User Stories - Location End Complete
User Stories - Location End Complete
User Stories - Location End Complete
# 25
Given that I am a logged in user, and want to add a new service in the system
And I have the authority to view the services and manage them
Then I will go to the Configurations section
And I will select the services tab available on the top of the screen
And I will be able to see all the services already added in the system
When I click on the Add Service button
Then the system will ask the name of the service I want to add
When I click on the "Submit" button, the service will be added throughout the system
And the users will be able to select the service from the Kiosk Tablet App
But if I click on the "Cancel" button, the service will not be added in the system
# 28
# 30
# 31
# 33
# 34
# 36
Scenario: Add New Customer
# 37
Scenario: Modify Customer Details
# 39
Given that I am a logged in user, and want to add a new system user
And I have the authority to view the system users and manage them
Then I can go to the System Users section
And I will be able to see the list of system users already added in the
When I click on the Add System User button
Then I will be provided with the form which will ask me to fill out the user details
And I will enter the Full name, Select the user role, provide a username and
password, And Enter email address and Mobile number of the system user
When I am done adding the details of the system
Then I need to click on the Submit button to successfully add the system user
Given that I am a logged in user, and want to modify the information of another
And I have the authority to view the users and manage them
Then I can go to the System Users section
And I will be able to see the list of system users already added in the
And when I click on the Modify link (provided against each of the system
user) Then I will be able to view the information of the particular system
And I will be able to modify the information I want to change
When I am done making changes
Then I need to click on the "Update" button to save the information of the system user
Given that I am a logged in user, and want to de-activate a particular system user
And I have the authority to view the users and manage them
Then I can go to the System Users section
And I will be able to see the list of system users already added in the system
And when I click on De-activate link (provided against each of the system user)
Then the system will ask me to confirm the action I selected
When I confirm my selection
Then the particular system user will be de-activated
And the particular user will not be able to login with his/her credentials in the system
Feature: User Role Management
# 42
# 43
Given that I am a logged in user and I want to modify the user roles
And I have the authority to view and manage the user roles
Then I can go to the User Role Management tab in the System Users section
And I can view the list of all the User Roles already added in the system
And how many account these roles are assigned
When I click on the Modify link (provided against each of the user role)
Then I will be able to view the information of the particular user role
And I will be able to modify the information I want to change
When I am done making the changes
Then I need to click on the Update button to save the updated information of the user role
# 44
Given that I am a logged in user and I want to delete the user roles
And I have the authority to view and manage the user roles
Then I can go to the User Role Management tab in the System Users section
And I can view the list of all the User Roles already added in the system
And how many account these roles are assigned
When I click on the Delete link (provided against each of the user role)
Then the system will check if any of the system user is associated with the particular role
And if there is any system user association is found
Then I will receive an error informing me about the particular situation
And if there is no system user association is found
Then the system will ask me to confirm the action I took
When I confirm the action, the particular user role will be deleted from the system
Feature: Configurations
# 45
Scenario: Location
# 46
# 47
# 49
Given that I am a logged in user, and want to view the overall stats on location
And I am authorized to view the reports of the location
Then I will go to the reporting section
And I will land on the overall report section
And I can see graphical representation of daily people served in the location
And Total Number of people served, Average Wait time, Average Time spend on counter
And Total Cancelled Tokens, Avg. Customer Feedback
And Customer vs Non-Customer ratio (Pie Chart)
And Onsite vs Remote queuing ratio (Pie Chart)
And Hourly Trend, most busy hour, most less busy hour
# 54
Scenario: By Service
Given that I am a logged in user, and want to view the overall stats on location
And I am authorized to view the reports of the location
Then I will go to the reporting section
And I will select from the above tab to view reports by services
When I select the date range
And click generate
Then I will be able to see the report by Services
And graphical representation report of all the services in the location
And Individual service Stats
And Total Utilization, Avg. Wait Time, Avg. Serve Time, Customer Feedback
# 55
Scenario: By Queues
Given that I am a logged in user, and want to view the overall stats on location
And I am authorized to view the reports of the location
Then I will go to the reporting section
And I will select from the above tab to view reports by Queues
When I select the date range
And click generate
Then I will be able to see the report by Queues
And graphical representation report of all the Queues available in the location
And Individual Queue Stats
And People served, Avg. Wait Time, Avg. Serve Time, Customer Feedback
# 56
Scenario: By Counters
Given that I am a logged in user, and want to view the overall stats on location
And I am authorized to view the reports of the location
Then I will go to the reporting section
And I will select from the above tab to view reports by Counters
When I select the date range
And click generate
Then I will be able to see the report by Counters
And graphical representation report of all the Counters available in the location
And Individual Counters Stats
And People served, Avg. Wait Time, Avg. Serve Time, Customer Feedback
# 57
Scenario: By Employees
Given that I am a logged in user, and want to view the overall stats on location
And I am authorized to view the reports of the location
Then I will go to the reporting section
And I will select from the above tab to view reports by Employees
When I select the date range
And click generate
Then I will be able to see the report by Employees
And graphical representation report of all the Employees on the Counters
And Individual Employee Stats
And People served, Avg. Serve Time, Customer Feedback
Feature: Clerk Operations
# 58