ANSYS Case Study - Three Dimensional Elasticity Problem 2: Laporan Metode Elemen Hingga
ANSYS Case Study - Three Dimensional Elasticity Problem 2: Laporan Metode Elemen Hingga
ANSYS Case Study - Three Dimensional Elasticity Problem 2: Laporan Metode Elemen Hingga
Disusun Oleh:
Nama : Muhammad Irfan Najmudin
NRP : 0817040039
Kelas : TP6B
The following figure shows a lifting bracket made of structural steel with Young’s
modulus E = 200 GPa and Poisson’s ratio ν = 0.3. The base portion of the bracket is 20 cm long,
12 cm wide, and 3 cm deep. The fillet radius at the base corners is 1.75 cm. Four through-holes
each of radius 1 cm are located symmetrically both length wise and width wise in the base, with
the hole centers being 12 cm apart by 6 cm apart. The upper portion of the base has a profile sketch
shown below and is 3 cm thick. Suppose that the bracket is fixed on the bottom, and lifted by a
bearing load of 20 kN through the bolt hole located in the upper portion. Compute the deformation
and stresses in the bracket using the FEA.
Number Of Nodes 2935
Number Of element 1452
Total Deformation :
Minimum (m) 0
Maximum (m) 5,1991e-006
Average (m) 4,368e-007
Equivalent Stress :
Minimum (Pa) 3452,5
Maximum (Pa) 2,0097e+007
Average (Pa) 2,0832e+006