Improvement of Power Quality and Mitigation Case Study Using Distributed Power Flow Controller
Improvement of Power Quality and Mitigation Case Study Using Distributed Power Flow Controller
Improvement of Power Quality and Mitigation Case Study Using Distributed Power Flow Controller
Abstract: According to growth of electricity demand and the increased number of non-linear loads in power grids, providing a high
quality electrical power should be considered. In this paper, voltage sag and swell of the power quality issues are studied and distributed
power flow controller (DPFC) is used to mitigate the voltage deviation and improve power quality. The DPFC is a new FACTS device,
which its structure is similar to unified power flow controller (UPFC). In spite of UPFC, in DPFC the common dc-link between the
shunt and series converters is eliminated and three-phase series converter is divided to several single-phase series distributed converters
through the line. The case study contains a DPFC sited in a single-machine infinite bus power system including two parallel
transmission lines, which simulated in MATLAB / Simulink environment. The presented simulation results validate the DPFC ability to
improve the power quality.
Keywords: FACTS, Power Quality, Sag and Swell Mitigation, Distributed Power Flow Controller
1. Introduction
In the last decade, the electrical power quality issue has been
the main concern of the power companies. Power quality is
defined as the index which both the delivery and
consumption of electric power affect on the performance of
electrical apparatus. From a customer point of view, a power
quality problem can be defined as any problem is manifested
on voltage, current, or frequency deviation that results in Figure 1: The DPFC Structure
power failure. The power electronics progressive, especially
in flexible alternating-current transmission system (FACTS) 2. DPFC Control
and custom power devices, affects power quality
improvement. Generally, custom power devices, e.g., The DPFC has three control strategies: central controller,
dynamic voltage restorer (DVR), are used in medium-to-low series control, and shunt control, as shown in Fig. 2.
voltage levels to improve customer power quality. Most
serious threats for sensitive equipment in electrical grids are A. Central Control
voltage sags (voltage dip) and swells (over voltage). These This controller manages all the series and shunt controllers
disturbances occur due to some events, e.g., short circuit in and sends reference signals to both of them.
the grid, inrush currents involved with the starting of large
machines, or switching operations in the grid. The FACTS B. Series Control
devices, such as unified power flow controller (UPFC) and Each single-phase converter has its own series control
synchronous static compensator (STAT-COM), are used to through the line. The controller inputs are series capacitor
alleviate the disturbance and improve the power system voltages, line current, and series voltage reference in the
quality and reliability. dqframe. The block diagram of the series converters in
Matlab/Simulink environment is demonstrated in Fig. 3.
In this paper, a distributed power flow controller, introduced
in as a new FACTS device, is used to mitigate voltage and
current waveform deviation and improve power quality in a
matter of seconds. The DPFC structure is derived from the
UPFC structure that is included one shunt converter and
several small independent series converters, as shown in Fig.
1. The DPFC has same capability as UPFC to balance the
line parameters, i.e., line impedance, transmission angle, and
bus voltage magnitude.