Chapter5 FET PDF
Chapter5 FET PDF
Chapter5 FET PDF
There are two types of field-effect transistors, the Junction Field-Effect Transistor (JFET) and
the "Metal-Oxide Semiconductor" Field-Effect Transistor (MOSFET), or Insulated-Gate Field-
Effect Transistor (IGFET). The principles on which these devices operate (current controlled by
an electric field) are very similar, the primary difference being in the methods by which the
control element is made. This difference, however, results in a considerable difference in device
characteristics and necessitates variances in circuit design, which are discussed in this chapter.
Figure 1
1.1. Junction Field-Effect Transistor (JFET)
In its simplest form the junction field-effect transistor starts with nothing more than a
bar of doped silicon that behaves as a resistor. By convention, the terminal into which
current is injected is called the source terminal, since, as far as the FET is concerned,
current originates from this terminal. The other terminal is called the drain terminal.
Current flow between source and drain is related to the drain-source voltage by the
resistance of the intervening material. In Figure, p-type regions have been diffused into
the n-type substrate of Figure 1.1(a) leaving an n-type channel between the source and
drain. (A complementary p-type device is made by reversing all of the material types.)
These p-type regions will be used to control the current flow between the source and the
drain and are thus called gate regions.
As with any p-n junction, a depletion region surrounds the p-n junctions when the
junctions are reverse biased (Figure 1.1(c)). As the reverse voltage is increased, the
depletion regions spread into the channel until they meet, creating an almost infinite
resistance between the source and the drain.
If an external voltage is applied between source and drain (Figure 1.1(d)) with zero gate
voltage, drain current flow in the channel sets up a reverse bias along the surface of the
gate, parallel to the channel. As the drain-source voltage increases, the depletion regions
again spread into the channel because of the voltage drop in the channel which reverse
biases the junctions. As VDS is increased, the depletion regions grow until they meet,
whereby any further increase in voltage is counterbalanced by an increase in the depletion
region toward the drain. There is an effective increase in channel resistance that prevents
any further increase in drain current. The drain-source voltage that causes this current
limiting condition is called the "pinch off" voltage (V p). A further increase in drain-source
voltage produces only a slight increase in drain current. The variation in drain current (I D)
with drain-source voltage (VDS) at zero gate-source voltage (VGS) is shown in Figure 2a.
In the low-current region, the drain current is linearly related to V DS. As ID increases, the
"channel" begins to deplete and the slope of the ID curve decreases. When the VDs is
equal to Vp, ID "saturates" and stays relatively constant until drain-to-gate avalanche,
VBR(DSS) is reached. If a reverse voltage is applied to the gates, channel pinch-off occurs
at a lower ID level (Figure 2b) because the depletion region spread caused by the reverse-
biased gates adds to that produced by VDS. Thus, reducing the maximum current for any
value of VDS.
Figure 1.2 A representation of the basic structure of the two types of JFET.
To illustrate the operation of a JFET, Figure 2 shows dc bias voltages applied to an n-channel
drain to source. VGG sets the reverse-bias voltage between the gate and the source, as shown.
The JFET is always operated with the gate-source pn junction reverse-biased. Reverse-biasing
of the gate-source junction with a negative gate voltage produces a depletion region along the
pn junction, which extends into the n channel and thus increases its resistance by restricting
The channel width and thus the channel resistance can be controlled by varying the gate
The schematic symbols for both n-channel and p-channel JFETs are shown in Figure 2.1.
Notice that the arrow on the gate points "in" for n channel and "out" for p channel.
Figure 2.2: The drain characteristic curve of a JFET for VGS = 0 showing pinch-
off voltage.
voltage from gate to drain (VGD) produces a depletion region large enough to offset the
in-crease in VDS, thus keeping ID relatively constant
Pinch-Off Voltage:
For VGS = 0 V, the value of VDS at which ID becomes essentially constant (point B on the
curve in Figure 2.2(b)) is the pinch-off voltage, Vp. For a given, Vp has a fixed value. As
you can see, a continued increase in VDS above the pinch-off voltage produces an almost
constant drain current. This value of drain current is I DSS (Drain to Source current with
gate Shorted) and is always specified on JFET datasheets. I DSS is the maximum drain
current that a specific JFET can produce regardless of the external circuit, and it is always
specified for the condition, VGS = 0 V.
As shown in the graph in Figure 2.2(b), breakdown occurs at point C when I D begins to
increase very rapidly with any further increase in VDS. Breakdown can result in irreversible
damage to the device, so JFETs are always operated below breakdown and within the
active region (constant current) (between points B and C on the graph). The JFET action
that produces the drain characteristic curve to the point of breakdown for VGS = 0V.
VGS Controls ID:
Let's connect a bias voltage, VGG, from gate to source as shown in Figure 2.3(a). As V GS
is set to increasingly more negative values by adjusting V GG, a family of drain
characteristic curves is produced, as shown in Figure 2.3(b). Notice that I D decreases as
the magnitude of VGS is increased to larger negative values because of the narrowing of
the channel. Also notice that, for each increase in V GS, the JFET reaches pinch-off (where
constant current begins) at values of VDS less than Vp. The term pinch-off is not the same
as pinch-off voltage, VP. Therefore, the amount of drain current is controlled by VGS, as
Cutoff Voltage:
The value of VGs that makes ID approximately zero is the cutoff voltage, V GS(off), as shown
in below figure. The JFET must be operated between V GS = 0 V and VGS(off). For this range
of gate-to-source voltages, ID will vary from a maximum of IDSS to a minimum of almost
Figure 2.4
Since VGS(off) = –4 V, Vp = 4 V. The minimum value of VDS for the JFET to be in its constant-
current region is
VDS = Vp = 4 V
In the constant-current region with VGS = 0 V,
ID = IDSS = 12 mA
You have learned that a range of VGS values from zero to VGS(off) controls the amount of drain
current. For an n-channel VGS(off) is negative, and for a p-channel JFET, VGS(off) is positive.
Because VGS does control ID, the relationship between these two quantities is very important.
Figure 2.5 is a general transfer characteristic curve that illustrates graphically the relationship
between VGS and ID. This curve is also known as a transconductance curve.
Figure 2.5
Notice that the bottom end of the curve is at a point on the VGS axis equal to VGS(off), and the
top end of the curve is at a point on the ID axis equal to IDSS. This curve shows that
ID=0 when VGS = 4 VGS(off)
ID = When VGS = 0.5VGS(off )
ID = When VGS = 0.3VGS(off )
ID = IDSS when VGS = 0
The transfer characteristic curve can also be developed from the drain characteristic curves by
plotting values of ID for the values of VGS taken from the family of drain curves at pinch-off, as
illustrated in Figure 2.6 for a specific set of curves. Each point on the transfer characteristic
curve corresponds to specific values of VGS and ID on the drain curves. For example, when VGS
= –2 V, ID = 4.32 mA. Also, for this specific JFET, VGS(off) = –5 V and IDSS = 12 mA.
ID IDSS 1 − = (9mA) 1 −
VGS(off ) −8V
= (9mA) (1 – 0.125)2 = (9 mA) (0.766) = 6.89 mA
For VGS = –4 V,
I D (9mA) 1 −
= (9mA)(1 − 0.5) 2 = (9mA)(0.25) = 2.25mA
Example 3:
Calculate ID and VDS(sat) in an n-channel pn JFET. Assume the saturation current is IDSS = 2 mA
and the pinch off voltage is VP = -3.5 V. Calculate iD and vDS(sat) for vGS = 0, VP/4, and VP/2.
v vGS
ID = IDSS 1 − GS = (2 ) 1 −
VP ( −3.5)
Therefore, for vGS = 0, VP/4, and VP/2, we obtain
ID = 2, 1.13, and 0.5 mA
we have,
vDS(sat) = vGS – VP = vGS – (–3.5)
Therefore, for vGS = 0, VP/4, and VP/2 we obtain
vDS(sat) = 3.5, 2.63, and 1.75V
The current capability of a JFET can be increased by increasing the value of I DSS, which is a
function of the transistor width.]
1. Define the pinch off voltage. In the saturation region, how does the drain current vary with gate
voltage? And sketch the basic structure of an n- channel JFET transistor.
2. The parameters of an n-channel JFET are IDSS = 12 mA, VP = –4.5 V, and λ = 0. Determine
VDS(sat) for VGS = –1.2 V, and calculate ID for VDS > VDS(sat).
[Ans. VDS(sat) = 3.3 V, ID = 6.45 mA]
3. For an n-channel JFET, the parameters are: IDSS = 2 mA, VP = –2.5V, and λ = 0. What is the
value of VGS when ID = 1.2 mA and the transistor is biased in the saturation region?
[Ans. VGS = –0.564 V]
4. A p-channel JFET has a pinch off voltage of VP = 3.8 V. The drain current in the saturation region
is ID = 3 mA when VGS = 0.8 V. Determine IDSS and VSD(sat).
[Ans. IDSS = 4.81 mA, VSD(sat) = 3.0 V]