Background Job Monitoring With CCMS
Background Job Monitoring With CCMS
Background Job Monitoring With CCMS
Confirm that SAPConnect (transaction SCOT) is configured correctly for
both email and paging in client 000 of the monitoring system.
Background Job Failure Notification Configuration
To allow for the notification of an individual or group when a certain
job does not complete successfully, additional setup is required
before the job monitor can be configured.
First, make sure that a distribution list with the contact information
for the individuals or groups which will require notification has been
created in client 000 of the monitoring system (for information on
creating SAP distribution lists see section Creating a Shared
Distribution List).
Next, if an appropriate auto-response method has not yet been defined
in CCMS one will need to be created. To do so, log on to the
monitoring system and call transaction RZ21. In the Methods section,
select the Method definitions radio button and click Display overview.
In the resulting dialog, specify a name for the new method and confirm
the copy by clicking the green checkmark.
Recommended naming convention for auto-reaction methods:
zBT_<method type>_<notif type>_<contact type>_<contact>
Example: zBT_ar_email_dl_CCMS_AR_EM01
Method Type
Auto-Reaction Method
Notif Type
Method sends an email
Contact Type dl
Notify a distribution list
The newly created method is now displayed. Enter change mode and
change the description for the method to an appropriate value.
On the Parameters tab and set the SENDER to a SAP user in client 000
which has an email address maintained in its user master record. For
RECIPIENT enter the name of the appropriate distribution list and for
Save the new auto-reaction method by clicking the save button. The
new auto-reaction method has been created and is ready for use.
For the new entry confirm that the correct system ID is displayed and
enter the name of the background job which is to be monitored. To
save the new entry, click the save button.
Expand the CCMS monitor sets tree until the appropriate monitor set is
Select the monitor set to which the new job should be added by single
clicking on it and press the change button.
To add the job to the monitor set, expand the node with the name of
the background job and select the checkbox next to the line Status.
Save the changed monitor set by clicking the save button.
Now that the job has been added to the correct monitor set the
appropriate auto-reaction method needs to be associated with it. To
do this, from the main screen in RZ20, double-click on the monitor set
to which the job was added. A list of all jobs which are included in
that monitor set will be displayed. Select the checkbox next to the
newly added job and click the Properties button.
The resulting screen displays the methods which are currently assigned
to the job monitor. Enter change mode and select the Auto-reaction
tab. In the Method allocation section, select the Method name radio
button and enter the name of the method which was created earlier.
Save the method assignment and the monitor setup is now complete.
Note: when backing out of the method assignment screen immediately after adding the
auto-reaction method the method association will not be displayed even though it
exists. Back all the way out of the transaction and when you go back in, the autoreaction method will be visible.
A list of all jobs which belong to that monitor set are displayed.
Select the checkbox next to the job for which the alert was received
and click the Open alerts button.
The display now shows all jobs and whether they have open
(unconfirmed) alerts. To display or complete the alerts for a
particular job, select the checkbox next to the job name and click the
Display alerts button.
To complete the alert, select box to the left of the alert line and
click the Complete alerts button.
Upon completion, the alert should be removed from the screen and the
open alerts branch for the job in the monitor set will now be green,
indicating that there are no open alerts.
In the Display Technical Topology screen, enter into change mode and
select the Local Segments tab. Select the line for the Appl. Server
segment which should be restarted and click the Reset Segment in
"WARMUP" Status. Confirm any informational messages which are
displayed and the monitoring segment will be restarted.
In the resulting pop-up box, enter the same name that was entered for
the distribution list in the Folder name field and the title of the
distribution list in the Folder title field. Make sure that the
Shared radio button is selected and click the Create folder button.
Confirm that the values are correct for the folder to be created and
click the green checkmark.
Select the Distr. list content tab for the new distribution list and
list enter all recipients which should receive the auto-reaction
notification as well as the recipient type and click the save button
to create the list.