Endocardial Tubes Epimyocardium
Endocardial Tubes Epimyocardium
Endocardial Tubes Epimyocardium
Splanchnic mesoderm and Heart formation cells are produced by hemopoietic tissues
comprised of plasma (fluid component that is the ground
substance of blood; a special connective tissue) and
formed elements, the cellular components of blood:
RBC/erythrocytes that function as containers of
hemoglobin, a major oxygen transport molecule;
WBC/leukocytes for immunity in disease protection; and
platelets in formation of blood clot at sites of tissue
Hemoglobin, the major oxygen transport molecule.
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endocardial tubes endocardium
epimyocardium myocardium, epicardium
The heart lies within the pericardial cavity covered by the pericardium.
A pump that moves blood through vessels by pushing blood
through the circulatory system and also by aspiration — that
sucks immiscible deoxygenated and oxygenated blood.
intercepts cancer cells but free cells cannot destroy
cancer cells.
Lymphatic vessels are accessory venous system (similar to
veins, have walls and valves) which absorb and return
lymph (fluid carried by the lymphatic vessels, compose of
electrolytes and proteins w/o RBCs) back to the general
venous blood circulation.
Additional: Numerous lymphatic vessels in the digestive tract,
termed lacteals, pick up large-chain fatty acids and return them
to the blood circulation