Castle - Module 2 Change Management Outline Document
Castle - Module 2 Change Management Outline Document
Castle - Module 2 Change Management Outline Document
By Sarah Castle
SUPPORT FOR CHANGE (See Guidelines 2, 7, & 8 in Facilitating Change In Our Schools)
This change will ultimately enhance learning by providing a scaffolded structure for teachers to build their
understanding of technology and best classroom practices, enabling teachers with a framework in which
to build their technology enhanced lessons and classroom integrations, and establishing teams for
analyzing student progress data. Below are some articles, books, and websites as a knowledge base for
stakeholders to understand the need for this change.
Knowledge Base
● Using Action Research Projects to Examine Teacher Technology Integration by Kara Dawson
● Digital Leadership: Changing Paradigms for Changing Times By Eric Sheninger
● National Educational Technology Plan: Teaching by the U.S. Department of Education
● Content-Focuses Technology Inquiry Groups: Cases of Teacher Learning and Technology Integration by
Joan Hughes, Shantia Kerr, and Ann Ooms
● A Needs Analysis for Technology Integration Plan: Challenges and Needs of Teachers by Sinem
Vatanartiran and Sirin Karadeniz
● Visible Learning for Teachers by John Hattie
Advocates for Change - S upport will be enlisted by presentation of this Change Management Plan
Proposal to team members listed below before the start of the school year. Alignment of this change
management plan to the established school plan and district NEXUS elevated plan will be key to enlisting
advocates support.
● Principal
● Grade Level Team Leads
● Instructional Coach
Change Management Team
The Change Management Team will consist of district-level leaders and school staff to ensure that change
is systemic and supported by all key stakeholders. The Change Management Team will meet Bi-Monthly to
review the mission, celebrate successes, collaborate on adjustments to action steps, and problem solving
areas where team members are struggling. Subcommittees consisting of Grade Level Team Members,
Team Leads, the Instructional Coach will meet weekly to provide feedback on technology enhanced
lessons and analyze student progress data. EdTech Specialist will meet with these subcommittees monthly
to provide support in technology best practices and next integration action steps.
Management Team communication will consist of onsite meetings in PLC’s, after school staff meetings,
action plan items in a living google doc (shared will all key stakeholders), and immediate feedback
delivered via living google doc.
Team Members
● Principal
○ Principal will lead implementation by communicating the vision and purpose of the mission
to all key stakeholders. Principal will coordinate professional development times to focus on
technology integration for all staff.
● Grade Level Team Leads
○ Team Leads will coordinate with grade level teachers to collaborate on technology
integrated lessons and analysis of student progress data.
● Instructional Coach
○ Instructional coaches will support teachers in building technology integrated lessons,
conduct observations and provide feedback on technology integrated lessons, and lead the
team in analysis of student progress data.
● Grade Level Teachers
○ Grade level teachers will participate in professional developments focused on technology
integration, collaborate on technology integrated lessons, and participate in team analysis
of student progress data.
● District EdTech Specialist
○ EdTech Specialists will lead onsite professional developments focused on technology
integration specific to curriculum resources and best practices. EdTech Specialists will
support the Principal in coordinating other professional developments with EdTech leaders.
Edtech Specialists will support Grade Level Teachers and Instructional Coaches by
conducting observations and feedback on technology integrated lessons.
CHANGE MANAGEMENT PLAN (See Guidelines 3 & 9 in Facilitating Change In Our Schools)
Key Stakeholders
● Teachers
○ Impact: High
○ Expectation: To engage in professional developments, technology training, and committee
meetings. To develop, collaborate, and implement technology integrated lessons.
● Administrators
○ Impact: Moderate
○ Expectation: To observe and give feedback to teachers. To coordinate professional
developments and technology training.
● District Edtech Specialist
○ Impact: Moderate
○ Expectation: To give feedback on technology integration and best practices. To support
coordinating professional developments and technology training with administrators.
● Students
○ Impact: High
○ Expectation: To engage in daily lessons with ethical use of technology in the classroom.
Participating in digital learning activities providing a view of their growth progress.
● Parents
○ Impact: Low
○ Expectation: Support student engagement and learning with digital learning activities that
may take place at home.
Project Timeline
● Milestones - Major actions steps in the change management plan. Turning points in the plan where
additional resources may be needed, and time should be taken for acknowledging the emotional
stage of team members according to K elley and Conner’s Emotional Cycle of Change.
○Team members supporting and participating in each milestone includes: grade level
teachers, instructional coaches, EdTech specialist, and Principal. Principal, EdTech specialist,
and Instructional coaches lead professional developments and/or bring in leaders in the
industry to lead the professional development.
● Milestone and action step progress will be tracked through agenda notes and living google docs
will maintain immediate feedback and adjustments. This documented history of the action step
process ensures that these changes become an embedded part of the organizational practice. The
key to ensuring growth amongst all key stakeholders comes with consistently checking in on
implementation progress, team member emotional stages, and providing team members support.
These are the objectives of the professional developments and subcommittees.
Month Events and Milestones (bolded)
Sept 2020 ● Team members participate in committee meeting for analyzing progress,
success and struggles.
● Subcommittees observation, feedback, and analysis.
Nov 2020 ● Team members participate in committee meeting for analyzing progress,
success and struggles (continued).
● Subcommittees observation, feedback, and analysis (continued).
Jan 2021 ● Team members participate in committee meeting for analyzing progress,
success and struggles (continued).
● Subcommittees observation, feedback, and analysis (continued).
March 2021 ● Team members participate in committee meeting for analyzing progress,
success and struggles (continued).
● Subcommittees observation, feedback, and analysis (continued).
Campbell, L. M. (2002). Facilitating change in our schools. Baltimore, MD: New Horizons.
Dawson, K. (2012). Using action research projects to examine teacher technology integration practices.
International Society for Technology in Education.
Hattie, J. (2012). Visible learning for teachers: Maximizing impact on learning. New York, NY: Routledge.
Hughes, J., Kerr, S., Ooms, A. (2005). Content-focuses technology inquiry groups: Cases of teacher
learning and technology integration. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 32(4), 367-379.
Mind Tools Content Team. (n.d.) Kelley and conner’s emotional cycle of change. Mindtools: Essential
skills for an excellent career.
The U.S. Department of Education. (2015). National education technology plan: teaching with
technology. Office of Educational Technology.
Vatanartiran, S., Karadeniz, S. (2015). A needs analysis for technology integration plan: Challenges and
needs of teachers. Contemporary Educational Technology, 6(3), 206-220.