5 3 Reflection

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Claire Mracek

5.3 Program Evaluation

Candidates design and implement program evaluations to determine the overall
effectiveness of professional learning on deepening teacher content knowledge,
improving teacher pedagogical skills and/or increasing student learning. (PSC 5.3/ISTE
The Action Evaluation Plan was one of my favorite projects throughout the Instructional
Technology program. After reflecting on current technology uses, I created four goals to
increase technology integration in my own practice and for my school at large.
Standard 5.3 states that candidates design and implement program evaluations to
determine the overall effectiveness of professional learning on deepening teacher content
knowledge, improving teacher pedagogical skills and/or increasing student learning.
After analyzing the SWOT analysis that I created on my schools technology integration,
I designed and implemented an action plan to implement throughout our school. This
plan contains four goals for one school years time that focus on improving pedagogical
skills and increasing student learning. Each goal is outlined with objectives, timeline,
financial plans, and implementation steps. One goal is focused on the implementation of
NETS standards into curriculum. To deepen teacher content knowledge on technology
integration, it would be most impactful to bring in professionals to introduce NETS
standards to our faculty, followed by routine meetings with academic technology
department. To improve teacher pedagogical skills, teachers will use technology to
promote higher order thinking skills. Teachers will be coached through various digital
integration strategies. In effort to increase student learning, students will create and
manage a digital portfolio to publish their learning for local and global audiences.
I enjoyed evaluating my school and designing various goals and objectives over a year
that would promote more technology integration. I learned that as a technology leader,
you must meet your school where it is and put realistic plans in place to promote success.
A technology leader must maintain a positive attitude during this process and coach their
faculty through the plan. It is also their role to reflect, design, and promote best practices
throughout their school to foster a twenty-first century learning environment.
This experience impacted school improvement because it designs a realistic plan of
action to take place over one years time. The role of the teachers, students, and
administrators are covered throughout this plan. The impact can be assessed through
student performance scores and faculty surveys

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