Passport. If anyone did buy the passport as the
result of my recommendation please contact me.

There are two significant concerns I have with Dominica:

1) Quality of the Dominica Passport: In this post-September 11th world, formerly-generous visa-
free countries such as the UK and Canada are looking seriously at soon imposing visas on all
countries that do not issue passports of the current world standard of anti-counterfeiting. Having
friends at a Canadian Bank who have been involved in assisting Grenada in implementing a passport
system, I know for a fact that it would take at least a year to put such a system in place in Dominica.
Therefore the visa-free travel listed for Dominica would probably not stand the test of time as the
Dominica Passport does not comply with current world standard anti-counterfeiting technology, the

2) Security Checks: Security checks are now a requirement for Dominica. However, this has only
been a requirement in the last year and Dominica has run its program with little-to-no scrutiny for
a number of years prior to this. These [authorized] security checks can be provided by several
different firms, ranging from small to large, therefore the standard of security checks [required]
would be difficult to maintain.

These two factors lead me to believe that the current purchase of a Dominica citizenship will soon
lead to possession of a very expensive but not terribly useful travel document. That is why I can no
longer recommend Dominica to visitors nor for clients who do not need an immediate (within a
matter of weeks vs months) second citizenship.

I realize that others may not share my pessimism about Dominica's future. While 1 reserve the right
to re-evaluate my position, I do not want to engage in recommending something until I feel confident
that the product that I am recommending will not result in a huge amount of disappointment in the
product (and my advice) in the very near future. I recognize that others may take a different view, as
is their right.

If that wasn't enough, in 2003 the Dominica government started a program of discrimination against
economic citizens. Native born Dominicans now qualify for a uniform OECS (regional economic
union) passport and rights to live and work in other OECS nations. Economic citizens do not qualify 93
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

for this passport. So now Dominica has first and second class citizens with different types of passport.
For this reason we too would advise against Dominica's passports - certainly at their exorbitant
current asking prices.


When it comes to obtaining a passport, this is certainly one of the easier ones. The DR is also one of
the more attractive resort places a PT can enjoy for a long stay. It has casinos, instant marriages and
divorces, plush hotels and nightclubs. For this writer, who visits frequently, it is much like pre-
Castro Cuba: noisy, lively, sexy, colourful and corrupt. Petty crime against tourists is almost non-

The passport can be obtained from any one of a long list of lawyers who specialize in immigration
matters. For that matter, we know of a chap who got one by pure chance for S300 from a taxi driver
in Santo Domingo! On the downside, the DR passport program (if you can call it that) has been
plagued by scandals. Holders now require a visa to travel almost anywhere.

In 1999, a Russian man was arrested at London's Heathrow Airport with a suitcase full of Dominican
Republic passports. By some estimates, almost 100,000 DR passports have been sold to foreigners
over the years, ranging in price from the $300 mentioned above up to $100,000 or more.

There is no official economic citizenship program, but the law clearly allows for citizenship in as
little as six months. First you must obtain residence rights. This comes automatically with the
purchase of any real estate. A rural farmhouse is incredibly cheap. The normal period to apply for
naturalization is two years. However, this is reduced to just six months in three cases:

( i) if you are running a business employing local citizens in the DR

(ii) if you own real estate
(iii) if you are married to a local citizen

Even the six months can be reduced to a few days by the widespread practice of backdating arrival

Most investors therefore form a company using a local lawyer as a first step, then rent a little office
and hire a cute secretary to sit there. Investments in serious tourism businesses are also popular.
Hotels, restaurants and guest houses (if run well) do well. A going business entitles an investor to
residency and to the six month fast-track citizenship.

After your application is submitted, the typical period of time quoted for processing any passport
application is 12 - 18 months. However, we understand this can be expedited substantially if it is
made worth the bureaucrats' while...

Bottom line? Go there and ask a few cab drivers what they can do for you. Only kidding! However,
as a general tip, never pay any serious money in advance to anyone in the Dominican Republic -
even (especially not!) lawyers. Ethical standards are abysmal. More often than not you will pay a
fee and get nothing but a load of excuses. Make any deals contingent upon success, or have funds in
escrow abroad - fully refundable, unless you get what you want. Don't do any banking in the
Dominican Republic. You will be swindled.
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection


Ecuador is fairly typical of the South American countries in this list. Residence can be obtained by
proving either an income of $ 1,000 per month (retired persons of independent means) or by investing
$25,000 in Ecuadorian government bonds.

Residence leads to citizenship after a waiting period of up to five years. A Spanish language test is
required. We have heard that the five year period can be substantially shortened with the right


Gibraltar has a relatively affordable residence program which should lead to Gibraltar/United
Kingdom citizenship, without the UK tax liability. Legal residence is easy to obtain, not expensive
and the presence requirements are less strictly applied than in the United Kingdom.

Under a 1992 law designed to attract so-called High Net Worth Individuals, a person can obtain
Gibraltar residence status by either renting or purchasing a home there, occupying it for 30 days per
year, having it available for use for 7 months per year, and paying annual income tax of at least GBP
£10,000. There are some luxury apartments available for sale or rent.

After five years as a Gibraltar resident, one is eligible to apply for United Kingdom nationality. An
EU passport holder can of course rent an apartment in Gibraltar and register as a resident or not, as
he pleases, without paying anyone anything. The normal United Kingdom rule for citizenship (which
also applies in Gibraltar) requires 275 days actual physical presence in each of the five years preceding
the application for citizenship. Gibraltar is part of the European Union under article 227 {4) of The
Treaty of Rome. As in Great Britain, residence without domicile brings taxation only on a source
and income remittance basis. That means - if you arrange to live on capital - you don't pay any

How to do it? You put a few years of living and eating money in account 'A.' You call this account
in your own books a 'Capital Account.' Any interest on that account is transferred to another account
where you keep your stock trading, receive dividends, royalties and any other income. You withdraw
your living money from account A. Your capital account can be topped up now and then when you
sell capital assets like coins, houses, stocks, cars, etc. That is it basically, though to comply with the
law it is best you have your set up approved by a chartered accountant from Gibraltar.

Gibraltar is a very small tourist town where every one of the locals knows everyone else. A well
liked foreigner can, as they say, 'write his own ticket.'

We can't think of any reason why anyone would go for the High Net Worth deal where you pay
£10,000 in annual taxes, except that the physical residence requirement is not enforced as long as
you own a vacant apartment there for five years.

Gibraltar isn't a bad place to live the PT life. If you like Brighton, Sussex, England, you should love
it. Flights to England are incredibly cheap and the airport is practically downtown. You benefit
from a year-round warm climate with nearby sand beaches and Anglo-Spanish golf clubs. There's a
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

very British, somewhat downmarket fish'n'chips style ambiance to the place. The legal and financial
services are excellent. All familiar British products, services and supermarkets are there. You are a
short boat ride from Morocco, or Ceuta - a freeport in North Africa. You can drive easily in a few
hours to Portugal.


Grenada had, for a time, the cheapest, fully legal family program. For a total cost of just US$55,000,
citizenship could be obtained for the applicant, his/her spouse and up to three dependent children
under 25 years of age. Extra dependent children under 25 could have been registered for US$6,000
each. There was no requirement to ever set foot on Grenada.

For individuals, the total cost was US$45,000. Since there was no travel requirement, Grenada was
always less costly for a single person than Dominica was. For visa free travel, the passport was also
a better one than Dominica's. Grenada also has a treaty with Ireland which facilitated the obtaining
of legal residence in Ireland. Pursuing both Grenada nationality and Irish residence was an attractive

Grenada 'suspended' its program as of 24 October 2001, ostensibly to preserve visa-free travel to
Canada. Still, Canada unilaterally terminated visa-free travel for all British Commonwealth citizens
who do not also enjoy visa-free travel to the United States. Canada and the United States are working
towards a uniform, common policy for foreign visitors, to better secure the extensive Canada-US

We have not heard of any grey market activity in Grenada. That doesn't mean that some entrepreneur
hasn't got something going on the quiet. Let us know if you hear any news from there. As far as we
know the Grenada Passport program is now dead.


While Guatemala passports offer superb visa-free travel arrangements, the country like the Dominican
Republic has had too many low level civil servants selling real passports at bargain prices. In 2000,
a new-style digitized passport was introduced. These passports are, for the time being, issued by a
private company (a bank). We hear they are not open to corruption. A rare intelligent move on the
part of a third world government to 'privatise' this service.

At present, however, it is quite easy for foreigners to obtain residence in Guatemala. Foreign residents
tend to choose the prestigious Zona Rosa or zone 10 of Guatemala City, where living is up to first
world standards. There are native markets and many great sidewalk cafes, bars and hangouts that
will remind you of Paris in the summer. Live music of the Guatemalan Marimba (kind of a Xylophone)
is everywhere. The local women are attractive and on the lookout for single male foreigners. In
other words, Guatemala is an undiscovered, under-rated playground.

We also like the pretty, small Spanish Colonial town of Antigua. It is populated by many retired
Americans. Antigua has great coffee, and is probably the best place in the world to learn Spanish

BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

quickly. There is an abundance of incredibly cheap private schools catering to foreigners. Each
student can be assigned a personal tutor who rapidly becomes a good friend and guide.

Simply renting a house or apartment and remitting a small amount of money each month to a local
bank can qualify you for a residence permit. Living in Guatemala is dirt cheap. Simply establishing
a residence there leads to a passport after as little as two years. Making some contacts or a hiring a
streetwise local lawyer will definitely help you here and possibly speed up the process.

Certain entrepreneurs on the Internet are offering instant grey market Guatemalan passports at
around $25,000. We have not checked out these documents and so we cannot recommend them. We
are not sure if they are legally issued, backed up on computer and renewable.


This Central American nation can be described as a typical banana republic, controlled by a land-
owning, military aristocracy. As Costa Rica closed down its long-running pensionado passport
program in the eighties, Honduras jumped into the loop.

The roots of 'instant citizenship' Honduran style can be traced back to the 1980s, when Honduras
proved a haven for 'contras' fighting the Marxist Nicaraguan Government. These rebels used some
of the financial support received from Washington to buy Honduran passports, allowing them to
hide out and cross borders under cover. This, it is rumoured, was sanctioned and encouraged by
Colonel Oliver North in person.

Naturally, after the end of the civil war in Nicaragua, the passport program continued. A few senior
government officials had been exposed to a cash-making phenomenon, and as the funds and
applications continued to flow in they were not disposed to the idea of closing the program down.

Honduras might not be an appealing destination at first glance. However, this small country has
always maintained a vast array of honorary diplomats around the world and has, as a result, superb
diplomatic relations. We discovered, to our pleasant surprise, that Hondurans enjoy visa-free travel
to much the same extent as the holder of a Swiss or Canadian passport. (The USA being the exception,
of course).

Honduras has also proven accommodating in providing supporting documents like driving licences,
voting cards, tax clearance certificates etc. All these documents are available at nominal cost if you
were to travel to Honduras for a while, obtain residency, and push the paperwork personally through
the bureaucracy. We are also informed that retaining the services of a well-known lawyer can shorten
the process by several years.

A Honduran passport would probably be best for someone who wanted to live far away from Central
America, but was willing to learn Spanish. It is a good back door to Spain, because as it was a
former colony, Hondurans can easily qualify for Spanish residency. After a few years of residency,
a Spanish (European Union) passport can be obtained.

Even though it is officially a Spanish speaking country, English is widely used especially in upper-
class circles. There are many descendants of English miners and railway workers who still use
English names. The current vice-president for example (as of 2004) is a Mr Williams.
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

However, be warned: a banana republic and large amounts of ready cash combine to make a perfect
recipe for corruption and abuse. This is exactly what happened in the 1990s. Since then, sporadic
US intervention and investigation has resulted in a number of individuals being booted out of office
after pocketing funds derived from illegal instant passport deals.

In an amusing incident in 1995, the USA's willingness to attack the very instant passport program it
instigated left it with egg on its face. Jerry Wolf Stuchiner, the US Immigration and Naturalization
Service's former chief officer in Hong Kong, was arrested for carrying five allegedly fraudulent
Honduran passports into Hong Kong. According to Hong Kong officials, Stuchiner would sell the
passports for $40,000 to $50,000 apiece to smugglers so that Chinese individuals could immigrate
illegally to the United States.

Stuchiner was originally sentenced to 40 months in jail for possessing 'forged' passports. However,
the sentence was later reduced to three months because the prosecution was unable to prove that the
passports were in fact forged - only that they were 'irregularly issued.' Because the passports did
not actually contain photos at the time he was caught, the Hong Kong court determined that Stuchiner
was not carrying forged passports but only 'irregular instruments'.

Stuchiner was later released early from this three month sentence because Hong Kong would have
reverted to Chinese rule during his imprisonment. Although Hong Kong stated that Stuchiner was
released early because he cooperated with prosecutors in a case against another corrupt US
immigration official, it is more likely that he was released early because he had had access to
sensitive information. Washington was likely worried that, if Beijing officials would interrogate
him about the information, Stuchiner would reveal the classified information to the Chinese

As of 2004, Stuchiner continues to practice immigration law in Los Angeles, California. He is

currently an active member of the bar with no record of discipline. His firm is called "Paladin Law."
We wonder if it is named after one of our favourite underground publishing houses, the Paladin
Press? Either way we feel that the US government is still protecting him, and we would certainly
not recommend buying foreign immigration services from anyone so closely connected with a
major government.

The country was devastated by Hurricane Mitch in 1998, which killed about 5,600 people and
caused approximately $2 billion in damage. In the wake of this, our sources indicate that several
thousand more passports were sold 'under the table' to help fund relief efforts (at least that was the
official justification).

As we go to press we are besieged with rumours, which we have not been able to substantiate,
regarding continued availability of these grey market Honduran passports. Nobody really seems to
know what is going on. Any further information on this would be much appreciated for future
editions of this book.

Bottom line? It appears that instant Honduran citizenships are still available, but they may or may
not be legal or fraudulent. Proceed with extreme caution. If you need to consult with lawyers familiar
with the immigration and citizenship situation in Central and South America, Global Liberty
Publishing's offices can make suitable referrals.
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection


Ireland was always a first class jurisdiction for anyone to get citizenship and a passport.

Back in the 1970s, a good friend with no Irish relatives went to a specialist lawyer in Dublin and
was questioned about his genealogy. After a rather hefty fee (S75,000) was paid, he quickly got an
Irish passport based upon the fact that his grandfather once had an Irish girlfriend in Boston, MA,
USA and he was her illegitimate grandson. We think that deal was finagled with the help of a
creative genealogist and some Celtic tall stories or 'blarney,' for which the Irish are famous. But
that is the way it was done. It was a good way for a well connected lawyer to get very rich.

Then there was the story of the Irish Consul General in London in the 1990s. In return for sex and
a cash payment (usually around 10,000€ in today's money), he issued Irish passports to some eight
hundred (mostly Asian and Eastern European) single women. The legal basis was an 'Irish
association,' - namely that he had slept with them. That made them Irish in his eyes, anyway.
Whether this is true or not, we don't know - but this scandal was reported in the British tabloids at
some length. You can imagine the headlines: Disgraced Muslim Girls Seduced By Irish Consul in
Passport Scam. The offending diplomat was recalled to Dublin in disgrace.

In any event, Irish government statistics show about 3 million Irish people in Ireland eligible for
passports and another 30 million potentially Irish citizens abroad.

With the coming of the European Union at Maastricht in 1992, Ireland tightened up dramatically
both on issuances and renewals. Unless one was wealthy, that is....

Ireland was one of the first EU states with a procedure to permit wealthy foreign investors to obtain
immediate nationality. This program ended, effectively, in 1996, although stragglers were issued
passports as late as 1999. The history is fascinating despite the termination of this program. Probably
only for the time being. The Irish program is a story of blunders and scandals almost as bad as those
in Belize.

Under Section 16 of the Irish Nationality and Citizenship Act, 1956, as amended in 1986, the
Minister of Justice, in his absolute discretion, has the power to waive the normal conditions for
naturalization, e.g., five years of local residence.

The applicant must be found to be of Irish descent or have an 'Irish association'. This was conveniently
vague with plenty of opportunity for discretion.

In 1984, someone in the government determined that economic activity in Ireland could create
'Irish associations' by investment. In practice this meant that Ireland introduced a procedure whereby
any investor who injected IR£500,000 or more into an existing Irish business could obtain immediate
Irish nationality, without any prior residence - for himself, his spouse, and all minor children. The
'fast track' approach took about 1-month, while the 'slow lane' required a lesser but substantial fee
and took 6 months.

Here's the kicker! The investment was made typically by a loan from a local Irish bank, at a reduced
interest rate, then 5% to 6% per year. The repayment of principal and interest were guaranteed with
government backing. The applicant was required to purchase a residence and spend 60 days in
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

Ireland over the following two years. The residence could be rented out or sold 6 months after
naturalization. The investor was put in touch with a bank that made the guaranteed loan.

Thus, the investor only had to pay in cash the difference between the current interest rate (then
10%) and the guaranteed interest rate. Plus a generous lawyer's fee! The net cash payment needed
to obtain an instant Irish passport was somewhere between €150,000 and €350,000 depending
upon factors too complex, whimsical and arbitrary for this short summary.

This program was very good for enriching certain politicians and lawyers. Local Irish businesses
queued up to obtain this 'government-subsidized' financing. Successful recipients were often failing
companies with good political contacts. The potential for corruption was obvious, even at the time.
Over the years 1984 to 1994, the program evolved. It was eventually simplified into a single IR£1
million investment. The government guarantees were eliminated and the source of funds had to be
entirely from abroad - no more local bank loans! An expensive residence had to be purchased
before approval. The residence could not be rented out, though it could still be sold 60-days post-
naturalization. Still, the investment benefited only a very few lawyers and politicians.

The political controversy in Ireland over the corruption and mismanagement of this program has
been great. There were few, if any, benefits realized by ordinary Irish people. Businesses which
should have been allowed to fail were in fact expanded - usually with poor results. Businesses not
assisted felt betrayed and penalized due to their own good management.

Politicians secured votes by helping unworthy businesses simply because they were located in key
voting areas. The program is now in the 'grey area' and according to our information, few if any
Irish passports are being given out. The 'Irish association,' marriage and ancestry angles have been
tightened up - though not ruled out altogether.

Ireland has also experienced a number of scandals in the past involving so called 'ghost' passports.
These are passports issued in the name of dead people by fraudulent use of birth certificates. A
number of IRA terrorists have been caught using these passports, most recently in Colombia where
they were training members of the FARC rebel army. Therefore in summer 2003, procedures were
tightened up. Now all new birth certificates issued by the Irish registry office are stamped 'deceased,'
if that is the case.

Those who believe they may have Irish ancestors can start by contacting their local Irish consulate
which can help. However, many records were destroyed during the Irish civil war and the subsequent
decades of terrorist atrocities. Fortunately most records were duplicated because the Church and
the civil authorities both kept their own registers of births, deaths, and marriages. Baptismal records
of the church also serve as usable proofs of ancestry. The authoritative Genealogical Supplement is
available on subscription from the company Inside Ireland, PO Box 1886, Dublin 16, Ireland.

Editor's Note: Attorney Stephen Gray is to be thanked for information contained in an excellent
summary of the Irish Second Passport Program found on his personal website.


Israel will grant immediate residence to any Jewish person under the Law of Return. The applicant
is expected to purchase or rent a home in Israel upon arrival. Citizenship and a laissez-passer are
granted within 30 days. A passport is granted after one year.
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

The definition of Jewish is quite liberal and, in fact, can apply to just about anyone. You must be
prepared to convert, unless you have a Jewish-maiden-named mother as shown by your birth
certificate. Many Russians have obtained Israeli citizenship by using faked Russian birth certificates
that show a Jewish mother.

Israel in theory taxes its residents on their worldwide income. New immigrants, however, can expect
to be exempt from worldwide taxation for some period. In addition, very wealthy businessmen can
negotiate a special exemption.

The big downside? Israel is in a rough neighbourhood. With suicide bombers going at it much too
frequently for comfort, it has become a nerve-wracking place to live and work. It is dangerous if
you must go out on public transportation or shop in public street markets. Department stores,
restaurants and supermarkets now all have guards and security searches.

New immigrants must be aware of compulsory lifetime military service requirements. This applies
also to females though their required period of service and reserve duty is much less than for males.
The passport actually is pretty good for visa free travel, but holders must be eternally vigilant
against Muslim fanatics who believe they will go to paradise and have the perpetual sexual services
of 70 virgins if they (not the virgins) kill a Jew.

Most people are unaware of the Eisenberg Law which says if a very wealthy person moves his
already established business headquarters to Israel and employs a certain number of locals, he gets
a lifetime tax exemption - and a lot of extra government perks that may include military protection,
intelligence services and even diplomatic status. It is all negotiable. Don't even think about this
unless you are in the S25 million or more net worth category. But for some businessmen, it could
certainly be an advantage to become, in essence, an influential and protected partner of the
government. Certainly this status is the PT ideal.


Their legal passport program was another disaster! There were some complicated zero coupon
interest-bearing bonds the applicant could sell at a discount. Then there was more required purchase
of grossly overpriced real estate and consultant and attorney fees of around $20,000. The total cash
cost was around $100,000. But the passports on offer never sold - not even one - though they
would have been good for visa free travel to Europe.

Jamaica is a much nicer place to visit than Belize is. The native population looks and thinks 'laid
back and high' much like the Belizeans, but the music they make is far better. They invented steel
drums, Calypso and Reggae. Their powerful, hallucinogenic, Jamaican 'ganja' is a kind of potent
Jamaican pot that they grow and export 'for religious reasons.' Bob Marley and the Wailers were of
course religious smokers spreading the Rasta gospel from Jamaica!

We like Jamaica as a playground, and would give their passport a solid C+ if it could be obtained at
a reasonable price or without too long a residence period. We enjoyed the years we lived in Jamaica,
but found it quite expensive. Like Haiti, it is too crowded and overpopulated. Jamaican Blue Mountain
coffee is also expensive and requires an acquired taste to be fond of it. That's the way we feel about
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

Jamaica as a playground or place to live and do any business. Not everyone likes it, but it does have
some enthusiasts.

When the government ministers set the outrageous price of $ 100,000 for their nothing special C+
passport they must have smoked too much ganja. By 1995 their project was dead in the water.
Reportedly, the 'grey market' is alive and well - on a small scale and at lower prices.

Many white people of British descent carry Jamaican passports, as do the many Black and mixed-
race Jamaicans who are descendants of African slaves. They have moved abroad to get away from
30% unemployment and they live in great numbers in London and New York - among other places.
If you could affect the unique Jamaican accent, and would start wearing your hair in dreadlocks, a
Jamaican passport might be your cup of tea.

This is one of the few situations where we don't have a clue about current prices or availability.
Neither have we any contacts there to point you towards. Any reader who actually obtains a legally
issued Jamaican passport is invited to contact the publishers and share information.


Mozambique is one of the poorest countries on earth. Almost five centuries as a Portuguese colony
came to a close with independence in 1975 - and with it came economic disaster. Large-scale
emigration by whites (the farming community), economic dependence on South Africa, a severe
drought, and a prolonged civil war hindered the country's development for the next twenty years.

Mozambique does have a history of selling passports. A consulate in Asia started a program in the
1990s, the going rate being $6,000 to $10,000. The stated aim of the program was to raise funds to
develop sustainable agriculture, but as in most third world countries we are sure most of the proceeds
went straight into the pockets of government officials.

We know some PTs who bought those passports in the 1990s. Although almost worthless as a travel
document (needing visas to go everywhere) they were useful for banking at that time. We do know
that some of them were successfully renewed at consulates. However, these days you would need a
really good story before you could convince a bank that you were a genuine Mozambique citizen.

As far as we know the program is still going, but we believe you could do better. Or - why not read
our story on Tanzania, and then get on a plane? We bet that if you were there on the ground, you
could get a passport a whole lot cheaper than $6,000.


You can visit their website, Should you buy a passport for around $30,000?
Or perhaps go for an alternative program recently offered by Dr Harvey Penguino whose office is
Suite 16, Rockefeller Centre, Melchizedek, Antarctica. His new program offers citizenship, a
diplomatic passport, your own chartered bank, a driver's licence and a deed to your own private
sovereign iceberg too - a package deal at a bargain price. He asks only for "what you can afford."

BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

The only problem is that Melchizedek exists only in cyberspace. You may be told by eager con-men
that Melchizedek (or a few imaginary countries like it) issue internationally recognized passports.
But they are a joke at best and a serious fraud at worst. We mention Melchizedek here only because
there are quite a number of non-countries - imaginary nations who issue fancy printed passports at
fancy prices.

Hundreds of people have applied to become citizens of Melchizedek. Some have paid up to $32,500
for passports and the promise of a government job in a 'low-cost, tax-free paradise.' Don't you be
one of them. Before sending money, check with the publishers by e-mail to see if you are dealing
with something real.


This eight square mile island in the middle of the Pacific has an extraordinary history. Its most
important export was once phosphate. Following independence the government foolishly mismined
it, destroying the ecosystem and almost everything there. Since there is absolutely nothing left to do
there any more, most of the locals have turned to drugs and alcohol and are dying from diabetes,
obesity and heart disease. This is a result of eating fatty foods and taking no exercise. Australian
hospitals will no longer accept them - the Nauru government's state healthcare system has millions
of dollars outstanding in unpaid Australian hospital bills. The situation is now so dire that the
government is seriously considering abandoning the island and moving the entire population and
the country to another location.

During the island's heyday, when it was still rich in phosphate deposits, they lived the high life and
built up huge foreign reserves of around $250,000 per citizen. This was managed by trustees appointed
by the United Nations. But then the citizens of Nauru demanded the right to manage their own
money. In short order they were losing money hand over fist in real estate deals and a number of
bizarre schemes. At one time in the 1980s, for example, they tried to convert their little local airline
into a world class player along the lines of British Airways or Air France, entertaining the ridiculous
notion that their little island in the middle of the ocean would become a global air hub for traffic
crossing the Pacific. The economic consequences were disastrous. A huge fortune that would have
supported the people for generations was squandered in ten years.

Once there was nothing left in the way of natural resources, in the late 1980s Nauru moved into the
offshore sector. They started churning out bank licences for Russians and passports for all-comers,
selling them for about $30,000 mainly through agents in China and Hong Kong. It is unclear whether
they actually got around to passing any specific laws allowing this - but the passports were certainly
legally issued, government sanctioned and recognised for travel - for a while. Now the Nauru
passport is on a par with Somali or Pakistani passports. Give it a D minus.

Nauru became famous for fraud and its involvement at the sleazier end of the offshore business. A
law enforcement officer in Hong Kong recently described Nauru as "all bird shit, telephone sex and
money laundering."

Most recently, Nauru has turned itself into an offshore haven for refugees. People from poor Asian
countries hoped to reach Australia in rickety boats in order to make a new life. Instead, after being
intercepted by the Australian coastguard, they find that Australia has signed a contract with Nauru
whereby all unwanted refugees will be shipped there to concentration camps. Nauru gets paid a fee
for keeping them. It is enough to support the local natives. The poor refugees find themselves 103
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imprisoned on a desolate island in the middle of nowhere. They have nowhere to go, nothing to do,
no hope, no future...

Nauru is now bankrupt. They are broke even though the US government paid them millions of
dollars in foreign aid to close down their 'offshore' banking sector and terminate their passport

We have no doubt that it is would be easy to obtain a Nauru passport. If you have a vision or have
been smoking a lot of Jamaican Ganja, maybe you could even buy the whole island nation, free the
refugees and do something useful with the place.

Don't pay over $ 100 for a legitimate Nauru passport.


New Zealand, like Australia, follows a points system. It allows wealthy investors to buy points.
Before 1988, immigration was strictly limited. However, about turns in policy meant that wealthy
immigrants were and are now actively encouraged to come to New Zealand to invest.

Citizenship requires five years of residence. A spouse of a New Zealander won't get his or her
passport for five years either. There is a move by xenophobic elements to change the laws after
2005 to require up to ten years of residence before a passport and citizenship materializes. It appears
there will be some major changes in the New Zealand laws.

New Zealand used to offer one of the best deals around for those looking for a good quality first
world passport. However, the voters don't seem to like all the new faces (most of them Asian). They
are trying hard to shut the door on new citizens. We will look at the law as it still in early 2005, but
check at our web site or with us to see about any changes.


[From a New Zealand Editorial by Keith Locke representing the NZ Green Party December 2004]

The Government has introduced a law that would deny automatic New Zealand citizenship to children
born here to visiting parents. This would put us in line with Australia - but it would take us out of
line with the US and Canada, which grant an automatic right of citizenship to all people born on
their soil. The only substantive reason advanced for this change is a belief that pregnant foreigners
are seeking our passports for their offspring by flying in, having their babies then flying out again.
Yet this has happened in no more than one or two cases a year. Longer-term non-residents do have
babies here, but they are usually women on work, student or business visas. It is preferable that
such babies born here do have New Zealand citizenship, so they qualify for the free or subsidised
post-natal healthcare the rest of us got as infants. We certainly should not bring in a blanket ban
because inevitably, some babies would suffer when their hard-up non-resident parents cannot
afford such treatment. We are not an uncharitable people. The Identity Bill and the wider policy of
which it is a part are too hard-hearted to be New Zealand law.
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

Among the other major change propositions on the table there is a bill that gives the Internal Affairs
Minister the power to cancel any New Zealand citizen's passport. Where did they get this idea
from? From the USA PATRIOT Act of course. They want to use it to take away citizenship from any
suspected terrorists. The person thus deprived would have to sue to get his passport resorted, but as
the evidence might be classified as secret, it would be an uphill battle that few citizens could afford.
This bill is another example of the Government wanting to follow the lead of Big Brother USA who
got carried away with the war on terror.

What about the old law, which is still on the books at the time of going to press?
There are four main categories under which you can apply for New Zealand residency: Investor,
General Skills, Family, and Long-Term Business.

All immigration permits are issued based on a points system, which is revised approximately every
six months depending on the availability of qualified workers for certain skilled jobs.

Family visas obviously require family there, while the long-term business visa is the most complicated
to qualify for. Despite its name, it is valid only for three years.

The 'General Skills' visa is intended for those seeking to work in New Zealand. If you have an
unusual skill which New Zealand needs, and can prove it in the form of qualifications, you might
qualify here. Otherwise it is quite difficult because you cannot start job-hunting until you have
qualified for the visa.

Probably the easiest to get, if you are relatively young and have money, is the Investor Visa. For this
you require at least NZD $1 million, around $580,000 USD. Be prepared to invest it in New Zealand.
Almost any kind of investment qualifies, even a plain vanilla bank deposit. It must remain in New
Zealand for two years but you are allowed to move the money between different investments during
this time. The younger you are and the more money you have, the more points you are awarded.
One can travel up to six months a year and still have the required residence for citizenship application

English language proficiency is also required and tested.


The Nicaraguan passport, like most from the Central American republics, offers surprisingly good
visa free travel, including the vast majority of Europe. Visas for other countries are not difficult to
obtain, since the Nicaraguans who travel are usually ones with money who don't overstay.

Nicaragua has no official passport program, but is a good alternative for those seeking to keep costs
down and can afford to wait a few years. Residence is granted almost routinely to persons of most
citizenships. The cost can be under $5000. Naturalization is available after four years. It is sufficient
to keep residence renewed on paper, but it is not necessary to spend any time in Nicaragua after an
initial visit.

Requirements for a residence permit are typical of Central and South America: 105
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1. Existing passport and 8 passport photos

2. Police clearance certificate (alternatively the Nicaraguan authorities will request an
Interpol clearance on your behalf. This requires fingerprinting.)
3. Health certificate (this can be issued in Nicaragua ... via a telephone consultation!)
4. Translated birth certificate

The Alienage Law (Law 154 of 1993) states that the General Office for Immigration has the discretion
to waive requirements as they see fit. A well-connected local lawyer can be of great assistance here.
The Global Liberty Publishing office knows several such lawyers in Managua, all of whom speak

The total cost of the residency application in Nicaragua is low - in the region of $5000. Thereafter
you just have to pay modest annual renewal fees and return after four years to pick up your passport.


Panama is another interesting player in the second passport field, with a gripping history of both
white glove and grey market programs. Panama is the most economically liberal of the Central
American republics - a country that was actually invented by Wall Street financiers who bought
this former Colombian province, keen to acquire rights to the Panama Canal. Since then, the Canal
has always been the major asset of the country, but Panama has also developed into Latin America's
most important financial centre.

One option is their instant passport program. This fully above board, legal deal allows foreigners to
obtain an immediate Panamanian passport. The only condition is that they make a five year time
deposit in US dollars at the Banco Nacional de Panama. The deposit has to be enough to produce
interest income of US$750 per month. Therefore the total principal required varies with interest
rates - but due to low interest rates, the required deposit is higher than it ever has been.

Want to read the law itself? The lawyers we talked to say '"Go to any search engine. Use this
reference: Panami Ley 9 de 24 de Junio de 1987. Decreto Ejecutivo Numero 62 de 4 de Agosto de
1987. It is in Spanish." This is a Noriega era decree from the bad old days after he seized power in
a military coup, and before he was deposed in the American invasion of 1989. We can't even say for
sure if it is still the law of the land, but it appears to be.

The big catch? It is a non-citizen passport. It is nothing more than a travel document issued to
foreigners, much the same as major nations issue to stateless persons and refugees. For the moment,
apparently not many countries know that these passports do not represent citizenship documents.
So they are probably suitable for banking and some travel - but do not expect to be afforded the
same rights as Panamanian citizens. In fact, the applicant does not even obtain so much as residency
rights! Who buys these passports? We don't know. Maybe they are useful for some purposes besides
the sale by unscrupulous bureaucrats to unsuspecting buyers.

There is, however, another fully legal Panamanian program that offers full citizenship and a 'real'
passport. This is the so-called Reforestation Visa. Law No. 24 of November 23rd, 1992 introduced
incentives for reforestation investments. This is a classic passport-by-residence program which
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

requires a relatively modest investment. It is heralded as an effort to protect Panama's environment

and ecosystem, but is actually a carbon copy of a similar, now defunct Costa Rican law.

Under this law, any foreigner who participates in a reforestation project with a minimum investment
of only US$ 40,000 is entitled to obtain full immigrant status (residence permit) in the Republic of
Panama under the investor immigration programme.

This is a special incentive provided by the Panamanian legislation for the development of reforestation
projects and is an added incentive to the tax incentives which were established specially for larger
international investors.

Also, Executive Decree No.89 of June 8th, 1993, furthermore clearly regulates that reforestation
projects will not be subject to any income tax on any profits from the wood produced for 20 years.
That is, of course, assuming there are any profits from the wood produced. In the forestry register
(Registro Forestal) of the National Environmental Authority there are more than 1,000 reforestation
projects currently registered. Caveat Emptor! Let the Buyer Beware! There have been a numerous
swindles in these programs, where unwitting investors have been sold useless, extremely overpriced
scrub land where trees won't grow. Others have paid dearly for bogus land titles on property that
cannot be legally sold because it is located on Indian reservations.

If someone qualifies for residence by investing in forestry, the applicant is entitled to a full passport
and naturalization after five years. It is sufficient to hold the right to residency - in other words, you
do not actually have to be in Panama during those five years. Note: in contrast, the residence permits
granted to retired persons do not grant a right to naturalisation - not ever!

Panama has a noble history of grey market passports. This dates back to the Noriega days when the
ex-dictator started issued passports to his drug dealing associates from neighbouring Colombia.
Later, Noriega entered the mass market and sold passports to an estimated 30,000 Cubans, 11,000
Hong Kong Chinese, and 2,500 Libyans. The going rate was $2,500 for residence or $12,000 for a
passport. He made a healthy profit on these, obviously.

During the nineties, after Noriega was deposed by the Americans and carted off to do time in a
luxurious Florida jail, wealthy Russians and Chinese immigrated to Panama by the thousands. The
going rate by this time in Moscow was about $80,000 - $ 100,000 for Panamanian citizenship. Your
author happens to know that about half of that fee went to the Russian intermediaries, and half to
the Panamanians.

Even today, grey market passport deals are a fact of life in the Republic of Panama. You really just
need to call any law firm in Panama and ask how to buy a passport. Most of them speak English.
Some are better than others. Of course, before doing so you must understand the Latin American
penchant for finessing the subject. Avoid 'being direct' at all costs - especially when it comes to
grey market business. So you would start off by asking about companies and investments, then
about immigration, and then perhaps casually start hinting about the benefits of local citizenship
after inviting your chosen lawyer to lunch at a classy establishment in the upscale Financial District
of Panama City.

If you would prefer to talk first to somebody outside Panama who has the right contacts and has
'been there, done that' more than a few times before, contact the offices of Global Liberty Publishing
for referrals to independent consultants.
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection


Paraguayans almost invented the black market in passports! Until 1993, the government was a one-
man show choreographed by a half-German dictator Alfredo Stroessner. Passports were regularly
sold to ex-Nazis and other fugitives. The average man on the bus in Asuncion was very happy
during the Stroessner era. When we visit Paraguay these days, we always hear the locals mourning
the day that the Americans forced their dictator out of office. The socialists came to power, bringing
with them nothing but social problems, crime and poverty.

However, we have not heard of any more black market documents coming out of Paraguay for the
past ten years. Why would anyone need to take risks with the black market when a totally legal,
naturalization by residence program is so easy? While other Latin American countries have generally
outlawed their white glove programs, Paraguay has legalized its black market instead.

Paraguay today offers a fine residence and passport program. The main attractions are:

1. The Paraguayan constitution requires only two years of residence in order to qualify for
legal naturalization and passport
2. Paraguay has only very limited personal income taxes, applying only to income earned
on Paraguayan territory.
3. The Paraguayan passport offers excellent visa-free travel including most of Europe
4. A Paraguayan cedula (ID card, issued immediately on residence) can be used for travel
between the Mercosur countries, Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Uruguay, etc.
5. Name change to a Spanish-sounding equivalent when applying for naturalization is
6. Strong European heritage. Paraguay is said to resemble Germany in the 1930's.
7. Low cost of living and housing
8. Excellent and abundant beef. Prime cuts that cost €30 per kilogram in Europe sell for
about €1 wholesale in Paraguay. Most expats in Paraguay just buy a whole cow at a time
and store it in their freezer.

Paraguay acquired some ill repute by welcoming ex-Nazis after World War Two. But what 'they'
don't tell you is that during the War, the country also welcomed many Jews fleeing persecution. In
fact, in Paraguay anybody is welcome and they don't ask too many questions. It is an under populated
country where free land (not very good land however) is still available for homesteading. The
people are easy going and friendly to strangers.

The Paraguayan attitude is that provided you fit in and do not commit violent crimes or anti-social
acts in Paraguay, there is plenty of space for you. Smuggling, for example, may be on the books as
a crime, but for ordinary people, it is the Paraguayan way of life - not considered a crime.

The country prides itself on independence from foreign powers. Extradition requests aimed at foreign
resident nationals are frequently ignored - especially if the person sought has curried favour with
the Asuncion establishment.

The Paraguayan constitution is also very liberal in granting rights to foreigners. It states that all
inhabitants have the right to develop their personal inclinations, trades and businesses. Everyone,
Paraguayan or not, is equal before the law, with no discrimination. There are no restrictions on
business activities carried out by foreign nationals.

BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

On the downside, the Paraguayan border town of Ciudad del Este has been described as "the anus
of the earth" by money laundering expert Jeffrey Robinson, author of The Laundtymen. This city is
located where the borders of Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay meet, in the area famed for its huge
hydro-electric power plant and its marketplace in stolen cars. It is also home to South America's
largest Muslim community. The USA complains that it is headquarters for middle-eastern terrorist
cells, arms trading and counterfeit documents. It was supposedly the basis for the fictional sinful
city planet of Tatouine as depicted in the movie Star Wars.

Paraguay is relatively corrupt. During the 1980s hundreds or even thousands of passports were sold
illegally. A new government in 1993 cracked down on "irregularities in the issuance of passports"
and insisted that national passports must be applied for in person within the country. They must be
renewed in person (can be at a consulate) every two years. Currently as of 2005, official scrutiny is
delaying routine naturalizations. It is said to be impossible to simply buy a passport from a Paraguayan
diplomat abroad any more.

Bottom Line: Paraguay has a "B" passport (our informal rating) that is good for visa free travel to
most places. It would be a B+ passport if it was issued for a longer period than six years with those
required two year renewals. Asuncion is under-rated and not a bad place to live. It is officially the
cheapest city in the world you can live in, according to the 2004 Cost of Living Survey from Mercer
Human Resource Consulting. It has first world facilities.

For the single man, the friendly and available women of that country should make for a pleasant
stay. There are good business opportunities, and the passport available in around two years can be
quite inexpensive if obtained through a regular immigration lawyer. For those who are not aware,
the language of all South America is Spanish with the one exception of Brazil. There in Brazil
Portuguese is spoken.


A foreign individual with sufficient income to support himself and his dependents can obtain a
residence visa and residence card by making an approved investment of US$ 100,000. This investment
used to be a home, but please check the current rules with a Consulate.

The prospective resident must rent or own a home in Portugal before the application is approved.
This can obviously lead to problems (if the only reason you are buying is to get residency). So
renting is better. PTs in the know will ask their lawyers to make a property purchase conditional on
receiving the required residence permit. This way, your real estate broker, who is keen to make the
sale, will work hard on your behalf to help you plough through the bureaucracy. After six years of
residence one can apply for citizenship.

Portugal also issues an Alien's Passport which can be used for travel throughout the European
Union. This is designed for stateless refugees and is officially only issued 'under exceptional
circumstances.' However we have been informed that well-connected lawyers have obtained such
documents almost immediately for their clients in the past.

Brazilians get a special deal and can become citizens with no investment. Just a short residence
period. Thus, some PTs in the past have gone for Brazil as a stepping stone into the EU. 109
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

Portugal requires renunciation of existing citizenship (except Brazilian) before you become
Portuguese. However, another law clearly establishes that once you are Portuguese you remain
Portuguese forever - so once granted citizenship, you can legally reacquire your previous nationality
if your original country (like Canada, UK. or under some circumstances the USA) allows.


St Christopher (also known as "St Kitts") and Nevis, also a British Commonwealth country in the
West Indies, also has a long running and well established 'white glove' second citizenship program.

This is granted under Chapter VIII (Section 90 - 95) of the Constitution of Saint Christopher and
Nevis and Section 3(5) of the Saint Christopher and Nevis Citizenship Act, 1984 as interpreted by
Ministry of National Security announcement dated March, 1996.

The St. Kitts passport is still very well regarded. It has not been beset by the scandals which have hit
other islands with similar programs. Probably due to the high price, only relatively few passports
have been issued under this citizenship-by-investment programme. As a result, St Kitts passport
holders (unlike Belize, Dominica or Grenada passport holders for example) enjoy a passport with
excellent visa-free travel.

An application, if approved, will result in citizenship for the whole family. In addition to standard
documentary requirements (passports, birth and marriage certificates, police clearance, and so on)
it is necessary that the applicant makes a contribution to the Government of St. Kitts and Nevis,
which takes the form of a non-refundable cash payment of US$ 35,000 for a single applicant plus
US$ 15,000 for each dependent. In addition to this, there are various extra processing, legal and due
diligence fees.

But wait! That's not all. The applicant must also invest in designated real estate. To qualify for
citizenship of St. Kitts and Nevis, the Government requires an investment in real estate of at least
US$ 250,000. These requirements make the programme relatively expensive but at the same time
also more exclusive.

Fortunately, St. Kitts and Nevis is a very attractive place to own real estate, and there are some
excellent real estate developments that are approved under the citizenship programme. An investment
in St Kitts real estate is probably far more worthwhile, enjoyable and secure than purchasing an
acre of dodgy swampland in Panama in order to qualify for a Reforestation Visa there. One problem
though. There is talk of terminating this program, so check with the publishers for the latest status
if St Kitts seems like your cup of tea.


St. Vincent and the Grenadines passed a law in 1996 to allow an investor to become an "honorary
citizen" of this Windward Islands nation.

The approved investor is not allowed to vote, not allowed to stand for election, and not allowed to
acquire any interest in land except on the same terms applicable to any other alien. He may lose his
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

' citizenship' due to subsequent bankruptcy, criminal conviction, or other unspecified naughty conduct.
There is no published amount for the required investment, but around US$100,000 plus a fee is
what we were told is the total cost. Everything about the program seems arbitrary. Too much so for
our liking. For that kind of money, most people will be better off with a cheaper grey market

As the government can cancel the citizenship based on post-acquisition conduct, including
bankruptcy, this program is contrary to international law. The United Nations charter specifically
prohibits members from using 'denationalization' as a punishment. St Vincent obviously thinks it
has got around that by calling it 'Honorary Citizenship.'

Apparently, only a very few citizenships have been granted under this program. We have yet to hear
of anyone actually travelling or banking on such a passport. St. Vincent's offshore sector is effectively
a one-man-show run by a British lawyer operating out of Liechtenstein. We believe that he is the
only person empowered to exercise the necessary discretion. The whole deal sounds dodgy to us.
But we will surely publish any clarifications on our website if the gentlemen associated with this
project care to provide further information. If any reader gets new information from anyone about
this deal, please let us know.


A few years ago, agents for the Seychelles government placed ads in leading financial papers,
offering a warm welcome and citizenship to anyone with serious money! It offered to protect fugitives
from extradition by selling them residence, citizenship, passports, protection, and even diplomatic
status for a princely $10,000,000.

After the head of the United Nations, the European Union and many others called this a despicable
offer, the Seychelles withdrew the offer ... or did they? Officially, at least, the program was closed.
But we wonder what reception would be given to a candidate who came in and said he had the ten
million to invest locally - or perhaps said he was ready to grease the palms of the powerful.

The Seychelles said to the EU that they would re-think, re-evaluate and reengineer the program to
meet European Union concerns. Under the old program, applicants were required to create a strong
financial tie to the country, as evidenced by an investment, formation of a local company and the
introduction of capital to the Seychelles.

The Seychelles along with any country could offer a competitively-priced program that meets
international norms, but we don't expect it to do so. Our sources indicate that they are currently
processing applicants again - but this time, very quietly. There is no advertised program. Officially,
it does not exist. Looks like another Grey Area Program!

If you are a crook or fugitive with an unlimited bankroll, the Seychelles could be your new HQ. Of
course Cuba and most countries of South America and Africa have, for years, quietly given out new
identities and selectively sheltered crooks, con-men, war criminals, ex-dictators and other 'political
activists.' Hospitality always depended upon contacts. Contacts could usually be purchased. But
they often don't stay purchased.

Our recommendation: Go to the Seychelles for a vacation. It is a beautiful country (a favourite

vacation spot of British premier Tony Blair), relatively prosperous, with great beaches and good 111
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

looking mixed-race women. It used to be the favourite honeymoon resort for rich South Africans. If
you are single (or at least appear to be), you can get a quick and cheap passport there via marriage.
Visit the immigration office itself- or better yet, first see a few immigration lawyers. If you make
a good contact, and actually get a passport, let us know. Find out if they actually got $10 million
from Osama Bin Laden. Report back to us if you see him there cruising the beach bars on his camel.
Because the USA still has a $30 million reward offer out on him. Just joking.

Seriously: We hope to be able to recommend a lawyer or 'fixer' there. We expect to have better
information soon. If you sniff around and find out anything, contact the publisher.

Tanzania is one of the poorest countries in the world. The economy depends heavily on agriculture.
However, it is a nation rich in natural resources which include gold, gas and oil. Recent banking
reforms have helped increase private sector growth and investment.

Here, guest contributor P. Tan Zania takes up the story, in his own words, of how he landed a
Tanzanian passport and what he learned in the process. What is said here applies equally to almost
every other Black African country...

It was a few years ago. I had just learned of the PT way of life. It so happened that I knew a gorgeous
black African girl in New York City. She was a part time model and we dated now and then. She
was very good, undemanding company. Let's call her 'Noel.' She was not my main squeeze, but we
were pretty tight at that time. One day, after reading the old PT books and deciding I needed a
second passport, I brought up the topic of acquiring citizenship and a passport in her native country.
She didn't find it a strange request at all. She answered, "In Africa, with the right connections, you
can buy anything you want in the way of documents. "

Noel made a call to a relative back home and then got back to me with some good news: "We have
a kinsman in the passport office and he's said 'Come in person with a document to prove that this
guy is your husband and if he is with you, we can give you a passport for him right away.'"

I wasn't about to do anything quite as drastic as getting married. Also, I had hoped to get a passport
without actually going halfway around the world for it. I asked if I could simply pay something and
have it all done by mail. The negotiations were a long story, but the short version is that Noel
explained this to me:

"There is a misconception in the West about how bribery and corruption works in Africa. Most of
the government employees are afraid to do anything criminal. They won't steal or do anything that
is blatant fraud - even for money. However if you want a passport and have me to vouch for you,
they will not look to closely, if told a convincing story, and given some 'documentary proof' of your
right to citizenship to put in your dossier. "

She continued, "Civil servants almost always get their jobs because of a family connection -you
would call it nepotism. Some relative is elected or appointed, and he in turn gets every in-law and
distant cousin who needs a job on the government payroll. But the pay is small. Usually all of it
(and more) has to be given back to the uncle or cousin who got him the job. Additional money
would be payable in a lot of cases, depending on the opportunities for honest graft. Customs officials,

BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

prison guards and some police officers, for instance, are said to pay much more than their salaries
to the people who got them their jobs.

"In other words, a government employee has to pay his patron a certain amount every month. That
amount may be more than his salary. The employee goes along with this arrangement because if his
job is approving any sort of application - whether it is for a passport, hunting or fishing license, he
normally gets a tip from every applicant. No tip and he doesn't stamp the documents or pass them
on to his superior for signature and approval. This is the system too in foreign diplomatic posts
where the day to day operations are run by locals. In ports, mid-level customs officers, letting
merchandise in without duty can get seriously wealthy in a few years. And the tips - never called
bribes - are how he grows his own nest egg. In private he may call it 'baksheesh,' but when the
customer or applicant comes in it works more like this:

"The businessman asks for the paper he needs. My cousin (for instance) makes small talk, smiles,
and says something like 'we are backlogged now, but if you will come back in six weeks (or six
months) we may be able to get to it.' The customer usually takes this to mean that he must give a tip
for expedited or fast service on an informal basis. So he says, 'Will $10 (American Dollars) get it
for me this afternoon? ' Some deal is arrived at, and the civil servant will then, almost always,
deliver as promised. His boss gets a percentage of course.

"With passports, if a regular Tanzanian with a proper birth certificate applies, he will be asked for
all kinds of supporting documents like police clearance, a letter from the Ambassador of the place
he is going saying that a visa will be granted, and all kinds of stuff. He may also wait a year, and
have his application forms lost or misplaced. That is - if he doesn't offer a tip for 'expedited

"Because almost everybody in Tanzania is dirt poor, the tips are usually quite small by American
standards, though for passports it could be up to $100 for locals. The reason a Tanzanian usually
wants a passport is to go abroad for a job. So in the eyes of the civil servant, he can afford more
than the usual $10 or $20 tip charged to get say a fishing license.

"Also of course if a person (like a local Indian or Chinese) known to be very wealthy wants something,
he may be delayed just for the fun of it (so the civil servant can tell his friends that he made a well
know big shot wait in his office for five hours). Then the businessman is charged whatever the
traffic will bear. That is why any local who has been through the drill once, will always send in a
well connected fixer to do anything concerning government. A foreigner, especially a white foreigner,
will pay much more for any favours than a local does. But with an appropriate payment, probably
around $350, even a white man can get a Tanzanian passport in 24 hours. But the minimum
documentation would be a birth certificate showing birth in Tanzania - or in our case, a real birth
certificate from New York, and a your marriage certificate to a Tanzanian. Once again, the bureaucrat
can impose extra or even imaginary requirements - or he can, at his discretion, if you make it worth
his while, make things pretty simple. But he does need to be supplied with the minimum supporting
documents for the file. In his mind, he is not doing anything illegal, but is just moving your file from
the bottom of the pile to the top. "

With that, Noel convinced me that we could have a great time visiting Africa and her family. I
would just love the capital Dar es Salaam and also the Island of Zanzibar- clove growing capital of
the world. She said there were great beaches, great fishing, and plenty of good looking 'disponible'
women she would introduce me to. Noel guaranteed that I would leave with a Tanzanian passport
after a few weeks, and that the round trip from New York and everything else, for two, would cost
me under $2,500 - with a stop over in London too. It sounded like fun! 113
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

Not wanting to really get married, the first stop was an ecclesiastical supply store where we bought
a fancy Catholic marriage certificate blank parchment form with flowers, vines and pictures of
doves (love birds) on the edge. She filled our names in with a typewriter, and we used the stopper
from a liquor bottle to give it a nice official looking smudged rubber stamp. I got a certified copy of
my real birth certificate and sent it to be legalized at the Tanzanian Embassy in Washington, DC.

We took off from John F. Kennedy airport in New York. After a couple stops, Noel and 1 landed in
hot, dusty Dar es Salaam. This is not a travelogue chapter, but I will say that Tanzania is not my idea
of a PT playground to live in long term.

It does have some great scenery, game parks, and Mount Kilimanjaro. As Noel said, it also has
plenty of white sand beaches on the Indian Ocean. Some fantastic classy looking black women with
European features that we saw on the beach must be part Ethiopian - like Noel is. I was not too
keen to try anything sexual though. Rampant AIDS is a big problem everywhere in Africa.

Besides, I was supposed to be a married man. Most of the women were married too. The girls
customarily marry at age 13. Normally the marriage is arranged by their father. A European is
considered a good catch for any family who traditionally gets a bride price up front and little
contributions forever. A very pretty girl like Noel at age 12-14 would command maybe $3,000 US
(she says).

A short history lesson: What is now Tanzania was run centuries ago, in this order, by Persians,
Portuguese, and Omani Arabs. The latter exported slaves - some say by the millions. Most of the
business and commerce was taken over in the 19'h Century by Indians (red daub on forehead — not
feathers). In 1891 the Germans made it a colony, but their German possessions in Africa were
taken away by the British after World War I. It became an independent country in 1961. The local
language spoken by the elite and educated classes is English, but the national language is a Bantu-
Arabic dialect called Ki-Swahili.

1 don't regret making the trip at all, and things went relatively smoothly - for Africa. This doesn't
mean there were no glitches - but at least in my case, they were not serious or unexpected. Noel
handled the baksheesh part for me and said the total cost for my passport including standard fee and
tips was around $500 (USA Dollars). I probably could have done it without her if I was there longer
and made some local friends. There is an expat community of about 10,000. These are Europeans
and Americans who own businesses or work in the Capital. Then too there is the diplomatic
community. But no question, having Noel to front for me made things go smoothly and fast.

I never went into any government offices personally, but she said it was a good idea that 1 was there
in Dar es Salaam. Her cousin the bureaucrat did call her relatives to verify that I was a real person.
And the government people could have asked to see me personally. Her kinsman accepted our
'marriage certificate' and although it took ten days, I got not only the new passport, but also a
Certificate of Naturalization.

I took both of these newly minted documents to the Swiss Embassy, and asked for a visa into
Switzerland. 1 knew that as a white guy with an African passport, any Swiss banker would sense
that something was amiss and want to see a visa in the passport. I got a tourist visa immediately as
I said the reason I was going to visit Switzerland was to do some banking business.

As it turned out, it was a big task to open an account in Zurich because they wanted to know all
about my background and my source of funds. The fact that my passport showed a birth in America
was not in my favour. Eventually, with the help of an introduction from my new friends at Global
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

Liberty Publishing, I was able to open an account at a very respectable Danish bank. Once a year
has gone by and I am an established customer, I know that they will open an account for me at their
Swiss branch - if I have any use for it.

The Tanzanian passport with my Swiss visa and a few more visas (Brazil and Argentina) that I
picked up in London actually turned out to be a very good travel document. You do need visas to go
anywhere, except for a few other African countries. But once you have some visas and travel stamps
from respectable countries, other visas are easy to get.

I can not enter or leave the USA with it because as an American, with a USA passport, I am obliged
to enter or leave with only with the USA document. But I can legally carry the Tanzanian with me.
If asked about my 2nd passport, my story is that I once had a Tanzanian wife, and she wanted me to
be a citizen of her country. She got me the passport. That was all true, right?

What happened next? I guess I should mention that when I travel, everybody assumes I am from
Tasmania. Tasmania of course is not a country, but a nice island off the south coast of Australia.
Nobody seems to have heard of Tanzania. This is just as well really.

Noel went her own way and married an Italian dentist. I think they are in Bari (Southern Italy) living
in a romantic flower and vine covered 'trulli' - sort of a deluxe Italian stone igloo. I have been
invited to visit and I will, some day. Whether it was a real marriage or not, I don't know, but
obviously, we didn't need a divorce from our 'marriage.'

I have not tried to renew my Tanzanian passport, but I think that with a little tip for a local Consul,
renewal will not be a problem. In fact, I have met the UN Representative of Tanzania here in New
York (a pal of Noel's). After getting some tips from Global Liberty Publishing's Special Report on
how and why to become a diplomat, we are now talking about me becoming Consul General of
Tanzania in Perth, Australia or Barcelona, Spain. I want to escape from America one of these days,
and those places are (at least for now) my first two choices. As a diplomat I could live there tax free,
enjoy great social status, and be invited to lots of parties.

In brief that's the story, of my second passport from Tanzania.


UK immigration law is extremely complex. But in principle it is possible for a PT to obtain residence
and then qualify for the coveted maroon passport after five years. The naturalization process takes
another 12-18 months following the application.

The United Kingdom is a tax haven jurisdiction for persons resident but not domiciled there. Such
residents only pay tax on UK source income and income (regardless of source) earned after residence
began that is remitted into the UK. Non-tax payers can still qualify for citizenship after five years
residence. (Although after gaining a British passport they would be taxable as Brits.)

A brief summary of the various British residence programs follows. There are many details you
would need to research further. The basic categories are:
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

1. Business Investor - requires GBP 200,000 investment and the creation of at least two
new local jobs.
2. Investor - requires purchase of GBP 1,000,000 in government bonds
3. Innovator - this is a new category introduced in 2000 requiring employment of at least
2 British citizens in your new UK business and a proven track record in business.
4. Retirement - applicant must be at least 60 years of age, have an unearned income (i.e.
rents, dividends or interest) of GBP 25,000 and ties to the UK (probably purchasing a
property is sufficient to establish required ties). Status can be tax free as a non-domiciled
5. Ancestry - for Commonwealth citizens with a grandparent born in the UK. For non-
commonwealth citizens who do meet the ancestry requirement, an economic citizenship
program of St Kitts, Belize or Dominica could enable anyone to qualify as commonwealth
6. Work Permit - generally very difficult as UK and other EU citizens have priority.
7. Key Worker - typically granted to people with unusual culinary or cultural knowledge,
for example chefs hired by exotic foreign restaurants or language teachers.
8. Sole Company Representative - for employees (not owners) of an established foreign
firm seeking to be represented in the UK. The publishers can help with this one!
9. Special Status - Special provisions apply to citizens of Bulgaria and Romania, as well
as foreign lawyers, writers and artists. These groups are exempt from investment or
employment creation requirements if they wish to start a business in the UK and obtain
immediate residence.
10. Skilled Migrants (HSMP) - As of 28 January 2002, the UK has a new program to
attract highly skilled Migrants. There is a 75 point test, similar to Australia's.
11. Low Skilled Sectors Based (SBS) - This scheme was introduced in 2003 and allows a
certain fixed quota each year of immigrants aged 18-30 to work in businesses such as
food processing or hotels.
12. Illegal Immigrants who have a job and become settled.
13. Spouses or Dependents of Residents or Citizens. Marriage or adoption is an option.

The bottom line is that Great Britain is a relatively easy place to get into physically, and once
'settled and self-supporting' there, it is relatively easy to get a residence permit. Because the law is
so complex, it is best to be represented by an experienced immigration lawyer or consultant. Many
former Home Office immigration officials have gone over to the other side and now represent
would-be immigrants. Due to their excellent connections, some of them have very good records
and have got residence permits for every single client they accepted. Later, citizenship is a matter of

If you would like a referral to reputable British immigration consultants, please contact the Global
Liberty Publishing office. We know of a few who have been successful in the past.


Uruguay's recent instant passport by investment program was shut down after 9-11. But legal
residence can still be had. Five years later, you can apply for citizenship. Some physical presence in
the country is required - but travel abroad is not monitored. Montevideo is also a de facto tax
haven, an ideal South American base for international businessmen. To qualify for citizenship, you
will be required to speak Spanish. The Uruguayan passport is an excellent one with good visa-free
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection


This group of islands in the Pacific, formerly known as the New Hebrides, was jointly administered
by France and the United Kingdom until independence in 1980. Port Vila went on to become the
South Pacific's first tax haven and finance centre. For both residents and non-residents it offers
extensive secrecy provisions and a very citizen-friendly tax regime.

Vanuatu's venture into offshore finance has proven an uphill struggle, with some major setbacks
which have damaged credibility and reputation, perhaps irreparably. In 2001 Vanuatu had to call in
New Zealand's Serious Fraud officials to investigate unauthorized but state-backed 'letters of
guarantee' that were issued by the former Prime Minister Barak Sope, to an Indian Businessman.
The total value of the guarantee was $200 million, more than the whole country's entire annual
income. This scam threatened to bankrupt the nation.

Shortly afterwards, the USA publicly identified Vanuatu as a centre for Russian mafia money
laundering. This resulted in Vanuatu joining Cuba as the only nation in the world that was prohibited
from using the US banking system. Transfers to and from Vanuatu companies were seized as they
passed through American correspondent banks. Needless to say, this situation lasted only a matter
of weeks before the island nation, starved of US dollars, caved in to American demands and sold
out the confidentiality of the offshore centre.

Vanuatu's passport, while damaged by the negative publicity surrounding the offshore scandals, is
not a bad travel document. It benefits from visa-free travel to the United Kingdom and most British
Commonwealth countries. Visas to other countries (in Europe and Asia) are quite easy to obtain
upon showing proof of funds. It's also a good banking passport - since Vanuatu is an English
speaking country, bankers cannot expect you to know another language. Be prepared to answer
some questions about the South Pacific, however. We would say it qualifies as something of equivalent
value to a South African passport, but much lower profile.

Vanuatu has never had an official economic citizenship program. Indeed, even long term residents
have found it hard to be naturalized legally. However, Barak Sope (the Prime Minister who bankrupted
the government by issuing the guarantees to the Indian businessman) is known to have sold a large
number of Vanuatu passports on the black market, mainly in China and India. Word on the street is
that this lucrative enterprise has been taken over by senior officials in the new government and
continues to this day.


Venezuela offers one of the best Latin American passports, in the same league as Argentina and
Brazil. It has visa free travel to almost all of Europe, and visas for other countries (even the USA)
are relatively easy to obtain.

Don't be too worried about the 'chaos' you read about these days, brought on by Venezuela's leader
Hugo Chavez who is a good personal and ideological friend of Fidel Castro. Venezuela, like Italy
(many Venezuelans have Italian ancestors), has always been a little on the anarchic side. 117
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

Upon arrival without any visa, you can stay for 90 days if you are from most countries. At the
airport, they give you a yellow piece of paper which is your tourist visa. Don't lose it! You can write
a departure date of up to three months on it. Then you have to exit the country for a few days.
Always pad your tourist visa with the maximum days, since the Venezuelan police will harass you
if you overstay.

Want to become a citizen? The next step toward Permanent Residency is the Pase de Transeunte
which is sort of a temporary residency. You have to have two Venezuelan witnesses sign for you and
a letter from your employer. In other words, you should get a job (or set up a company and give
yourself a job) before you apply for a Pase de Transeunte. There is a version of this visa for business-
owners and retirees as well.

Once you get your pase you will be entitled to reside here for one year... at which time you can
apply for permanent residency which lasts four additional years before citizenship. Citizens of
Spanish speaking countries and also Italy qualify for faster citizenship.

For more information about residency, visit the local ONI-DEX office - but don't expect them to be
very helpful. You have to be persistent. Tips are expected for personal attention to your problems.
As always in Latin America, we suggest you look around for an immigration lawyer rather than do-
it-yourself. He may well be able to speed up the process considerably. If you are trying to do things
on a low budget, plenty of professional fixers can be found working out of offices, stationery stores
and the like, in the vicinity of the main ONI-DEX office in Caracas.

One lawyer we spoke to (on condition of anonymity) while researching this book has another way
you can be almost instantly naturalized. Should you select this option, you would have to spend two
weeks in Caracas to go through the official process. During this time you would receive your pose
- after which you are free to travel outside Venezuelan territory.

After six months or so, you would return to Venezuela with your current travel document. During
these six months a strange form of time distortion seems to occur, and somehow the official records
show that you have held your residence permit for five years. You are thus eligible for naturalization
and all the benefits of citizenship, including a passport! This service is reported to cost around

However, we have not dealt with this lawyer and can give no guarantees. We do not recommend
illegal routes. If you choose to deal with a lawyer who is corrupt, you may very well end up losing
your money and you will have no recourse. If you call the Venezuelan police and say you lost
$60,000 in a phoney passport deal, they will just laugh at you - or maybe arrest you in the hope of
extracting some more tips. So if you must become involved in such schemes, be sure to use a
reliable escrow agent.

In the past, we have also heard of passports by post - instant naturalization without as much as the
need to visit the country. We believe, however, that this possibility has come to an end with the new
style, high security machine-readable Venezuelan passports which are being issued from 2004

What about Venezuela as a place to live? It is cheap in every respect. Nobody pays much attention
to any laws, and there is no income tax. Caracas is a dangerous city, but in resorty places like
Margarita Island, there are many foreigners and very little crime. There are also European outposts,
such as a little community in the mountains where everybody speaks German.

BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

Taxes? Nobody really cares. The government gets its money from ownership of the oil reserves.
Gasoline is dirt cheap, and you can easily earn enough to support yourself driving back and forth
over the borders to neighbouring countries selling the gasoline in your tank. So Venezuela is a good
place to hang out for a while.

One of the ten most corrupt nations on Earth with Haiti, Romania, Philippines, Nigeria, all in same
category. As in all of the above countries, any 'official' document is available from a fixer - at a
price - and a very small price.

Many European farmers and business people immigrated to Zimbabwe when it was a prosperous
British colony. Later, it became independent as Rhodesia. There were many children born in
Zimbabwe of British, Italian, Jewish and Irish ancestry. After President Mugabe took over and
installed a black bureaucracy, he made all white people choose between renouncing any other
citizenship, and getting out of the country. The whites who decided to stay were promised a square
deal and no property expropriation. Later on, Mugabe changed his mind and expropriated property
and farms owned by local whites.

At this point, whites who chose to become Zimbabweans are in many cases, seeking their prior
citizenships (or right to citizenship by birth to a foreign parent). The United Kingdom, closely
followed by Australia and New Zealand (among others) is accepting them back into the fold. There
are a few countries actively courting white Zimbabweans to escape persecution and come and live


'Opportunities' to acquire citizenship or travel documents are usually bogus these days. It is too
easy to advertise on the net, to get a 50% deposit, and then keep the money, delivering nothing. A
prominent German fraudster with at least a dozen websites (selling documents such as instant
Monaco passports for $10,000) goes a step further. He emails his victims a 'scan' of their new (but
non-existent) passport. He promises that it will be sent out after they pay the balance. The suckers
pay and hear nothing more. If they complain too loudly, they are blackmailed.

Bogus offers of passport deals emanate from Brazil, Chad, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador,
Gabon, Guatemala, Greece, Honduras, Samoa, Sao Tome and Principe, Somalia, Sierra Leone,
Sudan, Tanzania, Tonga, Samoa, and most Central and South American countries.

No legal, verifiable programs exist in any of those countries, but we have seen several examples of
genuine looking passports from all of those places. They appear to be legitimately issued. We have
a special book that allows us to check certain security features on any passport - the same as a
banker or border official might do. This book, the Passport Information Manual published in the
Netherlands is mostly for the use of banks and government passport control points. But it is also
available to private citizens. It can be used to verify the physical authenticity of any passport. A
similar publication exists from an outfit in the Ukraine. Both cost thousands of dollars - nearly as
much as buying the passport itself! 119
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

Such a book can tell you if you are looking at the real thing or a counterfeit. But remember, most of
the dodgy documents out of these places are actually stolen blanks or stolen passports used by
someone other than the person to whom it was issued. Merely having a document that is not
counterfeit does not mean much on its own. If it was fraudulently obtained, there is always a risk in
using it to cross borders.

How much risk depends on the facts and circumstances. You should instead check it out through a
lawyer or private detective who has access to the issuing government. The publisher's offices can
probably steer you in the right direction if you tell us the facts. It is not necessary to identify yourself.

BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

Chapter 85


Andorra is the only pure tax haven on earth where you can just show up and move in without
registering with anyone, or asking for a permit. Both in theory and in practice you don't need any
documentation to rent or buy a place. You can arrive and then spend the rest of your life (or any part
thereof) living there.

Anyone can live in Andorra indefinitely without ever being asked to obtain an official residence
permit. And the good news is Andorra has absolutely no income taxes! Property there is also
reasonably priced for rent or sale. It is cheaper than in most major European cities.

So what is the real scoop on residence permits? You can (if you wish) apply for a 4-year renewable
non-working residence permit. These are difficult to obtain because there is only a small quota. A
permit holder should thereafter spend half the year physically present in Andorra. No-one really
appears to check, but it's a small place and the authorities tend to know what is going on.

If it is discovered that you are not a bona fide resident, the permit may be revoked. The registered
resident must have officially approved health insurance and also show sufficient economic means
to live there without working. You must also place a substantial cash security deposit with the

Why would you want one? The reason to get such residence permit in Andorra is if your home
country requires it for any reason - like being released from home country tax obligations. You can
have an Andorran bank account and maildrop without being an official resident, but this may not be
enough to convince your home tax authorities that you are really gone.

Andorra does not technically allow dual citizenship, but this provision is not enforced. In practice
many Andorrans carry French and/or Spanish passports.

Citizenship may possibly be granted after a minimum of twenty-five years' residence. However if
you can find an Andorran woman to marry, you are permitted to apply after three years. Citizenship
is then up to the discretion of the government officials in charge of deciding such matters. Do not
assume you can get it, but they have naturalized a number of African husbands of local girls in
recent years. The old 'citizenship by blood' policy has loosened up - especially if one retains a
politically savvy local lawyer. 121
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection



All these countries grant residence permits to a foreign retiree of independent means who purchases
a home or condominium. Normally a real estate agent can arrange for the residence permit for you.
It is common for a buyer to insert a clause into a purchase agreement stating that his money won't
leave escrow until he gets the residence permit for himself and his family. There is no income tax in
any of these places. Citizenship is available at the discretion of government officials after many
years of residence. But Bermuda is virtually impossible for citizenship.


Campione d'ltalia is a fascinating place - a small Italian enclave of 17 square kilometres located
entirely within Switzerland, on the shores of Lake Lugano. Campione is technically is part of Italy
(province of Como) and Italian law applies.

The official currency is the Swiss Franc, but the Euro is accepted as well. All banking is done
through Swiss banks a short ferry-boat ride (no passport or ID required) across the lake in Lugano.
This gives residents the legendary Swiss financial privacy. Residents qualify for Swiss licence
plates, and Campione residents can also use the Swiss (or the Italian) postal and telephone systems.

The famous Campione Casino generates substantial local revenue. This is probably one of the
reasons why the residents and property owners in Campione enjoy very special tax concessions.
Campione is exempt from the Italian value added tax (VAT). The real estate taxes or 'rates' are
nominal. Italian income taxes are theoretically applicable to all who live there more than six months
a year - but no one bothers non-Italian residents for income tax. There are no special tax advantages
for companies domiciled or managed from there. Thus it is a fine base for wealthy (non-Italian)
individuals, but not a place for an international business to be headquartered.

Campione is not entirely tax-free, but even Italian residents do not pay the full Italian income tax.
Based on a special provision in the Italian law, the first CHF 200,000 of income is calculated in
Euros, at a ridiculously low fixed exchange rate. This results in a low effective income tax.

As in Italy itself, there are no inheritance and gift taxes. Income from interest on foreign bonds paid
through an Italian bank is taxed at a special, reduced rate of 12.5% only.

To obtain a residence permit, you may have to buy an apartment or a house - simply because there
are few rentals available. The real estate market is very small and prices are relatively high. A home
or apartment in Campione may easily cost twice what it costs across the lake in Switzerland. Lugano
real estate agents will have listings on Campione properties and there are also several real estate
agents in Campione itself.

Secret tip for our readers: There is a Migros mini-market and gas station just outside of Campione
on the only road into the country. Inside this gas station is a bulletin board. An on that bulletin
board, you will sometimes find rentals and good deals on cheaper property on a 'person-to-person'
basis. There is also for local deals a free local advertising paper called Cerca & Trova. This means
"Looking and Finding." Far more deals are concluded privately than through brokers. Mortgages
are virtually impossible to obtain because foreclosing on Campione properties is hard to do.
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

As a practical matter, and in theory, a non-Italian should get a residence permit after 3 months of
continuous physical presence in Campione. But since continuous physical presence can be broken
by stepping across the street or going for a swim, no officials will ever ask for a resident's permit
from anyone who rents or owns a property and lives a quiet life.

To qualify for the permit to become a legal resident, you need police clearance from the Italian
authorities as well as approval of your resident's application by the local Campione authorities.
While residence permits are issued by Italian authorities, access to the territory of Campione (entirely
surrounded by Switzerland) is governed by Swiss visa regulations. This means that the passport
you hold should allow you to enter Switzerland without a visa, or you will (theoretically) have to
apply for a Swiss visa beforehand.

But here s another secret tip... a back door to Switzerland for people who might normally need a
visa to enter (or for PTs who simply don't want to show their passports as a matter of principle).
There is a ferry boat from Cerisio (Italy) to Campione. You don't need any Swiss visa to get on that
boat. The ride is about 30 minutes. Once in Campione, you can take another ferry, or walk on foot
into Switzerland without crossing any border posts. There is even a footpath that crosses from the
top of Campione over an unpatrolled strip of forest on a mountain ridge. A twenty minute mountain
hike gets you back into a pleasant mountain resort town in Italy.

As a practical matter, there is not much of a border between Italy, Switzerland and Campione
anyway. Cars with EU license plates and white passengers are waived through. They are seldom
stopped when crossing into or out of Switzerland from Italy.

For European Union or EEA citizens: Campione residence is a back door to Switzerland. You are in
effect, living in Switzerland and can have an office in the financial centre of Lugano - yet by being
a legal resident of Campione, you can avoid the draconian Swiss rules on residency and also Swiss
income taxes.

Standard Italian naturalization periods apply in Campione. This generally requires ten years of
residence or three years of marriage. There are reduced-time requirements for persons of Italian
ancestry who speak Italian. Also, every four years or so, there is a general amnesty in Italy for
undocumented aliens. This allows people who are in Italy (including Campione) to get legal residence
with a simple form. The catch is that people who take advantage of the amnesty are expected to pay
Italian income taxes, social security, health insurance premiums, etc. If they don't, the residence
permit is revoked. However, Italy is a refuge for economic and political refugees, and a person who
stays out of trouble is exceedingly unlikely to be deported.


Croatia is a new but attractive option for PTs. It is an upcoming Mediterranean residence and tax
paradise with attractive tax laws for foreigners.

Croatia is a relatively small country, but it has a spectacular 6,000 km coastline on the Adriatic Sea
with more than 1,100 islands, of which only 66 are inhabited. The inhabited islands are very
touristique, and mostly connected with a causeway (drivable road). The Mediterranean coast of
Croatia is considered to be the most unspoiled and beautiful stretch of seafront in Europe with
innumerable bays, inlets, coves and beaches. 123
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

Most islands receive more than 2,600 hours of sun a year. Croatia is divided between the Latin-
influenced coast and an interior which is more Central European. The official language is Croatian.
English is spoken widely, particularly in larger cities. The capital, Zagreb, has about 800,000

Croatia is generally a high-tax country for the locals. But Croatian tax laws offer attractive advantages
for those with a foreign income or a foreign pension. If you are receiving for example dividends or
royalties from a country having a tax treaty with Croatia (such as the USA or EU) these will be
subject to minimal taxes. With careful planning they can be tax free.

Croatia also offers important tax advantages to yacht owners. As it is not a member of the European
Union, foreign yachtsmen can avoid Value Added Tax (VAT) on the purchase price of their yachts.
The only requirement is to be resident in Croatia. Residence is easy to obtain. Citizenship is reportedly
available fairly quickly to those residents who have a good immigration lawyer. However, if you are
quiet and low profile, you can own or rent and live almost indefinitely in Croatia as a PT without
any permits or hassles.


Cyprus has many charms - and that includes the tax system! If the aspiring resident can show that
he has adequate means of support, he can readily obtain a Cyprus resident permit. There is no
discrimination in terms of citizenship of origin. This has resulted in the establishment of a huge
Russian emigre community in Cyprus.

Foreign residents (except European Union citizens) would theoretically not be allowed to work in
Cyprus - but you can carry on with self-employment or any business based elsewhere - either
directly or through offshore structures. Cyprus uses the British domicile-based tax legislation, so in
order to enjoy Cyprus and not have your estate subjected to inheritance taxes you must avoid
establishing domicile there. For this reason, Cyprus is not the best first stop choice for very wealthy
persons leaving countries (like the UK) where getting rid of domicile is a key objective.

It is quite popular to apply for 'Category F' resident status. With this, you are not domiciled in
Cyprus, and are only subject to a flat tax of 5% on investment income from abroad remitted to
Cyprus. The first CY£2,000 (about US$4,000) of such remitted income is tax-free. All unremitted
investment income is tax-free, as is all remitted capital. This system makes Cyprus a very low tax
base where income that might be subject to a higher withholding tax can be transmitted.

Because of the low 5% rate of tax, one can also remit unearned or earned income from some high-
tax jurisdictions and then, as a Cyprus resident, enjoy a tax treaty's lower withholding rate (sometimes
zero) while only paying 5% in Cyprus. Unfortunately, the USA and UK tax treaties with Cyprus do
not allow this, but the other treaties which Cyprus has do work. Pension income is also favoured by
tax treaties.

Although Cyprus has exchange controls, they do not apply to residents who are not domiciled there.
As such a resident you are free to keep your funds both in Cyprus and offshore - in foreign currencies
- without exchange control. Because one is not subject to exchange control, approval is needed to
invest or borrow in Cyprus, but such permission is not difficult to obtain.

BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

A passport (European Union) is available to residents who spend five years in Cyprus during an
eight year period. The catch is that naturalization requires a Cyprus domicile, and this wipes out
some of the most attractive tax advantages.

Cyprus allows duty free importation of many goods to expatriate employees of offshore companies.
There are similar allowances for the 'Category F' resident. For a Mediterranean island within the
EU, Cyprus offers relatively cheap living, a good infrastructure, the warmest winter climate in
Europe, fine beaches, and quasi tax haven status.


Malta is another attractive option if you are seeking a low-tax, easy to obtain residence in the
European Union.

In 1988 Malta adopted a scheme to attract wealthy foreigners as new permanent residents. The
normal income tax rate is 35%. But a new permanent resident pays tax only at a 15% rate on non-
Maltese source income, and only upon income remitted to Malta. The minimum annual tax per
person is Lm l.000 (US$2,700)

Permanent residents are permitted to buy one property. The capital used to purchase it must originate
from outside Malta. This property generally cannot be rented to others.

Residence in Malta is paper-based - in other words, you do not have to be there. To qualify for the
tax advantages it is enough to hold residence rights. Nobody will count how many days or nights
you actually spend in Malta.

To qualify, you must have either a net worth of at least Lm 150,000 (US$400,000) or an annual
income of at least Lm 10,000 (US$27,000). You are also required to maintain a home in Malta-the
minimum purchase price is Lm20,000 (US$54,000). You can also choose to rent a home, in which
case minimum rental costs are Lml,200 (US$3,250) per year.

A new resident is not allowed to work in Malta.

In 1994 Malta abolished the onshore-offshore distinction for companies in order to emphasise its
role as a tax treaty jurisdiction rather than a tax haven. If one wants to live in Malta, the operating
structures for conducting business or holding assets may need to be somewhere else.

Do not expect to become a citizen of Malta or receive a Maltese passport on this program. The low-
tax permanent resident program does not qualify you for this.

But here's a secret! There are at least four ways we know of obtaining Maltese citizenship:

1. Residence under the normal regime for five years

2. Marriage to a Maltese citizen for 3 years

3. Membership in the Knights of Malta, which generally requires a few drops of aristocratic
blood. Gaining Noble Titles is not the subject of Bye Bye Big Brother but there are some
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

interesting possibilities you can read about in other publications which our offices can
recommend. Refer also to Chapter 93 - Oddball Passports for more information on the
Knights of Malta.

4. Finally, there is little known and interesting exception that potentially applies to quite a
few people. You may qualify. Are you a citizen of the United Kingdom, Ireland or a
British Commonwealth country born outside Malta between 1964 and 1989? If you
were born of a Maltese mother or were married to a Maltese citizen or if you are an
ethnic Maltese you may qualify under special legislation. This rule comes about because
prior to 1964, Malta was British. Many ethnic Maltese retained British citizenship and
thereby lost Maltese citizenship. It was later decided to give back Maltese citizenship to
these people and their descendants.

Death duties apply only to property in Malta. Foreign currency accounts in Maltese banks are not
treated as Maltese property for this purpose.


Monaco was described by Somerset Maugham as a 'sunny place for shady people.' Nevertheless,
these days you will need clearance from Interpol and your last country of residence before you are
granted residence. Monaco is glitzy, expensive and whiter than white. But, in spite of the image,
you do not have to be super rich to live there. Moderately wealthy is enough.

Monaco has no income tax (but French citizens living there must pay French taxes.) As a non-
French citizen, wanting to live in Monaco, you must first obtain a French long-stay visa. You then
acquire a Monaco residence permit with no right to work. You must rent or buy an apartment or
home in Monaco. A maildrop is not enough - you must really live there at least six months a year,
and the Prince's emissaries will really drop in to check you are living there. Expect to have to
present phone and electricity bills when renewing your permit.

Are there ways around this? Yes, you can rent or buy an apartment and informally rent it or lend it
to friends. Many Monaco residents actually maintain big, luxurious houses on the French Riviera.
Spending most of their time nearby, they are able to pop into Monaco a few times a week to give the
impression of actually living there. But do be careful. If the French tax authorities feel you have
sufficient contact with France to be tax resident in France, you could have problems. For further
advice on this topic we have a man in Monaco - the publisher's office can make a referral.

Renting is a better deal than buying in Monaco. A typical liveable studio apartment rents for $1500
to $3000 per month. Return on capital for owners of Monaco residential property is just 2-3%, so
your money is probably better off elsewhere!

What about Monegasque citizenship? It is granted to the occasional billionaire as a personal favour
by the Prince of Monaco, at his sole discretion. It is virtually impossible for an ordinary foreigner,
with one interesting exception: A foundling child left abandoned on the doorstep of a Monegasque
resident married couple. If raised as a Monegasque by them, the unclaimed orphan acquires citizenship
the same as if he was born in Monaco of two parents both citizens.
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

We once had a good friend, "Lucette," who was born in Monaco thirty years earlier to an Italian
father and a local mum. She attended primary school through university in Monaco. Her dad owned
a real estate office and her mother's family another one. By virtue of her mother's citizenship, there
was no question that she would be entitled to live as a legal resident in Monaco forever.

But still, as far as the government was concerned she was considered a foreigner. Why? They
considered her Italian because she was automatically Italian with an Italian father. She tried for
years to get a Monegasque passport for the obvious reason that Monaco is a neutral country and has
no income taxes. Further, a Monegasque she could never be deported or kicked out of Monaco. Any
foreign resident can be ordered out of Monaco - with 24 hours notice - for any reason. There is no
hearing or right of appeal.

A native Monegasque also has the right to participate in local politics, to rent certain lower priced
apartments reserved for locals (a form of rent control), and to hold many lucrative politically appointed
jobs and get other lucrative deals reserved for citizens only. Had she been an illegitimate child, she
would have qualified for the passport. It took her forty years of lobbying and campaigning before
Lucette was allowed to renounce her Italian citizenship and finally acquire the coveted Monegasque

We have heard of a very few, very rich foreigners who financially supported and served on the
boards of Monegasque institutions - like the Red Cross and the Opera Guild. These few were
awarded medals and diplomatic appointments that carried the right to a (revocable) passport. But
Monaco is so tight with citizenship, that even the children of these few 'benefactors of Monaco'
were not entitled to the passports in their own right. The Prince of Monaco has the power to grant
citizenship to anyone, but to say that that this power is used sparingly would be a gross understatement.


Swiss residence may be attractive to wealthy foreign retirees (at least 55 years old). Applicants may
obtain a residence permit in Switzerland with no right to work. They can also negotiate a lump-sum
or forfait tax arrangement. This means the resident pays an agreed fixed sum as income tax and
wealth tax each year. (The forfait does not cover gift or inheritance taxes.)

Such arrangements are also available for persons under 55 who are extremely wealthy or so prominent
that their presence will bring glory to Switzerland. Famous actors, artists and Nobel Prize Winners
come in under this rule. The deal on the amount of tax to be paid varies from canton to canton.
Liechtenstein reportedly will grant residence to persons of good reputation who agree to pay 150,000€
per year in tax for the duration of their stay. Since 1960 Liechtenstein citizenship has become
virtually impossible for any foreigner to obtain. But as in Monaco, it may be granted at the discretion
of the Prince.

If you fancy Swiss residence but cannot qualify through the normal channels, Campione d'ltalia
(see above) offers an easier and still tax-privileged back door to Switzerland.

A Swiss passport may be applied for after twelve years of residence. But knowing the four official
languages of Switzerland plus integration and assimilation into the local community is very important.
If even one Swiss citizen blackballs you, interminable delays will be encountered. One long-time
resident German in Switzerland explained to us how to handle the naturalization progress:
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

1. Always be friendly and polite to your neighbours, even though they will be rude to you.
2. If one of your neighbours tells you to do something (like keeping your garage doors
closed), do it immediately without questioning why.

After twelve years of making no Swiss enemies, you may qualify for citizenship.

Children (of foreigners) raised in Switzerland get a better deal. After six years in Swiss schools, any
child under 16 is considered Swiss enough to apply for full citizenship. One disadvantage of Swiss
citizenship is that males living in Switzerland must serve" in the Swiss military reserves for all their
lives. This involves an annual summer training camp and other meetings. Males who live abroad
must make a payment to the Swiss government in lieu of attendance at the military summer camps.


We have saved the worst for last. The Turks and Caicos Islands (populated by descendants of
former African Slaves) has as of 2005 announced a program allowing foreigners to buy permanent
residence rights, including a driver's licence, for around $165,000. The applicant does not even
need to set foot on the islands to obtain these full lifetime residence rights. They also have real
estate developments where buying a condo or villa supposedly gets you residence and eventually

However, be warned: According to one reader, politicians in the Turks are the most greedy and
corrupt individuals on Earth. They regard white foreigners as easy pickings. Prepare to be raped and
pillaged (figuratively speaking) if you invest any money in property there or make any deals. If you
do buy lifetime residence rights, it is very possible you will be asked for substantial renewal fees
shortly thereafter. If you invest in property, it is extremely likely that your home will be confiscated
and you will be arrested on some pretext.

Bottom line: The Turks & Caicos Islands may be a nice place to go fishing, or to visit the beaches,
but don't trust anyone there. Not recommended!
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

Chapter 85A

Want to find out if a certain country's passport is good for visa-free entry into any other country in
the world? Here's the best way to find out: Look up the destination country in the Travel Information
Manual (TIM). This is a monthly publication used by absolutely everyone in the travel industry.
You will find their paper manual (published since 1963) at most travel agents and airline offices. A
beautifully indexed, easy-to-use version is now also available online at

T.I.M. also has information on duty free allowances, allowable length of stay, amounts of cash you
can carry in or out, what is considered contraband in each country — and every other matter of
possible concern to international travellers, transportation providers or travel agents. Vendors involved
with PT products almost always have a subscription. Global Publishing always keeps a copy at
hand. If you can't find an answer to your particular question on your own, E-mail us anytime.

At the time of this writing (2005), you can get a 14 day free trial to the online edition. Just fill in
their online form. To get a free look, you must have something to do with the travel industry and be
considering a subscription at their usual $380 per year rate.

P.O. Box 49
1170 AA Badhoevedorp
The Netherlands, Tel. +31 20 4037995
Fax:+31 20 403 7984
[email protected] contains the database for accessing visa and health requirements for any
country - based on the passenger's nationality, passport type, and place of embarkation, transit and/
or destination points. The rules pertaining to alien resident documents, refugee status, government
service passports, merchant seamen documents, etc. are all covered.

The Full Text Database, reflecting the text as it appears in the monthly Travel Information Manual
(TIM), displays every country's entry requirements as a transit or destination point. Information
may be displayed either in full by looking up the country requirements or by section (Geographical
Information, Passports, Visas, Health, Tax, Customs, Currency, Stateless persons, refugees) and
relevant subsections.

The Miscellaneous Database contains, among other things, Terms & Definitions encountered in the
T.I.M. It gives ISO country codes, IATA city and airport codes and lists of various infected and
endemic areas. There is also a self-explanatory Help function for each Database.

The immigration information displayed on is collected from more than 200 countries
through an extensive network of airlines, immigration authorities, the World Health Organization
and other reliable sources. This resource (T.I.M.) is highly recommended as an essential tool in any
PTs arsenal. 129
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

Chapter 86

Note to our readers: This information is constantly changing. If you have new data or can make
corrections we will be exceedingly grateful. Send by e-mail to [email protected]
Remember, PT is like a club. We all try to help each other!

"If we don't hang together, we may hang separately " said Benjamin Franklin


AFGHANISTAN no 5 years no immediate upon

ALGERIA no 7 years no not known

ANDORRA no between 3 and 25 no can apply after 3

years, most always 25 years of marriage

ANGOLA no 10 years no immediate on


ANTIGUA AND yes unknown yes 3 years


ARGENTINA limited 2 years yes no preferential


ARMENIA no 3 years no yes

AUSTRALIA yes 2 years no no preferential


AUSTRIA limited 4 - 6 years or more no min 3 years residence

AZERBAIJAN no unknown no by registration

BAHAMAS no. 6 - 9 years no by registration

BAHRAIN no 15 years for Arabs, 25 no no


BANGLADESH limited 1-5 million no no

in estment for
citienship or 75.000
for res.

BARBADOS yes 5 years yes by registration

BELARUS no 7 years no no

BELGIUM yes 3 years no no automatic


BELIZE yes. 5 years yes 2 years residence.

BENIN yes 10 years no no

BHUTAN no 20 years no to women upon

registration men 20

BOLIVIA limited 2 years yes 1 year or less
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

BOTSWANA no 10 years out of no 30 months for women

previous 12

BRAZIL yes 4 years. (1 year for a yes 1 year men and

foreigner who has women
rendered relevant
services to Brazil; 2
years based upon
scientific or artistic
capacity; 3 years if
the foreigner
possesses real estate
property or is a
company shareholder;
simplified application
for someone living in
Brazil for more than
15 years- other
generous discounts)

BRUNEI AND no only possible through no 10 years for women

DARUSSALAM marriage or adoption not possible for men

BULGARIA no 5 years or less no 3 years residence

BURKINA FASO yes 10 years. 2 years if no 6 months for men and

born in BF or of women
service to the state

BURUNDI no not known only after 15 years 2 years for women

res. only

CAMBODIA limited 5 year no men: 2 years,

women: instant

CAMEROON no difficult to impossible no instant for women

CANADA yes 3 years yes (top choice!) no

CAPE VERDF yes 5 years; less for no yes - instant


CENTRAL yes 5 - 7 years yes yes - instant


CHAD yes 15 years no unknown

CHILE limited 2 - 5 years no unknown

CHINA no settlement in China or no unknown

other legitimate

COLOMBIA yes 7 years no yes, special treatment

COMOROS no depends which state no instant for women

of the union

CONGO no 10 years no 5 years residence

COSTA RICA yes 5 years yes only documentation is


COTE D 'IVORE yes 5 years; instant for no unknown

special service to
country or investment

CROATIA limited 5 years. no Croatian resident

spouse may apply

CUBA no but can e ist by difficult yes 5 years residence


CYPRUS yes 5 years, also in no unknown

Northern Cyprus

CZECH REPUBLIC no 5 years minimum no min 5 years
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

CONGO (DEM. no 5 years no unknown


DENMARK limited 7-14 years no unknown

DOMINICA yes 5 years; or instant yes no special treatment

econ. citizenship

DOMINICAN limited 5 years; 1 year for yes 1 year

REPUBLIC those with real estate
or companies

ECUADOR yes 3 years yes 3 years marriage

current residence

EGYPT no but can exist by 10 years; discounts no women 2 years; men

default for certain Arabs and no special treatment
minority groups

ELSALVADOR yes. 5 years; 1 year for yes 2 years residence

Spanish and Hispano-
American citizens;
instant for service to
nation; by declaration
for certain Central
Americans resident in
El Salvador

EQUATORIAL no 10 years yes no special treatment


ERITREA limited 10 - 20 years no 3 years residence,

revoked on divorce

ESTONIA limited min 5 years no no special treatment

FIJI no 5 years, or total 5 no instant for women

years over 10 yrs; only
instant if has Fijian

FINLAND yes 2 - 8 years no no

FRANCE yes 5 years; 2 years if no 1 year with min 1

university education child before or after
in France; 2 years for marriage. Unmarried
native French cohabitation is ok but
speakers from must be govt
francophone nations. registered
Preference to parents
who have had a child
born in France.
Frequent amnesties
lead to residence and

GABON no 10 years no no

THE GAMBIA limited unknown yes instant for women

GERMANY limited 8 years: discount for no yes, in line with EU

those who know standards
language and are
culturally aclimated;
instant for those of
german blood or
descendants of racial
groups persecuted by

GHANA no not encouraged no instant for men and


GREECE no but may exist by 5 years no no


GRENADA yes 6 years: 5 years for yes inslanl for men and
british commonwealth women
citizens; 12 months in
certain cases
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

GUATEMALA limited 2 years continuous; or yes no special treatment

5 years with less than
1 year away; instant
for service to country
or person
accomplished in
science or arts, or for

GUINEA no unknown no instant women only

GUINEA-BISSAU no 5 years yes instant men and


GUYANA yes 5 years yes yes at discretion of


HAITI no 5 years no no

HONDURAS yes 3 years; 2 for Spanish yes yes, for person who
and Hispano- has married a
Americams; 1 for Honduran citizen by
Central Americans birth

HUNGARY yes 8 years; 1 year for no 3 years marriage,

ethnic Hungarians residence not required

ICELAND yes 8 years no not known

INDIA no strictly enforced 5 years available but not no


INDONESIA no 5 years no instant women only

IRAN limited 5 years no instant women only

IRAQ yes new laws under no unknown

development as of

IRELAND yes 4 - 5 years not after 2004 3 years

ISRAEL yes 5 years; instant for yes requires religious

persons of Jcwish conversion if not
religion, but beware Jewish
of required military

ITALY yes residency required for no 3 years marriage, no

citizenship. Process residency reqd.
usually takes about 10
years. Frequent
amnesties lead to
residence and

JAMAICA yes 5 years yes instant men and


JAPAN no 8 years no no

JORDAN no 15 years; 5 years for no no


KAZAKHSTAN no no residence required. no no

Must be familiar with
the language,
renounce former
citizenship and apply
to Foreign Ministry in

KENYA no 5 years no instant women only

KIRIBATI no unknown no instant women only

KUWAIT no requires act of no women 15 years:

government men not eligible
KYRGY2 no at discretion of no no
REPUBLIC government
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

LAOS no no residence required: no no

must be able to speak
and write lao,
permanent residency,
renounce previous

LATVIA no but may occur by 5-10 years; can be no no special treatment

default. instant for former
USSR citizens with
connection to Latvia,
subject to language
proficiency m Latvian

LEBANON yes requires ministerial no no


LESOTHO no 5 years yes instant women only

LIBERIA limited no information no no

available beyond the
stated requirement
that any person
see ing citizenship
must be of negro

LIBYA no 5 years; must be of no women 2 years; arab

Arab descent men: 4 years; other
men not available

LIECHTENSTEIN no, but there are rare 30 years of residency; no 3 years marriage +12
exceptions or 5 years if voted for years residency (if
by town council at doing both, time
place of residence- counts as double);
Prince may grant at also possible by vote
his discretion. Very after 5 years
difficult to get this
citizenship unless one
is a major public
benefactor or world
class athlete who
represents the country

LITHUANIA limited 10 years; instant for no 3 years residency

some descendants of
persons Lithuanian
before 1940

LUXEMBOURG no but can exist by 5 years no no special treatment


MADAGASCAR no no fixed residence no instant women only,

requirement but prior 2 year probationary
citizenship to be period

MALAWI limited 7 years; 5 years with yes if mother or father no

african or british is of any african race
commonwealth ties

MALAYSIA no citizenship by no instant women only.

naturalization is not 2 year probationary
encouraged period

MALDIVES yes at discretion of no at discretion of

president president

MALI yes 5 years no women: instant; men:

3 years

MALTA yes 5 years (low tax no 5 years

retirement residency
does not count)

MARSHALL IS no 5 years no no special treatment

MAURITANIA yes 5 years no instant women only
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

MAURITIUS yes naturalization by yes women: instant: men:

residence not allowed at government's

MEXICO yes 5 years: but fm3 yes 2 years residence;

permits (the most also valid if you have
common type) do not a Mexican child even
count. when unmarried

MICRONESIA no 5 years no yes, by registration,

requires renuniciation
of previous citz

MOLDOVA limited 10 years; or no 3 years

presidential decree

MONACO no 10-30 years, can be no-unless a instant for women

less at discretion of "foundling" only subject to many
the Prince rather onerous

MONGOLIA no at discretion of no no

MOROCCO yes 5 years no women only: 2 years


MOZAMBIQUE no 5 years no instant women only

MYANMAR no extremely limited no no

NAMIBIA no 5 years no 2 years

NAURU no no fixed residency no instant women only

requirement nauru
has a history of
selling passports

NEPAL no 15 years yes instant women only

NETHERLANDS yes. 5 years; illegal no 3 years; common law

residence qualifies or homosexual
marriages also qualify

NEW ZEALAND yes 2 - 3 years yes 2 years

NICARAGUA yes 4 years yes no

NIGER no requires presidential no no


NIGERIA yes 15 years no no

NORTH KOREA no but may exist by no specific residence no no

default requirement, requires
application to the
presidium of the
Supreme People's

NORWAY limited 7 years; 2 years being no no

a Nordic national;
discounts for young

OMAN no but may exist by only acquired by no women: several years

default women through residence
marriage and by
special decree for
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

PANAMA no but may exist by 5 years; exception yes no

default nationals by birth of
Spain or any Latin
American state, are
gated to fulfill the
same conditions
that would apply to a
Panamanian national
wishing to seek
citizenship in
petitioner's country of

PAKISTAN no no information yes instant women only


PAL.AU no 5 years no no

PALESTINE yes Oslo agreement of de facto yes unknown

NATIONAL I 3 authorized the
AUTHORITY PNA to issue passports
to current residents
of the West Bank and
Gaza, and Palestinian
refugees returning to
the Palestine authority

PAPUA NEW no 8 years no no


PARAGUAY yes 2 years; instant if you yes instant but requires 1

can prove ties to year processing time
Paraguay or are
employed by govt.

PERU yes 2 years yes no special treatment

PH1LLIPINES limited 10 years residence IK) no

POLAND no but may occur by 5 years no no


PORTUGAL yes 10 years; 6 years for no 3 years

citizens of Portugese
speaking countries

QATAR no 20 years; 15 for Arabs no no

ROMANIA yes 5 years no 3 years residence

RUSSIAN yes subject to treaty 5 years permanent no no

FEDERATION residence or 3 years
with no travel outside

RWANDA no 10 years no yes instant

SAN MARINO limited 30 years no yes at govt's


SAO TOME AND no 5 years no unless parents are yes, requires

PRINCIPE "settled" permanent residence
permit and

SAUDI ARABIA no 5 years nol automatic no on case by case basis,

up to 5 years

SENEGAL limned 5 years no no

SERBIA AND yes, by treaty no information no yes

MONTENEGRO available

SEYCHELLES yes 5 years; Seychelles 110 yes. instant

also sell passports

SIERRA LEONE no 5 years; instant if of no no

negro of African
descent (maternal)

SINGAPORE no 10 years no women only 2 years

BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

SLOVAK yes 5 years no yes, no residency

REPUBLIC requirement

SLOVENIA yes 10 years; I year for no 1 year residency

descendants up to the
third generation

SOLOMON IS. no no information no instant women only


SOMALIA yes depends on authority no instant women only

you apply to, Somalia
has various
Passports can be

SOUTH AFRICA limited 4 years no no

SOUTH KOREA 00 5 years no 3 years residency

SPAIN yes normally 10 years; 2 no 1 - 2 years

years for citizens of
former colonies; or
sephardic jews

SRI LANKA limited instant, requires blood no no

tics to Sri Lanka

ST. KITTS AND yes. 5 years; instant for yes no information

NEVIS investors in approved available
real estate projects

ST. LUCIA yes 8 years yes yes. instant, govt.


ST. VINCENT & yes 9 years yes yes


SUDAN no ] 0 years no women only 2 years


SURINAM no unknown yes instant women only

SWAZILAND no 5 years; instant for no instant women only

investors starling a
business to employ

SWEDEN yes 5 years; 2 years for no. but foreign man no preferential
Nordic citizens can acquire treatment
citizenship by
fathering a child born
in Sweden of Swed.

SWITZERLAND yes 12 years no 4-6 years, various

exemptions and
special discretions to
canton govt.

SYRIA yes not possible no 10 years residence

TAIWAN no 5 years no instant women only

TANZANIA no 5 years no instant women only

THAILAND no. but unofficially 5 years; dicretioncry no no

recognized in women grant in cases of
service to nation or
buddhist orders

TOGO yes 5 years no yes, instant

TONGA no at discretion of King, no 12 months women

otherwise 5 years only

TRINIDAD AND yes 8 years; 5 years for yes no

TOBAGO British commonwealth
or Irish citizens or
Brit.protected persons
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

TUNISIA yes 5 years; less with no women only, 0 - 2

blood ties years

TURKEY yes 5 years no instant women only

TUVALU yes unknown yes yes, instant.

UGANDA no government discretion no, except in case of instant women only


UKRAINE no 8 years; less or instant no general rules, no

in special cases difference

UNITED ARAB no 30 years; 7 years for no women: 3 years

EMIRATES Arabs; 3 years for residence; men: not
nationals of Qatar. possible
Oman and Bahrain

UNITED KINGDOM yes 5 years no 3 years residence

UNITED STATES OF yes 5 years; discount for yes, consti-tution 3 years residence
AMERICA military or other right!
service to the USA

URUGUAY yes 5 years practising any yes 3 years residence

art, science or
industry in Uruguay.

UZBEKISTAN no 5 years no no

VANUATU no 10 years no but expedited women: instant; men

naturalization no special treatment

VENEZUELA yes 7 years; 5 years for yes no special treatment

Italians and citizens of

VIETNAM no 5 years no no

SAMOA limited no information yes instant women only


YEMEN no 5-10 years, special no women only: 2 years

service to country residence

ZAMBIA no 10 years yes instant women only

ZIMBABWE no 5 years, maybe less no yes, obligatory to

with investments or apply
special skills
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

Chapter 87
A small, corrupt country could be your perfect PT business and passport flag... Why?

Some Libertarians feel that corruption is a direct result of bad laws. That is part of the truth- in our
opinion anyway. Bribery and dealing with corrupt officials is an inevitable cost of doing business in
much of the world. This is especially true in the third world.

Most of us agree it is undesirable. But it exists and if we are going to live or do business in a corrupt
place, we must cope with the situation as we find it, and not as we would wish it to be.

Over-regulation and a lack of transparency anywhere invite corruption and discourage efficiency.
The operations of the United Nations or the European Union are examples of opaque bureaucracies
where a little bit of sunlight would expose many shenanigans. Even governments thought to be
'clean,' like the USA and Germany are often rocked by bribery and corruption scandals. The FBI
itself was run by a blackmailer, petty extortionist and pervert in the service of the Mafia - for fifty

But let's look at any typical small or economically disadvantaged country today. Think about the
difficulty involved in obtaining the licenses/permits necessary for travel or any economic activity.
When doing something legally is made very difficult, people naturally look for short cuts. These
short cuts almost always involve petty corruption. Baksheesh gets you special service. A paper that
would otherwise be lost will instead be stamped "approved" that afternoon.

Employee hiring and firing practices (nepotism) are a major factor leading to widespread corruption
in the developing world. Arbitrary taxes and unevenly applied customs duties are burdens that keep
businesses from operating efficiently. The Minister's son-in-law, if appointed your consultant or
fixer, gets your goods through customs immediately. Without him, they would languish in limbo
long term.

According to a World Bank report released October 5Ih 2003, it's mainly the red tape and corruption
that keeps poor countries poor. But if one has a talent for providing 'incentives' to make government
officials your ally in these countries, success is assured.

The least successful countries regulate their people the most heavily and are also the most corrupt.
Those specifically cited in the recent World Bank report are Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Costa Rica,
Guatemala, Nigeria, Paraguay, the Philippines, and Venezuela.


The unfortunate truth is that the business world runs on rails greased with special favours or outright
bribery. Referring to this, Joseph Kennedy, the father of former US President John F. Kennedy,
famously commented: "There never was and never will be an honest businessman. " 141
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

The elder Kennedy correctly observed that political connections and going along with customary
(and often unethical or illegal practices) are a necessary ingredient of success. Like it or not, you
can't be honest (and successful) - even if you want to be. Political influence must be bought and
paid for.

Even in places like Great Britain or the USA, almost any law can be stretched beyond recognition
or broken with impunity, if one knows the ropes. Private laws can be passed by Congress and
pardons or any privileges can be had for a price - if one knows the right people or makes the right

J. Edgar Hoover, the transvestite director of the American FBI for over half a century, was so much
under the control of the 'Syndicate,' that he dined with and protected mobsters. He publicly denied
that organized crime or the Cosa Nostra (Mafia) existed. This state of affairs persisted until after
many years, state police inadvertently raided their national convention in New York State. Similarly,
the FBI, CIA and British M-16 often employ and give immunity to criminals for various reasons.
See the recent British book Mr. Nice by Howard Marks if you don't believe us.

Anyone who gets to know what really goes on even in such reputedly 'clean' countries as Germany
and Switzerland are astounded at the amount of high level corruption. The sad facts have been
documented in many a book and report. The trouble is that for most readers of this book, the higher
levels of corruption in First World countries are out of our financial reach. Ironically it is only in
the poorer countries that there is a relatively level playing field. This means that corruption is
within the price range of mid-range and small entrepreneurs only in the third world.

The World Bank Investigative Report said " Countries who regulate the most also have the least
efficient, most arbitrary law enforcement. That's the perfect cocktail for making bribery necessary
to get anything done."

One natural result of high taxes and excessive regulation, is that in over-regulated countries "the
rich or politically connected not only avoid cumbersome rules, they can even be protected by the
officials designated to enforce them."


One natural result of high taxes and excessive regulation, is that in over-regulated countries
"the rich or politically connected not only avoid cumbersome rules, they can even be protected
by the officials designated to enforce them."

What's the PT angle? In the third world anyone can easily become a rich, politically connected top
local businessman. Buying protection and political influence in small or poor countries is simply
more affordable than buying it in say America or Europe.

Money talks everywhere. A few thousand dollars talks more loudly in a small third-world country.

What does it take in a place like Panama? The 'rogue banker' Marc Harris practically took over
Panama by (among other things) simply giving cushy jobs in his firm to the offspring of the local
big shots. In return he was granted citizenship, high social status, and protection from Uncle Sam.

BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

He started his merchant banking firm with very little capital and rapidly grew it until it was a multi-
million dollar operation. It was only when he ventured across the border that he was kidnapped by
US Marshals and sent back to Florida to join the ex-president (Noriega) of Panama for a long stay
in a USA Federal clink. The moral of that particular story is probably, "Don't tweak Big Brother's
Tail, and don't venture outside of your protected lair."

What sort of special deals can you get in Central America or Southeast Asia? Think cash subsidies,
free real estate in a 'free port,' a 55 year tax holiday, no strikes, no import or export duties. Diplomatic
appointments. Passports and citizenships for your friends. VIP red-carpet welcomes for your guests
at the airports, immunity from customs inspections and controls. These are things the poor
unemployed locals can't even dream of.

You, as a foreigner with only a few thousand dollars to invest, can get all of this in (for instance) the
Philippines. Start a mere Pizza Hut or propose to manufacture any product you can sell locally or
export at a profit. Be prepared to pay off with many small bribes and gifts to politicians and
bureaucrats. You can't help but get rich! We are not talking about anything illegal here. These are
all publicly advertised deals for foreigners.

Not only can you negotiate all of the above concessions - you also get guaranteed 'fast tracking'
with the personal phone number of the Minister of Industry or similar public officials. You will
have contacts at the highest levels who guarantee you overnight approval or permits and clearances.
Remember, with the right high-level contacts, you can get permits that would take a year and cost a
local an arm and a leg in bribes to lower level corrupt officials. A savvy PT gets them with single a
phone call. Sure, bribes are expected in any Third World country, but they will not always be money.

Maybe a local politician needs help easing his son into your old alma mater. You will find out the
needs of people who help you and fill them. The local politicians will arrange things so that you all
profit handsomely. By making important locals your social friends and business partners, you increase
the odds that you won't ever have any problems with the local cops on the beat - or local criminals,
for that matter. You will be protected. Big Brother doesn't exist in the Third World.


Want a passport? Maybe you can even get a diplomatic passport and appointment as Ambassador
Plenipotentiary to your old country. Give your high level contacts a few unexpected gifts. Rolex
watches are always popular, for example. American citizens (ever since the Jimmy Carter era) are
not allowed to bribe foreign officials - but non-cash favours are not so clearly definable.

If you are American but don't want to be considered a criminal in those places where you simply
can't get permits or do any business without cash payoffs, you may want to jettison your US passport.
Or, in lieu of cash, explain that you can't legally pay a bribe any more. But maybe you can do them
other favours now and then. Be creative. Third world civil servants or judges will go a lot further
for you than similarly placed bureaucrats would do back home.

Are fast-track privileges for foreign investors fair to the local population? Definitely not. Foreigners
often get preferential treatment. These are official advertised government programs! The justification
given to locals is that the foreigners need such incentives to bring in their money and expertise. This
supposedly makes for more employment and local prosperity. In any event, you must try to be
friends with the politicians and the opposition, and the local citizens too. It is their government 143
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

discriminating against them, not you. By coming in to the country with your free market business
expertise and a little bit of capital, you can give locals employment or change things for the better.
Everybody wins.

One small South American country we know of gives quasi-diplomatic 'non-citizen service passports'
to anyone with technical expertise who is willing to represent that country at international conferences
and report back to the Ministry. After a few reports, the 'expert' is given a medal and, in a ceremony
attended by the President himself, and is then granted citizenship as an 'important national asset
and treasure.' The local contact, a Supreme Court Judge and ex-ambassador arranges all this - for a
fee, naturally. You can't expect to be declared a national treasure only because of your charm and
good looks. Keep your wallet handy.

Several of the co-authors of this book are located in or have businesses in the developing world. For
more guidance and to meet our friends in this area, contact the publisher. In your initial email, be
sure to outline your own plans, ideas and dreams. Maybe we can help you establish good contacts
and a viable plan. Hopefully in this way we can all make some serious money. If you want to be a
third world entrepreneur and local big fish in a small lake, get in touch with us soon.

BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

Chapter 88

If small corrupt countries are not your cup of tea, you can sometimes make good deals for residence,
passports and business deals with major, first world countries. You may have to research and go to
places that are not the most obvious nor on everybody else's wish list.

Take (Northern) Ireland, for example. During the height of the 'troubles' in Northern Ireland (around
20 years ago), I was living in a 'mixed upper middle class neighbourhood.' This was on Malone
Road, in Belfast.

The enclave of Northern Ireland is part of Great Britain. Irish Republican Army people want the
territory re-united with Ireland. The local people or Unionists want things to stay exactly as they
are. As a result of this conflict, the IRA and Unionists have been at war for decades. We personally
never had any problems when we moved up there. We were told by everyone that as foreigners, we
were safe and would never be targeted. For a while we were completely oblivious to the little civil
war that was going on. There were roadblocks and military vehicles in the street sometimes, and we
saw TV news about an occasional murder. But the "troubles" had nothing to do with us, or our new


I was there to start a business with a 100% government loan, free industrial site, union 'no strike'
guarantee, free training for workers, interest free loans for expansion and 25 years of tax free status.
Citizenship and a new local passport were available once residence and the business were established.
Medical insurance was free. Kids born there could get both British and Irish passports at birth.
What a deal! [Note: The deal is no longer as generous as it was then!]

In our daily life, the only difference was that packages and bags were searched when you went into
shopping malls. And you did see plenty of British armoured cars patrolling the streets. But these
made me feel pretty safe. There was absolutely zero petty crime of the sort (burglaries and purse
snatching) that is so troublesome in much of Europe and the USA today.


Whenever we went downtown, it was always hard to park, but eventually we found our 'secret
parking spot' across the street from the Europa Hotel. Almost like a miracle, there were always
three spaces, perfectly legal, not even any parking meters. "Our" spaces were always vacant - right
in this very busy part of down-town. So we parked there a few times a week for months. I made the
Europa Pub my secondary office.

On one day when were not parked there, a huge bomb went off. When we arrived the next day, there
was a crater and our space had been rendered quite unsuitable for parking. The Europa Hotel was a
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

mess. There was a building across the street from the Europa which was heavily fenced but we did
not know its purpose. It was lightly damaged.

Later, we read in the newspapers that our favourite parking spot was in front of the Belfast HQ of
the political group that supported continuing Union with the UK. This 'Unionist' building and the
Europa Hotel across the street had been subjected to bombing more repeatedly than just about any
other spot on Earth. About twenty times our favourite parking spot had been turned into a crater. So
that was why those three spaces were always vacant!

As we had weird Andorra license plates in those days, with an impressive coat of arms, it could be
that the bombers (having nothing against Andorra) waited with their boom-boom till we were not
there. But the locals (unlike us!) knew better than to park there.

In any event, after this, the 'troubles' were no longer an abstraction but a real danger. Our perceptions
had changed. For this reason we left Northern Ireland in the next couple months.

Nonetheless looking back, Belfast was actually a very pleasant place to live, with the cheapest
prices on real estate 1 ever saw. At that time you could buy a nice 3 bedroom home near the downtown
area for around £6,000 -just 10,000 Euros in today's money. On the negative side, Belfast was
awfully cold and damp in the winter, spring and fall. The pleasant summer lasted only about 8

The local people, both Protestant and Catholic, were very considerate and endearing. Both groups
looked and dressed alike and had the same strange accent. They always used words like 'wee' for
little. Some of them hated everyone in the other group, but everybody was kind to foreigners like
us. Every PT knows that it's almost always best to be a foreigner - not involved in local

We figured out that the main problem was that the local lower class kids were segregated by religion.
The Catholic parochial school teachers demonized the Protestants and the Protestant public school
teachers demonized the Catholics. Both opposing groups were educated separately to hate the other.
So the other side was depersonalized - and hating was second nature. I guess that is always the
same problem in most religious conflicts. Hatreds and old feuds are perpetuated by the educational
systems. The richer kids went to private schools and got along fine with each other.

What does this have to do with PT? Well I suppose that in places of conflict, a PT can often get
great business deals with government grants and interest free loans. The odds of getting blown up
are actually tiny. They are smaller still if you bother to ask any local why a parking space in the
busiest part of town is always vacant!

But for this writer, the bottom line was and still is, why relocate to a war zone when you can do just
fine in a safer place?

BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

Chapter 89

A few years ago, one of my many great-grand-daughters was living in London. She was shacked up
with an Irish bloke named Sean. Sean wanted to marry her. One of the reasons was that he wanted
to get a US green card, and my grand-daughter had American citizenship.

My grand-daughter, however, felt she was not ready. "I don't love him enough to make a
commitment," she said.

I told her my opinions of marriage. The way I see it, there was no reason for anybody to ever marry
anyone. It merely puts the government into bed with you. Love should not be confused with marriage.
Love is a deep personal relationship between people. Marriage is merely a legal process, much like
buying real estate or acquiring a driver's licence. You don't need the state's blessing or any
bureaucratic papers to be in love.

The only exception I could think of as a reason to marry was to gain a useful second passport.

"Commitment - Shummitment!" 1 exclaimed. "You should get married right away, and then you
both can get the papers you need. You get your Irish passport and the right to work and live in the
European Union and he gets his USA green card. Marriage gives each of you some very valuable
new career options. Afterwards decide what you want to do next. Like divorcing or staying together."

Naturally, she couldn't relate to this unromantic advice and ignored my suggestions - even after I
explained the PT concept to her. My girl was born in Canada and so she held a Canadian passport
by birthright. She had also had a USA passport. So the boyfriend could have picked up both Canadian
and USA residence rights and a passport from each after a short residence period.

The girl could have picked up an Irish passport without ever living there (at that time, Irish law
allowed for citizenship simply by 'post-nuptial declaration'). That would have given her the right to
live and work anywhere in the European Union. What a sweet deal for both of them.

She was young, pretty and dreamed of working in the fashion industry in Milan or Paris. Her
boyfriend on the other hand wanted to work in Silicon Valley. At that time, his pending USA
immigration papers had already taken two years and were still not yet approved. I told her not to be
a jerk and talk any more about 'love' and 'commitment.'

For them, there were no money or kid issues. They had neither. Accordingly, a future divorce would
have been a quick, cheap do-it-yourself project, unencumbered with emotional and financial baggage.
Did they listen to me? Of course not. They did not marry.

What happened next? The guy eventually got his USA papers without her. After much trying, my
grand-daughter could never land a job in Europe without the proper papers. She went back to
Canada and into another line of work she doesn't enjoy at all.

Her newest boyfriend there has a citizenship (Hong Kong) that is relatively worthless for any travel
or jobs she cares about. She will probably end up marrying some worthless loser who offers zilch,
but 'needs her.' That's what women go for usually, I think. Isn't it? 147
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection


The moral of this story? We say: It is usually dumb for a guy to marry. It just gives some babe the
right to sue (and collect) alimony and support. A free spirited woman doesn't need to have a ring in
her nose either!

On the other hand, a PT guy, who is sued for divorce and alimony, can just leave, change
countries, switch to another identity and disappear. A PT woman can do the same. And if she isn't
looking for support, she can always get a quick, cheap do it yourself divorce, too.

Who says "Marriage has to be forever?" Truth is, the average marriage lasts around as long as a
new Fiat. (Fix it again, Tony!)

If marriage gets you a good passport, go for it immediately! No second thoughts! If you don't want
to marry your foreign girlfriend and get a good second passport out of the deal, give her to me. I will
jump on the opportunity - so to speak.


Everyone knows that marriages of convenience for immigration purposes have been going on for
years. Up until recently, many countries such as Ireland or Malta (even the UK up until the 1950s)
immediately granted citizenship to any foreigner who married one of their citizens. Unfortunately
those days are mostly gone, but it is still possible to apply for much faster naturalization in most
countries if you are married to a citizen. In Europe, residence is immediate. Citizenship and a
passport can be applied for in about two years. Processing may be another year.

Such deals are almost always win-win for both parties. Marriages of convenience are not only for
solving immigration problems. Gay or lesbian couples are unable to marry in many countries and as
a result they lose out on basic legal rights. Likewise, it may be illegal in some places for people of
different religions to wed. A marriage that is 'legal' where performed is generally recognized
everywhere else.

Young people from strict or conservative religious backgrounds often want to satisfy the demands
imposed on them by family - whilst at the same time getting on, uninterrupted with their normal
lives. And people from the military often seek to gain the preferential treatment granted to married
couples. Sometimes gays and lesbians (to please parents or otherwise), like the idea of marrying
someone of the opposite sex in a marriage of convenience.

Under the motto "Friendship - Partnership - Citizenship," one website aims to put these disparate
groups together with one another. is free to join and allows you to search the
profiles of hundreds of men and women looking for mutual citizenship exchanges. We hope this
service will develop and grow. It could be your excellent PT fast track to a second passport! The
web offers a lot of new international opportunities for finding unusual relationships or partners.

BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection


Here's one final caveat if you are applying for citizenship through marriage.

Years ago your author married an Italian woman. According to the law, both then and now, marriage
gave the 'right to apply for citizenship' after three years of marriage and residence inside Italy.

We had a lawyer research the law. He assured us that there was no language test for the foreign
spouse. But he did say the award of citizenship was always discretionary. If any bureaucrat along
the way didn't like your smell or the way you combed you hair he could throw a monkey wrench
into the works, making you face a court appeal. In Italy this might take, oh, 100 to 300 years to

So my spouse and I employed a fairly prominent local attorney to help us every step of the way.
Thank goodness we did - as without his coaching I think it would never have gone through as
smoothly as it did.

Along the two year marathon it took to run the citizenship course, one of the many interviews
required was with the local cops in her home town. It was apparently their job to determine my
criminal connections if any. They asked me number of questions in Italian.

My Italian was quite limited. But the quick-thinking lawyer interjected that I was very hard of
hearing so if they would speak very loudly and slowly, he would help me give proper truthful
answers. So they repeated the questions and the lawyer whispered in my ear "Say Si" or "Say No"
a few times. I never did understand the questions but they had something to do with I was ever a
member of the Sicilian Mafia or the Neapolitan Camorra. We got through that one OK.

Then came the final swearing in, before a lady judge. The judge asked me in Italian if I fully
understood the duties and obligations of my new citizenship. I had been coached to expect this
question and so I answered "Si." How many children do you have with your Italian wife? "Due e
mezzo" (Two and a half- she was pregnant for the third time since we met). The judge giggled.

Then the judge broke into song and motioned for me to join in with a chorus of the National
Anthem. Once again, I had been coached. As a result, though I didn't speak Italian I could sing it
loud and perfectly well. The judge beamed, banged down her gavel and stamped all my papers. The
crowd of my wife's relatives broke out a bottle of Frizzante wine and we all cheered and toasted. I
had finally made it - six years to the day, after the wedding! We are still married by the way, and
have three little Italians now. All of them have several passports.

Bottom line? Maybe there is no language test specified in the law when you apply for the citizenship
of your new wife. But you'd better be prepared for the unexpected and be ready for a bit of repartee
in the local lingo. 149
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

Chapter 90
By Frank Abigail

Editors' note: The author of this amusing and informative tale is 'Frank Abigail, P.T.'. Frank was
born American but is now Italian. Many of the principles here will help you get your own passport
from Italy or from many other countries which operate similar systems (Latin America comes to
mind). All names in this story have been changed to protect the privacy of those involved. Frank
takes over the story in his own words....


It all started like this. Mary Christina, my blond Italian bombshell, and I eloped in 1994. We were
married 'offshore' in Gibraltar. Gibraltar is the tiny British Colony, "Gate to the Mediterranean
Sea" located at the south-western point of Spain.

We chose to run off to Gibraltar because it was a lot quicker and less red tape to marry in Gibraltar
than in Italy. Almost no paperwork was required. Just show up, show passports and say "I do." In
Mary's native country of Italy the red tape was something else. We would have had to 'post bans' or
notices at the town hall well in advance of the marriage. Then wait months for possible objections
from the community. Then you had to get medical tests, and fill out all sorts of forms. Some of the
Italian forms required parental permission.

In her particular case, Mary said her mother would definitely not sign the required forms. Why?
Mamma didn't think I was 'suitable.' I was not as rich, established and successful as my future
mother-in-law figured her beautiful daughter's first husband should be.

For my part, my intended was gorgeous, a virgin when we met, and easy to get along with. I figured
I'd better marry her quick - while she was in love and willing. It would be only a matter of time
before she got snared by a better guy than me. Her mamma was always lining her up with richer,
good looking, Italian prospective husbands. But they were always at least twenty years older than
she was.

Fortunately, she preferred me! Mary agreed immediately when I proposed. She said that we should
just run off to another country and do the deed as soon as possible. Then mamma would be forced
to accept our marriage as a fait acompli. So that's what happened.

After our marriage we settled in at her little palazzo in Alassio. It was a spacious waterfront mansion
- a family vacation home she had inherited from her grandmother. Alassio was not too far from the
ship-building city and port of Genova. That was good news for me. I figured I could get work
helping local architects designing new yachts and cruise boats. I was confident I'd eam enough for
us to survive. Alassio is a very pleasant seaside town on what they call 'the Italian Riviera.' It is
lively and full of beach-going tourists and colourful flowers in the summer. But Alassio is grey and
nearly dead in the winter. 151
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The year of our marriage was 1994. It was the best move I ever made. It has been one long honeymoon
since then. No regrets on either side. We settled in to our villa. It had been her grandparents' summer
home. It was a great location, but the property - our new home - was old, dilapidated and in need of
upgrading. We didn't have a lot of spare cash, but that was alright. As a naval architect it was easy
and great fun for me to plan improvements like kitchens and bathrooms and to personally construct
them with the help of my new bride.

No one in Italy ever bothered with a building permit for internal work that didn't change the exterior.
So I could let my imagination run wild and improvise - inspired by whatever materials were at
hand. For building supplies I used mostly cast off free stuff from yachts being remodelled in the
Genoa shipyards. There was always plenty of left-over lumber, paint, kitchen and plumbing fixtures.
Mary loved to work with me. Together we built a real nido d'amore (love nest) that first year. You
appreciate stuff you have built yourself much more than if it is just handed to you.

We didn't think about installing central heating until December. The one open brick fireplace in the
big house simply couldn't cope with the freezing winter weather. During that first winter we started
out using portable electric heaters to keep warm - until we got bills for nearly $2000 per month.
Then we worked quickly to insulate the place and install a fuel oil furnace. But all our problems
after that were little ones.

Four years and two kids later it dawned on me that I loved our life in anarchic Italy. I would probably
never move back to my Big Brother home country (the USA). Italy seemed much freer. In Italy, if
you didn't ask for any permits or papers from the government, they left you alone. Mary warned me:
"If you should ever need any official documents here, the bureaucracy will be formidable." How
formidable it could be I was to learn in my quest for a residence permit and passport.


I was making a very modest living 'black' - as a consultant on naval architecture. This involved
mainly doing the grunt work of supervising construction workers and drafting blueprints for busy
local boat designers and builders. In Italy, around half the economy is 'black,' - that is to say, self-
employed people who do business without any licenses, permits or tax declarations.

But, after four years, I felt like expanding my horizons. In order to get bigger jobs and more official
work contracts (and also to be able to also work in nearby France) I thought I should get myself on
the books and legalized as an EU national. I had already overstayed my allowed 6 month tourist
stay in Italy by three years. Theoretically I could be fined and deported, but nobody had bothered
me. Still, I had been turned down for a few big jobs because I lacked the needed status as a registered
and licensed resident.

Back then I was sort of a Boy Scout wanting to do everything right and legal. I had not yet discovered
the PT concept of exploiting the loopholes. If I knew then what 1 know now, I would have simply
formed a corporation in England, and taken any work contracts in the name of my EU company. But
for other reasons, like ease of travel and not being required to file USA income tax returns, I would
have still gone for the EU passport.

In Italy, government was not nearly as intrusive as in the USA. Often sympathetic individual officials
could, would and did bend the law. Some Italian bureaucrats, I found, would actually consider the
effects upon people involved and show a bit of empathy and understanding. For instance, in Italy,
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many informal warnings almost always came before arrests, prosecutions or punishments. One
could also hire a politically connected fixer or lawyer to handle most problems with government.
Italian officials did not always go by the book. To put a proper label on it, a small gift or even just
a smile - in the right place at the right time - could help.

Italian anarchy, the lack of 'law enforcement,' and low level corruption was a lot more to my liking
than the all pervasive, highly intrusive Big Brother controls that were being imposed back home.
Once I experienced the relative freedom of Italy I decided that going back to the USA wasn't for
me. This was long before the Patriot Act came into play in America.

I was certainly ripe for the PT message when it came. It was delivered in the form of a plastic bound
work-book lent to me by a friend. It was called 'Secret Knowledge - Stuff Your Government Doesn't
Want You To Read'.

One of the intriguing ideas in this book was that if I got myself Italian (or any non USA) citizenship
and a passport, then I would not have to file any more income tax returns in my home country. I
wasn't filing anyway, but I didn't realize till I read the book that under USA law, I was already a
felon, facing five years in jail for every year I hadn't filed - and this was in spite of the fact that I
would not have owned any tax. I didn't owe any income tax (if I had filed) because my earnings
were way under the $80,000 annual exemption for those Americans who lived abroad. But you got
this exemption only if you filed a very detailed and intrusive tax return covering every aspect of
your financial affairs. The Secret Report book explained how, if I then set up my business paperwork
as an entity 'offshore' in say nearby Monaco, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Malta or even London, I could
legally earn any amount tax free. All I had to do was acquire another citizenship and renounce my
USA citizenship.

Of course there is a 'Catch 22.' There is a small chance that after expatriation and renunciation - if
the guvment says renunciation was done mainly in order to avoid taxes - one may never be able to
ever return to the USA. But as Scarlet O'Hara said in Gone with the Wind: "Fiddle De Dee, I will
worry about that tomorrow."

Also, if one knows about this possibility, and hopes to visit the USA from time to time, you simply
document plenty of non-tax reasons for acquiring the new citizenship. What's that? For instance:
"The renunciation was needed to please my wife and mother in law, and in order to be able to work
in the new country." Those reasons were all true for me. But for future use, I needed correspondence
and documentation to prove I got my other citizenship for reasons other than tax avoidance.

In Italy, one must renounce loyalty to all other governments. But unlike some countries, Italy does
not insist upon a certified renunciation from the former country. I decided not to go to the USA
Embassy after my Italian Citizenship was approved, to do a formal renunciation, but just to let
things ride. I was not sure if I would ever want my USA passport renewed - but I figured why burn
my bridges behind me? I could always renounce, but taking back a renunciation would be problematic.
Also, if I renounced, I couldn't get American passports for my kids. I wanted them to have the
option of attending college and maybe working in the USA if they wanted to do that. In the meantime,
I was sure that Big Brother would not send anyone to kidnap me just because I was a non-filer of
income tax returns. 153
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And so, getting back to my Italy experience, instead of just applying for residence, I began what
turned out to be very long slog to get Italian citizenship and a new Italian passport.

The quantity of documents needed to apply for Italian citizenship is formidable. Yet the very long
printed list I got at the local prefettura or town hall was incomplete. The documents they said were
needed to become an Italian turned out to be a lot less than the total paperwork eventually required.

Let's look back at that first list I was given. There were all the usual things you'd expect: Birth
Certificate, Passport, Statement of All Prior Residences, Academic Studies, Jobs, and a Sworn
Affidavit of Any Arrests or Convictions. They also wanted a statement of Italian affinities or
connections with Italy.

There were quite a few requests for documents that don't exist in the USA. For example, a certification
by police at my last official address that I was not a member of any organized crime groups and that
I had never been arrested for anything.

1 wondered how the American cops could be convinced to certify something they had no information
about. Arrest records (for minor, non-Federal misdemeanour crimes) in the USA are filed only
locally. I was sure there were no criminal or arrest records of me back in Boston. But would the
Boston Police Department certify I was never arrested in Florida or New Mexico? Or would the
Italians require certifications from all fifty USA states? As it turned out, for a friendly young guy
with a beautiful Italian wife, rules could be (and were) interpreted in a reasonable way. Only one
police clearance was needed, though the Italians did require a certificate from a special investigative
unit in Rome to prove that I was not connected to the Mafia or Camorra criminal organizations of
Italy. As with everything, this took a bit of running around and sitting in crowded waiting rooms.

For the guidance of those who may apply for citizenship anywhere, I will go through my travails
step by step. This will give you quite a few pointers. The most important basic rules are:

1. Never Give Up!

2. Never show irritation or lose your cool with a bureaucrat. They all consider themselves
overworked and underpaid. They feel you should be glad that you are being seen at all.

3. Try to feel out the person you have to see anonymously on the telephone. If they say no, try
again with a different approach or try a different bureaucrat.

4. Don't commit yourself in writing or make any statements without knowing if that particular
information will prejudice your case or be used against you.

5. Whatever is required, there is usually a way to work it out or to work around it. But first you
always need to know the basic rules of the game.

BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection


One of the best places to start is to use an internet search engine. Enter: "REQUIREMENTS FOR
ITALIAN (or whatever) CITIZENSHIP" Use several search engines to pick up details that may not
be covered by only one source. Ask Jeeves, Google, Dogpile, Yahoo, Microsoft are all good. Then
too, contact the local Consulate or Embassy (of your target country) in person, by e-mail, snail-mail
or telephone. Pick up any brochures or printed material with information on how to obtain citizenship.

Every country has such info sheets. They will provide them usually free for your guidance. These
will usually be in English if obtained in English speaking countries from the local consulates. The
consulates won't require (real) names from people who ask general questions. If they do, say the
information is "for a friend." Almost all consulates or embassies also have printed handouts and
also lists of English speaking lawyers in their own country who specialize in various things.

What was needed in my case was an intelligent summary of Italian Immigration and Naturalization
Law. These days, much of the information is available for free on the internet. At the proper Ministry
(of Foreign Affairs) in Italy, where I was then living, I eventually got the info needed, but it was
only in Italian. I figured that Mary could translate if for me. No way! As it was in 'legalese' even my
wife wasn't sure what everything meant or (perhaps more important) how it would be interpreted.

The poop sheets you will end up from the Internet and other various sources may each be a bit
different, sometimes even contradictory. By looking at them carefully and comparing them all,
however, you will get a pretty good idea of what you will need to do.

Also, all the countries of the European Union are moving towards uniformity. They still have a long
way to go. Nonetheless, the requirements to get citizenship are already similar in all countries of
Europe. They are converging more and more every year. Eventually, they will all be the same.


Keep this in mind too: Bureaucrats are the same all over the world: Ask twenty bureaucrats the
same question and you may well get twenty different answers. Thus, if you ever get a "No, that's
impossible" answer during your quest, just try to find another government employee. Frame the
question a little differently until you get a "Yes." Then, if possible, have them put their favourable
answer in writing. You can and should give your proper name for that purpose. If you can't get them
to do that, send what is called a "confirming letter."

"Dear Bureaucrat, This will confirm that on [date] at 4PM in your office, you confirmed orally that
a transcript of my 1980-1985 academic record in Naval Architecture from Columbia State University
would be accepted in lieu of a (Blankety Blank) Certificate from the USA Ministry of Fine Arts. As
I explained, the USA does not have a Ministry Of Fine Arts and there is no one except my university
that can certify that I'm knowledgeable in ancient Roman battleships. If my understanding is not
correct, please advise. Otherwise I will assume the above is correct." Respectfully submitted, (Signed)
Frank Abigail

I don't want to go off on too many tangents but (believe it or not) I really was told I needed such a
certificate. Why? Because in an earlier citizenship application form 1 had been asked to list my 155
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'Italian affinities.' Since I had written a thesis on Roman era warships, I thought that (along with my
Italian wife and kids) would impress someone. So I wrote down that I was an expert in early Italian
(Roman era) naval vessels. Big Mistake! Now they wanted proof of something that was not even a
requirement for citizenship, and approval of my citizenship application was being held up until I
provided this proof.



Eventually, I provided an Italian translation of my thesis on Roman War Galleys, to prove the
'affinity' I had claimed. I later learned that having a wife and two Italian born kids would have been
more than enough affinity for the authorities. By saying too much I caused myself a lot of extra
work. At $30 per page for an official translation, it was quite a big expense, too. I am quite sure no
one ever read it.

By the way, here is a little hint to avoid translation fees. If the original document was also in the
language required, it will not need an expensive official translation. This came in very handy when
I transferred my driving license. As it turned out, "someone" in Boston had typed in a few words of
Italian (for things like "Name" and "Birth date") right on the "certified copy" of my license. This
document was then accepted without further ado.


One thing I learned at the American Consulate was that native-born Americans like me could now
legally obtain Italian (or any other) citizenship without jeopardizing our status as American citi-
zens. But if I stayed American and ever wanted to renew my USA passport, proof of filing a copy of
all those years of informational tax returns to the IRS would be required. If I didn't file, I might well
be arrested for 'felony non-filing' - but only if I ever tried to enter the USA.

That meant that renouncing USA citizenship might be an eventual necessity. But there had to be
ways to work around this rule as hundreds of thousands of Americans without any taxable income
simply don't file. Are they going to force all of these non-filers to give up USA citizenship?

If one follows the letter of the existing law, whether any tax money was owed or not is not material.
Americans living abroad must file informational income tax returns every year. All income of
Americans living abroad from any source is taxable (less certain exemptions for earned income
only). The USA is the only country in the whole world with this onerous requirement. (Editor' s
Note: The Philippines abolished a similar tax filing requirement in 2000.)

I could face five years in jail for each year I didn't file or pay taxes. For me that was a potential 20
years in the clink.

An American can theoretically escape filing and/or domestic USA income taxes (after moving
abroad physically) only by renouncing USA citizenship. The Catch 22 is if he did renounce to
escape taxes, he loses citizenship but still didn't escape liability for filing returns or failing to pay
taxes. It is as if he never left. In addition, to discourage the departure of wealthy people, there is
now a 'departure tax' for anyone who "plans to move abroad and renounce." So in other words, you

BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

cannot safely renounce if you might save any taxes by doing so. Of course if you do renounce, get
a new foreign passport and plan to stay away forever, then you are free. But it is a hard thing for
most people to do - utterly renounce birthright citizenship and all thoughts of ever returning to their
native land. It does get easier after you have lived abroad for a decade or two.

This American policy struck me as kind of funny, a Catch 22. What's a Catch 22 you ask? I once
read a book by Joseph Heller called Catch 22. The plot involved an American soldier who learned
that he could get out of the Army if he applied for a discharge on the basis of insanity. But any
insanity plea would always be denied. Why? Because anyone sane enough to want to get out of the
army couldn't be insane. This was 'Catch 22' - a typical bureaucratic conundrum.

Is there a way out of the USA tax question? Yes! But we eventually found the answer. To keep this
path open for later PTs, it would certainly be best if we did not publish it here. But the short answer
is that a person who lives abroad and does not file any informational returns for years can escape
criminal liability by 'coming clean' and filing delayed returns. The taxes or fines that may need to
be paid are a matter of negotiation, but the IRS will go easy on foreign residents who would have
been exempt if they had indeed filed timely returns. Thus, the question could be left open for a
future time. My decision would depend upon how much I wanted to renew my American passport
and how much money the IRS would want from me.

At the time, I decided to leave the question of to renounce or not to renounce for another day. As it
turned out, the chaps at Global Liberty Publishing who accepted this chapter for Bye Bye Big Brother
from me (for which I didn't get paid by the way) did give me a few referrals. I got some great advice
on the best way to handle it. It worked out fine. But that's another story. For another book perhaps.

I'm aware that many of the readers of this story will not be Americans and we don't want to bore
those readers. For them, further discussion of this unfair American tax law that makes the American
passport the most expensive and inconvenient document on Earth will not be relevant. Most citizens
of most countries are free just to get up and go, move where and when they please. Once non-
resident they do not owe any taxes to their home countries. There are a few exceptions, but they
apply mostly to Germans and Scandinavians who move directly to tax havens. This book covers
those matters elsewhere. So let's get back to my quest for Italian citizenship.


The first place I had to go was the City Hall Office in our town to apply for my residence permit.
They call this a Carta D Identita. A similar wallet card is issued to residents and citizens. This card
will identify the holder as either a 'citizen' or 'resident foreigner.'

I arrived at around 10am and there was a long queue. In the line were perhaps a hundred relatively
young, mostly good looking women of various hues - most were attired in very sexy, form fitting
outfits. Wow, I had stumbled into the place with the best action in town! There were quite a few
exotic looking women: Africans (some in native dress), Thais, Malaysians, Algerians, Ethiopians,
Albanians, Indians, you name it. The pretty teenaged Filipino girl in front of me spoke very good
English. I asked her how come there were so many women and almost no men. She said "We are all
working girls and we are here for the amnesty."

She explained that Italy had recently proclaimed another amnesty for everyone who had been
physically in Italy for over five years. They were allowed to register, get residence cards, to work 157
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legally. All who wanted to would (ten years later) be allowed to apply for citizenship, based upon
residence. They were all there to take the first required step -just like me.

At around 11.30, with about eighty girls still in front of me, everybody was evacuated from the
office by a guard. The door was locked. My new found friends in front of me asked this guard (in
Italian of course) what was going on, "A fire drill or something?" He replied "We are closed for the
day." She knew better than to argue, but said in a cute way, "Hey handsome doesn't the sign over
there say 'Open from 9 to 12:30? We have an hour to go!"

"Yes" the guard said, "but to take care of the people already in the office will take another hour, so
you come back in three days."

It turns out the office is not open every day, but only two days a week. They always close for the day
at 12:30. But the people waiting in line are evacuated an hour earlier. Many Italian offices actually
close an hour early to take care of clients inside the inner sanctums. The Filipino girl said, "I think
to get a chance here, you have to camp outside overnight. They open late, take coffee breaks and
only take applications from about 15 people a day."

When I reported all this to my wife (who couldn't come along because she was working), she
suggested 1 might be better off getting a fixer or a lawyer to help me with the process.


The first thing my new lawyer told me was that my first mistake had not been registering as a
resident four years earlier in 1994. Why? The clock starts running on residence as of the day one
gets the Italian (resident) Carta d'Identita.

I then showed him the printed sheet from the American Consulate that explained one could apply
for citizenship after three years of marriage and living abroad, or two years of marriage if resident
in Italy. Then I learned the first of many Italian 'Catch 22s': You couldn't mix and match. If you
were abroad, you had to prove three years of legal residence for you and your wife in the country
you were applying from. Or if you were applying in Italy, you had to prove two years of legal
residence there. In other words, according to Dottore Rizzo I couldn't apply for citizenship until 1
had had my local Carta D' Identita for two years.

One could normally get this identity card fairly quickly, but the amnesty deal had resulted in many
more than usual applications and very long delays. In Italy, because civil servants can't be fired,
there was no way to put on extra help to cope with the extra demand. Could they switch unoccupied
workers from other posts to help out temporarily in a different department? Heavens no! The Italian
government workers' union contracts provided a detailed description of each job. No deviation was
permitted. Thus the efficient use of bureaucrats was absolutely forbidden. Was there a way for me
to work around this impasse?

Knowing that in Italy some things could often be done sotto la tavola or under the table, I asked Dr.
Rizzo politely and discreetly if he had any way to speed things up for me. My new lawyer laughed
and said "Without me, you could be screwing around for twenty years without any results. And you
could be denied at any stage by anyone in the chain."

BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

He continued: "I will take your case for 4 million lire (just over $2000 at that time in American
money) and I will do the best I can, but it will have to be within the letter of the law." I asked about
how long it would take, in his estimation. "Five, maybe six years!"


The 'law' as I read it said I was entitled to apply for citizenship now - after three years of marriage.
But the lawyer was telling me if I started the process now, in 1998, I might get a passport five or six
years later. I told him it seemed unfair. His answer was a rebuke and a surprise:

"I know very well how things work in your country. The minute an Italian applies under circumstances
similar to your own, the American Migra Service would start out by deporting the applicant for
being illegally inside the country. And once deported, he would probably never get back into the
States, wife or no wife.

"We here in Italy are much more understanding. You can stay, you can work and eventually you can
be accepted as an Italian. May I suggest you start now to improve your Italian! There is a nice
summer course not far from here at the Universita per Stranieri in Perugia. You must learn about
Italian culture and our language. You must speak proper Italian."

"But," I interrupted, "there is not a thing in the citizenship requirements I read about speaking good

"Yes, well just learn to speak Italian and learn a few Italian songs, too." And so I did!


Of the many documents requested there was one 1 had and two I never heard of. The birth certificate
was easy. At least I thought it would be easy. But more about that later. Then there was the 'Family
Book.' Another weirdo was a 'penal record.'

The family book is not about your present family - it is an official Italian document about your
ancestors. The 'penal record' has nothing to do with your penis, but is a record of 'punishments.' In
Italy, everybody has all of these documents. In the States, on the other hand, if one has never
committed a crime or been arrested, a penal record does not exist. Also, no American has an official
'family book' issued by the government. Most of us don't even know the names of ancestors more
than two generations back.

Both of these documents are common everywhere in Europe, outside of the UK. Even the UK has
started holding 'penal records' on some citizens now, in the name of preventing sexual abuse of
children. Overnight the UK government decided to check the 'penal records' of all school teachers,
leading to complete chaos and the creation of a new government agency specially to handle such
matters. But I digress.

I think the two booklets were thought up by Napoleon who also gave us the concept of a modern
day passport, and who even wanted to start his own European Union way back when. Anyway, in
most of Europe, everybody is required by law to have identification 'papers' with them at all times.
The family book and record of punishments are kept in a safe place along with a 'Health Book' that 159
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shows everything related to one's participation in the socialized medical program present in every
EU country. (The health book is not needed for citizenship.)

A friend without a lawyer to guide him told me that his application for citizenship was still on hold
after twelve years because he couldn't figure out how to furnish (among other things) the equivalent
of a penal record. For me, that was a fairly easy hill to climb. Every single document that was
required by Italy took a lot of time to figure out. But with the help of Dottore Rizzo we were able to
find or create an equivalent document.

My lawyer, who had been through the ordeal of fire before, told me to simply get a letter from the
American police departments. Not just one letter: A letter from every police department where I had
ever lived saying they had no record of any arrests or convictions on me. Plus, if possible, a statement
that I wasn't a known member of any criminal group. Put "em all together, translate them, put on
some ribbons and seals, and there's your Penal Record. So I started rounding up the records. If I had
known what was coming, I might have not included every single place I'd ever lived at, as this
generated a lot of paperwork.

Unfortunately, I had forgotten about an underage drinking bust when 1 was fifteen. It took hiring a
lawyer back in Boston to get that expunged so that I could eventually get a 'No Arrests or Convictions'
letter from the office of Administrative Services of the Boston Police. After that, I was required to
get similar letters from the state police and the national FBI. These all had to all be translated into
Italian by an expensive official translator certified by the Italian Consulate, then apostilled (certified),
and embellished with stamps ribbons and seals by the Italian Consul at Boston, Mass.

One lesson I learned from this was that the Italians (and probably all bureaucrats) love seeing a lot
of stamps ribbons and seals. Without them, they say "Go back and get the stamps, ribbons and
seals." All these papers are not in proper format without them.

Oh, and I almost forgot: I needed a certified set of fingerprints with a letter from all the cops saying
that I was the same person whose fingerprints were attached. It was a long and expensive process.
And it didn't help my case to tell the lawyer that there was no requirement in the law for any
criminal clearance for a spouse of an Italian - though there was such a requirement if citizenship
was obtained by residence alone.

"Forget it. You want citizenship - just give them what they ask for! And have you learned any
Italian songs yet?" he asked.

I must admit, there was a lot of joy and satisfaction at the moment of acquisition of each new
document on the list. The only problem was that every time I resubmitted the package, it always
came back with requests for more documents.

For instance, for the required birth certificate, I supplied a certified copy of the original form from
Boston, with authentication by the Consulate and all the right ribbons and seals. Rejected! They
needed a so called 'long form' birth certificate with more information about the hospital attending
doctor, how many other children had been born to the mother, the citizenship and birthplace of the
parents, etc. etc.

I didn't even know there was such a thing, but as soon as I got this long form, guess what? My
lawyer did one of those tricks of the trade: He had a local certified translator call this an 'American
Family Book.' With that on the title, it was accepted as such and I got to cross off the required

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'Family Book' - another important document. Like Abraham Lincoln once said, you don't pay a
lawyer for what he does, but for what he knows!

Then they wanted all my school and university records, and copies of all documents relative to my
military service plus an honourable discharge. Everything had to be translated by another official,
highly paid translator, certified, stamped, sealed and beribboned.


I now return to the story of how I finally got my Carta D' Identita at the anagrafe (Office of Vital
Records). That's where all the working girls were lined up and backlogged.

My lawyer made an appointment for me with the head of this office. He worked in a different
building. The bureaucrat was simply not there (without any explanation!) for his first appointment
with me. The lawyer explained that this particular official got his jollies by making people (important
or otherwise) wait in his outer office for hours and hours, and then passing them on his way out with
his golf clubs, saying "Sorry no time, come back next week." (Actually, I made that up about the
golf clubs - I don't really know where he was going. But I did get a brush off like that after wasting
a lot of time waiting for the guy to see me.)

On the second appointment, the secretary said he was off on his annual six week vacation. My
lawyer warned me that if and when I ever did get to see this guy I should smile pleasantly, say how
happy I was that he could spare the time to see me and not refer to the broken appointments. Rizzo
said, "Whatever happens it would be a shorter process than waiting in a never moving line at the
Anagrafe that never gets you any closer to the front end of it."

Remember, in applying for Italian citizenship, it makes no difference how long one has actually
lived in Italy. The important thing is how long one has been registered and holding the Carta D'
Identita. One can use a residence certificate of two years (for citizenship by marriage), but one
needs ten years of residence in Italy to be able to apply on the basis of residence alone. Nobody
seems to care or check where you have been physically during the legal residence period. The clock
starts running when you get the identity card.

Nobody ever asked to see my apartment lease or utility bills (as they do in France for every little
thing). It Italy, you just have to be registered and have a private address where mail will be accepted.

Oh, I forgot one more little thing. It is not enough to merely have all the required papers. One needs
to buy required blank legal sheets of special government paper forms plus tax stamps (bolli) at a
stationery store. One sticks these stamps all over everything and staples the original documents to
the Italian special government paper forms before submission to any government office. Without a
lawyer I would not have known this little secret, nor could I have guessed just how to affix the
needed documents to the official forms or exactly where the stamps needed to be stuck on.

Every paper had to be presented in person at the appropriate office. Then with luck it might be
rubber stamped, impressed with seals and certified and approved on the spot. This was rare. More
often it was "Come back next week." Some documents, like my life history form, were presented
for "investigation and certification as true" in various police stations. Whether they really checked
or not I will never know for sure. But I seriously doubt it. 161
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There are many different kinds of police in Italy. The citizen-applicant had to fill out their forms -
in Italian of course. These police forms were quite intrusive, asking for every school attended,
every address lived at, every job held, every foreign country visited, every visa ever obtained, all
licenses held, where issued, etc. Everything needed bollos, rubber stamps, official authentications
and, of course, ribbons. These were neither free nor included in the lawyer's fee. They nickled and
dimed me into oblivion. Truth is I didn't keep track, but I'd guess all the postage, express shipping,
stamps, ribbons and what not cost me at least €1500. Plus I needed two trips to Rome to get a few
approvals and stamps done there. Figure €1500 for that. With the lawyer's fee of €2000, 1 guess
€5000 Euros would be a ballpark figure.


I was asked in one police interview if I had a local (Italian) driving licence. As I was still driving on
my almost expired Massachusetts licence, they told me to get a national Italian license. There are no
provincial licenses like in the USA or Canada. For this I needed no driving test but according to the
local auto club instructions, a thorough medical examination including blood tests, urinalysis, eye
test and complete physical was called for. I could then exchange my Massachusetts license for an
Italian one.

Getting an Italian driving license proved to be the easiest thing of the entire citizenship ordeal.
Although it took three weeks to get an appointment, I went to the officially certified driver-licence
doctor's office on the appointed day. I was disappointed to find over a hundred people waiting
there. But unlike the slow government offices, the doctor was handling them at the rate of about one
per minute. The doctor hardly glanced at me as I entered the examining room. He mumbled only:
"60 Euros."

When I gave him the consultation fee in cash, he tucked it in a drawer, smiled and quickly checked
off an official form showing that he had given me an extensive physical exam. I was in and out in
about a minute. If that guy was always that busy he was making 10,000 Euros a day!

I turned my rubber stamped and signed medical 'test results' in to the Auto Club with an "official
Massachusetts certified copy and translation" of my driver's license. I paid them another €80 fee. In
three weeks I picked up my 5 year validity plastic photo-ID Italian Driving License.

I returned, proudly brandishing it to the cops. This time, in a very good humour, they quizzed me
jokingly about my Mafia membership and my career as a hit man for Al Capone. Then they asked
whether I knew any Italian songs. Well prepared, I sang a few bars of Volare! Then they all joined in
the chorus, laughed a lot, stamped my papers and handed them back to me. I was now to deliver
them to a certain judge in room XYZ at the Court House - other end of town. She would process


Other papers had to be generated, stamped or approved by denizens of the Court House. Every little
league public official in northern Italy, it seemed, had to sign off on some aspect of my citizenship

BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

application. But at a certain point I had the feeling I was getting somewhere. It was the beginning of
the end. Was I starting to understand the Italian bureaucrats? Or were they just getting kinder now
that I was almost 'one of them.' In skiing, they call the last trip down the slopes at the close of the
day, the 'home run.'

Maybe they really were treating me better than when I started. The people I was dealing with
towards the end, especially the cops, took the paper chase I was being put through as a big joke. I
saw that if you went along, smiled a lot, never showed frustration and could kid around in Italian,
you'd get through it gracefully and quickly.

I had a good time too - towards the end. I have dealt with unpleasant Communist bureaucrats in the
former Soviet Union, and (far too many) self-important American petty officials. They usually take
themselves with deadly seriousness. East Germans in the old DDR were the worst.

There's an old joke about Europe: "I wished to go to heaven where I'd find a French chef, a German
Engineer, a British cop, an Italian Lover and everything run by the Swiss. But when I died, they sent
me to hell - with a Swiss lover, a German Cop, a French Engineer, a British Chef and everything
organized by the Italians." Don't ask me what the point of that joke is. You either get it or you don't.

If you schmooze around with most Italian bureaucrats, they seem to want to help you along by
exercising discretion in your favour. Also, I have noticed that - to their credit - the Italian bureaucrats
are not sexist or racist at all. They can be quite friendly to anyone - gays, Africans, Asians or
whatever. I suppose that is not very scientific - it is just my 'anecdotal observation.'

In one instance, I saw a funny young black gay guy - not sure exactly what he needed from the cops
- but he was sent out to get some missing bollos or tax stamps for his papers. I wouldn't have dared
to do what he did, but when he got back, he pulled down his pants, mooned the cops, and stuck the
tax stamps on his bare bottom. "There's your stamps!" he exclaimed in a mock-girlie voice.
Everybody in the office got a big kick out of this and, with everybody in fine mental fettle, we both
got through very quickly that day - almost as fast as my driving licence doctor's exam.

Now near the end of the trail, I was asked for an 'authenticated, translated copy' of my passport. I
figured that would be easy, so I just photo-copied my American passport which was already in
English and French, and brought it to the translator to officially translate such difficult words as
'Name' and 'Date of birth' into Italian. Not good enough. Yet. This translation had to be certified
and authenticated as 'a true and correct translation' by an Italian Consul in America or an American
Consul in Italy. I had to go to Milan personally to get that. I didn't want to trust the Italian mails with
such an important document. Don't trust the Italian Post Office with anything! Eventually, I got the
certification with all the appropriate ribbons and seals.

Still not good enough. The American Consul's signature had to be certified by the Italian Ministry
of Foreign Affairs in Rome. That meant another personal trip down to the capital, as I didn't want
my passport floating around the bureaucracy without me. I allowed another week just for that. Oh
well, I wanted to see St. Peter's (the Vatican) anyway. Got it.

Whew! Two years later, I got my first Carta D'Identita. I thought we had everything. Nope! I still
need an Italian Income Tax number and plastic Italian taxpayer card. Uh oh! I haven't paid any
Italian taxes for five years. Is this where after all that horsing around my house of cards collapses?

No! My lawyer gets this card for me somehow. He says that I don't have to worry about back taxes.
They don't expect self-employed foreigners in Italy to pay any taxes. He reminds me that in the 163
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USA, if a citizenship applicant hasn't filed any income tax returns or paid taxes they will probably
be clapped into jail for a few years and then be deported. I like Italy more and more.

Now my lawyer piles up all the papers, copies of papers and a photo album of me and my wife and
kids enjoying the past few years together (to prove we are really married). Piled on the floor, the
stack of documents is well over knee high. He says, "It looks like we have got it all together. This is
ready to submit."

Dr. Rizzo says: "I talked to the judge, and she said, 'Maybe we will consider this application now
even though the applicant hasn't been a legal resident for the required two full years. By the time we
reach our decision, the two years will have passed.' "

This he thinks is tremendously joyous news. I figure "What's to cheer about?" It has still taken us
two years already. That's an awfully long time. 1 figure it will be another four years. More time
passes. But not four years, only four months.


A local magistrate told my lawyer informally that my Application was being 'considered' in Rome.
The President of the Republic must now personally approve and sign off on it. That would happen
in 'due course.' I was welcome to go to Rome and clear up any pending questions if I cared to visit
the office of the Minister who was handling my case. So now that my two years of required residency
were up, I decided to visit the Ministry of the Interior in Rome to check on the progress of my
application for citizenship. What harm could it do?

There in Rome, in a decidedly elegant office, I was told that everything was in order, but they were
just waiting for some sort of final police report. Until that came in, they could do nothing. I was
worried that my childhood arrest for under-age drinking had come to light and would sink me.

I call my lawyer back in Alassio, a ten hour train ride to the North. Dottore Rizzo warns me to
expect a surprise visit at home 'any day soon' from the local cops. They always check to see if
citizenship applicants are really married and living with their wives at the address where they say
they live. Now. really worried, I call Mary Christina. Uh oh! She has already had a visit from the
local cops. She is now worried too. They had been asking the neighbours about me before they rang
her doorbell. They asked to see me. But I wasn't there.

She nervously said she thought I was in Rome at the Ministry of the Interior seeing about my
passport application. The warning from the lawyer had come too late. I should have stayed home
for the 'surprise visit,' in which case I'd have passed go and won the game. Now (still in Rome), the
Ministry advises me to check back in back six months after the police have verified my physical
home and martial status.

I went back to Alassio quite dejected. When would the police come again to do the required surprise
visit? In a month? In a year? Fortunately, it didn't take that long. Once you are on the downhill run,
everything accelerates.

The next Sunday, at 9am, a big tall cop built like Schwarzenegger, in a blue dress uniform with gold
braid, a gleaming chrome sabre and blue feathers in his Napoleon style hat, shows up at the door
asking for me. My wife rousts me out of bed. I ramble into the kitchen half awake and in my
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

bathrobe. The cop and 1 both accept a cup of wake-up espresso from Maria. He tells us that he was
sent to check on if we are really living together as man and wife. He says it's just a formality and he
can now report that we seem to be a normal Italian couple.

The neighbours had confirmed that there was an American guy often seen coming and going. But as
they were not nosy people, they had only furnished about twenty pages of detailed observations, all
duly noted by the coffee-drinking cop.

At that point our kids come in to look at this strangely costumed figure from another era. Then the
cop blurts out that he recognizes Mary Christina as a girl he admired at summer school a few years
back in a nearby town (Noli). She doesn't remember him, but he then tells of his twin brother who
was in her class. Ah yes, she remembers, the brother was a very smart nerdy kid. Oh my, he got a
scholarship to Boccione Business School?

The cop is not any ordinary cop either. He is in a special fast track public administration training
program. They chatter about their old lycee days in Noli. Small world. He says he wishes us well
and will file his favourable report the following day.

Four weeks later we are summoned to the post office to pick up a very official-looking A4 sized
registered letter from the Ministry of the Interior. Whoopee! The President has signed a decree
granting me citizenship. I doubt if he really signed it personally, but it looks pretty official and
somebody signed his name.

We invite Dr Rizzo and his wife out for a celebratory dinner and ask what has yet to be done next -
to get an Italian passport. He said the swearing in could be scheduled at the city hall any Thursday
afternoon of my choice, right after the wedding ceremonies that start at 2PM. After my taking the
oath, he will arrange for a passport (having a five year life).

The complete process took only a tad over two-and-a-half years - a lot less than the five or six that
Rizzo had predicted at our first meeting. He says we were lucky because most of the bureaucrats I
met along the way liked me and they put my papers to the top of the pile. Knowing a few songs
probably shortened the wait by two years!

"You showed patience, humility, and humour and didn't try to act like a grosso pezzo. [A grosso
pezzo is a big piece or big shot.]" Rizzo continued: "Here in Italy, we have a formidable, entrenched
bureaucracy, but they can be understanding and will actually try to help people who come across as
decent folk."

1 asked: "How come you told me it would take five or six years when we actually got through the
gauntlet in little over two years?" Rizzo answered: "If I told you two years, I would now be an
incompetente in your eyes. Instead, I got you in earlier than expected, and now I am a hero. Does
that answer your question? Surely in your own profession you know it is better to come in faster and
at lower costs than you have estimated, no?"

At the final swearing in, the lady Judge with ponderous breasts, official robes and a very fancy red,
white and green sash asks me in Italian if I fully understand the duties and obligations of my new
citizenship. I had been coached to expect this question and so I answered "Si" with near perfect
accent and impeccable delivery.

Do you swear allegiance to Italy? "Si" again. 165
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That was the entire final exam! Then the Judge signalled for a cassette to be switched on. When the
music played, she broke into song and motioned for me to join in a chorus of the National Anthem.
Musically, it's almost as bad as the Star Spangled Banner. Once again I had been coached and could
sing it good and loud. "Como Pavarotti! Bravo!" she says.

The judge beamed, banged down her gavel, adjusted her wig and, with a great flourish, stamped my
final oath of allegiance papers. We all cheered and drank frizzante (sparkling) wine from plastic
cups, courtesy of the Italian state.

1 had made it - only six years, after our wedding! I was finally an Italian. Not an American-Italian,
an Italian. There is no such thing as a hyphenated Italian.


Mary Christina and I are still married. We have three little Italians now. All of them with two
passports: Italian and American. These were obtained with ease, based upon their Mom's and Dad's
citizenship and simple registration. I just love this place!

BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

Chapter 91

Can you trust a person who offers to get you a second passport? This is the most important thing to
consider before you plunk down any cash.

The sad fact is that 99.99% of those who offer passports on the internet or in advertisements are
crooks. They will take your money and give you nothing but grief. The only way to find a reliable
provider is to have a referral from a very reliable and trusted source. Even then, it is wise to use an
escrow arrangement to avoid losing your money.

Should you trust a professional looking website offering a wide selection of instant second passports
at very reasonable prices? In a word, "No!"

Names, phone numbers, websites and addresses are all easily faked. These days, with intense pressure
from Big Brother and the unwarranted link to 'terrorism,' no legitimate lawyer or even a politically
connected 'fixer' can advertise any alternate identity or second passport services. Period.

Anyone, no exceptions, who advertises second passports publicly, is one of three things:

1. A well-meaning idiot who will get himself into trouble. Your money disappears.
More than likely, Big Brother will seize your data and photos;
2. A crook, who intends to steal your money and never deliver; or
3. A government sting agent trying to find out who is interested in second passports.

Recent developments (after 9-11) have put genuine consultants between a rock and a hard place. It
is difficult (but not impossible) to build up a reputation without actually revealing who or where
you are. A reputation is something which comes with time. Satisfied clients in normal business
affairs will usually tell others of great services, on-time delivery and a terrific product. But clients
who obtain useful second passports are not likely to tell others of their experiences - unless perhaps
it is in the form of an anonymous posting on the net.

It is left to publishers like Global Liberty Publishing to keep track of phoneys, facilitators and other
middlemen. As members of many public and closed internet groups, your editorial staff often knows
and can tell you, who is a flake, who is a crook and most importantly, who would be reliable and
good for you.

On the internet, it could take a year or two of providing services on a Cash-on-Delivery basis and
regular posting (i.e., news and information contributions) to a list catering to a particular interest
group. This is one way an 'anonymous source' can meet and build up trust with middlemen,
consultants or brokers. Internet groups are communities. One becomes known and trusted by helping
other members. Services and reliable information may be offered for free or for money.

In such cases, a member who offers reliable citizenship consulting may be known only by his online
moniker or pen name. Just like on E-Bay, once a person has done business with a substantial number
of people in a group, he has references and recommendations. It is likely (but by no means absolutely
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

sure) that when you deal with a well known, highly recommended person, you too will be satisfied
with the service and pricing. Because one is never completely sure, it is wise to keep funds with a
trusted intermediary until the product is delivered or the service is done. This is called an 'escrow

When buying a second passport, always consider and try to use an escrow arrangement. Global
Liberty Publishing can probably recommend an impartial escrow agent. Yet this is not always possible.
Let's consider a few real world deals.

Looking first at a government authorized program like Dominica and St. Kitts, using an escrow is
possible. Dominica insists on full payment up-front, but this is held by a government agency rather
than any individual facilitator. If your application is rejected, they promise to return your funds
minus a processing fee.

Will the processing fee in your deal be exorbitant? Can you depend upon government officials to
keep their word? It depends. If you are involved in an entirely new, untested program and you want
to be a pioneer, there is no track record.

The St. Kitts program involves purchase of real estate or some other form of investment. In this
case, private escrow arrangements involving reputable local law firms are available. If the lawyer
was educated in and also holds a license in a place like New York or London he is likely to be
kosher. No professional wants to be hauled before an ethics committee to be struck from the rolls.
Just be sure your escrow deal lawyer holds your money until your passport (not just the deed to the
property) is delivered. Otherwise you may be stuck with an overpriced condo on an island you will
never visit. And verify that the lawyer you are dealing with is really a licensed professional and not
an impostor. How to do this? Insist upon references and check them out.


What about deals arranged with private facilitators? These may be legal residence programs leading
eventually to passports or grey market instant passport deals. These days, the vast majority of second
passport deals are arranged in this way. The people involved usually style themselves 'immigration

With residence programs, escrow deals are impractical. If you are paying for assistance setting up a
legal residence program with the intention of obtaining a passport after say 2, 5 or l0 years of
residence, do you think your consultant will agree to have his fee held in escrow for all those years
until the deal reaches its conclusion? No way! You may change your mind and terminate the residence.
The laws may change. It is not likely that any lawyer, fixer, or consultant will wait years to get paid.

You pay for the professional service, and you take the risk of a passport materializing at the end of
the period. If the government rejects your application years down the road, you have no comeback
on the immigration agent. On the other hand, if you have been honest in your application forms and
everything is in order, you should get your second passport - eventually.

BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

Grey market deals for fast passports are even more problematic. These deals may be legal, but often
they involve a little bit of fudging or back-dating. Formal escrow agreements with reputable major
banks, trust companies or law firms won't work. Who will be the escrow agent? Anybody who is
licensed as a professional or banking institution by the State must be squeaky clean. They want to
stay that way. They can't risk being associated in any way with grey market passport deals - which
these days are so politically charged and controversial.

Swiss lawyers used to do escrows of this type, but with current pressure from Big Brother they
know they may lose their licence or go to jail - especially if a passport buyer they represent turns
out to be a seriously evil person. In the old days Switzerland was a popular location for delivering
new passports, since the Swiss usually don't stamp people in or out. But today the Swiss take a
tough stand against any trade in foreign passports.

Lawyers, bankers and accountants generally have a very comfortable life. They make more than a
good living. They will universally refuse to risk it all on a deal that could be exposed in the media
(fairly or unfairly) as 'dirty business.' A certain American lawyer practicing (or rather doing deals)
in Switzerland was well known for his co-operative attitude in handling passport escrows, tax
avoidance trusts and other internationally questionable matters for thirty years. He was a solid,
reliable holder of escrowed funds. He would examine documents (like second passports) to determine
their validity before handing over the escrow money. He was a wonderful, honest resource. He
might have charged up to $5000 for an escrow - but he was competent and honest with his clients.
What he did was entirely legal in Switzerland at the time.

The old Swiss attitude was "If a deal does not swindle any Swiss people, it is legal here." In the
1990s, this particular lawyer was peripherally involved in an international scandal. Subjected to
scathing articles in leftist Swiss newspapers, he simply picked up all his chips and disappeared. We
found him through a personal contact in his new home in another country. Asked by an associate to
"work with us as usual," he said bluntly, "I am retired! Period!" He refused absolutely to be associated
with any further escrows of any kind - clean, or cloudy. We are currently hearing about several
persons who are seeking to replace this guy. Hopefully by the time you read this we will be able to
offer some good counsel.

There are always people who assay the risks, set their prices accordingly, and still provide needed
services. But when a government like that of the USA sets the penalties and barriers very high, you
can guess what happens. The number of service providers dwindles. The price goes up.

Ten years ago getting a second passport on the grey market was not a big deal - but today the
business is automatically (and usually wrongly) associated with terrorists, drug dealers, money
laundering etc. That leaves mainly bent or disbarred lawyers who might still handle an escrow.
Should you deal with people of bad reputation who perhaps sold out a client or stole client money
in the past? We say no. A corrupt lawyer has no more value as an escrow agent than any other

If you hire a shady character as an escrow agent it defeats the whole object. You want an honest
broker in the middle of a deal. He is there to hold the money until he has verified the documents as
genuine and legal.

Where does that leave us? As mentioned, we are currently looking at several persons who are doing
escrows. Hopefully we will be able to offer some good referrals.
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

Not only the buyer but also the seller in any grey market deal will want to remain anonymous.
Without real names and real addresses for the parties to a contract, it is difficult but not impossible
to draw up any legally enforceable escrow agreement. The problem is that if any party to the deal
gets screwed, they will rarely risk exposure by suing or going to the police or the courts.

We understand that in the 'organized crime' arena, certain mob bosses handle enforcement. But our
experience has been that the people who really 'do' second passports (and don't just claim to do
them) are not part of the underworld syndicates portrayed in The Godfather. They are almost always
respectable, influential people like retired judges or politicians. Far from being a party to 'organized
crime' they usually screen clients to eliminate those involved in fraud, violence, heavy drugs, kiddie
porn, etc. They have a profitable little niche and the last thing they want is any sleazy associations,
bad publicity and or possible bounce backs.

What's the answer? The bottom line is, without an escrow, there just has to be trust somewhere
along the line. Let's say you find a 'retailer.' This person may style himself a broker, and may be a
lawyer, negotiator or immigration consultant. As previously mentioned, it should never be anyone
physically located in your home country! There, records could be seized. Everyone listed on his
seized computer hard disk or in his files might then be placed on a hit list!

A good consultant in this business shouldn't keep any records anyway (once the deal has been
completed). If possible, your real name and real address should not be known to your own fixer.
After a case is closed and the paperwork delivered, all records should be destroyed. That means
shredded and burnt. And pending conclusion of the deal, everything, including all communications,
should be encrypted and sent between the parties in an anonymous way. See our section on
Confidential Communications.

If your consultant refuses to receive your encrypted, anonymous communications, beware. It may
be a sting. More likely, you are dealing with an incompetent. If you refuse to protect your own
communications, any competent consultant will most likely be very wary of you!


The higher the risks, in any business, the greater the profits must be. Your agent builds up his own
delivery and payment agreements with the prime source of product. They have to trust each other.
At the other end of the deal is you, the final customer. You will probably never know or meet the
prime source. The source has to trust not you the retail customer, but rather the middleman. This
may not involve the source knowing your contact's real name, but it certainly will include trusted
third party recommendations.

There are (a very few!) honest people who will make a good living from repeat business and word
of mouth. They know that creating happy customers and good referrals will yield them more long
term benefits than fraud.

As always, it is easier to make good, reliable contacts if you are not in an emergency situation. You
may have to wait a long time before something comes up.

BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

To maintain the trust and to keep a reputation, the middleman has always to keep his word. If he
cannot deliver, or if his own prime source disappears, the retailer or fixer should make a full refund
to the client - out of his own pocket if necessary. A retailer who just runs crying to his clients about
how their money has taken flight instantly loses all credibility with us. He would never get more
business from anyone except from suckers who do not bother to check him out first. The trade
expression for this, although it is terrible English, is 'Do due diligence.'

The middleman is (or should be) like an insurer! He has to take a hard look at the numerous risks he
is facing - like the prime source disappearing, his customer being a nutcase or a government sting
- and so on. He has to charge accordingly. That means the deal will be more expensive for the end
user- because of the risk premium. The risks have increased drastically over the past few years!

The bottom line is, for the end user, it is much better to pay a higher price and be reasonably sure of
what you are getting. Just sending money to an unknown phantom on the internet who offers you a
"too good to be true" deal is like betting on the lottery. The chance of winning is infinitesimally

What about the final buyer who does not trust his retailer and won't part with any money up-front
(even if it is going to be held for his benefit in a COD type arrangement)? Well, we have to be frank.
He is unlikely to find anyone to do business with.

There is too much chance that a good 'source' will deliver good papers and the buyer will change
his mind, or want to renegotiate the price. Sources are too easily burned to deal with tyre kickers or
those who simply don't have the money they promise to pay. The buyer must conduct his own 'due
diligence,' feel good about the people he is dealing with and, at the end of the day, decide if he
wants the product badly enough to take a risk. Generally, even with an escrow arrangement, some
good faith cash is required up front just to cover communications, paper processing and travel


Even this writer has been conned more than a few times. We take this in our stride because we
consider it our job to order samples and check out new suppliers. But for individuals, being swindled
just once or twice can be financially disastrous. That is why we are very, very careful and never
recommend anyone who hasn't come through for someone close to us in the past.

The best con-men are the most convincing. One friend was taken in by people operating a web-site
that simulated or mimicked the website of one of the more respectable law firms in Athens, Greece.
They offered an instant 'fully legal Greek passport by naturalization' for $ 10,000 Cash on Delivery.
An escrow was to be held in an account at a major bank over which a named law firm partner had
signing power.

Our friend asked us about this deal. We said to him that because the price was much too low for an
EU passport and a respectable law firm would not offer such a deal (certainly not to all comers on
a public website), it smelled fishy. We told him we would insist upon an escrow being held by a
trust company or lawyer not part of the deal. But our friend was of course convinced he had to "act
now or lose the opportunity." Urgency is another confidence game standard operating procedure. 171
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He wired nearly $ 100,000 to a Caribbean bank account of the person posing as a Greek lawyer. The
money immediately disappeared in a black hole. The Greek law firm denied any knowledge of the
offer. Further investigation revealed that the scammer was none other than a German guy with six
dozen aliases. He is well known to PTs. The same crook is right now as we write operating many
websites. They offer all kinds of fantastic bargains including 'legal' Monaco, Liechtenstein and
USA passports at bargain prices. All pure fiction!

Remember - with exceptions you can count on one hand, there is no such thing as an instant legal
second passport you can get without actually living in the country for a few years. And the countries
that offer those instant legal passports to investors are fourth world hell-holes like Somalia - not
first class places like Monaco or Liechtenstein.

There are a very few suitable fixer candidates for our referrals. These days, middlemen - who are in
effect handling their own escrow deals - will all insist upon a consulting deposit of around $ 1000 to
give details on the country and the deal, and then 100% of the money up-front - or no more chit-
chat. It is the only safe way for them to go. The ultimate provider will believe his trusted long term
middleman if he says the money is there. He won't believe some unknown first time customer
behind an e-mail moniker. The customer could be just a tyre kicker or a Big Brother agent.

So, let's summarise our advice. Try and arrange for an independent escrow. If you can't, go with a
proven and trustworthy source. Investigate; do due diligence and only then trust them. Or perhaps,
best of all - if you have the time, go for a residence program that leads to unquestionably legal
citizenship that Big Brother has to accept. You may not even need any consultant or fixer to do that.
If you speak the local language or have ethnic ties, you can sometimes do it yourself without paying
any fees. But in this regard, see the previous chapter on gaining Italian citizenship. There, our
author said the money he paid to an immigration lawyer was well worth it. He was married to a
local girl and even had kids there, but without the lawyer, he says he would not have made it.


Lawyers (often ex-bureaucrats) are usually the ones who handle both grey area and residence deals.
They, just like the bureaucrats involved with immigration and citizenship affairs, prefer to avoid
problem applicants. Usually an upfront consulting fee plus a police 'no criminal record' certificate
is required as a first step - before you're accepted as a client.

Why would a petty bureaucrat sell out his government? We give you one guess. Right! If they make
enough money out of a few 'situations' to retire comfortably, they just might help out a well placed
fixer-colleague. But it would be extremely rare that they would accept a bribe directly from an
unknown foreigner.

The danger to the applicant is that any citizenship obtained by fraud may later be retracted. Even if
an official has discretionary power, if it is later proved that he was bribed to exercise discretion,
then the decision can be revoked. For example: President Bill Clinton pardoned financier Marc
Rich. A President has the unquestionable power to do this. But if it was proven that Rich paid
Clinton a big bribe, the pardon could be revoked later and both parties could go to jail. It is a murky
business. For better or worse, corruption does exist at every level in every government.

We suggest that bribery be avoided. It is best to do everything legally.

BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

There is a fine line between such things as permissible political contributions, consulting fees, and
outright bribery. There is also the question of "What is at stake?"

When escape and survival is the only choice and your freedom or life is at risk, we will not be
hypocritical. We won't say "It is better to die than to buy." Throughout the world, millions of people
are on this very day facing imprisonment for political reasons, confiscations, torture - even starvation
and death. Their only hope is to find an honest fixer or middleman who (usually) for money, promises
them the documents and transport needed to get them to a safer place.

Should they simply give up and die if their only hope is not entirely kosher?

One of our facilitator-contacts provided emergency neutral country passports on short notice. He
helped several dozen British and American oil company employees. They were stranded in remote
parts of Iraq (in 1991). If the government saw their British or American passports, they knew they
were dead meat. This was immediately after the start of the First Gulf War. These civilians escaped
from Saddam's Iraq with fraudulently issued third world passports delivered into the war zone by
our friend. [Ironically, this loyal American was later arrested and accused by Big Brother of "supplying
passports to terrorists." This is something everyone knew he would never do.]

The oil company guys filled in the blanks and inserted photos of themselves. It was understood that
these unregistered blank passports were for one-time use. No one else was around to enable them to
get out of danger. Thus, with 'illegal' passports they escaped being chained to industrial and military
targets. Should they have refused to participate in this fraudulent document deal? Should they have
stayed as hostages in Iraq to be incinerated by friendly fire? Would you have refused this ticket to

You answer that one. Now proceed accordingly.

Act prudently, according to your own needs and circumstances. 173
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

Chapter 92

"1 don't keep a diary, I don't use E-mail, and I don't write letters. The investigations that have
occurred over the years, and the role of the special prosecutors [after Watergate] have dried up the
major sources of history. "

Interviewer: "So where's the record? "

"It's right up here, " he said, pointing to his head. "And I suppose that will fade over the years. "

Dick Cheney, Vice President of the United States of America, interviewed on the History
Channel, 2005.

The key concept of PT is to be Prepared Thoroughly for unexpected events. What events?

Lawsuits, investigations and unwarranted criminal accusations, for example. Avoiding paper trails
and never giving sensitive information to anyone should be part of your every day modus operandi.

One way to achieve this preparedness is by creating an alternate, separate life {persona) abroad -
ready and waiting for you. This is your 'Plan B' in case things go wrong. Do you have a solid plan
in place? Where can you lay low till the heat is off? What if you have to escape and start over?

To be a PT you will need one or more new identities supported by documentation. This might mean
something as simple as a condo you bought in another name (your offshore company's name).
Anyway, this alternate identity must be established outside of the jurisdiction where you physically
live - away from the place where you are currently a citizen or a legal resident. A new and separate
PT identity opens up many options for a PT even if there is never a serious life threatening crisis.
One does not regret buying a spare tyre for emergencies - even if it is not needed. A second identity
is the key identity document, and you should not regret buying one for emergencies either. Some
assets should be carefully (without a trail) relocated offshore in the new identity. Money must be
available to support a new life abroad in the event you decide to leave.

Your second identity is an 'insurance policy.' In times of crisis or persecution you can securely
depart from a danger zone and become someone else for a while - or forever. This author suggests
that many people who have committed suicide (for reasons other than failing health) would never
have done so had they had another, alternate life ready to slip into.

Setting up an alternative identity may seem to be a complicated, exotic and very sensitive process.
But it isn't something that only criminals do. Most wealthy and successful people have already
gone through this. They have such arrangements in place.

You may not feel comfortable doing it all by yourself. You will need help. Whom can you trust to
assist you in this enterprise? 175
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

"Is it legal?" may be the first question coming to mind. Getting authoritative information and contacts
you can rely upon is supremely important in this context. When thinking about creating your new
identity, it is probably a good idea to start out by seeking information from a variety of sources -
free and otherwise.

There are thousands of wonderful, helpful PTs in the world who (if you could only find them)
would help you online or by phone, possibly anonymously. They have walked the walk and they are
the best people to talk to. With no products to sell or axes to grind, another PT is likely to be more
objective than a consultant or middleman who is pushing a particular deal. In PT online discussion
groups, you will find abundant information and advice (some good, some a bit crazy). You don't
need to identify yourself. What you learn will come to you without any charge or obligation. Applying
common sense and objectivity will allow you to distinguish the sensible people from the loose
cannons (of which there are many).

Suppose you have specific questions about a certain grey market passport (for instance). You require
prompt and absolutely reliable advice. Obviously you can't expect a busy, competent person with a
life of their own to devote enormous amounts of thought, time or energy to researching your particular
situation without any recompense.

First, you can answer most of your own questions if you start your planning well in advance. It is up
to you to read everything available (starting with this book). You should build a support network by
contacting a wide range of people. Make new online friends. Do it anonymously. We show you
how, right here.

Before (and if) you decide to pay for advice, it is important that you learn to ask the right questions.
Before you are ready to make a serious move and want to validate your decisions we suggest you
contact people recommended in our resource list and on the members-only website. Always be sure
to also check our website for updates and corrections. We will try to put you in position to use
competent, honest consultants. It isn't a bad idea to set out your situation and desires (without
giving your real name) in an E-mail to Global Liberty Publishing's offices. There is no charge to our
readers for a short opinion, a preliminary consultation or a referral.

Later, you may have to pay or in some cases, trade something for services, products or detailed solid
information requiring research or expert opinions. In this book and on our website we also warn
against common scams. We even name and shame quite a few well-known crooks. There are plenty
of sharks in the offshore waters. Never trust a stranger with your secrets or your money!


The most important rule? Always use your common sense! Common sense and penetrating questions
will expose most fraudsters.

Swindlers know you 'want to believe' their incredible and unlikely stories. If you are cornered,
desperate and in a big hurry, that's when you are most vulnerable. You may think you have no other
choice than to rely upon these scum. They prey upon the uninformed.

BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

Instead, try to start the process of creating your safe haven in a methodical, leisurely way - long
before you are in a desperate situation. Then, as you make contacts and review your options,
always consider the source! Who recommended them? Do they have credible references? Has
anyone you know and trust used them successfully? There are crooks and con-men with impressive
websites offering identification papers, cheap illegal passports, and other PT solutions.


Some peddlers even use the code words: "This is a novelty item." The idea behind this is that it
keeps their operation on the right side of the law. What does this phrase mean? It means that your
"novelty item" is as useless as a 'Souvenir Passport to the Magic Kingdom of Disneyland.'

When you read an ad saying "We replace lost driver's licenses, diplomas and academic records
with genuine replicas." This translates as "We will sell you a fake document we created ourselves
with 'Print Shop' software."

You don't want any of this. A counterfeit passport, diploma, or noble title will be easily recognized
as fraudulent. If you attempt to use a phoney document to open a bank account, get a job or fool a
government official, it could land you in deep doo doo.

Some scammers will take a down payment (usually 50%) for a first class passport and then disappear.
The more nervy ones will take your substantial deposit and then send you a 'fax copy' of your 'new
passport.' They request 'final payment before express courier delivery.' If you wire transfer any
more money, they too disappear.

Most advertisers on the net never have any intention of getting you a genuine passport or anything
else that will be of any use to you. They want to gain your trust, take your money, and leave you
dangling in the wind. They are pretty sure you won't ask any policeman to go after them.
Unfortunately, the legitimate and honest operators who used to advertise and provide second passports
have all gone underground due to Big Brother pressures on them. You will only hear about them
through private channels.

Normally you should get a second and third opinion before you spend any serious money or embark
upon your first PT adventure. Before you part with any money, get at least two positive references
from trustworthy, independent sources. A good PT consultant is experienced and can usually smell
a scammer just from his style and promotional materials.

Remember, a crook will have associates who will lie for him. He can set up any number of websites
or e-mail addresses and pretend to be satisfied ex-customers. You must seek independent, outside
confirmation of the bona fides on anyone you are thinking of dealing with. Due diligence requires
that you do more than blindly accept personal (non-institutional) references supplied by someone
who could be a very shady character.

If however, a first class law firm, banker, or certified public accountant is willing to give a reference,
that is a good sign. But as we saw from the anecdote about the fake Greek lawyer, a clever crook can
pretend to be a prominent lawyer or anyone else. 177
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

The only sure way of getting a legal passport is to go to a country on an immigrant visa, live there
for the required residence period, and go through all the hoops and formalities required to become
a citizen. It is normally legally possible to change your name on the new passport (although the
birthdate must always stay the same). Some countries no longer put any "birthplace" on their

If you apply at and pick up your document from a proper government official at an official government
office it is very likely to be genuine, legal and renewable. There may be some shortcuts (like
backdating entry stamps) to reduce the waiting period, but the more shortcuts you take, the further
you move into the grey area.


Generally speaking, when seeking advice on a technical matter, a person with professional training
(that is, a medical doctor, law school graduate or professional accountant) usually has a better
perspective than someone with no training at all.

But in the seedier side of this business, there are a number of self-appointed 'experts' with a phoney
doctorates - such as the notorious "Dr" Fritz von Butz (that's the name we have given to him)
These parasites are worse than useless. Why? Because their 'independent advice' is only a cover for
their profitable sales of non-existent, fraudulent products.

Doctors are some of the easiest people to check out. If they claim to be doctors of something or
other, ask what school they went to. Ask a few penetrating questions about that school. "What year
did you graduate and who was the dean at that time? What was the library called?" Then check
with the University to see if those answers were correct. You can check with the University and
often find a yearbook picture of the consultant. But most often, you will find "no record." If a
person claims to be a lawyer or chartered accountant, his name, address, telephone number and
other co-ordinates will also be a matter of public record that you can check.

Remember: if your contact or 'expert' misrepresents or lies to you on small matters, he will probably
cheat you on the big stuff too. Always check them out carefully and use common seme to evaluating
people you deal with.


In the PT consulting arena, there are also many lunatic fringe elements who (believing their own
often quasi-religious bullshit) will try to lead you down strange and dangerous paths. The good
news is that it takes only common sense and a minimal exercise of intelligence to avoid these types.
Nuts with worthless 'new country' schemes, religious trusts and so forth are obviously to be avoided.

The basic rule is: if a deal or service seems too good to be true, it probably is!

BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

If you are the kind of person who would send your bank account details and a signed blank sheet of
paper to a Nigerian who just promised by email to send you $99 Million from his Swiss bank
account in return for you (a complete stranger to him) laundering the money through your account,
you should put this book down immediately. Go back to watching TV reality shows and drinking
beer. You are not PT material. As John Wayne (supposedly) said "Life is tough enough, but it is
really tough if you are stupid."

The blank, signed sheet, by the way, will just be used to prepare a request to wire the balance of
your account to the Nigerian. Around twenty thousand Americans and many others have had their
bank accounts cleaned out by these con-men. Nigerians, and other Africans, buy these fraud kits by
the thousands. They can also buy computer generated sucker mailing lists. Then they send out
thousands, maybe millions of e-mail appeals to strangers. If you have an e-mail address you have
probably already received more than one such spam message.

And if you agree to pay good money for a 'passport' from the (non-existent) Nation of Melchezidek
signed by "Dr Harvey Penguino, Rockefeller Center, Antarctica" - put down this book and read
over again what old John Wayne had to say about you.

We kid you not. Such scams do exist and do rake in suckers at an astounding rate. You will find the
Melchezidek website by doing a search for it on Google.

Cyberspace is almost totally unregulated. Anyone can say anything; offer any product or service. It
is hilarious to read all the bizarre things you will find on offer. Your writer can sit for hours reading
on the net. But keep it as entertainment. With common sense, you won't lose your ass or your


A PT who has nothing to lose or gain - a fellow who has successfully come through a difficult time
-might be a better source of information and guidance than, for example, a lawyer who specializes
in an unrelated field.

Sometimes groups of PTs get together for a few days at a time in some pleasant, discreet location
for 'speak-easy' sessions. At these events, nobody will ask nor expect to know your real name, nor
will they ask any probing questions about you. Experiences can be freely shared. You can learn a
lot. But use your critical facilities. Our resource list will direct you to such groups. New ones are
forming (and disbanding) all the time. Ask around.

You might try searching, other search engines and also groups under such headings as
privacy, expatriation, asset protection, invisible investors, global nomads, second passports or related
topics. Knowledge, leads and contacts can be developed by signing up for (usually) free subscriptions
to the e-zines and blogs listed in our resource list. An E-zine resembles a magazine or tabloid
newspaper and is usually published at regular intervals. A blog is more formless. It can be idiotic
ranting and raving on any subject or it can be intelligent discourse on topics of very narrow (or
wide) interest. You can find both by simply revving up a search engine. There will be many entries
on everything from "How to learn Greek" to "Finding a Wife in Thailand." For PTs, being web-
literate is almost essential.
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

There are also groups and information sources you must pay for. Contact the publishers if you
would like our opinion on which of these are good and which are a waste of time and money. They
keep changing!


Here's the one place you do not want to go for PT advice

NEVER, NEVER, Never seek advice in your home jurisdiction!

If confidentiality is even slightly important to you, then lawyers, accountants, and consultants in
your home jurisdiction are absolutely the last place to seek advice on offshore activities. Got that?

Why? 'Licensed Professionals' - particularly in the USA and Great Britain - are essentially forced
by new anti-fraud, anti-terrorism laws (like the Patriot Act) to be spies for Big Brother.

For example, in 2003, a US District Court judge in Chicago ordered one of the largest law firms
to disclose to the Internal Revenue Service the names and details on about 700 clients who sought
or received any tax advice from those attorneys. The clients were then put on a hit list for audit.

The IRS and similar agencies in Europe have in recent years greatly increased use of similar 'fishing

If you don't want to be caught in their net, you don't want any records (electronic or paper) located
or available in any jurisdiction where the activities involved could possibly interest Big Brother. In
fact, it is wise to follow Dick Cheney's example (see the beginning of this chapter) and keep no
records of anything unless they are encrypted. These days, virtual storage can be had for free or
nearly free in cyberspace. Why give lawyers, bankers or anyone else any documents that Big Brother
could use to frame you? Stay off client lists and records of meetings or you may find yourself
tainted - in the position of being considered 'guilty by association' - with licensed professionals
who get themselves in trouble. Perhaps you lawyer will be in the firing line because of one shady
client. Guilt by association is what is keeping many people in detention all over the world.

Any firm that deals in tax shelters or international matters is likely to come under surveillance -
eventually. Keep your communications on sensitive matters a secret. See to it that your real name
and contact information is never associated with any firms or service providers in your home

Do we sound paranoid here? If you have read the rest of this book you will find out that Big
Brother's preferred targets are successful, productive, self-employed innovative people. As in the
French Revolution, people currently holding political power are high on the list to be deflowered by
their successors.

BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection


Americans, and people in most other common law countries, at one time had the right to consult
with an attorney or solicitor of their choice in confidence. Only the clients themselves could waive
their right to privacy.

However, the government's position now is that they can subpoena evidence about anything deemed
'questionable' - like tax shelters created or marketed by law firms for their own clients. It has long
been the rule that attorneys are 'officers of the court' and as such, must report to authorities any
illegal schemes revealed to the lawyer by their clients. These days in the USA, any suspicious
activities (broadly interpreted) must be reported. Failure to report suspicious activities can result in
charges like obstructing justice. Anyone who buys or sells anything (particularly when cash is
involved) now has a duty to report suspicious or non-routine transactions.

The attorney-client privilege rule evolved as a means to encourage clients to make full disclosure
to an attorney when seeking legal advice. The original idea was to encourage the client to be honest
with his own lawyer - without fear that the legal advisor would inform on them. To abolish privileged
communications, it was thought, would hamper preparation of the client's case, or prevent the attorney
from giving correct advice. But this rule has gone out the window in the twenty-first century.

After the 9-11 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, attorneys' homes and offices have been
raided. Even though most 'alternative identities' do not involve terrorism, the new laws give a good
excuse to lump drug matters, tax avoidance and similar categories all together. It is illogical, but of
course police and law enforcement authorities love the new laws that abolish the former constitutional
right to privacy.

Records totally unrelated to terrorism have been seized under the Patriot Act and later used to gain
convictions against clients - and even against the attorneys themselves! Politicians and cops say.
"If you don't have anything to hide, you don't have anything to worry about," But the truth is that if
Big Brother has enough random information about anyone, they can create and win a criminal case
against anyone.

Bottom line? Don't leave any paper (or electronic) trail anywhere that Big Brother is likely to find
it and make the link to you. Having a secret second identity, a different citizenship, and business
affairs abroad that are not linked to your original persona thus becomes an important option to
preserve privacy, offshore assets, and your personal freedom.


Business people often have local personal friends who are also attorneys, bankers or accountants.
Sometimes they are tempted to discuss offshore, PT style plans or their new alternate identity with
them. Our advice: Don't do it!

Besides possibly compromising your own situation, you could inadvertently put your trusted colleague
in a very difficult position. Should he snitch on his best friend (you)? Or should he break the new
Nazi-style laws by remaining silent? That would constitute 'Obstruction of Justice' - a criminal
offence. 181
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

In today's world, it is very likely that at some point, every professional person will be threatened by
Big Brother and then invited to get off the hook by denouncing and turning against his best friends/
clients. Be aware of this and protect yourself. How? By being discreet. Don't tell your (alternate
identity) or PT secrets to anyone 'at home.' And once abroad, avoid links between your new identity
and your past.

Even discussing ideas or plans in a joking, theoretical way can be dangerous when your government
prosecutors are casting their nets widely. You don't want to be one of the poor fish they catch. But
if you are, you want to be able to leave the jurisdiction quickly and assume the new persona you
have so carefully established. This won't be possible if your destination is known or if your second
identity is compromised.


As we have observed, there is absolutely no confidentiality for communications between lawyers
and their clients in twenty-first century USA. But this rule also applies in the United Kingdom. For
some time now, solicitors have been forced to snitch on their clients. There never was any such
privilege in British law for accountants, medical doctors, journalists or priests. As from March
2004 anybody - even your own secretary - is liable to go to jail in Britain for not reporting suspicious
financial or other activities.

A simple statement from any government agent that it believes a lawyer might have useful,
incriminating evidence about anyone, can result in a raid and seizure of all their notes and files.
Any client who may have discussed past activities and future plans will have them exposed. Great
Britain follows the lead of the USA. In the rest of Europe, there never was much protection of
privacy and all notes, records, communications and so on of anyone and everyone under investigation
were always open to scrutiny by the police.


Under these new rules, just like in Nazi Germany or Stalinist Russia, a lawyer can no longer safely
represent a client who is or becomes a government target.

What's the result of this New Order? Lawyers are running scared.

Lawyers are afraid to represent many types of clients because by merely accepting retainer fees
from suspected drug dealers, they may be accused and found guilty of money laundering. Any fees
defined loosely as 'tainted money' can now be seized - along with all other assets in the personal or
client trust accounts of the attorneys. The 'money laundering' crime could cost the attorney his
licence, livelihood and freedom.

Denying suspected criminals their right to a competent lawyer does not seem like a fair shake -
especially if you are ever the suspected criminal. And even more so if you happen to be innocent!

Anti-money-laundering laws and more recently, anti-terrorism laws, have also been used to
force attorneys to report 'suspicious activities' of clients. This includes cash payments for fees or
transfers of fee payments coming in from foreign countries.
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

It always was a requirement that attorneys report a client's pending or planned future fraudulent or
violent criminal acts, if a lawyer becomes aware of them. An attorney cannot knowingly assist a
client in committing fraud or a criminal act. Indeed, attorneys today are wary of positioning
themselves so as to be accused of any criminal conduct by a client who may sell out their own
lawyer in negotiations with prosecutors. 'Know your client' is a modern lawyer's watchword and

Now, when a tax attorney discusses a tax avoidance plan with a client, and the client later adopts
the approach based on that legal advice, remember that the attorney-client privilege doesn't exist
any more. As a practical matter, this means that no one should ever do any out-of-the ordinary tax
or estate planning with any "licensed professional" or for that matter, anyone in their own country.
Merely discussing how to lower your taxes by any means could be interpreted as a crime in many


Compare the above with discussions by a foreigner who is Passing Through, with a lawyer in
another country who does not know the client's true identity. This sort of discussion is far more
likely to be and remain confidential. If the offshore lawyer whose preliminary advice is sought
doesn't even know your real name there is little risk that you will be betrayed.

In some cases, if you have nowhere else to turn, it could serve your interests to have your
domestic tax attorney recommend (if he can) a list of several offshore lawyers who might consult
or handle matters for you in a foreign tax haven or other nation. Probably this isn't a good idea
because there will be a note in his files about your conversation and who was recommended. If you
have a foreign contact - like a banker perhaps - this would be a better source for referrals.

Ideally, the referring attorney should not know whom you have hired abroad. Even better, the attorney
you consult with in your home country or abroad should not even know your 'real' name. Alternatively,
by using the leads in our resource list, or the new PT contacts you will make, you can easily locate
experts - people who have absolutely no connection to your home country.

There is something else to look out for though. In the USA, an attorney has no duty (as yet)
to report that he suspects a client may have in the past been engaged in illegal conduct. However,
in the United Kingdom, Switzerland and some other nations, they are (Wow!) a step ahead of the
Americans for a change. Under laws going into effect in 2005, a lawyer, solicitor, accountant or
banker in the EU must now report such suspicions even if they involve past money laundering.

In other words, an attorney or banker in Switzerland for instance, must report a prospective new
client to police when he is on the Interpol list or if the banker suspects that his wealth came from
less than totally squeaky-clean sources.

In the United Kingdom, reporting of suspected tax evasion is mandatory - even if it took place
outside of the UK. Under new treaties, this information may well find its way back to the 'home'

Canadian attorney-client privilege is also undergoing revision, with the government demanding to
know about all "suspicions of misconduct," just like in the USA.
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

This means, and we cannot stress this point enough: You cannot rely upon bank secrecy or attorney-
client privilege to keep your secrets - even in many offshore nations.

Are you depressed with all this bad news? Here's the good stuff.


When and if you may decide to seek the advice of an attorney or consultant, ask them what their
policy is on confidentiality - especially with regard to the area you plan to discuss with them.

Generally, they will give you a truthful answer. You can even ask them to warn you if you seem to
be about to cross the line in talking about things they might have to report. This is an acceptable and
businesslike way of dealing with any professional person.

Protect yourself further by keeping your identity secret where possible. Even today, it is very rare
for lawyers to request ID when consulting with new prospective clients.

Consider using a disposable PT identity where necessary. If you have never tried this before, you
might be nervous about it. However, think about this: there is nothing illegal or wrong with
introducing yourself to someone as 'Fred Nelson.' Further, you could say you were asking about the
situation of a friend. Sure, the lawyer will assume it is you, but it gets him off the hook - the
obligation to report on a suspicious person's plans.

You could legally assume any pen name supported by an untraceable e-mail address and possibly
arrange for a mail drop where mail can be received anonymously. You do not need to have any
identification to support this name. It is not illegal to temporarily assume a fictitious name so long
as your intention is not to defraud people. In other words you can call yourself anything. We suggest
a common, non-memorable name. It may also be useful to have or to use an unregistered business
name. Anyone can choose to 'do business as' Anyname Consulting. Once again, the more ordinary
sounding the name, the better. Or where appropriate, a corporation can be formed for very little
money. The idea is to blend in. A PT must lose his ego and desire to be noticed and remembered. Au
contraire: The PT wants to be as invisible as possible.

Always instruct your lawyer at the start of any meeting not to take notes or to keep any tape recordings
of your meetings. If they won't co-operate on this, simply seek out a new lawyer. However, most
lawyers will follow your instructions as long as you are paying the bills.

Compartmentalize your activities so that no single advisor knows exactly what you are doing or
where all your assets are kept. It's better if none of them know any information that could ever be
used against you.

These days it is possible to do most things over the internet. The people you deal with should only
know you as 'Happy 1' or any other made up name (web-moniker) you choose to operate under.
BBBB - Private Travel ing: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

Where you sleep and your car registration number should always be kept confidential. If you have
a car, it is not a bad idea to register it in a company name and at an address that is neither your own,
nor known to the company registrar who gets your mail.

The nitty-gritty of how to handle financial transactions, investments, even marriages and divorces
is all covered in volume 2 of Bye Bye Big Brother. If after reading it carefully, you have further
questions, remember that with the price of this book you get one initial e-mail consultation with our
own panel of experts - at no extra cost.

If you feel more comfortable with a telephone consultation or a formal face-to-face meeting (fair
enough), that too can be arranged. But of course that won't be free. Either way, you can make
contact with somebody at Global Liberty Publishing.

For best service from us, in your first communication, and for good practice, briefly state your
problem this way "I have a friend (describe him or her) who is in this situation. Explain. He believes
these are his options. List them. What do you think my friend should do?" Ask us to reply to your
untraceable e-mail address. If you don't know how to get an untraceable e-mail address, see the
chapter on secure communications. We urge you to use PGP encryption when contacting us. 185
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

Chapter 93

In the run up to Hong Kong being handed back to 'Red' China in July 1997, it seemed like every
opportunist and scoundrel in the world went to Hong Kong to peddle passports. Some were real.
Most were bogus and worthless.

Many of the locals living in Hong Kong were fugitives or refugees from communism. Not knowing
what would happen, they were desperate to get out of the country before the transfer of power and
sovereignty to their erstwhile oppressors.

People in the second passport business invaded Hong Kong like cockroaches. They placed ads,
opened consulates, and hired local Chinese on commission to bring in customers. Millions of dollars
were collected from tens of thousands of Chinese, most of whom got worthless documents in
exchange for an average asking price of $10,000 cash.

Does this have any relevance to you? Yes! The scoundrels and fraudsters are still around, still
pushing the same old stuff. Search for "Second Passports" on Google or Ask Jeeves. You will find
all sorts of offers. Almost all of them are fraudulent. Learn here and now what happened to some of
the Chinese who ponied up the cash. Emulate their successes. Avoid their failures!


In those days, for about $50,000, an entire family could legally buy Belize passports from the
Belize Orient Corporation. This group had made a deal to represent the Belize government in the
sale of authorized, government issued passports.

Belize passports were (and still are) good for visa free travel to many places, including six month
touristic visits to the United Kingdom. But one couldn't use them to immigrate to the UK.

The holder of a Belize investor's passport could, however, immigrate physically to Belize where he
was a full citizen minus voting rights. The Belize government never anticipated that any of the
people who bought passports would ever visit, much less settle in backwater Belize. But many
Chinese from Hong Kong did exactly that!

The new Chinese immigrants started businesses and quickly took over most of the economy of
Belize from Indian merchants who previously had complete control. Belize was, and still is, populated
mostly by laid back descendants of black slaves. Some people rave about the diving and the nightlife.
They do have the world's largest coral reef after Australia and there are plenty of bar hostesses.
Your writer has been there twice. We don't think too much of the place. I'd compare it to Haiti and
other backwaters of corruption and poverty. But it was a land of opportunity for Chinese investors.
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

None of the passport money benefited the general populace. Many Chinese arrived to set up shops
and various businesses. Usually they employed only other Chinese. Result? There was resentment
and political fall out in Belize. The passport program was discontinued. But it was so lucrative for
individual politicians involved, that the sale of Belize passports became an off-again/on-again
sometimes clandestine thing. Elsewhere we talk about the Belize program in more detail.

Important thing here: Belize offered one of the rare deals that worked out very well for the passport
buyers. Many (if not most) of the new Chinese Belizians made their way into the nearby United
States. Immigration was easier for them as Belizians than for those left behind in Hong Kong.

Panama: In the mid-nineties Panama had an even more corrupt regime then than it has now. President
Noriega (now rotting in a Florida jail) appointed a Consul General who passed out Panamanian
passports like cotton candy. The average price was around $ 10,000. There was some risk that these
passports would be cancelled by a later regime, but as it turned out, most were renewed. Although
many Chinese actually immigrated to Panama, most of them also eventually drifted up to the USA
- either legally or otherwise.

The Dominican Republic had an interesting law that automatically made a local citizen out of any
person who owned land or a home there. The only catch was that the property ownership and
passport application had to be approved by a high official who wasn't about to do it unless he got
paid. Various lawyers made their deals with him, and thousands of Chinese acquired their passports
and immigrated to the Dominican Republic.

Many other Central and South American countries had officials who swore in new Chinese citizens
on a large scale. So many Chinese ended up in Costa Rica that by 2002 Costa Rica introduced a new
law requiring special checks on passport renewals for anyone with oriental looks.

Canada had an investment deal that required so much money that a mere half million Chinese could
afford it. They didn't get a passport all at once, but had to invest serious money (around $500,000 at
the time) and then reside in Canada for three years - after which they got a passport. Many Chinese
went to Canada, rented an apartment and then sneaked back to Hong Kong to make money while
the making was good. Just before their citizenship hearing, they went back to Canada.

Many Chinese Canadians now live back in Hong Kong, but just as many found Canada an agreeable
place to live and do business. They could trade and travel at will back and forth to the USA or
almost anywhere else in the world with their new Canadian passports. Vancouver, Victoria and for
that matter, the entire province of British Colombia is now Hong Kong East - the largest Chinese
city outside of China.

New Zealand and, later, Australia imitated the Canadian "invest for immigration" program with
similar results.

And that just about covers the legitimate or quasi-legitimate deals.

BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection


The King of Tonga, a Pacific Island nation of huge obese people, was at the time, conned by a white
gentleman of bad reputation. He was given the official title of 'Court Jester.' (No kidding!)

Jesse Bogdonoff was an American citizen and former magic magnet salesman. He was put in charge
of administering Tonga's millions of dollars acquired from passport sales. Needless to say, the
millions disappeared. And so did Jessie James. Er, I mean Jessie Bogdonoff. The absconding Court
Jester hasn't been heard from since.

A huge amount of money had originally been generated from the sale of 'Tonga Protected Persons'
passports through the kingdom's consulate in Hong Kong. Among the 5,000-odd takers - at about
$20,000 a pop - were former Philippines dictator Ferdinand Marcos and his wife Imelda, who
became Tongans after they fled Manila in 1986.

The bad news for the buyer of a Tongan passport was that there was some fine print on the special
passport that said something like: "This passport is subject to the provisions of Law XYZ." Law
XYZ back in Tonga said that "this passport is not good for visits to or immigration to Tonga." The
net result was that as soon as word of this restriction got out, it was not good for travel to anywhere
else either. No other country would take seriously a passport that did not even allow entry to the
country of issuance.

Gambia, a former British colony in Black Africa, also appointed a Consul General to sell passports.
Visa free travel to Great Britain was possible at the time. The consul pushed his luck too far and
actually chartered a plane to transport hundreds of his clients. We already covered the story of how
this planeload of Chinese Gambians who had never been to Gambia arrived in London, direct from
Taiwan. All the passengers were turned away by British immigration authorities.

Any country, at its sole discretion, can and will suspend the right of entry to 'unsuitable persons.'
They did not want an influx of Hong Kong people at the time. Britain did not recognize these
people as legitimate Gambian tourists. The airline had to pick up the tab for the return flights. After
that incident, Gambian passports were not welcomed at most airlines.


This is a common question asked by border control officers. As a general rule, the bearer of a
passport must look and sound like a citizen of the country he supposedly comes from. Thus, if you
carry for instance the passport of a Spanish-speaking country, it is best that you speak Spanish and
can answer questions about your country. The exception is if you have a good cover story: For
example, you don't speak Hungarian and you look African - but you got the passport because your
wife is Hungarian. That story will fly if you have corroborative paperwork with you.

"How much did you pay for this passport?" If your answer is 'X dollars' and 'X dollars' is more
than the standard filing fee, it is likely that you will be sent back to where you came from. If you are
travelling on questionable purchased documents, it is best that you be very well coached, and comply 189
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

in every way with the national regulations as outlined in the Travel Information Manual, the travel
agency and airline bible! Refer to our chapter on how to cross borders effectively.

It is strange to report that thousands of passports were sold (and are still being sold) by self-ap-
pointed diplomats who rented temporary office space in Hong Kong and other places. A Chinese
business person is certainly no fool, but whether it was desperation, or the usual 'I want to believe
it is true' motivation (relied upon by all con-men), the following were a few of the deals that were
and still may be on offer.

The passports listed below may look real, but they are not accepted officially by any country. Many
border officials (particularly at land borders and especially in the third world) don't look too closely
at documents placed in front of them. Especially if a carton of cigarettes or a $20 bill is offered
along with the passport. Thus a lot of otherwise worthless travel documents may have been rubber
stamped with entry and exit stamps.

Con men then use copies of these cachets to 'prove' that the passports they are selling are good for
entry to various countries. Another strong possibility is that the con man simply copied the cachet
(by making up a rubber stamp) and placed a phoney stamp in his own phoney passport as evidence
he used it to enter a country. In reality, he never visited anywhere with it.


Non-authentic (spurious or false) passports can have the appearance of an actual passport, but are
issued by organizations with no international authority. Thus, no official recognition is given to
them. Such passports are therefore not an acceptable statement of either nationality or identity.
They are not illegal as such, but trying to use them to enter a country can definitely land you in hot

What does this mean in concrete terms? Your author personally had lunch with a careless PT who
recently (2004) was picked out for a luggage search while transiting the US on his journey from
South America to Europe. He presented a perfectly legal British passport. But the customs agent
found a 'World Service Authority' passport in his luggage. The World Service Authority is a group
of New York idealists who have proclaimed themselves 'Citizens of the World.' They will issue
'passports' to anyone who pays their $300 to $600 fee. They also issue free passports to needy and
stateless persons. These documents look like passports, but they are not issued or approved by any

Mere possession of a World Service Passport (in a different name, we must add, which did not help
matters either) led to lots of questions, misery and a real nightmare for our friend. He was locked up
for over twelve hours with an iron ball chained to his feet, and of course he missed his connecting
flight to Europe. His passport was then stamped 'Entry to USA Refused' - even though he was in
transit and never even tried to enter the USA.
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

This 'kiss of death' in his real passport means he can never enter or even transit the USA again
without a visa. He won't get any visa as his USA computer profile now shows him to be a 'suspected
terrorist with multiple identities.' The border official apparently wanted to get some credit for
promotion for intercepting an important bad guy!

In fact such a REFUSED ENTRY stamp on any passport is a 'kiss of death.' For all practical
purposes being refused entry anywhere makes one subject to rejection or much questioning at all
other borders. Landing cards also ask the question: "Have you ever been deported, arrested or
denied a visa or refused entry to any country?" An untruthful answer can make you a felon. A
truthful answer gets you denied entry.

Our friend hoisted himself on his own petard. In other words, he screwed up very badly by carrying
conflicting identity documents - even though he thought he was just having fun. His particular EU
nationality does not normally require any visa to enter the USA for up to 90 days. But his right to
visit the USA is now gone forever. The same chap also has a camouflage diplomatic passport from
British Honduras. He will never use it now and is in fact, currently either going to burn it or find a
good place to bury it.

The following is a list of countries and organizations issuing unrecognised passports. They may be
useful for fun or to cross a land border in Africa (if accompanied by some baksheesh), but otherwise
they are positively dangerous to carry with you when travelling. Interestingly enough, most of these
non-existent countries or organizations have their own websites. You can easily find them by going
to any search engine like Google.

A.D.E.H. Association D'Entrade Humanitaire International (a/k/a International Humanitarian

Anishinabek Ojibway American Indian nation
• Antigua (State of)
Carolingian Bernician States and Dynasty
• Castellania Grand Master of the Order of Free Templars and Principality of Castellania
Centre d'Information Corps Diplomatique et Consulaire
Colonia (Kingdom of)
Conch Republic
Confederate States of America
• Confederation Mondiale des Correspondants Diplomatiques
• Cornish passports
Corps Diplomatiques of the United States
• Corterra (Republic of)
Department of Foreign Affairs Silver Card
Ecumenical World Patriarchate
• Empire Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah
• Haudenosaunee Mohawk American Indian nation
Hutt River (Hutt River Province and Principality originally claimed to be an independent
American Indian nation in Canada, but now claims to be an independent state in South West
Imperial Constantine Military Order of St. George
International Biographical Association
International Humanitarian Society
• International Parliament for Safety and Peace
International Society for Krishna Consciousness
• International Solidarity Centre
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

• Iroquois Nation. (This passport is held by some American Indians who are also American or
Canadian citizens.)
Khalistan (used by some Sikhs seeking the separation of the Punjab from India. Issued by
persons claiming to be the 'Khalistan Government in Exile' based in Gravesend, Kent, UK)
Knights of Malta also known as The Sovereign Principality of St John (Not to be confused
with the genuine Sovereign Military Order of Malta that does issue recognized passports)
• Koneuwe (Republic of) KOmmunist NEUtral WEst (The territory is a small private garden
in Zurich, Switzerland)
• Kosmopolitan passport
Maori Kingdoms of Tetiti and Polynesia (Titi or Mutton Bird Islands off the South Island of
New Zealand, declared independent in 1985 by their King and Absolute Ruler)
• Melchizedek (Claims to be a trans-national state with no definable national borders. It is
really a non-nation owned and operated by a con man. But many Melchizedek passports,
bank charters noble titles and other 'official' documents have been sold. Some have cost
their buyers upwards of $10,000 each.)
• Mohawk Nation (Passports are held by some American Indians who are also American or
Canadian citizens. It is real, but the documents are not recognized for international travel.)
Nation of Israel
• Neue Slovenische Kunst (NSK) Slovenian Art Collective
• Nishnawbe-Aski (held by some American Indians who are also American or Canadian
• North American Indian Nation Government
• Oceanus
• Organisation of African Unity
Paisos Catalans Catalunya (Catalunya is a region of Spain)
Palmerya (Principality of) (believed to be an uninhabited Hawaiian island)
• Parliamentary passports
• Patriarchate of Antioch (The entirely fictional creation of Cuban emigre Anthony Boada, a/
k/a 'The Marquis of Alessia' who has sold hundreds of medals and noble titles of dubious
Planetary passports
Romano or Roma passports. For members of the non-recognized Gypsy Kingdoms.
Romano Jumako Khetanipe
• San Cristobal (Republic of)
• Sealand, Principality of (Located in the North Sea off the coast of Harwich, it is a concrete
gun tower built in 1942. The self-declared Sealand government claims that rebel con men in
Spain sold its passports without its permission. In recent years it has become a haven for
internet servers.)
• Seborga, Principality of. A scenic hilltop village near Genoa, Italy.
• Service d'Information
• Symbolic European
Texas passports
• Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands
UNO (United Nations Office, Inc.)
• Vera Cruz (Free and Independent State of)
Wikingland/Vikingland Furstentum Wikingland (the Viking Principality)
World Parliamentary Confederation of Chivalry
World Service Authority. This passport is available in both standard, deluxe leather-bound
and diplomatic versions. It is so popular even counterfeit copies of them have been identified!
There are a few countries that will recognise for entry any documents purporting to be
passports but they are still worthless.
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

For an example of a typical popular but non-existent country let's look in depth at:


The Conch Republic was formed as a joke in 1982 when the US Border Patrol set up a roadblock to
check cars leaving the Florida Keys for illegal immigrants and illegal drugs. That created a 17-mile
traffic jam on the only road linking the island chain with the Florida mainland.

City fathers in proudly quirky Key West declared that if they were going to be treated as a foreign
country, by the USA, they would become one. They staged a mock secession and proclaimed Key
West to be part of the Conch Republic, adopting as their symbol the large pink mollusc shell. This
name, conch, is also a nickname for Florida Keys natives.

The Conch Republic stages an independence festival each year and sells memorabilia such as conch-
embossed flags and license plates. Since 1993, it has issued some 10.000 passports - standard blue
ones for $ 100 and red 'diplomatic' ones for up to S1,200. They look like real passports, with photos,
crests, personal data and official-looking pages for immigration stamps.

There was a sudden flood of passport applications in 2000 after Discovery Channel Television
regularly replayed a news item about the Conch Republic. Requests for passports came from as far
away as India, Pakistan and the United Arab Emirates.

"We started receiving a lot of requests from people all over the world. And from people who were
in the USA as well. We had reason to believe they may not have been in the US legally," said
Marcus Anderson, one of the founders of the Conch Republic. He said a private investigator friend
passed details of some of the applicants to immigration authorities, but they never contacted these
applicants. (Editor's note: Never share real or sensitive personal information with flaky passport

Anderson said people have used the Conch passports to enter more than 30 countries. His own
bears what appear to be five US immigration stamps from Miami, Key West and San Juan, and
stamps from several Caribbean nations that do not require USA citizens to show passports. Since
Anderson is quite a well known personality in that part of the world, we think most likely immigration
officials scanned his real US passport through their computers before stamping his Conch Republic
passport with a courtesy souvenir stamp. The official probably didn't realize that by stamping it, he
might be giving this 'passport' the veneer cachet of authenticity needed to stimulate sales.

These are documents that look like passports but are produced and sold by private companies,
usually owned by PTs. You can have any name, any birthplace and any address you want printed in
them. They are not illegal (unless intentionally used to defraud). They are sold as novelty items, like
the Conch passports. They are not forgeries or fraudulent documents. They are also very cheap -
under $1000.

What is the catch? They are 'issued' by nations which do not exist. As such, the people selling them
are not breaking any laws. They are issued in the names of a number of countries which used to 193
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

exist but have changed their names. Examples are British Honduras (now Belize), Rhodesia (now
Zimbabwe), USSR (now split into Russia and various other countries) and Ceylon (now Sri Lanka).

Why do people use camouflage passports? One of our authors used to have several. He says: "Staying
at hotels, I often had to surrender my passport to a desk clerk at check in." This is less common now
than it was some years ago, but in some hotels it is still required.

"Once," says our writer, "1 got up in the middle of the night to fetch some ice from the lobby for a
honey I was entertaining. I noticed that stuffed into the unattended pigeon holes for hotel guest mail
and messages were perhaps four dozen guest's passports. Later on I noticed that in many hotels, the
night clerk was asleep or went to the bathroom leaving these valuable documents out and exposed
for anyone to help himself."

As everyone knows, stolen passports have value. "Anyone could have picked them up. I quietly
reclaimed mine and said to myself that it was only a matter of time before somebody made off with
the whole bunch of them." Replacing stolen passports will always cause travellers huge delays and
much trouble.

"From that point on," says our author, "I always used a 'disposable' camouflage passport in my real
name to check in at third world hotels. I used these documents whenever I sensed that security was
nothing special."

"Further, as terrorists and kidnappers in places like Colombia and the mid-east will always target
Americans, Israelis and Brits, I felt that a camouflage passport carried handy on a plane was a good
decoy document. I am still sure it would have reduced my risk in the event of a plane hijack."

Camouflage Passports might still be OK for postal identification or banking in the third world,
though personally I would no longer take the risk. In the past, pre 9-11, they worked fine. But these
days, I would especially never, never, never carry one on my person crossing a border. If you need
one with you where you are going, just FedEx it to your next destination addressed to yourself and
marked "hold for collection at FedEx office."

"Again some years ago," says our author, "I found myself sitting next to a USA diplomat on a plane.
He was actually a very highly educated and interesting Chinese scientist who spoke seven languages.
He claimed he was working for the USA government on some program to eradicate mosquitoes (or
was it coca plants?) in Latin America.

"I saw his US diplomatic passport on the tray table. Alongside it was his Camouflage Passport. As
the sales literature said, camouflage passports used to be 'Approved for use in dangerous situations
by the USA Department of State.' But those days are over. Maybe the government in Washington is
confident that no more Americans will ever be targeted kidnapped or beheaded. So they won't need
Camouflage Passports." (Excuse our sarcasm!)

Recently, the USA Big Brother has targeted, arrested and charged a camouflage passport manufacturer
with a zillion counts of conspiracy, mail fraud, wire fraud and other victimless crimes. This Texan
lady, who started the camouflage passport industry single-handedly, was forced to flee across the
border. She lived for a while in Hermosillo, Mexico. But after a while, she was made unwelcome
there, too, as a result of pressure from Big Brother. No one we know is in contact with her any more.
She made the only possible decision - to sell her printing equipment and take early retirement. In
any event, she is below the radar now. And camouflage passports have gone underground.

BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

Camouflage passports were formerly advertised for sale in the Economist and the International
Herald Tribune, among other serious and legitimate publications. They were never intended for
crossing borders. Serious Swiss bankers and others knew at a glance that they were not bona fide
travel documents. So their purpose was not to deceive anyone - except maybe semi-literate religious
whacko terrorists who might not hurt a nobody from Ceylon, but would love to mutilate a Gringo,
Limey or Jew.

The cost of a Camouflage Passport used to be around $200 with a packet of wallet debris such as
simulated library cards, yacht club memberships and even a phony driver's license from a non-
existent country—all thrown in at no extra cost. Not any more. We have heard of one remaining
supplier who sells good quality camouflage passports with the ID package for around $ 1000. See
resource section. They probably would still serve well for their original purpose - deceiving vicious
persons who might otherwise kill you because of your real nationality.


'Knights of Malta' are usually prominent Catholic philanthropists who have been invited to join
this ancient group. They still own considerable property in Europe. The official name of this group
is the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. It is headquartered in an old palazzo in Italy.

The group is devoted to supporting and managing non-profit hospitals and emergency rescue services
all over the world. They have regular social events. These are mainly fund raising parties, similar to
Red Cross functions.

The Knights of Malta (again, like the Red Cross) are accorded diplomatic status in most countries.
In fact they have diplomatic representations in some seventy countries worldwide and are highly
respected. The USA is one of the few prominent countries where the Knights of Malta do not have
a consulate nor official diplomatic relations, but they do have observer status at the United Nations
in New York, and their co-ordination centre for Latin America is based in Miami. As such, Knights
of Malta passports are recognized even in the USA. But visas are required to enter the USA with

How can you obtain one of these highly desirable passports? First you must be a member of the
order. According to the official website of the UK branch ( you must
first be extended an invitation. This effectively means you must know somebody who is already in.
Alternatively, "A European nobleman can make a petition on his own initiative with the sponsorship
of knights in his local Association. This presumes noble ancestry over several centuries."

In all cases, the candidate must be a Roman Catholic '.. .in full communion with the Church, and
have demonstrated by past acts his or her willingness to serve the poor and sick through the Order.
He must also demonstrate a Christian lifestyle.'

The costs are reasonable: in the UK for example, a donation of from £700 to £1250 is expected.
This includes the cost of robes and insignia, and 'a capitation fee called passage money, to cover
administrative expenses.'

Membership in the order does not automatically qualify you for the coveted passport. The passport
is only granted to high ranking officials within the order who are travelling or representing the order
in an official capacity. It has been unofficially estimated that a donation of around a million dollars 195
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

might be recognised with a formal diplomatic appointment within the order - which of course
includes not only a passport but also all the advantages accorded to diplomats. The social status
afforded would be very significant, but the continuing obligations in terms of supporting their good
works and otherwise underwriting and representing the order are also substantial.

It is much like being the trustee of a university or local opera company. One does get status, but the
cash outlay is more than most PTs would consider value for money spent.

(Editor s note: if you are interested in obtaining diplomatic status, this can probably be achieved
more easily from conventional countries. See Chapter 8 7 'How to Win Friends and Influence People
Small Corrupt Countries'. Also, the publisher can often make appropriate referrals to our contacts
in the diplomatic world.)

Alternatively, by really volunteering to carry out true (and usually quite dangerous) humanitarian
work in troubled areas such as war zones, you could probably qualify for a free Knights of Malta

For details of the Knights of Malta nearest to you, whom you might want to contact discreetly with
a view to obtaining membership, you can visit, select English as your language
and click on 'Around the World'.

The International Red Cross, Doctors Without Frontiers and the Muslim Red Crescent all offer
similar opportunities for socially redeeming good works, donations and incidental travel documents.


Some years ago there was a scandal in Hungary involving the chief of the humanitarian service of
the Hungarian branch of the Order. He was robbed during a visit to Romania. Both his Hungarian
and his Knights of Malta diplomatic passport were stolen. Probably the thieves did not know what
to do with his document. This is the only case we know of where a stolen Knights of Malta passport
might have appeared on the black market.

A greater problem is passports and diplomatic credentials issued by imposters. Some people, like
the infamous Anthony Alessio, mentioned elsewhere in this book, have registered (or simply invented
out of thin air) similarly named non-profit organizations that do nothing except issue and sell
certificates of nobility and knighthoods.

Strange birds like Boada 'Visconte d'Alessio' promote chivalry, give parties, seek donations and
call each other, "your grace, your highness, your beatitude and Lord and Lady So-and-So." Some of
these bogus Knights sport bogus medals and bogus red satin sashes, while floating around from
party to party. Where? Usually at places frequented by the 'glitterati,' like Palm Beach, Hollywood
and Monaco.

Bogus Embassies and Consulates have been established for various noble orders. After all, anyone
can rent space and screw a brass plate saying 'Consulate of the Most Noble Order of St John of
Lower Slobovia' on the door. Various orders have tried issuing their own passports. Apparently they
have been quite successful in selling them to unsuspecting wannabee diplomats and nobles, who
believe they are buying the real thing. There is no real thing. The few remaining kings, queens and
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

princes simply don't sell noble titles any more. The closest thing one can still 'buy' is probably a
knighthood from the Republic of San Marino (Italy).


The Vatican (Holy See) is the only recognized territory in the world where all the citizens are
diplomats! The Vatican has around 1500 citizens, although there is no one there with only Vatican
citizenship. Everybody has dual citizenship. For example, the Pope Benedict is citizen of both the
Vatican and his native Germany.

Vatican Passports are works of art in themselves, with beautiful red bound, gold embossed leather
covers. They are issued to facilitate travel by Princes of the (Catholic) Church. They are used on
official church business only.

Unless you have brass balls, I would not try to use a forged Vatican Passport nor would I try to
impersonate a Catholic Cardinal travelling on official business. You can't buy a real one for any
price. But if you are willing to study in a Seminary, be celibate and become a priest, then, if you get
called to the Vatican, you might get one. You might become Pope too! Good Luck! This seems to us
like a hard way to get a second passport.

Some countries like Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania and Hungary used to maintain governments
in exile. From the time the legitimate governments were usurped (after the Second World War), up
until they were freed from Soviet rule, the noblemen and former leaders of these countries plotted
and planned to take back their countries. These governments-in-exile were often based in Great
Britain. They received a small British government allowance and spent their time taking afternoon
tea at the plush Claridges Hotel, talking about the good old days, relentlessly and ineffectively
plotting the overthrow of communism.

They sometimes issued passports, which were recognized by the USA, among other places. Anybody
who acquired one of those government-in-exile passports (often sold for a small fee to anyone who
would sweet talk to the impoverished noblemen diplomats) was able to exchange it for a 'real' one
from the 'new' government of the relevant country when communism fell. But those days are gone
forever. Editor's Note: Reviewing recent history to look at all the opportunities that have come and
gone reveals plenty of reasons why we PTs should grab what we can when it is available.

The only comparable government in exile situation at the time of writing is that of Iran. Many
former Iranian leaders, favoured by the USA, are still politically-active in London. But they do not
issue passports. We can't think of a single government in exile today that issues passports. If you,
dear readers, know of any, please let us know. Verified information will be posted on our website,
and suitably rewarded.
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

Seeking adventure? There are currently a few 'breakaway republics' issuing travel documents at the
time of this writing. Such documents could probably be acquired for a song by persistent and
intrepid PTs.

Such documents are (for the most part) not recognised in the rest of the world, but might become
useful one day in the event that these wannabee countries ever gain international recognition, or
there is a deal to re-unite.

Amongst these are Turkish Cyprus, and the republics of Transdniestria and Abkhazia on the territory
of the former Soviet Union. There are also several countries within South Africa: Bophuthatswana,
Ciskei, Transkei and Venda. You can read all about them on the internet. Anarchic Somalia has
private little print-shops where local war-lords issue passports to all comers for around $75 each.
Someone who bothers to get such a passport now may end up with a fairly useful 'real' document at
some future time.


The European Union as such, does not (yet) issue passports. Not even to its parliamentarians or
staff. All member countries of the EU issue EU passports. These are embossed with the name and
escutcheon of the country of issuance. The words 'European Union' are on the burgundy coloured
covers. Each country follows a standard format and all EU passports are of the same size. Each is in
the language of the issuing country, plus usually English and French.

The European Commission, which is the executive arm of the European Union, does issue passport-
type documents to employees travelling on official business. See 'International Service Passports'


Alien's passports are passports issued to persons (usually stateless refugees) who are not citizens of
the issuing country. These are issued by most countries, but particularly by the UK (as "the British
Protected Persons passport" and "British Overseas Citizen" documents). They are also issued by
the Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania to ethnic Russians who were born and live in
those countries, but have not qualified for citizenship. The only use for these passports is for
identification and for re-entering the issuing country. Getting visas for travel on these passports is
difficult. Stateless persons are not welcome as visa free tourists anywhere.

Finally, a few countries still issue 'special passports' to investors. These include Panama and
Colombia. These resemble national passports but do not confer citizenship, and so are of limited
use for travel.
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection


The Swiss government will grant instant citizenship and passports to 'prominent persons of
international reputation whose glory will reflect favorably upon Switzerland.' Think of people like
Saintly Mother Teresa, or hereditary monarchs. Also Nobel Prize Winners unpopular in their home
countries, deposed but highly regarded heads of state, very distinguished athletes and performers
like Charlie Chaplin.

We heard from our sources in Switzerland that tennis player Boris Becker was actually granted a
Swiss passport by Cantonal vote. But there followed a scandal due to his prosecution for tax evasion
in Germany. In the end, the whole deal was squashed by the Federal Government in Bern. Of
course, if he had been a low profile, anonymous PT he would have been home free.

Although Swiss citizenship can theoretically be granted at any time by a vote of the community
where one lives, this is becoming increasingly rare. Normally a 12 year residence is needed as a
condition precedent to application.

The late guru of drug culture Timothy Leary applied for a Swiss passport a few years ago. But when
Swiss authorities found out that he was supplying LSD to keep his personal harem of young Swiss
nymphets high, he was not only denied the passport, but deported.

Normally very rich people, deca-millionaires of good reputation, have no trouble getting Swiss
residence permits with the sponsorship of their bankers. But even they must be resident for twelve
years before they can apply for passports. Their children under 18, if schooled in Switzerland, can
get citizenship more easily.


These documents are issued by internationally-recognized organizations as service passports to
employees traveling on official business or as diplomatic passports for diplomats. They are more
correctly referred to as laisserpassers rather than passports, but for all intents and purposes they are
the same as passports.

Organizations issuing them include:

APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation)

The Arab League
Council of Europe
European Coal and Steel Community
The European Commission
International Customs Council
• International Labour Organization
The Red Cross & Red Crescent
United Nations
World Health Organization 199
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

Clearly, to obtain one of these documents you must work for the relevant organization. These
documents are only useful for travel - they are not accepted by banks as identification.


Most countries issue Service Passports to government employees traveling on official business.
These are a step down from diplomatic passports. They are usually a different colour than ordinary
or diplomatic passports.

How can a service passport be useful? For example, we went out some years ago in Paris with a
beautiful Pakistani model. For her next job, this girl was issued a Pakistani service passport and a
government letter certifying that she was travelling to the USA to be a nanny for a Pakistani official.
That official was going to run, say, the Pakistani National Tourist Office in New York City. The girl
had a much easier time getting a USA visa than a Pakistani on a regular passport.

But there is little or no advantage to PTs in using service passports. They are no good without
specific letters of travel instructions or 'orders' from the issuing authority. In this respect they are
like Seaman's Books or Military Identification. It is easier to get visas and simply travel low profile
as an ordinary citizen from a third world country not known as an exporter of illegal aliens.

These documents from delightful places (we are being sarcastic again - of course!) like Sudan,
Somalia or Chad are sometimes offered for sale. Beware! They are totally worthless for visa-free
travel, unless the bearer really is a fully accredited diplomat such as an Ambassador or Consul
General. In this case he must be officially invited and in possession of an exequatur (certificate of
diplomatic recognition) from the receiving country.

Thus, it may actually be harder for the holder of a diplomatic passport to get a visa than for an
ordinary citizen from the same country. Why? Because the background check will be more detailed.

Sometimes diplomatic passports are issued to Honorary Consuls. This is usually only to facilitate
travel of the Honorary Consul to his appointing country. Such a document will insure that he is
treated with appropriate respect, red carpets and a bugle fanfare welcome when he arrives. Otherwise,
a well dressed, prosperous looking foreigner arriving, for instance, at an airport in Africa will be, at
worst, kidnapped or robbed and, at best, be hit upon for bribes by customs officials and besieged by
taxi touts.

The holder of a diplomatic passport arriving say in Nigeria obviously will have some big shot
connections. As a result of flashing his Nigerian Diplomatic passport in Nigeria, he gets a snappy
salute, no search and a probably a motorcycle escort to his hotel or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Diplomatic passports are (in our opinion) not the sort of low profile document a PT should aspire
to. Neither are they good for banking. These days most diplomats who try to open offshore bank
accounts in respectable banks may be flagged as possibly corrupt thieving politicians - thus, potential
trouble. An ordinary passport containing a proper visa is better than diplomatic status -for banking.

BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

There are some PT uses for a diplomatic passport. But aside from impressing a new girlfriend and
maybe using the fast-track security channel (you still get a search and inspection, you just don't
have to stand in line first) at the airport, we can't think of many.

Of course, becoming a real accredited diplomat is a different kettle of fish. Accredited diplomats
will hold not just a diplomatic passport, but also letters of recognition and accreditation from the
countries they are visiting or serving in. In the case of first world countries, this involves prior
application and a thorough background check on the potential diplomat by the receiving country.
Approval can take six months or more.

But once in possession of these documents, a diplomat arrives and departs without any customs
checks. It is well known that African diplomats (who pay to obtain their positions) use these privileges
to smuggle and deal in contraband of all types for personal profit.

Only accredited diplomats are entitled to these well-known diplomatic privileges such as diplomatic
number plates for their cars, the right to carry an inviolable diplomatic pouch and the right to import
or purchase all manner of otherwise forbidden goodies. These include tax free cigarettes and booze.
A diplomat with diplomatic immunity doesn't usually pay parking tickets and he can get away with
most infractions like running red lights or speeding. An honorary consul who is a lower grade
diplomat (a member of the Corps Consulaire) will also often finesse getting most of these benefits.
Anyone interested in becoming a real fully documented Honorary Consul would be advised to
contact the publisher's office for further advice. We have contacts in this field.

These documents look and feel like passports, but they are issued to merchant seamen or crew for
their work. They may be travelling out of the home port on board their ship or they may be flying
out to a foreign port to join a new crew on board their vessel.

Either way, they can travel on common carriers with only their Seaman's Book. If in possession of
the proper orders and documentation, they often do not need a passport. Exact rules vary widely
from country to country but can be checked in the Travel Information Manual referred to elsewhere
in this book.

While it might be difficult for, say, a Filipino to get a visa to the USA or EU, as a seaman attached
to (and on the manifest of) a specific vessel, he will automatically be granted restricted entry upon
arrival. Technically he can't stray ashore more than 100 meters from his boat. As a practical matter,
they always stray - at least to the local bars and markets. If a seaman is picked up brawling in a local
bar in a Red Light District way across town, the local police will simply escort him back to his ship
and report him to the captain. Too many offences and the local police will simply order that all crew
(of that particular vessel) be restricted to shipboard. But this is very rare.

As counterfeit Seaman's Books are sold in most third world countries, these books offer the illegal
alien a pretty good excuse to be in a country—especially if he can find a local captain in port who
will vouch for him and say he is a crew member.

Seaman's Books are issued under convention by the ILO (International Labour Organization). In
some countries like Liberia (without a functioning government) they can be issued directly by
shipping companies, whilst in others they are issued by national governments of the country where 201
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

the ship is registered. Normally the seaman's book is issued by the country where the vessel is

How can the PT use a seaman's book for travel? You would probably need help from somebody
who runs a real shipping company - or (hint hint) you could possibly set up your own company to
own a small pleasure yacht. When arriving at an airport to join a ship, the holder should have a letter
from the shipping company or captain specifying the purpose of travel, the ship he is joining or
leaving, and details of all travel arrangements (airline reservations, etc.).

The methods used here to gain entry to a country are similar to another well known immigration
game. That is where an individual has a lawyer draw up the paperwork and sets up a corporation in
the country he wishes to work in. Then he has his own corporation hire him as a trainee or essential
skilled employee. The seaman route is simpler and works better for people who would rather pretend
to be grunts instead of highly skilled executives.

While the publishers can't help individuals do anything which would veer off into legal grey areas,
we do know of lawyers who might be able to evaluate your situation and legally create a special
situation for you. Feel free to tell us your problem, anonymously of course. Maybe we can help.

How to obtain a seaman's book? They are issued by different authorities in different countries.

Due to the large number of ships sailing today under 'flags of convenience,' airport and border
officials are accustomed to seeing seaman's books from unusual countries.

A typical application procedure is that of St Vincent and the Grenadines, for example. To apply
there, according to the Vincentian government, you will need:

A) Two photographs: A recent front view of the applicant, passport size, with the applicant's
name printed on the reverse and signature on the front. Photographs should be 3.5 x 4.5 cm,
portray a good likeness of and identify the applicant.

B) Identity document: (the original or a copy certified by a St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Consul or British Consular Officer or Notary Public). Acceptable documents are a valid
passport or other national identity document. This might be a cedula from a Spanish speaking
country, for example.

C) A valid seaman's document issued by another maritime administration or a letter of

commitment of employment from a shipping company for service on board a Vincentian-
flagged merchant vessel.

D) A valid Licence of Competence with the STCW, 95 endorsement and GMDSS Certificate
for Navigational Officers.

These documents are sent by courier to the St Vincent and Grenadines ship registry. This office is
not actually to be found in St Vincent. There are two offices: one in Geneva, Switzerland and the
other in the 'Monte Carlo Sun' building in Monaco. A relevant seaman's book will then be issued
and returned by courier.

If you are interested in Seaman's books as a possible solution to your travel need, we suggest you
investigate this field further. The Jamaican Ship Registry is also located in Monaco, for example.

BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection


The ease of travelling the world as a bogus airline crew member back in the 1950s was portrayed in
Steven Spielberg's wonderful movie 'Catch Me if You Can.' In those days, brass balls, fake
identification neck-tags and a uniform were the only things necessary. These days, of course, the
reality is different.

Yet still today, airline crews are exempt from most passport and visa requirements. Crew members
are persons travelling on airline business on a specific flight. They may be crew members assigned
to work on that flight or they could be deadheading - that is, pilots or cabin crew being positioned
by the airline to serve on a different flight.

Airline crews all have photo identification cards which are issued in an international standard format.
Although they are technically required to carry passports, in most countries, most of the time, they
are simply waved through passport control ahead of passengers. The cards displayed on neckbands
are seldom examined thoroughly. In these days of suicide bombers and murderous fanatics, it can
be expected that the slightest suspicions on the part of airport staff or crew would however result in
detention and questions. Could a total fraud still go around the world for free, posing as an airline
captain? We surely can't answer that one.


Readers are encouraged to submit thoughts and ideas on this section, or anything of interest to PTs
for use on our website - and for inclusion in possible future editions of this book. You can take
name credit in your real name or (much better) a pen name. We should all try to help each other. As
the great Benjamin Franklin once said to his fellow rebels, "We must all hang together. Otherwise
we will hang separately!" 203
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

Chapter 94

Naturally, we are not recommending any of this stuff. But for the amusement and edification of our
readers, we will describe some well known methods of illegally obtaining false identities and
passports that are already in the public domain.


The following methods were made famous because they are explained in the best selling thriller by
Frederick Forsyth, The Day of the Jackal. This popular (fiction) book is available from
in paperback for around $8. In it, the novelist tells the fascinating, fictional story of a hit-man hired
by political opponents to assassinate post-war French president Charles de Gaulle.

To accomplish his mission, the killer needs several passports and alternate identities. The ways he
obtained his passports was always well known to criminals, but not so well understood by the
general public until Forsyth's novel came out.

The most scary and sinister method, used by the hired assassin, was simply to pick up and befriend
a gay Danish businessman who resembled him. The jackal wangled an invitation to his home, and
there simply murdered the Dane and took over his identity. The victim's distinctive hairstyle and
glasses (in one version of the story) were imitated by the Jackal to achieve a close resemblance to
the passport picture of the Dane.

The "murder method" of identity theft/ghosting is simple. It is supposedly used by terrorist groups
or crime syndicates. The government has indicated that terrorist will simply shop for a suitable
tourist and kill him just so that one of their people can use his passport, driving license and credit
cards. The victim is chosen because he already has a visa to or is a citizen of the country where the
criminal wants to operate. The method is called "ghosting" because the assassin or suicide bomber
becomes the "ghost" of the person killed.

This "murder method" of identity theft is one of the reasons behind the new move by Big Brother
for biometric data in passports. The USA program now requires all arriving travellers to be
electronically fingerprinted and photographed. USA computers at borders should theoretically detect
anyone trying to enter on a passport or visa that was originally issued to another person. The fact is
that while this might work at air terminals, the serious bad guys would certainly enter a target
country without any official check in - or at an informal border crossing. There are many crossing
points where no passport or ID is even required.
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

Besides biometric detection, the risk to the user or "ghost" in this situation is that if the death or
disappearance of the victim is reported, law enforcement will go into action. The deceased's vital
stats and photo could appear on a database so that anyone using his identity would be apprehended.

In reality, the risks are still low. As long as the body is not discovered and the murdered person is
only reported as missing, the ghost has a useable passport. Even after it is conclusively established
that someone was murdered, the passport is generally still good for travel and other purposes until
its expiration date.

Normally, murdering someone to get a new identity is extremely rare. In all cases of passport fraud,
perhaps one in a million would involve a murder. But for professional killers it is fairly safe option.
A 'ghost' using the passport of a recently deceased or murdered person is not targeted in the same
way as a 'most wanted' man might be. And even if identity theft is suspected in connection with a
murder, any active search for the killer or ghost would normally be limited to the country where the
murder took place. The stolen passport itself would probably be good for travel in the rest of the
world for some months or years until and if the information made it to an Interpol database.

What about biometrics? Will they stop terrorists? Digital photographs are unreliable. A person who
resembles the photo on the passport will always get through. Fingerprint (or iris) information is as
we write being stored on micro-chips embedded in the passport. Internet blogs have already reported
that these chips can be disabled by frying them in a microwave oven for a few seconds or just
tapping them with a hammer. No doubt, some clever persons will also find ways of changing the
information embedded on the chip.

In our opinion, all the expense and inconvenience of imposing biometrics on billions of travellers is
just another boondoggle. But most of all, if indefeasible biometric passports are ever perfected,
they are of no use as long as there remains corruption amongst bureaucrats who issue the passports.
Anyway, as we all know but the government chooses to ignore, all the suicide bombers of 9-11 were
using their own, real, legally issued passports... as was the Brit who had a bomb (that didn't go off)
in his shoe.


A more benign variation on ghosting is to search obituaries, public records or even tombstones for
information on children who died in infancy before they would have obtained a passport. The
children would be of a similar age and racial profile of the ghost - if they were still alive.

The Jackal, to obtain his second ghost passport, simply visited a children's cemetery in England,
noted the details on the tombstones, and obtained a suitable birth certificate from the Public Records
Office. He used that document to build a new identity for himself.

According to Barry Reid's book The Paper Trip - a tongue-in-cheek 'How to Do It Manual' on this
subject - one starts with library membership, voter registration, an apartment lease, driver's licence,
credit cards, and eventually builds up to a passport.

This method of obtaining a new identity became so very popular in the 1960's that ghosts of virtually
every dead infant in North America were issued multiple passports. In the famous case of "Pepe
Lopez," there were about two dozen Mexican ghosts holding US passports based upon his Texas
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

birth certificate. The fact only came to light because too many people with the same name and birth
date were in American jails for a variety of different crimes.


The original 24-page Paper Trip booklet was a best seller. It became an underground classic thanks
to favourable reviews in counter-culture newspapers of the hippie era like the Berkeley Barb and
High Times. During the Vietnam War era, American draft evaders used this method to return from
'exile' in Canada or Sweden - or even to evade the draft entirely and stay in the USA with a new

With millions of ghosts floating around the United States - and later the UK and other English
speaking countries - the authorities decided to clamp down on the practice. They cross-indexed
most deaths with births, and stamped birth certificates of deceased infants with a big black rubber
stamp "DECEASED."

In the USA and the UK (as of 2006 ) they now also require an "in depth" personal interview with
first time passport applicants. In some places passport agencies do random checks of voter registration
and school records. Cross checks were made to see if more than one passport had been issued to
persons with the same name and birth date.

In the UK, following the discovery that a few wanted Irish terrorists were using this ghosting method
to operate under new identities, first time passport applications are now checked against credit
agency files. A reputable person such as a banker or doctor must endorse all applications. In New
Zealand, the passport office now maintains a database containing all death information. All major
countries have taken similar measures so filing a passport application as the 'ghost' of a dead child
today will most likely result in your swift arrest!

Later manuals, like Paper Trip 3, also from Eden Press, dealt with overcoming the new requirements.
But the Americans then countered this by passing laws making passport fraud and identity theft
such a serious crime that apprehension and conviction resulted in the sort of jail terms previously
meted out only to murderers. This made it a high risk thing.

The bottom line? Ghosting (with rare exceptions) is for serious suicide bomber types who (because
they are hoping to kill themselves anyway) are not deterred by the prospect of long jail sentences.
For our readers, various legal or quasi legal programs are far better than ghosting. We don't
recommend that you acquire a ghost passport by any means.

But what if you absolutely positively have to have a new identity and can't afford the $25,000 to
$500,000 you will have to spend on a legal government investment for citizenship program? There
is still another way. It's illegal, but, well, so are many other things - like crossing the road against a
red light. We don't see anything morally wrong with following solution. It's a win-win situation for
all parties involved. You can evaluate the following, and see if the cost savings warrant the risk of
getting caught in your particular case...
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection


Howard Marks, a retired dope smuggler, made a new career for himself. He is now a best selling
author and showbiz personality in Great Britain. He is currently doing theatre monologues and has
written three books based upon his long career as a big time dope dealer and international smuggler.

In his excellent and amusing 1998 autobiography Mr Nice (Vintage Press) Howard explains a few
simple ways he acquired over two dozen passports.

1. Purchase from an underworld dealer - who in turn had collected and used the real names
and birth certificates of skid-row tramps, crack heads and street bums.

2. Purchase of 'passport rights' from people who don't expect to travel or ever need a passport.
This is a libertarian and free market solution. With or without a name change tweak, this is
the preferred illegal method in use today. Why? Because it is almost impossible to detect.
The seller or 'licensor' of the rights fills out the application and has it witnessed. But the
guy who wants the passport submits his photograph.

Howard decided that it was not necessary to pay any dodgy underworld characters for something he
could do himself with a little creative thinking. Here's his story:

My girlfriend Judy sat alone in a [London] pub, dressed as a sexy gypsy fortune teller. It didn 't take
very long until someone about my age would initiate a conversation with her finding out she was an
astrologist, palmist and numerologist capable of telling his fortune -for free! She needed to note
down a few details of course: date and place of birth, mother's maiden name, past travels and
travel plans.

Once Judy had established that the new acquaintance had never travelled abroad nor intended to,
she noted down his home address, telephone number, driving license details and enough information
to apply for birth certificates, and then British passports. She could easily have gotten duplicate
credit cards too, but fraud was never the objective.

Howard noted that he was Britain's most wanted fugitive at the time, and yet he still obtained 43
new identities and various US visas during this period.

But there was one problem with the fortune-teller method:

/ was always worried that the person named in one of my passports might suddenly apply for a
passport himself. Ideally, I needed someone who knew I was using his passport, would never apply
for one and would also back me up in whatever ways were needed. Judy was certain that [Anthony
Tunnecliffe] an old friend of hers, for a reasonable sum of money, would forego the ability to
travel abroad. An additional benefit was that Judy could take on the wife's identity at the same

The real Tunnecliffes were overjoyed at our proposal. They truthfully filled in the passport application
forms and took photographs of themselves which their local doctor signed (along with the application
forms) as being authentic. The Tunnecliffes then gave us the signed forms and photos. I took our
own photos, and made up a rubber stamp much like that of the Tunnecliffes' doctor. I scribbled the
Doctor's name to authenticate the photos. The forms and photos were then mailed to the British
passport office.

BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

The only check the passport office was likely to make might be to telephone the doctor to ask if he
really had countersigned the Tunnecliffes' application and photos. No worries there. As it turned
out, our passports were delivered by ordinary post to the Tunnecliffes within ten days.

I wanted a bullet-proof passport so I could get in and out of the States. For the American multiple
entry lifetime visa we needed a personal visit/interview at the Grosvenor Square (USA) Embassy.
According to their forms, the main thing we had to do was show was that we were able to afford an
American visit. We rented an apartment in a good section of London, and I opened a healthy bank
account so I could show the Americans a monthly bank statement.

1 signed a letter (with a fictional corporate officer's name) to the Americans verifying that I, Anthony
Tunnecliffe was General Manager of Insight Video, one of my letter-box corporations. The interview
was routine. Our passports were picked up a few days later, now with American visas. Once we had
American visas, getting any others like Australia or New Zealand were almost automatic.

We used those passports to go in and out of the States, and to visit Canada many times. They never
let us down and never garnered a second glance or question at any border crossings.

Once again, the authors stress that we do not condone or encourage any fraud. This information
(taken from published popular books) is here solely for your amusement and not for you to act
upon. As mentioned, in the USA, passport fraud is now a very serious felony. Any reader would be
very foolish to risk entering or leaving the USA (or any other country) on fraudulently obtained
documents. 209
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

Chapter 95
'PTs cross borders in the same way porcupines make love: Carefully!'
P.T., 1994

How can you avoid being singled out for special attention from customs or immigration? How best
to handle border crossings when travelling under an alternative identity? These topics are covered
in this chapter.

There has been a recent proliferation of new high-tech gadgets and computer terminals at international
border crossing points. But the good news is, immigrations and customs officials worldwide must
still rely more on hunches, suspicions and personal feelings than on technology. The best border
and customs officers are highly trained criminologists and psychologists. Like Sherlock Holmes,
they are surprisingly accurate at sniffing out suspicious characters at a glance. They can sense
nervousness and are very effective at identifying accents, regional gestures, clothing and many
other clues. If you lose your cool, the game is over. If you understand their techniques and are a
good actor, you can win every time.

There is no particular reason to be paranoid or worried if all your papers are in order and you are not
on any blacklists. Yet for the sake of good order and convenience, it is better not to be stopped for
interrogation and search. Why lose time and possibly be confused with a 'bad guy' who might have
the same name or profile as you do?

If you become a suspect and are detained, you may end up being found to be smuggling contraband
that you didn't even know was illegal. What for instance? Counterfeit brand name clothing or
accessories, pirate computer programs or pornography on your laptop PC. You may be wearing
items made from leather or feathers of protected animal species, or cash over the limit. In Turkey it
is a crime to have playing cards or stones picked up at historic sites. In Singapore, chewing gum
was banned until recently. In other countries carrying religious material (like a bible) may be illegal.

If nothing else, financial statements, documents or contracts may be scrutinized and these may
justify reports to your home country or dreaded 'further enquiries.' There may be something wrong
with your travel documents. A passport due to expire in less than six months is unacceptable for
entry in many countries. The name on your tickets may not exactly agree with the name on your
passport or credit card. Medicines that you are carrying may need a medical doctor's translated
prescription legalized by the embassy, or even a special permit. In today's world probably any
passenger crossing any border, if questioned and searched, could be found in violation of several
criminal laws.

So isn't it better to sail through calmly than to make waves? Here are some tips.
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection


There are certain suspicious behaviour patterns that PTs should avoid. Don't rush to be at the
beginning of the check in line or lag behind everyone else to be last. Choose the middle of the road.
Don't stand out from the crowd.

Avoid paying for travel tickets in cash, because that might get you flagged you as a potential suicide
bomber, money launderer, drug dealer or other suspicious character. Conservatively attired credit
card holders and most importantly travellers with frequent flyer luggage tags are less suspect than

To reduce the chances of being singled out, try always to cross borders at peak hours. Fit the profile
of your fellow travellers.


When travelling by air, it is generally best to appear to be a typical business traveller - unless you
are in a group with a bunch of tourists in Bermuda shorts. Then, dress in the worst possible taste,
with a cheap camera around your neck. Carry a duty free bag with stupid souvenirs and wear a pork-
pie cap. The rule of thumb otherwise, is to be smart, tidy and reasonably conservatively dressed -
but not over dressed or formal. 'Smart casual' is the best dress code for men - probably a jacket but
no tie. On the other hand if you are arriving on a business commuter flight, maybe a suit and tie is

On weekends people dress down a little. Don't agonize over how you are dressed but be aware that
if you fit the profile of a heroin dealer you are more likely to be subject to an unpleasant body cavity
search. What is that profile? It may change by the time you read this but the current fashion to be
avoided is 'gaunt and unshaved.' Expensive custom tailored black leather coat. Alligator shoes.
Prada sunglasses. Thin black attache case.

Don't wear a blue or black wool-knit watch cap, either. These, plus tattoos and long dirty hair may
mean you are a drug-mule or recent ex-con.

Land borders are little less formal than airports. When crossing USA land borders you should look
like a day-tripper. Don't over-dress, but don't look like a slob either. In Europe, Latin America or
Asia, travelling by bus or train, a well-dressed tourist attracts little extra scrutiny. But a lot of visible
body piercings or tattoos will probably get you stopped.

An older man with a much younger, attractive girl will be stopped, searched and questioned almost
every time. Such couples are given special attention, not only because they are relatively unusual
but because the customs officers arc curious, subconsciously jealous and will want to find out the
nature of the relationship. For a time I (Gramps) travelled with my exceptionally pretty (then)
sixteen year old, very affectionate grand-daughter. We were always stopped and questioned. It took
me a while to figure out why.

BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection


When travelling by car, a typical business traveller will have a road map with his route highlighted
in magic marker on the dash or seat next to him. Also clearly visible, will be a travel guide or two,
a few empty snack or candy bar packets, bottled water, coca cola cans, plastic coffee cups, etc.
Being too neat may arouse suspicions. A clean car with dirty windows or any such aberrations will
attract attention.

Ideally, your vehicle should be a common brand of car in a popular colour but not bright red or pure
black. Sounds complicated? Don't worry - you will get the idea. What's that? Be ordinary and
average, not flashy.

Naturally, expensive or flashy cars like Ferraris, Bentleys, Corvettes or Porsches with the top down
will attract maximum attention wherever you go - at border crossings or otherwise. That is not
what a PT needs. Clapped out rust-buckets will also attract negative attention. You are better off
with a sedan or hatchback of the most common brands. Drive an average, respectable vehicle and
many times you will be waived through border control points without even having to stop.

But don't worry if you are stopped. Random searches are common. Usually brief. The purpose is
usually to see if you have drugs, bombs or commercial quantities of anything for resale. The objects
or people they are looking for change priorities from day to day. One day every car may be sniffed
by a dog and on another day only auto insurance liability policies or car titles will be examined.

Customs will also consider your license tags. These are called "Targa" in parts Europe. Top customs
guys are experts in reading things into those. Think about the people and cars you would expect to
find in Europe, driving with California tags. If your car and personal appearance does not fit with
your targa, expect questions. Oriental and dark-skinned people tr:- especially with unusual plates
(African or Arab) are fifty times more likely to be stopped and searched than others. If you drive a
black armoured Mercedes 600 with Russian targa in Western Europe that too would invite a lot of
negative attention. Of course in Eastern Europe, border officials might be too intimidated to step a
bullet-proof, black limo—trademark of the Russian Oligarchs or Mafia.

Rental cars may be more suspect, sometimes. In France you can tell a rental car because "51" is
usually the last number on the license plates. In most countries, rental cars come from big cities or
certain 'tax favoured' areas. In France and Germany for example, vehicle taxes vary depending on
the province or department. So rental companies register their fleets where it is cheapest.

What do European plates say to customs cops? Luxembourg and Monaco plates might as well have
'tax evader' printed on them. Dutch plates with occupants who look like a punk-rock band say
'dope'. English plates are low profile but are unusual and suspicious if on a left-hand-drive car.
German and Italian plates are fine but any car with them is likely to be photographed in Switzerland
or Liechtenstein when entering bank parking lots! When crossing to go back home, there will be
uncomfortable questions by the fiscal (tax) police. Eastern European plates are okay on mid-range
cars, but cheap-looking crowded cars scream 'illegal immigrants' and top-of-the-line models scream
'organised crime'.

Overall, when choosing what car to drive on your international trips, use common sense. You are
aiming to be Mr Average, a middle class businessman or tourist.
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection


Look at a map and plan your routes carefully too! For example, there are theoretically no border
controls between Holland, Germany and Belgium. But you are statistically five times more likely to
be stopped for a 'random search' if you take the main highway from Amsterdam to Germany than
you are if you drive south a while and take a detour through Belgium.

Why? Big Brother quite correctly assumes that the average amateur drug smuggler is too lazy to
take any route but the main highway. Don't make the same mistakes that trip up the more stupid

The same is true in California and Mexico. They have 'agriculture inspection stations' on all the
main highways ostensibly to keep out insects and plant diseases. But many a marijuana smoker has
been arrested at these checkpoints when a sniffer dog started barking at their personal stash in the


Eye glasses are good. Research has shown that most people see those with glasses as less threatening,
somehow more innocent and honest looking. Computer nerds are not usually smugglers or illegal
immigrants. A pair of wire-rim 'granny' eye glasses (like Bill Gates wears) can significantly reduce
the probability that you will be stopped or questioned. Expensive, brand name dark, mirrored or
pink-tint sunglasses have the opposite effect.

Luggage is very important. Having no luggage is suspicious, but so is too much. Frequent travellers
avoid big suitcases. A wheelie black overnight case is more typical. It blends in at airports without
attracting attention.

What's in your luggage? If customs make you open up your suitcase, it should contain typical
clothing and personal care items. Be careful of omissions! Let's say you have no toiletries with you
- a smart customs officer will pick up on that immediately. That makes you unusual and will result
in a more thorough search. Preparation is all in the little details.

One PT we know suggests having a few discreet girly gift things in the luggage of a man travelling
alone. This could provide a believable cover story to the customs officer who questions the reasons
for your 'excess cash declaration.' You are going from Chicago to Latvia for a two week vacation
with $50,000 in the winter? Of course you play slightly embarrassed, eventually admitting that you
have a romance going there and your honey is rather manipulative. A wallet photo of a blonde
Playboy Bunny Type will complete the illusion you want to create.

BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection


A high proportion of business travellers and PTs these days carry notebook computers. Besides the
computer, you can fit a lot of documents in their cases. The carrying cases have many different
sized pockets.

A good PT should never carry anything illegal or remotely sensitive on his person when crossing
a border. The most foolish thing anyone could do is to travel with conflicting documents - two
passports in different names; credit cards and driving licenses that don't seem to match up.
It is so much simpler and safer to send any such documents, ahead to your hotel, by mail or

However, carrying documents across most borders is still reasonably safe. In most parts of the
world, officers will not be interested in documents or papers unless your invite scrutiny by being
suspicious in other ways.

False bottoms are easily detected by simple tapping and X-rays will detect what's inside, so don't
bother with petty smuggling.

The best place to carry something you don't want seen is in plain sight (for example hide sensitive
documents amongst reams of boring business papers). A money-belt strapped under your shirt can
also be good; if you make sure you don't put in any metal objects which could set off metal detectors.
Of course if you are strip-searched (very rare event) you will have no secrets.


When considering what customs are searching for, be particularly aware of what is sensitive in the
particular country you are entering or leaving. What is the country you are entering or leaving
concerned about at that time? Some examples:

• Software is an important revenue earner to the USA. You don't want illegal copies of
Microsoft products on CD-ROMs or even on your laptop if you are entering the USA.

• France is known for luxury goods, so counterfeits are a top target for French customs to
interdict. Leave behind that fake Rolex and your counterfeit Louis Vuitton luggage when
you go for a weekend in Paris.

• Switzerland and Luxembourg are famous places for hiding "black" money. Crossing from
Germany into those places, the German customs may want to look at the documents you are
carrying. They hope to find bank statements, receipts or cash.

• The UK is very prudish about pornography. UK customs people have special software to
scan hard disks for 'illegal' porn. What is illegal in the UK might be quite normal in France
or Holland.

• Just before important international conferences, border officials will be on special alert for
potential protesters, anti-globalists, anarchists etc. False identities and forged visas may be
what they are particularly attentive to. In searching you and your car for bombs or weapons, 215
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

if they uncover something else, you may have a problem. Read the newspapers for the area
you are travelling to, and be aware if any major events are taking place.

Another thing you should always be careful of is the illegal import or export of art and 'national
treasures.' Some countries have particularly broad definitions of these. A Frenchman recently spent
six weeks in a Turkish jail for inadvertently trying to take out a crude small stone carving he had
bought for three Euro (3€) near a Turkish archaeological site.

Money movement is restricted in many countries. You can easily check the rules on the Internet. Or
ask any travel agent or consulate about restrictions on carrying cash across borders. As a rule of
thumb in Europe under about 10,000€ in liquid cash value is OK but some countries have lower
limits. Most Latin American countries set limits in dollars, whereas European countries tend to set
limits in their local currencies. Normally you can carry unlimited cash while in transit - but if
asked, you must answer and fill out the forms truthfully or your cash can be confiscated.

Fortunately, many banking havens like Great Britain, Austria, Switzerland and Latvia still have no
limits or declaration requirements on carrying cash in or out. But you should be aware of restrictions
in countries you may be transiting. Normally if you are just passing through a country, you are
asked how much you are carrying, and amounts under 50,000€ won't raise eyebrows as long as you
also have a good reason for carrying such sums, like "This is a down payment on a home I am
buying at [fill in the blank]."

When arriving by air, obviously flights from Colombia or Jamaica (drug exporting countries) will
be subject to greater scrutiny than local commuter or hub-feeder flights. Think about what customs
officers are especially looking for on people getting off your flight. Cocaine? Illegal immigrants?
Cash? All three? Depends where you are coming from.

A professional smuggler would never bring in contraband on a flight from the country where his
drugs are produced! They plan a route to stop over somewhere before the final offload destination.

For the inside story of an immensely successful drug smuggler (successful till he got caught, that is)
we strongly recommend that you read the book Mr. Nice (Vintage Press - Random House) by Howard
Marks. He used (even invented) many interesting PT techniques. In Chapter 94 you already learned
how he bought the perfect passport. An Oxford graduate, Marks was caught in the UK dealing
drugs (big time). He shows us exactly how he beat the rap. He lived high and kept dealing after that.
Howard Marks was even a secret undercover operative for various government intelligence agencies.
But it couldn't go on forever. Marks eventually drew a 25 year sentence and did 'hard time" in the
USA. We are not recommending his profession to any of our readers, of course. The profits may be
high - but, as you may deduce from his books, the risks don't compensate.


You can often enter or exit countries via small border crossings on minor roads where there will be
no one on duty - especially at night or on holidays. Your author has personally entered and left Italy,
Latvia, Russia and Switzerland on forest tracks. The same goes for the US-Canadian and (even
today) the US-Mexican borders.

In fact, any country with a river as a frontier or with land borders usually has many unattended
crossing points well known to locals. When we lived in Switzerland, and went for hikes in border
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

areas, we often ended up in towns in France, Germany or Italy. We drank a coffee and then returned
home. The same was true when we went skiing.

We read in one report, called Travel Ghost, now sadly out-of-print, about a route called the Wine
Trail through Europe. The author explained how, with good maps and preparation, you could start
in Portugal and travel right across Europe all the way to Asia without any border controls. The
strategy was to follow wine producing areas and cross borders through vineyards. It could (and still
can) be done on foot or on dirt bikes.

All these ideas sound sooo adventurous and romantic. Just the thing for wannabee James Bonds to
live out fantasies. But border patrols do carry out random spot checks and ambushes at night with
night-vision goggles. They will regard you as extremely suspicious if your route between countries
seems to be intentionally avoiding the legal crossings.

We believe a better strategy is to use busy major border points. Cross at peak hours. Just blend in.
Here's a little titbit. If you are ever in Lugano, Switzerland or the Italian enclave of Campione, you
can take a ferry boat to the Swiss Customs Museum near Gandria. You can only get there by boat!
At this little known, but excellent little museum, the efficient Swiss Customs Service shows off all
their high tech equipment. Exhibits show just how they detect false travel documents. Historic
exhibits show the different forms of contraband over the years and how they intercepted everything
from people to weapons in various secret compartments.

And a final story. My 16 year old grand-daughter took a long international trip through pre-Schengen
Europe once. She lost her passport somewhere en route. To continue her trip she waited near border
crossings until a school group was about to pass through. Then she simply joined the crowd of
noisy kids and teachers, and mingled her way through half a dozen borders that way. Normally the
teachers held a packet of passports and the groups were always waived through. Adults with brass
balls may be able to do something similar by getting on tour busses at the rest stops just before they
cross a border and then getting off on the other side. Tour bus passengers are seldom checked

It used to be possible to do the same thing with cruise boats. But since 9-11 security on cruise boats
has been incredibly tight. Passengers (and crew) are issued photo-ID at the start of every voyage
and these must be shown to get on or off. Typically, well paid young Israeli veterans of elite security
units man the gates on cruise boats, and otherwise take care of security.


Lakes, rivers and the sea offer numerous interesting possibilities. Tax haven islands are also havens
for boaters and yachties. This is a crowd one can easily blend in with at any age. You can very easily
bypass annoying border control delays of up to an hour between Gibraltar and Spain (for instance)
by hitching a ride on a yacht. Just go down to the boats and schmooze. If you arrive at a small
recreational boat port in a yacht, you will very rarely be asked for a passport.

Yacht owners and their crew can travel virtually unchallenged in and out of some of the most
desirable parts of the world. Border controls, if there are any, are often very informal and run on an
honour system. When you arrive in a harbour, you are expected to call the local border bureaucrats
and invite them for a beer aboard your yacht while they stamp your passports. 217
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

This is less true now in America where Homeland Security as of 2005 has instituted a special new
'zero tolerance' program to interdict any weapons of mass destruction and terrorists who may seek
to enter via what has been identified as "America's soft underbelly." All yachts arriving in the USA
must now file paperwork listing crew, cargo and passengers - then get security clearances. Severe
penalties are imposed for failings in this regard.


Let's imagine you are walking through that green 'nothing to declare' channel at the airport. Customs
officers have been watching you from behind one-way glass ever since you emerged from passport
control. You did everything right - you started playing with your cellphone and went to wait by the
luggage carousel, just like everybody else. There they are waiting just for you. Standing in their neat
uniforms, eyeballing you. You have to walk between them and hand over your customs declaration.
You may have nothing to hide and nothing to declare but still you feel butterflies and are nervous.
You almost feel guilty, even if you are a Sunday School kind of guy.

If you feel nervous, don't try to overcompensate by swaggering, being belligerent or trying to act
supremely confident. These officers are looking for people who are red faced, sweating and/or
reacting in an extreme manner. The worst thing you could do is make a U-turn and head for the
toilets. You would be intercepted. You can and should make eye contact for a fraction of a second.
Then, to appear to have a normal reaction, look down at the floor. Don't stare or smile at them,
don't change your pace. Just keep walking at a deliberate, normal pace.

If you are stopped, don't panic. You are not going straight in for a strip search. You will almost
universally be asked for your passport, the purpose of your visit, your origin and your destination.
Tell the truth, of course. Remember, your goal is to fit the "I am average and ordinary" profile. Not
to show them how important you are.

It's good to have a local hotel reservation made and documented. "What is the purpose of your
visit?" Tourism! "Where will you be staying?" is another common question. If you don't know, that
itself is suspicious. This writer always liked to arrive, look around and then bargain for a room with
a 75% travel industry discount. But to get through customs, I always had on the tip of my tongue the
name of a big centrally located hotel, and said I'd be checking in there.

Suppose you're slightly nervous as you give your answers as they look at your business card because
you think "Oh Oh, I probably should have a business visa." Should you say that? No! Don't admit
or call their attention to anything. Don't worry about the small stuff. Customs officers are used to
business guys coming as tourists and it is not their task to enforce visa requirements to the letter.
Whereas if you explicitly say you are there to work on a deal, they may feel obliged to report you to
the immigration authorities and question you further.

If in your papers there is something indicating a business connection, normally you can dance
around that issue by saying something like "Oh that? I am here in Cayman mostly for the beach, sun
and skin diving. Visiting HSBC Bank is incidental."

Time to introduce another key rule for PTs: Never volunteer information. Yes and no answers are
the best. Also if you can, talk to police or customs officers in a language other than their native
tongue. That will keep them concentrated on what you are saying rather than interpreting how
sincere you sound.
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

Other typical questions involve "Why this or why that?" Give bland, non-committal answers. Why
are you carrying Swiss francs? "I was in Switzerland a couple weeks ago." Don't start explaining
why you were in Switzerland or what you were doing there. That's not what they asked. Just answer
the question in as few words as possible.

Telling war stories or jokes is unnecessary and comes across badly. Besides, you might say the
wrong tiling without realizing it. The more information you give, the more likely you are to box
yourself into a corner. All the while, just be polite and business-like, being friendly, co-operative
and smiling just a little bit once in a while.

In one situation, I landed in Karachi, Pakistan (what a dump!) on a two week stopover. Intending to
cross overland into India and spend my time on a beach in Goa, I told Pakistani customs the truth.
Boom! They wouldn't let me stay and shipped me out of their little bit of paradise (sarcasm of
course) on the next plane. Only later did I learn that Pakistan and India were perpetually at odds,
and the Pakistanis didn't want any tourists going back and forth to enemy India. Had I kept my
mouth shut, or given them a different story, I could have enjoyed a fine beach, good looking women,
and cheap eats. As it was, that segment of my trip was loused up.

Provided you remained calm, usually after a cursory check of your belongings, the customs guys
will thank you for your patience and wish you a pleasant stay.

The exception are the third world hellholes in places like Africa where they rifle through everybody's
luggage taking out booze, cigarettes and other trinkets that they simply confiscate. Of course, those
corrupt systems are the best of all for any half-intelligent smuggler. The officers are bored with
rifling through people's dirty underwear and petty thieving all day. They have no training or motivation
to use their psychological and interpersonal skills to detect smugglers or people with questionable

A $20 cash tip or a carton of cigarettes when you get to the examining table usually gets anyone
through without any search or delay. It's a good idea to pack a $20 bill at the top of your suitcase.
That way, they will often just take the tip and your carefully pressed and folded clothes won't be
messed up.

If you are ever stopped for not declaring cash in one of these places (think Central America), if
brought to a supervisor, you can convincingly claim that you thought it was not safe to file the form
because then you might be robbed. It really does happen that people who declare cash at customs
are robbed at gunpoint on their way into town. The customs officers down in Central and South
America are far more corrupt than you could ever be.

Do not get belligerent and don't let them intimidate you. If customs keeps you for more than 20
minutes, look at your watch and say politely that you are in a hurry to [fill in the blank]... The officer
may well get into trouble with his supervisors if you miss a connection and then it turns out you
were clean and in the clear.


Unlike the Customs guys, Immigration officers are primarily concerned with your entry to their
country and ascertaining your true identity, rather than in any of the goodies you are importing.
They will have different tactics from the customs officers. These Border Bureaucrats may have the
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

capacity to find you out if you are travelling under an alternate identity, for example. That's exactly
what they are trained to do.

The first rule: be confident that all your papers are in order. If you cannot be 100% confident in
your passport or other travel document having been legally issued, fully in order and not on any
watch lists, you should shred and burn it. No exceptions. Such documents are not just useless, they
are dangerous. Stay put instead.

Your travel documents must be obtained legally through reputable sources (for example, a legal
naturalization-through-residence program with an official name change). Investor programs may
be OK, but as we have said before, the crazy prices for passports obtained in this way make them
out of reach for almost everyone. Even though most of our readers are comfortably off, few have
very serious money like $ 1,000,000 to waste on these programs when the same result can be obtained
for 20% of that or less.

If you have the slightest doubt about the authenticity of your documents you must check them out
before you travel - through official government sources (the issuing state). If you are diffident
about doing this yourself, use a private detective or consultant who has access to such sources. See
resource list for our recommended detectives who may be able to assist you in this regard. Absolute
confidence in your own documents gives you the confidence you need if you are ever faced with
tough questioning at a border.

Some people are, nonetheless, still nervous when travelling using a passport country or with a
newly changed name they are not accustomed to. To compound the problem, some passports issued
by third world countries may invite extra questioning even if holders do not require visas to enter
where ever it is that you happen to be. The main reason is that if you look and sound like an
Englishman (for instance), they wonder what you are doing with a passport from the Dominican
Republic. An immigrations guy knows that you should be mulatto and speak Spanish. How do you

Obviously it is better to have your second passport from a place where you speak the language
fluently and are the same race as most of the locals. But every country has different races and
foreigners who got their citizenship by marriage, for example. If you carry a passport from Kenya
but are white and sound like you are from Boston, you absolutely, positively must hone your cover
story so that it is impeccable. Example: My parents were Bostonians, but I was born in Kenya when
my parents were there working. I went to school in America, but later decided I liked Africa and I
started a business in [fill in the blanks], etc. etc. There are quite a few people in the world who carry
the passports of countries where they may never have lived!


The second hard and fast rule is: have a watertight 'legend.' Legend is intelligence-speak for a
cover story. Your legend should ideally be the truth, or as close to the truth as you can possibly get.
If you vary too much from real facts about your life, you may have problems remembering your
story under pressure.

A good front for the PT to adopt is that of the bored business traveller. You are tired from your
journey and bored with answering the same questions over and over. Make it appear that all you are
interested in is reaching your hotel room and taking a hot shower as soon as possible. And that you
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

will be transiting or leaving in a few days anyway. Usually that will get them off your back pretty

You should always be prepared for probing questions. You must know your entire family history. It
could be fictional, but you must know it as well as any normal person knows about their own

A very important part of your legend is your occupation. Border bureaucrats frequently ask "What
do you do for a living?" You may not want to tell the truth and it is certainly never a good answer to
say you are a PT! If you are ever asked if you are a PT, the correct answer is of course, "What is a

So be prepared in advance to explain what your job is, and make sure it is something you know
about. You must be able to give convincing answers to basic questions on where you work and what
you do.

What company do you work for? Have a verifiable answer to this. It is might be worth setting up
stationery and business cards for an onshore 'consulting company' for this very purpose. At least
have business cards printed up and carry them with you. A company, maildrop and business cards
cost only a few hundred bucks, but think: how convincing is a business traveller without business
cards? They give great credibility to your legend. In turn, they give you greater self-confidence.
This is also important.

A travel agency is particularly useful to PTs, as it might allow you to get significant discounts. But
don't call yourself a travel agent blindly. You must know a bit about the business, learn some of the
trade terminology, and figure out how to beg or borrow a real IATA number.

Where do you live? Again, this should be verifiable. You need an address and back-up ID documents
such as residence permits or drivers licences to prove it. Of course you are not legally required to
carry such documents, but almost everyone does. One thing you should never say, despite frequent
temptation, is, "What right do you have to ask me for that?" Remember: give them the papers they
want, and they will give you the papers you want! Give them an argument and they may give you a
free hotel room - with bars.

Remember, your over-riding mission is to look normal. Keep a wallet full of secondary ID -wallet
debris like credit cards, frequent flier cards and video rental membership cards. Frequent flier cards
are especially useful since they identify you as a regular traveller who is well tracked on databases.
Bureaucrats love that.

One cover story used successfully by a young man of our acquaintance started something like this:

"I was lucky enough to have a grandfather who left me enough money so that I never had to work.
So I just travel and enjoy life. I don't have any fixed place of residence." He told his story with
humility and was almost apologetic that he had been so lucky when so many others were less
fortunate. He always carried a few letters of reference from lawyers, bankers and ex-landlords.
With these documents and a passport enlarged by sixty pages of alonges (extra pages added to hold
all the visas) he lived the life of a PT for many years.
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

It is almost essential to speak and read the language of the country of the passport on which you are
travelling - for example, Spanish if you are travelling on a passport from Latin America (except
Brazil). It is possible to make up a really good legend to explain why you are carrying the passport
but don't speak the language, but you must have a good story and be a very good actor to carry this
off. This is not for blushing Boy Scouts.

Immigration officers are trained to ask basic questions in different languages. In many cases they
may not speak the language beyond their very limited vocabulary. But they will try not to show you
the limits of their knowledge.

Let's say you are entering France on a passport from a Spanish speaking country. The officer might
ask ceA donde va? which means in Spanish "Where are you going?" If you give a satisfactory
answer (like the name of a French city) to that question he will probably just stamp your passport
and send you on your way. Most likely that one phrase is the only Spanish he knows. But the
moment you ask, "Do you speak English?" his suspicions will be aroused.

Or even worse would be "Sorry I don't speak French" - in other words, he is trying out his Spanish
and you have mistaken it for French!

You also should also know how to read 'your' language. Many countries print their immigration
and arrival forms in various languages. For example, US immigration forms are printed in English,
French, Spanish and German. You will very likely be given one to fill out in the language that
matches the passport you are travelling on. It would be most embarrassing to have to ask the
immigration officer to translate the form from your assumed "native language" into English for

Be aware that in major gateway airports in any country, there will be immigration officers available
to ask test questions (and more) in a whole range of languages. If you fly into a smaller, regional
airport your chances are better that no one will speak the language of your passport country. But it's
best not to rely on that.

Bottom line? As an absolute minimum you must always speak a few phrases of the appropriate
language and be prepared for the usual questions in that language. These are "Where are you arriving
from? What is your destination? How long (and where) will you be staying here? Is this your first
visit here?" Stuff like that.

It is strongly recommended that you become competent if not fluent in the language of your new
country. On the other hand, if you are carrying a Bulgarian, Polish or Latvian passport, it is extremely
unlikely that you will encounter too many people who speak those languages once you get more
than 1000 miles away from your 'native' land. Even so, you should learn at least a few key phrases.

The Pimsleur language learning tapes have become something of a legend in PT circles. We haven't
tried them personally but many PTs swear by them. If you need to learn a language fast, we hear that
the Pimsleur cassettes or CDs are great for self-teaching. Global Liberty Publishing may have some
in stock. Contact us.
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy. Freedom and Asset Protection


Beyond the basic questions asked of everybody, immigration officers are trained to ask test questions.
These might be triggered by a slight suspicion, or because they think something about you is a little
unusual. There is no need to panic just because you are asked a question. Keep your cool, answer
the test questions correctly and you will pass the test.

The bureaucrat behind the desk knows very little about you. He can ask you follow up questions on
your legend. Maybe he will say "Empty your pockets." They often want to see credit cards, driving
licences or residence cards. Actually most countries outside of Britain and the USA require their
citizens to carry a national identity card at all times. If you got your passport legally, you will have
such a card - called a cedula in the Spanish speaking world. Otherwise, the only information he has
to go on is the biggest piece of information you have just given him - your passport. He will
therefore read your passport and test you on it.

This often takes the form of looking at stamps. Bureaucrats recognise some codes and symbols on
passport stamps - especially those of neighbouring or major countries. These codes may reveal, for
example, the method of transit, the airport, or the type of visa you entered on.

A well-trained European border guard might see you flew into Houston, Texas and entered on a B-
2 business visa. He would ask you, "I see you travelled to the USA last month, sir. What was the
purpose of that trip? What cities did you visit? How did you arrive there?" Of course, any regular
guy would remember the trip he made the month before and have no problem answering the questions.
But if it is a fake stamp, or if the subject is travelling on someone else's passport, he will be getting
very sweaty palms by this stage.

The important point is that these people have very little information and can test you only on what
you have given them. It is your job to know thoroughly in advance everything there is to know about
the information you give them. The only other thing they might have access to is records of your
previous entries to their country. But even today, very few countries (outside of USA) have instant
access to this information available online at check in points. So be 100% familiar with every stamp
or other form of entry in your passport.

Still another other line of questioning at this stage could be about the passport country itself. "Golly
Gee," says the girl at the immigration window, "We don't get too many people here from Honduras.
What's the capital there?"

Needless to say, you need to know (in this example) that the capital of Honduras is Tegucigalpa.
And you shouldn't have to think about it for too long or have problems pronouncing it. Everybody
knows the capital of their own country.

Also memorise the names of prominent people in 'your country' like the president. What were the
major news events there in the past year? How did they do in the Olympics? If the country produced
any famous footballers (soccer players), many Latin Americans and Europeans will mention their
names to you and you are expected to react with appropriate bonhomie.

Subscribe to a free internet daily news service covering your passport country and read it now and
then so that you feel like you really are a Honduran or whatever. You should know what your own
people call themselves. There is no such thing as a Bermudan. But there are plenty of Bermudians.
Where is a Carioca from? Try Rio de Janeiro. He is not a Rioan. And if there has just been a major 223
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earthquake or a military coup in your country and you don't know about it, something is definitely

If by this stage the border bureaucrat is still not sure you are kosher, the next step is to try and make
you confess what you are really up to. He will walk away with your passport and come back with a
supervisor or colleague - possibly even several. They will all leaf through your passport and pass it
around making comments to each other, possibly in a language you don't understand or outside
your hearing range. They will give you the eye and make you feel uncomfortable. Then the questions
will hit you.

"Something doesn't check out here."

"What were you doing in Central America?"
"That Belize stamp is not like the ones I've seen before."
"Where were you from the 5th until the 18th October last year? There are no stamps to show that."
"Where were you born?"
"Why do you have an American accent?"

By now, a person travelling on a fraudulently obtained passport will be very nervous. The questions
may come at you like machine gun bullets, so you wonnd:'t even have time to answer them. Then
they will be repeated one at a time.

It is all intimidation. In this case the supervisor could not care less that you were in Central America.
He probably knows nothing about Belizean entry and exit stamps. What he does know is how to test
your reactions. If you look nervous and start blabbing - like you believe him - if you begin to doubt
your own travel documents - then you fail the test.

The correct answers would be something like,

"I went to several Central American countries with an 'Around the world ticket.'"

"Sorry I don't know anything about Belize passport stamps, that's just what they put there."

"I was in Switzerland around the 5th to 18th of October. I don't remember for sure, but I don't think
they stamped my passport either going in or out."

An answer like that, delivered reasonably calmly, with a polite but slightly annoyed tone of voice,
will satisfy the officer. If you don't have a reasonable answer, don't make something up as you go
along. People are forgetful and can't explain every little thing.

If your interrogator is well trained he will know that Switzerland (and for that matter Israel and
Cuba) seldom stamps passports of people who go there unless they have limited time visas already
in their passports. It is permissible for you to answer the questions, and then protest mildly. You
might be getting a little upset with the third degree, because Mr Average would, too.

"What is the problem, officer?"

BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

Usually border bureaucrats are quite discreet, but if they really want to turn the heat up they sometimes
ask things like, "How much did you pay for this passport?" Fifty dollars, or whatever is the typical
charge for a new, regular passport, would be an appropriate answer. The wrong answer is "$45,000."

After a few minutes of intensive questioning, anyone who stays calm will pass the intimidation test.
The supervisor will probably tell the underling to process you and let you in (or out as the case may
be). The supervisor will wander off never to be seen again.

Bottom line? At all times keep in mind that the guys in the uniform are trying to intimidate you and
make you confess something. They may have suspicions but, provided you are well prepared and
don't break, they cannot prove anything. Don't lose your nerve. Patiently hold out and stick to your
original story. There is very little they can do but grumble and let you go.


What happens if you are refused entry? You can take comfort in the fact that almost always, the
worst case scenario is that you will just be sent on to your next destination or back to where you
came from on the next flight.

As of late 2003, it was front page news in the Netherlands that the Dutch government is no longer
prosecuting people caught using false passports at Amsterdam's Schiphol airport. There are simply
too many of them and it is considered a waste of public money to arrest and prosecute foreigners for
this offence. Instead, they are simply deported at the expense of the airline which brought them to

As usual, the exception to the rule is Big Brother USA. If you are caught entering the USA on a
passport they deem false, you can expect arrest, a trial and serious jail time. At the very least you
will shackled to a desk or thrown into a room with refugees.

Consider this 'worst case' escape card however: The United Nations Convention on Refugees. It
covers entry to a country using false documents. Under this treaty (which supersedes individual
nations' laws), officials are not allowed to prosecute or deport a person for using false documents to
enter if it turns out they were genuine refugees fleeing persecution.

To buy yourself some time, if you get into any trouble at a border crossing point, always claim
asylum and refugee status. At least you will have to be given an opportunity to make the standard
refugee claims. Perhaps as a refugee applicant, you can negotiate passage to a friendly country that
will accept you. You probably will need to hire a good lawyer specializing in this field. If you get
stuck with a public defender or the equivalent, they will just let nature take its course and you may
dangle in limbo for years. This is one time where you should get the best representation, damn the

While this chapter may have upset you with the downside risks, remember this: if you do your
homework and have a LEGAL second passport, and some funds to start a new life somewhere, you
should never have Big Brother problems. If you have a rough patch or extremely bad luck, you will
be able to wiggle out. Walk away. Exit the jurisdiction. You can move to a place of safety and
comfort. We have yet to hear of a PT who stayed clean, followed the advice in this book and came
to a nasty end. 225
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In fact when we read of victims of Big Brother, we usually think quietly to ourselves "If they were
PTs they would be on a ski-slope or beach somewhere instead of having a new career as a perpetual
defendant. They would be enjoying freedom and wealth instead of seeing all they have worked for
drained away. "

BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

Chapter 96
'Grandpa' recounts a tale of hope, wherein we learn how an early victim of Big Brother escaped
and prospered, using PT techniques and attitudes still valid a century later.


The following story was told to me by my downstairs neighbour John Moon, when I was a very
young child. Johnny's principles of survival and success have always stayed with me and formed a
vital part of my own personality. I would like to share them with you.

As a little kid, I lived with my grandma in an apartment building inhabited by many entertainers.
There was the family headed by Bella Babai the gypsy violinist, Sim Sala Bim, the magician, Paul
Reemer the soap-opera script writer, and a whole bunch of radio script writers. Everyone in that
building what we then called 'show business personalities.' There were Vaudeville act families who
used to do one night stands on stages throughout the English speaking world, radio announcers, and
a strip tease artist I'll have more to say about later.

Last but certainly not least were my very special friends downstairs, 'The Four Queers' or maybe it
was 'The Four Queens.' My granny referred to our neighbours by both appellations. Each of them
had an interesting tale to tell. If I live long enough, I shall write my autobiography and re-tell all
their stories.

Some of what 1 remember could just be tall tales told to amuse a little kid. But as 1 went over
Johnny's story in my mind, it had the smell of authenticity. Many details I relate here could be
researched. You can decide for yourself what, if anything, you want to believe. But one thing I am
sure of is that 'Johnny Yellow Moon' was an alias. I do know his real name, but I promised to carry
it with me to my own grave, and I will.

'Johnny Yellow Moon' said he was a full-blooded American Indian of the Blackhawk tribe. At
least, I think he said Blackhawk. I will refer to his tribe, whatever it may have been, as Blackhawks.

Johnny spoke of a happy early childhood living the traditional life of a Native American. When he
was even smaller than my age (then six years old or so) he started getting mentored by 'Backward
Man' who was one of his father's several 'wives'. Backward Man was somebody very special. He
was the tribe's shaman or medicine man. Backward-Man was also the best horse-rider in the tribe,
but he always rode backwards. In tribal matters he did everything backwards, dancing, tree climbing,
shooting bow and arrow, you name it...

The horses he rode went forward, in the usual way. But Backward Man sat on them facing backwards!
He could also ride on the side of the horse so as to make himself invisible, or pass himself under the
belly of the horse and come up on the other side, still facing the opposite direction of the way his
horse was galloping. He danced and taught everyone in the tribe how to sing traditional songs,
dance and play gongs, wooden trumpets, and the tom-tom.

Johnny told me (remember I was only a six-year-old) that his teacher, Backward Man, was what the
white people would call 'Queer.' The term 'gay' had not yet come into use. He explained that an 227
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Indian 'queer' would marry another man instead of a woman. In his early life, to be a 'queer' was to
be one of the most important members in the tribe. A Backward Man was not a warrior who would
fight, but he was considered maybe more important than any brave.

Backward Man had to memorize and retain the tribal history (they didn't have books), and create
the costumes and choreography for ceremonies and celebrations. He planned and directed all the
tribe's social events, pow-wows, and pageants. He generally supervised and looked after all the
women of the tribe, and spoke for them. He arranged for meetings with other tribal leaders, and
sometimes conferences with the white man, where he, with his superior knowledge translated from
either French or English.

He was also the chief cook; and the teacher of artisans who made jewellery, clothing or masks. He
was on hand to assist with childbirths and was in charge of correctly performing all the exceedingly
important rituals needed to please the Gods. In peacetime, which in his day was always, he would
also be the chief's most important counsellor.

Johnny said that he felt quite special and honoured that Backward-Man had chosen him to be his
successor, and was teaching him to become a Backward Man too...

Grandpa talking now:

In those days, I knew nothing about sex or what gays actually did - nor what heterosexuals did, for
that matter. I played 'doctor' with a girl my age in the building, so I knew what a female looked like,
but not a whole lot more. In fact, all the kids my age and in my neighbourhood seemed to believe
that 'having sex' was when adults peed on each other in bed for amusement. We thought that was
gross, but didn't really think too much about it... Kids get strange ideas from other kids.

I thought that when people married, they received a piece of paper, sort of a ticket that allowed
them to buy babies. Storks brought babies or something. I didn't really care or pay much attention.
Nobody bothered to explain the facts of life, and as a kid I didn't know what questions to ask. Sex
wasn 't something we thought about as six-year-olds.

I remember often saying to my parents, "I'm going downstairs to visit the Four Queers. " They
didn't think it was odd or dangerous. They would just tell me to come back when it got dark outside
so I could have dinner with my own family and not be a 'moocher. My dad had told me to be a good
listener and always ask people, "Tell me the story of your life. " He said I might learn something
that way.

So I just knocked on neighbours' doors and visited almost everyone in our apartment building. I
never failed to ask them to tell me the story of their lives. Few refused to invite me in and tell some
kind of story. I heard some doozies. Johnny was my favourite.


Johnny Yellow Moon was one of the Four Queers. They called themselves that, and as a little kid,
I just assumed it was the name of their former vaudeville show business act. My building seemed to
be a place where many fading entertainers came when their careers were on the downhill run. Queer
in those days just meant 'strange' to me.
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

It was not until I was an adult, amusing my dad in an old people's home with stories I'd learned as
a five or six year old, that he told me the 'Four Queers' were homosexuals. His recollection fifty
years on was that my childhood friend Mr Moon was a gay and long retired Chinese Herb Doctor.
Strange how he could perceive a very famous American Indian, perhaps the most famous of them
all, as a Chinese Herb Doctor. I guess that is what Johnny told the landlord when he rented the

Getting back to Yellow Moon's story of his own childhood. Before the 'black days, for his tribe'
Johnny learned how to ride a horse backwards, perform all kinds of Indian magic tricks, and help
his mentor, Backward Man treat his people for any sickness or injury. He learned the universal
hand-sign-language of all the North American Indians, plus several Indian languages. Backward
Man taught young Johnny history, cooking, English and some French.


Johnny Yellow Moon was under twelve years old when there was some dispute with white settlers
who were attempting to occupy tribal lands. These lands were guaranteed to the Blackhawk Tribe
by treaty - first by the French, later by the English, and again by the Americans. The Blackhawks
themselves had always been peaceful and neutral.

Johnny told me how these offending white settlers were first approached by emissaries of the tribe
in a peaceful, conciliatory manner. The settlers then beat them up. When the next delegation arrived,
the white men tortured and killed several unarmed Blackhawks. They stole their horses.

Next, the Chief and several of his members sought redress from the white lawmen in the nearest
town - but these Blackhawks too were ridiculed, rebuffed, beaten up and finally, their horses were
also stolen out from under them.

Thus humiliated, they were told to get out of the area and go west. The hostilities escalated when a
gang of white men in hoods with Ku Klux Klan insignia raided the Blackhawk village, setting it on
fire; killing more men, women and children. The tribe counsel, though realizing it was probably
going to be hopeless and suicidal, authorized a retaliation raid on the original farmers who had
settled in what were clearly ancestral Indian lands.

These farmers had stolen Indian ponies in their corral, and as you recall, they had killed several
unarmed Indians who had come bearing gifts - to peacefully negotiate in the Indian style. This
murder of emissaries who had come under a flag of truce gave the Indians, from their point of view,
the right to kill the offenders, burn their farm and reclaim their horses. And that's what they did.

Inevitably, the United States Army was called in. After a few skirmishes, all the Braves (younger
men) of the tribe were surrounded and driven back onto a plateau that later became known to the
Indians as 'Starved Rock.' Without food or water, helpless and out of ammunition, and outnumbered
by fifty to one, they were weakened until finally they were all picked off by army sharp shooters.
They were murdered for target practice. In the end they were all scalped and left to rot by the
soldiers. It was a great insult that these men should be abandoned - without proper cremation rites
- as carrion for the vultures.
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

That, Johnny said, was the unknown battle of Starved Rock. One of a hundred battles where Indians
were systematically slaughtered. Johnny's father and all his living relatives were among those killed
before the deportations.

The surviving Blackhawks, now just a few old men, women and children were herded like animals
and 'relocated' to reservations in the far west or Florida. Once their trek started, wise old Backward
Man told Johnny it was better if he escaped and tried to live in the white man's world. As an Indian
orphan in an alien society, he would, from that day on, always be a fugitive. No Indian could ever
become an American Citizen.

But, said Backward Man, if Johnny could make his way to any Chinatown and offer to work for free
doing anything, he could probably pass for Chinese and escape the government forces bent on
genocide. The government was not to be called Big Brother for nearly another 100 years! But like
the people who value their freedom today, Johnny had to go first underground, and later leave his
native country entirely.

And so it came to pass that Yellow Moon left the tribe, took the 'Chinese' name Johnny Moon.
After an epic hike, he ended up in Chicago's China town. There, a fugitive at the age of 13, he
became apprentice to and informally adopted by a Chinese Herbal Medicine man.

Like his original mentor, Backward Man, his new Chinese teacher also happened to be gay. Although
gays were outwardly reviled by the White Man, Johnny was soon to discover that in Chicago there
was a sort of fraternity of young gays of all races who hung together and supported each other.
These gay men were mostly artists and creative people without any of the mainstream prejudices.
They were all just trying to be productive in a dangerous world, a world of people who thought and
acted differently than they did. But I get ahead of my story.

The Chinese Herb Doctor taught Johnny about Chinese medicine and all things Chinese for several
years. Johnny Moon also became reasonably fluent in Mandarin. He made himself very valuable to
his boss and became a well known kid in Chinatown, his new community. He didn't fool any of the
Chinese that he was Chinese, but whites accepted that he was Chinese. His true identity as a fugitive
Indian who should have been confined to a reservation was a well kept secret.


In Chicago in those days there was also a small French population with many half-breed Indians
who spoke French at home. They were descendants of French trappers and their Indian squaws.
They participated in all walks of life as Americans. Johnny was very happy to establish that some
were half Blackhawks. He made many friends and within a few years had a new extended underground
family in Chicago.

Johnny had learned a small amount of French from Backward Man. In Chicago, he befriended these
young French speaking half-breed teenagers, and went - along with a Chinese contingent - to the
local Catholic school. There, he learned to read and write in both French and English. He learned
the Catholic Catechism from the Nuns and passable Latin.

At this point, Johnny was leading sort of a double life. He was John Moon, Chinese to white people,
and Johnny Yellow-Moon (a part Blackhawk Indian) to his new French-Indian friends. To have
been a pure Indian would have been a criminal offence, like being a Jew in Nazi Germany. But in
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

the multi-racial melting pot of Chicago, circa 1885, he was just another kid of indeterminate origin.
Americans in those days never needed or used 'identification papers.'

At the age of about 15, he heard of and began attending weekend classes at the Chicago Art Institute.
These classes were free. Funded by some of the newly rich Chicago aristocrats, the Art Institute still
exists. Nearby, at the entrance to Grant Park, is a monumental bronze equestrian statue of none
other than Johnny Yellow Moon, spear in hand, astride a war-pony. This statue is one of the most
famous sculptures in the world. It is pictured in most art history books. How did the statue get
there? Stay with us.

Johnny as a teenager concentrated his talents on drawing, sculpture, and ballet dancing. One of the
teachers noticed Johnny's beautiful and muscular body, and suggested that he could make decent
money posing as a live nude model for art and sculpture classes at the art institute. This he did. In
the following months he became a popular model, a sought after friend and a compadre of many of
the art students - some of whom were gay, like he was. Among his new friends were the cream of
Chicago society, both boys and girls.

In his tales to me, of course, Johnny never went into any detail about his sex life. As I mentioned 1
was only around six or seven. Sex was not something I had any interest in or knowledge of. Though
I was later introduced to the missionary position at the age of 13 by a much older ex-strip tease artist
who also lived in our building, I never learned what gays or lesbians actually did - not until I was in
my final years of college! But that's another story entirely.

In Johnny's story, the sexy parts, if there were any, were always glossed over and very general. Like
"we became good friends." Looking back, I think that Johnny's sexual orientation was not a major
thing in his life. He was gay, he was an Indian. That was the given. He didn't want to marry and
have kids, but like most gays of that period, eventually he did!

As a teenager he wanted to be a 'great person' like Leonardo da Vinci - to become very successful
in the creative arts. He decided at an early age to be rich and famous, and remembered by history.
He saw his future fame and fortune as being related to art. He could have taken over his mentor's
small Chinatown herbal medicine shop, but gradually he drifted away from that life to become part
of the much more exciting art institute scene.

The fact that he was still a fugitive was not allowed to restrict his activities in any way. He, like
every good PT, had a cover story: He was a half Chinese orphan abandoned by his mother in
Chinatown. Whatever the other half was, he didn't know it. But Johnny was a good boy, kept a low
profile and was never arrested or questioned on his background.

I asked him, if at any time in his life he wanted to get even with the white people or the Yankee
government, who had murdered his parents and stolen their land. I will always remember his answer:

"There was nothing to be gained by revenge or looking back. I wanted to be somebody; to accomplish
something. I needed to find my niche. What would revenge get me? Backward Man said as I left
him, 'if you are ever tempted to seek revenge, start by digging two graves.' The soldiers who killed
my family and deported my people were fulfilling their destiny. Hating and seeking revenge can not
bring anything back to the way it was." 231
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Johnny didn't know that he would soon be recreating his tribe's decline and decimation for a world
audience. 'The Wild West - The Way it Was' was about to be made into a road show by 'Buffalo
Bill Cody.' This show would be taken all over the world and create perceptions that would last
forever. Johnny's role in history was about to unfold rapidly.

At the Chicago Art Institute in those days, the very best artists and dramatic performers in the world
were imported for brief stints as teachers or coaches. Many of the students were the artistic offspring
of the very rich. These kids were encouraged to become artists, musicians, and to gain the culture
that their nouveaux riches parents usually lacked.

One of these art students was James Earle Fraser (1876-1953). Born in Winona, Minnesota, Fraser
grew up in the Dakota Territory, immersed in Native American lore. His father was construction
boss for the Northern Pacific Railroad. In 1890, when he was 14, Fraser's now very wealthy family
moved to Illinois where young Fraser took sculpture classes at the Art Institute of Chicago.

In 1891, Fraser met and became best friends with Johnny Yellow Moon. They visited the Chicago
World's Fair of 1893 together. Both were greatly impressed with the touring 'Buffalo Bill' Wild
West Show. The young boys sought out the cast after the show, and even met Bill Cody, the impresario.
Johnny told Buffalo Bill that he could gallop horses backwards and do Indian horse tricks. He
proceeded to do a short demonstration. Cody was very impressed and said, "Anytime you wanted a
job with our travelling show Johnny, come and see me."

Fraser and Johnny Yellow Moon had discussions about the plight of the American Indian. One of
them had the idea for a sculpture of an exhausted Indian on a weary war pony, with spear downcast.
There was no hope for him or his race. The End of the Trail was a title they both immediately agreed

The sculpture came together as a small clay model in an art institute classroom. It was a gaunt,
downcast Indian and his pony, without hope, utterly defeated - literally and figuratively at the end
of their trail. Johnny was the model and the main inspiration for this statue. It was to become one of
the most famous sculptures in the world. The small scale model received praise at the Art Institute.
Fraser was told that as long as his family could afford to give him the very best training, why not go
to Paris to perfect his technique by studying with one of the great masters? All the great sculptors of
the era, Rodin, Augustus Saint-Gaudens, and Frederic Auguste Bartholdi were all living and teaching
in Paris.

The creation of The End of the Trail was really the beginning of the trail for Johnny Yellow Moon.
It signalled the start of a new life of success and prosperity. Johnny, a fugitive and an outcast in
America for two reasons, was about to find his niche abroad in a career of popularizing and selling
nostalgia. His 'product' was The Wild West of Noble Savages and Daring Cowboys - an era that had
already passed and was gone with the wind. He had turned his unlucky background as a gay Native
American into a PT asset, a 'portable trade.'

BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection


Fraser invited his best friend, Johnny Yellow Moon, to accompany him to Paris to help him translate,
settle in, and to stay with him in his apartment. Neither passports nor identification documents were
needed to travel in those days. Once in Paris, Johnny found part-time employment once again as an
artist's model at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts. He was muse, companion and assistant to Fraser, the
wealthy young Chicago scion.


But Johnny had his own life as well. He attended art classes, performed in plays and pantomimes,
and got 'in' with the Paris artistic crowd. As an exotic, handsome young gay man, he fitted right in
and was invited to all the best parties and social events. Money was no problem as rich friends
provided apartments, transportation, gifts, and all sort of odd jobs.

Over the following years in Paris, Johnny perfected his French, made many solid friends, and had
an off-again on-again relationship with Fraser. But in general, they always remained on friendly
terms. Fraser too was moving in the higher circles of French society. The elite of France and the
international set in Paris paid Fraser handsomely to have their portrait busts done in marble or
bronze - a fashionable thing to do at the time.

Fraser did good work in Paris, sold a great deal of it, and within a few years won an important prize
as the Best Young American Sculptor in Paris. This led Augustus Saint-Gaudens (the most famous
American sculptor of the era) who was on the prize-awarding jury at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts to
take Fraser into his own successful studio as an apprentice.


Saint-Gaudens, in addition to monumental sculptures, had created many designs and coins for the
USA Mint. His studio's 'Gold Double Eagle' is one of the most unique and beautiful coins ever
produced in America. It is more of a medal than a coin.

Unlike most coins, the St. Gaudens Double Eagle will not stack. The high relief of the sculpture on
the coins made it impossible for them to be placed in columns. When stacked they tip over. As a
result, the USA mint made very few High Relief Double Eagles. Thus, because of their beauty and
rarity, they became the number one American gold collector's coin. A superb Saint-Gaudens $20
gold piece, the Ultra High Relief 1907, contains about $400 worth of gold. But it will fetch up to
$1.5 million at auction.

[An interesting PT Note: When exiting the USA, these rare pre-1934 American gold coins only
count as face value for reporting purposes: i.e., 500 of these $20 gold coins = $10,000 in face
value. Only quantities of over $10,000 in face value would be reportable. They may be worth
$5,000,000 but are still not reportable. I have been told by experts that some wealthy people will
buy a million or two worth of rare coins to put in their pockets. They are placed into the containers 233
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at airport security along with keys and pocket change. Collected at the other side - off go the PTs
with financial independence clinking in their pockets.]

Saint-Gaudens was an American sculptor resident in New Hampshire, with a studio in Paris. He
introduced his apprentice, Fraser, to his good friend, Teddy Roosevelt. This in turn lead to Fraser
being awarded many important commissions - among them the official portrait bust of President
Teddy Roosevelt.

A few years later, Fraser designed for the USA mint, the Indian-Head Buffalo Nickel. This famous
coin circulated between 1913 and 1938. It is arguably the coin collector's most popular, mass
produced American coin ever. It is so popular that the USA mint even put out a commemorative
replica edition in 2005. And guess whose face appears on the coin? Need a hint? Johnny Yellow
Moon. But that event came later in our story. In this part of our tale Johnny is still in Paris.


In Europe it was 'La Belle Epoch' - a golden age of prosperity, technical progress, tolerance, free
trade, and very low taxes. Relatively tiny Europe has sent its armies across the world to create
colonial empires. Vast wealth and booty flowed back into Europe.

The brightest and best natives of the colonies were brought back to learn the white man's ways and
trained to help administer the Empire. They were accepted and respected (much more so in France
than in England). If they chose not to settle in France, the natives frequently returned home with
white French wives. At that time, new ideas in art, architecture and fashion all seemed to emanate
from Paris. Paris was the centre of the creative world. It was much more of a melting pot than
America ever was.

Johnny Yellow Moon was part of this lively scene - one of those popular young men about town
without any personal fortune who lived the good life. But Johnny had not made a name for himself.
At least not yet. The 'Turn of the Century' was approaching, but had not yet arrived.


His best friend and main benefactor, Fraser, was about to leave Paris. By coincidence, the Wild
West show he had seen in Chicago was touring Europe. Johnny went to ask Buffalo Bill about the
job he once promised.

Johnny was hired on the spot and rapidly took on ever increasing duties as costume designer,
performer, choreographer, and general factotum. Johnny, on his own initiative, helped design
programs, posters and all kinds of souvenirs to be sold as part of the Wild West show. It was agreed
that a percentage of the concession profits on products he generated would go to him.

All those years later, when he told me the story of his life, Johnny still had a trunk full of Wild West
Show doo dads for me to marvel over. He even gave me a poster and some trinkets that would
probably be quite valuable today. Unfortunately, in all my own moves these treasures were lost long

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With Johnny's help the Wild West show became more authentic. Everyone agreed it was a much
better experience for the audience. Many famous people of the day performed in this show. The
Indians even won a few of the mock battles like Custer's Last Stand. Native Americans whooped,
hollered and attacked stagecoaches. Cowboys and Indians showed off their roping and riding skills.
Calamity Jane shot cigarettes out of the mouths of fellow performers. The Reitmeister (riding teacher)
and choreographer of the show was a native American Indian, Johnny Yellow Moon.

The Wild West Show was a big hit in the USA, and an even bigger success in Europe. Every
monarch of the day came to see the show - usually more than once. It performed from California to
New York, and in Europe, from London to Rome - and all points in between.


This elaborate colourful Wild West pageant created and presented a myth shared by all Americans.
It was a myth of unity. Buffalo Bill's show enacted this myth in simple terms with stirring patriotic
music. At the end, the cowboys and Indians came together to take bows and share the applause.

Buffalo Bill did not merely represent the evolution of the west and the closing of the Frontier. His
show was the Wild West, in his own mind and in the minds of countless others. Like the violent
video games of today, in his Wild West Show there was plenty of fake blood and flying bullets - but
at the end of the day, it was all smiles and brotherhood - just good clean American fun. Stirring
music played and all the dead Indians came back to life and took a bow. The reality was of course
something else.


Buffalo Bill's portrayal was a troubling one. The presentation of the Wild West, with the proliferation
of so much product placement, marketing and advertising gimmickry demonstrates difficulties in
accurately rendering a 'show-biz' version of any history or culture.

It did not begin to explain the complicated relationship between the settlers and the Native Americans.
It was just a show. Johnny Yellow Moon probably never imagined the lasting power his myths and
the Wild West stereotypes had on the imagination. The images and legends born in this show still
penetrate popular culture to this day. Modern western entertainment, rodeos, cattle drives, and most
cinematic portrayals all exhibit the influence of the Wild West Show.

Meanwhile, the techniques of merchandising toys, posters, dolls, action figures, food, clothing and
souvenirs are not a recent innovation of Disneyland. The Wild West Show originated such marketing
in the 1890s.

The Indian, Johnny Yellow Moon, who could have been a victim, chose a PT path of independence.
It made him a wealthy and free, international man instead. He left a trouble spot and found
opportunities. This is the lesson for would-be PTs and readers of Bye Bye Big Brother. 235
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Buffalo Bill made a fortune and squandered it. Johnny Yellow Moon was only a junior partner but
when they finally folded their tent in 1908, Johnny had enough set by so that he was financially

He had made his own personal fortune in the concession stands - by marketing Cowboy and Indian
Food, 'authentic Indian war bonnets,' cowboy hats, key-chains, action figures and souvenirs. Some
were cheap and some were very expensive. There was something for every budget. As a linguist
and man of the world, once the show closed down, Johnny knew everyone who was anyone in
Europe. He could live where ever he pleased. His apartment in Paris became a stopping place for
wealthy Chinese, Americans, and many other foreigners.

Among the visitors who came after the demise of the Wild West Show was his old friend Fraser the
sculptor. Fraser now had another idea... Johnny's face would be on an American coin that Fraser
had been commissioned to design for the USA Mint.

And so it came to pass that his likeness was soon to be in every American's pocket - on the Indian
Head, Buffalo Nickel (five American cents).


In the meantime, while Johnny Yellow Moon had been touring, getting fabulously rich and riding
the wave of the Wild West Show, Fraser was hitting the big time as an artist. He did many portrait
sculptures of American society figures on commission, but Fraser always felt that he would be
remembered for The End of the Trail. He made many versions of that early Art Institute clay model.


'If only it could be appropriately cast in bronze, perhaps on the scale of Bertholdi's Statue of Liberty'
dreamed Fraser. He visualized it greeting all the arriving ships in the Golden Gate Park, San Francisco.
The West Coast after all was the End of the Trail - the place where the frontier had ended. The
Pacific Expansion of Imperial America was to begin here.

To Fraser, the bittersweet defeat of the Indians represented the triumph of civilization over primitive
people. His statue would become the West Coast version of the Statue of Liberty! But such a statue
would have cost the equivalent of many millions of dollars in today's money. Fraser could not
afford to do it himself. His main clients, industrialists and politicians, had deep pockets to pay for
portraits of themselves. Local governments would pay for Dead White Americans to be immortalized
in heroic stance. But why an Indian?

Wealthy bankers and Robber Barons could and did pay Fraser large sums for themselves or their
wives to be immortalized in bronze or marble. But was there any constituency who wanted to pay
for a mammoth statue of a dejected Indian on a dying horse? Nobody. At least not back then.
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Now, a hundred years later, there are replica statues of 'The End of the Trail' in many public parks
and other places. But back to our story and the good old days.


The turn of the Century had come and gone. Life was good, but things were changing. A non-white
nation had, for the first time, soundly defeated a European nation in war. In 1905, Japanese forces
won a victory over the Russians. Restless, plundered colonies all over the world were starting
nationalist movements.

Germany, cheated in the Colonial sweepstakes, was dominated by Kaiser Wilhelm, a man with a
shrivelled arm. To assuage his inferiority complex, the Kaiser began developing and producing new
and fearful weapons of war: The modern Battleship was invented and called: Dreadnought. Next
came equivalent oversized land weapons like 'Big Bertha' cannons that could explode and destroy
any target with precision - even over the horizon and 50 kilometres distant.

Wilhelm of Germany was also jealous of his royal British cousins, who occupied a much bigger
place on the world stage than he did. The drums of war were beaten by him in Germany, and by
1910, an arms race was on. It had been so long since a war had been fought in Europe, that most
living people had no memory or experience of how terrible it could be. Germans especially, looked
upon a future war as something healthy - a way for them to get some of the spoils of Empire.

For Americans, Europe was far away, and in any event, every American of the era agreed that the
USA should not take sides in any European war -but should remain neutral. "No entangling
Alliances!" said all the politicians. Profit was to be made in selling materiel to both sides. Meanwhile,
life went on as usual for almost everyone including Jimmy Fraser in New Hampshire and Johnny
Yellow Moon in Paris.


Fraser had an idea. He would make a full sized plaster model of The End of the Trail and enter it in
a contest at the San Francisco World Fair of 1915.

In 1914, the Great War had started in Europe, and as predicted, American neutrality brought in huge
orders for guns, ammunition, weaponry, petrol, ships, and raw materials of every type. American
Industry expanded at its fastest ever pace. More millionaires were created than at any other time or
place in history. The politicians fell all over themselves proclaiming that they would become Fortress
America - ready to defend themselves, but never again to take sides or participate in a European

What was to have been a World's Fair became more of an exposition for the neutrals to show off
their wares, weapons and newest inventions.

There was a contest to choose a fitting West Coast equivalent of the Statue of Liberty. Naturally,
Fraser entered.
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Fraser's heroic-scale plaster model of his 'The End of the Trail' sculpture won the first prize gold
medal at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition in San Francisco of 1915. It became an
instant icon and has since remained the artistic encapsulation of the sad fate of American Indians at
the hands of advancing white people.

In 1894, when Fraser had completed his first original model of 'The End of the Trail,' American
civilization had stretched across the large North American continent, from the Atlantic to the Pacific
Ocean. Most white Americans believed the frontier period was not quite over. Canada and Mexico
would be annexed. Progress (meaning further expansion of the American Empire) was inevitable.

This was expressed in the popular concept of Manifest Destiny. This meant that white Americans
would inevitably rule over all of North and South America. Many colonies or 'protectorates' were
going to be added - like Panama, Puerto Rico, the Philippines and Samoa. Popular opinion was that
America would pick up the pieces after Old Europe imploded. The Europeans would destroy each
other and after the World War, America would emerge as the super power.


By the turn of the century, most Americans viewed Native Americans with some slight nostalgia.
They were a part of the past - a once noble, but now vanishing, race. There was no place for any
unassimilated Indians in the twentieth century. But individual Indians were now free to prosper on
the white man's terms - if they could.

Teddy Roosevelt came out in favour of a more benevolent policy towards America's native peoples.
He authorized goodly amounts of federal money to be spent on conserving in photographs, recordings
and in museums the remaining vestiges of pure Indian culture. The well known photographic folio
books of Edward S. Curtis were federally subsidized. [See:
ienhtml/curthome.html] The common wisdom was that Indians would disappear into the American
'Melting Pot.' But they would be nostalgically preserved in art, photographs and literature. At least
that was the common wisdom of the period.

Popular literature, especially in Europe, portrayed Indian people as 'noble savages.' Many poems
and dime novels with American Indian themes were written and eagerly consumed. Fraser's The
End of the Trail reflects this legacy: a nineteenth century Indian warrior defeated and bound for
oblivion. The legend of the brave warrior, noble in defeat, frozen in time. An American icon. That
icon was Johnny Yellow Moon.

Johnny Yellow Moon did not dwell upon the higher philosophical aspects of the tragedy of his
people. He re-visited the reservation where the remnants of his tribe now lived. Although he was by
inheritance and custom, the Backward Man of the Blackhawk tribe now, and the last official repository
of his tribe's history, language and traditions, he was above all, a practical man. After a few visits,
he realized he could not identify with or rejoin his old tribe. For him, there was no point in fighting
or forming protest groups. The Indian wars were over. Indians who claimed ancestral lands in those
days would be ignored or worse. "You can't go home again," Johnny told me, wistfully.
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Johnny had long ago separated himself from what he considered a lost cause, and had learned how
to gain prestige and make money in the white man's world. He was very good at developing and
selling 'back end' nostalgia products that could be marketed to the sort of people who came to the
main event - be it a Wild West show or an international exposition.

Unlike in France, where being gay was actually fashionable, in America, being a Backward Man or
queer was still dangerous. It was something you did or talked about only with people like yourself.
Johnny's priority was survival in a world where just being an American Indian (forget about being
gay) was something that could have got him confined to a reservation which was nothing less than
a large concentration camp. It was no less a prison for being called a reservation. Johnny had no
plan to return to the USA or to his people there. For him, America was far less free than France was.


Confined to reservations and ravaged by disease and starvation, the Indian population declined
dramatically. By 1890, the native indigenous population had been reduced from about seven million
(when the white man arrived), to under 250,000. Remaining Indian children were forced to attend
federally supported boarding schools. The USA replaced their language and traditional tribal values
with 'American culture and shared values.'

Women were placed as domestics, and invariably became pregnant by their white masters - the
American melting pot at work. The 'Redskins' outside of reservations, along with Blacks, were last
hired, and first fired. The men (apparently due to genetic predilections) were unusually susceptible
to alcohol addiction. America wanted to preserve the myth but get rid of the Indians. And it did.
There is probably not one purebred Native American Indian left in the USA today.



There were once seven million red Indians. 97% of them were eliminated by 1900. Big Brother's
Blue Cavalry and the Big Biz Cattlemen of those days did the hatchet job.

Today, if you are a lover of traditional values like privacy and freedom. Big Brother is out for your

The experience of the Blackhawks and our hero, Johnny Yellow Moon who survived, shows the
importance of not fighting the system, but rather dropping out. Keep a low profile and have a good
cover story to protect your ass and your assets.

The cowboy and cavalry slogan was: "The only good Indian is a dead Indian. " The only way to
keep your scalp was by opting out of their game - a game you cannot win. Why? Because the 239
BBBB - Private Travelling: Second Passports for Privacy, Freedom and Asset Protection

people with the power and the guns keep changing the rules. They tighten your boundaries and
close borders to you as they go along.

PTs are today's redskins. We are a target because we want individual freedom. Big Brother wants
control. You can choose to blend in, stay below the radar, and maybe outwit them. Or you can
choose confrontation and become a dead Indian.


Things did not get better for most Indians until World War Two, when war industry jobs (and being
drafted into the military services) brought a degree of prosperity and greater equality to all the
minority groups in the USA.

But by then, 1941, Johnny Yellow Moon was dead and buried. He had made the choice of separating
from a doomed group, to seek freedom and make his fortune on the international scene.

It turned out that, when Johnny Yellow Moon was a child, 'Buffalo Bill' had actually hunted down
and scalped Indians. But old enmities didn't matter to the two business men. They had a profitable
relationship for many years. Maybe that's show business. That's how it has to be.

PTs have loyalties only to principles. To do what they believe is right. There is no place for blind
patriotism or loyalty to oppressive governments. We are sovereign individuals interested in our
own survival and our immediate kin. Nothing else matters as much as survival.


For business reasons, Johnny Yellow Moon visited the San Francisco World Fair in 1915. His
return to America was partly to escape the war in Europe, and also to help Fraser raise money for his

His expertise in marketing paid off again. At the fair, thousands of small scale reproductions of
'The End of the Trail' were manufactured for and sold to tourists from all over the world. With the
merchandising skills of Johnny, an idealized version of his image and that of the 'vanishing Indian'
was widely reproduced in postcards, lithographs, and prints... The End of the Trail was endlessly
replicated in curio and miniature form. He arranged for the End of the Trail concept to be transformed
first into a novel and then later a film.

Both Fraser and Johnny made serious money and were set for life. But there was still not nearly
enough to pay for a giant version of the statue in bronze. Even if there had been, they both had to
agree it would not be good business for either of them to personally pay for and donate a statue for
a public park.

So they tried their best to get the government in Washington to erect an 'Indian Memorial.' Without
the war, it probably would have been done. But the main argument against it was the new demands
of the Great War raging in Europe. Copper for bullets and brass for shell casings (the ingredients of
bronze) were in great demand. American exports of War materials commanded huge prices.

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It was no time to divert tons of valuable war commodities into a statue. Then too, the American
Army - which ran the nearby base at San Francisco's Presidio - had made it clear that even in
peacetime, they didn't particularly care to fund a statue or even remember the Indians they had
systematically slaughtered. Instead, as the result of Fraser's lobbying and high recommendations
from Saint-Gaudens, the U.S. Army did commission Fraser to do several heroic-pose sculptures of
American military heroes. But no Indians.

None were of the size and scale Fraser had hoped for his magnum opus. The last work before he
died was a realistic bronze of General George Patton in full military regalia. It is located at the US
Military Academy, West Point. But his dream of a big bronze 'End of the Trail' was never funded
until long after his death. And it never made it to Golden Gate Park. It was and still is in Visalia,
California. Another version is in the Main Rotunda of The National Cowboy and Western Heritage
Museum in Oklahoma City. A smaller version is in Chicago, near the Art Institute.


Johnny headed back to Europe. While World War One was still raging, he apparently married
a European lady he had met while touring with the Wild West Show.

He didn't have much to tell me about her - although from a picture he showed me, she was white
and pretty enough. They had children, and when the children came of age (or possibly before that),
Johnny left her and moved in with an aristocratic gay Frenchman.

Johnny was to be forever estranged from his wife and children. He told me nothing about them.
During the years after the Great War, like so many Americans of colour, (and PTs today) he found it
refreshing to live in France where if anything, his being non-white, 'different' and wealthy was an
advantage. He was an important person in France.



Every country involved in the Great War enacted income tax laws to finance the war. But prior to
the 1960s, America did not tax Americans who lived abroad. Foreigners living in France were not
taxed either. This was much the same as the situation of 'non-domiciled' foreigners living in Great
Britain today.

So Johnny, living in a tax haven (for him anyway), kept his money invested by bankers in Geneva,
as did all wealthy French people at the time. His substantial income was tax free. Eventually, when
he died, his estate passed to children and grandchildren who never knew him. They were only
vaguely aware that he was an American Indian.

In the 1920s Johnny's aristocratic French partner died. Depressed, Johnny returned to Chicago for
a while where it was that he told me his life story. But deciding that France was more hospitable, he
eventually returned to his adopted home.
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Johnny Yellow Moon always preferred to keep a low profile. He never sought publicity for himself.
Possibly there were some outstanding creditor claims against the Wild West show. Possibly there
were other reasons he never divulged. (Alimony claims?) Perhaps it was just that he had lived much
of his life as an outcast he believed in staying in the background and not attracting attention.

He lived to a normal old age. No one who knew him in his later years suspected that his face (as a
much younger man of course), was on every 5c coin in the USA, or that his face and form was
indeed that of the forlorn Indian on the war pony at the 'End of the Trail' - one of the most important
icons in the Western World.

And now, dear reader, it is the 'End of the Trail' for all of us as well. We hope you have learned
some valuable lessons to apply in your own life. As a registered book buyer you are entitled to many
goodies. You will have our support, continuing advice and a secure channel for contacts with us and
others like yourself.

Things are expected to be hectic for us in the immediate aftermath of the first edition's release.
Please be patient if we can't respond to your requests as soon as we will when things calm down.
Eventually the bugs will get worked out. Our planned 'members only' website will be up soon and
we should be able to answer your e-mails fairly promptly. If there is anything you would like to
write to me personally or to our editor, you can make contact via the publisher's office:
[email protected]

Au revoir and Good Luck.


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